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•J and the mate and uihu hand? tt:u* aai4hci» and went in putfuit cf the whale,after cha cing for feme time, the mate loft light of the other boat, and pursued the 'ahale till he thought there was danger of losing fight of the fioop, the weather being pretty thick ; so returned ; expeftingto find the matter and his hands on board, but when he came up with the vettel could neither fee nor hear any thing of them ; he continued cruiting there about all the ensuing night, keeping a fire in the caboose and lights in the cabin, and all next day, but found nothing of them : fothat it is supposed the matter and al! with him were loft by the boats being flove by a whale. THU RS D A Y, August ST" BOSTON. TUESDAY last, by Farenheit’a Ther mometer, was the hottest day we have had for twenty-two years past, except one, the Mercury at noon rose to g t degrees ; the day before it was at go. The last accounts from North-Carolina mention that ever y thing is quid there. We arc informed that Governor Martin is fafely arrived at Newbern, in North- Carolina from New-York. Last Tuesday in the afternoon Commo dore Gambier made an entertainment tor a number of Gentlemen and Ladies on hoard his Majesty’s (hip Salisbury, which in the evening was handsomely illuminated. The foundation for the new Baptifl church being finifhed, yesterday the workmen began to raifethe building. The Rev. Mr. Still man was present, in the morning, and made an occafiona! prayer. Capt. Mugford, arrived at Matblehead from Cape Nichola Mole, informs, that a severe Ihock of an earthquake happened at Port-au-Prince on the 9th of July, which destroyed twenty-five houses. Another account fays, the few remaining old houses, together with such new ones as had been lately built, were destroyed. Last evening Mr. David Weft, dropped down in Middie-ftreer, and bruised his head coufrderably ; he was suddenly (eized wiih a cold trembling fit, with faintnefs. We hear he is likely to do well. We hear from Weft ford, that last Saturday about 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the meeting house tn that town was struck with lightning and greatly damaged. Two barns, one at Chebacco, and the o ther at Andover, were, we hear, last week, set on fire by Lightning, and consumed, to gether with a considerable quantity of hay. Extra?. of a letter from a Gentleman at Fair field in Connecticut) July 30. <• Last Sabbath in the forenoon, between eleven and twelve o’clock, during the time of public worfhip,the met ting-house at Strat field, (a parish in the town of Fairfield) was struck by lightning,by which John Burr,Efq; and Mr. David Sherman,were instantaneous- Jy killed, and several other persons consider ably wounded.” Further particulars in our next. The fame day, and about the fame time, with the above, at the meeting-house at North-Haven four horses were struck dead with a slash of lightning, which also struck down three men, two women and a child, but they all happily recovered. Wt hear that one Hopkins, a native of Maryland, and formerly was of the Queen’s rangers in America, soon after which he went into the French service, where he has con tinued ever ftnee ; has lately been promoted to the rank of a Brigadier-General, and has obtained the Government of the Cayes, on the southern pari of Hispaniola, in the room of the Chevalier d’Argoufle, who is gone to Europe. It is laid feme letters by the last packet, arrived at New-York, mention the deaths of the Earl of Halifax, and Earl of Shaftefbury. The beginning of last week a filhing schooner arrived at Marblehead, having on board tour men and two lads, who gave an account, that fume time before they got in, one Saturday evening,after the crew had done supper, the Skipper died very suddenly that night, and one Russell the next morning. After supper, Russell challenged the Skipper, or any other, to drink bumpers of rum with him ; which being accepted, a pint mug was filled, and Russell drank it off, the Skipper then drank the fame quantity: Ruflcll re peated the fatal draught, which compleated a quart । but before the Skipper had time to d;tnk his fccond draught, he fell, and im- Tin Si A3SACHy Sfat T S SP V, sot 1771. medially expired. His companion dropped very fonn after, continued in a lethargic state till the next morning and then died. The men and lads agreed to conceal the un happy cause of these deaths; which they did untill examined by authority. We hear, the iateft advices from France | are, That the parliament of the province of I Britany, being greatly difi'atisfied at the mea- I iurcs of the French Court, particularly that! the Duke of Aiguillon, who for many atro- I cious crimes proved against him, had been ie- ’ gaily condemned to lofc his head, was not only screened from pumfhment but favoured ; bv the King, and supposed to be the secret ; Jireftor of his councils; and that the King I perfifled in tefufing to permit thcfentcnce to ; ue executed ; wherefore the parliament had patted arid pub’ilhcd an order, that all their members, (especially the Rohan family, and the nobility, of which the Piince Soub ze, a great favourite of the King, was the chief J ihould immediately leave their employments at Court, and return home, under penalty of the forfeiture of their efiates. That in order toccuntcraft these proceedings, the King had lent a new Governor, properly tnftruft cd to Runiies, the capital of the province. That the inhabitants refufed to acknowledge or admit him ;-r-l hat the King to enforce obedience, had sent an army of 30,000 men.. That the army were refuted admittance into the city, and opposed by the inhabitants— who in the heat of their resentment fired upon the army and killed about 200 men, not withflanding which, the folcliers, convinced that the cause they were sent to support was unjuft,—declared their readiness to fight a gainst the enemies of their country, but una nimously refufed to fire upon their friends and countrymen, and immediately disbanded. The confirmation of thisjoews is impatiently expected. .MARRIED] Mr. Alexander Ker, Schoolmaster on board his Majesty’s ship Sa hfburv. to M.f. E izabeth Thompson. DIED ] Mrs. Sarah Gill, wife of Mr. Moses Gill, meichant, and daughter of the late reverend and -learned Thomas Pi ince, aged 43 years.-—Suddenly, Mis. Eli zabeth Simpkins, wife of Mr. John Simpkins, merchant.-—Mr. Robert Sharplefs.—Mr. John Brown, chocolate-grinder,aged b 5 years, supposed to have been taken tn * fir *s he was going down flairs, from which he fell and ex pired immediately.- -Suddenly,after drinking too freely of cold water,Mr. Gray, a journey man baker; and Alexander MacDonald, la bourer.-— Suddenly, one Hougen, a pedlar, at the south end. At Salem, Capt. Ebenezer Bowditch.- Suddenly, at Charleftown, Mrs. Trumbell, wife of Mr. JamesTrumbell,jun. S H I P NEWS. Yesterday arrived the Gibraltar sloop of war from a cruize. Also ai rived the Barletta. Capt. Littlefield, who arrived here last week from St. Martins.on the 18th ult. spoke with a brigantine from New-York, bound to Jamaica, Anthony Purbeck, master, four days out. Arrived fromth'u Port. Margaret, Wil son, at Por tf mouth.— Lydia, Bishop, at —Hayley, Scot, at Dover. — Susannah, Juhnfon ; John Galley, Sims; Hannah, Sims, itGravefend. Arrived here. Doryick from No<a- Scotia ; Waterman from Phildelphia ; Croc ker from Newfoundland ; Stonehoufe from St. Lucia ; Spence and Carlton from Hispa niola ; Davis from Cape Nichola Mole ; Ro gers from Philadelphia ; Alden from North Carolina. Cleared out. Gardner to Annopolis- Royal ; Atwood to Nova-Scotia; Atwood and Atkins to Newfoundland ; Peterkin to Virginia j Clark to New-Providence ; Ball and Whitmarfh to Weft Indies. To Mr. Richard Draper. Ree die fling Sir ! IF your customers are fatisfied to maintain a weekly news-paper, sacred to the ebu litions of your envy and private resentment, I have nothing to fay in the affair. But though I might perfedily equal ycu in random invefhve, I have north* ambition to conceit my performances would add any thing con siderable to the entertainment of my generous encouragers; whom I with to divert in a much more agreeable manner, than by any thing which can arise from the uninteresting fquabola of Mr. R. Draper, and I. THOMAS. For the Massachusetts Spy. To the PUBLIC. THE number of fudJeu deaths from ex affive heat, even here upon this cb J pehinfula, gives me very uncafy apprehen sions for the good people in the muic ink nd Arid umentilatcd parts us t4.c country : To prevent, or remedy as much as may be, the ill effects of a bad regimen in this dangerous period is the design of this eflay. By intense heat and hard exercise the b'ood and juices are ratified, and the thinner parts difeharged in great plenry. The fat also liquified and mixed with the circulating fluid tends much to thicken it, and render its motion through the finer strainers more difficult. lif all pans of the body the liver in this case is most fuljtft to d/otder. Leine in the direst course of all the blorJ, fat. &c. col’cftcd in the abdomen, and placed between the thin coveting* of the right hypo chdndtium and the stomach, it is extremely liable th have its contents chilled and thick ned bv cold drink taken down in large quan tity, by too sudden an expofureto Cold air, or what is very imprudent, plunging into cold water, ftrctching at length on the void moist ground, giafs, &c. 1 he ebnereted fat has after such mifma nagemenis been discharged by the bowels, both of man and beast, and the bodies of cither reduced to /kektons fiom the want of nouiifhment such a total deprivation of the digestive juices caufei. From this circum stance it clearly appears, that as soon as the patient begins to complain of stoppage of per spiration, heavy, and fumetimes (harp con vulsive pains at the heart pit, as if, a cannon ball was immoveablyftxed in it, a fwunmmg in the head, ringing in the ears, dimnefsot fight, Some tea of any kind most agree able to the taste, (hould be prepared, and exhibited gradually as hot as the patient can bear it, and if sugar or honey be not disa greeable, the more of them is added the better. The patient should be held in a mode rately warm place, and a universal sweat en couraged by every gentle method. A tea of lean beef, well charged with crude fal ar moniac or even common fait, where the other cannot be had, and drank very warm, is very serviceable. Purges of calomel and rhdbarb, each ten grains, made up with conserve of roses, or even mclaffcs, are ne cessary, perhaps weekly. Ripe mild fruits are not only good to prevent the ardent thrift which tempts to the excessive use of cold water, but wonderfully serve to remedy the ill consequences above described. A very mild and yet cffe&ual remedy will be found in an infufion of a quarter of an ounce of rhubaib, and half as much pearl-ash, or fait or .worm wood, made in a quart of foft spring or brock water, in a glafcbottle corked j and taken to ’he quantity of a small tea-cup full, once or twice a day. *T. YOUNG. P. S. To prevent injury from sudden draughts of cold liquors, take a moderate mouthful, and after holding it some time, swallow it leifurcly } and thus proceed twice or thrice till gradually cooled. Moderate use of spirits should not be forbidden, but to drink rum when perspiration is hopped by any accident is to set the body on fire. For the Massachusetts S>y. Please to insert the following in your next. To Mr. Draper. RECOLLECTING this evening that in your last magazine of the common fhore (bakings of Grub-street, your high mightiness, quitting the Ration of your boasted establishment, and in imitation of your gr eaten, usurping the office of censor-gene ral, has been pleated to bestow upon the whole class the prefect year, the honourable title of ‘ incendiariet' I said to my chamber mate, in the name of good breeding, so much insisted on of late, what are we to exped next? Shall every prerogative-puppy’s shoe black, fcavengeror chimney-sweeper claim privilege to bespatter whom he pleases with his audacious ribaldry ? Or supposing Mr. Political Author, some one of said incendiaries was to take you by rhe note, and with a gentle foot at your breech, conduit you from the ’Change, past the Weflern corner of the Towp-Houfe; can you indulge the conceit that the high-rank 1 you have so lately assumed would infi.uence a Suffolk jury, to find you extraordinary damages? U is allowed, an affiult upon you with an intent to hatter you, d be j theroyd ream my of fcience*, Would io va. • endeaveut to determine whether yuui mind or vour corps' would afford the must pitiful objett of triumph, but no nne can cot ecke that such an ignoi ihius has the remutefttight ful pretence tuentet the lift* m fucavahcr a manner v.ith such a number of the funs of lienee; and load them with Bilfingfgate bc caufe they diufe to have nothing to du with him. If his Excellency has in any peculiar man ner patronized you, all the world must up braid you with the vile returns you have made for the favour, by midwifeing into day light such dtteilable trash in his vindication, as might draw contempt upon a Rockingham, if supposed to have his countenance. Had you Mr. Draper, the judgment of a raw ne groe, jou would have lupptcfod ;hat unlucky anecdote intended to greetje the Governor. Does not every old woman exclaim it Was intended for a contrail instead of nparallel? What notice would jeu have him tukel* Order the Salisbury to batter down th# Printing-Office, or frpd fur the 29th regi ment to befiqge the College, and put the who’c class to the sword! Could his ExceU lency be influenced by your unhallowed Ipleen, he would merit an infcripttch <>n columns; non amahilirhir litcrit PAI ER. PAI in olu Roman, but ihe Jctuigt of the people in different charafters, pci haps thufe used in inftrumems for the refignatiurt of cattles, vice-admitaltj (hips, and writi of offifance. Rctne poor creature from the field of lite rary, as well as agoniftic combat;. your cfa- Urfhed condition, fixes you the Icape goat of all the elegant writers who maintain your en terteining press with glowing matter. Even Americanus appeals to you against yourfelf; and in tne third sentence of the critical per formance you have * a little more courtly TO that “ labour to monopolize the abhor rence of mankind " If both of you let up tot critics, tramcribe to criticle, and mifphrafe, as well as mifpell in the very examp you must be weak, for it could never be your dc -1 sign to palm upon your readers, that Leoni das fpeJed abhorrence with an 0, in place of the e ; and what the to that means, is to me I ancient Scydiian. Courtly to that labourer, would be Engliffi, but a pretty 1 weak claim, make the best of it. But though one should grant you a few grains of allowance in phrase or orthography, will that excuse |he badness of your heart and confufion of your under standing f What had the publishers or printers of the Spy to do in the endeavour to slur your character ? Did not the galling admonition, enforced as you fay by a threat, most evidently come from another hand I Or are you, after the example of your friend Mein, contriving to multiply enemies, and rcfolvtng to exasperate them to that degree, that some of them, may be tempted to usher you into public notice, by breaking your bones ? 1 would fain hope the humour of compen fatingStampMafter sfor the resentments they may fufter for felling their country is pretty well over I 1 hope you will not call this threatening, nor again deserve the repetition of the free admonitipn given you above, but in future behave as becomes you MUSACOLIS. wanted immediately, A Journeyman Blacksmith, who understands SHOEING of HORSES. Such a one will meet with good encourage ment, by enquiring of the Printer hereof. To be fold by JOHN SYMMES, At his (hop between the Golden Ball and the Sign of Admira’ Vernon, Boston, viz. BEST paste (hoe, knee and stock buckles ; let hair cnmbs, fpnga and pins for ladies ; Briflol and marquifate broaches, garnet and gold ditto, plain gold ditto, Bnf tol, peebie and mocho buttons ; a few new patterns of fdver shoe buckles ; best polished (hoe and knee chapes ; Rones and sparks; . red, white and amethyst foil; borax i rough and smooth files; sand paper ; crucibles and black lead pots ; buckle brushes ; frieZing punches; brass and iron wire; watch chains and kep, &c. See. 9>