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e L N NEWPORT dik &' G GAZETTE: @ SR gfi‘“\ Sy & 1 . TS LR o PUBLISHED -« % ‘ié’? - WEEK LY : Q '\:l gfl.'fl <- A J ‘ &SR o e 1) ) | C e i by MAJOR-GKENERAL RICHARD PRESCOT 1. » -~ 1 H BRB AS Tundiy Tallaveniencien mey and have arien w 0 his Ma fty’s Sea ayd land Forces, from Pofom inthis Towa flling (pirtous or otser Liquors, without haviny krd obtain’d thglicence of the Command v or Deputy- Commandeat of the I'own for (o doing : [n Order, thereiore, (0 preveat the hiee P rlices in fwture, and to al.etuin the Muamber (O licanfled rto fell Liquors, all Poel-ns having obtained, or who may Rere after ob'in, fach L ceaces, ace heraby re qured immeietely 1o rogifler thim wich tbe Tawu-M jor. And all Perfomr prefoming te fell Li quors, cnontrrry to this Order, muil exped w huve ibeir EF.Q. immeliately feig-d on, Green undar my Hand at Nowpert, this sh sof Macen, 1777, RICHARD PRESCOTT, Commandant. By Qrder of tht Commandant, Hiney Bangy, 1" wn Musior, -5 Wi I WO PA'R of CANBLESTICKS ’1 sod FOUR SALYS. ——~Whoerer ’m loft the o, on proving their Pioperty, may have them relorad, by applyiag to the TOWNMAJOR, CORUNA, Sep. aB, . N Wedae@sy LB, wt two mis nu‘es paft fever o'clock in the B even s, we Jiad o very (mart i ockof s ca thquake, which th ew dowy fowme wally, bat did wo further’f. PACGUER, O& 18. The Stater Gene al have prllifhed 4 P oclemation, foruidding, wnler the faine penalies ae bßafore, toe EXp rtatin of warlike flores and ammeni the toth Mritfh colonice in Awmecica, or ' he Bricadh brccomae, for the ipace of one Yeur, fiomihe preclamaiion, which is the oth of th's mont). MARSRIL LS, Sept. 30, The (qua. adton eominanded by M ’Abou, aazhored the 210 of this month in ihe ralph of jua, wedr Crnmer, and on the 28th entered the port of Toulon, where the flect has received oid=is po: to difarm ! HANO V&R, O&oier i, A few ays ago, Col. Faucit took the route 10 Broafwick, in ord:r te proceed furber into Germany, to negoeiate 2 gres-er anmber of loops dor the fecvice of (Gieut-Britain. Priace Charles of Macklenbur,, Lieutenant Genersl and commandant of this ‘cily, is Moot from Duwmfladt with the Princels his con‘ort, on a vifii to the Prisce of Heff:. It is faid, that oo his retura foms new thanges will take place in the military de- Parimenn Frem tbe LONDON GAZETTE. St James's, Oldober 25, WHAREAS it is requifiie for the public fafety, iu the prefent counjur tare of affa re, ¥ preveat the cxportation of proviGiens ; it THURSDAY, Marcn 13,1777, e e e e i 1 therefore hereby ordered, by his Mjelty i Councily thm argo be forthwith laid upos fl lader, o 10 be laden in the ports of Britgin snd Irelaad, wich black cstle and hige, beef, pork, Lot er, and cheefe, orany fort of prosifions, except fithy, corn, or grain of eny kind, or palle ; and that the faid e burgn do cna. tinue aed remain upon fuc? thipsand v . e anti! further order ; but 1t 1s hjs Majs. /% pleafure, that the {aid ephargo fhall act extemad to epy (hips or vellols chat thall be employed in cariymmg provifi e to any of hiz Majeity’s Went.lndia iffende, of any of his Msj 2y's eolonies in North Amerjcs, except caofe mattual rebellion, St, JAMES', Ottoberjzg Tte xing hes been pleated o conflituc: and ap, vine James Wallece, Kiq; St Rnp_er'l)uvg"yw, Bart, jonas Hnway, Alexagcer Chorley, Thomes Colbe, Joah daicd, snd Henry Pelham, Efgre. to ve Commiflioners for vi€luailing kis Mrjety’s Navy, Lh: King he been plealed to mominate ard apmwoint James Fear' of March, 10 be 6t C mmiflionedof the Police in Scotland, in the coom of the righr henoarsble Che les Lo e Catherre, degenfed, Ton King has been plen(+d ¢ i Johm Berl !Ir!uthwoflo b V%i‘?fi" ral of Scorlard, in the reom of jahn Larl of " March. LOND ON, OfQober 24. Y fterday merni o ewrly, feme difpoiches were re corv ol at Lord SWilo /K% cflice, miought by »pefon ol ek, e the Lards of the Regercy ol the Electorage o Hanover ; they wer: imimadiately iranfmict’d 0 his Majeity, aod ace (aid (0 be of very groat mdporiance. The lak lour packets from Hopllszd brought over a number of recruaits raded in Germany, who a'e quartered in Lienguard fors, Gl fech time a 8 hianfpois anive o take them oa bosrd. Iti (aid that the shove rvecrojts ate in tendea for the 6oth or Ruyal Ami@fcsn re gement, mow at jamaics, many of the officers of chatcoirps bring Germans. Recruiting partics are feat from the three reg m:ns of the foot guards, for compleving their complement of men to the (ame num ber as they were before the I drauvh: was: made, to form a brigade to be fent to Ame rica. R € A Commirtee of Sequeftration is appoin. ted in cach of the rebel colories in America, who proceed in their, deliberstions with the (ame moderation rowards the King’s friends, as thee in Cromwell’s time did in Boglaad. Lady Howe was on Saturday laf at the Queen’s Palace, and met with & moft gra cioas recepiion from their Majefties, "Fhil woirthy Lady has bad the fingular happinefs of feeing threc of her fous head the Bri.ith armamecnis avaioft the common enemy. Her oldeft. loit his Jife in America in the year 1758, imche arms of vitory, In con fequence of his desth, the pr-flot Lord Howe acceded to the sitle, .and vacated his feat ‘or tie town of Notiegham ; . when the Noble [ idy above mentioned, fet the fol ::.wing ;dfiuf:*il me'fl"i.-fl‘m »n, to the pabiie papers application wo:hy of a Roaiaa l:uu'&'g the virteoas times of the n;m:lic. .;:d -‘fifi.utld sot fail of Succefs, where the isa W”fl lie virtue wmifed. "0t RASTED 5 To the Gestlemen, Clergy, Frapholdors ard Burgefles, of the qwn and cosnty of the tav n of Notdegham, ! “ As Lord Howe is now abfest upoa ‘* the public fe:vice, and Liontenant-Celo * »el Howa is with bis regimeat at Bawife ** burgh, it rafts wpon'me (o beg the (a “ vour f your voies asd 'l!'!‘. -“QI “ Lieateaant-Colonc! Howe mey. fepply *“ the place of his late mt,.p }qfl‘* ‘ prefeatativ in Paclin P b adey Sk s “ Permit me, therefore, to tmt * prote@tion of every ont of you, a 8 ¢ “ mother of him wlo ‘Pfi hu l’fa in she ¢ fervice of hi' coumtry, A v, i) “ CHARLOTTE HOWE.” We are affured, that snother body of 6000 Hellians will be Laken inio.the pay of G eat-Bricaio, st the -ur'u‘ of. ::ab-_ ment, ok . ‘t- )."”“ General Carleton’s aephew i+ to fucceed Col, lObiof-)’.. mm.fl' nenr Chimblee. as Licutesant<Cologbl of tho 29 h regiment of foue, L We hesr, it v inonded t 0 M Howe' & Duke, "."‘P“ Extra@ of & Lettor fram Litbon, Gept. 24, “ \We sre very ealy hare with re(peél o the formidabl® armament p epating o' Ca dvz, though faid to be jatended lx" our’ fettiements an Am-rica, our plichs ju that' place «f th: wurld being ia the bet ; :’J delcnce, our trodps numeross, #4d rine the molt flourithing. The! ; of two fhips of 60 guas, two of 53¢, OPB o 52, one of 44, & acw velfel af s'b. ond another of 30, formiag 'Q'.M‘im’.f thipe of war, withoat Dd“h‘ " of leflar bariben. All the sbove are the orders of the Marquis de Is Bradio, arc ftationed ot Rio Janciro, the Bay ¢ " Catherine, Rlo Grande, and Rio Pyrdg,’ The commander is an Buglith afficer, who has he'ited a flag o 8 bosrd ‘he Bt, Catte. therine. The land forces confift of be tween tea and ewelve thoofand men, and’ two battalions of artillery.® 7 % : A\ . . g "Wov. 1. A private locter from Jamales fays, rhere kre great plenty of feames a 8 that place, mucbers of .“qp Joave, the merchanc-fhips foon after their’ agrival ot Kingflomtfid ¢ater oa beurd t&fi. war, craizers and privateens, (o paiafl ths Americans, On Sccount, of the i they meet with in taking prizes. A'ng crew of a privateer fitted out at Kinghos, it is faid, has already thared aboat> A common failor, prize-monsy. e The following Lords are to tske. the oaths and their rfm in the Ho'fi : at the opeaing of Parliament, vig. ¢ 3 quis of Lothian, the Earls of - - l.‘d. lkic’m.‘ ka.'p. C " “’1 Mansfield, Lord Vifcesat Hedibdan, Losd - Onflow, and Lord Codogap. ~ "'/ ' . Lesters from Sc. Kita giWp 3 counts of the graas fire which, & ed in thet ill’.y.:il wi‘i:‘l. ‘g? ‘ v doae fo much damage, t pes. (carcely ln'icnk.“ = L