Newspaper Page Text
tertain barthen, ¢ofing cadnom, 07 miking an: (pasies of Ipmuuition, jo. laop fiion 10 our claim of taxa ti~n, th: Ame zan' advanced, ** that our ¢ peing n piil i no. hev trad®, Im ex o clufion of tae reft ¢+ the warid, was a « (uih jcat compenfation aad sdvantag: e f, ail the expe. ce w 8 bave bcen at n o fer'l ng aud d fendinz wmem ” | hsve prt maeals, © powe sof cacula‘ion, to af:» tan the truth of th aflertion. Oaz tuing [ kmow to bs tru: is, that we nave ne ve: sces in poffeflion of their trade ; to fuch a: exteot have re) carrizd on ilhicit com werce, {»fa, hat I have fometim=s th-ught this, in & great meafurs, a war wiid {mag le: -, . The fubject flirly and can'id'y brought 1o this poia 1s a capab @ of Serclement by fizu-es, as the bosks 10 3 mcr. hants count fro-hoaf: 3 if upoa exal ex:mination, it t 1 asoatdiff eniy from waat thes advancs, ic plon roafom and commnon juitce they fhou'd contribu'e fome hing in their own way row rds the geoeral x eac3 of ihe em pire, wh c. deing complied wi'h en their parts, we - cght ta make them pe feltly ealy sO. fecars uon the head of taxatios. Tuere feem to bave b:en no oc:efi:n for a rebel lion t> adj @t bis mater; fo- if they had been fe:i us ia sheir d-fires 10 avoid it, a d ‘en. ond cendid appeal to falls weuld bave alt. gether p:even ed it E. 8' TO BE sO D VERY CHEAP, A Likely, healthy, honeft NEG:O WOMWYA'N, sboat 136 * Y ars of Ase——does all Sorts of }-eho'd Work, Likewife ber Child ab-ut 4 Monthe old. For Particalans enquire of th. Prater. LOST, SUPPOSED TO BE STOLEN, BOAT-CLOAK, of browe C .mblet, lired with green | Ba 22,8 «OR sew ,——Auny Perfon g'ving loiorm ion o it, fo tha' t mav be yecovered, el receive ONE GUINEA Rewitd of Mr. ArmoLD, Silver Smich, 1 leat to azy Gastieman, be is /mireated to retu' '8 't L o 8 T, (Abomt &IX WERK3 ege) AS’llver -mounted PIS FOL, Maker’s N ae Grirrin —Whoever s :oand the fa 8, and «1 1 wrisg it to the P:vas, Mil r.ceives GUINBA Rewara, ——if effered t 0 be pawned i 10ld, 1t 1s de § ad it mey be fopped. WANTED, A SOB ER, careful Perfon, who €in be well rescsmmended, 0 ferve 2« ;TAWARD to & Gua.reom Mefls, en Boa d one ot H s Majeity’s F.igetes G-ood Wages wll be gives. Eaquireof the Printe:. —fi:;fiort. gth November, 1777. ARPLN | £RS are wanted in the BAR R A C K D:partm*n’. A 4.y Cirpeaters by a-plyn: 7 Lieate=ant COOK, Barack Mauar, at the B -ack Offict in Thamestire ¢, will be im mediately employd, 2ad paid st the am? Rate: per Diy, @8 in the Bagivesrs Dejart. mes’ “TRPHIN COCK BM. Newnort. NLWPORT: Printed by JO H N Il OWE, in Thames-Street, near the l:aradc: Samuel Goldsbury Has for S A L E, At his S HOP, edjoiring Mr. Witriawm AxtHoxY', North Sde«f the P.rade, fcroerly occupied by Capt. Wm. Roge:s, A+ the very LowEsT RATEs, (For C A S H Only) FINP,ST Flavew:’d l by thr pipe, quar- HYSON TEA, ter-catk, or d. zer, Bohea Tea, by ihe | Raifins, by the cak cheit er fmaller or pound, quantity, Curran o, Coffec, by the barrel | Butter, by the firkia, or imallar quantity | Caadles, by tae box Loaf Sugar, or pcund, B:own ditto, by tho‘ Sn:ff, bar:el or fmaller | M n’s Braver Hats, quentity, |M. n’s Shoes, OLD MADEIRA | Men's Warfted Steck Wine, by the pips, ings, quarter - catk, or | Green and White dozen, l Broad-Cleth, PORT ditto, by the , Striped Cotion, for pipe, quarter catk, l Womxen’s Guwrs, erdcz n, Beit B'a k Biiceloaa TEN RIFFE diuo.l Handke chicfs, With ¢ Number of other Articles. ®e* Cahh given for empiy Quart Botiles aad Sauff ditto. TO BE SOLD, By ANTHONY LhCIIMERE, NGLISH GOODS, E Fyal Wine by the Pipe, and Mufcavado Sugar by the Hogfhead. FLAXS-SEED, PURCHASED, BY MYER POLOCK. Conftant Attendance will te given at his Hcufe on the Point, or at Mr. John Nichels’s, on the Norih Side the-Parade Myer Polock has for SaLk, Cousi SLLT, I D:y Ccd-Fifh, Weft-India Rum | Beef and Pork, Cherry aad plain | Butter, Brandy, I Tallow Candles, by uol.‘ by, .h. box. New Rice, Nails, Cufe, ‘ I White Bezns, Leaf Sugar, Flour, by the barrel To be Sold to the higheft Bidder BILLS of EXCHANGE, to the Amouat of FIVE or SIX HUNDRED POUNDS Sterling, to defray the Bxpence of His Mrjefty’s Naval Hofpi. ta!, Whotver is dekrous to purchafe wee Whele, or any Part thereof, muft (rnd in their Propofals to the Subferiber, wiao will pive the Preference to the Perfon that offens the moft ndnwrn Terms. JOHN HALLIBURTON, Agent to the Sick ard Hurt IMPORTED, by STEPHEN DEBLOIS, A large & compleat Affortment O F IRONMONGERY Soap, Brazicr’s & Cub , Candles, lery Wares, Raifins, Evwlilh and ladia | S;ices, G Od’. \ Plpper, &c. ke, &c. S'.' b' : TO BE S§OLD, ° By SAMUEL GOLDTHWAIT At his SToRE, The Corner of ALMY’s Wharf ; OOD brown| per calc or lufy G‘Sugor pe hogf ' quantity, head or barrel, | Wine, per pipe, Weit-Inaiz Ram, per \ Eeglith Ha:d Soab h.gfherd, per box, Fr cch Brandy and | Staich, &c. &c. H:.liand Geneva, ALSO, ALL KINDS Ox Englifh PIECE GOODS as ufua] All of which will be fold on the loweg Te ms, fcr Ready Mceey only, Jult Imported from New-York AND TO BE SOLD, by SIMON PEASE, FEW Pipes of | Brown Segar, by Ihe A Poit Wiae, cfl H.gfhead or Ba the Vinra @ 1774, rel, Mide:ra Wines, 1 I Ccfice, Ppes and H.lie | Flour, Pipes, lith Refe Butter, Jamaica snd Wind | &c. &c. &c. ward-Iflaad Rum, TO BE SOLD, By ISAAC HART, At his SHOP oa the North Side of the GRAND PARADE andst his Dwsie LingH:uss on the Poinr, (A: Cusar as at ary Shop in Newpers) Tke following GOODS, juft Imported, vig, ARD - WIDE | Scuchorg Tea, Y avd 7- Bths | Bechea Tea, Cotten Checks, Loaf Sugar, Yard-wide Liith Lin | Sesar by the bamnl nen, Coffse, Fans, Mace, 7-4 Thread Laces, | Cloves, Can: brick, Cinnamon, LincnHanckechiefs | Nuimegs, Bandsrmo ditto, Pepper, .1 h Cldl. A“) i(.. Pins, S avch, Silk Mitts, Hai Powder, Swee. Oi, Ivory Ccmbs, B Madeira Wine, | H.ln ditto, Claret, ' Tallow Candles, W:ft Izd a Rum, by | Scap, the hc fh s, ( u. end Pigtall Te Lencon e ter, ba« co, And «n Affortment of Glafs and Earihes w‘ ~ &C. &b. &Co TO BE SOLD, By JOHN HOWE, At the Printing-Office, in Thames-Street. An Addrefs to the Inhabitants of Pennfylvania, By thofe Freemen of Pennfyl vyania, who wei e banifhed by Congrefs to Virginia.