Newspaper Page Text
UaitfM, May >9» J?#* ; TO BE oOLDat PU B LIG AUC '1 1 ON; On T U E b D AY the second Day o> August next in the Town U Halifax, at toe Houle of Mr. John Rinxa, A VALUABLE Tra£ of Land or Townihip, commonly known by the Name of New- Jcrufalem* ur Port-Rolaway, on the Southern Shore ot the Pio,, nee of Nov a-Scoth, containing One Hundred 1 Iwuwnd Aucs of Land, granted by hi* Majerty to Al “ x *"‘’ kb Mac Nut r, EHi but lately the Property and hitate o Bk n Jam I n Gxkxish, Uqi deviled, and contain fevcral tine Harbours tor Vcfkh or Ships ot any Draught ot Water and full of all Sort, of Fi(h, a. Cod, Salmon, Mackrel, Herring, ic. &c. ta. extending about twelve Miles on the Sea CwIL well wooded and watered. Conditions of Pay, via. To pay io per cent, down in Calh, and the Remamder,on cmfiptrng the Deed of bare for the fame, which rihall be withWShe Month alter the Sale. Alfb, a Lot of Land, an old Houle and Bakc-Huule on the Beach, with a large Baking Oven, htc in the Occupation of Mr. Richaxd Jacoiu A Ifo, a Lot of Land wjkd tn with Stone, containing live Acres of Land mui or left, lying on the Road to Riciiaxd Jacob s harm. Also, one Half of the Mcetmg-Houfe C Allo, the late Dwcllihg-Houfc of Ben jam in G a a a UN, Elq; dtxeafed, with the hunt Yard and back Gardens and Out-House:. Also, a Wharf with four Stores thereon and a Cosch-Houfc and Stable. _ . Also, a 'frail of Land, containing ten Thousand Acres, granted to BaNJ am i n GX a a 1 sn, E Iqi deceased, situated on the North Side of the Baton ot Mines in the Province of Nova-Scoria, comprehending the three Riven commonly called and know* by the Name, of the Bals River, abounding with Shad, Salmon, ;Bats and other Kinds of Filh, and contains upwards ot two Hundred Acres of Marih Land, ami was formeily a Scttlcment by the Arcadians. And also an Illand called Muoio-lflandl about one Mile diflant, containing about one Hundred and Ninety Acres of rich Land. The afotelaid Bals Rivers are ble for VeflcL of 50 or 60 Tons and good Harbours. Also, ftxty one and half Acres ot Dike Land in the Townfliip of Horton on the Grand Also, a Fann in the 1 ownflu p of ral mouth, now under good Improvement with a Dwelling? House and Barn and oth-r Out-Houfe*, containing about Twelves Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land more or less, and all other Lands belonging to said Eftateot Ban Jamin Gxrfish, Esq. N. B. In all the above Eftatcs the Widow * Dower is to, be excepted and treated for with her in Particular* for hc» Thirds during Life. Conditions of Pay as aforclaid. A LL Perlons indebted to the Estate of Richard Suuomb, late of Burton, Baker, deceased, arc once more requefled to make immediate, payment to Mary Surcomb, Executrix, as they would avoid being ford at July Court. . JOSEPH BILLINGS, Of Boston, T A 1 L O R, Has received by the Ship JOHN, Capt. White, Frim LONDON, SUNDRY Pieces Jurperfinc Cloths, with Shalloons, &c. to match ; also four-threaded Patterns, all which he is determined to fell at the lowest Rates for Calh, at his STORE, leading to Srt as ’* Wharf. Those who are plcafed to favour him with the Making of their Cloaths, he will take for Pay, New. England and Wcft-India Rum, Loaf and Brown Sugar, Mollafles, Flour, Ship Bread, Cocoa, Chocolate, Beet, Pork, Cordage, Ac. The above Cloths, Ac. being a Confignmcnt, he will cut a Suit of Cloaths as elegantly, and make them up as cheap and as well as any advcrtihng Tailor from the city of London. SUPERFINE Broad-Cloths and Shalloon.';, with almost every Kind od English Goods usually imported from London to this Place, imported by SAMUEL AUSTIN, And to be Sold quite low for the Caih aft his Shop in Union-S treat. JAMES HENDERSON Just returned from Loncon, begs Leave to inform tire Public, that he has brought with him AN Aflbrtment of GOODS, suitable for the Spring Trade, which he will fell by Wholcfale and Retail, at his Shop in Ann-Street, next Door to Mr. William Scott’s Iri/h Linen Store, Button. N. B. Among which is a Variety -of very fashionable SILKS. Just arrived and now opening at the Store of DUNCAN INGRAHAM, jun. In Union-Street, Boston, A variety of English, India, Irilh and Scotch GOODS, Which will be Sold by Whole£*le and Retail, At his usual low prices for Calh, The following articles are part of his aflbrtment, viz. Clrints, Moreens for Waiftcoat*, Alamodes, Calucoci, " Lorettas for ditto, Luteftrings, Nankeens, Brunfwkks, , Mullins, Broad-Cioalhs, F ine Chip Hats, Sattins, Serges, Skellitings, Irilh Linens, Baizes, Pound Wires, Dowlaflcs, Brolios, Dutch Laces, Oznabrigs, Jubilees, Writing Paper, Ticklinburga, Callimancoes, Royal Ribbs, Diapers, Ruflells, Sattinetts, Ruiha Drabs, Shalloons, LookingGlafles Cambricks, Tammies Neat dredi. do. Lawns, Sag rthees. Ravens Duck, Checks, Gauzes, Ruflia ditto, Fuftiam, Gauze Handkerchiefs, Black hirrCaps, leans, Nettings, Black Plumes, Striped Hollands, Miflcs Court Heel Mo- India Jeans, rocco Pumps, China Ware. Infants ditto, ALSO, Gun Powder, Shott, Spices, Scythes, Sickles, Loaf Sugar, Ac. Ac. » THIS is notify the Creditors of Isaac WiNCMisTis, late of Brookline, Gentleman, deceased, who have not received the rcfpe&ive Dues from the Estate of the above Deceased, are desired to meet at Mr. Morton, at the Sign of the White Horse, South-End Bottom on Thurfd.iy the 19th Day of May instant at Three o’clock in the Afternoon, and they may hew of IbmeAir.g to their Advantage. B O S T O N:' Printed by ISAIAH THOMAS, At he Jo Pc Tn of Royal Exchange-Lane, near the Market, Dock Square, (over Mr. T. Walley’s Store) where all Persons may be/applied with this Paper at Six Shillings and Eight Pnte Lawful Money, per Annum, unsealed, and Eight Shillings fea'ed and direded ; and where Articles or Intelligence, &c. are thankfully received Advertisement? taken in.—PRINTING in its various Branches, performed in a neat Manner, with the greatest Care and Dispatch, on the mod reasonable Terms. Small HAND-BIL .LS at an Hrat Notice. Subscriptions for the Sf y are also taken in by J. Larkin, Chairmaker, and Mr. W. Calder, Painter, in Chcrleftt\cn\ Mr. J. Hille', Wuch maker, in Salem ; Mr. 8. Emerson, Bookfdler, in ; Mr. M. Belcher, in Bridgewater ; and by Dr. Elijah Hcwins, in Steughtonham. CALEB BLANCHARD, InUrtioN-Sram; Be.'s leave to ii form his Friends and Cullomers, that he has imported by Captain Sym MM andL» D r irom afrcih allbrcment of Summer Good!, which he will led at the very lowelt prices for ready Money, vix. . DU T C H Lace, Cheavaux-dc-Fnze and Blond Lace,, Gauxe Handkerchief., a tine Af furttnent of Callicucs, &c. India Dimothys, Juckonet, Sprig'd and Strip'd Mullins Bengalis, Nankeens, Lunges Rom tils, black and blue Ollritch Plumes, Skeleton and Csu-Wiie, Allamodc, Sarihets, Sattins, Bibaotu, Gown Trimming, Hole, belt Pumps, Silk ditto, girls and mifles Morocco i'ump,, Cambricks, Lawns, a fine AUbrtment ul men's and women’s worsted, thread, an 4 cotton Hole, Breeches Pieces, Morris's Patent Gloves and Mitts, Super tine and other Cloths, Duroys, Wiltons, Serges, Raven* Duck, Dowlas, China, paper netVrcd '1 runk-, Info Linens of all widths, Spices, Royal Ribbs and Corduroys of most colour, also, ladies white ridjng Hatts, with blue Oltrltch Plumes, boys white and black round Hatts t urtians. Jennets, Dimothvs, bulf, white and fcartet Cloths, but! Shalluns, India Cailicecs, black, bulf and white Silk Breech es Pieces, w ith a large and General Aflbrtment ol GOODS, in the Worsted, Woollen and Habcrdafl.ery way, ladies riding Gioves. C'HOICE MADDER, the growth of this a pros ince, to be SO 1. D by JOHN BARRE I I, Near the Mill-Bnidcx, BOSTON. CYRUS BALDWIN HEREBY informs his Cuflomcrs and others, that he purpufes to embark for London early next lad; and that he i* now felling oft his Stock in Trade, cunhlling of a large and valuable Aflbrtment of Englifli, India and Scotch GOODS, very cheap for Calh, at hrs Store in Cornliill, near the Srate-Houfe, Boston. which art, A large Aflbrtment of iuperfine, middling and low priced Broad Cloths, with Trimmings, German Serges, Wiltons, Jeans, t uftiant, Cotton Velvets, Hair and Worfled Plufliee, Furniture and other Calicoes, Furniture Checks, Iriib Linhens, Cambricks, Lawns, I hick Mullin, Book ditto, Silks for "Ladies Gowns of various Sorts and Colours, fame of them at the ftcrlmg Cort ; a beautifol Aflbrtment of Ribbons, Quality and Shoe Bindings, Gar terings, Tapes ; a fine Allurement of Silk, Thread, Worsted and Cotton Hosiery; Carpets and Carpeting, Looking Glafles, with a 'lhcujand Articla, not here mentioned. Very neat fuperfine Chip Hats at the Sterling Colt. ♦,* Those who have the Calh to pay, will molt lurely find it for their Advantage to apply to laid Baldwin.— He carncftly requerts all Perlons that are indebted to him on Note or Book, to make speedy Pay ment. OATS, Pcafc, Philadelphia Flour and Bar Iron ; also warranted Scythes and Axes. ■ ■ A few neat Fowling Pieces, and a small Quantity of Snuff, to be fold cheap at the lowest Store on the South Side ot die T»wn-D<xk, by JOSEPH P. PALMER. JEREMIAH ALLEN Informs lus Fa lends and the PUBLIC, That he has received by the London, Capt. Cal EE, And is now opening for Sale, At his Shop in Ann Street, a little North of the Draw Bridge, by Wholesale and Retail, ACompleat Aflbrtment of Braziery, Cutlery and Ironmongery GOODS, purchaied from tlac most approved Manufafturers in Great-Britain, and which he doubts not will give fatisfadion both in Price and Quality to those who please to favour him with their Cullom. Among -which art the folio-wing, id. 3d. 4J. 6d. xod. and 2od. NAILS, Sheathing and Boat ditto, London Pewter Dilhes, Plates and Batons, Tankards, Quart and Pint Cans; Quart, Pint and Half Pint Tea Pots, Cream Pots, Tea Tongs, Table and Tea Spoons, Bottle Crains, Wine MeMures, Bed and Close Stool Pans, Brass Kettles and SkilleM, Bell mettle ditto. Warming and Fraying Pans, Delk and Book Case Furniture of all Brats Knockers, Ball Bolts, Clock Pint, Screw Ringj, Knobs, Brass Scales and Weights, Money Scales, Brass and Iron Car.dletticks, also a few Pair* Princes Mcttl? in the newest Taste, Steel spring, ju~»nned and iron Snuffers, polished Steel Shovel and Tongs, Bellows! Box and Flat Irons, Box Iron Grates, Bed Screw , half and quarter Carrier', Knive Boxes, make Catton, Bed Caps and Turn Ruckles ; fiber, ivory, buck, bone, horn and maple handle Knives and Forks, Penknives of all totes, Razors, Sciflars and Cuttocs, Snuff and Tobacco Boxes, Hom and Ivory Combs; gilt, plated and lacquered Coat and Bread Buttons; Shoe, Knee and Stock Buckles cf all kinds, Temple and Dutch Speftides, also a few Pair Temple of an extra Quality, Brass and Iron Locks and Hinges of all forts, Carpenters and Joiners Tools, Awl Blades, Shoe Nippers and Pincers, Englilh and French Gun Flints, Shot Belts and Powder Flalks, Powder and Shot, Bar and Sheet Lead, 10 by &Glass, 2 and 3 pitched worsted Wool Combs; bell Clothiers Shears, Smiths Anvils and Viles, Iron Spades, Beaver, Castor and Felt Hatts, also a few white furred ditto with Gold Buttons and Loops for Ladies, Peg-tooth and cross-cut Saws, Steel and Iron Plate Hand Saws, falh, ten nant and key hole ditto. Files and Rasps of all forts, Qimblets, Tap and Bung Borers, Bamboo, Dogwood, solid, joint and hazel Angling Rods of all kinds, a few of the neatest Bamboo Rods that perhaps was ever in America,(pare Tops for Rods, Cod and Mackrel Lines, Hair and silk ditto, best Hurly Hooks, ditto on Gimp and Hair, Snap Hooks, 6 and to Stave Reeds, 10-Yaidfly Line Gimp, Landing Nets, sly-goose, flout painted Corks, Brass Winches, Brads and Tacks of all forts, Nail Nippers, Nutt Crackers, Cork Screws, Brass and paper Ink Pots, Brass Beer Cocks, Pink ing Irons, Chair Center and Deueling Belts Crutch Head Cloth, Table, Shoe and Buckle Bruihcs, Curling and Pinch ing Tongs, Wool Cards, Series and Serie Bottoms, Houfc Bells, Pound Beads, No. 1, 2 and 3 Silks, Kitchen Jack*, compleat Brass and Iron Wire, Curry Combs, Driping Pans, Com Fans, painted Scale Reams, Horse Fiems, Brass and Steel Thimbles, Rat and Mouse Trap , Tin Plates, Look ing Glafles of all kinds, a few Pair Gold and Gold and white oval Glafles in the Palmyra Taste, either wither without Jcrendolcs. JAMES H I LL, At his SHOP in Charlestown, Next Door to Isaac Rsnd, Esquire d. Ha* to SELL, A Variety of frelh GARDEN SEEDS, also Peafe and Beans, just arrived per Capt. Symmet, from London. He has likewise for Sale, Giafs, Cream- Coloured, Delph and Stone Ware, Groceries, Ac. N. B. The Gcldlmith and Jeweller’s Bufmefs carried an at said Shop. JO H N WHI T E Gardner and Seeds man in Seven-Star-Lare, Boston, acquaints hix Cullo nets, that ho has received a he;h aflurtment ot GARDEN SEEDS, by Caps. Symmss, from LONDON. JOSHUA GARD NE R HAS just imported from Lon don, by Capt. Calxf, AF RESH Aflbrtment of Spring GOODS, which he is determined to fell at the very lowed Rates for ready Money, at his Shop in Cornliill, just above the Poft-OfEce, Boston. TO BE SOLD by ROBERT RUGGLES, At his Shop in Cornhill, a little to the Northward of the Town Pump, Boston, a large Aflbrtment of Englilh and India . GOODS, By U boiefeie or Retail, extienwly cheap for Calh only. /iimnf wbub art the follmoirg viz. STRIP T, changeable, Chcvaiftdefrife, plain and brucadxd half GimpandGarlandTrimming, ell and 3-4 Luteftringa, Wax Necklaces and Earings, Ducapes and Padufoys, Blue, white, pink and black Mohair Grograms, Hats for Women, Crimson and blue Cordefoy, A very large Aflbrtment of Blue, white, green and pink Mens, Womens, Youths Sarfnets, and Girls glazed and un- Scariet, crimson, white, blue, glazed Gloves and Mitts, pink, green,drab and black, Galloom and Straping, plain, spotted and ipriged Stay Cord and Braid, half ell and 3-4 Sattins Buckrams, of nil Prices, Yellow Holland, Rich rose, crimson and green Brown ditto, Englilh Damasks, 3-4, 7-8 and yard-wide Irilh Blue and white India ditto, Linnens, Blue, green, thangeablc and Sliceting Holland, drab India Taffaties, Table Cluths, Black Englilh ditto, Napkining Dama/kiu, Figured ModeforCapuchines, Diapers and Huckabuck, of most Colours, Womens and Childrens pack Half yard, 3-4 and yard wide Thread Stays black Allamode, Blue, pink, green and white Miflinetts and Grizetts, Womens loom-tjirilted silk Brogiioes and Sattinetl, Petticoats, Black and Lead-colour Bom- White Quilting, bazeens, Cold and Silver spangled Black double Allo peens, Buttons, Dorfettacns, Crapes and Gold and Silver Vellum, Poplins, Gold Prulfian Coat Binding, Bengalis, Medriingburgb ditto, Worsted Grograms, Gold Braid, Cambtets and Camblctecns, Gold and Silver Thread, Drawboys and Evetlaflings, Silk Twist and Silk and Hair, Calicoes and Chints, Velvet Collars, Sagathics and Duroys, Tortoilhcll Combs with and Fultians and Jeans, without Stones, Wiltons, Superfine, middling and low Damakus and Ginghams for Price Broad Cloths* Mens Waistcoats, Forcft Cloth, Figured Silk Waistcoat Pat- German Serges, terns, Halt Thicks, Black Silk Breeches Patterns, Ratteen** Black,blue and cloth coloured Beaver Coating, Worfled Breeches Patterns, Duffils, Mens Silk Hose, ' Baizes, Mens and Womens Thread, Velvets, Cotton and Worsted Hose, Script Swanlkins, Childrens ditto all Sorts, Oznabrigs, Womens black, white and Shalloon and Tammies of buff coloured Silk Gloves, molt Colours, Mens black ditto, Calamancoes, Silk Mitts, all Colours, Belt black plain Ruffeik 1 . A nett Aflbrtment of plain, 3-4,7-8 andyafdwideChecks, spotted, figured and fpriged Mettle Buttons of ail Sorts, Guazes of all Prices, Crewels and Canvas, Bert Tambour Mullin, Pins and Needles, Stript, fpriged and checked Threads and Tapes, Mullins, Sewing Silks of all Colours, Yard and fix-quarters wide Cambricks and plain M'lfliris, Long Lawn, . r , Brocaded and Sattin Shoes Silk andLii)en Handkerchief and Clogs, Knives apd Forks, Englifliand Lynn made Ruf- Pen Knives, foil and Caliimanco Shoes, Razors, Childrens ditto, ■ Buckles, • * '. ,' A neat Aflbrtment of BrurtcUs Pt i'pcr, • anil other Thread Laces, Cinnamon, from ql. to 3s. qd. old drive*. Tenor per Yard, Mace, Blond ‘Laces,' And a Variety of other Black 9 one Laces, all Prices, Articles. TO BE SO-LD or LET, A Neat and very convenient HOUSE, with a Barn dnd House, and about two Acres of Land, including a rich Garden Spot, very plea santly situated, and a fipe healthy Place, not five Miles, from Bolton Town-Houfc, on a great Road, where molt Kinds qf Provisions can easily be procured. Enquire of the Printers. f The PUBLIC Are hereby informed, that JOHN JOY Has received from LONDON, A large and complcat Alfort mentof Drugs and Medicines, Ot the belt Quality, Surgeons Inftruments,* ,*1 | of every Kind, finilhed in .the neatest Manner ; with a full • Alfortment of Groceries and Dye Stuffs, which, as they were purchased by himfelf L 1 | with the Cash, he will fell on very reasonable 'Ferms, at his Shop, the North-Cor ner of William’s Court, Boston. Ks * * * Prafti cioners an d others may be fapplied with large or small Quantities, by Let ter or otherwise. as well as though they were present. Medicine Boxes of va rious Prices, for Ships or private Families, are put up * Q Manner. Choice Ch cl hircCheefe, WhiJi will suit the nicest tafle, Just imported in Capt. Symnw xndCapt.Calef from London, And to be S O L D by CHARLES LOWE, Oppofitc the Borton Stone, in MarihaU'a-Lane, new th* Mill-Bridge. [This quantity of Cheese is equal in goodneft, if not fop nor, to that imported and fold by him last fell.J Also, excellent FLORENCE OYL, in Flalks, warranted good, and the best of Englilh Milliard, by the bottle, finglc । pound, or left. OA 1 MEAL by the Bulhel, or smaller quantity. Just Imjxirted and to be Sold bv JOHN and THOMAS OSBORN, At the Painters Arms in Back-street, Leading to Charlcrtown-Ferry, PA I N '1 E R S oil and colours, of all forts, by wholrfale and retail, as cheap as at any place N. B. Coach, Chaise, House and Ship Painting, act. done with fidelity and dilpatch. in Boston. Imported in the Ship London, Capt. Calcf, And to be SOLD by JAMES FOSTER CONDY, At his Book-Store in Union-Street, Diredly oppoiite the Cornfield, Burton, A large Aflbrtment of the molt fafliionable PAPER HANGINGS, Which will be Sold at a very low Advance, Also, the most modern Books in every Branch of polite Literature, Art and Science, may be had at said Store (as usual) at iuch Prices aa will give fill! Satisfaction to the PuichafcH N. B. A Pair of 17 Inch Globes to be Sold cheap. JUST IMPORTED, by JOSIAH WATERS and SON, And to beS O L D at their Shop in Ann-Street, PAINTERS OYL and COLOURS, of ail Kinds, in large or small Quantities, Window Glass—Brushes, &c. All Kinds of Pipes, Spicesand Groceries as ufoa% A few of Split Peafe,— - Powder, &c. At the fame Place may be had, A most elegant Aflbrtment of PAPER HANGINGS. N. B. PAINTS prepared for Houle or Ship Painting. House and Ship Painting performed with Care and Dilpatch. M. B. G O L D T H W A I T, Begs leave to acquaint his friends'and the Public, that he has just received by Capt. Symmcs, a freih lupnlv ul DRUGS and MEDICINES,*' Which he fells Wholesale and Retail at his Ihopnear the Mill-Bridge, Boston ; among*! which are the following, • Patcnteed Medicines. LOCKYER’s Pills, Cephalic Snuff, Turlington's Balsam of Life, Maredaunt’s Drop,, Daf fy's Elixir, Stoughton’s ditto, Eflcnce ofPeppermim.Hen;- jiet’s much approved Dentifrice for the Teeth, Anodyne Necklaces, Batenjun's Drops, Hooper's Female Piih, A n . darloit’s do. Cook's tiunous Worm Powder, Jefoits Drops, Gaenuugh’s Tinfhne for the Teeth, Ditto tor the 'footh Ach, bungary Water, Lavcndar do. Eau de Luce. Likemic, Piaifter, Lip Salve, Smelling Buttles ve ry neat of uiflerent figure*, genuine Carolina Pink Root, and Sqqire» Grand Elixir. Also, SURGEONS INSTRUMENTS, Of all Kinds, Phials of all Sorts, Marble and Giafs Mor tal's, Lint, Surgeons Tow, Figs, Raisins, Currants, Prune,, all Kinds of Dye Stuffs, Groceries, Velvet Cork,, w i-h many ether Articles too nutnerou* for an Advcrtilement, ail > reth and Genuine. N. B. Doctor’s Boxes put up for Masters ofVeffels and private Families with every neceflary direftion. — THE following VOTE was pafled by the CORPORATION of HARVARD COLLEGE on May 31st, and on June 2d 1774, confirmed ' by the honourable and reverend board of overteers, viz. " CONSIDERING the present dark alpeft us our pub lic affairs, Votbd, that there be no public Commznck mznt this year, aud that the candidates for their fort and second degrees, after hav'ufg been presented nominatim to, and approved by the honourable and rev,erend board of over» seers, (hall receive their degrees in a general diploma, ligned by the Corporation. Provided that on or before the 13th day of July nexty they bring to Dr. Appleton, senior fellow of the Corporation, a certificate from the steward, that they have paid the stated fee for a degree, and have difeharged all college due* required by law, except for the public dinner on Commencement day ; alto a certificate from the librarian, that they have returned in good order or replaced all the books they have borrowed fiom the library." A true copy, Attcft. Nath. Afflxton, senior fellow of the Corporation of Harvard-College. N. B. The meeting of the overseen is adjourned to the 14th of July, so that they who do hot apply before that time, cannot lave their name* inferred in the general diploma, nor be admitted to their degrees this year. i \X7HEREAS on the night of the 6th ▼ ▼ of this instant June, the dwdling-houfe of the fobferiber, of Hanover, in the county of Plymouth, inn holder, was broke open and entered by feme villain or vil lains, who also broke open * delk and Hole from thence a Sum of Money, which was contained in two purses, one a white silk knit with 61k firings, and the other made of 'black glove leather with firing* of tire fame ; also a large old-f.uhioned silver Watch, maker *. name Windmills, Lon ’dun, No. 3641* TEN DOLLARS Reuard is offered to any person who will detect the thief or thieves, so as he os they may be brought to Jurtke. DAVID JACOBS. TOBE SOLD, A PAIR of black Dutch HORSES, as also a neat WAGGON and HORSE S.—- . For'furthfcr Particulars apply at Mr. Ba ack it’s, in School-Street. TO be fold, for want of employ, a strong healthy NEGRO BOY, about nine yean of age, who can be well recommended for his honefiy. Enquire of the Printer. • A FEW Pipes of good Fayal WINE tn be Sold cheap.—Enquire at Meiirs. Smith and Atkinson'* Store.