Newspaper Page Text
A Weekly, Political, ar *d Commercial Paper :—Open to all Parties, but Influenced by None; ‘DO thou Great L I R E R I' Y inspire our Souls, — And make our Lives in thy Pofleflion happy,— Or, our Deaths glorious in thy just Defence.* Vol. IV.J SAMUEL ELIOT Informs the PUBLIC, That he has imported in the 'hips just arrived from LON DON, A General Assortment of Englilh and India GOODS, a Variety of lrilh LINENS. Cutlery and Hard WARE, Pirtol POWDER, drc. Which will be by Wholelalc and Retail, At hrs SHOP near the Head of Dock-Square, And at his STORE in Wilson's Lane. J'd 'S'H U A GARDNER HAS just impo ted from London, by Capt. Calif, AFRESH Assortment of Spring GOODS, which he is determined to fell at the very lowest Rates for ready Morey, at his Shop in Cornhill, just above the Poft-Otf.ce, Elston. , SPERM A-C /E T I CANDLES, - a quantity of Sperma-Carti Candles, of **• a li.perior quality to be fold remarkably cheap by JOHN BEANE. Enquire at William Phillips, Efqui.e and Son's Store, O.jver’s-Doci.. Just Imported and to be Sold by JOHN and THOMAS OSBORN, At the Painters Arms in Back-street, Leading to Cluilcftown-Ferry, I.) A I N T E R S oil and colours, of all forts, by wholefole and retail, as cheap as at any plate in Boston. N n .. Ct ach, Chaifo, House and Ship Painting, arc. don* wit nudity and dispatch. lEeftborougb, March 29, 1774* TP A N away from the Subscriber on l\ Sunduy tail, an apprentice lad named JOHN W RIGHT, about twenty years of* age, dark complexi on, ftiort black hair, about five feet fix inches in height, thick and well set. Carried of!' with him two suits of cloatlis the coat and jacket of one suit of a rediin lolot*, the other a blue coat and ilripped cotton jacket, two pair of yellow leather breeches, one lheep and the other buck skin, two Ilripped tow shirts aad three cotton and linen ditto ;— •ne new beaver hat, and other much more, three pair of shoes, one pair of which were new, five 01 fix pair of flock ings j with one pair of long and another pair of ft.ort trow fo-rs—Said Wright is by trade a Biackfmith. Whoever will take tip said apprentice and secure him, so that 1 may have him again, or bring him to me, (hall hare TOUR DOLLARS reward, and all nccellary charges paid by JAMES GODFREY. N. B. All mailers of vdfeis and others are hereby cau tioned against harbouring concealing, or carrying ct!’ laid apprentice, as they would avoid the penalty of the law. » ■" 1 1 I —-— —— A WOMAN, that can be well recommend ed, with a young breallof milk, would be glad 10 go into any gentleman’s family to suckle. Enquiie of the Printer. GARD E N S E E DS. Imported in Captain Goa ham from LONDON, And to be SO L D by LYDIA DYAR, At her Shop near the North Battery, Boston, EARLY Charlton, early hotfpur, golden hotfpur, large marrowfat, dwarf marrow, blue marrow and Spaniih mo'iotto Peas,large Windsor, large Toker, early Liibon, early Hotfpur, early yellow Dwarf, early speckled dittn, and early white Beans with black eyes, early York (hire, early Dutch, Sugar Loaf, Battcrfea, large winter, green and yellow Savoy, early and late Colliflowcr Seeds, best Cabbage Lettice, white Go£s, green Gofs, marble and brown Dutch Lettic: Seeds, best double Pepper Grass, round Spinnage, lhort top and Salmon Raddilh, fcariet Raddifh, double Parflcy, white SpanHh, silver-skin and red Onion Seeds, long green prickley and early Cucumber Seeds, sweet Maijoram, Thyme, Baum, Sage, early Dutch, and late Turnip Seeds, large swelling Parsnip, red Beets, Orange, golden coloured, early yellow and purple Carrot Seeds, red Clover, Herds Grass, and Canary Seeds, Winter and fum mcr Squafti, long French Turnip, Hyfop, and a variety of Flower Seeds, warranted to be new and good. (4 m. GA R DE N SEEDS Just IMPORTED in Capt. Hood, From LONDON, And to be S O L D by ANNA JOHNSON. At the bead of BlacX-Hdxse Lane, A Large Afloitment of Garden Seeds, Peafe, Beans, &c. Among which are, I? ARLY charlton, early golden hot fpur, Ormanu hotfpur, Spaniih moratto, white roun, dwarf marrowfat and bush peafe, large Windsor, true early Liibon, early yellow fix weeks white kidney and fine toker beans, early Yorklhire, Dutch sugar loaf, batterfea, Lvov, red and brocoli cabbage feed, colliilower, cucumber, onion, carrot, turnip, radilh and ietdee of all forts, round fpinage, endive, cillery and afpsragus, thyme, baum, sweet marjoram, broad clover, White Dutch clover, la lutein, rape, canary, and an alfortment of flower feed* and herds grass lead. Alfa, a variety of other feeds not mentioned ; ell which were imported from the Seeds Men in London, and ate warranted to be ftdh and good and of the tail year's 'p.tduce. Or, Thomas s Boston Journal THURSDAY, May 12, 1774. I * or LONDON^ ImlVtA The Shi P LONDON, Roust Calif, Maftrr, VMVfik Now lying at the Long Wharf, Will fail with all Expedition. For Freight or Tallage apply to Peter at his Store in King-Street, Where there is to be Sold, English, Russia and Ravens DUCK, Pickles in Hampers and Cases, Cheefliire Checfe, Loaf Sugar, Chip Hats. Boston, Apt it 30,1774. . * For L O N D O N~ The Brig LEONARD, Benjamin Durham, Mailer, Laying at Ha nc o c r's W hai f, j /fcgQHtxirL Has very genteel Accommodations, 'S S And will fail with all puifible Dilp.itch, ,u»y three Parts of hrr Cargo being already J engaged.— For Freight or Tallage apply ~*to Jonathan Williams, jun, in Ann-Strcet. As said Williams proposes to embark in the above Vetlel, he rameflly requeft* those Gentkinen who are indebted to him, to mike immediate Payment. JA SCHOONER, B'litl.en 80 Tons, Nigh Deck, a prime Sailer, and well found. I She will be Sold on reafonalde Terms. Enquire of the Printer. —. WANTED, To Charter immediatd^p--— _ From 90 to 120 Tons Burmas^i. Boston, April 20, 1774. FIFTY DOLLARS Reward. LAST Night the Dwelling House of tKe Subfcribcr was broke ojcn, and from thence were taken the following articles, vi*. one pair of filvcr chaffing difhcs } one pair of butter cups; one filvcr tan ; two large Ibup lpoons; one pepper bo* ; li* large table spooni } fix tea ditto and a (trainer, marked E. D. maker's name D. Hencliman, all except the spoons, which have a hand fir acred ; a silver tea pot ; one ditto fugardilh j a boat for tea spoons } one pair of tea tongs ; five tea lpoons and a cream cup ; two porringers and two lalt-ceiiars, all marked E. b. one filvcr tankard without a lid, ma.ked S. • D- I. S. one silver can marked I. E. an old fafliioncd pep- D. per box, marked A. E. fix large table spoons, marked F. S. one filvcr filvcr, no mark upon it, the foot resembling the mouth of a tunnel ; silver tankard maked A. B. one ’ lilver I'oriii'g.r witiiout any mark ; three table spoons Si marked A. B. one old spoon marked I. S. four tea spoons no Mark \ one pair tea tongs ; maker’s name of these not D. Henchman ; 1 Hurd, some of them, and some B. W. with other Imall articles. Whoever will take up the thief or thieves, so as he or they may be brought to juilice, and the plate recovered, (hall be paid the above reward, and a reafonablc reward for any part of the plate, in proportion to its value, per me. Fairfield, Ctnnettkut, Th a ode us Burst. Martb 15, 1774- N. B. If any of the above plate should be difeovered in Bolton, please to give notice to John Hancock, Lfqj and an adequate teward shall be given v fThe PUBLIC Art herehgf informed, that JOHN JOY Has received from LONDON, A large and compleat Aflort ment of Drugs and Medicines, Of the bed Quality. Surgeons Instruments, of every Kind, finilhed in the 1 ncateft Manner ; with a full Aflortment of Groceri* and Dye Stuffs, which, as they were purchaled by himfelf | with the Cash, he will fell on very reasonable Terms* at his Shop, the North-Cor ner of William’s Court, Boston. • # * Praditioners and others may be supplied with large g ,[j|| or linall Quantities, by Lec ter or otherwise. as # well as though they were present. impL**! Medicine Boxes of va rious Prices, for Ships or jkm&i pri 'ate Families, are put up * n ncateft Manner. For the MASSACHUSETTS SPY. Mr. Thomas, As this metropolis is threatened with an additional number of Biitijh tioops, it behoves ex ry one, tfptc tally the fair sex, to be upon their guard, ag..mft the crafty nodes, as well as violent attain, of all enemies to virtue ami mo rality—therefore your injecting the following in jour valuable patir, will muiu oblige y our affeftionaie friend , A MORALIST. 01 ! H'ltn will the Lot uft tear r the land ? Chdich. lit price of ax trtuous woman is above rubies. Solomon. A i' political and private happiness are invariably J, connected with religion and viitue, is a felf evident pmpofition. A* morals decline, lo will the health, courage, and puUi< spirit of a |*«plc decline alio ; aLuae all, the fa vour of God, without which nothing can cxift, much lei’s prafj'C! will only accompany such as love and obey him; th »lc whom Cod' delights in mull be happy.; those w hom he dctclls muff be miserable. That the morals of this people, lime the fleets Usd armies, of Gcorp she Third, have bren cro\> ded in upon us, arc very much corrupted, is alas 1 but too visible ; let us trace the causes of this cor ruption, in order that the remedies may be pointed out — Perhaps, the mud fruitful source of depiavity in this land, is the scandalous proflitution to lie leen in almost every place, that has heen so unhappy, as to have foldtm contained ia it ; an evil that caules and multiplies every fpecics of wicked nek. Pleasures of this kind, if they deserve the name, are commonly supported by fraud and rapine, and every a£l of injuttice ; lois cf health, dileafc, dittrefs in families are the usual confcqusnces. The grand iiiltruments of this iniquity, are the firft feducer*; for the unhappy wretches, when feJuccd, are compelled in a manner, to continue that bad courfc of file, from an impoliibility atmoft ofiubfiftmg in any other————A high-wayman i. a faint, compared to that man, tha^villain, who firft ruined an innocent creature, and then turns her loofc like a vvld bead, on the public—He has not only endangered to five highrft degree, the temporary and eternal welfare of the* unhappy creature, but has likevvife extended and profiled the inteirft of fin, by laying a snare for the He -1 ftrujjßon of many others—The firft (educer, is juftlv charge -offr, with ail rh*cm»plication of wiikeduell. that rhe»han. don«<t fcrrmle commits nerielf; and likcwile with all the fin which Ihe may be the alluring oecafion, and inllrument of in Oh! that it may never (with rise frail colour of truth) be told in Gath, or published in the ftrtetsof A - kelon that any ot the amiallc daughters in America luve ever fullered themlelves to be fcduccd by the turfed intrigues and artful insinuations of the font of Belial—And now Sir, to prevent as tar as polliblc this great source of perdition, I would preface that human laws fliould be mailed agreable to the law enacted by Divine authority among the Jews, namely, If a man entice a maid that is not betrothed and be with Iter, he dull surely endow her to be his wile , If her lather utterly refufed to give her unto him, he lhail pay money according to the dowry of virgins, Exod. xxii. 16, 17. A man who a virgin ought either to mar ry or poriion her; this law is actually put in execution in (bme countries—ls the man be already married and Dkcwife too poor to portion her, he ihould be punilhed in the fevered manner——This tail case would not very often happen, for it is well known that gentlemen molt commonly are the firft feduem—What can be more just, than that t’lole who deprive other, of the means of fubfifling fliould be compelled to support them——*W» really Mr. I’rintcr want fro table laws to preserve to women thole means of fubliftcnce which become their fox. If a young woman lias a genteel educa tion and a small fortune, flic Hands upon the brink of def trillion ; and even if Ihe is defuous, flic foarcclv know s what business to put hetfelf to in order to be out of the way afWfWtlm ; for excepting two or three AMtS wlncn (women Hill retain ; w* have after the French fafliion, men mantua-makers, men men ftay4hakcis* men Ihocmakcri for womens (hoc, men haircattm tor womens Lair, dec. and very likely in time, we shall have lempflreftes, laundrefles and dear ftarchers of the fame lex. Till our land is free from foluiers and prostitutes we fliall never have morals ; and without morals, we never can have happiness. To the EARL of DARTMOUTH. Laugh and be Fat. Mv Loan, YO U have every qualification for an able fecrctary offtatebut common sense, the want of which appears very conspicuous in a recent part of your conduit : I mean, my Lord, your laying the American popen before the House of Lords. Pray ; Mr. Secretary of State, what have your peers to do with those paper, before the Com mon s have seen them, and come to a refoluion about them ? All the papers about America should have been delivered by you to Lord North, and by his Lord/hip to the Commons; and when the people's (hare in the legillature had done with them, the matter would have came, in the due course of business and of Jegifiatiun, before the Lords. A HEAD with BRAINS. —r———y—— —■ ll—w FRIDAY, March 6. BOSTON. Since the arrival of the last (hips from Lon don , it has been confidently reported that part of the contents of one of the letters written by our great man to his superiors in England, the last winter, is nearly if not precifcly in the following words, “ There is an abfolutc ne ceflity of sor 6 regiments here ; for, let the faction now fay what they will, this Province is in a state of rebellion ; my daughter was obliged to fly with her infant in her arms.” This corresponds with what the ministerial wr.ters in the Whitehall evening p >ft expressly fays *• is Governor II ut< hinfbn’stcttlccl opini on,” as appears by his Liters read before the house of commons, vu. 14 Tm* no effort in [Numb. 171. the colonics by any body of men, civil or mi litary, can remove the evils that now reign among them.” Mr. Hutchinfun, in his print ed letters, private and, items to have principally aimed at an aittiaiion of our charter; if then an alteration Ihould be at tempted, we know already to whole a. 10 place it. “ rhere mull be an a’ n ’ ment of what arc tailed KngliHt ■ “ I wilh tiic gnml ol the colony, when i wilh to fee a further rellraint <i liber; y ,f d'his was his And in liis !c 1 which was laid before pailunieut, wc ait ; id that he added, “ Parliament and ,urlla ment only can rellore that country (Amcri 1 to peace,” &c. And we are further u,!J “ t , c his letters for these fix years pall iiavc v.sia"-. • ly calculated and held forth the fame dixh ine ’ But though the deftrudlion of the free run of our conlhtutirn might be the principal mun cion, yet a military force might be Ifrcnuoufly follicited, as a ncctflary means of effectin'; it. At a general council lall Wedntfday the Governor was plealed to nominate William Brown, Esq; to Ire a jullice of the superior court in the room of Nathaniel Ropes, Efu; deccafcd; but there being but feveil counltl lors present, they declined to aft on a matter in which the lives, liberties and properties of the people were lb deeply interfiled, and it was put off'till after the next election of coun fcllors. There is no appointment in this govern ment, especially under the present situation of our public affairs, of greater importance than thtst of a judge. It is the reafonablc expecta tions of this people, that men who arc tho rough judges, and have had 1 0 much honour to be made the inllrument in arrying on the meafurw of a corrupt court, fliould he pro moted to the bench ofjuflicc; and it is uni verlally known that there are such men to l>e found, i his depends upon the circunilpcfti on of the reprefimtatives that are now to be chosen by the people; for let it be remember ed that if only eight out of the twenty-eight councilors to be elected are such as the Go vernor can manage, it will be in hi# power by -exerciftng his prerogative of negativing (anil poflibly this may be his intention* of making those eight a majority of a legal council,) and coofequenxly of appointing luch judges as he (hall be pleased to nominate. Vellcrday arrived here his Majelly’s Slkip Mercury from London. SATURDAY, March 7. BOSTON. We hear that Admiral Montagu has l>een plcafed to grant a pardon to a boatlwain of his Majesty’s (hip I amar, who was under fcntcnce of death for mutiny. On Friday last the ancient and honourable artillery company made choice of the Rev. Mr. John Lathrop, of this town, to preach a sermon to them at their anniversary eledion of officers the firft Monday in June next, in the room of the Rev. Mr. Hunt who had excused himfelf. We hear from Norwich, that about a fort night ago the bone of an alewife was extracted by dodor Turner from the throat of Mr. Eben ezer Lord, of that town. The bone is about thefize of a brown thread needle, barb’d from end to end, and has been lodged in Mr. Lord’s throat 25 years, and at various times had given him great pain : Considering the variety of movements to which that part of the human body is fubjed, it is surprising that it could be retained there so long. Last Friday fe’nnight Daniel Willfon was executed at Providence for a rape, pursuant to his fentcnce. A whaling sloop arrived at New-York,.who had made a good voyage, on the jth of Febru ary, in latitude 4, longitude 7 spoke with the Captains Rich and Sweet belonging to Bolton, who had got 120 barrels each on board ; and were all well. Ycflerday afternoon arrived here die Mercury frigate, in 8 weeks from England Extract of a Utter from Colport, March 14. ** Yeftcrday an express arrived at ihe «om miftoners for the Royal Oak, Worcester and Egmont, to rcp.ur with al! expedition lor Bos ton ; and the Prcfton, Adam a! Greaves, to re pair with the above.—This morning the Roya? Oak and Worcester bent their fsuis, and viiil £ui the firft fair wind.