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A Weekly, Political, and Commercial Paper Open to all Parties, but Influenced by None. 'DO thou Great LIBERTY inspire our Souls,—And make our Lives in THYPoflellion happy,—Or, ourDcathsglorious in thy jusxDefence.’J VOL. ll.] From the Providence GazitTß. * meet * n £ °f Geaenl- Afiembly of the Engltfh colo ny of Rhode-Ifl*nd, «nd Pro- A |rC9 vidence plantation*, at Eaft iSVTWTnTV Greenwich, on the 15th of Oaober. A. D 1769, n was Ivoted and refoived, “ That *li trial* tor tteafon, milprifon of treason, or for I any felony or crime whatsoever, committed and done in this colooy, by any psifon or persons residing therein, ought of right to be held, and coodu&ed in and before hi* Msjffty’s courts, held within said colony, according to the fixed sod known cosrfe of proceeding ; and that the feising any person or persons residing in this co lony, fufpelled of any crime whatsoever, com mitted therein, and fending such person or per font to places beyond theses to be tried, is high ly derogatory of the rights of BritiSt fubjedts, as thereby the inestimable privilege of being tried by e jury from the vicinage, as well as the li berty of summoning and producing witncfTea on such trial, will be taken away from the party accused.” When the above resolve pafTed the House of Afiembly, it was a time of coolness and much deliberation, and none had the most difiant that this colony wonld be the firft at tacked in so tender a part. Perhaps it may be either unfortunate for American liberty, that the small colorv of Rhode-Ifland ftould be fin agled out, bv miriftcrial mandates, to take (he fi ft dose of that celebrated antidote sgainft trea son ; tut. we cjn aflu'S oor bret. reo of the other colonies, that we will, in no instance, give np ti»v- lead ti:t!e of our just and dear bougoi rights to ary power on earth. 0 I ihall give a short hiftorv of the behaviour of the Gafpee Ichooner, from her firft arrival in thi* colony till her deftru&ion on the 10th of Juie I aft, aa introduftory to the present alarm ing measure«. About the middle of March last an armed fchoo >er appeared in our Bay, that boarded, searched, and maltreated every vefftl she came op with, not shewing any commifiion or autho rity for so doing This matter was represented to his honour the Governor of the colony, who feat the hiyh IherifF of the county of Newport on board the schooner, to fee who and whst she was. Lieutenant Duddingfton whe command ed her, did not think proper to wait on the go vernor wish his paper*as he was required, and aa it was hi* indispensable doty to have done t but sent the master of the Schooner, with feme pi per* from the commificners of the customs at Boston, impowe ing them to imfce fcizuie* of sny veffcl* that should be found smuggling Sec. Several mefiages pafTed between thv Governor and Lieutenant Duddisafton. in which the im propriety of Mr- Duddingfton'* conduct was pointed out; and he was even told, by one of his fiiend*. what null be the consequence of such behaviour: But he biufleicd much, and fwor* he whole colony could not get on board bis vefiel. A miral Montagu was made acquainted with the rifpme, which he soon ttx k a very improper part in, and treated the Governor with great in d'g ity; After Mr. Duddingfton bad yoked the Almira! in hu cause, hi* beha-iour became more irfolert and intolerable, pe.fonally ill t e4tirg eve-y milter and merchant of the vcf fc t he lioarded, (feeing flierp, hogs, poultry, Sec. f rom the termers round the Bay, and cutting done their fruit awl other trees for fire wove In a word, his behaviour was so pira tical and prcvnkipg that Eng’ifhmen conld not pa ie tl> beir it. Thi' Jive rife to the unhappy scheme cf destroying the Grfcee, which though it has beea repreferted, by the Ring 1 officeri, aa an affair preconcerted by the iahabi anti round the Narragai set Bay, and that aimoftthe whole tows of Providence were concerned in it, 1 fay thi* ac tion was done by about forty pecpleJ in five or fix longboats, as the Gafpee’s people declaied on Oath the day after she waa deftreyed. The eo terpiize was hafiily concluded on, and very fe- Crctiy cxecu'tT*, so that the authority of the town of Provicercc had not the least knowledge of ft. The ft effc&usl steps were immediate ly taken by the suthoii.v in thi* colony, to dii- Cover the perpetrators of this rio'.ou* affair. A proclamation wits iflurd, effetags laige reward so anv that wotftd give info matioo, so that tfte HFradrt* might be brought to justice ; but r,o vyuacii oL vail Jv> appearing, the biavt Capuin Or, Thomas’s Boston Journal. THURSDAY, January 28, 1773., Linzee kit napped a mulatto, and by fair promif ar.d threats made the villain swear to • numoer of faiftioods, whereby he ha* imDeath?d fom? of the brft charsllera in the colony; and because the civil authori'y did not think the evidence Efficient to apprehend them for trial, the Admiral and o’her < slicers in their great wrath against the co’ony, have so represented thi* matter to the ministry, that his Majesty has been pleased to ap point fpedal coromiffioncrt, for examining and fending to England aa many of the offenders as can be apprehended. , s I trull when thecommiflioneri come to have a true account of the exertions of the authority of the colony, and that they now (land ready to give every one accused, on Efficient evidence, lawful trials, they will give his Majesty a fa vourable account. On rhe other hand, when they fee the graft mifreprefentationa that have been made, and all from a lying servant, that haa not spoke a word of tru h it is expelled the comm ffioners will do justice to the chvrallert of those gentlemen that have been unjuftlv sc cufed. PROVIDENTI A. FRIDAY, January 22. BOSTON. The following are the proceedisga of the town of M ARLBOROUGH, viz. ' ** To the ctmmittee of corre/pmdence for the town of Boston, *' Gbmtlimbr, -, “ BEING all esgagM in one common cyfifr viz. that of averting and maiataining ( cprn rights and privities, (hall contribute craft tning in oor power towards tht restoring tro ftme to their pristine purity. *' We Tiava here inctofed the resolves end Eroceedingsof this tswn for your candid peruM; oping that each town aflifting and uniting like s band of bioihera, may banish tyranny from our laad. “ We remsin yoor’s, kc. By order of the committee, “ Hezckiah Maynard, Chairman. “ Marlborough, January 7, 1773 ” “dT a Meeting es thefr übeUtrs and other in habitants of SAfCA L BOROUGH, duly nvarmd and legally afftmblt t on Monday ttjl of l) teem her, A . D. 1772, to hear tbo •votes mod proceedings of the town of Boston , tfle. voted to chooje a commit tee to preport a dretjt to lay beforo the ton**, ana inftruQions for tht reprajenttUtve, and ta etrrtf pond-with the committee of tba town of Boston , Uc ——The toivu then proceeded and moot chotee of MeJJuurs F/eztkiab Maynard. Alp heat Wood, Eaward Barnes , Jonas Morfo, jun. and Daniel Harrington, ana adjourned to January \ft , 1773, one o'clock afternoon—at which time theJaid com mittee reported at fol.owe, viz, “ THAT slavery haa something very (hocking in its nature, and that death, perhaps is more e ligible chan such a Hate ; and once the mcursfal tragedy is commented, then to awake and Have our eyes open, would be intolerable, that it oiMr was in our power to have prevented it. , “ We desire with the fincettft returns of grcgi titude to (he head of influences, to acknowledge hisgoodnels infptriiing so great a part of our me tropolis to endeavour the recovering andmaistats ing by all lawful mears.our rights and privileges both civil and sacred, which he haa (notwith ftandmg our fins) favoured us with, and do now return our thanks to you for the noble exertions lately made in tht cause of liberty, and at the lame time hope you will persevere is all consti tutional ways for the full recovering and maia taining the fame ; with an cotire dependence os the Lord of holts, who haa aiwaya fopported his church and people against their tyrannical barbaroua enemies, and who we hope win aHaw appear for us, and in his own righteous way grant tftlg fai Cation needed for Hit people, for which wtf hope glory will be given to tbs name of him wto is the Captain of our falvstioo So with all lefpell we are wi k you, true and loyal fubjelb it common with Great-Britain* the true or.ftitution of which vde desire in all lawful ways to maintain. - —Therefore do •* Retotoe tft. That the inhabitants of this earth{are naturally free, and while in a Bate of nature, have a right to do HMmfclv'es justice when .heir rights are invaded, oi ? *• Rtlo/vt zdlj. That mankind have a right and power to form themfehres into societies, mike C'mpaHs, covenants, and just laws, so as 10 form a good and equitable rule of go^nsmenr. “ Reinon jxily. That it is the«mnto(Pot this tcv..Y mat .he Sritilh Nation tPjbyed,* pe*h*ps, as compleat a system of government aa any nation whatever, agreeable to, and by which the King was as much bound as the people, and had no longer right by the constitution And his orooatiou oath to the throne, than during the tim* of ruling according to the fame; and in extreme cases when a prince breaks through and treads down the fundamental laws of bis coun try, and destroys the nob.e constitution thereof, •nd fe a himfelf to destroy Liberty and Pioper ty, with the holy religion of God's covenanted people, and all that ia near and dear to them, and ir.ftend of supporting virtue and holireft, doing justice and loving myrCy, and walking humbly with God, he grows haughty, unjull, and a tyrant, uftog arbitrary power, introducing popery, and all manner of debauchery and wick edness ; then thst free born people are not re quired by the religion of Jesus Ch ill, to submit themfelvea aa flavea to such irreligious t> nanny, but may make use of such power as God haa given them, to preserve anc defend themselves, and recover and support their laws and liberties civil and religious, and this must be admitted by all who approve that happy revolution bro'c a bout by the hand of divine providence in 1688. " Re/oive 4thly. As the opinion of this town, that the whole British Empire is under very alarming circumftancea, in taat, the confti- I ration of the nation being in part broken over * the rights of the people invaded, great inroads made upon their liberty in an arbitrary manner * fhfcirJkyfdom, property and privileges, civil fpd reftgVous, in danger of being wholly taken foto tfefti, notwithftandiug all the conftitutioael mtifciMtteogea and petitions that have been made u£e of. ** Reftbvi sthly, That the British Colonies in America, and this province in particular, have a right to all the immunitiea, privilege* j and liberties, granted to them by Royal Charter, and alts of parliament. •* Relolve 6 hljr. TTiat the people of this pro vince have aver been a loyal people, and never forfeited their charter-right*, be. by any dif loynity whatsoever, and that they have good right to hold and their property and privileges, and no power on earth ea anv just right to alie nate th:m from the owners without the consent of themfelvea or reprefentstives. " Ref the 7thly That the many alls of par liament impofingin late yean, duties on this, as wed as the other colonies,and the tolerating aßo mifhpricil, and appointing papilU to high places of trust in the British dominions, and also inefta biiftiiog the falarics of several of the fi d men in this province, and also of the Judge* of the Su perior Court, and making them ir dependent of the people, the great exiention of the Admiralty Office, the quartering foldiera upon os in time of peace, the arbitrarily demanding and treacherous giving up of Castle-William, our eh’ef fortrefi, the (bedding innocent blood, as in the horrid Maflacre in Boston the fifth of March 1770, all which we look upon unconstitutional, and catries a bad afped, be. “ Rt/ohe Sthly. That this pravince, and evary individual town and person (eperate or to gether haves right to peti ion bis Msjefty for a redre&nfgrievances according to the bill of rightvjnra other ads of parliament, and that thv afTertien of a corrupt miaiftry ,a LordH illfi'orough, the Bvronet of Nettleham, or any other tools Cl arbitrary power, proclaiming to the contrary, or their withholding petitions and remonstrances from King and parliament, is denying and with holding Justice, and ia unconstitutional, and de serves our refentmCnt. ** Jb/olvt 9thly- That when a people justly com pi am of illegal ads of parliament which are contrary to tha constitution of the nation, and petition to tha throne in a proper way for relief -■—.to be denied a hearing and called seditions and guilty of treason against bis Majesty, as has beea tba case, it totally subversive of the confu tation, and a great indication of much corrup tioa, and a sign of wicked raters, and that the glory of such a peopled departing or already gone, which call* aloud on such a pe?p’e to exert themselves in the cause of their God and coun try f for tha case is very dangerous, and there 'ball be no delay iatbis issuer. “Re joint iothl y. A* the opinion of thta town that the province it in the utrooft danger of being rained, sod that it is time, yea, mo-e than timetoroufe out of fectlri»y,and to confider of the danger we sic in, cf being fffipped if the privi ledge of trial* by Ju itfr, and of tdugdefr.vad of j [Numb. 103. a counsel of our own choosing and fuppirtinP,' which is now fought after by those mercenary wretches, who are so sordidly detiched from all good, as that they are endeavouring to endive this ccuntry in fhipplag the people of their teligon, liberty, and property. “ Re! tv* 1 ithly «nd lallly. That every town not only in this province, but in all the Erglilh colonies, and elsewhere in theJßricifh dominions, ouaht tofurnifli tliemfelves with every thing re crflsry, that is lawful and commendab ein the fight of God, in order to save and defend thetn felves, and regain support and secure our lives, properties, liberties and privileges civil and sa cred, and that further delay. By order of the Committee, “ HizeKiau Maynard, Chairman, The above reforvea being twice read, and n vote called for, pafTed in the affirmative, atm, ten. “ A motion then being mide to add two others to the committee of correspondence above named» the town then proceeded to mike choice of Dell. Samuel Curtis and Mr. Willi am Bovd. • • Voted, the foregoing proceeding! be recor ded npon the town bock. “ Attest. Abraham Williams, Moderator: •* A true copy aa on record. " WINSLOW BRIGHAM, Town-Clerk.’* REPRESENTATIVE'S Instuctions. “ WE his Majefty*! most obedient and loyal fubjelb, the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town es Marlborough, having taken into con fidcration on the one hand, the happy condition of ourfelvcsand ancellors under the happy reign of two as glotfous princes as ever filled the Brit ish throne * white on the other hand, we refWt on the f«d and deplorable condition we seem to be in of having our rights and privileges, both civil and fscred, taken from us, and being alarm ed with a new invasion of our rights, viz. The making our Superior Judges dependant on the crown for their support 1 we can no longer fit esfy.and fee cur rights which are as dear to ua as cur lives, torn from us one after another : Therefore we think it our doty boldly and reso lutely to refill the attempts of those, who seem by their condull, determined to bring us into bondage, If ft may be a means, under God, of oor deliverance from slavery : And as w« have so much of our privi eges continued to 01 as the meeting of our General afiembly twice a year for his Majetty’s service ; and likewise we have the privilege at present of a man to represent us in that august AffVmbiy : And now Mr. Bint, aa you ark the man who is to represent ua in that grand afiembly, we give you our iuftxudions ia the following manner, “ 1 ft. We would desire you to ofe your at moft in preserving the Libbrty or tub Potts, that great bulwirk of the Eogiifh nation,inviolate to the laud posterity. “ idly. We desire you to join with your brethren in all proper meafuret which ftiall be thought fit to come into, in order to obtain our violated tights, and to have our rights, both ci vil and fseted, continued to us according to our charter, till time (hall be no more : And in par ticular, ia petitioning our most gracious fovc reign our political father, thst he would hear us of his clemency, and give us an answer of peace;' and treat os accord ing to the account we have ot earthly parents, that if a son aft a fiffi. wi I noc give him a Hone, or if he afic aa egg would not give him a fcotpion ; and not treat us as Rcho boam did his fubjelli, to make his little finger thicker than hia father's loins. *• jdly. We would recommend to you to take condull of those tbice worthies for your pattern, the account whereof you have in the third chapter of Daniel, which tha: impious and arbitrary monarch Nebuchsdnczar had mads his formidable image, whole height extended to threescore cubits, and commanded all his labjells to fall down and worfiiip that dumb devi., so contrary to the law* of God, ar.d the reason which man’s creator hath given him yet they were so stupid aa to obey that exec able edill: But behold there were th ee true fon* of liberty,' not foe* by birth, but captive* obtained by con - qoeft of war, who refilled to otey tht Jtirg'i com mand ; when the King was infoimed that thcie men did not obey tT:s command, then the King' com minded them to lw brought before him, and the King fptlWand (aid, t*c:. O Shadnck,* Mefiieck and Abeir<egq| that you do hot ierv* ms god 1, acr wotftitp the frizn image which C-