Newspaper Page Text
PHILADELPHTIA, Feb 4 Among ths many circamßances that wal emblazon the hito:y of the prefent rebel lirm in America, we think the following, with fome otkers no leis true, will ferve to fhew (be perercus and Iberal principles wpon which the prefent leaders are capable cf t&ng. On the 17¢h eir. Mr, Shaw of Becks courry, fell in with W, Britzin cf E izaleit To:n, New. Jerfey, arna a Crpte ct Lod Stirling’s divifor, +ud & Lient Vauvreli o' Ne Biton, st tue hoale cl @ sei'an R-bert B ¢r, when {4i. Shaw ex prefdlieg s fotis allien 0 the iuciels of the Briifh arms, it enrz-ed them to isch a deg.ce tha. tiey.r folvec to hang him, and c.tting the fap fomw & fdoe fixed 1 reuc o his neck,und hung bim up 1l he was am.ft dead, ti¢n et dows syain vatitl he bha! €vived, ave whee be had recovercd the sfeo ki frced, thiy afkec il he weuld tew fight o King Grorge, and replying 12t he was toc 0!d, but that kie fon ihouid, Py immedistely tied kim up agaia, and would have jel. firacgled, had zot the wo men of th. 2 hecle interfer:d sndrefcued him from them. He was fo far gune that his tocgue bung out of his mouth, after which they kicked him, and beat him, that he lay ill fer { me tme. The accrunt-thst we bave had that the Grand Americ'n Congrefs could make no moré do:lare for want of rags, proves alto gether a mifteke, fcr independent of the Jarge furply expefted irom Wath'ngton’s arm~, 23 focn as they c2n be {pared, we have rea’os telieve the country in general never abeunced n‘ 1 in that article, Y- rday a> lefs than thirteen ferjeants sed a coiporai, beloagirg o Col. Pro&c+’s rogament of exiide y, in the rebcl fervice, and » vumbier of privacis from eth.r re. giwers. came in ;... The acccuits they give oM/ Wothiegren’s arc yae diftref fing b.y ad de cripaon. The Coegrefs, n~twibflardirg 21! the artic'es their ¢ifferec: prinies, a @ prin ters cor efpondens, are ‘orgiag oi the preparaticss of Fronce asd Sgain fir war, a:e by this .im", ve ii-avine, pretty well fatizficd that they hive n irg W ex e& from thoe ccurs. The letter ftom Dr, Franklin, wi'A net a {yllable in it,---fealed and fupe:fcrib:d wi'h his own b:nd,--- and delivered ‘b2 Commiites of C ng efs, by the Captsin hicnf ]’ who b:ce,b:it, moft make thrm lock as b'ack as the ierter it'e'f whs -.-indeed fo mach chagrinedthem, ~ghat, we hesr, they have coofi:cd the Cap stin in goal, who bro: ght it, ind pretend it is a 0 imp:fition, The public may be affered it is an ua doubetd k&, tkat the court of France is pofitively, avd has in carnct, cecermined, that thsy wili fhow me coomtensnce what sver, (0 the rebellion in America ;—have x:;a the moft fatisfe&oryafla:ances, that will not affit the Awericans in any manner, or faffer their veffels to trade at sheir ports, Ysfle'day & ombrer of the virtnous inhe bitants of New- Jerfey, tired of the oppref fion of their new government, give 8 proof of tbeir loyalty axd attschment to bis Ma j fty, by feizing the pezfonfof ene WiLsow, Colle@ar of the fubßigote fines in‘that pro vince, snd bringisg him in to the Bniith Head Querters :---This example,) it is hoped. will be followed bltlo injured and diftrefled people ¢f Peanfylvania and New- Jorfey, as they canmot dosbt but their Joyaity will meet with with every reafona ble encostagement. NEWPORT ¢ Printed by JOHN HO W.E, ixiThames-Strect,at the Corner of the Part‘f"-: Impotted frem NEW.YORK ia the Brigrn. tine LORD HOWE, and to be fo!d(wko's faile only) oo moderate Terms, by, THOMAS MKIE, . At Ml, ALMY’s, next Doer to tte Market Houfe. ADEIR A | Reflia and Itih M Wine ioP pes Sneetings, and Quarter-Catks | Raven’s Duck, Red Partin Bottles, | Callicwes, Sheriy in Botties, | Miliiary Shoes, Lo'doe Porter in ) Men’s fiich’d and Hogfheads, l bourd Calf, ditto, Mufcov:do Sugar in : Ditto, Channel Pumps Ho_ ftheads & Bar- I Yern Stockings, rels, | Scorch Blsakets and Irith Mefs Beef in Blanketirgs, Barrels, I Useder Jickais asd fire new Irith Rofe Drawers, B utter in Firkics, ‘ Rze, Buff, Green & Dip’d Tallow Can-, white miil’d Plaiding dles in Boxes, Spoticd snd wmip’d Supsrfine Scarlet and l Z.arnel for Sailo.’s Biue Cleth, Jack:s, ALEXANDER BRYSON, SUTLER to the ROYAL ARTILLERY, Has for SALE, at his Houf* or th- POINT, thy undermertioned AR .JLLES, sl of the beft Q. ality aad at the cheapelt Rates, viz. EST MADEI- Tea pe: Poond, B RA, PORT & | Chefhi:e, Giofler snd SHERRY WINE, Irfh € Peefe, per Dozen or {ma! Bell flivo’d York ler Quantity. fhrve Hims snd Beit lam'icl Spiaito Bl'nm, per Gallon, Splic Perfs, fendry Greea aerd Bches other Artieles, N. B. A fo foms ef the che <t Lordon bettled PORT and CHERKRY. Bt Dure hum Mu.ard per Dezen or fingle Botle, TO BE SOLD, BY JOHN WATSON, PITCH, TAR, asd TURPENTINE. LOCESTER | Lifb n, Calcavella & G ard Cgefhire Methaen, di''o in Crefe, per| Quarter Cafks, the Bufket, I Blankets, Rugs, I'ifh Bucter, Baize, Coat:ngs and Exce: ing good Port | Frizes per the Bale Wire, Lottled in | Earthen Wa:e by the Leith, per C ik, I Hogfhe:d. TO BE SOLD, BY JACOBISAACKS, In Broad-Street, RISH Muefs Beef, Felt Hats, I in Teirces and , Rappee and Plain Bsrrels, Snuff, Beft Ir'fh Hams, l A few Cafks of Glafs Doa. Rofe Butter, Ware aff+-tek feor Glocefter & Chefhire | Family’s Ufe. Cheefe, A few Cafk: afforted Coarfe Barley for Cutlery, Shippirg, An Affortment of Pearl dit. for Family | Paints and @il for U“p Slllp?iog, New Rice by Teirce | Claret, Port, and Loaf and Mufcovade | Sherry Wines by Segars, the Dczen, Hyfon, Congo, aad | London and Glafgow Bohea Teas, * Porter, Fine Military and | Beft Stvonl Ale, ~ Coarfe Shoes, Soap by the Box. Casflor, Beaver and TO BE SOLD, B Y SAMUEL GOLTHWAT At his S:or¢ theCorser of ALMEY’, Wh::: on the lows# Terms for CASH, FEW Pipes of Choice Old MADEIR4 A WINE., ¢d Port ditto in Quarter-Cafks, B.t B-own Sugars 12 Hogtheids andßarre)y Cheice Gresn Ceffee, in C. ks, . Roie Bouter in Firking, A few Hsgfheads of Oid Rum, Mould Candles por Borx, A five Afforrmeat o' liith Lionesa, Calicoe and all Kixds of Piece Gocds as ufusl. ‘'TO BE 80LD, | THE Sloop General PIGOT, f 80 Toes Burthen, lying at My, JMaLßANE'sWiarf, ALSO,the CHANCE o 35 Tons lying at the Ariille'y Whyept ———for Paricul're ¢rq.ire on Baard the EARL of DERBY, Newpert, February 24. 1778, A BOUT 18 Acres of good!. LAND, in that Pars of Ncwponull’“ tzePOINT. Asd salfo fevers] other Logt near th. M:eting Houfe of ¢:e Peogle cail'd ' Quakers.—— Awy Perfons i: clining to hise,’ may koow the Conditicns by *pplying to THOMAS GOULD, jua. %C-'IN GOU! D, Propris. EVER BARKER, jun, SAMSON sHEARMAN, tors. WILLIAM LEE, GARDEN SEEDS. Imported fr'm LONDON and te be fold By CHAR LES DUNBAR, At CALEB EARL’s in Broad §:reet, vis ARLY Collyflower, Sreot morjo- E rem E:rly Yo kfhire Cibb-ge, Se ger l-af ditto, Large head ditm Savoy dicto, Ea'ly dowch turpip, Largs white ditto, Scarlst radifh, I:alism febasy, Red beet, O-a:ge ca.*nt, Purp'e ditte Endive, Letiice, Reoutd fiinage, Pepper @ Tosgue g afs, Long priekly cucembss Bhot ditto, F erea beass, Large marrowist and Esrly peas, &c. &c. &c. . N. B. Bsid Danbar r:quefts geat'emes to {apply themiclves wi h Ga.den Seedis fcon as pofibls as he intends to move fit miles out oi towa by the 20:h of this month Newport, March gth, 1778. UN fromthe NELLY Victualisr, ANDREW STALKER Mafter, EDWARD CARPENTER, ¢ Feet s Incbes high, thin Vifage, asd merks ed with the Small Pox: Had on a blue Jack: et and old Suriout Coat, flop’d Hat sad lfi Hair.————JOHN VIAT, a Boy about Yaars old, had on a bluJu.ker. Duu:lga ard fhort Hair.——— A Heward of THRE DOLLARS will bs given for difco thém, fo as faid Mafter may get them —— All Mcfleis of Ships are forbid ha jog them a 3 there will be fii& fearch th*m. ey W A NTED. GOOD MILCH-COW, A for which a gcnero¥ Price will be given. Enquire of Mr. Arnold, Goldfmith i Thames-Street.