Newspaper Page Text
k/xjju^ r r ?AVv/ W V nk'yz x- A Weekly, Political, and Commercial Paper .-—Open to all Parties, but Influenced by None. *D O thou Great LI B E RTY inspire our Souls, —And make our Liyes in thy Pofleflion happy,—Or, our Deaths glorious in thy just Dcfeace.* Vol. IV.] A Boarding School fbr young Ladies, after the most Lngluh Method will be pened from this Time forth by , ELEANOR DRUITT, In Hanover-Stlrett, new Conceit-Hall. The Ladies, besides being tenderly and carefully looked after, and initnkW in every Part of their Behaviour, tee taught Engiith and French grammatically, all Sorts ot Needle-Work, plain and h Colours, Tambour, Grotto, Bade, Bugle, and Paper-Works. Her Terms will he the mtel moderate and such as to convince the Enquirers they ««tebnable indeed. • » Those who 4h*H be pleated to intruft her with the Care of their Children, merely that the Attammcnt ot those delir Ale Ends, shall ever engage her affidious Attention. Epittulary Conclpondenec, Writing and AritluneUC tn the moil concifc Manner, taught by JOHN DRU I 1 r. Recreation and Exerciie as contributing to the Health and Vigour both cf Mind and Body, go Hand in Hand with a Variety of Employments. The Faults and Defeats ot young Persons ate fought to be rettified by Perluanon, mild and gentle Uf.ige, Encouragements and Rewards, rather than ferere Treatment, except when the latter is absolutely necetlary. • • The Day School as usual. Steel Plate MILL SA W S. AN U M B E R of Very fine En glish Steel Plate MILL S AW S suitable for the Eastward, Uie fuperror toany ever in America before, Is iuil arrived, and to be S O L D by CHARLES SIGOURNEY. At his Shop at the Head ot Dock-Square, Oppofiu Greenleaf’s Audtion-Room, Boston. With a Large Aflbrtment of all Sorts ot Braixiery,'lronmongery, Cutlery and Ship Chandlery GOOD S, Confiding of every Article that is Imported in the Hard Ware Branch, and too many to be enumerated in an Advertifemcot. . . Those who want to porchafe by Wholesale, will find it worth their while to call, as he is determined to fell as low as any person in town. ALSO, Double refined Engiith Sugar, Copperas and Allum. Painters Oil and Colours, iU S T ARRIVED, a GENERAL Aifortment of Painters /A Colours and Oil, and to be SO L D by CHARLES SIGOURNEY, At his Shop at the Head of Dock-Square, Boston. ALSO Window Glass, Nails of all forts, &c. &c. ALSO, An Invoice of Painters Colours, To be SOI. D, very low, confiding of \ Red and Whitt Lead, Spanish White and Brown, and a few Calks of O IL. [Being a Confignment.j DUNCAN INGRAHAM, jun. Has just Imported In the Boston Packet, Captain Lmr, a very Great Variety of Hosiery, whiter for Fabrick and Cheapness is not exceeded in Boston. His Alkrtment is as follows, viz. MEN’S China white rib’d and plain Silk Hose, from 41. to 71. the pair. Ditto random rib’d and plain ditto, from 41. 5% to 51. ros. Ditto Outsize ditto, [the pair Ditto blavk and white silk Gloves, Ditto white and random Spun Silk ditto, Ditto white, brown and random thread ditto all frites, Ditto Cotton <Btto, Ditto white and brown thread Socks, Ditto plain and rib’d Worsted ditto, Black Breeches Patterns from to jl. Women's Cotton Hose, from 17/6. to 555. the pair, Boy's cotton, white, brown and random thread Hose, * all prizes, Women's black, white and coloured Silk Mitts and Gloves Girl’s ditto, feme Lace ALSO, A Variety of Callicocs, Chintzs, Sattinetts, Dimothys, Fustians, Jeans, Ravens and Ruftia Duck, Ik. dec. Ik. GARDEN SEEDS. Imported in Captain Gorham from LONDON, And to be SO L D by LYDIA DYAR, At her Shop near the North Battery, Boston, EARLY Charlton, early hotfpur, golden hotfpur, large marrowfat, dwarf marrow, Mue mairow and Spaaith morrotto Peas, large Windsor, large Toker, early Lisbon, early Hotfpur, early yellow Dwarf, early speckled ditto, and early white Beans with black eyes, early York shire, early Dutch, Sugar Loaf, Batterfea, large winter, green and yellow Savoy, early and late Colliflowcr Seeds, best Cabbage white Gofs, green Gofs, marble and brown Dutch Lettice Seeds, best double Pepper Graft, round Spinnage, short top and Salmon Raddifh, scarlet Raddifh, double Parsley, white Spanish, silver-skin and red Onion Seeds, long green prickley and early Cucumber Seeds, sweet Marjoram, Thyme, Baum, Sage, early Dutch, and late Turnip Seeds, large swelling Parsnip, red Beets, Orange, golden coloured, early yellow and purple Carrot Seeds, red Clover, Herds Graft, and Canary Seed', winter and fum mqr Squafti, long Frencn Turnip, Hytop, and a variety of Viewer Seeds, warranted to be new and grod. (4 ga. Or, Thomas’s Bolton Journal. A’ « • , I , THURSDAY, June 16, 1774. GARDEN SEEDS Just IMPORTED in Capt. Hood, And to Fe S O L D by ANNA JOHNSON, At the head of Black-HorsF Lane, A Large Aflbrtmcnt of Garden Seeds, Peafe, Beans, Among which are, EARLY Charlton, early golden hot- spur, Ormand hotfpur, Spanish white roun cival, dwarf marrowfat and bush peafe, large Windsor, true early Lisbon, early yellow fix weeks white kidney and fine toker beans, early Yorkshire, Dutch sugar loaf, batterfea, savoy, red and brocoli cabbage feed, colliflowcr, cucumber, onion, carrot, turnip, radish and lettice of all forts, round fpinage, endive, eeiiery and asparagus, thyme, baum, sweet marjoram, broad clover, white Dutch clover, la lucern, ripe, canary, and an aflbrtment of flower feeds and herds graft feed. Also, a variety of other feeds not mentioned; all wliich were imported from the Seeds Men in London, and are warranted to be frefh and good and of the last year's produce. A Manufacturer in a conlidcrablc branch, propofc* to deal in wholefaie only fbr facility for trade, and any merchant or trader inclining to encourage any Manufacturer by applying to the printermay I* inform ed who the Manufacturer is, and the article manufactured ; the pretent scarce circulation of cash and otlier reifoas that might be given, will induce the merchants and traders to seek out this and every other Manufacturer established On the fame principles, viz. that the manufadnrer v ill hale a living by his calling, and the meichanL and trader will have their sinecure in trade. Wanted Three Hundred and Eighty pounds' L. M. for which a Real Est ate Will be given as fccurity, just seven and an half miles from B >fton, which fold for Eight hundred pounds L. M. twenty three years ago and is now two hundred poun M. better then everit was by addit ional improvements made upon it inthecourle of Jail year, viz. two hundred and eighty for a year, to •nrccl a mortgage now upon Gid eftate,and an hundred pounds for fix months, to answer present exigencies, unless the lender rhooles thtir said hundred pounds should run tire year. Enquire as above. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, ON E Hundred Pounds, lawful money, for which good Security v. ill be given. Enquire us the Printer. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, TWO HUNDRED POUNDS, Lawful Money, by a Person in good Bulincfs in tills Town. Enquire of the Printer. LOS T, supposed to be ftolcn, a SIL- T. VER TABLE SPOON, marked I. M. alm oft new. If it fto»ld be offered for Sale, it is desired it may be flopped, and information given to the Printer. Choice peas, ide of shoals dumb FISH, BEEF, RYE, a few barrels RYE FLOUR and PORK, to be SOLD by JOHN BARRETT and SONS/ TO BE SOLD on board the RrigWiLtiAM and E 1 Iza b r rh , lying at Pvl l 1 n g’s Wharf, SUNDRY Articles just imported from New-Castle, viz. Cream-coloured Ware in Crates, a CaMe no Fathom, Running Rigging, tec. English Duck, Naik of different Ilzes, Mustard in quarter Pound Bottles, Pipes, Harz ot all fort', Box and Flat Irons, Kitchen Jacks, Threads, and two yritentecd Carriage Machines, with about a ton of round Bolt- of ail Ilzes. Enquire of ASKEW HILLCOAT, On board Gid Brig. This day was friee is. bd. And fold by EDES St GILL, in Queen-street, OBSERVATIONS on the Act of Par- liament commonly called the BOSTON PORT BILL ; with Thuuglrfi on Civil Society and Standing -Ar mies. Dedicated to the Freeholders -and Yeomanry of the Country. By JOS IA H QJJ IN CY, jun. TO BE LET, For one, two ar three Years, And may be entered upon immediately, LARGE convenient Dwelling- House, in Beverly, near the Ferry, with four Rooms on a Floor, and a good Wharf. For farther Particulars nquixe of Capt. William Moan an,the Owner, living in (aid Beverly. THE following Articles are to be fold extremely cheap, and for which any kind of Mer chandize will be taken for pay, viz*. A genteel Riding Chair, one double and one Angle Sley, an excellent finoke- Jack, with chains, &c. and one conmmon ditto compteat, two Iron Cranes, one large walnut Table, a long entertaining ditto. With many other articles ufeful in a public house.— Also, a compieat set of Founders Tools, such as patterns for calling almcft every article ufaally made in brass, with screws, iran mortar, I umace, Foot Wheel,tec. let. Like wise a few batreh of Cyder. Enquire of the Printer. qpC be fold or kt, only for want of Em- : a young Negro man, who is capable of trans- l aftirg buhneis in a tamily. Enquire of the Primer* SILKS And Superfine BROAD CLOT HS. A PRIME aifortment of Padufoys, Du capcs, Lutcftrings; plain and figured Sattius, Da maflu, Sarihets, &c.—fapcrrinc falhionable coloured Broad Cloths, with suitable Lining and Trimmings ; To be Sold at an exceeding low rate, by . JOHN BARRETT and SONS, At their (hop near the Mill-Bridge, Bolton, . Where may be had, all kinds of Englifli, Scotch, India, Hard-Ware and Cutlery GOODS, By Wholciale or Retail, Extremely cheap for Calh or ihott C redit. Mr. Thomas. A S fomc of my worthy friends have thought (not a little to my difadvantagr) that I was a signer to the addreh to the late governor Mr. Hvtchinfon, I beg leave thro the chant-1 of your paper, to acquaint them, that it is a nnl take, and eaftly to be for, when the resentment Is allowed for which the reading of this lift raises in the breast of every friend to the community, together with the near found, Nathaniel Greenwood b-ai» with that of Nathaniel Dieenmigh j but his fiiends may be afl’ureil lit never law th* addicft, till it was in the paper of 301 b instant, and confeuuentlv never signed it. The (aid NAfHANihL GREENOUGH imported in the fcveral veffcls arrival here this spring, a large aflortment of Euglilh goods, suited to the fcafon, among his goods me CHINAWARE, SPICES, and a grand ..(Tortment of HOSIERY*. Mens Silk Hole, Plain White Ribb’d and Rand; m, Men’s and Children's Thread and Cotton ditto. Men's and Women’s Black and White Silk Gldve', Women and Childrens Black White and Colour’d Silk EFtft', *c. tec. tec. &c. The small est favour of those who will please to favour him with their Cu(l<-m ihali l>e est" in-'I and regarded b) him. ALL Peruns having demands on the Estate of Samuel Webb, Taylor, late of Woolwich deceased, are desired to Lring in their accounts to Sarah Webb, administratrix on said estate, and all those indebted to said estate, arc d< fired to pay »he fame immediately. IS'ulw’ul't Mai 19. SARAH WEBB. • Bs/ett,/aw 1, 1774. RA N away from the fubferiber an appren tice boy, named Josiah Cobb, about sixteen year* age; a /hurt, thick-sett lad, had on when he went away a short light-coloured jacket I mething ragged. Whoever will give information where he may be found, shall be intided to a re ward of two dollars. NATHAN GREE N. To the P U B L I C. AS the times are threatning it behoves one and all to go into the most frugal metlxxls'to en courage our own Manufacture*, and as there is a great cufe fumprion of Gloves in this large Country, we can man*, future enough here, to fapply the whole Continent, which will employ our own people, and keep a large fam of Moi nev here, which it annually font to England for Gloves aM which are hatter and cheaper than can be imported from England t It it hoped therefore, that the importation of tUB article at lead will be totally flopped. These may certify, that Philip Freeman, will fapply Merchants and Shop-keepers with the teW following, viz. Budt-Skin GLOVES, Norway OoC, ditto Purple, ditto Walh Leather, ditto Beaver Skin, the most reasonable terms, at the blue Glove in Union- Street, faccing the sign of the Com-Fields, near the Dock, Boston. E great demandfor this paper, has of ten occafsoned many good cujiomtrs being for which the publi/her is very sorry : He will, in future, endeavour to pre vent any thing of the like kind happening, so long as he may have the honour of being an hand-servant to the public. The gloomy profpeft of public affairs, at present, in this devoted capital, has occasioned fonu prefling Demands upon him, which with great reluctance he informs his cujlomcrs, he can by no means answer without their kind ajft/lance : He is loath io trouble them with a * dunninu’ advertijement, but bis affairs make it necrjfary : His cujiomtrs in the country towns in this province, jind those in the other colonies, he hopes will take proper notice of it, and confsder there is no pofsbility,' (especially for a young beginner) in carrying on bufmefs without regular payments. A work of this kindjit is well known is at tended with great expence, and he begs leave to mention, that the MASSACHUSE lIS SPY is a third larger than any News-Paper pubhjbed in this province, and contains/ts much News, as many Political Essays, as any m America ; and is the cheapeji on the globe. I. THOMAS. Boflon, June 9, 1774. [Numb. 176. For the MASSACHUSETTS S P Y. Mr. Thomas, 1t r a Lovxa bKtmtt fatisfied ly fmatl compliance*, | -.uitl tut fut tl er gurfuin, thru rxftti te Jnd row Aal u L | AfltanbUM tentent with small conceftions. Ute Dr an Swift’i IKorkt. AW RIT E R under the fignatnre of M»a c a to* , in the kui Paper of Mdflh. Firz rs, Iwth delivered his sentiments with that apparent modesty of addrtli and I plausibility of realbning, that he. merit* attention and ern , dour. I wilh that he had nut c >nce.alcd his name, tnat : 1 might have f him my imm, without being on uutaual 1 ground with him. It h a matter devoutly to be with >l, [ in such trying times, a. theprefent, that p»x>d citizen, would avoid ail (crtnalment. I-et u* fpeik fnely like Mrs of fortitude ; let us (peak numv, likr- Min t> f gttd mlthtitiit. The world would be better able to of tb, metner to public conduit, and w«>ul • be in lets danger of being deceived by our error*, if all pullic writeri give th >i names, when they pubhlhed their to tjic world. Mercator makes a just (though trite) obtervatiun, whe t he fays, with reference to the present day, r * men too often fuller their palfions to predominate over their reafon.”— Thi wist Man made an equally true one, when he td i us that “OeraissioN maketh a wife man m an." Tu dri-ve men to the precipice of diftrailion and delpair ; and tell them to be te.npecate and cilm, may be the language of the moralist and sage : But the ordersef Niilurc, tie decreet cf G 0 D mull be chsk gad. before mqfi will obey the voice of such wjdom. The poiky of temperance and conlideration i» of wonderout efficacy in this wuiid : Ihe MachiAvrtiAN confulta the code* of such policy in his ciofet i he praitifea upon such principle* in the ftaate : But mankindore not made, th*-y were not intended for such politician* I Te ftel-— and to act are the tjpntiuh »f tie nttry ccnftitutien of man. Wife legiflatur* are /killed in tht frirnce of the human he ut ; upon tbit knowledge tbetr lawi t They never expert an inveifion of tiic law* of God in the heart of man ; they treat man, at man. Mercator fpeaka of ‘ meafares, originating iw r or frnrate inttreft, at length lupported by the most inveterate prejudice.' As I know of no public meat.ires, in this pro vince, which have had this origin, or this center, I caanot apply his obfeiration, till the writer will be pleated to I c more explicit. When he fays, “ the present divided ftatc of this town is a proof of his observation,” he giro, his own opinion : But till he shall afford evidence of a cm itiun gre 1 - ter, than what aft intelligent persons sore-saw ; until he shall thow a-natural anif dose connexion between the fall advanced, and the conclujmn foawu, Lc W>H find fcvf con vert* to his position and dodirint. Was the deftrudliun of TUB TyA A measure that origi nated in 'vanity or private intcreji F Or was it the natural efledt of the paJfMit of mete, who conceived its landing a* slavery and death j who tiied in vain zvzav lfniknt method in order to avoid so intemperate a remedy ’ 11-d Mercator come forth, and like a good citizen convinc ed his countrymen, that their apprehensions were idle and chimerical ; that Tea loaded with a dutj, imtoced rot the ruarosz or raniN'i a in America, was a harmless matter ; no doubt they would have been lulled into silence and inactivity : But while Amiucani think, that bondage and misery are the iuevitah/e concom micants, the eternal appendages of such a revenue ; tl eir nature, will be diftrafted on such oecafions ; aud dtjtnafled nature flic* to DUTBACTINO EEMEDIEI. < What divisions arc there in this town, but such as * 31 evex be, wlien the Csaft is in danger. Uy tbu trade, we get ova wealth*: Great isDian a of the Ephcfian* ! The uproar at Epliefas of oldcwn infinitely greater about the sweet guddefs, Diana, than we shall evet fee abiut that lujifui dame, C O M M E R SE, in this enliglitened feilion of the globe. But the force of Tsuth, though preffcd only by such feeble instruments, as the poet J;l <> mm cf GaliiUe, prevailed. And prevail it will, while men bare understandings to dipern, and hearts to acl. • When we fee a publication upon our present “ divided state," a carelef* obfencr would be induced to believe, that this division was extremely wide and terribly alarming. But let us go forth into the world, in companion of tb e many, how few, are the little heft of unthinking merchants, unprincipled traders, eager dependants, and riotous fpmlns. Their whole Importance is encircled in the narrow limits of a coffee-houfe ; their whole parade the borrowed p'u rnagc of a military cap ; their whole force the tempo, ary fever of a pairing camp. , When there i*.apparently throughout this txten, rao vince and CX> N T I N E N T, such a union of sentiment and resolution. the only design of treating upon our divide ! state seems to be, the exciting thofc ieabufiri in dhtak t er et it a in, which may create drvijumi, not yet in exif tencr. • , • However, I am not about to deny, that we in thrt Knm may be laid to be divided. But how I As at the begmni-ig, the few, tLe very feu) from the many. Such a division, there has, and will exist, till virtue is fupre-nely trium phant, and vice deeply trodden to the center. It bath been the cbaraficriftir stain, the Haftirf curse A this town and province to have a greater number of malignant enemies in its hofom, than hath been the portion of ary otter colony on this wide extended continent. The payment for the Tea (fays the prefect writer) “ cannot be cqnfidered a* a concrliion to authorip', but ai a matter which rcfalts from the principles of equity.” There is famething of plaufibllity in thia, but much mure of something eife * The pestle who destroyed the Tea would reason thus. The Tea we confider as a fatal evil; we whh to preteed not a fttp beitde the line of law and moderation. We wiR trv every probable, yes, every pofble mcafurc before we pro ceed to extremities. A man, who fee. an enemy advanca with a drawn fw< rd, will never patiently receive the tit al ftob. The cooled sage will flrft pnry the stroke of an xS verfary, and give him notice that lie fete his aim : But if the foe will xdvaace, and the alternative become this, the point of my ftccl, or repel me with strength of your arm 1 MEN, all act alibe hofuch extremittet. A moi tul ter extctiCS a deadly pmfon : Drink. be waJLi, and ma. To endcas wr t» pat slide the cup ~ is