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JI 1 ) I/V- V LT' , 1 <7 »\j*- v * i l _ , ✓ <^',, x w* l^* Qi, TViomass ftfton t . — Great LIBERTY infpiieour So^—A n happy—Or, our Deaths glorious in t« yju J Defence. ™ •For thl MASSACHUSETTS Sl* Y. pa lit Kncelkncy Thoma* Gaob, Esq; Gcvanor of the PrM»r« oj Mnfa.buicutS.iy in New-England; to the Honti'able bit Majefly't Council, and the Honourable Houf of Rtprefertalrves, in Gential Council off mi kJ at Sain, June A. D. 1774. The petition being the third of h th'Subfcribertjin b<taf of all tbofe, who by divine ftmiifion, are held in a Ji ate oj jlavery, within the bee-jell of a free Country, humbly jhcwetb, HAT your petitioner* apprehend they hare in JL X.nnrin with other men, a natural right to be free* •nd Without moiedatiun, to enjoy foch property, as they may aeqaire by their industry, or by any other mrans not detrimental to their felfowmen ; and that no perlon can bare any just claim to their fervicet without their content* % by iwwd to become fervanu ; we wet dragged by Unreel rands of power (some of us) from our dearest con* nnd others ftclen from the bosoms of tender pa- rrni-, \p4 feuught hither to be enslaved. Thus are we epmrd every thing that has a tendency to make life even to-eraj., Tjjg ent j eir j n g tie* of husband, wife, parent, c mdren, frier, we p a y ; I no l0( , ne( Jre ttiej born, but% e y are e j t her fold or given away hdplcls, Uituout our whereby we are rendered ignorant of them and they ot us ~^ n( j whenever any of those connefli ou* aie formed the pleasures are embittered by tae cruel confederation ot \ur llavcry. By our deplorable ..cuation weare tendered of shewing our obedience to the Suptcmc Governor of the L'niverfe, by being obliged to conform ourlelves to the duties which naturally grow out ot such relations, how can a Have pevfoim die duties of huiomd or parents, wife or child t We ate of.en under the cruel nccclfety of obeying man, nut only in omiflion of, but frequently in opp-dition to the laws of Gut, so inimi cal is Slavery to n ligmn I As we are hindered by our tion from an oblervance of the laws of God, so we cannot reap an equal benefit from the laws of the fend with uti>cr fubjefts. There is no law of Crest-Britain, nor yet in this province, whereby we can be held in llavcry without our content. We arc lennbk that many objections have, and may be objected against oui liberation ; but we with gratitude to thrk: ho rtuarabk gentlemen who spoke so much in uur favour last tcHfom though some may fay we were amused, licit with nuny othri grievances we feel, we your humble peti tioner* hope jour .Excellency and Honours will again take up thlaour third petition, and cause an ach cr retoive to be ft give your petitioners redrefi. The Candor and Humanity of your Excellency, and the tiuit we j ut in the hnnru'ablc Houle, encourage us to hope, that fork method will be fallen upon to grant such a num ber of hk Majesty * lubjefL, and ukful members of society eftcilual,relic:. And £nir petitioners as in duty bound, foall ever pray. Vct fofyving it an euti emic Cop\ of the Ad of Parlitment, far /tying more tffefhui prtwjion for the government of the pvtinct of QU EBLC, in North-America. X "I TH ERE AS his Majesty, by his royal prQC , U W mation, bearing date the kventh day of Odober, in sire year of his reign, thought fit to declare the Movifiof which had been made in rcipe£l tn certain coue tries, and islands in America, ceded to Eis Ms jetty by sie definitive treaty of peace, concluded at Farit o. the tmn oay of febiuary, one thouiand icven hundred gnu lixt‘three : And thcreas, by the arrangements made by the said royal proevrr tern, a veiy la>ge extent of country, within which ti.erc utc teveral and le:t!cment« of the fubjeUts ot braNti who claimed to remain therein uidcr the faith of tLe laid treaty, wa» left, without any pmvition being made far the a .|gnultrat«on of civil government therein, Cer* tain part* 4 tlx territory of Canada, where sedentary fdhe* ri'S Lad bitt eitat ldhcd and carried on by the fubjeCts of i ra>xc, innuitant, of the laid province ot Canada, under grants anu ciAccihoa* from the government thereof, were annexed. to til government of Newfoundland, and thereby tub/Acd to Igulauuns, inconfuient with the nature ot tach filhcries s May rt u«<ore please your mod excellent Majesty, that it may be caastd j and be in enacted, by the King s molt excclxnt Majety, by and with the advice and content of the Lords Spiri.uJand Tempoul, and Commons, in tins pre lent parliament ukmbled, and by the authority of the lame, that all tlx Urt (oflts , iflmds, and countries in Noith- Amaica. brlorjljv to the crown of Gnat-Eritain, bound ed oc the Guth b, a line from the bay of Chaleurs, .-Jong the high lands <iich divide the rivers that empty them feives mto the ribe Saint Lawrence, from thole which fall into the sea, to anoint in forty-five degrees of northern la titude, on trie ealtm bank ot the river Connecticut, keep ing the fame lattude directly well, through the Lake Chaplain, until, ir the Ume latitude, it runs to the river Saint Lawrence ; tom thence up the eaftem bank of the said river to the Lie Ontario ; thence through the Lake Ontario, and the riva commoniy called Niagara; and thence along by the Lailenand South-ealiern bank of lake Eire, following the laid Kak, until the tame ihall be so intaicCt ed by the Northern iundarv, granted by the charter of the province of Pennfyhiia, in cale the fame Ihall be so in terfedbed; and Hom thence along the fain Northern and w eHern boundaries M the said prov’nee, until the said Wt&rn boundary (hikes the Ohio s But in case the said bank us the said lake Aall not be found to be so interfered, then following the said bank until it Ihall arrive at that point ot the laid bank which Ihall be nearest to the North western Angle of the hid province of Fennfylvania, and thence, by a right line, to the laid North western Angle of the find province; and thence along the Western boundary of the said province, until it strike the river Ohio ; and along the bank of the said river, Westward to the banks of the Miiiiiippi, and northward to the southern boundary of the territory granted to the meichants adventurers of Eng land, trading to Hudson's-Bay j and also all such territories, Jliands, and countries, which have lince the* tenth of Fe bruary, one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three, been tnado part of the government of New founoiand, be, and t icy are hereby, during hi, Majesty’s pleaiuie, annex id and mad.? part and parcel of, the province cf Quebec, as created and eiiabhiLel by the fail royal proclamation ofthr leventh of Oilubci, one thculand liven hundted and lixty. three. ' pKrt'idrd elnuayt, 1 hat nothing herein contained, rela tive to the boundary of the pioviuce of Quebec, shall id any-wile afted the boundaries of any other colony. 1 | Provided alwnyt, and be it tnaded. That nothing/ । this ad contained ihail extend, or be conlhued to extf ) to make void, or to vary or alter any right, title, or'* j fcUion, derived under any giant, Convcyauu:, or , howsoever, ot or to any lands within die laid provir’ 01 । the provinces thereto adjoining; but that the fame/ 1 re " 1 mam and be in force, and have ellctt, as if this nc “ ver been made. Ana whereas the provifion* made by the laid>wi» ma *. tion, in leipedto the civil government of P w 7 vince ot Quebec, and the power* and K nen tq the Governor other civil oriiutrs of the nd provinca by the grants and commilfions kited in confluence thcid of, have been found, upon experience* to h mappiieal* to the state and circumltanccs of dw laid j qvinw, the it habitants uhcieof amounting, at th* to fixty-five tkoulaud perfans, profoAog the religion ot the chinch of Home, and enjoying an citaU i|/.d town of cun ilitution, and Ijlietu ot >aws* by .which their perlona and property had been pioudfeo, governed, and wdued, for a long lerre, ot yean, hum the rirft eiiablilhi»*>st otU * laid province of Canada ; be it therefoic iuntocr enabled by the authority aiurcfaid. that the laid proclamation, so tai a* lame relates to the hid province us QueUac, of the million under the authority whwtot the jrv and laid province is nt prelcnt adDi***'"*? the ordinance and n> * le by -roveiuor n« Council tor toe time being, relative to uovernment and adminitirat <>n ot Hi the laid and all commiliioi.s to judges and other uttkeis di/.cu), x\. and the lam* are hereby revoked, uncuUcU, and ny th from and after the hrft day ol May* one bundled and leventy-live. And for the mote pci left facurity and ease of the of the inhabitants of the laid province, it i> hereby that hit Majefty'i fuhjedh profolliug tnc icbgion ot church of Rome, ot, and in the laid pi evince of may have, hold and enjoy the tree cxucile ot lire |tlig on of the church of Rome, lubjitl to the King s luprtin.icy, declared and eftabblhcJ by an ad made in U<e h- it year ot the reign of Queen kiieabcth* over a|i ttic dummiuna and countries which then did, or thereafter th« belong to the imperial oown of this realm ; and that the clergy ot the said church may hold, receive, anu enjoy tbcii Mcuf* tomed dues and rights, with iciped to focti perlons only as shall profeb the laid religion* i’ovided uevcitiuricis, that it ftiall be lawful lor his Ma* jefty, his heirs or fucceiiors, to make luch provision out of the iell of the said a<Lu<toined dues, and ngnti, tor the en* courageinem of tnc protellant ru gion* ano for the mainte nance and fuppoft ot a protettant within the laid province, as he or they Ihali, trem time to time, think neerdary snd expedient* I’tovided always, and be it en*&ed, that no pet ton, pio foiling the leiigion of the chuicn 01 Koine, and nli nng in the. laid piuvime, ihail be obliged to take 11.- oaih resulted by the laid Ifatutc palled in tnc foil year ot the reign of Queen Elaaueth, or any other oath* luhttituieJ by any other act in toe plau’ thcnul , but that fiery luck pci hat who, by the laid ilatute is irquiied to take tlw oailu liieiem mentioned, fhali be obliged, and is hereby to take and the tuilawiug oath b»i>*e she Govcinoi, or foch other peilon in luch enurt ol record as his Majelfy fhali appoint, win, a.e hereby imthoriled to administer th* fame ; videlicet, I A. 11. do fmcercly pionuie and Iweat; that 1 will be faithful, and Ut<«r true allegiance to his Ma jelty King George* and him will defend to the utm.dl ol my power, againlt ail traitcious cunlpitacic:, and attempt* whatsoever, which shad be made against lus perlon, Ciowo} and dignity ; and 1 will do my uuuoft <noeavow to di - close and make known to his Majfoty, h s heirs and luc* cellars, all trecioM* and traiteiuus Cuufonacies, and which 1 Ihail know to be against ium, at any of them i and all tins 1 do swear without .any etfuivucauu,., mental evalion, or fecici reservation, and reuuuccing all pa.duni and ddperilatiOiu troai any power ot pcr.on whuMiluevcr to the contrary, bo help me GO D. And every jucii pcr fon, who Ihail neylr-Ci ur ieiule to take the laid oath belt** mentioned, ihail incur and be liable to ibu lame penalties, forfeitures, difabiiiues, and incapaoties, as would have incurred and been liable to for neglecting or rctufoig to (aka the octh required by the said statute palled in rhe foil year of the reign of Q«en kkeabeth. And be it fun.,er enacted by the authority uforelaid, that all fils Maje.ry a Canadian lubjeds with.u the province of Quebec, the religious ordeis and comn»unitie* only except* ed, may aifo hold and enj ,y their prooeitg and pulkftiom, together with ail cuftom* and utages thereto, and all other their civil rights, in a large, ample, and manner, as if the laid proclamation, comnulfoms, ordinance** and other nets and instruments, had not been mare, and as may confiit with their allegiance to hi? Majcliy, and fub jeftion to the crown and parfiament ol Great-Britain ; and that, in ail matters ot controvaefy nelatrva to property and civil rights, resort Ihail be had to the law* u’ Canada, a* the rile tor the deciiion of ti. fams ; ano all caules that fhali hereafter be inftitured in any ot the court of justice, to be appointed witiun and for ths fans piovmce by his Majesty, his heirs and fuccetibrs ihail, with rvi;>ect to foch pmpeity and rights, be determined agrtalJy to tiw said laws and cuttomi of Canada, until they Ihail be varied or altered by any ordinance* that thali, from tunc to time, be palM in the' laid province by the < >ovrrny,l*ieutenant-Govemor, or uommviuer in chief for the rime being, by aud with the advice and content cf the fogifiative council ot tlie tame, to be appointed in manner herein-after mentioned. Provided always, that nothing in ths* ad uuntained iHaIJ extend, or be cunftrued to extend, to any ig.ids that h*ve been gianted by his Majesty, <m (bail hereafter oe giW'd by his Majesty, hi* iieir* and futvcfiura, to be notocn m me and CSOMMB foccage. Provided also, that it fhali.Mid may « Kwlul to and for |iy person, that is owner ot any lands, .n ue die laid tla d province, and that ha* a right to ’ 1 ' , ( j f ,d*. J, or credit., in hi* or her hie-um , b deed of e, gl n, or Otherwise, to d-v.fe or bequeath the yi tier death, by hi* or her last will and tdtament, M or custom heretofore, ot now prrva. mp to He See, to the contrary hereof in any othcrw.ftn «h- ; such will being executed either a-cording Canada, or according to the forms prtlcnbed by th* bwsv , . A iea the certainty and lenity of the °. f E T, and the benefit* amt adv^^es jefofong use Xt, have Uen fetoibly felt by th« tom an e?C „f more than nine years, during whxh it has been a dmiuifte«d i be it thertfote fort > enatted by tv afarfoaid, that the tame iball Con tinue to be an d {hall be übl«»ed « l » w » » n the province of (Vv. „ wr ]l in the description and qua lity of the often A , m the method of prolaution .and trial,, and the * n d forfeiture* tliereby ml 1 to the cxclulion of eA , ot hr r rule of criminal law, o» > n "" r of proceeding -hereof did ur might prevail m tbe hid province before thg tarn s O ur Lord, one thousand iundred and lixty-four m any refped Itw.thftandmg i (IOVCrI ( >r, tels to such alteta: on* and Mnendme! *"’ , Wby and with k*a.< • -.<» «>nfent of tfo eg.(U« J 1 CouuUA*;-faid Or- hereafter to be appointed, I t. iume to -rrne, caufo to be made therein, in manner Ihein-after directed. / And wherrn ir may be neceflary to ordain miby rrgula 1 tiw**, for the future welfare and good government ot the > privime of Quebec, the occafinn* of which cannot now be -fo(efeen, nor without much delay and inconvenience be pWjyNrtl for, without intruding that authority fora certain ’ in d p r proper reffeiflinns, to pet ions refuient there : Xy whereas it is at ptefent inexpedient to call an Af fanjjny , be-it theiefiweenaded by the authority atoitlaid, -flfot it fhali and may be lawful tor his Maiefty, his h« »*» and forceflbrs, by waipnt under hi* or their lignet, or sign Manual, and with the advice of tlie Privy Council, rocon fti'ute and appoint a Council for the aftaii* of the province of Qiebee, to conlift of such perfon* refidet>t there, not ex ceeding twenty-three, Mr left than leventeen, as hisMajeC tj, his heirs and facceifon, ihail be plea fad to ap-q-'.it; snd, npo-i the death, removal, or abfeneu of any of the member* of the said Council, in like manner to cooftitute snd appoint such ami so st any other person or perfon* a* stall be neieiTary to fapph the vacancy or vacancies which C.iuncil, so appointed, and nominated, or the major part tlicie if, Hi ill have pov * and authority to make ordinance* f>r the peace, welfare, and gxxi government of the said pro vince, with the content of his Majefty'* Governor, or in hi* sbfence, of the Lieutenant-Governor, or Commander in Chi«di for the time b-in». Piovioed always, that nothing in this afl contained, .hall extend to authonft or impowrr the said legiflxtive Council to lay any taxes nr duties within the bid pmvime, luch rate* and taxes only exicptcd a* the inhabitant* of any town or diilrrtt within the said province may be authoriled t>y the laid Council to aflcfs, levy, .'.nd apply, within the said town or diftrid, lor the puipoie of making toad*, erecting ami rvp'.iring public building*, ur for any other purpole resp-sl ing the local convenience and dccomnny ot sash town or diifeitt. Provided also, and lie it enatted bv the authurity sfore faid* thst every ordinance so to be made ihail, within fix months, be tianfmitted by the Governor, or, in his ab sence. by the Lieutenant-Governor, or Commander in Chief, lot the time being, and laid before his Majesty, for his royal approbation ; and if bis Majeftj Ihail think tit to disallow thereof, the lame ihail cease and be void fiom the time that his Majefty'* older in Council thneupon ihail be promulgated at Quebe*. Provided aifo, that no ordinance touching religion, or by which any punilhment m >y be indieted greater than line or imprisonment for three months, Ihail beoi any f<>Kt or etlcj, until the fame ihail have received his Maiefty'* approbation. Provide! aifo, that no ordinance ihail be palled at any meeting of the Council where less than a majority oi the whole Council i« ptefent, or at any time except between the firft day of jrnua.y a r d the foil day of May, unlelii up on some urgent uccafiun, in which case every member there of, resident at Quebec, or within fifty miles thereof, fhali be pe.fonally fi.mmoned by the Governor, or, in hi* ahlrtice, by the Lieutenant Governor, or Commander in Chief, for the time being, to attend the fame.. And be it further enafted by the authority aforefaid, that nothing herein cv.ntained, ihail extend, or be conltrued to extend, to prevent or hinder his Majesty, hi* heiss and luc cefkr.i, by hi* or their lettei* patent, under tbe great feaiot Great-Britain, from erecting, constituting, and appointing, Inch courts of criminal, civil and ecclefufricai jurifdiftiun, within and for the lard province of Quebec, and appointing, from time to time, the Judge* and officer- thereof, a* hisi Majesty, hi. heirs and foocrftors, stall tiiink neceifary 01 j proper* for die circumftanees of tire said province. / Provided always, and it i* irereby enabled, tha* n '”)7 in this af' contained ft.*ll extend, or he conftnred co rtf to repeal or make void, within dx laid province ot any aft or afts of the parliament of Great-Britain h made, far prohibiting, restraining, or reguiat:rg '' ’ T I commerce-of his Majrfty's colonies ar.d p lantatino7 n I rica ; but that all and every the fold afb* a ’ | of parliament heretofore m ire, concerning op/Hpr“ng 1 said colonies and plantation., (hall be, ntjfotn dared to be, in fotce, within the said prince of Qje-bee, and every part there f. / For the MASSACHUSETTS SP Y- Tbefellctvtnr it a refy if a let:er t said to benmote by Cen. Btattle, to tbe .zrwarder in cLvfr Combride, Aognd *<»• ’774- MR. Brattle pfofents hi* duty to ni* Eceilency Governor Gar, he apprehend* it hi* duty quaint hi; Excellency from time ro time t^e * c ueair* and knows to be true, awKis o* impo' :,r 4 troublesome time*, which it the aidogy Mr. Brattl nukes for troubling the Gcnoal with ti. fetter. Capta ; Minot, cl Concord, a very worthv m b thi»minur< fanned Mr. Brattle that there had Ima tepeattdiy ln pi citing applications to him to warn hi* impray to nsc. at one minute’* warning, equipt with aitfond ammuition, according to law, he had ci nllamly deni*Uien, adding, if he diJ nut xratity them he Ol u Jd be ( 0 u)t jjg Farm* and town ; Mr. Brattle to>J b»<f bitter do that than lose hi* lite, and lie hanged ti 'ychei ; he ob served that many captains had done it, 1 nt)f j n t |j c reigment to which he belonged, which was g j, untl<l <o _ lonel hiilh* Jones, but in a neighbouring il rM . Mr. Brattle beg* leave humbly to qud would noth* best that tin re should not be u cmtll ft offerer of rhe militia in the province. Thia morning the lelett-men of Medford, u an( j re ceived their town (lockot jowdet, .Inch was lienal on Quarry-Hill, so that there is now King* pow,*eronly, which flutll remain them a* a faar( e p O f| tum till ordered out by the Captain General. Tobit Kxctllemy Gtwral (At. Mt. 4 To th, PUBL IC. i ’ * 1 Think it but jufiicr to myfeif to give an acet” Vs my Conduit, fur which Jkm Wanu-d , and ti . ■ jotne miltakes which ate Ik lieved. His Fxcellemy Qeinor Cage wrote mein the words following : “ Sir, as in formed theie are fevetal military Itorei in yruiill t, t Cambridge, 1 beg the favour <>t you to fend me K us them, as foun as convenient, fpecifyin.; the dilkrcui its ol each. T. Gage..--To M.jor Ccrieial Brattle." Licit order i obeved ; the like 1 did to Guiernors Fownaßer nard and Hutchinson : in doing of which, wciyfdier will lay, I did but my duty. But it is affirmed, 1 kilrd ( the Governor to remove the powder ; this 1 pofitiv d iv, I b-caufc it isabfolutiy falfe. It never so much as cn #dl | . to my mind or thought. After 1 had made my t'fM y never heard one word about the aflair till the last, when /herill Phipi came to my house, with nor’s otder to d liver him the Powder and guns, t e ki of the powder-house I then delivered him, andwiot toT4 Mason, who bad the care oi'the guns under me, todebeK , them, which 1 suppose lie did j kith I imagine taken, but where transported 1 kimw not. 1 Lute to the Goverhor what Is contained in the above letW ; 1 did not write the Governor the grounds and realm of the quere therein contained j hut I will now mention them : They proceeded from a real regard both to the comm-Ihors officers and the province : First, to thr cotnmillion otliceni I thought, and (1:11 think, bdl for them : many of whom 1 thought would be unwilling to idi.e their wan anti, and if they did rot, 1 apprehended they mighl_4EX* ' 1. me difficulty j and tl.ofc that '*nut crmviiKcta great good would result therefrom, as if aru thcr method taken: Secondly, 1 thought, and lhll thjpk, it would f much better for the province ; for fuppnfing there vif' one comm flion officer for the prefrnt in it, what Jt ' 3 could theprovince fuflain ’ It may beaufwered, officers are lappofed to be the most uiiderflai><ij/}// ( \ , tary affairs ; I grant it t Put foppofmg th<w< were vacated, fuppofmg the rcfpcdtivr tcrJ love province were difpoied and determined to y 7 , enun or thing, which they Imagined to be fj/' proper persons were to be employed to UP I I their not having commiffiom in the ‘ i being employed in the particular krvjf lC,v ' nl toexccute ;and ill this wav cannot ar^ 6 *** 1 in bad conlequences might be poflil.h^' ce, *’ fo a ” ,n l ! . easy to conceive, that the comrni* juua-ii.u*, rclpeftivc companies, m : ght, and 1 “'•J _ looked upr.n more blameable isr military officer*, a then they would be if they weight n ot dlt . did not aft under commulfokcd upon very f' ; ■ with relpctl to tire proviryuiggedej the. Genera ag \ at home and here. JtZpowder , this cettsu 17 '« demanded the towns folks for itklf. As 1 not; the above ordtial powder t<» any one but *> •' have delicvctcd tl c/the towns frocks 1 would • ,vr “ Excellency, or or/ feie£lm<r, or th* »r ''P on livered to nene if have met with, my l < ’ l whole the trea/e of n.y nativity, my houk neing my own horX um informed >t was without fy** fearchrd, tl/ t he people, touching tny conduct, • -3 <l. i VL * »««1" the Bm my mind, fir m a friend to my country ; and, in tn. oufnelZL— that I reaily aited according 0 ) abny Jrfor its tme interest. lam exnemdy c"y oho j“*Zt»ken place 5 1 hope I inay be forg ven, anddj, of Xt Ire Oflended. f.nce I trom an h- £ « principle, though it might be a^e»• / -—— -fawn COUNTRY NEWS. 'own. The flowing meianchoi) .flan h’W^ a ’ ,„■ Ur between the hour* ot a regiment at New-। «k» cam * ab- Mr. Staples; “PF * t h U fence to commit a R ape on th bo y would cut „ *. -r her with afl «p kn, ‘-’ **. .1 i to i d her ot hi* delign pared fur that end. After the he of carrying her d!FtO oe-» foMier tai. ing her bard । which the was übbged to-o. J any under hu a m. tweatemng *® «»“ d /. ; .... ..<W» I engager i>n, on fuldicr 1 naming h.m i ?»* ar.<» creed UM*- । k«e - wul tered the n'lgh-J which the tam.Jy,rmp‘n« "«‘ ®‘ ’ 4 >bvul Uv term. Who went « h m. ‘ .k» bw aftemx-n fuwnd him " xe F’ . ..1 । Lore a i W I oaar ’afe m llw p»>t*n» « Sadto*