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§ JLfI fis©f^®) il.. ,SHMal » raffljfc f 11 ’ lUm/ Or, Thomas s Boston Journal. A Weekly, Political, and Commercial Paper :-Open to all Parties, but Influenced by None, 'DO thou Great LIBERTY inspire gar Souls,-And make car Lives in th YPoffcffion happy,-Of, wrDcatlisg/ormn in thy jusrDclence.’ Vol. ll.] Frmlbi Political Rtgi.tbr. To the EARL of HILLSBOROUGH. My Lord, co oft ant attention I iMlly have given to the measures of your anninrftration, * 88% Will speak the proprietv of my pref nt purpose. Your panegvifts have content e<l themfehet with mo destly mentioning in general terms, that your country is indebted to you '<* very important service. j and that the pub ic will fuffer alarm and in the extreme, by your being difm’fled* Taking it for gran ted, «P*» ibeir authority* that you do P°L fefs thia high place in the eitetrn and con fidence of the public, it be my *>ufi nefs to shew W you barre doftrvod it Your Lordship wa. called into place to conciliate the mind* Of the American! to the exercise of an authority, which to them seemed unconftitutwnaL and which they feared would, in the event, be parental of insult and oppression. The fierce fpmt which prompted them to do mftant juntce upon the inftrumenU of their oppression before the repeal of the ftamp-ad,had been by the example of that repeal fatten ed down to the milder mode of petitions, remonstrances, and refolyes. bo far there appeared a disposition, on tbeir fide, to ail at least With moderation. From Inch a temper every conciliating consequence might have been expeded, had any endea vours been used to remove, in Read of rea- Ifaing, their fear, of arbitrary treatment. With what wisdom your Lordship culti vated this favourable disposition will belt appear from a detail of your meafures* The firft dawn of your admmiftration| opened with a circular letter, commanding one aflembly to refeind a refaction of Wnt-1 ing a letter to the other affemblieh anc forbidding the rest to pay any attention to that letter, under pain of immediate d flo iutton. You might not know that this or der was unccnftitutional > but you ought to have known that it was ridiculous: You •ugbt to have known that it would bear the impression of what produced it, a pue rile and pefionatc spirit. I here Was no< am aflembly on the continent which did not treat it with instant and avowed con tempt. There was not a man in America who did not think the minister who pro posed it waa destitute of common sense. Uninftruded toy this, you entered into a close and confidential correspondence with the baftft, ««ft, •«» malevolent of men, Sir French Bernmd. You en couraged information* *o® every felf-m®- rested partisan against the peoples fro® the HutchinSon to Hallowell. • Upon the intelligence and devices of such mtn as theft you foemed your opinions and your plans. They soon twit the measure of your discernment, and the mold of your ■ tem , per They framed the mo# incredible and unvouched stories of associations to take up arms, and of infurre&ions dangerous to the penonal Safety of his M -rfty'» lervants. They transmitted ex poSUa affidavits, Se cretly and suspiciously taken, with forged informations from anonymous correfpoe deots and pretended Spies. All thcfe ope rated on your Lord Ship like proofs of Holy Writ The alarm of rebenion founded kom the throne, fleet* and regiments were udcrc4 toßofton, J** V° M* 1 ‘ament were led to address hi* M4eßy,» urfue the most violent and illegal matures cainft the Supposed rebels. , *TheSe addrcfies, founded wholly on four 1 <ion and mifreprefentadon, ftrved only c diminish Rill more the refpta of Ame- for the British parliament j they mam tefted a precipitate judgment and vmdic \ tive Spirit, which are both odious and con THURSDAY, November 26, 1772. The fate of your troop, in Boston is no torious i they were compelled to relmquifh the town in the perpetration of an execra ble maflacre. The city in which they had atfied like tyrants,they abandoned like cow ard* ; fa congenial is the brutal with the dastardly disposition. In the mean time the aflembly and the people came to every offenfive resolution in the face and in despite of your arma ment. Refoives were entered into through out the whale continent to obftrud, by all legal means, the operation of laws, which were calculated to raise a revenue upon them without the eonfent cf their represen tatives. One method of effedmg this was, by entering into si lociations against the importation of British manufa&am Now comes your Lordfhip*. triumph. These allocation, soon gave way. . But why, my Laid ? Wu it not that being founded in fclf-demal, felf-intereft soon began to weaken the band, till by degree, it was entirely diflblvcd ? Was the wisdom of the minister instrumental in this ? If, indeed, as I strongly fufped, the influence of bribery from hence accelerated that e vent, whatever merit your pird&ip may •flume from that, I am not diipofcd so dis pute. But though the affociatio©* failed of their purpose, other method* hauniM* In, proof of this I will maintain against *ybtir LorcJfhip, that, notwithftandmg ttai addi tional duties nnpmed, the addrtionKrigour in collc&ing them, and the infinite of expence, the whole amount is less than before these duties were imposed, or your administration commenced ; but on the contrary, the expense of the American cf tiblifhment has increased tenfold. Where then is the benefit of this dispute to the mater country as you have conduced it? The rest of your administration has been filled up with the ddT>iutions of afLmbhes tor opposition to preposterous government, which thoy met again to continue with im punity. Ahnoft every afLmbly has in its turn experienced this irritating difeptine. The great power of di& ving parliament, which wa. put in the hand of prerogative for the highest purpose. of national good, na* been expreifed by you on every Itftk and vexatious question, kw a that more a&mblies have been diflblwd fmee you were minister than since the difeovery of America to the commencement of your ofice. It n a fad too, that you never have succeeded in any purpose of those dif folutfona. It will hardly be believed that aflembly of Georgia was lately diffolv f 1 by your express order, for having pre futned to choose the fame man (peaker whom your governor had refufed, though he was not presented, nor did he serve. It is impoflib e a fcbool-boy could exercise the frreateft powers of the crown with more pleen or less prudence. Hitherto, my Lord, I have traced you 00 the continent. You have left yet stron ger of your disposition in the flahds. The levying a duty by pretence of pre rogative, the encouraging the Roman Ca tholic religion, and making the profeflors of it iligible to places of trust in the judi cial and legislative branches of government, are pregnant proofs of your reverence for the laws and the confutation. What then are the merits of your Lord fiiips administration f If we confider it in detail, it hm been a pitiful and vexatious •xetcht of power, without dignity, wis dom or foccefs If we view it upoa the whole, it has difgrsced the authority of go vernment, diminished the Supplies from the colonies, and augmented without any e quhrafent our arpence in Supporting them. Troops end (bps you idly thought would answer every exigency of government in America, it never occurred to you to con- filer that a war, in which their aid would be most requisite, would deprive you of the only means you had p-opofed for securing it. You will then feel the consequences of having extinguished their affe&ions, and kindled their enmity. Their opposition now is more fiient than it was, but not less fare. • Even in that fing’e instance, wher: louI ou pretend to have Succeeded, the ution of their aflbeiations, they followed you step by step, receding only where you had receded. The unconftitution.l duty was withdrawn from every thing but tea ; and against the importation of tea they continued ai.d maintained their refactions. Upon the whole then it will appear, that your abilities are equal to your moderati on, and your principles proportionable to both. But your advocate has thought proper to join the resignation of Lorth North With the difmiflion of your Lordship Thar, indeed, would be a public calami ty* No one exercise. more effc&ually the arts of corruption j and the arts of corrup tion are now the only sinews of govern ment Yet wbat can have so closely at tached Lord Noitb to you? Was it the fate impofiiion you enabled Sir Francis Bernard and other, to fix upon him, to his fhatne, and the injury, of the revenue f JsYour reasons against a new eftabhfh mnt io America, which it follicited, as ypur friend tell. us» by ■ few monied rm*, ime, he convincing. 1 fbould be, indeed, furprikd if any convincing argu ment could be found against the proposi tion in general. With rcfpeil to the per sons Who are folliciting this grant, fame of them are adventurer, of desperate fortunes, bad chara&er, and worfc principle.* But this was no part of your objedion.. In de id it would be new to your Lordship, even in idea, to objed to any man because he was destitute of honesty or honour. The baronet of Nettleham* will verify this. The mintfttrral phalanx is, it seems, to be irreparably weakened by your loss t If you could convince them of this, you might fit iecure. But the blindness, or the ingratitude, as your advocate stiles it, * Sir Francis Bernard is supposed to have been the writer of the letter follow ing thia, addrefled to the Lord preSi lent. $ On the loth of August the Earl of Hilliborough resigned the office of Secreta ry of State for the colonies, and was Suc ceeded by Lord Dartmouth, the cauSe ot which was announced to the public in the London PackMt in the foilowina para graph : ° The projed of eftabhfhing a new colony in the back part of North-A mexica has proved aM* of mWm/sm among the ministry, they have long been growl ing at one another, and were very near coming to an open rupture.— ’ Tia said the plan of the new Sett ement was artfully contrived hy the Bedferd fattier in order to oust the Hibernian Secretary of State, who had raffily declared that if such plan was carried into execution he would cer tainly rejig*. Thia was the very thing they wanted, end accordingly they took him at his word —The Bedfords next planned a nother arrangement in their own favour, as follows .• Lord Gower was to be Secre tary of State for tba colonies in the room of Lord Hilliborough ; the Duke of Graf ton was to be president of the council in the room of Lord Gower; and Lord Wey mouth was to succeed the Duke of Graf ton as privy teal- However, all this Bed ftrdiM arrangement has been over-ruled by the Superior influence of the Premier, i who lias got his kinsman Lord Dartmouin,' nominated to Aw department.—ln con sequence of which nomination Lord Dart m>uth willl certainly be (worn hl <n Fri dty next.” of the times is such, that no one can dis cover that importance which your.Lord fhip perceives in yourfelf. Not thinking very highly of the present minifter*, I ztn yet clear that a connexion with you would disgrace the worst of them. It is your pe culiar situation, that having taken the lead in a dispute between two countries, you have rendered yourfelf despicable in one, and deufted in the other. JUNIUS AMERICANUS. Xo the LORD PRESIDEN T of hit Ma jesty's Privy Council. My Lord, IT is very unuSual toaddreSs miniftars in this pub ic manner but from Sadious motives, i affine your Lordlhip they do not prevail in the few ibkrvationt 1 wish to Subnet to your confidvration. On the contrary, the affedion I bear my moll a miable fbvereign, and the regard 1 have for the tranquility of my country, are my only inducements. One would imagine that his Majesty’s mmifters, having withstood the virulent attacks and buffets of opposition for these five years, and by the experience of the left leffions found themfdvee invincible, might maintain a liability beyond the pow er of petitions, remonftraecca, Bill of Rights, or city mob to affed j but it be comes a matter of anxiety to their friends, that we are on the eve of a change which must revive confufion. The fubjed of dis cord is not generally known, and there fore I take this method of making the pub lic judges of your Lordfhip’a proceedings, and the views of those who encourage and Support them. A few monied men having formed a design of establishing a new Settlement and government in America, petition his Ma jesty for a grant of fame millions of acres in the fineft part of that country. It is re ferred to the Lords of the TreaSury to fet tle the confideratioa, and to the Board of Trade to confider the policy of such an undertaking. After this most Serious deli beration, they unanimuufly and repeated ly report to his Majesty in council,” that it is a plan by no means admiffibie, and big with danger to th«t and the mother country. Such a representation (Support ed by most convincing reasons) Should have demanded the deliberation of the yW kjl council. Your Lord Ship will recoiled now injignijicMi the number and how pro cipit ate ths resolution in determining So great a quiftion.—-Yourfdf, two Secre taries of State, and Lord ViScount Fal mouth, will have the credit of diSmiffing one (if not more) of his Majefty’a best Servants. I have always thought it the pradice (I am litre it’s good policy) for the different members of administration ne ver to interfere with the bufmefs of eacl other's departments ; but that the judg ment and opinion of each were uncontro verted and constantly acquiesced in by the rest. Why then is Lord Hilliborough (juf— tffied by the unanimous Sentiments of the board where be preSides) to be oeunterac ted in his exerciSe of the usual prerogative of office ? Not because the meaSure be hat opposed ia right, but from considerations of a different nature. One would imagine that the Services of that noble Lord deServe better returns from his country; but nati onal gratitude, like pe-fouai honour, is very much out of fafhion Jxxd Htilfbi rough ventured on the American Sea when, it was So turbulent, that no one elSe would brave the danger » by a manly resolution * and prudent management of the helm, he nai. weathered it, and is now to be diSauP Scd as unfit for Service. My Lord Roch | ford can give a better reaSon. Your Lord lhip knows how ufelels he thinks an Ame- I [ For the Remainder Jee the- la/l page.] [Numb. 93.