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Aueh aB, Two largd ordeance veflels, Whofe cargoss amount t 0 70,000'. and three large flore fhips, with naval ftores for the ufe of the mavy, wnder the command of Lord Howe, are to (il wiib the firft convey for New-Yo'k, [t beiog refolved on, that that place fh 11, in fuiure, be the general place of Rencez ous for his Majeity’s ravy, flati. oned alovg the coafts of America. By a ge tieman arrived oo Tu:(day from Dublin, @ lcars, that intireß is alresdy ma kisg for commifions in the fevera! regi menis of Roman Catholics te be raifed in Iveland, and chat feveral Irifh officers, at picient in the different foreign (ervices,have offered to retwrn, on condition of holding €qua! miiitary rank with what they already -0, ¥ The io'lowing extraordinary circumftance happened on &-.-r.dny evening laft : Two { \dier: of the fi regiment of foot gurrds #nlifted o rec: it in Weftmiofter ; they took bim (o the oraerly room atih:HorfeGuards, and had bim meafarzd, bat toe approviag officer wot buing prefent, he could mot thea be aiiowed ; however, they took him to the hofpi'al to have him exzmined by the fur geoe ; this the recruit abfvlutely refufed to comply with, sor cou!d pe:fuafi n o:-:hreats avail ; atieng h the loldiers enticed him in to Tetiifi.ids, snd fefpeétiig lomething extraordinary t: be the matter, :hey by force procseded to 2n jexamina.ion, ard to their mo fmall mortificati'n and farprize, ieand they had in ‘Red 4 woman. Taey toek her be:ors a Juilice, and had har committsd as &h ifl_BO‘)u A Gentieman juft arrived from Cerke en tirely coat:a:i&: all the sccounts of the dearaefs and fcarcity of provifions in that pars of Irelasd ; and efferts, that all inger courfe aad trafic with America beizg pro. hibi:ed, had nct the demands for the navy. snd army tskea off iheir praduél, it maf have Jain mpoa their hands like a ufslefs drug. PROMOTIONS War.Orrics, Auguft 12, gd regimani oi Foor Guard:, William Wia yard, Lisut. Cel. ;Col. George Ogtivie, iR major ; and Lisut.) Col. Sir Georgs Osboara, Major, 2d repiment d’ Feot, Col Dasiel Joaes, Cel. 8. :egiment of Foot, Capt. Arcant Schuy ler de Peyhter, Mz’n; Lieut. Samuel Willes, Capt. Eafiga Daniel Showrd, Lisut. lo::n M’Daugall, Eaf. and Licut. Rebert Mmhuu,‘%:qu. oth regimeat of Foot, Eaf. James Keymis, Liecat. scd Thomas Orchard, Eaf. 18:b regizeat of Foot, James Richardfon, geet. Eal, soth regimest of Foof, Enf. Robert Dobfoa, gi:f“ and Eaf. Ss.nvel Savory, of thes3d glt egiment of Foet, Capt. Lieut. Jafper Farwer, Capt. F.rft Lieut. Michas! hkv man, Capt. Licat. Secead Licst. joha Blackwood, F :f Lisst. aad Browa, §.coad Lieut. 318 regizient of Foot, Enf. Jofiss Chame p-su. Lieut. Thomas Kinygfcote, Eaf. a:d Bof, Jofias Chnfiqlc. de.w. s4th regiment of Foot, Licut Willam Kem ::.o “flo‘ and Eaf. Aubooy Wll‘!m cut. 47th tof Fost, Eaf. Themas Buaba :'].'fi::nd Eef. William SJN. Lieut. g 2 regimeat of Foot, Thomas Nafh, Eaf. §3d regiment of Foe:, Gilbert Kaox, Geat, - a Eaf a‘sd——lll.-im- Baf. é z:u. Charles Dixon, Capt, Lieut. Joffte Py Amherß, Capt. Licat: and Raf. Wil liam Ma'r, Liecat. sd Battalien, Lieut. ¥rancis Daffield, of the firit battalion, Capt, 4th Battalion, Ersek Aoguftus de Helllfield Lieut. 6121 regiment of Feot, Lieut. Heary Hor. ringion, of the 20 h regt. Capt. Lieut, and Henry Young, Enf. 69t reg ment of Fout, Lisut. John Hawk fhaw Capt. Enf. éohl Bell, Liezt. and Divid Lindfey, Enf. Surgeoa Williim Gardiner, of the Igth regt. of Light Dragoens, te be fargeen to the hofpital at Tobago. Colone. Danie! Jones, to be Majer-General in America enly. P ARIS, Acgult 25, ANOTHER ltugglc hath been mads on the part of the Court of Bnglaad. M:. Hodge. an American, who returned here from i)unki-'k, at which plice he had been employed in fi:iing wat privateer:, on his own account, hos jsft been committ=d to the Baftile. This is Capt. Hodge who ;Mkto {ail in the Coracoa trade frem New ok DEUX PONTS, July 12. Itisreported bere. that many lettzrs of marque cave been diftributed t 2 the Ruflian officers to go en a cruize againft tie Americans, asd that many thips are equiping for that purpofe at Petsribargh. Extra&ts from the Rebel Papers CAMP at Toamenfing, O&ober 12. 1777. T a Court of Enquiry, held a Major A General Lord Sterling’: quarters, by ‘ * order of his Excelleacy General W.thinoton, to exsmine into the condu of Major General Sullivan, in the expediti oa commanded by kim to Statea Ifland, in the month of Aaguft lakt : PRESENT. Major Geaeral Lord STERLING, Prefident. Brigadier General McDOUGAL, Btimi« Geaerai KNOX, Meme Co SPENCER, i lbera, Celonel CLARK, ' The Court after hearing the evidence ageinft the conduik of Major General Salli van, aad thofe produced by him in his de feace, sad daly confidering the fame, are wasnimoufly of opiniea, that the expedition the eaemy oa Staten Iflaad, was ele ble, aad promifed great advantsge to the caafe of America; that the urdidon was well coaduted, and the erders for the J.'l" dition preper, and would have fucceeded withrepatation to the General sad the troops under his command, had it net in fome mea fare besa rendered abortive by accideats, which it out of the pewer of the General 1o forefes o 2 J::"“' That eral Sullivan was partieularly oftive in embarking the tranps 10 rhe Ifland, and took m‘v_y precaution i his power te Ni';{ them off. at he made early previfions ‘st Eliza beth Town, for refrcth'ng the troops of his divifion, when they reranred to Jerfey ; snd that apon the mitureft confideration of the evidence ia pofl’ flioa of this Court, General Sallivan’s condo& in planning and execu ting the expedi.ion was fach in the epinion of the Court, thai he deferves the approba tioa of his country, and not its cenfare. The Coart thersfors are wnanimoufly of opinioa, that he esght to fland heaou:ably dcquited of any unfeldier like condud, ia the sxpedition te Sta‘en Il*nd. STERLING ALEX -Mc DOUGAL HENRY KNOX, OLIVER SPENCER, . T. CLARK. Pablithed by order of Cng efs, JOHN HANCOCK, Prefident, Extra& of a letter from Fifh Kill, dated O&ober 27. ¢ General Poor is within two days march of this, wik Fi'teen Huadred troope ; snd Gencral Glover’s br.gade is ¢ ming dowas on the othtr fide of the North River. ‘¢ By fome Jm{ sns la‘ely from the enemy, lam informed that a reinforcement of four thoufacd is ordeied from N -wYark to jola Gen, Howe,and their late movements favour that account. By verbal sccoutts from the Sorethwrrd as la'e as left Wednifdsy, Gene ral Wathington’s he.d qaartsrs were at the fi‘tsem miie flone—iiis advanced picquet ag the biazing ftar, fosr miles fiom Phil:del. phic—Taat the troops wee o:der d to draw #ad cook two days provifioo—That zOOO 0 the Enemy crofl-d tbeSchuylkill,Gen. Me Doupal w:s fert after them. which canfed them to haflen back. A beavy canncnade was hesrd to beg'n at four e’clock, 1 hurfe day merninzy, and continued tili nesr noon; the eveat I have not heard.” All Accounts from the Country agree ia their diftrefs’d Situation for want of the Ne ceflaries of Life, pardcularly Clo thiaf‘. The Produce of the Count y, i: withie by thofe who bave it, owing to the depreci. ation of their Mcaey, which is no: looked upon as aa Equivalent to it. Their Soldiers complaia msch that their Wages are of little Worth—:hat it will not procare for them the Comforts of Life, jond that whilk they ars emgaged in fighting, their Families are at Home farving——as a Spee cime: of thefse Complaints, we bave pives ou: Readers the following from a late New- Hampmhire- Gagerve. Moffienrs PRINTERS, Pleafe 10 infa:t 10e following in yeur mest, and you will oblige a lover of bis country, To the Pablic, wich the civil Office:s, as the Fathurs of the Age, W E the foldiery, ate now embarked ia the common caufe, and ftand for the defeace of our country. We paufc———but with the paufe, afk this: folemn queftion ; thaleur wives and chil dren Rarve at home, while our bodies bs come the bulwark of the States? Yourre golating bill, we confes, infpired ; the we became the Publick’s ——Thea maintaia your word, whil we defead you, Death is eftcemeod by us a rugged monés; yot poverty more rugged fili : for theon delivers ws from, the other brings mon ovils wich it, and if we efcape tho formsty the latter will be our certain doom. If "tis faid, who fhall be deemed in faslt this is the anfwer; the mdy Merchast begins firft to deveur, aad the encecsb led heneft Farmer, plays on the lfll‘ avarice, calling it folf defeace : and we ¥ ;::'k for wages, are cut beiwoen the whered Yet at laf the Morchant conguers} ¥ while the Farmer claims gol. per cent. Merchant calls for a 1000!. fo the Fersif is wrenged, the Seldier rabbed, and the fo¥ fwailow up the meny. “.l:t‘t.hz hints excite our civil ralen ¥ .’o ‘ AMICUS PATRIAB