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gaed thocamy G.ns 10 redaver from g & of our it imzreflion ; @ - hat | il moe unforrtua =, 't jervéd 10 keep - o r DAFEIES IR IGNOTACET 07 LN OF I 1:0?3;::,“, antl h".gndcrcd th is adtig dcert. Jual 0 oscofioned ihem to waif - Jon‘ Anstasr fse the €n iy, whicn 1 | '.,. more tnaa any thia‘c lfe coat'lduted 4e misfortuae waich eafu d. la the g of t'e mßtp om:fi g § pprarsnces, o eve y ioiig gave the fl.tenng ,of vitory, tretr-ops begin uddeuy ot eat, and e:tiely les wae 4 id, 1a of every effart thai czuld be wad: @2 v them. _ ‘ [pom the whole, it m*y be {aid the day ;athe; um’‘oreazats thaa irjurions, W iped RO mazerial Infs 0. mea, and g off all our arillery, except cnme 1, #hich was difm uaced. Tae cncmy gothing betiss o 7 the ¢veit; anl our », who arz mot the lea df7o led by i, ¢ cained what all yesag tveps by 1g ja actin. We has h weoer a valuable oficer: killed a d w und particalariy th: latie ; Geo. N th i ag th: wounded, ani his lfe is de wd of. A+ { on as it is pollidle to (b --. a:ot3 a ot our lofs, I will traalmi 1t la jattice t 2 Gesa. Su: ivam, and he whoie i wirg of tne army, whofe cond :¢t | had oporinaiy of obferviaz, a* thzy alted wistely u der my cve, I have the ure 10 in orm you, .hat bath «fficers mea beaived with a degres of gallan thst did thom the greateit ho.ou . | 2.v¢ the hanour to be, with great ufpea’ S I R, You: moft obedient fervant, G. WASHINGTON. P.S. As I have obferved, I have axt sivad a reiurn of our lofs; bat from it | heve jat now lesrnt from Gare al o, [ fea: ic is more crnfide aoie thaa @ fi-t apprehended. The can.on men paed above is faid to hive buea brought ina 'lggol. To tke Hn. John Hancwck, Efg; Picfi deat of the Congrefs. Asother letter of the Bth inftant, fays, The esemy in the aftion o' the 4 b in h'va loft the following ofhcers, viz. . Agnew, ki'led. Colonels Abercrom , Bird, W.icat, sad Gen. de Hzifter’s . Gen. Knyphsafen, sne prefeat H:f- Genera!, weuaded ia the hand. Be n 2 sad 300 waggony loaded wia ded fsldicrs, went inia t' e city beiore , left it Scveral Quak:rs, bo wese =t yea ly -'fli;f' coafirm che 8- e, and {ay, that 2000 Hefliaus were feat r Schayikill, towards Chelter, fin ¢ the im, prebibly to feca-e a retreat. Our abrut 700, chicfls vourded ani tak.a. we:al Nath, of the North-Carolina (irces, ad of his wewads. Dr. Withe:({podn’s killed, two aids - de - camps mor:aly caded, Whits and Sherbarae, of General ivan’s family. Coloaels Hearicks,, Lieat. Cal. Parker, of Vi gia, ia deded in ths above,” - Cwp nsar Parkioming Creek, O&. 6,.1777 “ Dgar Sir, - - “ Sharely after [ wrote yod lat from Phi litslphis, the Congies we:e alatmed by an t reccived l’tom Mr. Hamil on, oae o Gea. w.fllil“o.'l aid-de-camps, thig ‘Mat ths eaemy were ot the Swede's fo d, ‘iad bad p:f:Qed chemfelves of fome boass, by which they might pafs a :mall party ia- U the city, aad maks them p ifvners ; they inacdistsly packsd up, and dectm jed ia e middle of the might. I a‘compisied Mo Hugcock to Briftol, whete I Loft hix en! manwother mhabestof Tvigred s th have fi c@ precroded o Loncader, and fiom ihense o Yok, wheie tiey iniend 10 fix Vi lelid nce, “ T'ng en-my, 2 day or two a'ter, mede a fhew of patiing Ligher up the Schuykil', bu: fudcealy retu:ned down again, crofl:d 8t tha ! wrr o ds with lutie or me cppycfis tion, tovk poffcffion of Creftaut-Hid, snd tue he.ghts in and ab ut Ge.mantown, ard ext-nded ‘hoir right as far as Fiaekfo:id. Oathe 16:h wk. Mr. I.we mads his Ir= um Lal €utry ints Phi adeipiis, with 3 very {-all pari of his ermy. where b. was m.(t xcrrd:.‘ly reccived by his g d ficnés the Qarers and 2 few raically ® Lories, wha were Jef. bahind. ¢ Qur aimy refnained sbout 26 milas fr=m Pnia el hia, near 8 vil age caied chs Trap, waiti.g {ur a reinforc went, which was expe@ dom Po k' K L This reine for.cment, ¢ nfiltisg of 1 0o me", under the ¢ nmani o Gea. M'D.uga!, srrved the later exd of latt m.nth, a:d Gezeral Wafh ng'on moved hs army duwa tow.rds the e *my Bcdj-ncem €. about eight miles from Germastiwn, where a bdy ef the enemy were ercamped. On the 24 inil. the o.ders wee givea for an astack, and ou a'my we'e in motioa about mine o’clock. A. fi ein the morning of tde 3d Wt we auackad the eneiny 10 diffe ent quariers, drove in their p q ets, and fell in uscn thei- main bady, which we alf. d-ove th ough their et encumert. They le.tall their taui. Randing, theis bagy ge, «nd part of their pak of ari ery. V &tory new fe-mea t> hove on every Aw-ricen brow: but. al-+ ! #] 0f a fuddes, «nd witéou,: any vifible caufe; our people go inte cdarufioa, and brg nto €ifa ; i€ \n @ peiceived this, anc im~ecia e’y rallhed, and baviag received a corflisrebls re nforcemert from Pni) deipie, they -uitu.d u: in their tars, aod we ~e e o | .ed .0 qui: al: cu: acq ifi tons. Toe «ction wes very obitinaze snd bi «dy, it aftid sbove five or fix howrs ; we h ve leßt five or fix hund ed men, moflly wo 'nded, which »e have brought off Gen. Nafh’; bigh is br ke. Mr. Shetburne of P «im>uth, asd Mr. White of Philidil phia, are mo-ta'ly wound:d; they were bo b Aids de Cimp to Gen. Sullivan. Dr. Wi herf, oon’s fom is kiled. Capt. Slomaa of Providerce, badly wounded in the head ; b fides a number of o:hers, whofe xames 1 cacnet recclle@. Si ce the altion we have received a c> fiderable reinforcement from V.rginis, ard ou exce] e:t G p=ral Wafh ing on has ¢ lle@ed bis force at the pl ce f-om wheace I date this letrer, and intcnds £oa to try anoth:r bout ih them. Al oar men are in good {i its, and I think ‘;ow f.nder of fighiing, the more they have of it. s [t was very unfortanate ‘or us that te morning was very foggy Ii is geserally thcu_ht tha: the contufion of part of ce. ar ~ my was octalioued by the appea:ance of Gexeral Green. who was com ng towards | their rear, with eis d vifion, to fupp rt them, which thcy m & ck for a lsrge bo'y of the enemy, not being ab'e to ciftingu'fh properly on accou tof the fog. It is a , very morii yisg circumfance, that = hen we hsd weatls gsined a compleat viltory, we . fhouid lofe it agais fo enfortunately. ) * Aboet the fame time that Congrefs 'eft e Philad<iphia, the b ggage ard military cheft ¢ - weecodered to Bethichem, where [ rem:ia , 'ed till ihe day before the laft acticn, whea I , teceived im order to repai 10 head quariers, . Ijeft got down time emough to mecet Our ® You awill ke furprized to bear tha: D.ser Mozcan & of Ihe Number, Fesaie tn (Leir ratzest, Thi: mbhio tuce Was o übiy agorevating (o me, 28 1 lied jutt be ofe b-€a niamed on the rcad hisr wa ka! drove the encmy, and weie in puiicfliva of G- m -R-town.” The pre ¢ding Leiiers fofficiently corro borate and confi-m ihe Accounts we have e fore rec.ived fzom New Yuik, of the dif g, ceful Defeat of the Rebel Army, wndsr Mr. Wafliington, st German - Towe, on the 4 h ot O&cber; and thei A-.oounts of 300 Wa gon', l:dem with w unded So'diers bei.puiog to the Rcysl Army, besg fent ioto Poaladel Lia, we wih cu: Reagers (0 compaie i.h the Lift of ki e 2 anc wcunc ed, publ fh ¢ ix our It Paper, as it will at o ce fhew thi infamouws Fu fhocds wti.h theie M:n tzke he uimoz P.las 10 piofa gate. NEWPORT, Nov.zo. We heve th: Week feen fevanal of ths! P pers; but canuot leara tny Tling pa ticular from the § w hward. By Mr. Jor s HiL, whol f: Boften the 1§ b of 08. ber, » ¢ .carn, that D 7, Cherch, M- J-he Desn Whitworth, of ibe Queen’s Rangers, and : Nomber of others, are yet confined in Boftos ; D:. Byles is confized in his own Houfe; and upwar’s of 70 Pir fonr, who caa be charged wih to cther Crime, bu: re:aining their Allegiarce to the King, ind Attachm:nt to thit hlppy Ccnfli u.don u cer whi-h they were borng and {om which they hav- ejy d he moft foiid and ineftimab’e Bl mufi.. are .UW COR= fred on bos d a Priion Ship in th*t Har bour.—— He alfo sdds, h't sl f cvery G al in New Erpgland is file< wi.h Ihefs uniappy Projie. Mr. H 1l bas alfo favoursd ut with the cureat Prices, in L:w'u! Movey, ¢f the foliowicg Articles, at the Tiwe be ‘et i : L i+ 4 B“', —— e 1 Moutten, o 1 2 BU!'C[. 0 ‘ o A Turkey, o 18 o A Goo'e, —_— © 12 0 AFosl, === = o 6 o Potatces per Buhel, © § O Fiour per Huedred, 3 © © Weft India Rum per Gallon,3 o © New England, ditto, 2 % e B aady, d 10, 2 10 © Madeira Wins per Boule, 1 4 © Part, di:to, —_— o 18 o Lemp Segar, pe pourd, © 12 © Brows, (itt9, ==—— —— 0 6 © Greee Tea per ditto, ‘9 N Boh a, ditto, 4 4 o C. ffee, ¢di‘to, 0 18 @ Wo ¢,rerCord, —— 6 o O Men’s shos per Pair, 2 & O Women's, ditto, == 1 10 O Te be Sold by Public Auction, TO MORROW, m Xl o’C.uxck, A Pipe of Old MADLIRA Wine To be Sold by Public Aauttion, On Monday 24th Inftant, QUANTITY of OIL in A Burre s ; Afo, 3 QUantity of drved C.d Fith in Buk; fome Mol s, Sogar, &c. b ing the Cargo ol the Schoo:er Do phin ; ‘ikewifs, the Schooser D Ip ia and ker Appurtensnces —The SA E will begin at X 1 o’Clock, A, M, at Mr, Carzn Carpaer's What, '