Weraly ot the Trynmes,
Vol. XVI. No. 51.
Orrice 150, TuaMES-STREET, |
Al the head of the Count, in the rear of
Messrs, E. F. & W. Newton.
s2 in advance, or $2,25 at the end of the year,
Job Periwmiing,
er s> T'he undersigned, having made
many additions of WZYW Y 2 o
bis Printing Establishment,
and a superior CARD PRESS, is pre
pared to execute every description of
Suow Birwus,
Sreampoar BinLs,
Srace Bines,
Brasks & Lasews, | Nores.
BILLS OF FARE for Public Houses.
SHOW BILLS, for Concerts, Lec
tures, Public Meetings, Exhibitious,§c.
A beauntiful assortment of Plain and Em
bossed eanns on hand,
Orders from town and country will be
promptly answered, at prices as low as those
of any other establishment.
Specimens of work may be seen at the
oflice. ‘l'he patronage of the publi is re
spectlully solicited.
Legnl Ootices,
Commissioncery’ Notice. |
'.‘ll E subscribers having been appointed
- by the Hon. Court of Probate, Com-:
missioners, to receive and examine the
claims against the Estate of ESTHER
FLEEY, late of Jamaica, Queens County,
New York, widow, deceased, represented
insolvent, hereby give notice, to all persons |
baving demands against said Estate, that six|
months from the Oth instant, are allowed to!
bring in and prove their respective claims
and, that we will attend at the house of Pe-/
ter . Remington, Esq. in I'hames-street, on|
the lust Saturdays ot April, May and June
next, at 3 o’clock, P. M, for the purposa of
attending to the same, .
Newport, Dec. 25, 1845.—3 m.
'l‘lll‘} subseriber has been appointed by the
Hon. Court of Probate, Guardian to she
person and Estate of \WILLIAM FREE
BODY. All persons having claims against
said ['reebody, will present the sune to the
subscriber within six months from the date
Newport, Jan. 20, 1816, —6w
Guardian’s Notiee.
'I‘IIE subscriber having been duly appoint
c¢d Guardian of the person and estate of
Joseph I'reeborn, of Middlctown, hereby
gives notice, that all persons ure forbid to
teust said Freeborn, ns no debts contracted
by him,after this date, will be paid. All
persons having demands against said ree
born are requested to present them to me for
Nowport, Jan. 21, 18346 —-Gw.
Guardian’s Notice,
Vl‘lll'} subscriber herchy gives notice that
he has been appointed by the Hon,
Court of Probate of the town of Newport,
Guardian of the estate of *Jaseph M Mumford,
a winor over the age of fourteen years, with
the approbation of lis futher, (Richard B.
Muomford.) Aill persons having demands
against said Joseph, are requested to present
them within €ix months from this date,
Newport, Jan 22, 1516 —Gw,
Court of Probate, Middletown, Fib. 16, 1316,
'l‘l“‘) Fxeeutor’s acconnt on the estate of
BFUNICE PEABODY, late of Middle
town, dec'd. was presented for examination
and allowance,
o 1w ordered that the same be received aud
the comsideration thereof referred to o Court
ol Probate, to be holden at the Town House,
i Middletown, on the turd Mouday of
March next, at 1 o'clock, P. M.; and vhat
previons notice be given by publishing a
copy of this order, for three successive weeks
in the Herald of the T%mes, for all persons
interested o appear at said time and place
and be henrd, ‘
. A Lrne copy——witnerea,
Administrator's Sale.
PUKSUA NI to a deeree of the Hon,
: Court of Probate of the town of New.
port, will be sold at Pabhie Anetion on Fr.
duy. the 19th day of April next, at 10 o'¢clock
A M.,
Al the right, vitle and interest which Siun
eon Sunth, late of Newport, wheelwrnight, had
at the time of his death, o and to a cortain
lot of Innd with a three story bwlding theres
on standing, situated in saud Newport, and
bounded as follows :<~On the north by A«
Nhaw ; west by smid Shaw ; south hy' W
D, Stewart; and east by Broad street; or vo
mueh thereot as will e sufficient to raise the
sof fourteen hiandred and four dollars
cighty one cents, with ancidental expenses,
Conditions at the sale,
Newport, March 5, 1840 < fw,
! Guardian’s Notice.
’l‘lll‘] subscriber having been appointed
' Guardian of the real and personal estate
of his dunghter, Abby 8. Munro, a minor with
i the age of fourteen years, and having given
thonds us the law directs, requests all persons
having cluims against said ward, to exhibit
il!wm within six months from the date hereol’
l'l‘lll‘.} subscriber having been appointed by
} the Hon, Supreme Court of this State,
at its March term in Newport, 1844, Assignee
of Michael E. Peckham, of Newport, hereby
‘gives notice to the creditors not presenting
their claims within six months from the date
Jiereof, that they will be precluded from all
‘dividends oot of said insolvent’s estate,
Dry Goods store—situated in the centre of
the town, it offers to the man of every line
of business rare local advantages and 1o the
capialist a good opportunity of profitable in
vestment, |
Also, he offers for sale that large and valu
able lot on the south side of Touro, and
facing also on Schoal-street—giving, in an
improved and desirable vicinity, a choice of
two handsome fronts as a building lot. ‘
Me is selling his remaining stock of Goods,
at auction prices. |
Newport, Aug. 7th. |
ne loy |
I'o LET, |
Barn Tickers,
BirLs or Lawing,
Business CArps,
Binn Heaws,
G The Chambers over the
o g, Store, No. 107, I'hames street
Rt B Apply to |
WM. F.& A. BARKER. |
Ry THIS House in John street
1l formerly owned and occupied by
m R Capt. Borden Wood, and pos-
R sesston given in April next, T'he
house containg 12 rooms, and is well cal
culated for two families. Enquire of
Jan. 29, 184 G. JOSIAI C. SHHAW,
Jarw THE louse and lot of land at
i the corner of Clark aund Touro
m streets, late the property of Wil
liam Ellery,Esq., deceased, T'his
llouse is well situated, and calculated for a
bourding house. [or terms, apply to Eo
warn I Cnassing, Esq. Cambridge, Mass.
or to the subscriber in Newport,
Dee., 25.
The estate corner of Mary
and Division streets, well caleula
. ~ted for a Boarding House, with a
large garden in the rear, on School street,
A The estate corner of Thames
% 4 street and Ball's Wharf, now oe
i cupicd by Mr. G, B, Reynolds, and
others, o
About one acre of Land corner of
Thames and Howard sticets, late improved by
Capt. Win. Rider, g
. About I'ive acres of Land on Bowery
‘street, next east of the Estate of M. Benjamin
Fairbanks, and late improved by him.,
' About Eight acres of' Land, near the
Mills, late improved'by Nichols Hassard, Esq.
Present tenants, will in all cases have
the preference, by giving immediate notice, and
complying with the conditions vequired.
i Should any of the above property not
be previously rented, it will be let at public
auction, in frontof Townsend’s Coffee House,
on Saturday the 21st day of Mareh next, at 11
o'clock, A. M. For fwther particulars and
terins, apply to
Guardian of Wm. Freebody,
and Attorney ol Elizabeth Bowen,
Heirs of the late Esther Fleet, dec’d.
' Newporty Feb. 5, 1816, —Tw,
The House occupied by
the subseriber, in Broad street,
Terms and other particulars,
made known on application,
! Newport, Peb. 5, 1846 —lw
For Sale, or to Let,
A convenient Dwelling House,
I fur sale orto let in Spruce-street,
m on the thil, near the Bellevue
House, and posgesgsion given -
medintely, Apply to JOSHUA TEW, Jr,
Newport, Dee 18, 1845-—lf,
Please to take Notice.
;'l‘lll". subscriber, House and Land Broker,
offers to let for the ensuing season, seve -
ra! beautiful Houses, completely furmished, in
ligible situations—most of the Houses are new,
and well ealeulnted o accommodate those com
fort loving Strangers, who intend passing the
sunomer Months i this Amenican Eden,
sShoulder Braces,
‘\ VERY superior article of Silk Shoulder
‘ Broces—alen, some common Shonlder
Ilr'n‘ven.nt LANGLEY & NORMAN'S,
Nov. 0.
.luly 3
J. 8. MUNRO, Guardian
Newport, Feb. 26, 1846—0 w.
Assignce’s Notice.
Newport, March 5, 1846.
7' . . Dy 2 i E » X .
Valuable Real Estate for Sale
. THE subscriber offers for sale
o that valuable estate at the corner
mfl of Thames & Mary streets, the,
front of which he occupies as a
June 19—1 f,
For Sale,or to Let,
For one year from the 2th of Murch nert,
To lLet,
Newport, Feb, 5, 1816-nll Jy. 1*
Washington Square.
l;'. ACK INK of asupenior quality, by
the duzen or gallon, ot
N-;V .J) “ J l\\'-“'( »
“CLiberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparvable” —WEBSTER
Passage AArrangements
PERSONS wishing tosend for their triends in Treland,
Euglund, Scotlund or Wales, cun do so through the
Bubscribers, who are sole Passenger Agents tor the only
Line of regulur Puckets between Bostox & Liverrool,
leaving l.ivurroul on the Sth and 20th o ench month,
and composed of the (ollowing Fiest CrLass AMERICAN
Vesskrs, built expressly for this line, and equnl to uny
ships afloat,
The “Joshua Bates,”’ (new,)
7 : slnn 99, &6
“¢ “Washington Irving,
» ® “h
K “Anglo Saxon,”
- ¢« «“Sunbeam,”’
| 5 .
-« “QConcordia,’?
“ “Columbiana,”’
IN «l Wy ~
- ¢St Petersburg, !
« «Governor Davis.®’
| ‘These Vessels are commanded by experienced and
humane Masters, and purticular attention will be puid
10 the uccommodation aud good treatment of Passen
gers under their charge. |
Persons wishing to send for their friends, ean do sO,
by procuring n Certicate of Passage ot Hanxopen & Co.,
Boston, specitying what Vessel they wish then to come
by, und the duy of leaving, thus saving them the ex
[pense of any detention in Liverpool. |
| HARNDEN & Co., wishing to conduct their business
wpon principles of mnirness and equily, to prevent frand
and deception, hnve but one price for passage, which, in |
:ull cases, includes heand money and bread stulls. Pre.
[ paid Pussengers adwavs have the preference over Pas
sengers paying in Liverpool, |
| Those applying by letter, or otherwise, tor Certifi
leares of Pussage, should, tn all cases, furnish the nnmes
"and ages of the persons sent toy, with their address o
[lull, to enable Messrs Hurnden & Co. of Liverpool, to’
(notify them of the proper time to leave howme, and tur-,
'nish other necessary intormution. b 2 |
To persons returning home, this Line ulso offers su
perior fucilities und wccommodution,
For the convenicnce of persons wishing to remit
money 1o their triends, we heep constantly for sule,
PRAFTS AT SIGHT, which are cashed ut' any Bank
m England, Irelaud, or Scotlund. Duplionte Checks are
wlways turnished, to insure the purchasers ngninst loss,
N. B, The accommodations and veputation of this
Line are such, that other persons advertise to bring out
Pussengers by ity and the public are respectfully inform
ed that HARNDEN & Co. are the ouly suthorized
Agents to sell Tickets for the Line,
For the accommodation of those residing in Fall Riv
ernnd Newport, we have appoinied Mr RUFUS B,
KINSLEY, Proprietor of the Boswon Express. Agent for
the Sule of our Passage Tickets and Bills ol Exchunge.
For turther intormation, apply st his oflices, in- Mount
Hope Building, Fall River—or 71, Thames-street, New
port, R. L,—cr to Harspexy & Co. No. 120, State-st,,
and 8, Cowrv-st., Boston. | Feb. 19, 1546, —3wm.
l“ & -
l' aq
&e. &e.
'l\lll‘l subscriber having just returned from
B New York with a NEW and Fashiona
ble supply of
i Ornamental HAIR WORK,
(consisting of Fore Fope, Braids for the back
iuflhc head, small Braids, Curls, &c,
[ Also a new lot of FANCY ARTICLES,
Perfumery,—Soap,—Hair, Tooth aud Nail
| Brushes, and all otherearticles adapted to the
| He has also obtained the Agency for
Phalon’s celebrated Chemical
! Or, Hair Invigorator for Baldness,
Scurf, and all diseases arising from fevers,
§c. By the use of this Balsam the moisture
and beauty of the Hair may be preserved (o,
extreme old age, ;
| I'o MOTHERS this Balsam is pre-ewi
nently vseful for ehildeen, whose hair is weak
or thin.—Nothing better can be applied to
strengthen the roots of the hair.—Price 50
cts, per bottle, with directions accompanying |
each bottle, 1
CSHAVING, = CUTTING —Curling, and
Shampooing done us usual,
| Also a new supply of Razors, Siraps, Ke.
| Grateful for past fuvors, he respectfully so- '
licits a continunance of the same, at {
| No. B 3 Ay Thames-street, |
i Opposite Mr R. 1. Taylor's, '
; Gorton Anderson,
( Newport, Oct 16, 1815 ,
'T'o the AMllicted,
Dr. Banning’s Patent Lace, |
\N immediate relief to Incipient Con-|
4 stption— Bronelitis, Palpitation of
the Heart—=Dyspepsia and aTections ol the
digestive and assimilating organs generally
Piles—Prolapsus and discases of women—,
Spinal Curvature, weakness and irritation—
Nervous affections. {
This Instrument has received the favorable
notice and commendation of Drs. Mot
Rodgers, Griscom and Franeis of New York;
the Facnlty of Philadelphia, Pittshurgh Hart.
ford and New Hlaven, and of medical men
who have had an opportunity of an examina
The following will show what kind of tes
timony might be adduced mmany cases
Certificates of Ladivs in Bostou
" Ihe undersigued of the ladies of Boston
‘and its vicinity, take pleasure certitying
that, on their persons, Dr. Banning’s Patent
bace has been ninmedintely and incompara
bly more eficient for the relicl of lemale
weuknesses than the other nstruments in
common wse, We belicve it to be an in
valuable apphance and recommend M to the
conhdence of those reguinng support -
(When well adjusted, we have found at per
feetly eomtortable in its bearing on the budy.
Mis. Newcomnn, Mrs. Frescn,
“ Tueken, “ Bramuani,
¢ Per Kins, “ Porrer,
Boston, 15144
Por sale by Laxerey & Nownwax,
Jan B, "6, Agents for Newport,
ll()l'!!l‘ll.'.fl and bandon's Handkero hie
Perfames, at C. G, C. HAZARD'S,
Jan. 8.
.‘l"'!fll-}l,‘.fl Military and Anodyne shav
ing Creeams, for sale at
Jan. 8 C. G, C. HAZARD
Unprecedented Succeess
All-llealing Ointment:
More than 20,000 ' Persons Cured
Duwrving the last six mouths ! !
fl'l' s unpossible to give to the public an
M adequate idea of the great success which
has attended the Avt-lleaLinGg OiNnrmENT
for the past six months. lis perfectly astonish
ing to witness the effects and hear the praises
bestowed upon this medicine. No one could
conceive that a single nmedicine possessed so
[much virtue, and had power to heal so many
diseases. But since it is well known that more
than 20,000 persons have been cured our frionds
will realize the truth of our remarks which we
made about 6 months ago, viz ¢ *That there
would wot be a family in Awmerick who would
live a day without possessing n box of McAlis
ter’s All-Healing Ointment, if they bat knew its,
virtues.”’ |
I I'his simple trath has been fully demonstra- |
llcd. as illustrated by the übove cut, viz . ‘l'lay
checked perspiration is certain to produce sick
'nuss, and that its restoration is sure to carry off
illlo morbid humors and biing with it healtl, |
| For example ; By a sudden change of weath
er or from exposure of one, two or five min
utes (while warin) to a curvent ol air, will ine
vitably produce some complaint. It may be
fever, ov it muy be Rheumatism, or Sick Head -
'au:hu, or Inflummation of the Dowels, or a
running Sore, or Sore Eyes, or Asthma, Liver
Complaint, and Comsumption. Now how ta
’m-open the pores, und permit the blood to
again drive off’ the perspiration, hus heen a
difliculty which physicians were unable to over
come. No medicine has ever been resorted 1o
for this purpase,until McALlsterß sALL-lrar-
ING OINTMENT Was introdes® to the puh!i(:,!
since which time, physicians us well as others
are now using it in greal quantities. Some are
bold enough to call it by its vight name, while
some, put it into other vessels, and call itsome- |
thing else. And thus this Great and Goonp)
medicine is being used and appreciated by all
elusses, both professional and luymen, |
Friends and fellow-citizens | we have no de-!
sire 1o deceive youin this matter, aund il we,
Kknow our own hearts, we would never utter o
word or lift a finger to influence you to your|
injury. We are, therelore, for showing open
bands and clean hearts, and heartily wish never,
10 be guilty of making any statement not horne
out with truth. It is trom the mtuence of these
feclings that we addiess the public respecting
the virtaes of the All-Tlealing Ointment. ‘
v .
We will now name some diseases successfully
treated ;
Salt Rheum.-—Muny persons came who bk
had this ditficulty for 7, 10, und 15 yeuars, and
nothing seemed to do any good.
Lilectually cured, six hundred and fifty.
Nervous Sick Headache.~We have not
yet failed in curing this compluint, We suppose
we could roally cure the headache nine tunes
in ten take the world aver.
Successlully cured, cheven huadied,
Diseases of Children.—llow many thou
jsands are swept away by giving internal wedi
‘cines, when their young bodis and tendes
Mrames are unable to bear up agaimst powerlul
drugs and physies!'! Such cuses as Croup,|
[ Cholic, Worms, Cholera Difuntiom, and all
;.\‘mnmrr Complaints, by which so many
children die, the Ointment will remove se
|speedily and surely, that a physician will never
[be needed. Mothers ! throaghout all this land,
‘we now solamnly and sacredly declare to you
[ that the All Healing Omtment will save your
|(:h||«|neu from an early grave il you will use it ;!
and we hold up our warning voice, and declare’
lin the face of the whole world, Children need
‘not die more than others. Butitis from the
]want of proper nourishment and the constant
drugging they undergo, which mows them
[down as the rank grass talls bofore the scythe,
| Mothers ! we repeat agan, and of they were
[the last words we were evor to utter, and of
‘course past the reach ol all interest, we would
'suy. *Use the All-Healing Ointment for
lsiehness wanong children.” ’
| Fevers.—Tln all casesof lever, the difficalty
'Hus in the pores being locked up, so that the
theat and perspirntion capeot puss ot The
~.‘\H Healing Omtment will inall cases of fevers
Tdmost instantly untocek the sk and bring fordh
the perspiration.
'\ Female Complomts ~nflammation of the
lkidneys, of the womb, and s falling down,
cweakness and irvegalioity o ted ready and pes
Imanent rehiel. We have had aged ladies 10l
s they could not hive siv moifitlis without it
But to females about to become mothers, il used
for some weeks antecedent to their confine
‘ment, very lew of those pams and convulsions
'which attend them at that period will be felt.
Clhis Faet ought 1o bo known s world over. |
t Successtully cured, one hundred ol fifteen.
Old Sores.="l'he wonderful power it mani
[fests in the cyre of Sores 18 one of the most
remarkable facts connected with the ontue
"admamisteation ol thas Outiment,
! ' Successhully cure «! VI-.'h ven H_u_m:hul
‘ Consumption.—'lhe cares sliected . Cou
sumption are traly gratfyimg. We are suce of
one thing ¢ That if the All-Hlealing Quntiment
‘will do no good, that pesson in Consumption
will find it ditlicult to find any thing thai will,
! Successlully wented, o hundred and over
Liver Complaint has been trened more suc
cesstully, if possible, than Consnmption
Snrc(l'.'yu.-—Hundrmh have boen cured of
Sore Eyos. We have known gersons to send
over 600 miles (o be cared of sore eyes ; and
they are cuped.
Successially troated, seven hyndred awd
Felons, Tumorsy, Warts, Egcrescences of
avery kind and character have been swept ol
by the thousand. |
Probaldy three to fire thowsand cured.
Cutaneons Evuptions ~Nothing has ever
provedd <o successtul i removing pimples,
blotches, exupbions, and all skin diseases, ex
cept the Bible Ombment.
| Successiully treated, seventeen hundred,
C Worms.—Whenever it has been tred, it has
proved timmphant. . We say it unbesitatingly,
hat there is ot 1o be tound o cure for Woirms
so sumple, safe, and certain, as McAlister's
All-Healing Ointinent.
| Cured over three thousand,
I Colds, Coughs, §c.—lunumerable are the
cases cured of these complaints. 4
Between two and three thousand cured.
Searp Hean.—~We have cured enses that netually
detied ten populnr remedies, ns woll ns the abilivy wi 15
or 20 doctors. One mnn told us e speut $5OO on s
children without benetlt, wheu n lew bosvs of she Ont
went cured them,
Couns.—We hinve cured more than ten *Wowsmd !
One of our ngents said e could give us & siing ol
nates that would reach trom the ceiling o the floor of
corns exclusively,
BCROFULA —Cuses of 5, 10, and 20 vears standing
have ouly yielded o the power of tus Qintinend.
sore Lies, Chapped Huauds, Quinsy, Sore Throne,
Aguein the Fuce, Tooth-nche Swellings, Inflanumuations,
and the ke, huve been cured by the thousaid,
Diseases oF ik Chest.—The Omtment hus heen
eminently successiul in coring Asthuna, Pains, Wenk
ness, Oppression, nnd the hke.
Cured over tourteen hendred,
NErvous Disuases —Severn hundred enred, A
CoLp Ferr,—Multitndes of people saller trom eold
feet, wnd never know how 1o remedy the evil, The
Omntment will open the pores, catse inereased rapidiny
i the circulation, and thus restore warinth and eome
tart 1o the feet,
RBuceesstully trented, Eleven Handred.
Panks We hinve known persons (o offer five dollnrs
w box tor the sulve, to onr country agents. vather than
go home withont it tor the purpose ol curing piles,
Suceesstully treated, nime hundeed and lour. 3
BurNs.—For biurus it i not its equul in the workd !
We should be willing to inve it tested with the very
best remedy in Enrope we Americn,
CCured, seven hundred nond over,
[ Maie axn Danororr,=The Oil pressed from the
All-Heating Ointment, produces w hwir oil unsurpassed
by nny prodoction w the waorld,
o This Oil restores the Insensible Perspiration the same
ns the Sulve, nud impurs tone 1o the scalp. 10 the
hair will grow pnder any civeumstances, it will under
1 s restared the hnir in nearly a hundred enses,
Tideed it has et with snccess we did not ourselves
expect, The good it has done is incaleulable, 1o has
carvied glndness and joy into many n dwelling, and we
thunk Him who is the Author of all good that he has
been pleased 1o hiess this shmpte remedy put torth with
sincere and honest motives, in the healing ol so mnny
diseases. 1t has wleendy restored many a poor mnn (o
his wite and ehildren, on whom all their dependence
wis liid, und we beheove that not ten bdividunls can
he found among the 50,000 who have used it, who s
sorey that it hins oome to bis knowledge
shoh s s Feopplion among the peonie.
Friends and tollow-citiaons | welcome this great and
good mediome to your homes. You shall never regret
il, we pledge you our good word,
g Sole Propriclors,
'Granp Dgror, 168, Sourn-st.,, N. Y.
z IForsale by R.J. TAYLOR, Agent,
| Newport, R 1 Nov. 1815,
' As the Art-llEaniNo Oivevest has been greatly
connterieited, we have given this cantion to the public,
that “po Oantment will be geunine unless the numes o)
Jumes MeAlister, or James MeAlster & Co,ure wiir-
CTEN With a pEN upon EVERY label 7 ‘The Inbel s n
Pnteel engruving, with the tigure of “InsessinLk Pea
[ sPIRATION on the faces
Now we hereby offer o reward of 8500, to he paid on
convietion in any of the constituted courts of the Uni
ted Stutes, ol any individual counterteiting our name
and Ointment,
National Loan Fund
Life Insurance Society, of London:
CAPITAL $2,500,000.
The following are among the advantages
offered by this lustitution ;
I'he gnarantee ofa large subseribed Capi
tal i addition ¢o the accumulation of Premi
I'he peculiar benefit sccured to the as
sured by the principle of the Lioan Depart
T'he payment of Prewminms, anuually, half
yearly, or quarterly,
I'he travelling lease extensive and hiberal.
Thirty days allowed after cach payment
of premium becomes due, without forfeitare
of Pohiey.
Fhe Society being founded on the Myru-
AL & Joine Srock principle, parties may
parthicipate in the profits of the Society, two
thirds of which are annually divided among
the Assured.
The Society is not connected with either
Marine or Fire lnsurance,
No charge made the assured tor Medieal
For the character and respectability of the |
Institution, the Society has the privilege of
referring to the
thon, Asrors bawnescr, and !
Wirtiam Avereron, Esq., Bosion.
Medical Examnner in Newport, RO F, '
Turopninus € Dexy, M. D, ‘
Pamphlets containing tables ot rates, §e -1
mny be exammed and all necessary nforn. |
tion obtained at the Agents office i this |
town, over Mr. Callahan’s Book Store,
Phames-st, .E. ROBBINS, Jgent. |
Newport, R 1 Nov, 20, 1845. ‘
Afexander’s Tricobaphe.
\ new and valnable Liguid Dye whicli
& istantanconsly changes the color of
the hair to a beautital hirown or black, with
ot imgury to the haie or skin and which will
not fail of complete success, when propeily
applied. Sold by
Sign of e Mortar, neas the Cowrl House.
Aug. 21, 1845.
- e
ll AN just recevedand will keep cansta
Iy tor sale,a large assortipent of Pl-
ANO FORTES, minde by Hallei, Davis & Co
Boston, slx and seven octaves, with elegant
Rosewood, Walonut and Mahogany cases, al
the munafactirers lowest prces, angd every
Los<triment warranied (o give thie most per
fec b snlislaction,
Please enll and examine them, ot
N, G 99 & 35, lestmanster Styeel
Providence, July 10, 18145,
P‘()R Jarge and smnll Packages (exe!oding
Mail matter) hetween Newpart, Boston,
Fall River, Paunton and New Bedford. -
Freight i large quantities teken at reduced
COfhiee in Newport 71, Thames street,
Office 1 Boston at Duolittle’s City Tavern
Bratle street
Linnen Botanic Gardens and
Flushing, near New York,
PRINCE & CO., have just pub
hshed thew Unrivalled Descnptive
Catalogues of Fuver, and Onsavesran
Trers anp Praves, compimig: the largest
assortment of the varions elnsses, and the
greantest collection of newe and rare vanetes
ever yet offered to the publie, and at greatly
reduced prces. Bvery vanety of Trees
and Pranes, is indwvidually desernibed witlia
precision never betore evineed i any Eoro
pesn or American Catalogue 5 and the gross
rlunders of other Catalogues, are also set
abight, I'he collection of Rosks comprises
above 1200 splendid vaneties, These s
perior Catalogues will be sent gratis to every
post paud apphicant,
eb, IDh, WM. R.PRINCE & CO.
For the vemoval and permanent cuve of all
diseases avising from an unpure slale
; of the blood, ar habit of the sys
; lem,
~ I'hisvaluable Medicine is now used and uni
versally approved by the most distinguished of
the medical profession throughout our country,
and by its intrinsic medical value the pubhic go
nerally (but the alllicsod particulaily ) have been
made acquanited with its uselulness, in the ve
woval and cure of diseases having thelr origin
in an impure state of the blovd. “Fae Sarsapa
rilla is combined with other ingredients, all of
which are held in the highest estiation by the
most distinguished physiciaus #r the removal
and permanent cure of the following and similar
maladies :
Scrofula in allies fovms o diseases of the Bones,
Joints and Ligaments ; Eiuptions an the Skin
stubiborn Ulcers 5 Syphilitic Sywptoms : Scintica
or Lumbago i the elects ol Mercury : Rheama
tism=—Neuralgi—Scurvy, and various other
painful and chionic affections originating hom
the siine chuse.
The following extract from a letier just come
to hand will be read with interest. I'he wiiber,
Mr. Almy, is a geatleman of the first respecta
by, Justice of the Peace, &c. "The patient
sullered for vears with Pever Sores on his legs,
aud could find no reliel until he used Sand’s
Sarsaparilla. - Mr. Ay, wiiting at the requess,
and on behall of the patient, Jonathan ilarris,
suys :
Brookryn, Conn, July 10, 1844
- Gentlemen =TIt has once more becene my
duty to conununicate Lo you the situntion of Mr.
Hasris, and you wmay rely upon it | do so with
the utimosi pleasure. Mr. Harris says, shat four
of hus sores are enticely healed wgp, wod the re
mainder are fast doing so. Ile farther suys he
has no pain in the affected lanb whatever— il
his sleep s of the most reflreshing nature, nid
his health in every respect very much impsoved
—xo visible is the change, that all who sce him
exclaimy, **What a change " and garnestly in
guire what he has been doing * e has gained
in Resh very much, and i able to work at his
trade, (which s that of a shoemakes,) without
any inconvenience, ‘l'his is the substance ol lus
narvative ;3 bat the picture | canuod in any way
here do justice. "U'he weanner, the gratitude,
the faith, wad vhe exhilarating etiect upon his
spivits, you can but faintly imagine. He requests
me to say that he will come on to see you as
surcly as he lives. May God contue to bless
your endeavors to alleviate the niseries of the
human family, is the fervent prayer of your sin
cere friend.
HUMPHREY ALVMY, Ju tice of the Peace
Niessrs, Sanns, —Gents, About the middie of August
being out on a gunning excursion, b had the unstortone
to serateh my Jeg with o peisonous weed or birr,
which shortly atterwnrds becnine very mnch swollen
and mtlamed, and which continned 1o ggow worse uot
withstundug the use of various remedivs sl pry
seribed w sueh cases. Toothe il L was tuben 1l with
the bilious fever, which, in cunsequenge ol improper
trentment, settled in the leg injured as above. The sore
on my deg which had hitherto been condned to one
spot, now spread all over the leg, uutil the surfuge from
my ankle 1o the knee became one coptinuous aleer,
which discharged lurge quantities of vicalent maiier.
During all this taue 1 was wider the treatment ol
severnl obear begt physicians without receiving wny
benelbt feam them, when ws n lasd resort @ prosured o
wew hottles of vour Sarsaparilia, the use of wlhich hus
entirely enred me. L ased only tour bokthes nad u hal
e nlly and iy henddi s now periectly restored.
Respecinily vours, 0, JONES 159 Chrystie of,
For iurther particiings snd conclusive evidence ofits
superior valune and efliency, see pamphlets, which may
e obtained gratis. Prepaced and sold, wholesale and
revind, by )
A. H-".b W SANDE, Dengeists, 79 Fulton-st, N. %
Sold also by Dee R R HAZARD, & RORERT K
PAVIOR Newport, nmd Droggists generally theoaah
cut the Umiied Staies. Price a2l per bobtiy siv bothius
370 The public are respectiuiiy r:-,.m--u'l o remem
Ler that it s Sands’ Saesapaeibm that nas and s con
slunty aghieving such semrkable cures ob th
:l.lli"¢|!| Clivss 0 hisgnses 1o whiva the hnman wnme is
subject @ therekore ask for Bunds’ Sarsapusibln, nnd tihe
wi other, Juneg 1.
or the iles,
A valuable internal Reomedy
The Vagotable Pile Electuary, invented by
Di. A Upham, n distinguished physiein of N.
York city, is the only really successtul remedy
for that danzerons apd distressing complaint, the
"Ik, ever offered to the Amevican public.
[ Mk this—= it is an Tuternal Rewady —aot awn
external apphicatian, and will cuze any case ol
L PUes, eivher Bleeding or Blhond, Internal or Ex
-1 wernal 3 wad probabily the only thing that will
[ ‘There s wo miwinke aboui ik Tt is & positive
| cure—<peedy and permanent, 1w also n con
venient medwine 1o tuhe, and improves the
geneond health g temarhable mgnner. |
Fach Bos contams twelve dases, ne 8 1.3 cis
per dose. Liis very wild Wds aperation, il
way bo takea in cases of the most acwle in
fammarion withoat dasger. Al external np
| phieations wie in e highest degres lluugn'mflplu.
inconvertent and affensive and from the very
watare of the disease, temporary in thew effects.
| Vs Medvemne attacks the diseinse at s souree,
L and removin the cagse, renders the gure ces
|t and permanent :
i Pamphlers giving valunhle informatlon re
apecting this Medwie, may be obtatned ol
‘ Agenis, gratisg
o bBAVID F, BRADLEE, General Agent for
l e New Fogland Sinies, 119, Court st Hoston.
! Ackents.—Newport, R J. FAVLOR
| Bristol, S. W, Buicos—Warren, W, PAn-
Lk Er—Providence, Grosvenor & Cuase,
! Aug. 21, 18451 y,
Butler®s Effcrvescent Magnesian
! Aperient.
l“()l{ Dyepepsin, Nervons deblity, head
‘ ache, habitnal costiveness, cutaneous
digenses, gout, geavel &e., and as o gentle
cooling purgalive correcior of acidity, &c, 18
adimirably adapted to the complaints of the
i'pro«'nl seneon, poscessing at the same time
the ngreeable yualities of & Glase of Soda
A Water, Sold by R.R. LHAZARD,
| sgn of the Golden Martar, near the Court
CHonse. '
|| 4‘“'.'.2‘.
Uet. 2
New Yourx, March 171 l i),
| Letters of Albert Gallatin,
| New Youk, Jan. 22, |B6,
The United States have the same night
¥ Great Brtan, and are equally bound
o proteet thew ciizens residing i the
Oregon termtory in the exercise of all
the rights secured to thew by the eon-
Cvention. Lt has been fully adminted that
these raghts embrace the nght to settle
wrand over any part of the ternitory, and
that to be, 10 all cases whatever, anmena
ble only to the junsdiction ol their own
country. ‘T'he subjects of Great Breiam,
who are ot the emplay of the Hud
son Bay Company, ave fohidden to trade
with the nahives ; and the company does
m act control and govern all the Brinsh
subjects residing wm the terntory, This
gives u strong guarantee agatvst the
violation, by rash individuals, ol the
nights of the citizens of the United States,
Should any of them, however, be dis-
Autbed mothe excrcise of their legitimate
rights, and the company should be unabilo
or unwilling to relieve and wdemmly
them, the Umited States would be justly
entitled to appeal 1o the Bonsh Govera
ment for the redress of a violaton ol
rights secured by the convention @ lor
the British Government has pefserved a
control over the Hudson Bay Company,
and daes, v laet, shroughat, govern the
Brtish subjeets who resule 1 the tein
I'he United States are plaeed, in that
respect, i a very different situation, It
i 5 nod beheved that the General Govern
ment s awhornized to incosporate, us a
pohitical body, a commercial campany,
with such powers as would give it an
eilicient control over the pnivate citiaens
restding o the territory . Such delega
tion of powers, either by any of the
States or by Congress, is wholly wcon
sistent with our istiutions. The United
States miy deed give to thew ciizens
in Oregow a regular and eomplete judi
crary system 5 and they way also extend
to them, as the Brnsh government has
done ou its part, the lawsol an adjacent
terrdory. But an executive local powey
is wanted in thiscnse, asitis everywheso
else undes any florm of Governum'nt
whatever, to cause the laws ta be exe
cuted, and to have that geoeral control
which 15 now exereised, through the
Hudson Bay Compauy, by the Britisi
Govervment. Fhere are besides varous
acts of a public, though local pature,
such as opening roads, making bridges,
erecting Lloek houses for protection
against the natives, providing for the
destitute, &ey oall which are performed
by the Fhudson Bay Company, and can
not be accomphished by insulated ndivi
duals, bound by wo legal association oy
Whether any measwres may ba devis
ed, other than a territonial government,
that will be suflicient for the purpose u
tended ; whether all the American city
zens residing 10 Oregon mught aat be -
corporated and wmade o body pohie, with
powers eguivalent to those vested the
Hludson Bay Company, and wuh the
rescrvation by the Geoeral Governmewi
of a 4 check ar contral analogous to that
reserved by the Government of Greatl
Britain, are questions worthy ol serous
consideration. But Great Britmn has
the same interest asthe Unided States ta
prevent colhision during the continuance,
ol the convention; and 1t is believed thai,
if negotiations should be renewed, witl
an cqual and smcere desite on bhotly
sides to preserve (rieudly relations, there
would be no difliculty at tas tine e gouy
ing to an understanding on the subject,
it would seem suthicient that this should
he accompanied with provisious, preveat
ing the possibility ol the powers exer.
cised by the United States bewng evel
apphied to Brtish subjects, and wili an
eaphieit declaration that these pawers
saonld never be constiged as an wnis
«ion by Great Britanof agy clamn of the
United States to exclusive sovereignty.
| There 18 another twportant subjecy
which has uot, 4 = believed, eyer heen
discussed by the two Powers, This i
the clauu 1o dhe ownersbip of the places
setiled and unprove d under the conyen
ton, It secs to me thaty ow the prg.
ciples of both patural and teraationig
law, these nghts, to a defined extent,
should be respected by vack ower 1o
spechively, whose sovervignty over the
poition of the wrntory mowlaeh «ueh
proved setdewents may be situated wily
wlhmately be recogniaed, It apivare
also that #he Unuted Statesmay, i con
formity with the conventun and withoug
atieeting 1o nny gshape the claimms navane
ed by Great Botam, passa law declanng
that they abandon or grant without wag
ranty, ko such ol vßglr ¢ Lizens ns sl bl
kave made actual and bona fide sentle
ments i oany pat ol Oregon, wder thy
convention all the nights ol wod elanmg
to the ownership ol the sml, on wlhnely
cveh settlomems shall have begy made,
which the Unmited Siates wmny now op
hereafter ¢laim or acguive 5 limting and
defiping the extent ol e ginuk i the
wrme manner as would be done il such
grant was absolute | nnd promisingg that
the title should Le contirmed, i ease nnd
whenever the sovervignty of the Uniteda
States was recognised of nsserted and
L The acts which the Government of
the United Brates may do, i confornmty
with the convention, cmbrace two oh
jecte ; the wenasures nppheable 10 the
tereory within thew ncknowledged honty
which muay tacilitate and prowote migia
tion ;5 and those which are necessary loe
he protection of therr ciizens psiding
lm the Oregon termtory.
It 1o @ temathable lact that, althoug i
Whele No. 831