Newspaper Page Text
. ee o T R SA . bLk. E ‘W"x'd}' il s Conie Ui “" iitol g -_'(‘.“xi.. . a DIGESTIVE FLUID, OR, GASTRIUC Juidy, Pr yed 'm DENNET, or the fou h StustACH OF THE OX, after dirve tons of BARON LIEBIG, the great Phy sinlogieal Chenist, by J. 5. HOUGIL TON, 1. D. Pailudelp ia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Tne DIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, JAUN. DICE, LIVER COMPLAINT, CON 5. APATION, and DESILITY, Curin- atter Natur:'s ovn method, hy Nulure's ewn Agent, the Gasirie Juice. 0 Half a v asyoontul of Pepsin, infused in water, wil. digest or dissolve, Five V'ounds of itoa~t Beef 1o abouttwo hours, out of the stomaceh. PIPSIN is the ch ef ele nent, or Grent D gesting Prineip'e of the Gasirie Juice— he Solvent of the Fool, the Puntyving, Pragervina, end Stimulating Agent fo the Swomach and latestinrs, It i ex'racted feom the Digestive Stomach of the Ox, thus forming an ARTIFICIAL DIGES TIVE FLUID, precisely like the naiural Gastrie Juice 1n its Chemical powers, and furmishing a complete and perieet soubsti tute tor it. By the aid ot this preparation, the paus and evils of INDIGESTION aud DYSPEPSIA are removed, just as they would he by a healthy Stomach. It is do ing wonders for Dy<pepties, curing eases ol DEGILITY, EMACIATION, NER VOUs DECLINE, and DYSPELTIC CONSUMPTION, supposed tobe wun the verge of the grave. The Scen s Fli lenee upon which it is based, is 1n the highiestdegree curious and remarkable, SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! BARON LIEBLG wn his celebhrated work on Auimal Chemisuy, says: “An Arvfi e+l Digestive Flowd, analogous w the Gas] teic Juive, may be readily preparcd from the mucuus membrane of the stomach o 1 the Call, in which various arieles of food: as meat and egas, will be foitened, ehang ed aund dizested, Just 1o the sune manner as they would be in the human stomach.” De. Combe, in his valuable writings on the ' Physioiozy of Digestion,”” obscives that **a dimination of dhe due guantty o the Gastrie Juce is a prominent wod all prevailing canse of Dyspepia; and he status that **a distinguishied professur ol medicive o London, who was severely af flicted wiin Uos ecomplunt, finding every thioe « se o tail, had recourse 1o the Gas v dulce, omaincd from the stomachs o liviv | annmals, which proved completely susce-siul.” sy e, GRATTAM, autlior of the famous | woi ks on “ Vesotable Dier,’" says: *dtis a | reonrkaliie fast in physiology, that the | stomachs of anunals, macerated in water, | iMpacd o the fuid the proprr'y ot dissolv- | iig vanous acticies of tend, and of effecting ' 2 kind of artiicial diges'ion of them in no | wise different from ihe nalural digestive process.”’ s Call on the Agent, and g*ta Des cripuve Circular, gratis, a large a mount of Scientific Evidence, similar to the above, tugether with Reports of Re markaila Cures, from all parts ok the Uuni ted Stales. AS A DYSPEPSIA CURER, Dr. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN has pro duced the most marvellous etfects, in cur ing cas's of Debilivy, Egciation, Ner vous Decline, and Dyspepuic Consumption. It 18 impossible Lo give ti.e details of cases 1 the hmits of this advertsement ; but au thenticaied certificares have been given of moro then TWO HUNDRED REMARK ABLE CURE~, in Pnilade!phia, New York and Boston alone These were near | ly all desperate cases, and the cures were | no. only rapid and wondeiful, but perma- | nent, | It isa great NERVOUS ANTDOTE and parten arly usefn! for tendeney 1o Bil hous d soicer, Liver Comp'amnt, Fever and Agur, o 1 oadly treated Fever and Ague, aud the ¢ il of Quinine, Mercury, aund oth e iags npon a 2 Digestve Organs, alter a long sickness. A so, for exeess in eat ing, and the too free ase of ardeur spints, It @t wost re oneiles Howlth with Totemper anes, OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There 15 no form of OLD STOMACH COMPLAIN TS whieh it dovs not scem Lo rcach and remove at onee. No matier how bad they way be, 1t GIVES IN STANT RELISE! A sinele dose ve moves all the unpleasanl synptoirs ; and it only necds o ve repeated for 4 short tine to ke thesa good etlocts permanent PURITY OF BLOOD, AND VIGOR OF BODY tollow at o.ce. 1t s particular'y excellent in ¢ .svs of Nausea, Vomiting, Cramps, Sorenees ol e pvool the Som ne i, distress atter cating, low, cold state of the B 001, Heaviness, Loowaess of Sjirits, Daspoudeney, Bracivnor . Weakiess, ten dency to lnsanniy, Suier e, &e, De. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN, is sold y neatly all the deadors o fine drigs and Popalar de icwes, througnoui the Uiived Biatea, It s prepared ia Powder and in Fiott torm—aad 10 Pie enptiovn vials fur the nse of | hysie ans, PRIVATE CIRCULARS for the nee of Physicians, may be obtzined of De. Hough ton or lus Agens, describing the whole process of preparation, and g.ving the au thorities upon which the elaims of 1t is new remedy are based. As v« NOP A S CReT KEMEDY, o objection ean be raised against is use by Physicians in res eotable standing and regular practice.— g’liee. ONE DOLLAR per bt le, FPOBSERVE THIS '—lwvery bottle of the genuine PEPSIN bears the writen signature of J. S, HOUGHTON, M. D, sole proprietor, Uhiladely hoa, Pa. Copy rightand Trade Mark sceured. " Sold by all Deaggists aud D alers in Medicines, GENTS<R.R. HAZALRD & CO. Avothecaries’ Hall, Nowport, R.l. C. DYER Jr Providenee, E. OSEOENT Fail River, .. CLAPP Pawiucke, E. D, JONLY PATENT MBW ENCLAND CORN-CRACKER. 4 e now an full operation st the Warner Street Mil Coarn anl Colhe, and all other ind of rrain groual withdespaich. Janlom Voo PALMER, the Audericn Newseapr Agot ot e amhorized Agewt for t e Daiy voews and md e olthe Pones mothe ities o Bston, New Yok cud Philudelphia, and iv auly conpowered INTEKe advertis anes s and ol "- thone o the cates e requited by us. Tlis reecy o 1 oil b vegaried as pagents, g offices e @3 et i, Neolluy s “goi‘.liug, Conrt eteect 3 Now York, Tetwoc Puilding; Philadeghing Northe wost corner of Third and Chesuntatineis, oM POSTTENGILL& 10, Novrpa per Advertising Ageats, No. 10 Suie Suedt, Bosion, are Ageats for tie Newport Diily News, and the Hersia o the Pines, and e anthorized tireeive Advertisements and Subseriptions @3 thee o vates w 8 are requined at thie clliee Phe receipts w‘.u\lul GE parwentE, United Siates Hotel, ' -DY— | . | & . COFBLARND, CThuames St = NEWPORT. R. L | vl . B«dE®» 2a NEW YORK BIRECT. re ‘u'.':": The STEAVMER EMVIRLD STATE, Carraix Bravion, will leave Fal! River every Monday, Wednesday and Friday eveniogs on thearrival of the steam bout train of cars from Boston tor New Yok, vid. Newpo t,baviog Newport at 8 1-4 u'elock wnd areive in New York at abiout 6 1.2 o’clock west worning—Retening, will leave New Yok wt S o'cloek pom The BAY STATE, Captain Brown, will leave Fall River ewery Tuesday, Thusday and Satirday ae above, for New York, via. Newpart, leaving here at about 8 14 o’clock, wnd on her retuen, leaving New Yok at & p . For turther purticolars, enguire of ANTHONY STEWART. THE ALHAMBRA. RICE AND PELL Respeetfutly inform the publie, and expecially the visitors at Newport, that they lave just con - pleted and opened, v\%llll ) {PR WMWY OTRAN 0 - M‘ufi flhwn:-v‘n-"L 4‘o-. *'D No. 9 Thomas, corner of William street, where they tend to keepa choiee supply of Woodeock, Plover, Soft Creabs, ¢ried and Broiled Oysiers, togethes with other delicacies, Taveir parlors are well adapted for companics of Lovlies and Geotlemen, who may need Dinna or Supper. lee Creams, Charlotte Rugse, Jellies, &e.,and every hranch of Confeetionny turmshed. Cotra. ges and parties supplied and atended, at the shortest n tice, Py Pic Nieand Sailing Parties superintended and supplicd. Evening Partics supplied with every requisiie. v 15. Stovez, Ranfes —AND-- HOANACGES € F £ sl ! \I LY alwavs be found at the Subseril evs, o YA ost approved patterng, and set with eare, and warranted to work well, Also, tin and #heet iron ware on hand, with other acticles usually kept at sneh a store, Tin, copper, and sleet irom ware made to order. Orders solicited, WM. BROWNELL, Opposite the Union Bank. NEWPORT IRON FOUNDRY, Foot of Howard Stecet, NEWPORT, R. 1. 'l‘l IE Suberibers, having made anangements to carpy on an extensive business, are now pre pared to furnish castings of cvery dereription « shott notice and on the most reazsonuble terms, i} ORNAMENTED IRON FENCE, “ They have on hand, and are weekly receiving, |! Fence Pauterns, of every variety ; suitable for | Cemetery, Stieet, Park, Baleony, ov any other or |l mamental purpose ; and are prepaved to put up the | ane on as reasonuble terms as can be ofiered by any establishment io the country. Ornamental tences of iron, will now come Into general use, as | they can be putup at the cost of a woo en one.— - Pessoms in want of a fence would do well 1o eall [ :qul examine our patterng before making a relec o hon. We have, in connection with the Fomndry, an experienced Pattern Maker, who is prepared to furnieh patterns with dispateh, and on reasonable ternie. ol tf N.STANLLY & BROTHER. ~ R. B.KINSLEY'S EXPRESS, for Full River, Providenes and Boston, for the vansportatio « of Merchandize, leaves office in Newport daily, Sundays exeepted, at 9 1-20°clock, w ey and 1122 oclock, p.m. Leaves ottice in Boston, at 7 1.2 o’clock, a. ~ and 2 1.2 G’clock, poom. Dralts, Notes and Bills coliceted, and all orders executed with prowpt- Ness. ’ Opders shonld be left for Goods at the office halt an honr before the time of leaving. Gilices, in Newport, 190 Thames-st, o Boston, 11 State-«t, 0" Providence, Exchange-at. Newporty, Murch 19, 1850, CRIG.RTYS Boston and C.liforria DN QIS BSES I I"UK the teansmis=ton of Hpecie, Boliion, Mors el e, &c.y &y with safety and dispatch, per cvery steamer leaving New Yook and San Franciaco, via the Tsthmus ot Papama, and the voute theough Nicuengrn, KRINSLEY &CO,, Avents, iylB Thowes St., Newport. ’ - . T'lhe Notice!'! C(H)l\'l\"& STOVES ofull the new patterrs Bay STATE, Muy Frowse e, Prrrict UsioN, Browseri's Coan Stovys, &e. &e., 195 Thames Street, WM. LROWMNELL.N Sept 10 ” HINILEY & CC'S. ls().\"l‘fi\. New York, Phitadelphin & Faster Daily Express, for the expeditions trangmis cion of Merchandize, Sumll Parcels, Speeie, Biank Notes, &e., and for the col ection and payment o Bills, Notes, Draas, &e, OFPICES :(—<Yoston, 11 Suate street; New York, 1 Wall gtreet, corner Broadwaoy ;. Phila delplin, 80 Chesont street; Nev port, 190 T hames treet; Fall Rivery, Main street, (Mount Hope Bock.) )y 3. THONAS COGGESHALL, PAINTER AND GLAZIER, AND DEALER IN Paints, il Glass, Potash, &e¢ SASHES AND BLINDS ANSTANTLY ON HAND AT THE 01! Stand, 199 Thames-st,, 70 LVT ) The lower part ol the phecantly sitwted house | No. " \hvllrmmgh Mooty rext West of the | Mcthotist Chapel, contar ing Six Rooms, 1t hos o good wel! of Water and Wood homse and Gare || don wianched ; lor woms apply on the {winn o VMre Read, or OLIVER READ, || v oo2id 280 P hamcr street, OF THE TIMES NEWPORT, . 1. THURSDAY HERALD MARRIAGE, [HAPPINESS AND COMPETENCE, Flat wos Lehold many females, searee in the meridiau of life beokeen 1 health and spines with a eomplication of diseases o dbiments, depriving them of (ne powm e (or the eajcyment ) 'lu« ot ai age whew pboosical boalth, buoymn.y of spitits, and happy serenity of misd, arisiug from a coudivon of health, -Ou“ald b-,n.:'dumunm“ feri A 2 At any of the can of her gullerings at —per years belore, peirhaps glu,‘:n’:l firlho!»d. or the first years of marriage— wm‘t n ldh'“ onigin 30 light as to pass uanoticed, and of course wegleeoted. IN AFTER YEARS, When too late to be henelitted by our knowledge, we look back snd mourn, and regret the *ull conscquences of our Ignommnce, What would we often give to possess, in early life, the hwwlul'oo we A.m:.’.'. in alber yum! xfd what ?y- nf: wights of anguish we might not have been spared, if ¢ kuowledge was timely possessed. It is MELANCHOLY AND STARTLING T'o beliold the sickness and suffe endured by many a wife fu.-' mml,' )un.lsvmn causes 3:::# ...?cu..(r.,x'n..u., casily umedn&-w better still ~=not incurred, if every Possessed the information contained in a little yolume, (with W the reach of all) which would spare to hersell YEARS OF MISERY, Aud to her husband the eonstant il and llliflr of mind, uesessarily devolviug npon him trom sickness ol the wife, without giving him the opportunity of acquiring that com petence which his exertions are entitled, and the possession o|l ‘mhioh would secure the happmess of himself, wife, and enldren. SEOURKE THE MEANS OF HAPPINESS B(v becoming in time fmunud of the knowlrd?e, the waut of whieh has caused the sickness and poverty of thousauds. In view of such consequences, no wife or mother is excus sable if she neglect 1o avail herself of that knowledge in respect Lo Imwh, wihieh would spare her mnch suflering, be e mcans of hnr piness and prosperity to Iln husband, and coufer upon here u‘ldrm. that b'nuu{;bnve all price—~healthy bodies, with healthy minds. That knowledge is contained iu s hittde work entstled THE MARRIED WOMAN’S Private Medieal Companion. BY DR. A. M, MAURICEAU, One Mundredth Edition. 18mo., pp. 250. Price, 50 cts [ON FINE PAPER, BXTRA BINDING, $1 00.] First published in 1847, und it is not SURPRIZING OR WONDERFUL, (‘mulderinm that EVERY FEMALE, WHETHER MARRIED OR NOT, can here acquire a full knowledge of the nature, character and causes of her tomslaluu, with the wvarious symptoms, an that uearly MALF A MILLION COPIKES should have been sold. It is impracticable to convey fully the varions sublects wreated of, us they are of a uature strictly intended for the mamied, or those contemplating marniages, but no female desiions of enjoying health, and that beauty, consequent u\-:nn health, which is so conducive to her own happiness, and that of her husband, hut either has or will obtain it as has or will every husband who has the love and sffection of his wife at heart, or that of his own pecuniary improvement. UPWARDS OF ONE HUNDRED THOU SAND COPIES Have been SEENT BY MAIL within the last few months ‘ ";V- '._- ?‘% "‘/' * " o§ R § | (73" Base and Shamefu! Fraud!! " CAUTION TO ROOKSELLERS. YIOLATION OF COPYRIGHT, | Flagrant and harefaced, has been surreptitionsly issned, wih the same torm and size, exactly the same Tiriy Pacr, and | exactly the same " TYPOGRAPIIICAL ARRANGIIMENT, Bot another nawe substituted for * De. A. M. Mawriceau,® tand " Bostou™ for " New Y ork,” and the words, | Exrenvep accoiding to Aet of Cong ess, in the year 1847, by JOSKPH TROW, o Ju the Clerk’s Oilice of the Distriet Court of the Bouthem ® District of New York, | OMITTED, | The econtents, the subjeet matter, and reading are | ENTIRELY DIFFERENT, | Printed on poor, brawnish, dirty paper, with a mr«r cover, | It can be known also from the miserable and Megible woods I ents seatteied throughout its pages. The copyright edition eontains none. : It there are any in the trade so lost to shame aud common houesty as to be williug partics IN DEFRAUDING THEIR CUSTOMERS, No less than the legal owner of the property i copyright, | they will be prosecuted, and steps will be taken 1o expose them to the publie. | A copy will be sent to each hookseller or firm, (with the terms upon which they will be fupiished,) apou reseipt of ‘, sor their business card of addrers, | et | . CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. ' BE NOT DEFRAUDED! { Buy no book nuless Dr. A, M. Mauricvaw, 129 Liberty st., | N.Y. monthe title page, and the entry in Clerk’s Office on the back of the nitle page corresponds as herein, and buy ou!I' . of respectable and houorable dealers, or send by mail, and ad | dressto Dr. A, M. Mauriceau, | Full title page, with contents, together with a few pages ‘ m'a]'iu},{}\'i’iri{;-'.'-}i-'-ii subjeets to every married femnale, will be seat, free of charge, to any one enclosing a letter staw.p in | aprepand Jetter, addiessed as herein, Dollar for the fine Edition extra binding,) | “THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE | MEDICAL COMTANION™ is sent (mailled firee) 10 any part of the United States, All lettors mnst be post=pald, and addressed to I DR, A, M. MAURICEAU, Box 1224, New | York City. Pablishing Office, No, 129 Liberty ! Strect, New York, | Foreale by BENJ. J. TILLEY Newport - and by D. M, COOK, Piovidence. | June 3 6in. i = . v - Travelling Agents Wanted. | . 2 . Competent persons will be supplied up . on the most fuvorable terms. A Few E more only will be engaged. Address | post pad, Dr. A, M. Mauriceau, N. Y A GOOD CUP OF TEA. llfl\\' delicious and refreshing is a good cup of Tea' And how many there are who pay 50 cents, and | sven 75 cents, a pound for common ‘l'ea, when they ! tan have for the same money, or less, a nice, freeb pnd sweet Tea, newly lirfll!d, with an aroma an taste which impart a de mmml,l-l «=ant glow, and an invigorating influence. All Teas are injured by ! peing exposed to the air, and lose their goodness by I Pemaining long in the chest after u;mnin?. Such 8 Bot the case with the Teas sold by Redding & Co., | at their * China Tea Store,” No, 198 Wasniveton | Brrexr, Bostox. This #tore has been in successful { operation five years, and ‘T'ea, Coftee, and Chocolate only are soid there. ‘l'hicusands of chests of Tea are | reccived by the Proprietors, and dizposed of annu | ally ; and their stock, for variety of kinds, is not equalled in the city, l‘owdq-.-. devoting their sole at tention to the sale of Tea, it gives to the purchaser an advautage in knowing where he can always get fresh, sweet, and choice qualities, at a VERY LOW PRICE, T enabie Families in the conntry to lay in a sup v‘ly for their own use, the proprietors offer Five onnds pood sweet Sovononag hw?l.".’r; Five Pounds Onawck Prxor for §1.75; Five Pounds Nixcvova for $1.50; Five Pounds Fine Yousa Hyson for $2; Five Pounds Oun Hysox for $2.50; and Correg, round at their own Mills; Ten Pounds best Cona for !.1.20, Ten Pounds best Java for §1.60 ; Ten Pounds st Mocua for §l.BO, ground. 7 Orders from the country, enclosing the money, may be sent at our risk umf the package will be carefully forwarded, strongly packed, Orders by Express-men imunodiatoly erw‘wi 10, Address REDDING & €O, China Tea siore, 198 Wasninaton breeer, Beste & dll G enw. ~ PEOPLE'S MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CCMPANY, WORCESTER, MASS.. PERSONAL PROPERTY, WITIHH A GUARNTEE CAPITAL OF | W2l AP APEDAD i AND A SURPLUS OF 1 1 ‘? BDADAEDEDEPa ) Effeet Yosarance on all Kinds of Buoildings o x ( eopt those of an extra hazardous charneter, an (1 upon neat stock, Hay, Grain, Furnitme Wenring ! Apparel, Libearies and Merchandise generally . Their rates of Premmm ave established npon o bae wiv snMeiently zoarde ] 1o avoid all assesments; I the dividends have aver ged | 50 VE® CENT all po'icies which Lave expived in this Compa- ' EDWARD H, VEMINWAY P e i ent ( OLIVER HARRINGTON Secrituy, “ Jomx Apams, Agent for Rhode Telund, | Offiers No. 832 Westminister Steet, Provi | dence, and at Tilleyv's Newepaper Depot, 128 l Tiumnl "t‘reo(, directly opposite the Post Office. | Oct 1. v WY IS ' WIFE AND MOTHER PROFESAOR OF DISEARNES OF WOMEN A SPURIOUS KDITION I7rOn receipt of Fifty Cents, (or One FIRE INSURANCE. Coutinue to Insmre on the wost reasonable terms, wll Kind ot BUILGINGS ARND 4 Fasvs S an®e . rfl?%’”‘ | » sTN INQUART BOTTLES, For Puniryise Ine Broep, ANp ror Tine CURE oF Serofu's, Mereurial Dise ses, Rbheumatis Curancons Fruptions, Stubbora Uleers,m Liver Complavt, Dyspepsia, Bronehs, Salt Rheom, Con sutptiun, Fever Soree, Fewmale Conip laints, Frysipe as, Loss ot Appetite, Punples, Biles, General Debiliny, &e, ' This preparation has now horne the test ‘i"f over 14 years experience, since its first jnlmducli 1o publie lavor, duiing wllrch llllnc putnerons tmitat ons have sprung into ;o*xlswuce, foundinz ther ¢laims 1o the con |lidcncc of the commun'ty on the curative powers contuined 1 Saesapariila Root, the |great eeputation and esten ied nse of which 'has been mainly atnbetable to the many 'wondertul cures effected by the use ot thi iprcp:xmt.un. W hile Sarsap: nilla Root forms AN hmpoitan’ part of its combination, it is, ‘zrvat power, sud 1t is in the peeuliar com hination and seientifie manuer ol I\s prepara I’limu, that i'B remarkable success in the cure of disease de end. Other preparations .- ate it 1 the style of putiing up, and bearing the name oo one of its ingredients, and here ends the r resemblanee o it ’ Lhose necding a remedy and puriier like s, are requ sied 1o note where thas differ ance ex sts, and inmaking choiee of what ey use, not 1o take any other but that one entitled to their contidence, from the list of cures it has eficcted on living witnesscs, whose testimonials and res dences have been published, and who are still bearing dai'y testmony 1o its worth, Extract from a letter reeenved from a Physician in Maryland, Camprinee, Md., Oct sih, 1850, Mussns. SanNps, Geantlem 'n.—My little danghter was afllicted fora long tune with *me Head and Eyes, an ! vy using your Sarsaparilia, was perfeetly eured, other medicines and Sars apardlas having faled to reneve her. Hav g used itand tested ns efficacy, 1 now confidently recommend it in preference to any other, as 1L seeins 10 possess prupvrlivs not contained jin any other prejaiation | and 1 fiad that purchasers afier they have used it, invariab'v want the sarme arucle again, whenever they require a medicine fur which this is recommended. Reapectlal ; yours, J. FLINT, M. D. Prepared and sold, who esale retai), by A, B & D. SANDS, Diuguists and Chenusts, 100 Fu ton st eotner of Wil am, New York. Sald 4so by Denggists generally throughout the United States and Cunatas. Price $1 per boit e; six botiles lor $5. Tor sale by R. R. HAZARD & €O, Apothecaries” Hall, Newpont: J. BALCH & SON Providence, Jl2 bm. THE NEW REMEDY ATELY DISCOVLELLD Y LALWAY & CO., CALLED Radway's Renovating Reselvent, .. W No. 2 A quick cure for Serofnla in its worst forms. RADWAY'S RENOVATING KLSOLVEN'T, It Cleanses and purifies the blood from all Sevol vous Huwmors; it eradicates from the bones and puscles Diseused Deposits ; it clectrifies Ihe Huids and solids WITH HEALTH AND STRENGTI, It s warranted to cme 9 Serofula, White Swellings, Humore, Syphilis, Cancers, Fpilepry, Tumors, Jiundice, Rickets, Ulcers, Nalt Rheonm, Fever Sores, Bronchitienl Tumors Hacking Iy Cengh, In either of the ahove named discases, we Guar antee that the patient will experience its power ul effcets IN A FEW NOURS after waking it LIKE ELECTRICITY, ite theill of health courses through every nerve and secretion of the syetem, lis shock of Lealth asfelt in the bones, the museles, the neives, the secietions of every organ in the body, s ten Minutes. | The patient feels this warvellous remedy work [ing in the system afier taking it |1 leendiches and punfimrll'r blood., ‘ 2. It reroves from the bonesand seerctions all | discased deposits, {B, 1t steengthons and builds up the weak, re ’ laxed and worn ont parts of the systen, I 4 1t benees up and impants rencwed coegy sud "witulity to the nerves, LET ALL THE DISELASED call it the Medieal office of RADWAY & CO,, No. 162 Fulton street, and give this extraordinary remedy one trial, Price $1 per bottle, PAIN. All suffering with pain are invited to eall at RADWAY'S Meaical oftice evary day, from 8 AM. 05 PM. Ttis guarameed that RAD. WAY'S READY RELIEEF will stop the most severe pains in five minntes or less. A vegular phiysician is in attendance. Advice gratis, R. R. R. | Riadway’s Ready Reliefl » will stop the most severe pains INA FEW MIN | UTES, and cove the most obstinate Kheumatie, Neuralgic and Nervous complamts IN A EW | HOU RS, ‘ INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL. It will stop the most EXCRUCIATING PAINS infiom THREE to FIVE MINUTES and has eored Rheumatism In Four hours, Nernalgia 1n One hour, Croup In Ten mimutes, Dinevhora In Fifteen vintes, Toothache In One gecond. Spasime Tn Three minntes, Craps In Theee mintes. ! Sick 'lemlm-he In Fifteen ninutes, Chill Fever In Fitteen mimutes, Clid! Blains I Tenminutes, Sore Throat In Four hours, ‘l‘nflm‘-nlu e In Twenty houre, ' Spinal Complaints, €lifl Joints, Btraine, Proises, Cute, Wounds, Frost Bites, Cholera Moibus | Tie Dolorenx, E ! and all other complaints where there is severe | amne, Radway s ht'm"\ Rebet will instantly step | the pain, and guekly enre the disease, | PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 162 Fulton Street NEW YORK. ' R R.HAZARD & CO., Agents. ! % 1y \ MORNING saors..‘{LAHM& ROGANS AND RUBB £ large Biock of the Above’ Las just been received at - George H. Normau’s " SHOE STORE, NO. 173 THAMES ST., Corner Market Sqr. THIS well kiowa establishment again presents it« eliims to your attention. The praprictor ix now u'cpur('cf to show every Kind of fashionable fimuL for Fall and Winter wear.—~The widely spread reputation of the "CHEAP CASH STORE. ! or keeping the largest and best selected stock o | the most desirable goods, wall be improved from | an examiaation ol the present large assortment. The stock embraces decidedly the BEST . THICK, DOUBLE KIP, UllAl.{' AND CALF BOOTS, AND BROGANS, which he has ever produced, and he has a large numbor of names o Farmers on Rhode Island and in the Western Distviet of this State, who can testify to the su perior quality of his THICK and DOUBLE WATER PRO 'F B2OTS, The goods have all heen received within a fow days, from the Eastern Factovics, w one of w hieh he'is interested, and had a luge portion ot Lis stock manufuctored expresely for this warket un. der the supervigion of one \\'{m ir well acquainted with the description of goods required for this section of conntry, Having also purchased largely for cash, he is pro-p:m-fi to scil on such reasonable terms as must please and prove to the purchaser that he can euecesfully cempete with any in the State, I Country Merchants will please give him a call, as he will supply yvou well, out ot his kuge stock now o h:nus. I'ie attention of the Ladies is invited to his large assortment of Fall and Winter Buskins and Gaiter Boots, which will be sold very low. IRRUBIBREAN ~ Every deseription of Ladies”, Gentlemen’s wnd Childrens fubbers, may be had by the dozen or single pair at the lowest Factary prices All Lv asks of you is to eall and examine his goods at the— QI AP CAEH, BOOT and SHOI. "EH EPER V. No, 173 Thames street, corner of Marhet Square ANEWPORT. SOMETEHING NEW AND VALUABLE PERRY'S PATEAT PaiyiN WEMAL QUULNB I, Some of the great advantages of this dashine are s simp ieity cheapness, dur -ILy an i p‘cu!i'\r :uhp&:llnm o S 0 many fuFarent and usetul purposcs; such a 8 cut- A 0 wmeat (or sausages, mixing in the sca sontng and filhing them, mincing pie meat, saet anl apples, hashiog or wincing coll aps, fish, and potatoes, cu' ing cheese curd Ctor ko two or more curded cheese, cul | ting cahoaze, tomatoes, ontons, and other | vegetables for all the various uses requiied; I Roots for feeding eattle and carrot tops for ! making woad, a patent dye stufl, &e. &ec., ' and the superior manuer and the ease and [ desoteh with o« hich 1t does the work aud { it being ina‘le of east iron 18 not suhiect to | swell by being wet or shrink by drying nor | sour Like those made of wood and is less I able to get out of order. It 1+ constructed Cina very difereat manner from all other ! meat cutters. Itis made to operate upon | the grinding prineiple, but the meat is Chrowa ont towards the periphery by the | eontitugal foree of the runner and thereby Foheonzhit i dirset contact with the edges o “ the kuives so as to cut the meat, vhether | wet or dry, lean or fat, raw or cooked, in La smaoth, elean, and easy wannar, and nev Lo eog ap, and the Knives may be set soas o cat the meat &e. 1o any desired (ineness ©with one revolution and consequently in a ;'l very rapid manner. But meat whieh forms ’| into eakes when .ninced wou!d be caned U round agam,==resubinited 10 the mncing ! process and elog up the mackine was it nut | for studs the preat sceret of suecess In com | hination with openings in the knite block, by whieh studs the winced watter is kept from | passing round, direeted through sard open | gs and theseby deavored trom the min | etng cham er Ito the receiver bhelow ,—- ! Ihis excellent and vsefu’ Marchine was in - vented by Joha G, Perry, Fsq., of South ‘1 Kingstown R. L., and patened by him | February 26k, 1850, since which he has | aolda number of the Machines and rights U and the aleeady great demand for 1 hem s ' datly mereasing 25 they beeowne more gen | eraliy known, The great suceess which | has attonded the use and exhibiton of this Macime has gained tor i a reputation tru- Cyenviable It his received the lighost and ' only preminm awarded to any meat cutter || at all the azricultural and mechaniecal tans ,‘ wherever extibited in- America. I'he in ! ventor has had an offer of slx thousand doll | arsfor six of the States but deelined acecept | ing it and has since sold rights in the small state of Ruode Is'and for a large portion o | that amount, He has also received numerous certifi cates and letters, trom scientific gentlemen of the most undoubied integrity, speaking of the Machines in the highest Iwrins, genilemen of experience and observation who have examined and tried the machines and know how to appreciate their value. They are made of diflerent modifica tions and sizes, soitable for large mince meat factories, cutting feed for caltle and for calinary and pantry purposes, as des cribed ahove and may be worked by hand or any adequate power. They come from three to ten dollars a piece, according to the size, and the simallest one, price only $3, is warranted to eut by hand power, one pound of sausage or pic meat per minute and do the work casy and well. Every far mor and house keejer should have rne. D, Wellington, Azent of the New Eaciand patent agency, "o 414 Washington Street, Boston, 1s sole Agent of this Machine, for the States of Massachusetts, New Hamp shire, Muine and Vermont, Those desir ous ol more informution, or wishiog to pur chace a machine for their own use, or to buy the right of, any town, county, state or erritory, not yet disposed of. or to take agency to se'l eights, can addiess (by e ex post paid) the inventor. JOHUN G. PERRY, | South Ferry, South Kingstown R, 1 LONG SHAWLS, Another lot of very desirable styles and patterns or Bay State, Peacedale, and Wa- terloo, Long Shawls, meking our assortments as large and attractive as At any time this season for sale at the lowest prices by WM. O, COZZENS & CO, ALSO, LONG SHAWILS, \ novas, 1852. NOV., 4 AREAT AMCRICAN BEMEDY RN, A suro,Speedy and permuncnt Cureor Dys pepsia 1N its wors! [‘onns This medicire will be found to cuve all complaints arsivg from disordersef the Stomach and Povel, Billionsnees, Ye'lowuess of san, Live comptamts, Debnlity. Headaehe, Neivous ness, Low Spirite, Palptaven of the Jica, Costiveness, &¢, &e. Please read the to) lowing eertificate & ~Read the following from la2mineniphy silctian 3 The undersigned be'ng acquainted with some of the mgredients of Huielings’ Veg etable Dyspepsia Bitters, and having used it for some time in his praciice with every de lived effect, he recommends this medicine srom the certainty of its oficet, and givesit a preference over all preparations in medicine for thatdistressing complairt, Dyspepsia, 1. HARDENBERGH M. D., The following ecitificateis from Mr. Bl dy,tne celebrated Daguer reotypise: Having been atflicted very severely wisa Dyspepsia,* together with extrepie weakness it wasalvised totake Hutching,” Dyspep,i dtters, and have every reason to Leyvear in bae sperfee-ly cured me. | havesinifelt (0 gymptoms of a retnen of the disease and hie eve from e etfeet it had on me that w!l cure the »orstenses of Dyspepsia, M. B.BRADY, No 205 Bioaldwoy, N Y. The Proprieto” ¢ fthis medicine husreeeiv od many other esrtiticates ol cures, equall remarkable, of th» various discases for wl icfn this prepmation is applicable s buttheabose are deemed necessary tosatisfv any unprej. ndeed mind of its value and superiorit; above all other preparations, Pencipal oMo, 122 Palon st NUYL up Anhrs y iy Y l’rw, 50 cents perbottie or Ghottles fu $2 50, R. R. HAZARD & (O, Ajotheearies Hall, Novl Agent for Newport, olt . . Millinery Ilstablishiment. 'I‘lll". Fodies of Newport and vicinity aie res peetfully ifhem A that we have now opened onr new and Cishionalile millinery Goods. And every effort will be made to please them i sty le: quabhity ad price. We have the largest and best ssortment of Ribbons that we ever offered, and come entirely new styles, Much attention will be givea i altering and cleaning old Bonficts, | IRA I'RENCII, 132 Thames St [IUN“.\R\ in 1851, with an Lxperience o the Austrian Police, by Charles Loriog Brace, with Map and Ulustrations, $1,25. America as L lound it, by the Mother ot Ma,y Lundie Dancan, £l,OO. Thorpe, a Quiet BEaglich Town and Tuman Lite therein, by William Mountford, author of S Bathamasy,” “Martyria,” &eo; for sale by WILLIAM . PEEK, a 27. 99 Thames Sucet, DY Il USE tOR SALL. 'F”L Dye houss, Dwelling house, Shop and dyeing npparat is Knownas the NEWPORT VOUNTY DYE HOUSE aiated on 4 taner street, s offered tor sale, cleaa of all inewabeanees together with the good wiile the sams. i propriewor’s only object in wis g seiln, ~ hotomoeve ftom the tow Tt willbe sond ac Lo wce and on reasonabl terms; itoffers & great andocement to any one wikhing to engage in the business, as it ix doing a good basiness which the proprietor will prove to any one wishing to purchase; for further partien lars apply en the premtses 1 nov. 285, 6m, JOINN 1. CLECG, STOUT BROWN SHEETING. A very superior and Stout Brown Sheeting jusy cight for Winter Sheets for sale by ALSO, Bleached & Brown Shect. ingsof every grade, novayk, e e SR L) [I AVE opencd a further sapply of Seasonab Goods within the last week.—Aesortme now complete and for sale very cheap nov2s. 1850, JAMES W. LYON PiLLUMBEXK, aQQ T " Brass and Copper Worker. Mannfacturer of Force and Lifting Pumps fi Steam, Water, and Waste Pipes, Wash Kettles; I!:nhimi Apparatus, &e., cor aer of Thames and Gridley streets, J.W. LYON, having pwchazed the above named establishment of his brother Jos phi M. Lycn, is prepared to execute all ovders and to do work in his line of business at the shortest no tice, and in the most perfect manner. A share o patronage is solicited. Novld, KIMBALL & JOIHNSON, WMANUFACTURERS,) I Wholesale and Retail Dealers in READY MARE CLOTHING, ,CLOTHS, FURNISHING GOODS, &C., Nos. 17 & 19 Westminster St,, ( Opposite the Post Office,) PROVIDENCE, R, 1. KIMBALL & JOHMNSON. Wl'". are pn-‘uu-ml to transact the wholesale Clothing business on an extensive scale, having added two large rooms expressly for the convenienee of wholegale purclivors, We sholl constantly exiinhita v LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHING, All of our own lllnn;‘l?"'."l‘lfi".‘ Likewise, a large CLOTHS AND TRIMMINGS Of all kinds., The attention of buyers is respect fully ealled to tne above, \‘e fee) confident in saying thoat car facilities for purchaxing, together with ovr long cxpriience in manufacturing, will enabile us to offer The very best Terms to the Trade. Is well supplied with a very large stock of CICITHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, OF 1% latest styles, all of which will ke offered AT THE LOWEST PRICES. WM. C, COZZUNS & CO J. L. KIMBALL, &3 Having associated with him D. M. JOIINSON, pusiness will hereatter he conducted under the name and firm of THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT JNHSO ' thoveas 's of exrew of Serofuin. Caneevs, £ e, & o'er fmmere 4 seases uf the Plond—and if the VERY 7N ! QUANTILY iehich was uned of @ Mcdecine to efect 1 7 ek divesen, be any wrocf ol e purifviig werfi . Ve Medoeine whioh how ol it 00l comnguered swoh diseases Vi i there is nnguestionabie evide o hul— BRANT'S PURIFYING is vieh @ Medicine, in every rospeet : and 'Y ore s plomdam proul, in great ewres eilveted, thanl ONE BOTTLY. ot it eome e more purifying, heakne virue, ard medicol percer, thun trere is contained in FOUR BOTTLES of 21y Sare parilia, or any other medieine thit bas ever Lo Wireg for stle. There o undonbied proof i our pas e, ot by the uee of this great Tudion Purcifier, they (u were ny. NGy LlVE—they that were LAME and ¢ LPPLED eon noow WALK —they that were SICK, 8O 000 TLOVE a 0 he rwise digensed, have been nean ks and Ol ¥ L Flundreds—Thousands - wivs ki #lt d PRAN TS PURIFIER, aher be i neeid sk sestead a 1 thie Seveaparitlas ind other medic a 1 bod 1o ~ure blood diseuses, nave deeided e~ . Braut's is the Cheapet ! hecunse one bottle of it nas more medicul, enr oo ol W whts, T cousegnence, evce more dinease, 1 U 0 loe tivee, thnn one bottle of any othe locdeing. 1 e, one botile of ERANT'S b'l"‘hl'n * wwil) erre FOUR TIMES more discase than one bod Not Soro vils li—* BRANT'S PURIFIER” would Le an o uf fore dollars o botthe, us sarsopariila nt ene dollar. 1t s PURIETER 15 sold for omly ONE DOLLAR # e and wr 0 bot eof it Aas cared, and ico puiide of enving. UL TIM B nw el sas ooe b tthe of Saese e the ere s fore, Bursapariiic, 10 conseguenes wf vie dews poavcr il loss el oMeney, ot Lo sold ut na mene than freenling five cents prr ol w bk ar heap wa the IURLE lER W wne doilur, One Do¢llar's Westh! How miuch CANCER—kow mueh SYPUILIF 1o ¢ miel SCROFULA=wW il one doltar's worth of K. AN "> PUIMF L cure ! Read the foliowing statewmer’, v lich i spocines of its power ie CANCEROUS SCRCITLA! Phis in the cnse of o dying mar vLo r' lives 1 rae cured 0F 1 Worse cuse of ’“‘““‘ ULA by oniv fa Lat. tes of Broo's Pueitier, than ever wus ented by 0 eof toolve uab e veof the host Sarsayarilla that was o> Crrade Soapsnrnrilly hasnot sitßeient medieal jroroer Lo effec the ol ol suich u revoltingly hopeless ense, Me LB ll.\.‘lK(.\'.m' Powe, Oneidu Co ,N. Y 1 vl Soe /. vl Jonr yean- wis coafinsd 1o besd the la @oy ho ans somnely diseasaed amd e od as 1o be w Lle e “wimet s Qo bishead, He oo the best meo o/ Jewe whad v Lot of the hest Sarsagorilles lo re oo ot wot weorse vud worse, il wias eonsidered to be i dymg oote v d eouli nok e tieenty oy hours longe: o hw commmenced uaipy BRANTS PURIFIER., 100 ooon won aalen nearly ‘/v.-m car e; n hole iman eals iron A wiecindpipe, inder his (i, so it e bavathed Nigh e e s Lis ctr Was 0 eaien ncound that it eon'a Lo (ifte? voton s plaec, Toonty hoiding byow omall piece, b o oue arm was dusiroyed by twa uleers, an .o Ll Hiee wrin, o 4 large ws i ean’s haad, in Viomly ecion tin L] hin side inte his body. 'Thas Le was atilieled »ith forsty such putrid, gervid, ofeneive wlecys, o 0 VATIONS Jwiis G . o For fucther aad 2 puticulere, see our M d PHiLeTs P U HTOMAS WILLIAMS, one of the o ' loy sicimne of ome, waus ealled 1o see biaekin 1o doyicfore e comaneneed using Brant'e Puaiier. De, W, exna ~d e Loaen told B that ol the medivines ¢ the @ e vonld wel ciore lime—thut his casn Was Worse than Eopcles. ' Now heor e, (TASKIN'S statenent of eurs! 1 ae My wife procured oae bot e ol REAN TS PURIE YL FANTRACT, of PBiveell & 1 eonard, devggin « 080 e Ccomtnenepd using b nnd began to gt Lettes, 1 ntie o enahiled me o get t‘,’ my bed, where . had heew ooty one yeorr : the socond bottle enabled me o oetout [ tiwhors e thivd bottle vuubled thw o weldk tiee miilea, 1o Kome Con tre, where | '»mcurml ste bottles niwrw: and when 00l 1o fxtied uging thenn, seventeen wit of fwenty wleers Lo haled wup—und three botdles more efeeted a I"".fli ECT CURE ot l{; tie ulewrs. sad rostored me to yood Aewidh,” FOURTLEEN WITNESSES! Mo HASKIN has sworn to the nbove fnce, amed the fucty are v tnesse and certitiod 1w ey De T WIELLIAN Seably, G BROMN SLpoapriete of the Wead Rome Hoted - M on. w, BISSELL Y RONARD, vloles o und rctail dragliots . and ELEVEN ather vospact (hlc wrlneisos, ¢ ANCERS Curiyo. Mr. O, B, KINNEY, morchunt, Cinto, Onida oy MoV owtorereed us that 000 er-doetor i s L cok oY wWie Moetin s wonawrfin! enres of Cancits throo i e etdewy of BRANT'S PURIFYING T.XTRACT ' caw vodecior m Grecue county, No Yo, iw a 0 usnyg salc Pocr s s Mr A B . Svrane druggist, at Cane oharie, Moetpo me e cone ty, N. Y. has informed us of an aportunt curenf o Cone cer of lon, stunding. whieh wig effnciod ou o nged oy uf that place, I therefore, this PORIVILR @ures (ireer, Uy its purifyine, healing ruwrr. what capure discase of e blood eun b not @ure b seven yenrs' rtrrrio-m-v- AN Wi uiiph says tere wee none but whai t will eure, FEVER-SORE: CURED The Rev, RICHARD DUNNIIG, Pastor of the Pre. Lyterian church, Adnime Basis, Monrog e onty, Neaw Yook, wrote ious: “]huve jus' reeeived wlewer (ooma Mr Cuaxe NEY Dusning, relative (o the cnre of bis Fave vie. Yom "m{ depend on what it atatvs, for he s & Chriatian man wnd an elder in the ehvrch, Some yenre sinee | e had o huve one of his loge ewt oF, to save his life, in conseqionen of a Feveraore, The o'her leg hun, now uwisgic l and whout to be smputated, | recommended Bras 's Mriw. cive, Rend the result, He suva: ‘T Auee aed «1y three sorrees of BRANT'S MEDICINE, T placed a 1 novr, Srom your resummendation, in Mat Medicine, vl | cun now way that, with the blessing of God, of has euected v cure of my ley'" See Pamphlets (or full particulurs, LIVER-COMPLAINT! Dr. NATHAN NUBBARD, of Stamford, Comm., uno wf v oidest and mos! reapectable physicians, waor ot cted v favor-Complait m;.ng' years, and was Jotly enred Lo o BRANT'S PURIFYING )‘.XTRAL‘? Wecould name hundreds of oder cuses, also euied, re? FLMALE WEAKNESSES & COMPLAINTS, o remedy offervd to the publie has ever been Aulf as cer Mt Peffectunl in restorimg atl. the incidental weaknee wer and Irre o ritien of the sex, a 8 Brant s Py muranry Batsam., | "lerence whether the den s gement DN P eRRiGn, o) Lor vther warknese— it REOQULATYO ALL, by strengthe. o the s¥sty i, equalizing the CIROV ~ rIoN, and swothing wod allaying NEXYOUS MRRITABILIY ¥ (V" Sev pamplileis CHANQGE OF LIFE, from the girl 1o the weman, and Ve vomon at middle age the one cuse (s accelerated, snd th ot o r a 0 gradeally sep. prevved, un 1o prevent any of the faiol disec ves that frequent- Iy ariew i consvgueuce of sueh el e, Dyspepsia—Sour Siomach'! CAITICA, (lenecses Co., Mebrvar, ', 1818 “MT WALLACE & CO—<Genllemen: Iwu ' more thun n year, aflhctad w th n disease of the stomueh,. [ sould not eat wny fat or ereass sabsinnee without eauring reat prin, sichness, ae b vomiting, and waa rr.mim.;ll‘y whicied with a gour somnaeh, |ne un cxrrumwul, w oue hot de of BRANT'S MEDICINE, which, to ny ntter disap. ointment, eased aud rvelieved the waual pasn after enting i therefore need g eccond hottle, which hns compiot 'y eured the Jdisense, |am now we!lland bhenrty, and can eei alnost suything without being paived, or the sicmach be aomag sonr. Yours respectfully, TS WILCOX" Mr. Wileox s a respecial i@ @erehanut of Attica. A " ' 2 NURSING SORE MOUTH, LUCORRI'ES, Xe. YRyron, Oexeser Co, K.Y, Oef Iy, 1847, “Messrs, M.T. WALLACE & CO.: Some i [t win ter my wifs hecame so deblitated from the effocts of i ewrvhea and Nursing Sove Mouth, that she could not Jift 1 child or perform any housshoid jubor. HMer medieal tre ment was varied acesrding to the ¢ vi o and preseriptio of the wost eminant physicians, until ow, M wae u‘m-- od in useless efforts. She became o ve o Veluton, the at the time she commenced taking Hioor v Mol sine oh weighod no more than eigh'y-hve pound: . | i e tin ehe fmd lnkonffour bottles, cho beenme pe ooty wel Th cuTu 3wo rur ves, that she i« now enab! o e oew anry household work, and gained thirty ;ounos o 0 % och iy four weeks, Yours tmly, C. B. GALPRNTINEY The reader will observs that Mr. Gooo vy 10 “ow exinL” He, we are informed by Z 5 Teuny, Leg, o the snme pluce, hue studied medicine IWMIERCURIAL DISEA:LDS. BRANT'S PURIFYING EXTRACT i a peefectand thor sugh eradicator of sll the ¢fiects of JTERCURY, (v iy of U vartons preperations of Cavosen or Mercuky, from o sytem; und it res ores the boet, museles, und all the pori diceased, Lo their original, HEATL THY STATE, | GENERA' DEBIL'TY OF THE SYSTEM ! Mr. A. HOLTSTAND Y 1, merehant, Oharlén, Lorvam (. Dhio, wrote, Decvintwer 19 1012 an ! after having state d ho like & charmn the PULMONARY BALSAM bad ¢fcel the cure of his wife's eopcumptive cough, seald: | o reonully nsed BRANT'S FUIPEYING EXTR.OI r,' general debility of my systean, od 1 have no hesits o m snying that it is the best madic: 010 RESTORY -9d K VIGURATE THE sYsTEM that | have need, Ime om stance where we linve xold BRANT'S MARDICINF.S, e bave proved L. cir efhecey, and given the DEST SATISFACTIV S SALT RHFUM, snd al ln;!mro chronic diseases of the v:00D, Are alvays eured by K. INT'S EXTRACT, NTERNAL JLCERS. ‘rals rure 1o & | nnrlonfikonhl o the best physi eiens in the city o 1 Philadelphia, and is PosiTIVE PROOP that internal ulcers ean (¢ cured w» earily ae extorn’ when Brane's Puirvine Exenac r laused. Mr. J Hepburn, one of the most rc-?nq Auble pontlemen Auburn, Caynga Co, N. Y., inforn.ed uwe ily Oct,, 1841 that he had been uMicted with ‘hrec | issvres 1| Urcrns, 00 situated inte oally as to wllow oi an exim~ ation, snd thus furnish positive proot of tin fact, and - their loeation. e saild tha. ho had *noot one '(uv” Philadelphia, under the professtonal v of the be fiydchm. and was ohliged to 0 Anbuen, wit” t cure or help, when Dr 7 L dr‘”"l' Auburn, adviced him to try K. o Purifying Extra and the use of seven hottles of it o ceted a jerfect cur } ’ ~ CHRONIC ERYSIPELAS A+® ULCERS. ASTONISHING AND MOST WoNDRRYUL Cußn,~ Ca Ezra Knapp, of No. 47 Willow sk, Pre k'sn, N, c ono of the most reapectable eitizens it the city, w: afficted five yonrs with Berolulous Erysipeise of ho legn, from the knees to the feet, wlv':-‘- !:‘.med . ewellew to © prodigious size, and nleersted. ).arge de ulecers, upp rently large enough to run » finge~ in, ear Into them. which dlu:fmrged 5-", an almost ineredil quantii, of & maturated substance. He had bad 0 advice and attendanes of several of the most skilfu physicians, and had tried many highly recommendes medicines without effecting & cure, and was told one or two of his physicians that the uleors in his loge would run Mim off h{on long. Braxt's Pumirvine Extract has cured these ulcersted and wllamed logy 00 that now they are entirely healed up, and be onjog, good health. ¢ . \ r - DYSIZPRIA-—SOUR STOMACH CURED AGENIN—=C. 5. C, Hozore, ) - A Driseoll, Warren—J. 8 Dovgloss, baistol - R. G. Brown, East Greenwicl O, Piber, Net k= Nrigee & Spencer, Wasl oo ten villuge -7 S Taylor, Kingsten—<J. Al Bima's Ire Works=N. K, Pulmer & o, Vestaly » Young, Wickfard<J. M. Anthon. Fal River J. 0. Anthony, Westport—and by Perohants and Drnggiste generally, v “ All orders muet be addresred 1o Wui Vs Proadwn New INDIAN EXTRACT