OCR Interpretation

Rhode-Island Republican. [volume] (Newport, R.I.) 1801-1806, October 03, 1801, Image 1

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83021188/1801-10-03/ed-1/seq-1/

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g il Nk B e NRTR-y ) e i ' : 5} : X 01, XAy
LIRS (Y is the T eo s the fow _:L".”%i Raverlurn the firuclure, under whatever Jpecious pretext he may attempt
st 13 SEPVE SN ARG s.ty ' el Bk oikint sobich cat ba'int cab)' bis infured country,” : Wléflflm”' "
W 7 LTI ~ e
R % ,'-i“§;3fls”s§ :
o i . IVER ISWORTTH, Printer to the State—Ncar the COFFEE-HOUSE, Thames-Street. <. . -
‘.“'.: “".M H‘ e e v%:' .' "!‘<~ |
si Pk smfz“" *l" A
L "YIPES of GIN—Do, of BRANDY .~ |
«’V ; .al particular Teneriff &ml,, %
iy, ..’.wi..... e TRAS: T
| \‘l‘.". mSoapv‘ . 3
+ 7 1600 wt, Bet Green Coffee.
| 0 wt. Caffia—Nuntmegs—Mace—Cloves,
- Kegs of Soperfine Flour of Muftard.
. Bags of fine Ginger—lo cwt. Copperas.
R sof Mlonngnet and Taunton Ale,
< Crates of common Crockery Ware,
.. ga wt. Spanith Flote Indigo—French Do,
H iqqh of Warrentad E.fl‘gnce of Spruce—
of Mafcatel and Smyroa Raifins—
L ind Jars of Malaga Do.
N Sacks of Soft Shell Almonds—
' ‘Do. in Boxes.
No. 1, and No, 2. Bofton Chocolate, and a
. - fow cafes Sweat-OIL, .
. =—=ALSO—
Hogfheads of beft Retailing MO
. LASSES. Brown SUGAR per
% Hogfead or Barrell.
" Newport, Sept. 26, 1801, 36tf
. 15 Hhds. W. L. Rum,
| 20 do. Jamaica Spirits, high 4th
: ~ proof, and good flavored,
) ~ —ALSO~
A few Hogfheads good Retailing
# Molaffes.
" Newport 12th Sepr. 1801,
‘. Doflor C. F. Bartlett,
" “that he has returned from | it to his
Friends at Nantucket, and is ready to attend
io his profeflional line, when called on.
1 Newport, Sept. 25, 1801.
‘: To be Let,
- A Houfe, or part of one,
~ fituate in Thames-Street.
Enquire at this Office.
‘.‘< fgo lgo 1801. 2
i g A TwO.Story Dwell
oo e e Houfe, pleafn:z
L e EESTEEN fitoated at the h-e
- Sl AU of Taames.tredt ; with s
;% I ‘good well of water, yard,
g garden and ftabic,— For
- farther particulars, enquire of .
. iNewspert, Sept. 2§, 1801,
.+ " usit On Reafonable Terms,
S oy o A FARM in Exeter,
s {one _mil¢ ‘South of
o LN the ten-rod ‘highway, aod
i R *{." fix miles from: Wickford)-
N 7 g Containing about one hen
gt dred Acres of Land, with
L . i @ good Houfe, Barn, and
4.—"‘, 5 pfl"find.o"itb flone wall..
(% "‘ -and is ;W well mcf‘-:z
1. past 9, inquire o _ , ¢
L ‘ ;;fi b 2 flm TILLWO"!M. i
] ‘-:';73‘}@’-% ?:g . living near fid ‘“‘v
. YRR —ALS@e ity
'\ . BY Pawvon TittincwasT, adjoin
| 3ag the above, about 180 acres, two. Dwel- |
" ling Houfes and other Qat Buildings. fi
{ mhepmcluhdqaheumr 1
| vifions,—Payment will be made eafy.. .
Exeier, Sept, 34, 1804 - gotf .
A LL Perfons hiaviog, any joit desisods |
4 A agaialdnfllhiwf%g
"of Newport, mariner, deceafed -nll-s
10 the fabfcriber for fetdement ; and |/
'+ ke immediat ment o - o
6™ TLI2BBTH CORY, Adminx. |
'(;*-11\-‘:: s !"’. . s
. 'g, “ . | ! TR
Roo T SR e RO
ADROWN SUGAR, by the bogfbead or bar.
rels Moiaffes, by the bogfbead ; Elonr, By tPe.
Boott B, be, B G
& ; Mfl(ol’:’tflb*zfln‘; alt-
Peter’d Hams ; Cc-llam the box ; IrowC
‘boofes ; Twrks-Ifland Salt ; a few Bi
Haoanna Sagar ; and genuine SP. :
S‘Gdks. ‘z 'M
sAL, § O e “,sgq
HONET, by the hog/bead or f‘i'
lon—Newn-York Soap, by the box— Negro-Head
Tobacco—Dßeft 4th proof Famaica Ram—~
Raifims, & t.-—}ru Stoves——and two large
Scale Beams,
LIQUORS, of the beff kind, a
general Afirmmt’—&{d evan'af nfild‘;ru.
cles in the Grocery Line—a complete Affort.
ment of awhich they propofe to be
Supplied with, P
83 MASTERS of Packets,
Paffengers, &co may be Supplied at faid
Store, on the foorte Notice—with axy Article
they may want—..and their Favors gratefully
dcknoawledged. 3w
~=Bar-Iron, per Hundred wt.—Midling: and
Coruel, per barvel—Four Thoujand Runches
Onious. :
Newport, Sept. 12, 1801,
Newport, O&. I;th, 1800. 3f
Francis - Anderfon
and Company,
§ YAKE this method to requeft
A thofe that are indebted to tm
as theyare about Jifl‘olving theircon.
neftion in partnerfhip. They are
alfo ready to make payment to thofe
to whom the firm is indebted,
Negvport, Auguft 27, 1801..
Sign_of the GorLpen Fisn, directly
oppofite Mr. Yofeph Briggs’
~ Thames-Street,
RESPECT FULLY informs his
friends and the public in general, that
he carsies on the Glaziog bufinefs in its vari
ous beanches, where he offers for Sale, Win.
dow Glafs of different fizes, by the Box; or
fwdaller quantity, viz.—-13 by 18, 12 by 16,
10 by 14, toby 13, 10 by 12,9 by 11,8 by
10, 7by g, Bby 6—likewife, Sheet Gilafs,
cut in any form or fize—Potty by ke guan
tity or fingle pound.
He has alfo, at Retail—~Brandy——
Rum——Gin-—Brown, & white pow
der’d Sagar—Molaffes —Flour—Rice—Sou
chong, Fongo. and Bohea Teas—Chocolate
Tebacco—Segars— Raine— Maflard —Pep
per—Ginger—Starch —-Candles —. Wlilil:s
- Papes—Dutch Quills—Beft New- York Ha
| h’. &c. “-
| Ne'F’“o m '9; 1801. ‘l‘f :
f.A. ' : Th pe—
~_ Chrifiopher Holt
ORMS his Cuftomers and
A ? ; that’ ke ‘has' removed
b R W ooy e 4V 2 A ) 2 ‘
- to the Houle on. the Long
‘Edward Davis-=wheére he will con-
P P cRPR Ciagia, et xop g |
o ] ¢ w;%") £ oopiits BBy "
by gy
‘. . Fw w’ | Sodte !
: AVE + 4 on -‘.l« ’«.. i)
"Bl ;,;‘;m{els ES. <
‘ e el Ogalitys
i .
| f:"‘} .
;".A.._.z; .
' :‘.
m the Maffachufetts Spy. -
% :" -f‘fCudchJ Srom oar lap.) -J
“SSHE beavick of all *t:. the molt
theltops of all crimes, has been the dif-
TSN direct t deftroy
andweon ug yola4 - Splgn
. MORRhefact, 1t is unnecel
e di{mantling and the
)of W a 4 in purfoange ofan
L provilitn the t Congrefs—the
rd Wl refuls of Executive dif:
‘cretiiy-con ig clrcumftances, left but
. ? bt deliberation, Two docks or
s only, were authorifed by law,
6l 'ware located by the Prefident, and
ifty thiufand dollars were appropriated to
wards erefting them, One and the only one
in which aoy thing bhad beendone, was, by
the gldadminiftration, with propriety cftab
lithedat Wathington. Inftead of fifty thou
faud @ollars, ncar three times that fum, had
beexpended when the new adminiftration
comgienced its labors, The fhips were then
o to the very place which had been a
long? time - prepating for them ; where no
wormis had previoufly been confidered as ex
ifting; but which had been confidered as a
proper receptacle for the laying up of dif
maptied (hips.
Slt s &ilwufifled in, that thereis no
nayy-yard at Wathington. With fuch abiti.
pady no man ought to reafon. Let it afk
thofe horfes, which for years, have been car- |
sying earth into the fea, if there is no navy
yard etabliflied at the Federal City ! Let ic
afk thofe ftone walls which, travelling from
} the mountains, have waded far into the deep !
Let the prepared timber for a 74, putcha&d
[ od W‘ d by the old governmeat, in the
waishd o the Potomac, fay if it is a viélin o,
R e o o e
Pailadelphia and efewhere is well andertood
by the writer, and may be 2 fubje¢t of foture
explanations. The Prefident’s difpofiog of
the thips at the fear of government, has dif
“covered a refpelifol attention to the meafures 1
of Congrefs, to the doings of the old adminf
tration, and the interefts of the people. Ma
terials for repairs are in . the neighborhood.
The officers and men will be kept togethes
‘and be kept to duty. ‘The national defence,
will be under national infpeßion. Gyeat
favings will be made, our annual Congrefs
will better determice on the annual expénces
neccflary for the fupport of a navy, and will
fee the ravages which time, the moft deftroy
ing worms it has to fear, will be conftantly
making on it. ,
'l’he above are the charges which Have '
been urged againft the Executive of the gen
eral govetnment, He defends bimfelf by no
prefamptions, drawn from a long train of
confpicuous paft fervices, by which hé has
commanded the efteem and graticude of his
fellow-citizens ; thefe are paffed over in
filence. He has claims of merit in the very
matters feleCed by his engmies as the foanda
tions of cenfure. ~ You will determine if thefe
things arc groundlefs, ' The very altars con
foczn& to aéls of piety and devotion, have
in fome inflances been proftituted to this un
gracious employment. - Of their minifters,
who o:?ht 10 know and to pradlice the doc
trines of Jefas Chrift, nd,)hsqqucirdf, have
.been found fome, cl,pablt'd{}l_t}on work. of
fudicd detraltion, who, inftead of ‘Rudying
thofe things which m&l for peace, baye at-)
tached themfclves to the vi slevct ,_w.i
andhuebunthfomwf political s,
(barpening their tongues with mote traclty
than the of& faflin, They have
ftabhed characiers in thedark, and B '
mon fcolds, called theic opponents by bard
names. {1 i W WPR
" The preffcs have fi?fi'& oed
mi&rpfllhhbh. ’ v ‘ Fabale
has, been exhaofted - ‘,
Mdfiqm% 41 Bay had |
"" 'vetitadeel shangh an (
" s W s e | "',,“‘ ‘ {
tion, hm. B peviied pe.
.'““4 ) U A ’ ¢ :4.
fricods nd "L‘; ‘ wes.
rfe is fleady, Rem and independent.—
m.;z-.&a. lents, commandin z'tz
rmM e deyored to ¢ |
“l. J -Pl . m ”"‘o
the busdens of the peaple, and to preferve
[Vovuome Al
their righte and privilages aincumbered and
vnimpansed, to sender the Conßituionfrong
aod’ pure as it came ouvt of the hands of ite
makery, the States, unitedly and feverally,
happy and pto‘?uom. refpe(table 'and exals.
ed, at home and abroad, He can have no ine
tereft, feparate from this ; withit is conneéte
ed his repuration, his profpedis, his pride and
the higheft and beft feeliugs of the bamag
heart, He fulicits only the candor, the gene
fonable confidence, afliftance and friendfhip af
his fellow-citizens, Will you withhold sfip,.
cavfe he is a republican ? Is this man you am
invited to diftrult, whom you mean 10 ops
pofe? The great body of gedcnlifi- are |
chpu'ulicam. Deception for a momene,
led them zitray, Our zeackers have can
them toerrs Reflection and time will reftoss
them to the path which they have forfaken -
““ Republicans are all Fedevalifi, Mifres
prefentation and a factious ambition, may
have rendered them fufpecied. The violence
of a pretlure; and the buffecings of madnefs
may, iir inftaaces, have joltied themn from che
way, bot by a y“’PF"V of their natures,
their retorn is of courfe, . They will unite
themfclves with Republican federalifts, with
- all goud men, will adhere to our government,
i will cling ; will lath themfelves to the Conftie
tution and with it perith or furvive in the
V¢ tempefinons florms,’ and flruggles tor her lib
erty and freedom. We farmersare by, natuee
all fedesal republicans—=dituation, circwine
Lfiancu, habits, fentiments and feelings con=
fpire to make us fo—as foon would mateers
ceafe 10 attract, the dews of che evening ceafe
to moiflten, and intereft and (clf, torget to in
fluence, as the eulightencd Yeomanry of oue
Country forfake republicanifm—Feiends and
Fellow-Citizens | be intreated to réfledt, pat
your hands on your breafts, and pavfe; look
on the fate which may have been c.owded
ioto -your hands, and let confeience fpu?
haxamine the tale that is teld you, _comc it
L; lie bar or the bench from behind the
oon 1t ourfelves and then af A ferion
ly deliberate, and you will aft sight T
’ y A Fflm
[ N~ .
¢ "Tis from experience that ae reafin bif,"
Y S the great commercial privilege of the
\ A Cufifluq Travt is tid‘il:gfl. and
asimoft seprobated, bgwow modetn Federal-
Jifts, it s propee while contemplating this
fubje®, that we produce fueh evidernice ds
“will fubßantiate the fehilmen®l of the Repub
licans, in oppofition to a doétrine fo deftrués
l tive to the interet ‘of the United States,’ e
is a_happy cirecumßance, while conficerid
this important quefion, that we cau'a?c_‘
to thofe who formerly came forwald in fupa
port of ovr commercial rights ; and m¢s
‘8 few may have apoftatized from cheir a¥OW=
ed principles, yet i« is hoped that a majority
of :Ke citizens retain their old opinions, une
hiaffed cither by thie fmiles ot frowni‘of thele
opponents,— Freemen, egxamine the proprief
of things, and fcorn to be influenced by é
low, contemptible pafion of privawe
tereft, '
Being in_pofleflion of documents which
capnot be controverted, 1° fhall potfue o
courfe of cnq\;‘i;y, founded on the fentimests
of thofe individeals, who took a lead in. oir
commercisl _f{;;imrgfy with England h tfi.
yea ,’qfl{; 3T am oppoled by the modern
n_“J_qmi ’ it,b,hmu on_the genile
) who weote the _ipg Circular Leto
t, tp vindicste my obfervarions, if they are
’fi"yo’u to {fubflantiate a reputation for m
tical conliftency and ific;&.‘ Their Let<
conveys 3 Qto? ides of the Idpoun;ah
:fi# Cagrxing-TrAoe kk portiays ‘the
peanicious np;hub{'fl' Biisith refideats, .x
xpelis, i, the moft forcbic laguage,
mdf flkeflflllonwh"h' of
ed nmerce of America td the
i ) Jpe ! tions of the Britifh nation,~
' thisfubjet 18l pay g
€lO the chatadler uclilnd% ;
'.‘ 7 ‘Qv.J" . k.‘% \ L v ”
ol eßot N N g
dhber bey s wiong e 1745,
®im Aldas” aalir S '73r ) -
1 moft requeft thelr. ghsticalnr ‘sttention to
frh“l..& g | \b"mm” $o
# A‘mvudp femaiks, I Mhall
. M »
, o b J PR WA ¢
S et =et v #
: wt , ’ |
. W 3 41

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