Newspaper Page Text
KRERALD OF THe TIMES. THURSDAY J.ov. 4th 1852. o Lt any one was ’uimd of gnz ing upon a sincerely mournful congres gution, they ought to have looked into our office u little aficr miduight, Tues day night, and they would have seen about forty us melanchoiy faces ne ev er humanity exhibited —for all refused to be comtorted ; and about 2 o'clock in the morning we directed Ihe Telegruph ¢ operator to #top his clicking wires, for we slready had o much of thie returns which had been coming all during the night. Just as we had retired, some of the rascally and unteeling locolocos had the impudence 1o plant a cannon direct lv uonder our windows and blaze nway ae il they were storming a torl.— We w Il remember them eome of these days. ‘ B 3 The Town Meeting in this town yesterday opened at 10 o'clock, William H. Cranston, Moderator, presidir g. George W. Taylor E«q. was elected Judge of Probate, and John Sterne, Esq. Acceesor ol Taxes, At the close of the polls in this town l:at evening, the votes stood as ful- lows : Whole number, For Scott, * Picrce, ** Hale, Scattering, I 3 Among those who voted n this town Tueeday for Scott & Graham, wus Nathan Muuro, who 18 one hundred years old. He vored for George Waeh ington at hie firet election, and has re mained true to whig principles ever since thnt ume. 3" As the last mail train for Phila. delphia, from this city, was parsing be tween Elizabethtown and Rahway, last evening, the engineer discovered a horse man about croesing the track, a short distunce in ndvarce ol the engine. Ev ery alarm was at once given, but before the tranin could be stopped, 'o horee was struek and cut to picces, and the rider, & Mr. Wood, residing in the neighborliood, was found standing a short distance off, sale and sound. Ro great bad been his terror, that he, was totally unable to declure whether Le bl been violenily flung there, or had abandoned his eeat in ime, The sad uie and gnth were subsequently found on the locomotive, where they had been landed in the collision.— N. Y. Times. 3" We learn from the St. Louis Re publican, that a Convention, 1o be com.- pueeu vi delegates liom all the States borceiing the Mississippi river, has been Cutea bod e purpose of lorming & com pouy to constivet @ railtoad along the vallcy of the Migsiesippi. from the Faulls ol 81. Autbouy 1o the Gulf of Mexico. The Convention will asscmble at St Louiv on the third Monday of Novem bur. Sir John Franklin- The news of ‘open water 1n Wellington Channel,’ just brought to England bty the Prince Albert, seens 10 huve animated every bosom with renewed hope that the mys tery which hangs about the fate of the 1 esing nuvigators is at length in a fair wiy to be lound. All eyes now are fix ed upon Sir Edward Belchier, wha, at lust dates. war pushing Lis way up the chanuel with vvery expectanen of pro eveding without material interruption when the Prince Albert left. § % In the General Assembly, yester day, Mr. Cranston introduced an act to repeal the act for the suppression of drinking houses and tippling shope,— better known as the mnotorivus Maine Law. A Dostan Fditor Caught Napping Moses A. Dow, Esq., Editor of the W averly Magazine, Boston, was swind leu in the purchase of a wateh to tho tune of $l6O, by the Peter Funks of Cathsm sueet, New York. He recov ered Lo money, however, through the pulice. Mr. Duw ought to read the duily papers. Newe'rrom e Waarnine Freer The New Bedford Mercury of Monday morning has * reports from about seventy ships on the coast of Kam schatkia, up 1o August Ilst. The shijs have done very well, the average ca'ch being about nine whales to ench vessel. The few reports which we have from the Arctic donot look ro well, but they ure not sufficiently numerous to demou strate the fortune ol the season.” Inceniovs Basnk Nores.—The Bank ot Hurttord County (Mass.) hus adoptcd the Atwater patent inits bille. by which the dehomination is ascortained, in od dinon 1o the usual figures, &c., adopted by the engraver. Mr. Atwuter’s plan is to manufaciure the bank note paper in such a way that no wleration can be made {rom alow to a higher denomina tion. He introduces borders on the end of the note, in addition to the fi, ares which indicute its value—single border for a one dollar bill, two borders for two dollars, and five borders for five dollars, These are inserted at the leit hand of the note. For the wen dollar notes a single boraer is introduced on the right end ; two borders lor a twenty dollur bill.— Tiiese various borders chunge the posi tions ol the names of the president and eashier, und also of other portions of the bauk note, so that the general appear ance of each denomination w entirely diuerent trom any other, 7 Snow fell o the depth of eighteen inches in Rimouski Ceunty, Canada, on the 17th vl O¢tlober, The pride of Bouth Curclina—Car wous. e yei ly ngin 5t Philisp’s chureh yard, and no evidence ol the grea slatesman’s resting pleees but o paece of stone. Thie neglect will be reniedied, 0o ewdd, and it s time, How they Punish Troason in Persia.—— We mentioned recently, the attempt agiinst the lite of the Shah of Persiu, We now lewrn that Hajee Sulennan Khan, uecused as the instigator of the cr me, was scized, his body carelully doilied with a knife in purts which would not at the moment enuse deatg pieces of lighted candles were then imrodueed into the lLoles, and, thus iliominated, it wae eurried in proce - sion through the bazar, and finally Cconveyed o the town gates, and there poelelt o twaan hike a tat ram,. The i Kurret=il Ao, better known as Bab's | laeutenant, o e Fair Prophetess ol . Kuzoeen, who, since the late rehgious i outhreak, has beer kept a close prison cerat the capitul; has becn executed, | with some dozen others, His Majesty - received three slug wounde in the !shoulder, bhut all of a very slight ' nature, Mr. Webster’s Trip from Baltimore to Washington.—= Mr Webster, belore railroude were built, was forced one mght to make a journey, by private conveyat ce, from Baltimore 10 Wasl.- ington. ‘The man who drove the wagon wus euch an il'-looking tellow, and told s 0 _many etories of robberies and murders, thut bofore they had gone tar Mr. Webster was almost frightened out ol hie wite. At last the wagm stoj ped in the midst of n dense wood, whon the . an, turniug suddenly round to Lis passenger, exclmmed fiercely. ¢ Now, sir, tell me whe you are.” Mr, Webster replied in a laltering voice, and ready to spring liom the vohicle, *1 aim Damel Webster, momber of Con gress (rom Mossachusetts!” “What,” rejoined the driver, grasping him warm ly by the hand, “are you Webster.— Thank God! thank God ! You ure such u deuced ugly chap that ook you tor some cut-throat or lighwaymun.”— This is the substance ol the story, but the precise words used by Mr, Wbster himsclf, 0 repeating it, we cannot re call. 13 615 135 Death ot M». Baylies.~The New Bedtord Mercury announces the death at Taunton on Thureday of the Hon, Francis Baylicse at an advanced age. He was a member of the 17th, 18th and 191 Congresses from the old Bristol district, In the Precidentinl contest which finally ended in the choice ol John Q. Adams, he threw for Andrew Juckson the cnly e'ectoral vote he re ceived in New Ergland. He was ap pointed minster to Brazil soon after wards, but alme<t immediately recalled. Au Liponsive Ride,~ A Yaukee ship master, i St. Petereburg, Russia, re cently got njon the statue of the Colles ral Toiee, in the equare, and scated himselt behind Peter the Great. The fun cost ban £6CCO, the amount ol the fire. Wlhen the captain remonstrated with the Judge at the largencee of the fine, suying that it was rather an expen sive ride, Ithe Judge geod uaturedly re plied, that the captuin never before rode g 0 expensive a horse. A Facr. An cccentiic nan in Dath Me., wae ashed to contribute to foreign miseions. He gave a quarter of a dol lar, but stopped the agent us he was departing. ard said: “Here is a dollar o jay the expence of getting the quar ter to the heauthen.” U 5 Some mischievous wage, ore mght, jullcd down a rturner’s sign, and putit over a lawyer's door; in the morning it read : “*All #orts ot Turning and Twisting d ne Lcre. U 7 A married woman of the Shawa nee Indians, made this beautitul reply to a man whem she met in the woodes, and who implored her to love and look on him:—*Oulman, my husband,” said she, ““who is lorever belore my eyer, hinders me from seeing you, or any o'l.- er person.” A physician once boasted to Sir Henry Halford, saying, * I was the first to discover the Asiatic cholera, and communicate it to the public !” (7 The following question 18 now being debated by the Tilletudlem Lyce am - “Which wil sconest make a per son rich —aitending to his own busi. nces, or letting other people’s alone 77 Furocy o Wegsren.—Hon. Edward Eoverctt has been wdvited to deliver the eunlogy on Nr. Webster betore the City Authoritics of Loston. Private Laje of Webster.—" The llar pers announce that they will publish, in a few days the private lite of Daniel Webster by Clarles Lanmau, for some years his private secretary. A Vaivarie Cossiperation.—We understand that two m liions of _dollars have l eun oflered by one ol our wealth irst citizens to the Common Council, through the Special Committee having that matter in charge, ns a bonus for the right ol constructing a Railroad in Broadway.—N. Y. Cour. and Eng. Morse Telegraph Lanes.—'T'he officers of the several telegraph lines workeo under the Morse patent have called a convention of all purties interested to meet at Washington. on the sth day ot March next. T'ue objeet is to adopt a uniform mede of operating and duing business throughout the country. ' Tue Mexican Bouspany Suvrvey Mr. Bartlett ! the American Commis=- | won on the Mexiean Boundary Survey, ' sniled from Now Orlenns on the 2410 vl | He i« on hie way 1o Kl Paso, or wherev | er the chiel rendezvous of the ecmmis. #ion may be. It ie roppored that Mr. Bartlett carrmes -ut. to the members ol ' the conimission orders to übandou their s labuis, I THE TIMES NEWP HERALD C ; Homors to Mr. Webster in New York— New Yoik, Nov. 1.-In unearly every ' church in this city, yeeterday, the death | of Mr. Webster was alluded to in con ! nection with the sermons, and at sever al places it wae the subjeet of the morn ing discourse. There wus a larger at ~ tendance than on any previous occasion, ~and the flage throughout the city arc , yetdraped in mourning. . Line of Clippers to China.— Merera. ' Ogden & Haynes, merchants on the | corner of Jackson and Front strecte, are - establishing a line of clipper vessels from this port to China, The line has ' been n:med the Oriental. The first ves . sel ol this line, the bark Pathfinder, is . advertised 1o leave on the Ist of Octo . ber, and will touch at Honelulu if suffi cient inducement offers. This will bea | great accommodation to our commercial - community, and is the first step towards " a regular communication with China " and the Oriental porte. The bark Fan . ny Major, the second ol the line, will leave on the sth of October, and will i touch at the Sandwich Islande.— Alta - California, Scpt. 25. : " T Prevent Iron and Steel from Rust ' irg.— Heat the iron or steel till it burns ~ the hands, and then rub it with a piece of pure white wax, and polish it with a piece of cloth or soft leather. This sim jle operation, it is stated, fills the pores of the meta!, and defends it entirely from rust, even though it should be exposed 1o moisture, L 5 We are greatly indebted to Mr Charles E. Perry, the Telegraphic Op erator in this town, for his prompt and faithful attendance at the office Tuesday night, and in obtaining the returns for ue ns Inet as they were recieved in Providence. Mr. Perry is an excellent operator and in as obliging as he is skil ful. If the returns did not suit wus, it was not Mr. Perry’s fault. We are also indebted to the operators in Full River and Providence for their prompt and faithiul services during ti.e mght, in the transmission ol returne, 8o Tcleqrapl. Monirg, Oct, 30, The steamship Black Warrior, Cap tain Shufeldt, frem New-York 234 d inst., via Hlavana, erossed Ihe bar here at 2§ o'cleck this P. M. Her time to Havana wus lour days sixteen hours, and to this port six days. The steamrhip Powhatian, with Judge Coukling the Mexican Minister, on board, arrived at Havana on the 234 irst, The Judge, on proecedirg to the American Consul’s house. wae followed by the rablle, who loadid Lim with all kinds of abusive and insulting language- Judge Counklin afierwards proceeded to the house of the Governor General, bu. the result of the interview is urknownt The Government of Cuta Lave adoy - ted & new ecale ef import deties, SECOND DISPATCII MoniLe, Oct. 30. Wel arn that in the interview with Judge Corklin, the Cajtain General expresscd his willingness to allow the Cre cent City to lund her mails and pussengers in future, but will not suffer Puieer Bmith to go nsliore. He also apologized for past conduct, which he admitted wus too husty. The whole difficulty is likely, therelore, to be soon amicably seuled, The Powhattan sailed, with Judge Cenklin, for Vera Cruz on the 28th Oc teber, it Nomn, Edwind Everett appoint ed *ecretnry of State, Doeton, fl!undu,, Nov. L The Adverliser of this morning states that ou the deccase of Mr. Webster, President Fillmore wrote to Hon, Ed, ward Everett, inviting him to fill the of fice ol Seeretary ol State. Mr. Ever ett, having hald the subject two or three duys under consideration, on Sat urday, gave on answer of accept. ance. WasningTon, Nov 1. The Republic in announcing the ac ceptance of Mr. Everett, says, it is an appointmen* which will meet the appro bation of the whole country. He has had the enviable honor ot being recom mended by Mr. Webster for the posi tion next in rank and assimilation of duty to that which he is now called to fill. und of having Leen endorsed for that position by Mr. Clay. W asnineTON, Oct, 29, Mr. Fillmore and Gen. Scott.—The Rejp üblic ol his morning says that Mr. Fillmore, from the moment of Gen. Scott’s nomination, approved of it as good in itselt, based on an admirable platform and b nding upon the Whig party. : 07"/ & soon us we can dig out from under the rurs « tle late jolitical ca tustroplie.and cmerge to daylight again utlicicntly to know where we vre, and to Jdraw a long breath, we shall ¢} eak our gentivents piuitly and calmly n regard to the lute election, the candi dutes, and tle reeults which must inevi tably encue. The Whig party has been wickedly and ignomiuiously sacrificed, and the guilty ones must be held respon sible tor their conduct, because no true Whig can ever repose the slightest con fidenee in them herealter. 3We are assured from an authen tie and rebable vonrce that the two men who were injured by blasting rocks in a well at Mrs. Cleveland's house, about two weeks ngo, were very baaly injur ed us we #tated ut the tune, notwith standing there | ae been a partiol denisl ol It ol 2 ORT, R. I. THURSD St i T el ¥ 2 - ELECTION RETURNS. RHODE ISLAND, P 7 NEWPORT COUNTY. Newport 615 445 10 Middletown o 8 19 8 Portsmouth - 149 92 00 Tiverwm 195 224 22 Little Compton 7% 70 4 Jamestown 00 13 maj). 00 N. Shoreham 00 000 000 1132 857 PROVIDENCE COUNTY. Providence 2267 5172 229 N. Providence 198 42 47 Cumberinnd 213 434 30 Smithficld 381 670 53 Bcituate 235 394 4 Foster 145 180 11 Glocester 57 . 358 21 Burrillville 117 300 21 Cranston 172 297 12 Johnston 108 241 3 393 5528 481 PRISTOL COUNTY. Bristol 807 260 00 Warren 253 75 2 Barrington 69 32 0 629 367 KENT COUNTY. Warwick 443 281 87 Coventry 264 156 22 Enst Greenwich 102 139 21 West Greenwich 30 142 3 539 748 83 WASHINGTON COUNTY, N. Kingstewn 274 218 4 8 Kingstown 222 220 13 Exeter 78 146 Richmond 17 145 3 Hopkinton 130 17 28 Westerly 168 119 3) Charlestown 33 121 1 1122 1086 BECAPITI'LATION, Providence Co, 3593 5523 431 Newport Co. 1152 857 14 Washington Co. 1022 1086 80 Keit Co. 839 748 53 Bristel Co. 629 367 2 é 7515 8386 640 A 5 The proceedings ol ceridin row- dies at the Town meeting Tueeday night were diegraceful in the extreme. The Sherifl in attempting to preserve order was scized by them and a general fracas ensucd. Their names are known and they were recognised in their resis tance to the Sherifl. Itis the du'y of that officer to prosecute these men to the utmost extent of the!aw, and make them sufler ite keverest penalty. We care not who itfalls upon, for it is quite time that efficient steps were taken to put an end to the disgraceful proceedings which have been had at our Town Meetings, during the evening, for several years past,—and there is no way to remedy it except to n.ahe nn cxample of those who are known to be guilty, and then others will profit by their suflering, and ‘earn to conduct thenselves in a decent mauner on such occaeions. The Sherifl owes this to the dignity of his office and 12 the whole community.— If he ullows this flugrant offence to pass . unnoticed at some future (ime he will te | reated with contempt again, and the - high position which he hol‘s will be + trampled upon with impunity. A Mod-, - erator can do nothing on such occasiors ~ erpecially under the present law, be { cause he cannot leave the Ballot-box ; . could we have have lelt our pogition thay | night, we would hLave had some hall . dozen men, at least, either dead or alive, taken to the Jail,—und this ought to have been dore. When o Sherifl' com . mands order, he must be obeyed, or he ’3 will loee all authority and cannot ex . pect any official respect. Unless some I. remedy ol this kind is provided, no mun can be found much longer who will dis charge the ardvous and most unwel come duties of Modera tor of such n cet ings as are held i Newport, The Sherift's office is a high one, his word is law and his person is sacred, and the penalty for resisting him is very ce vere. He has the command ol the whole county, and every man is compelled to aid him when calied vpon,— and if' any one reluses, he is liable lor this refusal, A Sheriff muet always be prompt and firm, and ever be mindtul of his duty, and know that ali power and all men must yield to him. No officer requires mere physical strength—he must have moral power, and when he epeaks, do it in ¢euch a manner as ehall convince ev- ety ore tlat heis determined to be obeyed, even if it is at the risk of the lives of oflenders and violators of the law. o+ We paid a visit to the Democratic head-quarters, which were brilliantly il luminated, iast evening, by invitation of an old Iriend, as we were passing by ; we were recieved with three hearty cheers, by the crowd, tor which we re turned our thanks. Our friends there, although politically opposed to us. re ceived and entertained us very kindly,— and although we could not rejoice with them, we had a hearty laugh at the po sition in which our party 18 in, without being abie scarcely to find a single State which will give its clectorial vote for Scott. The Prussians and Wellington.—Sev eral officers of the 38th Regiment of Prussian Inluntry are candidates for the honor of being sent to Englard with the deputation of the regimertthat is to at tend the funeral of the Duke of Wel hington ite commander. Those who se'ved in the campaign of 1815, it is un derstood, are 10 have the prelerence, Wessrern Evioey.—ln consequence of the appointment of Mr. Everctt as Secretary ol State, he is obliged 10 de cline pronouncing an eulogy on Mr. Webster. Mr. Choate will probunly supply his pluce, as eulogist. It is loi tunate that so eloquent a voice is to ut ter the prolific production. Sorrow showe ue trutl s ne the nigh brings out stare. . Y MORNING NOV. 4, &3 It is useless for ve to give detarls of the election, for we have no faney for such kind of figures. ‘Il he Whie purty has sustuined a worse fhan Waterloo defeat, ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER IMPORTANT TO EYSPEPTICS, -~ Dr, J. 8, HOUGHTGN'S PEPSIN, The True Digestive Flui!, or Casiric Juice, vepared from BENNETT, or Ihe i'()l)l&'l‘fl STOMACH OF THE OX, after directions of Baron LIEBIG, tle great Physiclo ical Chemisy, by J. N, HOUGHTON M. D., Philade!phia. This is traly a wonderful remedy for INDIGENS 'I‘I()x\fv. DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, LIV ER COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION and DEBILITY,curing afier NATURE'S OWN METHOD, by NATURE'S OWN AGENT, the GAS"YRIC JUICE. Pam phlets containing Scientifiz evidence of its calue, furnished by agents gratis. See no ¢ among the medica' advertisements. (From N Y. Morning Star) TrRuLY ALaRMING '—The City Inspector’s weekly returns exhibit a fearful array ummh by diseases of the stomach and the bowels, aris ing directly or indirectly from im{wrl’wl digestion, The human body can no more be in a healthy state w en the stomach is disordered, than a watch can keep true time when its mainspring is injured. And how readily and painlessly the digestive apparatus and all its dependent organs can be regulated and restored to their fuil vigor ! The alterative aud cordial properties of Hutch- INGS’ VEGETABLE Dysrersia Birrers will accomplish this objeet with a ) recixion and cer tainty llmtj’un(ify us in pronouncing it infallible, The accordant testimony of all wfw have been wige enough to give ita trial, bear us out in the assertion. The proof of its efficacy does not rest upon the statement of a few patients, but upon the voluntary declaration of thousands. Cin:ulynrl, containing the certificates of remark able cures, and the ‘fii;h estimation in which this Medicine is held by the public press, can he had of the agents, free, Price 30 cents per bottle. Principal Ofice, 122 Fulton street, N. Y, Juneld [F'rom the Irish American.) AxArreaL 1o Common SENsE.~It won't do, at this day, to advance an opinion without giv. ing a reason for it. We might tell the public in every issne of our paper, that HUTCHINGS’ VEG ETABLE DYSPEPSIA BITLERS were a specific for Indigestion, and all the discages growing out of it, but they would nct believe our ipse diant without we gave them the why and the where. fore. We lfwr«-'in‘e stute, as the result of per sonal observation and from the concurrent testi weny of all our friends and acquaintances who have ticd the artic!c, or have seen it tried, that its tonie, alterai;ve, and ’u"nmralive properties are altogether unequalled. That it braces the system, restores the appetite, raises the Spirits, imparts firmness to the nerves, and invigor .18 the consti tution; and that its stimulating effect s .‘;-llow:-cl by no reaction. We therefore consider it 12 very best stomachic which me .ical science has yet given to mankind, Circulars, containing the certificates of yenmunk able cures, and the high estimation in which this Medicine is held by the public press, can be had ot the agents, free, ~ PRICE 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Principal office, 122 Fulton street. Be xor Drevaven.—Morse's Compound Byrup of Yellow Dock Root does not, like wany Patent Medi cines. deceive those who use it. 1t is just what it professes to be, und always cures the diserses for which it iy recommended when ianhen according to directions. Such is the universul testimony of those who huve used it, Sold by C G, C. HAZARD. OXYGENATED BITTEBS IN EUROPF. Letter from Rev. L. DOOLITTLE, & highly ;e;oi[e((~ üble Clergy man PARIS, November Isat, 1851, Decr Sir.—About two years since 1 made use of a few bottles of your Oxygennted Bitters, fora sto much compluing, which was at that time relieved.— During the past year having soflered somewhat in my lenuru’ healthy, my medicul advisers recom mended noseavoynze, and some twelve months' re spite fiom public duty, Bince my siay in England and Franee, 1 have found my old enemy, bicivomliay ol dhe stomach, return ing awgain. 1 have nos foond any presevipion o af ford me relief, and 1 made inquicies . Loudon for im" Oxygenmed ivers, Buccorld not find sny . write now o beg you will do me he favo to send by the earliesi sicamer to Havre nalf & dozen hor tlew, care of Livingston, Wells & Co., 8 Place de la Bourse, Pans., An old {riend of mine in England, Captain Jacl sonu, of the Brivish Arvany, 1 foend, onmy arrival, saf ferinz wom Asthme, »v ilesddy the resalt of Dys pepsin, I you have a mind 1o sead an edditionsl Ln"’n dozen bott )s, 1 shoald Yike to have the Cap tain try the med-cioe. 1 should not have troubled you with this, bue for a wish to be quite sure of ob taining the genaine wriicle; anag together wiith the hope of my own rlicy, extend & benefit to otaer sufterers like myself, I beg to observe, ps | am not aware that iny name in known to you, that | have been the resident elee gyman for some cwenis-ihiree years, in Sherbcook and Lennoaville, Cannda Eaust, 1o which chuege |1 hope (0 be able 1o recurn in the spring o 1 snunner neat following. i 1 remnin, dear sir, your obedient servant, L. DOOLITTLE Dr. G. B. Green, Windsor, Vermont. REED, AUSTIN & C v, Wholesale Druggists, No, 26 Merchants' Row, Boston, Genersl Agents. 3 Price, %1 per bottle; six booces lor 89, Also, for sule in Newport, by C, G. C. HHAZARD, R R, HAZARD & CO., and R. J. TAYLOR, .PAuUE—Iu large botties, $1,00; or 6 bottles for 500 Harvico. In this wown, Tuesday evening, at the 2d Bap tist Chmeh, by ihe Rev. Dy, Chon'es. J.. J. Ellisa, M. D, of Po-itsmov 1, i 0 Miss Mmtha Gatand, onlyyd vghier ol the ofiic’u ing clegy man. la Providence. 26ih inst., be (he Rev, I, Hall, Soophen Waierman and Huviiel, eldest davgivier of Wm P, Bu ol Esq. 1o .his town, on he 18 faei, by Rev, Dr, v onles, Me, Amon Pa mcnies oM s Saran M., vetiond d ughier of Jo :ph G., Erq., all of this town. 1 Providouee, onthe 27 h inst., by Rev, S W.ield, M, Hoia « 11, Snow, 0 P oviaence, and Miss Aboy 8. Boss, of Newpar Lo Pioovider we, 26w iost,, Joseph Lywan Cal de and Re! eca Bob'nson, i » 2o P, tn Centveville, 2lsi iosi, Mr. Thomas 1. Eowen and Mis. Masic 8. uight, boih of Coven -oy, ~ln this ‘own, Sunday evening, by Rev, bir. Choules, James Stevens, Esq., and Mies Sa rah Sheman, boih of this town, Acthe Biistol I vy House, on the 18th u't., by Rev. Mr. Davis, Mr. Willium J. Parmenter oi Philadelphia, and Miss Harviet N. Vo s, of this towa. In this town, on Monday, Nov. Ist., by Rev. K. J. Stewait, Ed. E. Taylor and Lydia Taylor, both of this town. At Rockville, Maryland, Octcber 27, Ly the Rev. Mr. Russell, Passed Midshipman O. C, Badger; United States Navy, to Miss Margaret M. Johnston, davghter off Commander Zg F. Johnston, United States Navy. In Boston, 28, h ul* , Lieut. Edward B. Hunt, corps of Engineers U, 8. A., and Miss Helen M. Fiske, daughter of the lite Prot. N. W. Fiske, ot Amherst College, eV, At New York, onthe 21st inst., Major T. W Lecdrum, Commissary of Sobwsisience, United Buates Army, in the 881 l year of his age. In Providence, on (he e ining ..r«he_zs.h inet, Mr. S.muel R wson, in the 67ih year of his age, In Tiveiion, 24h inst., Mr. Eas on Shes man, aged 44 yen ». In Piovidenee, in the aliernoon ol .he 80. h insi., suddealy, Mr. Aiba D, Parler, in vie 53d yearof his aze. In Little Compton, on the 29th ulc. , Miss C;n thia Pearce, in J:e 47tn yeur of her age., @’ Marine Intelligence. Gy PORT OF NEWPORT. Bun Rises, 636 | Sun Rets, 45) |H. Water, 13 25 ARRIVED, WEDNESDAY. November 8. Schr. Henry Castoff, Appleby, N Y. Sloop Harriet, Brightman, m'm-.f."m " MEMORANDA, Cleared at Havaoa, 17th, bark Saranae, Big. ley, for Wilmington, N C, At do., 17th, brig Cardiff, Melville, repairing loss. Confidence, Melville, discharging, Arr. at Wnlminfl:m. 29th ult ~ brig z.'lw Hay. den, Smith, trom Havana. 1852, I PASSAGE I'OW UALIFORNIA. ! 'l‘hv season haviog avnved o which a geat i many persons preter gomg vound Cone Horn, we have wanke hberai sivangements o the ace commo-lation of such as chovse this route us tole lows = THE NEW CLIPPER SHIP “MALAY,” T'o suil Sept, 13ih, Has a Poop Dk Cabin wits very superior acs commodations for 24 First Class jasacnguis, (no other taken ) TUHE NEW CLII’I'E:I SHIP “WESTWARD 1 ”.n Building by McKay, to sail about 25th Septomber, bas clegant wcconmmodation for 20 First Cabin pussengors only. e fast satling elegant Liverpool Puckot Ship GEORGE RAYANES, 1,000 tons Register, o Cap. LW, PesaLLow, Will be despatched on Monday, October 11th - This ship has spacioms and airy accommodutions for First Cabin and Steerage pzsnenTfl, and will be fitted in the most “bnru?und comfort.ble style for families and single passengers. The George Raynes 18 aubout one year old, wan built at Portsmouth, by (leorge Raynes, Fsq., who is well known as the builder of the famons Clip‘pul‘ ship ** Witch of the Wave,”” *“ Sea Ser pent” and Pr’ild Pigeon.” She is inall her appointments a first class packet ship, has a most able commander, und carries an experienced surgeon. THE NEW CLIPPER SHIP <« QUEEN OF THE SEAS,” ” Capt. KsiGur, Will have splendid accommadations for about 30 First Cubin pacsengers, to sail übout 10th Octo bher. These vessels will continne to be followed by other splendid Clippers suiling promptly as adver tised, and those who take this route can depend on having every pioper atter tion, For turther particulars, apply to GUIDDEN & WILLIAMS, Calitornia Packet \)Ihu:: No. 80 Lewie's Wharf, Boston. Sept 9, 1852, law Bw, WEAVER'S MEDICINES—-THEIR EF FECTS ON CANKER AND SALT RHEUM, Paw Paw, Mich.,, Nov. 8. 1851, Messrs. 8 A, Weaver & Co—Geitlomen: Wy daughter hns been troubled with Cunker and St Rheum tor the last year, and it incrcared day wlter duy, to thnt extent that myrelf wud friends become s 0 ularmed chat we thou, i there must be something done for her, or she mnst die 5 we tnied muny knos of Medicives bt nothig dul her any good, but she ruther grew woise. She kept abour nll last May, und said she must give up, goto bed and die; there was 0o help tor her. The wost shiliul Vhysicians of the place nttended her, snd vo hedp conld she rcceinve fiom their mdd. I she took any nourishment i would ‘»rwlucr vomiting: her hands sed fuce were covered wilh sores, hor strencth had worn uwuy, our feiends < ! neighibors gave ivec up to die, snd phy sic. 1808 100 cald there was no ielp tor hery they could not do her any good. 1 could not benr to see my danghter dying wiith that distressing compluing ui though 1 must say 1 wus slmost discouraged myself, Hearing of your Canker and Sait Rheum 8y rup, which led me to procuic one bottle of yonr ngents, I, Sunth & Co, of vhiis pace. Abont the middiect Aw gust sne cone erced using it necordiag to directions, und I mustsey tae firse dose she ook she said she felt bevie 5 und it stopt her voniting, sid in tive duve she could wi s e room with u litde help, She con tinued the use of your medicine, and in o few duys the Canke. came into her wouth, 1 procored one bottle of your Canker Cure nod upplicd it 1o the Can ke, which soon disnppenied. ‘The Cernte she used frecly on hey sores, which soon cured them, She shortly begun to cat her regulnr mewds, and incrense svstiengih, Four botiles oy our &y mmp have sl my datoter's lile Ngr s hew very fleshy, sid np parently w 0 loweitall to Do 8B AL Wiaves Canker and Bar, Pheum Syrup. 1 believe this medi cine ans done whint g Slg se eonld do, wnd we mos, eheerwils recomme, ' 10 all who mny be tronbred with that ecmplaint Do 8. A Weaver —Bir; I you thiuk this infe « mation wordhy of your notice, y on nre at full liber 1o publish it to the world ) Yours vespectfully, NMrs. HANNATIBEACOM, duvnghter of WM, TANNER, Dr. 8. A. WEAVLER :—Dear Bir ;= Tt gives me pleasure 1o sny that the wbove will be considered by ull who are scqueinted with Mis Hannnh b encon, » simple statenent of facts, given with the hoje ol allevinting suftering. 1 would ndd thut the certificute i from asource in the highest sense relnble, wnd worthy of confidence., Yours truly aud sincerely, A STEWART. Cowurt of Probate, Newport, Oct, 25, 1852, UP()N the petition of Susan Hubbard g diun of William 1. Hubbard, Benjumin C. Tab burd and Abby A, H. Huliard, minors, children of William M. Hubbard, late of Newport, doceas ed, praying for auihority from this Cou 1, to scll at public auction ‘he estate in interest of kiaid i nor’s in and to a lot of land said Nev port, st uwated at the head of the tow oy, called J-r Hul bard lot laying westward of the Hubbard House, or #o much thercof as will be suflicient to riise the sum of three hundied and twelve dollars, to pry the debts of said Mimors wirh incidental ex penses ; the same is lecieved and 18 reievred o conride.ation to a Comt ol Probate to be holden atthe Town Clerk'’s Office in Nawport, on Mon day, 224 November next, at 10 o’clock, A, M.; notice is ord red to be given thereof for thie successive weehs, once a woek, in the Daily News tnat all persons interested may appear o said time and place and b heard thereon. 0.9 B. B. HOWLAND, Prob. Clk Cewrt of Probate, Neuport, Cet. 26, 1852, API'I.IL’A'I AON Qi wiiting is made by Fani Burdick, widow, toy hervelf or some otha suitable person to be appointed Administiator on the estaie of hee late ‘nml,uml, JAMES BUK DICK . late ot Newport, Mariaer, deccused; the same is recieved and is refenred for consideration to a Court ¢f Probate 10 be holden at the Town Clerk’s Office in Newpo:t. oa Monday, the 224 of Nov mber next. at 10 o’clockh, A. M.; notice is ordered 10 be given thereof for three succcerive weeke, once a week, in the Daily News, that ali peceons iuleres may appear at sid time and plece and be heard thereon. 029 B. B. HOW LAND, Probate Clerk, Cuourt of Probate, Newport, Sept. 20, 1852, SUSAN HUBBARD, guardian of the persons and estates of Wikiom H. Hubbard, Benja min C, Hul.bard and Mary A. H. Hubbard, mi nore, children of W 'lum M. Hubbard, late of Newport, dee’d, presents her guardianship ac counts on the esta es of sanid minors for allowance, the sume is received and referred for considera tion to u Conet of Probute to be holden at the Town Clerk’s Oflice, in Newport, on Monday, the 18th day of October next, at 10 o’clock, A. M. Notice ir ordered to be given thereol by ad vertiseme it once a week, for three suceessive weeks, in the Newport Daily News, that all rc'h sone interested may appear at said time and place and be heard thercon, 524 B. B. HOWLAND, Picb. Cl’k. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE THI". subseriber has been appointed by the Cowt of Probate of Newport, guardin of the person and estate of WILLIAM A, WILLIAME, son of Wm. J. Williams, late of Newport, deceas ed, and has given bond as the law direets, and notifies the creditors of her ward to exhibit their claims within six menths fron. the date hereof. 016 6w luw MARY J. WILLIAMS, CARPETINGS AT A OREAT REDUCTION FROM FORMER PRICES, PETERSON & HUMPHREY, 379 Broadway, CORNER OF WHITE STRELRT, NEW YORK, BI'I(B leave to eall the attention of their Rhode leland friends to their elegant stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETING which, owing to the jeduction by the English Manutacturere, will be disposed of ut the follow. ing extreme low Prices: . Royal Velvet Carpet, fim $1.50 10 $2 00 per yard. “ Tapestry, * 112 150 “ “ 8 Ply extra heavy 871.21121.2 « “ Superhine, 6212 8712 “ Cood, all Waool, 60 cents per yard, OIL CLOTHS, From 8 to 24 inches wide, at prices equally low. MATTINGS. 4 4, 5—4 and 64 plain, tancy and cheek; Stair Rode, Druggets, Table and Piano Covers, Rugs, Mats of every kind, together with all other goods found in Carpet Stores, for wale full ten per cent less than any other Carpet Establishment in the Union. We therefore challenge the whole trade to show such an extensive stoch at such low prices, jylo daw AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. ’ Tllls valuable remedy for Coughe, Colds, Asth. | ma, and all Pulinonary and Bronehial diseus. ' | en, has been in {mpolur nee for severalpast yenrs; || and assumed a high rank amm;' r--lm-c,iul ngents, || " both as a family medicine and in the hands of | ekilful pructitionerve Its composition is known to us, and we vnhesitatingly proncunce it werthy | of confidence e—and more fromising of suecoss iy | curing pwlmonary diseases, thun vy nedieine || ‘ (Cod Liver Oil, alone excepted) in use; just e | cieved by the Agents, ' HAZARD & CASWELL, . Y 029 Apothecaries’ Hall. : PESTINY, CAREFULLY ¢ Al LLATED ¥ AND SET ON Pal IR ARRIVAL of LR, C. W, RUBA K ut New York, The celebrnted Pr G, W Robw k., Liom By eeden Professor of Astroiogy, A-lrmmm;, Fhenelogy, ..,')‘ Gecmaney, having Jost weeived from L hikodel) hiag where he hus met ok the most extrucrdn m sue. cess, for the Inst folir yéurs ollers now his sei cen 1o the citizns of New imh, and Je vicinhy, W Robuek being the seventh son ol the seventh «o . ndd 1 ohaving made Astrology “ise elusive study sives e | early nge of Mieen years, enjovs advantages denve! 1 rom teuvellng wid roffeetion, thut are possessed by il none in this country,orin Europe. nnd being so gif! [ ted by Nature ns huving coltvuied those hlessed gifts, he is prepared to adapt them 1o the fellowing uses,’ ‘l und the immediate consummation of the Mfowhng topics. He can be cousulted with a 1 his office’ 67 dy ' letter, if pre paid, and he s prepared 0 inake use of i his ‘um er on any of the following topies,: Basiness | of ull descriptions 3 travelling by land or v€h; court- I whips, advices given for their suceessful aecomtpfivh | ment ; speculuting in stocks, merchandize or resl en tn'e ; the rfl‘ufi"fng of legncies in dispute § the por | Chasing of tickets und the safety of ahips at sea. M | nlso has had (hte honor of receis ing o certificuts frim t ‘e Monorable C. John Bernadotie, formerly Kirg of U Mweden, which it will give him great plessure in showing to these who will tuvor ltim witk «el He | ulso offers his service respecting health, vt and moringe, love ufluies, jonrnes s, luwguie . ' v i | business. frand, sichness and death: pust, i nd’ o Fature Cvents, und all the eoccerns ol lile, ten” Fondl those who nre afllicted corporially o o CTerms = Ladies 50 cents; g wtlemen & N | calculnted ard read iu full, necording lot and wasculin e wigrs, ladies §l5 genr ey Nautivities calenlnted according 1o Geonpe o, lus | dies #2, in (o)) 83, gentlenn &3 00 0 0= ver | owons nt o distanee can have their naiates diswr by . sending the date of the day of ¢ey bivth AL bt [ ters contuining the sbove fee vl cooove medis ate nitention, and nutivities will besen oy part Lol the United States, written on aurale puper. Al letters on any of the above lojues, it port|nid, wili be answered gratis, His cloce 14 Nu. 6 White strect ablocks helow Broadwuy. Wilbor’s Compound of PURECUD LIVER 01l AND Llni.3. A Curk vor CoNsumPrTiON, Cova s, CoLps, ASTHMA,BRONCHITIS, GENERAL DEBIL- ITY AND ALL DCROFULOUS HUMORS, 'l‘lll'l proprietor has suceceded (f om dircctions: of Prolessor Stone, in combiniig the Oil and. Lame so perfeetly that the taste of the Oil, which I 8 80 nauscous, to persuns generally, 13 entirely, overcome, and it ean be taken by the most deli cate females with pleasure. And as regards the benefit of this article over the elear oil, the fol lowing ease, by P'rofessor Stone, ix waflicient to convince the most sceptical. The young L, was 24 years of uge. “Her disease was one of vwniced phthisis, which had been expeeted to terminnie in th course of a few months Latally, e apper part ofboth her lung« was filled with toberclos, and in some places wore beginning to soften. The case: wis evidently a bad one. The treatment of Cod Liver Oil was at first used, but without marked improvement, The Phosp hate oi Lime was then adiministered with the Oil, and the reswh, as in the ecase of many others, was soon appirent, - Tar patient wus rapitly getting well,”” T'his preparation does not hike the Cod Liver Oil becone rancid which makes it very desirea ble for Persons travelling as it Keeps tresh for a Ling time, g : Be sure and get the genvine, Manufactured only by ALEX'R B, WILBOR, Chemist, 156 Comti Street, Boston, R. R HAZARD & CO,, Agents for Newport and vicinity, MR e jeld 2 (E ONLY OHIGINAL AND GENUINE CLIREHUGH’S TRFCOPUHEROUS! Let those now use Who never used hefore, And those who always used Now use the more. REDUCED FROM ONE DULLAR TO FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE ! 'l‘lll.'i Justly celebrated and widely known ecom pound which for sixteen years hns et with dis tinguished snceess wherever it has been lutrodnced is now reduced to such alow price ns will ema! o i to be within the rench of n)l, ne it in the cheapest »ud. best nrticle now in nse. Iz curative properties are uhinost mirnculons : Scald Head. =alt Khenm, sing» of insects, amd all the nuinerous triain of disagreeabl cutaneons eruptions disappearing as it b, magic. ITSSTRENGTHENING AND STIMULATING quilities nee unrivalled, rousing into nevion the nerves and ood vessels which carey nutriment, impartaoyg health to this grentest of nature’s wdomments (a beau tiful head of hair) to tee bucst pericd of life. FOR ERADICATING DANDRIFF it is ansurpas sed. Clennsing the skim completely of every impmi ty, lenvimg the hwvir neither gammy, or dry, but moist, soft and silky. 1t is seperior to 01l to dress the haii, ns 1 does wet 300 l the hut oo hend dress and heeps longer moist, THE TRICOPHEROUR Ras geadually risen in fn vor with the puldic, by its own merita and not hike the putled nad ephemernl composittons existing to day and swallowed in oblivion 10 morrow, until it bas be - come one of the staples of life, and logked tex by all as o ok the necessuries of the loitet und medieine eNest. The known popularity of the Tricopherous has oc casioned mnny spurioms articles, bearing outwardly the siune nome and character. Ladies and Gentle- men purchrsing must therefore be careful to ask for CLIRENUGHS TRICOPHEROUS Prepared by Vinr Clirehogh, New York, and (cr sale by his only wholesale and retvil a‘cms e % R. HAZARD & CO,, mar 22 ly. SPECIAL NOTICE. FRENCH PERIODICAL DROPS. MI{S. S. M. CUDWORTH, Neo. 13 Wil Lane, Boston, Mass., would say she hugy at great expense, obtained from Dr. . C. H. .. rington, the original recipe for manutaetu. ing, to gether with his plate for putting wp the wedicine fwown as the 7 FRENCH PERIODICAL DROPS. discovered by J. lhnin#lnn, M D., while prac ticing in the {mlpi!al in Paris, under the immedi. ate ufuervnuon of the renowaed RICORD of Parie and AcTon of London, The Drops are invariully certain to regulute the Female System and can be tahen without hi ard. They are known | y hunareds ot females 11 this country to be the un{y preparation ever dir covered that has proved invarmbly certain i » cases of Suppreuimu, irregulanitios &e. (4 trial will convince the most skeptical and nes after will they be induced to try any other, | dies who have often been deceived |:y purchasii. Pills and Nostrums from Male and Female Tinpo tors, under pretenca of effecting ¢ v - medicin which in nineteen cases out of twe ity have un in Jurious eflect upon the system vithout effieti the desired result or any sign of il, ~hould she these bipeds and use none Lnt e genuine FRENCH PERIODICAL Dt Ve, (he effien cy of which has been tested in 1 undreds of ens » and NEVER PAILED to effect o ey cure witl outany bad result. The droj . .1 the result of i extensive practice and not dis over o by aceiden.. | T'o eulogise their virtues o ovld oot add to the merit. We wunldonw wl,y them They we be sent to any part of the counire ecore from o servation by addressiiy (post pand) MRS, 8. 3 CUDWOKTH, 12 Wikon Lane, Bosu Mass, and at no oiuer place in Providence Full directions accompanying each bottle.- Price Five Dollurs, N. B, The usual discomnt 1 those that wisl to sell ngin. MRS, S, M. CUDWORT It. Protrictor. 100 High steet, Piovid wee. R T Dmflfs PDOOKS! G, 6N21,6;, 118 & 114 tom $l,OO to $1,12. Also onc of Fay and F shoo's tenoning machines, lakea for Debt, and will be sold very low, At the Sash, Blinl and Door Ware room, 79 Canl Soeet, Peovidence, R. 1. A, P. CARIENTER, Agt. for D.D.SWEFT & CO, 021 3t il FOR SAVANNAMN, UNITED STATES MAILL LINE. Eviny Satunvay ar Four o'crock r. »' ALABAMA, Captain C. D, LUDLOW Capiain M. S, W ODiVLL, ’l‘“’;.'fl': Superior NEAY SR AV OTES will eontinne 1o oo regalarly booween NEW YORK and S 0 .\.\&All. one Jeaviog eacly port every SATURDAY —<from vew York a Four ocloch .M from pier Noo 4, Noitls Riv. For Freight, apply on board, and for pussagey to ' - SAML. L. ll’l'(,‘"ll.l., ' »3 1l 194 Frout sucer, GIIEI&I.,\IN'S Eau Lustral, and Shaving Cream, Gowland's Lotion, Rowland’s Kaly - dor, and Viwe Maccassar Oil, Lobin’s Hair Pow. der, and Lavender Water, Maugenet’s Orange Flower Water, and Savon Parissien, F. 8, Clea ver's Celebratdd Honey Soap, English Wax Ver, tan, in Tins, of 500 and Ifl;. l"ju'o Troe Ao matic Vinegar, Hooper's Cachou Aromatine, and Fote's Odoriferons C«:ontl in Sachets; all wur. ruated freshly imported ; and procured direetly from “first hands,”” b‘ K. R. HAZARD & CO,, o Apothecarice’ Hall Y 0 uaw ly Apothecaries’ Hall.