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* X ■ ♦ • l t k w/ «l /.vV TWIaInS all 11 I IS s Si a y\B JI r JVWy Or, Thomas s Bolton Journal " ‘Do thoo Great i-IBJRTY inlpire "> Souls—And make outLlvea in THT IMeßion happy—Or, our Death! glotiom in THT just Defence. Klfe/Ac. H k a Vo l . IV.) THU RS DAY, A u gust 18, i 774. (N u mb. 185. _ vK 1? - 7, tit Word Jmbmiam Powßit, £/?;»«//•'■« “Miea »f the Prtvinte cf St Wt the Subscribers, Proprietors of a ’ ’ Tiact of Land, about fifty Miles fquxre, a™ l bordering upon Plfcauqu* River, in th. County of York, iate in Uw Province of Maine, which defended to u» from Fbancii Smiall, late of Truro, in the County of Barni ubie, in the said Province of the Malßchufetta-B4y, de cwfed, who purchased the Lune from one Sax »T, an Indian Sag unore, agrcable to the Law, in such Case mide and provided 1 Do hereby humbly request that you. Worihip wouhd older a Meeting of laid Proprifttori,to be held at the HWe of Mr. Mosks Shattuck, of Fal mouth, io*the County of Cumberland, Innholder, on t - eighteenth *ay of Stptinber next, at two of the Clock a the Afternaxui, to act on the following Articles, v». ! ■• To choose a Moderator, adly. To chouit a Propriety » Clerk, idly. To chock a Committee to cnafittfoch Wu dcntial Assam of said Proprietors u they may commit. 4thly. *4’o vote what money may be thought ncccilaiy tor defraying the charges which may wife in promoting the in tereii of laid I Propriety. jcMy. To agrteon some Method fa, aifcffing w :d coUeding the Monies, the* oral any fu ture Time so ted by the said Proprietors- othiy. rochooit an Agent or . Agents, to prosecute any Persons, or may enter or trefpaft upon tneJasd Lan d. Aad 7thi) • To agree or* some Method jw calling Meetings in Intuit. ’July 6, 1774- LUS** * MALt Samub l F*rxM*AN JovSua ItpatDCK Siminton Jacos Watbbmovsk Mat* tn Siminton PatATtAW Fibnalb. To Mr. Samuel freeman, V , . of Falmouth, in the Coanty of Cum ! L ‘ 5 ’ • hatland, in laid Provinoe, one of the \A i Proprietors, and Subidioors to the o * l * In Pu efuance of the aforegoing Applica tion and K 1 ecuofc you hereby to g»« (in Time a *4 Manner as the Law dutds) to the fsid Pro rietou, -1 at a Meeting of laid Proprietors uto be holden St the Ttt e and Place, and for the Pur poles meouoned io tl* aforet Jtttn Petition. . Given under my Hand and Seal, this 16th Day of July, inthc F B rteenth Year of His Majesty’s R«gn, Anm, I emini, 1774- erEMIahPOW ELL, a Justice of the Fei ice through the Province of the Mas sack u *E By Vi we of the afore written Warrant to me S reded, I Jo I cr<» y notify and warn the aforefaid Proprietors to meet at the J rme and Place, and for the Purpoles cxprelfed in the af«> egoing Application. Samuxx lartMAU. TO BE SOLD, O« beard the Schooner, now laying in die Town Dock, A QU AN TIT Y of UOR N, 2x RY E and FLOUR, cheap for Cash. Apply tn the MASTER on board. /^HARLESTOWN Stage, No. 3. sets »ut with four good Hones for Salem, Hum Mr. Gor d win's, near the Ferny every Morning at « o'Cfock, and rctunss the lame Day } it putt up at Capt. Webb a in Salem Any Gentlemen or Ladies who want a ■"« to call at the Royal-Exchange, in Kmg-ftreet, Bolton ; or Mr. Goodwin's, in Charieftown, and leave their Names. Any Gentlemen or Ladies who chuole to go in the ' above Stage, will be gentedv accommodated, By their humble Servant, DAN 1E L SWA N. THE English Grammar SCHOOL lately kept, in Milk-Street, by Mr. WARD, is THIS DAY opened, by WILLIAM PAYNE, Who begs Leave, hereby to allure, ait such as Ihall pbafe to favour him with the important Charge of educating their children, that he Ihall esert his utmost Endeavours, by a constant and cirefol Attention to their Intertft, to merit their Approbation, and dderve then Encouragement. BehJe* the Gramnwr—Reading, Wntmg, and Arithmetic, wiM be taught as ufoal i allo the Rudiments oi Latin to such as chufe to be ioftrudbed therein. nth, r#4» RACE Ginger by the Quantity, Jamaica RUM by the Hogftead, Ie be Sold, by kLL J 5 GRAY, near tnc Marker. Allo, a Parcel et SHIN GLES. STOP T HIE VES4 ** TEN DOLLARS Reward. ( WHEREAS ths Hou£t of John Bvckman, Innholder, io Langton, was.broke open, left Tuefcay between the Hours of Eleven and One ; and about 1 wenty Pounds, Lawfol Money, in iCanv»s Bag, taken out of his Delk, and carried off, with a black Shagreen Pocket Book, with a-Brafc Clasp, containing only a few Papers. Whoever will the Tbeif or Tnkves, so that he or they may be brought to Justice, Ihall receive the above Reward. JOHN BUCKMAN. To he S O L D, AL A R G E weil-fini&ed Dwelling- House, Bam, and Out-Houfea, with about fourteen xrr, ot Land under good improvement, and ail enclosed v ?h a good Hone wall, fainted in Woburn, near the Meet- In- boule, ten miles from Charieftown Ferry, and fourteen mdea fawn SWem. It lies upon »large road, • very convt» piece for trade. The price will be very tow k-r Cast, m gned feewity. - Enquire of Jambs FowkX,Efqi Lv hoMar in laid Wob< n. . For LONDON. Now loading at Salem for London, JMWT The Ship BoftonPacket, Nathanixs, Byfibld Lydx, Commander, having VBMTkL the greatest Fart of her Cargo engaged, will fail wtfh all Speed. For Freight or M Pallage apply tn the Master on board at Long Wharf In Salem, or to Mr. Dennie at his Store ip King-ftrret, Boston. N. B. CaA given by said Dennie for Pot and Peail Aih at said Store in Boston, or on board (aid Ship at Salem. •MMMumuMAMWWBMMUHNMWIVMMnMmMnMWMMnHBrtHM** «*■***"» riOOD old Tallow CANDLES, M .k LI U.m, arid BayLtrry-Wax CAN DL E S. A Ifo, rtf Mid Sfierma-Ceti Oil by the Calk or smaller Quantities. Tallow andCftton The btfi of Host fat, hv the Barrel, or Sold by JOH N LANGDO N; In Fkrtfrttt, near the OU~No>tb Meeting-Houle. _ CORNISH's New-Er gland C< d-F ifh HOOKS, foe. ABRA-HAM CORNISH, Fish-Hook Maker from ExßTm In ENOLAND, A CQJJAINTS his Friendi and the Public, that ha has removed from his Manufactory at the North-End of Boston, to the upper port of CxabLBITOWN, where he continues to nuke all forts of Fish-Hooks, war ranted of thr belt Quality being mide of the bell Wire rnly, better Oiap’d to take Fi/h, snd each Hook prov’d be fore put up, (which is not done in England. (From several years Experience, they have been found much superior to any imported, and arc univerially approved ; for which rea son, he flatters himfelf, that all concerned in the FiAety, will favour him with their Custom, aa they will thereby Promote their own private iateroft, and render this Coun try an eflential Service, by eltablifiring a Manufafhire ne catkry Co iu ProQerity.—For the better accommodating th»fe who may purchase his Hooks, they an fold by Mfolieurs LEE and JONES, near the Swing-Bridge in Roilon, who will always keep by them a fuflieient Quan tity to fotrpfy the Amorifen FiAery.-—Said LEE and Jamaica and Earbnstos Rum, genuine Kippen's and Rappe bnufF, a Va riety as Looking dalles, a Quantity of Lynn Shoes, a few Cases of Slue and white China Cups und Sauctss, Corts, Gold and Silver Lacis ; a Variety Of Stor.t , Olafs, rand Crrem-ecloured Win, Silver and Plnehbec Wit chana Variety of Silks, Laces and Mullins, Tam bour Mt Ei* Aprons and Rufies; and B*ger.aal Allot ment of . Piece Goods. Also, M »Us of all Sorts to be delivered at MAa «t rwr ad . WJANTED I M M>E DIAT EL Y, TTOfIR HUNDRED POUNDS, A Lav -*fel Money ; for whiih fuffeieac teal Security will be gn en. Enquire of the Printer. T~al<EN up on Governor’s I Hand, A ROWBOAT, 14 Fe« Keel, and fix 1 Feet bro* I, with aa Iron Chain. Whoever has loft the fame, ri y have it again by applying to the Mnter, and paying thi Charges. „--- ■ - — ■ AF E W excellent TURTLE, just imported from New-Providence, And fold very eheap At OT IS’s Store, Merchants-Row, No. 2. With » nany otbe> articles too tedious to cnumeiate. By Whulefale and Retail. - 1 in 1 i/n Fertile MASSACHUSETTS SPY. To tbifh 'w appointed Coutuellors, of the Province Ct ntlemen, AS moil of you are nrw men in Rate affairs, and are, notwithstanding, men whom a BmiJ "h adminiftracion have feleded to fill an import ant department in the government of this Province, which without ever consulting the po ople they have presumed to nnu model, in order, as thay fay, to give it a greater con formFty to the constitution and government of Greai-Britain, I hope to be indulged in laying dowi principles whose notoriety might be fup pofd co render their repetition difguftful; but prict iples which, it stems have had hide weight with* you in the present awful t ran fadion where in yt >u have had but too great a share for your prei nt honor or future quiet. And as I can not presume that each individual of you either tjdccn, or will take the pains to revolve a grtl c many books I shall chiefly refer you to th« learned author of the commentaries on the La» w* of England * for the fundamentals I pro pose to ofter for your consideration ; the au di ritv of whom I presume you will hardly be dJ poled to dispute. This celebrated Jurill tells you vol. 1. p. s*. ft it “ a fait is a colledive body, competed of a. multitude of individuals united for their fa fetv and convenience, and intending to ad 1* gecher as one man. if it is therefore to ad f s one man, it ought to ad by one uniform f willand this will once determined and de- • j«4cc BibcaMuob. dared is ‘ understood by larw.' The form of the agreement of this multitude of individuals, wherein their particular wills, are joined toge ther in order to produce thatooe uniform will which is underflood to be law, is commonly called the civil conflitution, ®f the States. ...In the Island of Great-Britain, there have for ttia ny ages been ranks of men very different from each other in point of fortune, education, Etc. which however fettled down into the general division of Lords and Commons. The Lords having commonly a great share of property and many persons fubjed to their command and diredion, whether as vassals, tenants, &c. and also being persons of leifurc and opportunity to acquaint thcmfclves with the relations, rights and intereils of men in society ; and further being but numerous, and capable of sustaining the expence of attending to the conventions needful for that purpote, have chosen tO retain the privilege of declaring their sense of any measure proposed to regulate the condud of society, and have from time imme morial, had such weight in the flute diac their joint opposition to any such proposed measure was fumcient to prevent its palling into a law. tn this body resides the ariflocracv of Great- BritainJ wherein the superior wisdom, power and independency of the Hate was for many ages glonoufly confpicuotis. “ The commons, fays the fame great lawyer,! confdt of all luch men of any property in the kingdom, as have not feats in the Houle of Lords j every one of which hasti voice in parliament, either person ally, or by his representatives.” For juiily, observes he, ‘ In a tree flare, every man, who is fuppoled a free agent, ought to be, in lomc measure his own governor ; and ibcrofore a branch at lead of die legislative power fliould reside in the whole body of the people.’ And here is iM democracy or legal power of the people of Great-Britain. ; , The happy Agrarian conflitution of New- England, naving prevehted any such diilindion as Lords and Commons, die cultivators being in general the Lord*- cif the foil, the whole powSr of the Hate; befrdcs what is flipulated to reside in the Governor, rhufl reside in the freemen of thb province. . This, gentlemen, you will find fully war ranted by our charter, which entitles the gran tees to all the liberties and immunities el free and natural fubjeds of the crown of Great- Britain to Mil intents, conftruftions and pur poses whatsoever. If you fay the late ad «f [ parliament has annulled this clauie of the charter, I acknowledge Lord North intended it fhouki { but if every individual hecman ought to be fb much his own governor, as that the smallest regulations of his conduit shall not pass into a taw without his content, forcly a law th*t overthrows the whole civil conflitu tion of his country cannot on this principle be supposed to paL into a law capable of binding him. The molt ignorant among yon mufl know that this is an absurdity of so glaring a nature, and fa fatal in its conferences, that a fubtnifion to it at once gives up all that weight which the wisdom, the valour, the property, the probity of the fubjdt in poffeEion of his conftitucional negative power has to feeure him again# any innovation imposed on him by the crown. And what fays the great author, be fore quoted, of the (late of a people where the equipoise of their legislative power, or sove reignty is loft I ” If the supreme power were lodged in any one of the three branches fepa ratdy, we mufl then be exposed to all the in conveniences of absolute monarchy, ariflocra* cy, or democracy ; and so want two of the three principal ingredients of good polity, either virtue, wisdom or power. If st were lodged in any two branches j for instance in the King and House of Lords, our laws might be providently made, and well executed, but might not always have the good of the people in view.”! Now » gentlemen, please but to follow our author to the bottom of the page quoted, and he tells you, *• for if ever it fliould happen that the independence of any one ts the three fhotild be loft, or that ic fhonld be come fubtervient to the views of the ether two, there would soon be an end of our ctrnftiwoon. The legislature would be changed from that which was originally fee tip by the general consent and fundamental ad cf society I I s S «, A. ‘ I* P- And such a change however effeded, is accord ing to Mr. Locke (hf might have added Vatell and many others) at once an entire d Ablution of the bands of government;, and rhe people arc thereby reduced to a state of ar..uuiy, wuh liberty to conflitute to themselves a new legis lative power. Can you pretend that even a ihadow of independence perkin’ »o an aristo cracy creablc dud at metr p’ sure ? If abecing the dissolution of the Bandi of goverrment in the subversion of the civil conflitution of your country be an evidence of piety, you have certainly a solid claim to die character. Ifhardly one m ten of you can bead a dekent, fium persons above the rank of ihop keepers and mechanics, where is the lordly, the noble blood which (hould diflinguilh you from the common mass cf the common people ? If you cau expose yourfelvcs to Jie resentment of millions, as the authors of their ruin and misery, and the intailmcnt of slavery on thek innocent and numbcrlefs poflerity, bardy for the title honourable, even admitting the ad dition of a trifling salary, your claim to any confuferable portion of wisdom, will be dil tuted b> some persons, if not the bulk of man md., Your valour may indeed be put to trial, but remember it will not be on the fide the va lour of those nobles was exerted, who forced from a worthless tyrant the acknowledgment of the unalienable rights of Engliihmen. Your property, and I may add your personal secu rity, will soon fland ori a firm foundation, when like Agrippache favourite General of Augustus, you have eftabli/hed a power which determines all queltions of property; and even life itfelf, by a sic vox.o I Were none but you and your families ccr.icerrted io the event, 1 would pity the latter, but wiji little regret behold luch abettojs ot defpotilm, wringing out the dregs ot the cup they had traiteroufly combined to mingle fur ihcir betters. Read but the hiflory ot that uafortuhate man and tremble at the fate of, not only him, but thousands and tens of thouikuds, whom avarice and lunbitiori have plunged them in merited and exemplary ruin; always remembering that bofu patrier eH ftlo MONITOR. Ccunty of Su/fcH, July mb, 1774.. BOSTON. of a Letter from one of tbtfirfl and heft of Mtn in a difart Colony to bn Friend at Bojion. “ You and your worthy fellow-fuffcren receive aglimpfe of joy amidst your dis tresses to know, with what sympathy the in habitants of this province confider your case. What Mever happend before, has happened now. The country people have so exaft a knowledge of faits and of the consequences at tending a surrender of the points now in ques tion, that they are; if poiliblc, moic zealous than the who lay in the direst line of information. Doubt not, that every thing bears a most favourable afpeft. “ May God Almighty bless you, and my beloved brethren in Boston and Maflachufctts- Bay. My heart is foil. The time will come, I hope, when I may congratulate them on a more stable fecurrty of their liberty, than they ever yet have enjoyed. “ Our country people appecr to me to be very firm. They look to the last extremity with spirit. It is right they fliould—if they Will submit their resentment to the guidance of reason.” • * The assembly of Pennsylvania have chosen the Hon. Joseph Galloway, Speaker, Samuel Rhoades.ThomasMufflin, Charles Humphreys, John Morton, George Rofi, and Edward Biddle, Efqrs; to attend the general congrels at Phi ladelphia the firft of September next. We hear from New-Stratford, in Connecti cut, that on Wednesday the 27th of July as 11 persons were crofting the river there, in a canoe, it ovtrfei, and the four following per sons were unfortunately drowned, viz. Anna and Mary Wilcox, the former 20, the other kg years old; Mary Blackleach, aged 18, and a lad about 9 years old, named Mills; the others were all fared, by the afliflance of a young man, who providentially happened to be near them on the bank of the river. The bodies of the usfort jnate dlbwncd persons we r e taken up the next day, and decently interred. — They all belonged to the parilh of Ripton, and were out after whurtle-berries.