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The Newport gazette. [volume] (Newport [R.I.]) 1777-1779, November 27, 1777, Image 1

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83021183/1777-11-27/ed-1/seq-1/

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SO & S g oY ! . o AN gy o :'[N., 4’.
@ R . BRI B G
, | NR (e I%l* .
PVBLISHE D/ {7 “3RaNairs M | Yw EE KL Y.
‘ i@ p i‘“%\f 1@)\‘0'):(9; 4 ',’
2 i . = (W 4 - >‘\ ‘. 87 B
F:om a late Eaglith publication,
Of the IneviTABLE Necessity of the
Americany War,
REMEMBER the argument of a {urion®
I declamati @ in a csrtaia Houofe at the
opesing of the budget, was grouad=d on
this pofiti-a, * that the tea s&—the t2a att!
was (he caafe of ths prefent war, ’, and tiat
the advifers of that wzre acfwe:able for all
its confiqu nces. This afl:r:ii:e, however
gra:nflleh, fi ds mumerous absitors, aad
many iaks occafion from heage 10 lay at
the Minifter’s door ths public loflts and
pivste diftceffes that war necefluily pro
ducer, 2nd place to his accoant the prefeat
arcirt iaeveni of it. Should a fire lis lo»
fmathering in 2n apartinent, and at lou;tf
break ou: uon the opening of a window or
3 door, wil! any man foy that the admiflion
of the air was the caufe of the fire ; or ra
ther raight i: nat have been expeéted to bara
with gr=a: fury the longer it was cezfined ?
sach 18 the juit repreientations of the prefent
poliical combuitisa. Boih reafon and po
licy required thata tax thould in fome mode
o: other be raifed in Am*rica. The expen
ces of the izlt wa:, and ths canfequeat load
of taxe. on the intuftry of the mother cona
try, mals it neciffacy to demand, aad the
fuur thing Rate of the colonies, both from
the f.r:ilizy of tha foil and the pr-fits of an
txicufive commerce, made it eqaally reefo
uable fir them t 3 pay a tax for the fupport
of that goverament, which at once prete&ed
their trads, axd fecared their propesty.
The leaders of falion ia Americ), too felfith
aud icmorant o to be wograieful, fcarcely
took into ot fidera ion the juflice or realora-
Beaels of the tax, but made a direét auack
won ih3'power from whence it originated,
fhiewing, beyond a dowbi, thit they only
wiiied the Opportenity they eagetly caugat
& to throw cff cheir dependeacy, and they
‘ leaped over all beunds of right and regard to
f Wty te cut off a poflibility of retreating.
| Wid fuch s difpofition, how long weald
they bave coxtizued goeublo if this occafi
o bad not offercd 2 Examine the preceding
toedul of the New- Euglanders—their quar
" Rls with and petitions ageiait their Gover
| %ors 3 ths outrageous trestment of the com
sifioners of the cufioms ; their town mesi
iogs and fallioss harrangues 3 theiembody
| mld traiaing of their miliiia ; their pro
| voking iafulis of the Kiag's cfi.ers azd fel
tiens, loag b: fore things were broeght to aa
¥ioa—What other appesrarco had jthis
" Gndud thea that of deep d figned, premedi
| wied rebelijoa ? Had they at leagth, jnftcad
o the tes, throwns their Goveraer inte the
. {4 (which might not slikely have happen
| %.90 sither of the Goveraors Bernard or
' Hutchinfon) would the Boßoa pait a& have
been as necefliry & penifhment, ¢'l! they kad
- givea ap the mwcere:s, as it was lill they
peid for tha tea? Aad would mot all the
confequences have foliowed the one aét of
viole «ce, as have a:ifan frcm the other ? W:s
thers moredependence on tae fidsliy a d
gretitude of the foathers proviaces ? A d.[-
potfiion to anirchy and a la vl<fs fpiri: per
vaded almoß the wholc. T'ae refpeltive
governments wére 192 weak to eaforce the
execation of the lws ma ‘e by their owa le
g litares. A« @ of Aflimb'y was a'm @t
as litel: regerd:d (efpesisly a momey al)
as a 1 8& of Parlizmen: : [t was ia the power
of an individeal, rcnde ed popalar by his
harasgues, or defperats by his dets, t 9
flop the courfs o{:h' moft beacficil laws.
Thae czurts were eigher thut up, or the bu
finefs impcded by & filtioas bauch of juftices
Theic was (ca:cely the idea of property left.
A bond cebt in Vi.r}i:ia was EOt recovera
ble under a proce(s of 12 years, In a werd,
3 sn_blifz faith nf pidyate horefly wers tatslly
ifregarded. Li was imp flible ior = State
to continue long under fuch circumßances,
without foms violeat confufioa ; and it was
the difpefition of the people, not the tea alt,
which has breught matters to the prefeat
arifis. s
To regulate trade, to recommend good
aad wholciome laws, te enferce ths impartisl
exscuiion of them, to proie& the property
and perfons of individua's from violence and
fraud, to fnpfit_& public and .Lrim credit,
«-- fuch are the duties of a Minifter ; thefs
cannot bs effe@ed without a revéaus, which
alone gives life and ation to the executive
parts of admiaiftiration. Would not the Mi
niftsr then have negleited his duty, if he had
tamely locked upon thefe public abafes of
suthaiity, and private diiregard of every
thing juft and honeft, without exerting him
folf to corre® the one aad amead the other ;
or if he bad indulged thofe apprehenfions
which foms of his predeceflors had donme,
whe declined the tafk, for fear of buraing
their fingers with America, aad left evils o
be cured, which, bt for that fhynefs, might
bave been in gan prevented ?
am, &e.
Aoguft 7 Yekerdsy morning eight male
faQors were carried in three carts from New
gsie to be execared at Tyburs, amos
which was JohaWhitakar, who was coavic
ted with Edward Lycch of bresking-ope:
the houfe of Mr. Bims, ard nrritn‘ uxde
the gatlows...- As thers was fomething fia
gular ia the mode of fuving Whi'aker, w
fate i to cur readers ; V’hl the O.cinu
of Newgate, as ufual g2efliza d me criminala
- previvids ta ihscirt’s drawi.g sway, refs
) pe@ing their crimina'ity, and their ac
f knowledgm:nt of the jultice of their fe' t.nce
3 Lynch (who was conviked with Whi.zker
| on a charge of burg'aty in Wid-g te alley)
. sfiirmed, in the moft folewn maimer, that
. Whitaker was aliogerher innocent of the
) crime of which he ha been conv &d, and
, for which hs wa: about ta faffer, and thag
. he had na conce:n whatever in chz burglary,
L e cther before, at, or after its. per-ewrtti o,
) bat tast he alone was guilty, Waen he
1 Ordinwry returned to his coach, he recort'd
) what had pafied to a friend who was ‘ia the
) carrisge, and declared himfelf exceediagly
. wneafey, snd much pyzzl:d how t 0:&. Hig
- friecd, slarmed at the thoughis of an apinc.
, cent man’s icfing his hie fo wrongfullp,
. urged the Ordinary to queftion the crim’nals
, once more, snd if Lyach pe:fiked in in his
, flory, to apply to the Depaty Sheriff (whe
1 _attonded) to ey the execotion. Tuie ede
b vice was followed; Lyach - agsin slond
, protefted that Whitcker was wrjaftly. con
| vied, and that he alone was guilty. M.
. Villette thea informed the’ Deputy Sh:riff
of wh:t had pafl'd, and begg'd fome fiep
might be tak:n t 3 fave the mian’s life,
. The Deputy Saeriff agreed to wait till s
| anfwer cou d be obiaised fiom the Secreta y
' of State’s oifics, whithir the Ordinary, his
| friend, snd an cfficer, were inftantly dif
, patched to resort the matter. -On ther ar
} rival st L rd Wiymou:h’s effice ‘they learnt
that his Lordfhip was out of town, and «hat
his Majefty wzs alfo oot of towa. After are
~ guing for fome time on ‘he dreadful predi.
. cam:nt of an in‘ocent mn, axd the ronid
~ cruelty of taki gaw:yh's ii'e;, after it wes
evident that ke Lad notm rit.d desth, (hey
wers told that ibe S eriffs makt & as they
. thought mok advileable. Wiia this wefi if
s falo 'y reply they returatd t 3 Tyborn, asd
, the Dejuty Sheriff, as Sheke/pear fays,
¢ Todo agrestright, did alicl: worg ™
) Arnd fiom a laudable ritk of cenfare for s‘.
. viaiisg fomewbat from (he ft.iék line 0f duty,
whers bumnenity, equity, sad cvery reafina.
ble confizerst:cn. w rrsated| he irrevu'ari y,
ventured to ftuy tke exccaiion of Whit:ker,
and fent him back to Nesgate ; wiere, in
the cou.{: of the afietmooa, & relpice anised
for him till the 17th of Sep'ember. -
" Lynch declired, o few minaies before his
difivia‘ion, that nothing g.ve kim mrre fa
' tisf Qioa than ths refpite ebrained for Whi
~ taker, who was perfe@'y innccent of the
' barglary laid to bis charg:. '
_ General Carleton, has obteined loave to
, come home, sod Geeeral Hadimand (we
. ceeds him as Guvernog of Quebes, . .
) Joha Beddi.gtoa Big; is !rm ted Eecree
y tary to his Majeit)’s Board >

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