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The Massachusetts spy. [volume] (Boston [Mass.]) 1770-1772, March 26, 1772, Image 2

Image and text provided by Boston Public Library

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‘ rd Aflvrtment of
t\l £ N SEEDS,
r London in Capt. Cazneau,
“ cr fon d to be fold by
Fro trt hc DAVIDSON, widow,
a tn* Boston, (the nearest house
ut-’down the lane, on the left, to the Hon.
J Thomas Flucker, Esq.) viz.
EARLY Golden, Hotfpur, early
Charlton, large and dwarf Marrowfat,
green Rouncival, large Sugar,and Bush Peas ;
Windsor, long and an assortment of
Kedney Beans; early Yorkshire, early Bat
terfey, early Dutch, early Sugar Loaf, Winter
and Green Savoy Cabbage, red ditto; Corn
flower, Sweet Majorum, and Thyme, with
many others too numerous to be heic men
tioned. Also, * .
A Collection of the best Sorts of
grafted and inoculated English F R U I 1
TREES, as Cherries, Pares, Apples,
Quinces, Lime Trees, English El ms ; red
and white Dutch Currant Bullies, English
Goofbcrry Bufhcs of all Sorts, Asparagus
Plants of the large early Sort. Likewise, all
forts of PLANTS in their fcafon, as Cab
bages, CoHifl<>wers, Savoy, Ceilery, Endive,
Marjoram, Thyme, Savory, Sives, Sage,
Min*,&c.with all Sorts of dried fwcet Herbs.
Bojlon, March 3, I 7 l *
STOLEN, out of the (hop of Jo
seph Pope, Watch maker, at the fouth
end, last evening, by breaking of a Ojuare of
only the inside cases: maker’s name of one
By fit Id, of another shepherd, the other names
not yet afeertained, the outer cases were left
in the (hop. Should they, ®i either of them
be offerad for sale, it is requeued they may
be flopped and notice given, or whoever by
any means (hall flop them,or cither of them,
fa M the laid Pope may obtain them, (ball
be handsomely rewarded, and if the thief be
Ann-wd and brought to justice, shall have
TEN DOLLARS reward and all necessary
B. If any person will deliver the said
Watchri to the abovementioned Joseph
Popp, or leave them siThomas’s Printing-
Office, near the Mill-Bsidge, (ball receive
the above reward, and no questions asked.
Ta be SOLD very reasonable,
TV .quantity ofcxcecd
far immediately. Enquire of the Printer.
W - 1 N E 3?
To be fold at
BLANCHARD’S Wine-Cellar,
Dock* Square, Boston,
CHOICE old sterling Madeira,
Fine generous Old Red Port,
Teneriffe, Malaga, and
All ocher WINE as usual.
London Porter,
Brandy, Weft-India and
New-England Rum,
Brass and Iron Wire, properly prepared for
wireing bottles ; Brass Cocks.
To be SOLD by
‘ At Store No. 13, Long Wharf,
NINE thousand wt, of Cocoa,
1500 wt. of Chocolate, 50 barrels of
Flour, one ton of Ship Bread, Sixty Hogs
heads o's Saltatudas Salt, proof Glafics, case
Bottles Single or by the dozen, Butter,Brim
ftone, CofFre, white Beans, Rum. Sugars,
Melafles, cases with bottles, from 6 to 15
each. By wholeiale or retail, cheap for ca(h,
■ I ■ " ■ W— ■ ■ ■—— **
TAKE this method to acquaint
the public, that they have removed to
th; (hop lately occupied by Mrs. De Jersey,
nearly opposite the Old Brick meeting-house,
Cornhill, Boston ; where they have for Sale,
A Large and Valuable Afiortment of
TO be fold by Samuel Sloane,
at his Diftil-Houfe, opposite the Blue
ball arte M ifon’s • Arms.formerlyGreen-Dra
gon. New England RUM, and all forts o
SPIRITS, cheap for cash or Molafles ; and
as he makes those articles himfelf, he will
warrant them fit for any maiket.
At the Sooth Corner of Marshal’s Lane, leading from the Mill-Bridge into Union-Street.
Where all PerfoKa may be supplied < his Paper atto Sbiting, and Eight Easeful Money, per Annum j and where-Articles of Intelligence, &c. are thankfully received
Advertisements taken in.-—PRINTING, in its various Branches, performed in a neat Manner with the greatest Ca-e and Dispatch, on the most refanable Terms J
Small HAND-BILLS at an N*ia. Sumcriptkins for the SFt are also taken in by J. Larkin, chairmaker, and Mr. W. Ca?d«, painter, in Charie/l'wn • Mr I Hailer
Watch-maker in Salem; Mr. B. Emtrfon, BooUcUer, in Ntwhu^P ir t ; and Mr. M. Belcher, in P ’ J '
file MASSACHUSETTS SP Y, for 1772.
Just arrived, and to be fold by
c. LOWE,
In Madhavs Lane, Boston,
Near Thomas’s Printing-office,
AVERY large Assortment of
Paper-Hangings of the newest pat
terns and best colours, of various Prices.
Choice London Porter,Dorchefter,
Ringwood, and Bristol Beer, either Bottled,
or draughted in Hogsheads, Barrels, or by
the gallon.
N. B. Masters of Vcffels Passengers, or
Others, may be supplied remarkable cheap
for Calh. Cash given for Bottles.
Province of the Mofachufetts-Bay.
SAVAGE, ofßo/hn,in
(b S ) thecountyof Su folk, Gentlemanyne
• of the principal proprietors of the
Trail of Land herein after menti
oned. Greeting:
TVHEREAS you, with five o-
VV ihers, proprietors of a certai. trail
of common and undivided land, lituate in
the county of Lincoln, at and near a place
called Pemaouid, in the caftward parts of
said province, granted by the council of Ply
mouth, in G. Britain the year 1631, to Ro
bertAldfworth andGilesEldridge, known by
the name of Pemaquid Lands : have made
application to me the fubferiber, one of his
Majesty’s Juitices of the peace throughout
the laid Province, for calling a meeting of
the proprietors of said trail of land, for the
purposes hereafter mentioned, you are there
fore in his Majesty’s name, hereby ‘required
to notify and warn, in time and manner as
the law direils, the proprietors of the fame
trad of land, to meet at the dwelling house
of Stephen Minot in Boston aforelaid, Mer
chant, on Thursday the seventh day of
May next, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon on
said day, to ad on the following articles, viz.
To choose a Moderator of said meeting.
A Clerk of said proprietors. Assessors. A
Colledor of taxes. And a Treasurer. To
fee what method the propriety will take to
defend their title or titles, against all
encroachments. To fee what money is neces
sary for the defence of the proprietors titles,
or any other necessary uses, and to grant the
fame, to be afleffed on the proprietors, or on
their Lands, from time to time, as theyfliaU.
think proper. To chufe an Agent, -
mittee, to prosecute or defend, in aly> man
„ ' . n ‘~-
est of the propriety, or that of their assigns
is concerned; with full power of substituti
on. To fee what other committees are ne
cclTiry, and to chufe them. To call to ac
count any person or per fans, indebted to said
propriety, and to prosecute as they find occa
lion. To choose a committee for sale of de
linquent proprietors lands. To fee if they
will call any former Agent or committee to
account, as they find necessary. To fee
what former vote, or votes, of the proprie
tors, they will allow, and ratify and confiim
the fame, as they find necessary, or what
method they will take about it. To fee
what lands the proprietors will grant for pub
lic uses, as they shall think proper. To fee
what method they will agree upon, for the
division of their lands, or confider what they
will dispose of, as they find occasion. And
to agree upon a method for calling proprie
tors meetings for the future.
Given under my hand and seal, this second
day cf March in the twelfth year of
his Majtjlys reign, Annoque Domini
In pursuance of the foregoing warrant, the
proprietors of the undivided trail of land
therein mentioned, are hereby notified and
warned to meet at time and pljce, and for
the purposes set forth in said warrant.
john savage.
To be fold cheap for CASH, by .
At his store in King-street, Boston,
A GOOD aflortment of Scots
Handkerchiefs, Irilh Linens, brown
and white Sheeting,Houfewife Linen, Dow
las, Russia Linen,Ofnaburgs,Ticklingburgs,
Broad Cloths, Shalloons, German Serges,
.Colchefter Baize, Lambskins, a few falhion
able Silks, a few hoglheads of Bristol Beer,
and fame other articles. Also, Spermaceti
handles, as usual.
AMES’s, Low’s, BickciftafFs, Maffa
chufrttsCalendars and SHEE 1* AL
MAN ACKS, to be fold by 1. Thomas,
near the Mill-Bridge.
To be S O L D,
For little more than half the worth.
ANEW Dutch SLEY that
will carry fourteen persons, fitted for
four horses. Enquire of the Printer.
Imported from LON DON,and to be fold by
At their (hop, fix doors to the fouthwaid of
the Mill-Bridge, Boston,
EARLY Charlton, early Hotf
pur, and large Marrowfatt Peas ;
golden Hotfpur, large Sugar, Spanish Morat
toes, dwarfMarrowiat and grcenMarrowfat
Peas ; large Windsor Beans ; early yellow,
dwarf, early Ipeckled, dwarf and large white
dwarf Beans ; early Yorkshire Cabbage
Seed, early Dutch Cabbage, large Winter
g»een Savoy, Batterfea and yellow Savoy
Cabbage Seeds, Orange, early, yellow and
purple Carrot Seed, swelling Parsnip feed,
early pickling and large pickling Cucumber
feed, double Pepper graft, and sweet Majo
ram feed, silver fkin’d Onion,Summer Savo
ry, Balm, Thyme, and round Spinnage Seed,
early Coliiflower, late ditto, early and win
ter Turnip feed, red Beat feed, &c. .—All
warranted to be of the true and genuine fort.
For the T'Et TH and GUMS.
DENTIST to her Muffly artd the Pi in
cels Amelia.
BEGS Leave to recommend to
. the Public, his newly difeovered Es
feme es Pearly and Pearl Dertifrict, which
he has found to be greatly (uperior not only
in elegance, but also in efficacy, to any thing
hitherto made life of for complaints of the
Teetb and Gums : Particulaily they will pre
serve the Teetb in a per led found state, even
to old age ; they render them white and
beautiful, without in the least impairing the
enamel; fajten such as are loose, keep such
. as are already decayed from becoming worse,
the Teetb-Ach, perfectly cure the
Scurvy in the Gunu, and make them grow
A* and cleft tq the. teeth: they likewise
render the breath delicate, tweet, and re
medy almost all those disorders that are the
consequence of scorbutic gums.
Sold (by appointment of Mr. Hemet)
wbolefale and retail, by IP. Perfu
mer, in Cockfpur-ftreet, near the bottom
of the Hay-market, London, and at Willi
am Scett'i Irilh Linen Store, near the Draw-
Bridge, Boston, New-England.
At h»s Store near the Swing- Bi idge,
Has imported in the Rockingham, just
arrived from London ;
SERGES of all colours, Ker fey s
and Flannels, which will be fold uu
ufually cheap.
A beautiful variety of LADIES SILKS,
of almost every kind.
Brufleis and Mecklin Laces ; Gold and
Silver Laces i Gold and Silver rich basket
A large Afibrtment of ENGLISH
GOODS, suitable for all seasons, at the
lowest rater.
4. IRISH LINENS of all widths and prices
from 7s. 6d. old tenor the yard, very cheap.
Also, Paper Hangings, Powder, Shot,
Bar-Lead, Ruffia,Ravens and Englifl. Duck,
Ofnaburgs, Saltpetre, Verdig rife.
given for BEES-WAX.
ALL Persons indebted to the
Estate of David Bell, late of Bcf
ton, Brick-layer, deceased, are desired to
make immediate payment to William Bell,
and Elizabeth Bell, Sole Executrix to the
last Will and Testament of .the deceased ;
and all who have demands upon said Estate,
are desired to bring in their accounts.
TO be fold by J O S E P H
R O A C H and S O N S, at their
Store in King-street ; Good Pcterfburgh
Hemp, Cables and Cordage of all fixes,
Russia and Ravens Duck. Also a few Bar
rels of Allum and Copperas.
At the New Book and Stationary Store, op fc \
pufite the Poft-Offict in Corr hill, Boston, .1
Has just received from Lot don, •
A Large and fine Aff>rtmcnt of the most
Modern 800 KS,
In all branches of Literature, Arts and Sci
ences,which will be fold Kematkably Cheap
for the cash ;
Among which are the fidlowing, viz.
HENRY on the Bible, 5 Vol'.,
folio. Ditto on Prayer. .Ditto on the
Mrs. Macaulay’s History of Vol',
Montefquiuu Spirit of Law, 2 Vol.
Univerfol Hiflory. Vol. •"
SCHOOL BOOKS of every kind.
With a variety of (he newest and heft
and the CLASSICKS. ,
BIBLES of all viz. Large Church
Bibles, Folio, Family, Quarto, O&avo. Mi
nion and Pocket dittef, by the Dozen,ot finglr.
Likewise, a large andcompleat aflbrtment
of STATIONARY, Accompt Books of al)
forts,Paper of all forts and fixes,lnk Pow<>r t
Quills, Sealing-Wax and Wafeis, Press-Pa»
per, some of a fuperror fort to any ever im
poretd, &c. &c. &c.
THIS is to give Notice to the
Public, that there is a large Trait of
good Land to be given oft* in Lots, from one
Hundred to a Thousand Acres per Family j
upon the Estates or Lordships of Berthier,
and New-York, the property of the Honour
able Captain James Cuthbert, Esq; lying on
the North-Weft fide of the River Sr. Law
rence, Province of Quebec, distant from that
City forty fix Leagues, from three Rivers
fifteen, from Montreal fifteen, and about
the fame distance from Lake Champlain,
where the River from said Lake, empties it
fclf into St.Lawrcnce,oppofitc to said Estates.
The Conditions are, viz. The Landa to
be given off forever: The Quit-rents at the
rate of two Bushels and a half of W heat, and
one Spanish Dollar, per hundred Acres,
per Annum, with the customary alienation
Fines upon a Sale, and the firft two yeaia
free of tents.
Any Person, or Persons, that inclines to
take up any of fa’d Lands, may apply to Mr.
Stephen Tuttle, Land Surveyor at Fort MiU
ler, in the County of Albany ; or to the Pro
prietor at his Manor of Bethier, who will in
form them of the quality and situation of the
raid Tracts : They are esteemed among the
best Lands in the Province, for railing all
forts of Grain, and hath already, fettled on
them, above fix hundred Families, (there is
a Ifo good Filhmg and Hunting) and the Land
n ow proposed to be given off, lies about two
Leagues back from the River St. Lawrence.
Mathematical Inftrumeut Maker,
tHas to fell
At his SHOP, formerly
known by the name of
TheCao w n Coffee- house.
At the
Head of the Long-Wharf,
A Large Afibrtment of
HADLEY’s and Davis’s Quad
rants, hanging and Handing C m
pafles in Brass and Wood, Gauging and Sur
veying Instruments, Cases for Instruments,
large and small Pcrfpedive Glaflis in Ivory,
Wood and Fs<h Skin ; plotted Scales, Gun
ter Scales and Dividers, Surveyors Chains,
Artifical Magnets with Cases, SandGlaflij,
from two Hours to a Quarter of a Minute:
Instruments of a new Conftrudion to mea
sure Boards,Quarter Waggoner's, Atkmfon’s
Epitomes, Wilson’s ditto, Pattoun's Naviga
tion, Seamen’s assistants, Calendars, Mari
ner’sCompafles rectified, Young Man’s Co
mpanion, Journal Books, Ink-Powder, Qyilf,
and Paper, Paper-Hangings. An Aflortmerx
of Brass Pocket-Compares with and without
Cards, Box Rules, Slates and Pencils, Jack-
Knives, plated Shoe andKneeßuckle»,Pinch
beck, Block-Tin, and Brass ditto, Compass
Seals, and Watch Keys, Ac. dec.
N. B. All forts of Mathematical Instru
ments are made and repaired by the above
Williams. Those who will favour him
with their Custom may depend upon being
well used, and have their wurk done with
fidelity and dispatch.

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