Newspaper Page Text
SAMUEL GOLDSBURY, Dppofite the MAIN-GUARD, has Jor SALE. YSON and | Mufeilles Qtiltiug I I Bobea Tes, for Geatlemen’s Coffes, Wa'ficoats, Lo«f aad Browa ; Ditto or Ladies Sugsr, _ Quailts, lcdc’m and Pert | Dutch Cards, Wiar, . Corded Dimiy, Nuimeps, -+ - Irith Shee:ings,. _innamon, . Coa'fe and fine £ .ce ane Claves, Th:ead, yweet Qy!, Poued Pins, Rsifons, Carisnts, ‘ Men’s fice and inglith Hams, Coafe Shoes, ?.ench Cordials, Ladiss Moio-ce l-‘c WO-01. . . s.“. and Sllpo .avendar diito, F" of the asweft iffence of Berge- | athion, A mo'te, Ditto Callimence Hangary Water, - | with Scick heels, soft axd hard Po- | Common ditto, matum, Woifted and Thread Jair Powder snd | Hofe, Pime, Englih Solts, &c. iith Lisnear, ' TO BE SOLD BY THOMAS POWIS, At his STORE, N© 3, North Side of the Parade, the following Articles, which he will (-1l on the moft reafonsble Terms, HOE LEA- | Hyfon and Bihea Sq- HER, | Tea, Gantlemea’s | Single refined Loaf : H‘u‘. b B.‘.’, M :n’s on.d Women’s , Ladiss black Calli fi .« Hole perD 5. | . manco Shoss, ‘:fifi-fi. Pair, ; w’o“-s‘h;u. Yard- wide Lisacaf, reh-Chryilaley - Cambricks, | Suk Twi&:’ Mack Silk Haad- | Hard Ware, k’fii.fl. it S Tkflel. . Rl.lfi.'o . Darants, © Rice, Tar, &¢. - On FRIDAY 26th Inftant, A: IX o’Clock ia the Morning,' Vill be fold at Public Vendue, [\ T e Heals of JOSEPH JACOB, A’h’o of Newput, deccafed, his > HOUBHOI.B FURNITURE, MM. “‘. 3 " LOST ON FRIDAY LAST, HE Brafs TUBE of a TELE SCO P E.—Whoever e _brings ‘it to Printer fhall receive 'WO Dw‘ Reward, ——lt is fos ofed to ....‘3:..&.....;.. Road, nd’ within s mile of the Lines or betwesn be Lines 424 o Sign of the Whire Hocle. S e . ‘ Wl-ll’l: HORSE. Wh;lv:b ln; d MW, O ¢coa o e i ! 5T : ‘T abovs HORSE, baloags to the ;m'y of ,ml‘:’s '_Hvri:: Regi ent, 384 (9618 4e'Bd foand in the Pof flisn" of .aBy Perfoi foul Days from the mdflhwu&hmw s beingtroacod ao'aWeles. =~ NEWPORT : Printed by J YV SMAN S 0 SANSWKS OMHN HOW i \ ' ' Pbx -'-4 N e E, ..‘.'.‘;:r)’mcsffifirect_, Corner of the Parade: 70 BE SOLD, (WhoresaLe and ReTalL) By JOHN GROZART, At his SHOP in Thames Strect near the \GranArRT. LAIN and cord- | Bombazeen, P ed Dimity, | ChiwckHarkerchicls Celoured ard pliin | Shalloon:, Moreers Corcerett, Mecreas Gownse, Black an. wtiie | Chasgeable Min- Deaim, tua Silks,) Spotied Jean, Wait- | Sitiia atd Mode, coat Shapes, Pink and Gresn Marfeilles Quilting, | Perfizn, White Drawboy, Supe: fine snd ¢oarfe Naakeen, ! buc Cloth, Prince’s Stuff, Buff Callimere, Men’s weite asd |.Cal'coes and Chints brown Thread - | Ribboas, Steckings, I Sewi: g Silk, Man’s worlled Stock- | Write ChappelNec ings, dles, Womens werfed & | Pack and Pound Pins Camblets aad Cam- | Camb:ick, bleteens, Plsia aed flowered Cotton Hofe, ‘ Lawn, Breech=s Patterns, | Lawn Apron Pat- Black Satanett, terms, Poplias and Crapes, | Soldiers Shirts, B'ack aed coloured | Ozoabrigs, Bedtick, Tammies, Furniture Check, Pick and Bleck Ca- | Womens Calim.n limancoe, . coe Shoes, Porter sndPoltWinn | Mens Threrd and bortled, ' Leiiher Gloves, Green and Bchea | Dawlas, Tea perCacit, &¢. | Bieach’d D:ab, Noimegs, Checks, Liznens, Loaf Scgar, Germaa Serge, Disper, White and whited Plain aad fpotlg - brown Thread, - Gauze, #x 1 Siriped Hoiland. i . "MOSES PITCHER, GLAZIER andPLUMBERfromBOSTON HA:‘ teken 8 SHOP oa the Long Wharf where he propofes to carry on his Bu finefs. He wou'dbs much sbliged 10. agy Gesutlemen who may chufs to employ him, sfforing them they may depead on the ut moft punétoality sad di‘patch. HE Subfcriber, intend irg foon %0 leave this Place, any Peifoas wasting the andermenti cned Anticles may be fupplicd on the moft moderate Terms for Cath, Biils oa Lon don or New-York. 3 LARET and ; Ship Barley, ‘ : Port Wiaer, | Pearsl ditio, Londoa Por- | Streng Military and " ter and StrengAie, fins Shoes, Chefhire asd 8!".- Beaver axd Felt Has . cafter Cheele, Paints sad Oil for Loaf Sugar, Shipping. Refe Butter, : * ALBX. JOHNSTON SPIERS. LL Perfons who have any . Demands 2gainft the Eflate of & & Jamss Honsyman, Elg; lute of -wl. deceafed, or tkat a:c any Way indebee dto faid Eftsse, g7¢ defired ro leave .Bheir Accounts with thes Sobfcriber for Sestlement, - - JOHN HONEYMAN. . Newport, May 13, 1778. ALEXANDER BR YSON, SUTLER s the ROYAL ARTII LRy Has for SALE,at hatd wlion the POINT BEST CONIAC BRANDY, Enamelled Wiie Glafies, Painditto, —— L IKEWISE Aar Aflirtment of Gentlemen’s Summe SHOES asd PUMPS. EST MADEI- Tea per Pourd B RA, PORT & | Chefhire, Glefe SHERRY WINE, snd [rith Cheejs per Dozen or (inal- | Beft flaves’d Yo ler Quan ity, fhire Hams an Eeft Jamaica Spirits | Bacon, par Gallon, Split Peafz, fandr Green snd Bohea other Ariicles, N. B. Alf+ (aime of the choiceft Lon den bottled POR I' and SHERRY. B { Darham Muiard by the doz:a or fing! Boatile, : BUNCH of KEYS, cocfifting o A 5, was 't on Monday laft be ween Brifiol Ferry and the Pojp TWO DOLLARS wil be givep the Perf n wio fhall leave them ajh Piintieg Oiiice. " + TO BE BBOLD, ¢ SMART, iikely NEGRO MA!? A who underttands farming ve wel', 20d canbe well recommend ¢d. ——— Erquire ot the Prioter, . TO BE SOLD, A SECOND Hand Chaife, and a NEGRO BOY 15 Years eld, Eequire of CHRISTUPHLR CHAM PLIN. b ~ Newport, My 20ib, 1_778.” iR A S EC ON D Hand Riding CHA IR, aad a iew halt Birrels of NEATS TONGUES, to be fod by CHRISTOPHER CHAMPLIN. Quantity of Cable Junk to be Sold, Enquire of the Printer. WILLIAM T. ROBINSON, A S fer Sale, a Qoantity of excel H leat Englith wax, and grajn CALF.SKINSadSOLE LEATHER. ’ W A NTE D A NEGRO Girl, that un de: ftacds Houfhold Work asd «m be.well recommeeded.—- Enquire of th¢ Printer. : Juftimported from Liverpool in the SHIP FANNY, JAMES WIGNELL, Maften, And to be fold by faid Matter, by tie, Package, the f-ilowing Articles, at#, Store oo Gipgs’s Whar!, and o 8 board ¢ the hip, viz, ' GOOD ASSORTMENT of Gl A Ware, Tin Wa ¢, Hsrd ware, Eanb: ¥ ern Ware, Queea’s Wae, o 'Dclph Ware——