Wervaly of the Trves
Yol. XVI. No. 49.
Orrice 150, TuaMmes-sTrREET,
Al the head of the Courr, in the rear of
Messrs. E. F. &W. Newlon. |
#2 in advance, or $2,25 at the end of the year
Yod Printing.
g 7 The undersigned, having made
many additions of WRY YDA 1o
his Printing Eulabli-'hm('nl,
and a superior CARD PRESS, is pre
very description ol
Barr Tickers,
Birrg oy Laping,
Business Canng,
Birr. Heaps,
pared to execute
Snow Birwrs,
sreameoar Birws,
StaGe Biws,
Branks & Lavers, | Nores. :
BILLS OF FARE for Pullic Houses.
SHOW BILLS, for Concerts, Lee
tures, Public Meetings, Exhibitions,§c.
A beautiful assortment of Plain and Em
bossed gaius on hand,
Qrders from town and country will be
promptly answered, at prices as low as those
ol any other establishment.
Specimens of work may be seen at the
office. 'l'he patronage of the public 1s re
+ spectiully solicited
Legul Ooilees,
Commissionery’ Notice.
Vl‘llE subscribers having Leegy appointed
by the Hon. Court of Probate, Com
missioners, to recewve and examine the
¢lnuns agninst the Lstate of ESTIHER
FLEEY, late of Jamaica, Queens County,
New York, widow, deceascd, represented
insplvent, hereby give notice, to all persons
lmving demands against saud Estate, that six
months from the 19th instant, are allowed (o
Lrigg i and prove their respeetive claims
and, that we will attend at the fjouse of Pe
ter Po Remington, E<q. in Thames street, on
the last Saturdays of Aprl, May and June
next, at 3 o’elock, P. M, for the purpose of
attending to the same,
SILAS WARD, Comin'rs.
Newport, Dec. 25, 1845, —3m.
’I‘IIE syhscriber has been appointed by the
Hon. Court of Probate, Goardian to the
person and Kstate of WILLIAM FREE.
BODY. All persons having claims against
said Freebody, will present the same to the
subseriber withinsix months from the date
Newport, Jan, 20, 1816.—6 w
Guardian’s Notice.
'l‘lll‘} snbsgcriber having been duly appoint
ed Gugrdian of the person and estate of
Joseph Freehorn, of Middletown, hercby
gives uotice, that all persons are forbid to
trust said Freeborn, ns no debts contracted
by him,after this date, will be paid. All
persons having demands sgainst savd Free
born are requested to present them to me for
settlement. |
~ JOSEPU B. WEAVER, Guardian.
Nowport, Jan. 21, 1846—Gw.
Guardian’s Noiice.
THE subscriber hereby gives notice that
: he has been appointed by the Hon.
Court of Probate of the town of Newport,
Guardian of the estate of JosephM Mumford,
a minor over the age of fourteey years, with
the approbation OF his father, (Kichard B.
Mumford.) All persons hLaying demands
against said Joseph, are requested to present
them within six months from this date,
Newport, Jon 22, 1846 Gw,
Court of Probate, Newport, Feb. 2d, 1846.
'l‘lll') Administrator with the Will annex.
ed on the Bstate of T'HOMAS MUM
PORD, late of Newport, dec'd., presented
Ins 2d account for allowance, which said ac
count containg a credit for Real Estate of
said Mumford, sold by the Admjmstrator; the
game s received, read and referped for con
sideration to a Court ol Prqbyte, to be holden
ot the Town Hall, in Newport, on the first
Mounday in March next, at O o'clock a. m,,
and notice thereof ordered to be given by ad
vertisement for three successiye wecks, n
the Herald of the Times. that all persons in.
terested may appear at sanl time and place
and be heard. True copy —witness,
F 5 B. B Howiasy, Prob Clk,
Conrt of Probate, Nowporl. [~-':b. 21, 1846 |
'l‘lll'l Commis<ioners Report of elaims al.
towed ngninst the estate of JAMES T |
SHERM LN and the Adupmistrator's first!
account on anvd esinte were presented for
allowanee, the same were rend and n'vmv-i
ed and referred for consideration to a Conrt |
of Probate. to be holden at the Town Hall
in Newport, on the firet. Monday in March
pext, at D o'clock, n.m, and notice therenf
ordered to be given by adyertisement for |
three soccessive weoks o the Herald of the
Times, that all persons intercsted mny ap- |
pear at said time and place and be heard,
F 5
A Lrye copy - witness:
B. B Ugwuasw, Preb Clk
Court of Probate, Newpoil, bec. §, 18406. |
ALL Executors, Administrators, and Guar
dians, appointed by this Court, who
have neglected to render their aceounts for
one year,are notified to present the same at
a Court of Probate to be holden at the Town
Hall in Newport, on the first Monday in Feb
ruary next, at 9 o’clock, a. m. By order ‘
B. B. [llowranp, Prob. Clerk. |
! Jan. 15
} Commissioners’ Nolice. ;
‘VBYHE Court of Probate of Newport having |
M. extended the time for receiving and
examining claims agamnst the estite of the
lon. Asher Robbiuns, late of Newport dec’d
for sixty days from the sth day of Jan inst.,’
the undersigned Commissioners will attend
at the office of Win. Gilpin, Esq. in Newport,
on Wednesday, the lith day of February
next,at 10 o'clock, A. M. for the purpoae,i
aforesaid. |
Roeert B. CranstoON,
Eopw'n W. Lawzon, g(.‘omm'r&
Wirniam Giueiw, ]
Newport, Jan. 21, 1846,
Executrix’s Notice.
S'I‘IIE snbscriber having been appointed
| sole Executrix of the last will and testa
ment of Caleb Cory, late of Newport, cooper,
deceased, and having given bond to the
Court of Probate of Newport for the faithful
discharge of the duties of said trust, requests
all persans indebted to said estate to make
impediate payment, and these having de
mands to present them for gettlement, to
Newport, Jan. 21, 1846.
Court of Probate, Newport, Feb. ‘X, 184 G, ‘
Vl‘lll'l Administrators’ 20 account on the
Estate of THOMAS G. BROWN,
Senior, late of Newport, T'silor, dec’d,, wnsl
presented for allowance, the same is read,
received and referred for consideration toa
Court of Probate, 1o be holgen at the Town
Hall, in Newport, on the first Monday in
‘March next, at 9 o’clock, a, m., and nulicel
thercof ordered to be given by advertisement
for three successive weeks in the Herald of
the Tlyges, that all persons interested may
appear at said time and place and be heard,
I'rue copy—wilness,
F 5 B. B. Howraxp,Prob. Cll’k.
- Cewrt of Probate, Newport, Feb. 24, 184§,
EVI\IIE Administratorls 2d account on the
| estate of JAMES L. TILLEY, late
of Newport, Rope Maker, dec'd., was pre
sented for allowgnce, which said account con
tains a credit for Real Estate of eaid Tilley,
suld by the Administrator; the same 1s read,
ieceived and referred for consideration to a
Court of Probate, to be holden at the T'own
Hall io Newport on the first Monday in’
March next, at 9 o’clock, a. m., and nuuco:
thereol ordered to he given by advertisement
for three successive weeke in the Herald of
the T'imes, that all persons interested may ap
pear at said time and place and be heard.
True copy—witness,
5. B. B. llowranp, Prob, Cl’k.
Cowrl of Probate, Middletown, I'¢b. 16, 1846.
Vl!ll IS Executor’s account on the estate of
EUNICE PEABODY, late of Middle
town, dec'd. was presented for examination
and allowance,
- Itis ordered that the same be received and
the consjderation thereof referred to a Court
ot Probate, to be holden at the Toyn House,
i Middietown, on the third Monday of
March next, at 1 o’clock, 1. M., and that
previons notice be given by publishing a
copy of this order, for three successive weeks
in the Herald of the Times, fur all persons
interested o appear at said time and place
and be heard.
A true copy—witness,
e Ao’
N m.'.‘ % s
Lg ; ‘
M ale.
A FARM of about GO acres, situated ip
Portgmouth, on the road leading from
the East to West road and runuiu{{ fromp the
cross road to the West main roud, formerly
the property of the late I'homas Potter, and
known by the pame of the Sherman & Bright
man place. For further particulars enquire
of Wm. T. Potter Newport, or to G. L. Fot
ter, near the premises,
Ncwport, 2d mo. sth, 1846.—1 mo.
Valnable Real Estate for Sale
! THE subscriber offers for sale
? that valgable estate at the corner
i of Thames & Mary streets, the
front of which lic occupies as u
|l)ry Goods store—sityated ip the centre of
’lhe town, it offers to the man of eyery line
‘ol business rgre locul advantages and to the
‘capitalist a good opportunity of profitabie in
vestment, ]
| Also, hie offers for sale that large and valu
‘able lot on the south sjde of "Fouro, and
[facing also on School-streel--giving, in an
;improved and desirable vigjmty, a choice of
[two nandsome fronts g 8 a building lot. l
| He is selling his remaining stock of Goods,
‘at auctjon prices.
I Newport, Aug. 7th,
The Chambers over the
' Store, No. 107, ‘l'hames street
11 Apply to
; WM. F.& A. BARKER.
June bl
For Sale, or to Let,
| THI House in John street
f { formerly owned and occupied by
fim, Capt. Bordep Wood, and pos
iy gesston given in April negt. The
Monse contams 12 roomes, and s well cal
culated for two famihies, Enquire of
Jan. 20, 1816, JOSIAH . SHAW,
l“()l‘, S./\Ill‘:,
THE House nnd lop of land at
the corner of Glark and Tonro
streets, late the property of Wil
L lam Ellery,Beq, deceased. Tlus
Novse 1w well sitnated, and enlenlated for a
bourding house, For jerms, apply to Ep.
wann T Cuansing, Esq. Combrigge, Mass.
or to the subeeriher in Newport,
! Dee. 5.
! "'. ACK INK of asupenior quality, by
‘ the dozen m ':."”"" W
" Nouv R J TAYLOR =
‘CLiberty and Union, now and forever, one anyd inseparable” —WEBNTER
For one year from the 25th of March next,
B The estate corner of Mary
m], and Diyision streets, well calcula
ted for a Boarding House, with a
large garden in the rear, on School gtreet.
ermal The estate corner of Thames
% street and, Bull’s Whaef, now ac-
B Cupicd by M:. G, B, Reyno)ds, and
Aboul one acre of Land corner of
Thames and Howard streets, lute improved by
Capt. W, Rider. ,
iy ALSO,
About Five acres of Land on Bowery
street, next east of the Estate of M. Benjamin
Fairbanks, and lute improved by k.
' About Eight acres of Land, near the
Mills, late improved by Nichols Hassard, Eisq.
- Present tenants, will in all cases have
the preference, by giving immediate nogice, and
complying with the conditions required. |
Should any of the above property not
e previously rented, it will be let at public
auction, in frontof Townseyd’s Coflee House.l
on Saturday the 21st duy of March next, at 11 |
o'clock, A. M. For farther particulars and’
terms, apply to
Guardian ol Wm. Freebody,
and Attorney of Elizabeth Bowen,
Heirs of the late Esther Flect, dec’d.
Newport, Feb. 5, 1846, —Tw,
To Let,
' The House occupied by
;flyfi the subscriber, in Uwuq street,
A % T'ermis and other particulars,
el sgah niade known on application.
aneris pae SAMULEL ENGS.
Ng_wpor;..j‘cb. 5, 1_3_.:67_4\7. = S
For Sale, or to Let,
A convenient Dwelling House,
T for sale orto let in Spruce-street,
fim on the thil, near the Bellevue
' Ilouse, and possession given imn
wediately. Apply to JOSHUA TEW, Jr.
Newport, Dec 48, 18451, ‘
Please to take Notice.
fl\lll-‘. subscriber, IHouse and Land Broker,
offers 10 let for the ensuing season, seve
rul beautiful llouses, completely furmished, in
ligible situations—most of the Houses are new,
and well calenlated to accommodate those com
fort-loving Strangers, who intend passing the
Summer Months in this American Eden.
Newport, Feb. 5, 1846—1tili Jy. 1%
National Loan Fund
Life Insurance Soecicty, of London:
CAPITAL $2,500,000.
l The following are among the advantages
offered by this [nstitution :
1 I"'he guarantee ofa large subscribed Copi
tal in addition to the accumulation of Premi
ums. |
i ‘l'he peculiar benefit secured to the as
sured by the principle of the Loan Depart
ment, |
- T'he paymgnt of Premiums, annually, hall
yearly, or quarterly,
T'he travelling lease extensive and liberal.
Thirty days allowed alter each payment
of premium becames due, withoyt forleriure
of Policy. |
' I'he Society being founded on the Muru
aL & Joinr Stocig principle, parties may
‘participate 1n the profits of the Bociety, iwo
thirds of whicleare annually divided among
he Assured. |
T'he Society is not connected with either
Marine or Fire lnsurance, |
~ No charge made the assured for Medical
examination, ‘
For the character and respectalility of the
Institution, the Society has the privilege of
referripg to the
ton. Aesorr Lawresce, and
Wirtrtian AerLeron, kisq., Boston.
Medical Examiner in Newport, R. 1,
Turormnes C. Dpys, M. D.
Pamphlets containing tables of rates, §c
may be examined and all necessary informa- |
tion obtained at the Agent’s office in this
town, over Mr. Callahan’s Book Store,!
T'hames-st, C. E. ROBBINS, Jigen|.
Newport, R. 1. Nov. 20, 1845,
D()C'l‘. JAYNES' Amerjcan [air Dye
warranted if strictly applied according
to the directions to change the hair from any
other color to a beautiful brown or perfect
jet black without staining the skin at
Sign of the Golden Mortar.
Avg. 22, 1844, L
q 1
4'l(/.' ES
Fasw Sweppsn Leecunes, just imported.
For sale by
R lf’. HAZARD,
Washington Square,
Sign of the Gojden Mortar.
July 3, 1845,
b‘()l{ Inrge and small Packagos (cxclmlmn'
Mail matter) between Newport, Boston,
lall River, ‘Faunton and New Bedford.
Freight in large quantities taken at rcduced‘.
ratlee, |
~ Offier in Newport 71, Thames street,
Gffice in Boston at Doolittle’s City Taver
Brattle street. Oct. 2.
l‘fll.’!!l’.l.'! Military and Anodyne sha v
me Creams, Tor «ale u! :
Jin 8 C 4, C HAZARD
“Beoxomy 1s Wearru"— Franklin,
Napoleon Boot Soles,
];ENJZ MARSH, Jun,, has just received
from New York, a supply ol the above
carticles, and ‘is prepared to have thew poj
upon Gentlemen’s Boots or Shoes in the
neatest manner, and at the shortest notice.—-
They are warranted a saving to the weerre
of more than fGifty per cent over thg cown
(mon soles, for both coarse and £ne Boots, &e-
Those who wish dry feet the approaching
winter, wil! please send their Boots to |
1385 Thames“stregt,
Newport, Nov. 20, 1845, °
’ Newport Female Seminary.
I N this INsTirurion the scholastic vear is divided into
| & two térms of 22 weeks each, the Summer Term
cemmencing on the third Wednesday in Muy ; the
Winter Term the first Wednesday in November. Pu
pils ean board at the Beminary and pursue their studies
during the vacations il Pareuts desire, ¥
Boarders, 3 200 per anuum, including (wel in winier,
sea bathing in summer and an exiensive course of Ehg
lish studies, or 300 w i \m'luile music, drayying and
painting, tatin and um.}c-iu HHgUnges i
Day gchdlx]u','-b per 11 weeks. Primary Depart
ment, 85 per 11 weeks. y
! NeEwporT.—Rev. C. T. Brooks. Rev. T. Tynver,
Capt. Taylor, U, 8. N., Hon. Henry Y. Cranston,
Peleg Clarke, Enq. snd Samuel B. Vernon, Esq
New Youk.—Dr., Potts, &cv. I Muson, Messrs.
Prime, Ward & King, und John Gihon, Esq. B |
BrookLyn.—Drs Stone, Cutler, Cox, Breadhead,and
Rev. F{encis Vinton,
| West Point—Capt Brewerton, U, 8, Engineers,
| New Haven—Dr. Romeo Elton {
[ Mormriscpwn.—Rey A.Henry Dumont. |
| Bosros.— Augustus Thorndike, Esq., Hon. Abbott
Lawrence, Rev. Dr. Lowell, Rev, David Reed, Rev,
'E.N. Kirk, Rev. Wm M. Rogers, Ruv. . Winsow,
Principul of Beacon High Sehiool, Logell Muson, Esq.
CoJamarca Prains.—Rev. J. O, Choules |
I BayAsNAH.—Rev, W, Preston, M. Hall McAllister,
| 884, Fraucis Sorgl, A AL Somers, Esq. |
[ MHAGUE, Va.—Bi, Wheelwright, Walter, Bowie, Esq.
‘ Newport, Sept, 4, 1845, 3
For Sale or to Let,
'Vl‘[lA'l‘ well known Estate in Portsmouth,
f belonging to J. Dennis, Jr, to wit: a
' house and about 25 acres of land, with con
venient out buildings. T'he bouse is admira
bly calguluted for taking boarders, having §
'parlors, and a dining room 206 feet by 15. a'
{large kitchcn with 3 closets, Oun the 24
floor there are 10 large airy roows, aud in
‘the attc 8 large lodging rooms. T'he situu
tion is airy and the prospect extensive and
delightful in every direction, huving & view
‘of Marregansett Bay upon the west ; the city
[of Proyidence, Provigence River, Mouut
jllop,e Bay and Tevnton River upon the
'north ; Seconett or Fast River on the cast
‘and gouth, nearly to the Ocean. The house
s only a pleasant walk from the shore
'where there 18 fine sea hathing. ‘l'here ure
‘three houses of worslip, Post Office, School
house, and Mill within one mnle of the premi-'
'ses. The proprietor will endessor 1o winke
any arrangement that will be for the interest,
of the tenant. Apply to or address, .
SR Portsipouth, RIL ‘
i Dec. 4, 1845.—tMh. I*, ;
Through by Stage.
()N and after the Ist of Oct. a stage will
7 leave Newport daily, at 8 o'clock, A. M
for Fall River, Taunton, and New Beaford
and arrive in Fall River at balf past 11, and
New Red{ord and Lannton ot hali past 3.
" Returmng, will leave Taunton and §. Bed
ford at 9 a. m.and Fall River at | p. m.—
Fare to Fall River 50 cents, to New Bedtord
£1.25, and Tannton $1,25. Stage Book in
Newport, at ‘Wownsend’s Hotel.
| et 2d, 1845,
Fall Fiver and Boston Rail Road
Fall Arvgangement,
;'I\R.\INS leave all River fop “T'gunton,
- B. Boswn and Providence,at 7] A. M. and
TR ke :
: Leave Fall River for New Bedford, at 74
and O 3 A M, and SP. M, Rt
| Leave Boston and Providence for Pall
'River at G A. M., and 34 I’. M,
| Leave New Bedford for Fall Riyer at 7
‘A M., and 2] P. M. '
The Stage will leave New port at half past
1] o'clock, A. M. for Eall River, and wiil
conneet with the Boston ‘rein which leaves
Fall River at 24 p.p. and the New Bedlord
train at 5 p. m,
lare from Newport to Boston,
’; Do. do Taunton,
| Do. do New Bedford, 1.35
Thickets to he purchased of the Ntage dn
ver for either of the routes,—or at the office
in Newport, 71, Thames street
Oct, 2d, 1345 —lf,
Important. Notice,
!‘VAHRA.\‘I‘H) to be one of the ipost valw
| üble articles ever offervd to the public
for sprains, windgalls, spayins, #tiffuess of
(the jonts, strains and callonses of long
‘standing, algo for swellings, fresh wounds,
‘galls, &e. &e. This traly valuable Lini
ment has been extensively used for the lnsi
120 years, and in po instance has it fyiled to
give satisfaction to the purchaser ; 1t s
cheaper than any other ur\u'rv, as It requires
but a small quantity to complete a enre,
| Also will answer equally as well for Newt
tor Horn eattle. Krepared only by the In
'ventor and Proprietor, JAMES KIDDER, |
East Boston, also lor sele by R R Hazard,
Newport, R, L [Jun. 1, 1846~y
ll OUSSE LIS amd Landon's Hhandkere Jue
s Perfumes, at C, G, C HAZARD'S,
Jan. 8,
Shoulder Braces,
A VERY superior article of Silk Bhoulder
ntnces —nleo, some common Shoulder
hn\’, ';,
July . Washiugion Square ”
| Letters of Albert Gallatin,
' ON THE -
No. 2.
New Youk, Jannary 13th, 1846,
It has, it is believed, begn conelusively
proved that the cluim of the United States
Lo absolule sovereignty over the whole Ore-
gon ternitory, W virtue of the aucwnt ex
clusive Spunish clamm, s wholly unfound
¢d. The next ouestion Is, whether the oth
er facts and argduments adduced by enher
party establish w complere aud absolwte ttle
of either to the whaole @ for the Yuited States
claim it explicitly 5 and, although the British
proposal of compromise dud yiweld a part, yet
lier qualified claim extends 1o the whole,
has been stuted by herself in the following
words (—*Greot Britein clanns no exclusive
sovereignty over any portion ol thaj ternitory.
Her present elawn, not i respect osy part,
but to the whole, 18 hmited 16 a 0 nght of
juintoceuvaney, i coipmon with other tawes,
leaving the nght of exclusive domimon i
abeyance And agumn: *The qualitied
rights which Great Britain now possesses
over the whole of the tentory e queston,
embrace the right to nuvigete the waters of
those conntries, the nght to sctte wm und over
any part of thewm, ,;”d the right treely o
jtsjutle with the ahabitants and veecupiers
olthe same » * = = [ iy fully adunt
ted that the United Srates possess the same
rights ; but beyond they possess none”’
‘ In the noatare of lll:‘ngs, Il seems ulmnq‘
impossihle that a complete and übsolnte right
to any portion of Americn can exist, unless
it can be by prescripuve and undispuied actu
al pussession aud settlements, or by viriue
ol a treaty, |
; At the time when America was dig
covered, the law of natons was oltogether
upsettled. More than a century elupsed be
fore Grotius attempted to lay its lcundation
on Natural Law and the moral precepts of
Christianity ; “and, when eustaining 1t by
precedents, he was compelled to recur to
Rome and Greece, It wus in reality a new
case, to which no ancient precedents could
apply,* for which some new roles must be
sdopted. Gradually, some general prine
ples were admitted, neyer universally,
their nature vague and often conflicting.—
For stance, discovery varies, trom the
simple sscertaining of the contintity of land,
(o & minute expioration of 148 *yarwwus har
bors, rivers, &c.; and the nights denved
from it may vary accordingly, und may oc
casionally be claimed to the sume district by
different navions, ‘l'here is no precise rule for
regulating the fune after which the neglect
e occupy would nulhify the right of prior
‘discovery : nor for defimng the extent of
coagt beyoud the spot discovered to which
the ¢hscoverer way be entitled, or how fur
finland s claun extends. The pnnciple
(most generally oduntted was, that in case
of a niver, the night egtejded to the whole
country drained by that nivey and s tributa
ries, Fven this was not universally con
cedeid. "This pight might be effected by a
‘simultaneous of prior discovery and gecu
‘pancy of some of the sources of such’ river
by another party 5 or it might conflict with
‘a general clann of contiguity. This last
claim, when extending beyond the sources
lof rivers discovered apd occupied, s vague
‘and undefined ; though it would secm that
Gt cannot exceed in bicadth that of the ter
ritory on the coast originally discovered and
joccupied. A few examples will ehow the
uncertainty resulting from lhose varnous
claims, whey they conflicted with each other.
' Ihe old Beush charters extending from
sea 1o sea have nlready been mentioned. -
T'heywere founded,beyond the svurces ol the
rivers emptying o the .}llsnuc. ol o oth.
er principle than that of contiguity. The
grant in 1521 of Nova Scotia, by Jumes the
First, is bounded on' the north by'the niver
St. Lawrence, though Cartiwr had more
than eighty-five years befure discovered the
moutl: of that nver, und ascended 1t as high
up as the present site of Montreal, and the
Freneh under Champlain bad several yenrs
before 1821 been sciticd st (%'wbuc. Buat
there is auvther case more wlportant, and
still more 1 point.
- The few survivors of the disastrous expe
dition of Marvaez, who coming from Florida,
did in w omost extraordinary way reach
Culiacan on the Pacific, were the first Buro
ropeans who crossed the Mississippr. Some
years later, 'erdinand de Soto, coming ulso
from Florida, did i the year 1541 reach and
‘cross the Mississippi, at some place between
the mouth of the Ohto and that ot Arkansas.
He explored a portiop of the river and of
the adpcent country and, after s death,
Moscoso, who suceceded him in command,
did 1w the year 1543, build seven brigantines
or barques, in which, wiih the jesidoe of his
followers, he descended the Mississippy, the
mouth of which he reached n scventeen
‘days. Theace putting to sea with lis frail
vessels, he was fortunate enough to reach
the Npamsh port of Panuo, on the Mexicun
const. ‘The nght of discoyery clearly be
longed to Spain ; but she had neglveted for
‘near one hundre g and fitty yenrs to make any
settlement on the great niver or any ol 1
tributaries., The French, coming trom
(Canada, reached the Mississippr 1n the year
6R2, and ascended itons high up as StAn
thony 8 Falls 5 and La §dle descended it
162 1o its month, The Kreneh Government
did 1 virtue of that second dscovery, elom
the conntry, subsequenily founded New Or
leens, and tormed scveral other settlements
i the intertor, on the Mis<issippt or s
‘waters, Spum almost muned) m-ly' m-pupn-d
Pensacola and Nacogd ches, 1o order 1o
check the progress of the Freneh castwardly
and westwardly ¢ but she did wot attempt to
‘disturh them e therr settlements on the
Missiseippi § its tributaries We have here
the proof of a prior nght Jf discavery ey
superseded. when too long negleetcd, by
that of actaal ocenpancy and sertlement, )
©Fhe French by virtue of having thos di<.
covered the mouth o the M ssissippi, of hav.
g ascended at o more than titteen handred
miles, of having explored the Ol the Wa
bash and the Hhnows, from thew respective
mouths to their most remote sonrces, and
of having formed several settlements as n- |
bove mentioned. lad elaim 1o the whole
country drained by the main river and ite '
teibutaries. Thoev accordingly butlt torts o
Le Bent, high up the Alleghiny niver ard
an the site where Pittsborg now stands, On
the ground of discovery of settlement, Great i
Brituin had not the shghtest ¢lann. Goner.
al, then Colonel Washington was the first
who at the age of twenty two, and i the
venr 1754, planted the British banner on the }
Western waters. The Britsh claim was
founded principally on the ground of con-
*Grotios, however, sustains the right of secupnion
by n et of the Civil Roman Code
[ Continued vn second page. |
o Unprecedented SUgeess
All-lTealing Ointwment:
More than 20,000 L Persons Cured
Dz the lust sic monlhs !
! l'l' i impossible to give to the public an
| adequate idea of the great success which
has attended the Avn-Hearine Oinrment
CLor the pastsix months, lis perleaily astonish
ing to witness the effects and hear the praises
"bestowed upon this medicine, No o one couid
congeive that a single medciny possessod w 0
much virtue, and had power o heal wo a'u;my
diseases. But since it s well known that more
| than 20,000 persons have been cured our friends
[will realize the truth of our remarks which we
made about 6 months ago, viz : *'T'hat there
‘would not be a family i Awmerics who would
live a day without pussessing a box of M:ATis
ter’s All-l Healing Ointent, T aey but knew its
I “I'his simple trath kas been Tully demonstrea
ted, as illustrated by the above cut, viz . Tl
checked peérspiration is certain 10 produce sick
ness, and lh:{'l IS restoration is sure to carry ofl
the morbid humors and bring with it healtl,
| Forexample ; By o sudden change of weath
eror from exposure of ane, twe ¢f five win
‘utes (\ylgile wartn) to i current of air, will ine
vitably produce some complamt. It may be
Mever, or it may be Rheumatism, or Sick Head -
‘uche, or lullamngition of the Bowels, or a
runuing Sore, or Suro Ei os, or Asthuna, Liver
Complant, and Comsumption. Now how to
re-open the pores, and .permit the blood 1o
again drive ofl’ the perspiration, has been a
ditliculty which physicians were unable w oyvor
come. No mediciue has ever been resorted 1o
for this purposc,until .\l(;:\u-';ruc‘s AL kAL
ING OiNTaosr was ntroduced to the public,
‘sinee which time, physicians as well us others
LHIE DOW USlng Wi geent qeaitnese. Sedo wes
bold enough to call 1t by its vight nizine, 'while
‘sotie, put 1t mto other vessels, and call itsome-
Ahing else. Aud thus this GreEatr snd Gooop
medicine is being used and appreciated by all
classes, both protessional aud laymen.
I Friends and fellow-citizens ! we have no de
sire to deceive you in this matter, and i we
know our own hearts, we would never utter a
word or it a finger to nfleence you to your
injury. We are, theretore, for showing open
hands and elean hearts, and heartily wish never
10 be gailty of making any stutement not borne
‘out wath truth. loas trom the mtluence of these
feelings that we address the publie respecting
the virtues of the All-Healing Omitient d
| We will now uame some discasps successfully
treated (
| Nalt Kuewm.—Many persons came who had
had tias ditheulty for 7, 10, and 1D years, and
nothing sevmed 1 do any good.
| Eflectually cured, ser hundred and fifty.
| Nervous Sick Headache.—We have’ not
Cyet fuled in curing tng complaint. W e suppose
we could really cure the headache nine tunes
i ten take the world over.,
i b‘uét:esnllu"y cured, ¢le ven ”Mntllul
' Diseases of Child;en.—~Now' many thou
sonds are swept away by giving i“ulum.\( medi
cines, when their young “bodies and tender
frames ure unable to bear up against powerful
drugs and physies ! Such cases as Croup,
Cholic, Worms, Cholera Lifawtum, and all
Nemmer Complaints, by which so many
A bildecn die, e Otment will remove so
speedily and surcly, that a physician will never
be needed. Mothers | tioughout all this Jand,
We now .-\;h:mnl, and sacredly declure to you
Sthat the AL Hlealing Owtinent will save your
childven from an carly grave il you will use 1
and we hold up our wirning voice, and declare
in the face of the whole world, Children need
not die more than others. Butitis fiom the
Ceant of proper nourishment and the constant
drugging they undm-u'.;, which wmows them
down us the vank grass Talls bofore the seythe.
I Mothers @ we repeat agmin, and il they were
the last words we were ever o utter, and of
course past the veach of all terest, we would
say. “*Use the All-Heaiing Ointment for
sichkness amonyg children.”’
Fevers. I all cases of fever, the d'”'u'ull"
lies in the pores baing locked up, so that the
heat and perspiration cannot pass ofl. The
Al Healing OQuitment will o all cases of fevers
almost s tontly unlock the shin and bring (ith
the perspiation.
Female Complamts. —lnflammation of the
hidneys, ol tfiewomb, and s ‘aliing down,
weakness wind irvegularity o tind rady and per
manent rehel. We have had aged ladies el
us Il'w') could not hive sta months without it
'But to females about to become mothers, i used
Tor some weehs antecedent 1o their conline.
ment, very few of those patns and convulsions
which attend them at that perod will be felt
Clhas foet ought 1o bo knowh thy world over. '
l Suc‘tlvu::fully' cured, one hundrs d l"ul_/l'fl'h on.
Lo Sores <"1 hwe wonderful power it man
lests i the cure of Sores "is one of the most
remarhable fucts connected with the entire
adonmstration ol this O intinent
Svecesstully caved Eleven Hundyed
Consumptron.—The cures eliveivd in Con
sumption wre truly gratifyig. We are sure of
one thing o Phit of the Al'f-lle-ulmg Omtient
willbdo e good, that person m Consumption
will find ot ditlicult 1o find wny thing that will.
Successtully treated, tiwo hundred and over.
Liver Complaint hns been tvected more suc
cosstally, if ;m.«x{fln, than Consimption’
Sore Kyes.<Dandreds have been cured ol
Sore Eyes. We have known persons 1o send
over 500 milex 1o be cured of sore wyes ; and
they are cured ; : :
Successtully treated, seven hundred and
ninety-one. = |
Felons, Tumorsy Warts, Exerescences of
overy kind and chaiacter huve been swept oil,
by the thousand. !
Probably thiee to fire thousand cured! |
Cutaneows Eruptions Nothing has ever
proved so successtul in removing pimples,
blotehes, eruptions, and all skin diseases, ex
cept the Bible Ointment. ]
Ruccosslully trented, seventeen hundred.
Worms. < Whenever it has been tried, it hn{
proved timmphant. We'say it unhesitatingly
that there 18 not 1o be found a cure Tor Worins
! . . .
50 ~Jm,:lr. sile, apd certain, s MeAlster's
‘ Vishicaling Ormtiment :
‘ Cured over three theusend.
| Colds, Coughs, §ec.~ Ilmqumulglu are the
cases cured of these complianis
l Between two and three thousand cured.
Soaep NEan <We have'cured caner Fial setually
defied ten popular Femedios, us well s the abihiy ol 15
or 20 doctars, Oue mnn told us he spent 2HOO on s
cehildren without beaetlt, whon a lew busds ol |l,u e
ment eured them. . . ¢ 3
[ Conras.—We have cored more than ten thogsand |
[Oue of our agents snid” Be cduld give us o stiing ol
[tnmies it would redely WMo the cetling 1o e LU
Tcorng exclusively, Y e A
IS T Vv Tarew T evy ¥
| RCHoRULA =-Cuses of 5, 10, mud 20 yvears standing
‘lmw only yielded 1o the pu.'h-a ob this Ointiment
Sokk bies, Clhinpped Dands, Quinsy, Sore Throat,
FAZOe in the Uacé, Tooth-ache Swellings Totlmmictions,
J"ml ll'a'!;lt.'hon« been cured by the thsnid,
Diskades oF 1106 CHEST ="The Omtment hias heen
Leminently successtul in ciring A’allpma. Lulus, Weuk-
Ciess, Oppression, nnd the hike, i
Cored over tourtecn iundred,
l\liu'.‘m s Dikpasks —Severa nndred enred.
Conn FEET,—Multitades of people suller iom cold
et nd never kuow how to remedy the evil, e
COmtment will open tie pored; calise ierensed rnpuliny
P e errentant o, wnd thus restore wainith wnd o
,Ic-u o the tedq.
I muceesstilly trented, Eleven Mundred. i
’ Pinks —We have hnown persons to ofler five dolles
[ BGX BOr the snly e 10 Our ColnEy sients vaithier than
Lo home without iy, Wor the plrpose ol caring piles,
’ Hm:n-.-lu.‘!(' treated, nine loodved wnd (our,
BN, —For bonrns i s ottt cgfind i the workd !
[We shoald by willug to hinve 1 teated Wath thg very
thost remedy i Buvepe or Amenca, =
I Cured, seven hdeed wad over.
' Hatr anp Danorupk SHhe O pressed from the
All-Dleahing Omunent, prodacos a b wmil Ui passed
by any producton e workd,
Fhis Ol restores the Thisensle Perspivation (e snine
us e Suive, id inparts tone 1o the scalp. '|al e
lo'nlr will glow under iy clrcumstances, it will inuct
1 has restored the i i neacly o handeed cases.
Tudeod 1f bas et wirh stuceers we did not ouiselves
[r\fwrl.' PYulgaod Whansdonie da meateatnble. Tl
carried glandness and jov into iy o dwelling, undd wa
Ctleank Do who s the Anthor of wll gl ‘Mt e hos
"heen pleased 1o blessabis stmple remedy gl torth with
’-ilu'rw wind s.uuciu wotives, i the healing ol so muny
;.liwu-.'u SN ik alipelidy vestored iy a poor i o
Ihi:- wife and enldvend, on whiom all thewr dependence
Pawvaes bnid, nd we believe that not ten dwdiduals can
[he tound among the 50,000 who have used W, who s
[sorey git s comie to his knowledge ; '
Isuch is its receplion nimong the peonle
Friends and fellow -« itigend ' weleome this geent mnd
good medicine loy ouf homes. You shall we
Iy, we pledge s 01l ome good word,
Sole Proprictors
Grasp Deror, 168, Sovrusr, NV
Forsale by R.J. TAYLOW, Az,
Newport, R i Nov. 10 10,
As the ALL-HEALING ONIMEST it Leen greatly
counterteitedy we hnve given this cantion to the kb,
that “no Omtment Wil bhe genuine anless the names o)
Juines MeAlister, or James MeAlster & Co are wiinr e
TEN With o 28 gpon ‘BEVery label The Inbel isou
stee! .-um‘nh\uu,’ with the tigure &1 v IxsEnsinie Pens
~l'p""rlnh" on the taee,
“Now we hereby ofter norewnred af - 500 1o be pad on
convietion in any of the consiituad cotits of the Ve
ted States, of cny divadtal countertertimg our i
wnd Ciningnt.) i
Sugar Coated Vegetal! Purgutiec 1l
| ik : Y 5 p :
' 4 medicinal preparation s e an
A wounesd winel \u“ been Lo domnad
Jund sought for, and winech the public must at
Lonce see and acknowledge the Tadvantago v'!."
Htis a puigative pill, cofr e winh seliaid,
$0 that it leaves nb taste whatever of s inier-
Unal ingredients. In fact the wmedicme Is <o i
:“(ivu:lj‘"fllwavuiscd that if a "x'uru.'u were {o swal
How the pills without heing itormed what
| they were, he would believe them 1o be sin
Cply lamps of pure sugar i nor could he wf
teiwards, unless by its great purgative cyeey
suspect that he had been lul\in; pedicme, for
jllwic pulls are so h.l\:.'n:":.l”) prepared that they do
'not gripe the lmwa:is yoaud thus the patiend
fwio trkes them avoids two evils whieh attend
ol other purgative medicines nimely o :J:t’.l:dn.
".md pain. Medicine administered e all othe,
['sweet forms has the .n,.uua..x.;.;.e‘ (')'l~ |u'-|_n;;
mived with the sugar, and lence produces
Hmingled Havor, which, to mos: persons s i
[[disagreeable than unadulierated bitterness. I
|'those pills this is altogethor avorded § the Sugin
| and the medicine being entirely ';f;-jhm"l frowm
euch other, so that tlhie former must be tho
roughly removed belore the latter can :'m.'u'_fi-,-;
| itsell 1o the taste, lasvniversally Wpown that
:Im.~iu'|y all discases (;rlg;‘nulv'vhfih tnpunity of
Lblood. Pare ln:,;dd “is therefore essential 1o
health. We must not, howeser, wiil until the
“l.lu_..il'm Hnpure, for then it takes time - an-'{
U hat time passed i il health <o rectily 0
[ butwhen the nli:;hh'sl derangement ol the sys
e s indicated “by costiveness, or any other
;‘su,;n, (A admonishes us that .-upl‘l"'ull'.::w‘ s
gathering i the system, which should 4t oneg
be got rid ol Tor then removal leaves the chyle,
(from which the bloed s fonmed) o healthy
Csjate, and punty of blood must be the result
CThis faet, as stated, s universally known ;o buag
people hoave such an aversion 1o medjeime, that
unles the case isurgent. they |n'r't.'fc-| the disonse
to the cure, until an Illl|i.lll‘l.’ll conshitution . o o
fit o} sichness rebukes them for the folly of
their conduit. Sull they had some whcise’;
Hor heretofore, medicine in almost all s forms
was nearly as disgusting as it was beneticinl,
INow, however, the evil is most efiectunlly 1o
imoved 3 for CLICKENER'S Svcan Coan
L VEGETAPRLE 3'('"4.;\ vive s have
llnu taste whaiever of” medicine = produce none
flof the nausea and griping. atteadant on the
cpevaiion of other medicine —while ther speedy
letfect in removing all imipurities from the sy«
tem cannot be excellod by any other medicine
L which fus ever been discovered. 4
' lis unneeessary 1o say more here I these
Cpittsare, as desenbed, the public will freely and
Hgl:ull) peatromise them 5 and the propnctor mers
(ly nshs a toady which he s sure of reconang 1o
| prove that I!v axsulnes 1o ment o them which
‘lillt'_\' do not ru”)' Prossess
f Clickener’s Sugar coated Vegetab'e Puiga
gative Pills are propared and sold, whotesals
and vetml and for exportationy by €V,
“".,"Kl".u\"'." & CO L, Chewasts, at the whole
1..0!03 and retatl deag warehouse, Noo 79 awd 1
[Barclay street, New York. Prce 25 cens
per Box
i Also for sule i Newport by RO JTPAYEOR .
’l'mlnnumlll. by Nathan Denms - Tiverton, by
Charles Almy < Litle Compton, Benp Seatury,
[:mcl P Chareh &U, May 1| 1y
Butler’s Efferyvescent Maguesian
I“QR Dyspepsin, Nervona debling, head
nche, habitoal costveness, cutnns ons
diweases, gont, gravel e and asow venle
coo(ing prrgalive correcton obacrding, &y
ddirably mlup.:ml to the complamts ol the
present senson, possessing ot e sume e
the sgrecable qualines o fimes ol Moda
Water. Sold by R DAZAKD,
Sign of the faolden Wortar, near the Count
House. ‘
Au!‘. 20,
Alexanderis ‘Tricobaphe.
\ new wod waluahle Ligoud Dy wlhieh
i mstantanconsly changes the color ol
the hair to & benutitnl brown or black, with
out mf“" to the har or skin amd wineh wi))
not fall of complete success, when ‘m'o.n-uly
applied. Bold by
Sigrn of the Mortar, wear the Conrt House
Aug 211800
b Whole No. 829
.:| n-;n(