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N E W B E R N» { Ntrth.Carolma.) Jit , genual meeting of deputies cf toe inhabitants hf tin province,atNewhern, tie tyb day of Augufl, 1774, Yhe deputies Men nut proceeded to make choice of a mtdera tor, when Col. JOHN HARVEY was una riim-ujlf cbofn, and Mr. Andrew Knox appointed Clerk. . . WE his M.yrfty’s most dutiful and loyal fubjrtt., the deputies t'rom rite leverai counties and towns of the province of North-Carolina, imprefled with the mart lacred respect tor the Britifti conrtitutiun, and rel rived to maintain the fucccflion of the houle of Hanover, is by law •ftabliftreJ, and avowing our inviolable and unshaken fidelity to our sovereign, and entertaining a sincere regard for our fell >w-fobjefti in Great-Britain, viewing with the utmost abhorrence every attempt which may tend to disturb the peace and good order of this colony, or to lhakc the fidelity of his Majesty’s fubjedls rest dent here; but, at the fame time, c nceiving it a duty which we owe to ourselves, and to posterity, in tne present alarming Bate of Britilh Ame rica, when our most ellrntial rights are invaded by powers unwarrantably affirmed by the parliament of Great-Britain, to declare our sentiments in the molt public manner, left our file ’ce Ihould be construed as acquiescence, and that we patiently submit to the ourrhen which they have thought fit to impofc upon us. Reflved, That his Ma;e(ty George the third is lawful and rightful Ring nt Great-Britain, and ot the dominions thereunto belonging, and of this province as part thereof. and that wc do b-ar faithful and true allegiance unto him as our lawful sovereign, and tliat we will, to the utmost ot uur power, maintain and defend the fuccetrton of the huufe of Hanovsr, as by law eftablilhed, against the open or pri vate attempts of any person or power whattoever. . Reflved, That wc cl-im no mure than the rights of Englilhmen, without diminution or *bridgcme'>‘ • 1 hat it is our indifpe ftble duty, and will Oe our constant endea vour, to maintain those rights to the utmost of our power, confidently with the loyalty which we owe our lovertign and a facied regard for the Brijiffi constitution. Rcflveel, That is of the very of the Britilh con rtit’iticm, that nofobjca (houlH be taxed but by his own con- Icrr, tieclv given by himlelf in person, or by his legal repre sentatives ; and that any otiier than such a taxation is highly derogatory to the lights of the fubjed, and a gross violation of the grand charter of our liberties. > Refitted, That as the Biitifi; fubjeds, rchdent in Norih- Arr.cnca, have not, nor can have, ar.y representation in ti e paihament of Great-Britain, that therefore any afl of par liament, impoling a tax upon them, is illegal and uncon; but that our provincial a lemb ics (the Ring,by his governor, ronftituting one btanch thereof) folcly and exclullvcly poflel’s that right. , , Reflved , That the dut es imposed by several acts of the Britilh parliament upon tea and other articles consumed in Amer ca, for the purpose of raising a revenue, are highly illegal and opprrfiive ; and that the late exportation ot tea by the Kaft-lndia compiny to different parts of America, was intended to give efledt>T: one ot the Li<i afls, and there by efhbliih a precedent highly dilhonourable to America, and to obtain an implied aifent ro the powers which Great- Brit <in h<d unwarrantably alfumed, of levying a tax upon us \s ithout our confcnt. Rrfohed, That the inhabitants oftheMallschufetts pro vince Inve diftinguilh-d tnemfelves in a manly support-at the tighu of America in general,and th.t the caute in whit h they now fufTer, is the caute ofevery honeftAmerican, wh > e.feires the bletfings whicli the constitution holds forth to him. That the gi ic vances under which the town of Boiion l.ib.M's at prelrnt are the eftcCl of a lefentment, icve.led at them, for having flood loremoii in an oppolition to rnca fnrei, which ntuft eventually have involved all lliitilh America .s a state of abjeCl dej enhance and fervitode. The ait of I’ailiament, commonly called ‘l he Ref on Port AH, as it tends to shut up the por ot Bi Aon, and tjyrinr rftflMßlh lHHfll Tiv • h.llieito procured by an honest induilry ; as it takes away the wharves, quays, and other property if many individuals, by rendering it utelefs to them , and as the dutatron ot this ati depends upon ciicumilanctSi fount.cJ merely inrpiii.ii, and in tLrir natme indite:minate, and thereby m y make the rnitir 'S it carries with it even perpetual ; Refitted eh, re fore, That it is the moil cruel infringement ot the rights and ptivilpts of the people of Bolton, bom as men and members of the Bra.ifh gove nment. Rtf toed, 'I hat the late Att of Bail!ament for regulating the police of that province, is an infringement of the charter right granted them by their M.'.jellies Ring \v iili.un and Queen Mary, and tcilds to lcfic.i that ftcred coufiucuce vuiich nught to be (laced in the ails ol Kings. Refilled, That by juries of the vicinity, is the only lawful inqneft thiu can pat's upon the life of a Bntilh subj- dl; and that it is a right, handed down to us from the carlieft a s es, confirmed ard fjr.&ified by M.igra Chan a itfrlf, that no foreman lhall be tak n or imprisoned, or difpofiefled of his lice tenement and liberties, or outlawed, or banilhed, or any wile hurt or injured, ur.lefs by the legal judgment cl Ms peers, or by the law of the land; and there lore, all who li,*fer orfcerwile, are not vidtims to public jollier, but fall a facribce to the powers of tyranny and high-handed opprellion. ReJ htd, That the Bill lor altering the Adminithation of luit’ce in certain criminal cases, wiiliin tlie Province ot Mallai.hulrtts.Bay, as it hnpowers the Governors thereoi to fend t Great-Btiuin for trial ail perfoM who, in a.d us his M jelly’s Ofticers, lhall commit any capital oftitner, is ft night with the tvgK'ft injulßce and partiality, and will trnJ to p *>d ce f cqucr.t bioodihed ot the inhabitants, as this Adt hi I'ltlics an opportunity to commit the most atiocious crimes, w rit the gieatift probability of impunity. P. fohed. That wc will not, indiicdHy, after the lirft day of Janua.y, 1775, imivoit ftom Great-Britain, any East lndia goods, or any whatever (meJi (iriCS rxcepred) ror will we alter that day import liom the Wcft-lm ies, *r rll'cwhere, any Eaft-lnuia or Britilh goods or manufacture* p ncr will we purchafc any such articles so im|voited of any perlon or prrlons whatever, except luch as are r.ow in the country,or my arrive on or bclore the laid first day of j* 177 q. Reftved, That unleft Amenean grievances are redreired before the rirft of Odtolver, 1771;, we will nut, after that day, diredly or indirettly, export tobacco, pitch, tar, tur pentine, or alfv otner articie whatever, to Gteat-Bruaiii j r.or will we fell” any such articles as we think can be exported to Great-Britain, with a profpcG of gain, to any perlon nr terfons whatever, with a design of putt.iig it in his or their p.-wer to export the fame to Great-Britain, either on uur own, his, or their account. RefthtJ, That we will neither import any (lave or Haves norpurchafe any stave or llaves, imported ot bought into *th s province byotheis, from any part ot the world, after the fitft day of November next. Retched, That we wi.l not use, nor fuller East Inuta tea to Leufed in our families, after the tenth day of Sep tember u. xi ; and that we will conf.dc! all pe. ions mth.s rrov.nce, n’t complying with this refolva, to be to thair country. ... *.t- at Received. That the venders of merchandize w.thtn this ' provide ought not to advantage of refolvcs re.atr.rf to 1,10 importation in this province, or *Htwh« ; but ought to fell iHeir goods and mertUrc.zr, which they have, or niai hereaf er imp«ort, at the ftnre rate* they have leen acctiftomed to fell them within three momhs laftpjft. Pefhed, That the people of thrs p ovmce wul break 08 ail tiade, commerce and dealing, and will not maintain a; y the ieaft trade, dealing or commercial intercour.e, with any c lo»v on this continent, or with any city or town, or with a»v individual in luch c.donv, city « tewr, ma.l te fme. drclme or negiett, «o-.toft and cany into executron fuc!i plan ** to m |l)« cocUftcr.tal v S s Cj,ig*cfß. ] k./oived, That we approve W t'js proposal oftlre pcnc : ral curigieis to Le held in the ci:> of I‘hnadelphia, on the ! 2uih of September next, tiicn and there to uc..berate upon the prefect state of llr.tilh America, at d to take luclr as ehey may deem prudent, to cHcft tlie purpule of deictibing with certainty the rights ol Americans, re pairing the bicathc-s mauc in thole tights, ana lor guard ing them for the future trom any fuels viu.av.un*, June un der the fanttion of public authority. Reftdvtd, 1 hat William Hjopir, Joseph Ilr-wf., and Richard Caswell, biquires, and eve ry of them, be di putie* to attend such Cungref. i and they are hereby inverted with such powers *5 (nay m.ike any atts dune by them, or content given, in Lena! ol this p.ovince, obligatory in tumour upon every inhabittnt thereof, who is not an alien to Iris country’s good, cr.Jan apo.tavc to the liberties of America. Refoh.d, That they view the atrtrrpts made Uv the Minuter upon the town of Boston, as a jrrluae to a gene ral attack upon the rights ol the other colmiei,and that upon the luccels of this depends, in a great niedurc,the happiness of America, in its present race, and in p.fterity ; anu that thetefote it beejmes our duty to contribde, in proportion to uur abilities, to ease the buraens up.n that cown, for their virtuous oppofit on toii.e revenue atts, that they may lie enabled topeilift in a iudcr.t md man ly oppolition to tlie of parliameit, and render its dangerous drfigos abortivi-. Rcj'ohcil, That liberty is the fpiritof *e Bmiftr consti tution, and that it is the duty, and will )e the endeavour of us, as Britilh Americans, to transmit Ins happy confti- J tution to our pofterit), in a state, it pu.4ie, better than | we found it j and that to fuller it ro tjdc-rgo a change, which may impair to invaluable a hleiilg, would be to dilgrace thole ancestors, who, at the expert of their purchal'ed thole privileges, which their are too weak, or too wicked, to maintai* | t>*w> 1 ««- b / t Vi,, tuture provlrcial mretlng, wlrtn any dtvilion lhall hjp|>en, the methodto be obleived lhall be, to vote by the counties and towns uvmg a right to fend members to allembiy, that (hall be reprelented at every such meeting j and it is recommended to t; c depu ties pi the (cveval counties, that a edmmitte ot live ptr funs be cholen in «ach county, by luth pet Ims as accede to this allocation, to take ell'eftual cart that tMe reimves be pr.perly obleived, and to correspond xcaliordly wth the provincial committee of cor. .-fpondcncq oftlri ptuv.nce. Reflved, I nat each and every county ir this province raise as fpcedily as poliible the lum of acl. pmclaination money, and pay the lame into the hands of K.chard Car well, Esq; to be by him equally divided anvug «>e dele gates appointed to attend the gerwrai rnngrel at Philadel phia, as a recompence for the trouble and expnee m attend ing the said congrcfs. 1 , Reflved, That the moderator of this meting, and in case ot h.sdeath, that Samuel JohnsT»>, Llqj be ira p..we:ed, on any future cccalion that mry reqare it, to con vene the feverrl deputies of this provracc (wnch now are, or hereafter lhall be chosen) at luch time an' place as he lhall tbink proper. Ar din cate of tlie death or abknee ot any deputy, it is recornm nicd that anotlier b. chofcn in his Reflved, That the following be INSTiUC I lONS f rthe De f V ties appointed to meet in Genual Cutigrels on the part ol this colony, to wit. That they exprcls our f.mere attachment to our molt gracious foveieign Ring George the third, and cur determin ed resolution to support his lawful authority in this pro vince ; at the fame time, that wc cannot d-pact horn a Heady adherence to the fitft law of nature, a firm and ie lolute defence of our peifons a«d properties, againll a.' un conllitut onal ineroachments whattoever. That thev aiVert ..ur righo to all »1« privileges cl Hrit.fh fubjeftcr particularly that of paving no fixes or aulirs but with out own content j ai.d that the leg lixure ot t ns province have th- 1 rxelufive power ol maki: g Irw* to late ox internal polity, fubjtci to Iris Ma.c iy s dtallow "are. That lhould the Britilh pa.liarr.cnt continue to rxercile nj'Viiig Taws to bind tlienr in all caloa whatbever, luvi. raws niuft be highlv nnconllitutional and oppit|:ve to the in habitants ot B .it fir America, who have lot, and, I oni their 10, a. circ. m iar.*c , cannot have a (rt Slid equal re preler.tation in the Britifti Pari.ament; thrfa drl dvar.tages must be greatly inhrrced by the mifreprclenta io is of deiigning men, inimical to the cobnics, die in fluenre of wbofe reports cai-r..' be gt.aided a|ainft, by rea on of the distance of America from them ; or as haa been urhaj'pll) 1 xper d in the care of Hie town us Boston, when the ears of adrniniftration have been fl.ucagainft every attempt to vindicate a pe'-ple, who claimed only the rij,ht of being heaidinflreir own delence. That f ere fore, till we obtain an explicit dahrrtion and acknowledgment of cur rights, we ague to lloy ail imports from Great-Biitain after the Ift day of January, 1775, and that we will not exor.rt any t f our conUi.udities lo after the ill day of Ciioler, 177;. That they concur w ith the delegates or dejutiej from , the otiier Colonies in such regulations, afdrefles ot remon strances, as may be deemed most probable to reftnre a lalli"g barmtny and good undeiflanding with Grct-Britain, acir cumft .nee we moll liner rely and ardently desire ; and that they agree with tlie majority cf them in all nrreifaiy mealures lor promoting a redress of fuclr gr evarxes as may eoine under their confiJeration. Ref htd. That the thanks of this meeting hr given to •the lion. John Harvey, Esq; moderator lor hit faithful exercise of that office, and the he has then by ren dered to tills province, and the friends of America in gene ral. JOHN lIAKVEY, Moceraior. Ten or eleven days prccceding the above meeting the go vernor illued the following proclamation. North-Caholina, IT. By his Lxceilency JOSIAH MARTIN, F.fq; Captain-General, Governor and commander in Chief, in and over the said province. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS it appears to me, that meetings and at’remblifs of the inhabitants of this pr vice have been in fume of the counties and towns thereof already held, and are in others appointed to be held without any legal au thority—and that reioives have b-en entered into, and plans concerted, in luch meetirgs as are pilled, derogatory, to his majeftv and the parliament of Great Britain j and that there is reason to apprehend the lame inflammatory, difioyal and indecent measures, may be adopted in such future allemblics, inconf.lient with the peace and gcud order of this gorer.ment, and tending to excite cla mour ai J difconicnt among his majetly’s lubjcfts in this province : I have thought fit, with the advice and con frnt of h s raajefty’s council, to iffire this proclamation, to difccutage, as much as poflibic, proceedings so illegal and unwarrantable in their nature, and in their eflefl so obvi oufl y injuricus to the welfare cf this country ; Anc to this end Ido hereby tlricßy require and enjoin,on their ahegiance, all and even his Maj’efty a fubjefli to forbear to attend at ar.y luch illegal meetings, and that they do difcouiagc and prevent the lame by all and every means in their lower ; arid more thar they do forbear to attenl, and da prevent as far as in them lies, the meeting of certain deputies, fa d to be appointed to be held at Newlern on the 2“h instant. And Ido more especially charge, require and command, ail and every his majeftv s justices of the peace, ffieiirts, and other cfficcrs, to bearding and affirting herein to the utmuft of then power. GIVEN unoer my hand, and the great seal of the said province, at Newbern, this 13th August, 1774, in the fouiKc.uh year of hii majetlv’, rre.g '. J O S I A H MARTIN.. GOD SAVE THE RING. By his Excellency's command, Jambs I»a** ai t, D. Secretary. I New-York, Sept. 26. 'The Norwich papers in Co/mcfficut , September lc, ju, - mjhes us with the f ollowing Par. graph. A Cor.eipcndcnt begs ireave to piupole to tire conliderati on of the public, lince tne grand American coiruovetly growaria daily appears more and leriuus, whether it is not ixpadicnt, very important and neceflary, lire the co lonies forthwith to.aifean army of observation, and lend it near the expefted feene of affirm, and let them be inirea&d from time to time as our enemies inareale, and kept in con ilant cxercile and difeipiine.—A preparation and resdimls for the defvnlive or oitenirve operations, may, and often has, prevented the neceftity of execution ; but if nrcef lify does take place, as them is great probability it will j fhouid we not, in such a case, be in an infinitely better li tuarion, .0 have our feattered forces, (though almoit innumerabie) to colled from all parts of the comment alter our ar.tagonifts are well fortified, their numbers lull, and have struck fume important and ratal blow. Kewpsit, Sepiemh,r 21. Capt. Kilburo, arrived a t Newport from Virginia, informs that a lew days before he failed, a verfel arrived there from England with intelli gence to the 13 th of August, one article of which was, that the popular rage ran so high in London, on acconnt of the late meafutes, that the Ring had been seized in his carriage by the pe .pic who would have dragged him out, had nut his lifr-guard interpoled and refeued Fiim, No French law / No Popery ! is the general cry in England: So that we hope soon to hear of tire downfall of the Pope and the Whore of Babylon, after which the woild may expelt luine peace. Philadelthia, September 21. Extract of a Letter from London. “ I inclofe you a bill, which will soon be a law, and which (peaks the intcritiocA oC.stbnuf/kxiu o-Om-nf. ,r, u'a full pui post” here ol txecutinf it, if we do not, by a firm union and oppolition, withstand it. A general firf penfmn of commerce, till our grievances are rtdrdied, is the only measure which is at once late and fore. The question is now become of such pregnancy and magnitude, that your proceedings ought to be conducted with the ereateil deliberation and gravity, it is no common nine that we are trying, as it involves tire late ot meomputed millior s. . _, , , c « 'j j, e Minirtry flatter tncmf. lves, that the terror of their measures -vill make all America silent and fubm.f five Even Loid Mansfield ventured to declare, in the House of Lords, that all the colonics would return to obedience (his phrase for fiavery)Jf«« cade. If I mtftakc not, he w.ll find it difficult to keep this country qu:et, un der the Hill refs a non-importatatiun agreement will occa from That is our ltrong hold, which 1 trult in God we (hall never abandon. ... „ , CC Mr. Rigby, who is at the head cf the Bedtord peo ple, and Sir Gilbert Flliot, who prelides in the Royal Junto, both declared in the House ot Commons, that as to-.n as America was reduced to order, it was intended to tax them. You may depend upon this as a f.A ---11 is the opinion of your belt tiicnds iicrr, that you flrmild put a to al Hop to all commerce with this country, both exports and imports. Some woulJ carry it so tar, as to flop all pr.ivifrons and lumber from being sent to tire Weft-Indies. The lew absolute necelTaries a hardy people can want, who are contending for the dearest ot all earthly blcflings, their Liberty, rnay be easily had from St. Eulla.ia, the French Weft-Indies, or feme parts ..I F.u rope. Keep all the money you have, and pay no debts here—at the fame time, by a judicious manifclto, address the Britilh merchants, manufacturers, and your btctlucn in England,’ftating modestly our grievances, pointing out the mode of redress, and comi'laining of the gtievous nc cclfity you are driven to. All the colonies, it is expected, will unite ; tiir w'lich end a Congress lhould be held as soon as poliible. Ytr may tely on it as a most cer a n I truth, that Philadelphia, next to Boston is to fee. the Ic verc rods of chastisement, if those now applied to 80.’.0n UtV London, dated July 27. “ With refpedl to politicks, it is not l eeetTary in this advanced part of the season to wiite much : The refolu ti. ns of Philadelphia, and thole of Maryland andVirgi. nia, 1 must however Ceil you, are ellttned, b th by the court and the metchants of the city, as very imffrnjivr, and as the mere ebJiitions of a set of ai gry men, whole force was (pent the day they were made; and the propo sed Congref, is fpeken cf, and really cunfidced, both by admit.iftration and all the merchants i*f the ci.y, as a feheme that will produce no fort of security to the liberty of the colonics, ror trouble to adminillration; and it is under this general apprehtnfion that the flocks continue so uncommonly high as they are at present, and have been for lomc time palt. Mr. Hutchinson sin g health, ind in apparent high fpiritx ; he is much quoted ty administra tion, and they are allured by him, that the.r proper ard fphi’ed measures will urqurjiwnably excite a perJ-.H fulrtif lion in all parti of rlmerua. Depend on it, that it is cr.iy luch patric.des as Mr. H , &c- that support the del potic and deftreflive schemes and w.ftics of the enemies of America ; and it is from their infamous suggestions, tl at adminiftrafon is taught td laugh at your proposed Corgteit, ss they art ajjured by them, and from br-th New-1 ork and Philadelphia, that it will produce nothing more than a re monflrarce or petition (which, by the bye, tt is already de termined not to 1 tetivt) and that you are so attached to your private interests, vou will never flop cither imports or ex ports. Th« honefi hearted Americans, at preient in this city, are daily both at court and in London, ridiculed on account of the high founding declarations of patriotism, made, as it ir said, by the cowardly Americans; and are hourly mortifi -d with the detestable opinions of H—— and other natives cf America, being pleufingly repeated and relied on ; but for my part, however 1 arn petpctuaily insulted with the proflituted fentimeets of thrfe men, I perfwade myfelfyour countrymen are not so contaminated w ith the vices and effeminacy of this nation, not to lee that this is the important crisis when they ought to make a folcmn, fulien, united, and invincible (land, against the cure!, tyrannous and ruinous system < f policy, adopted and exercizing by this legislature aga nil the rights and freedom of Ame. ica: Anc let me add, that of the deputies of the several provinces, when convened inCongref., do not one and all firmly refoive to eftahlifn through every county and towr.ffiip, in thrir refpeftive provinces, a foienin league ;nd covenant, and under the obligation of an oath or affir mation, not to purchase or use the manufactures of this country (fare what are collected already within the provin ces) and if poflible not to export any provisions to the Wc!t- India Mauds; and at the lame time they do n.t rcligioufly refoive to meet again in Congrcfs eveiy fix months, for the purpose of farming a fuitablr plan, for the permanent security of American rights and Ircedom ; I fay, it thele things are not done, and if they do not determine faith fully to (land by each other, until every adt psffed this retfion is rtverfed, and until all t'reir just rights and pri vileges are ft.lly recognized and ertablilhed by tbit legisla ture, our children will be irremediably deprived of that in hetitance of liberty, which our fathers carefuily andpioufi transmitted n us." For tlie MASSACHUSETTS SPY. Mr. Thomas, WHEN the minds of the •minty convention, re- Ipedling the import of their committee, were fig nified bv vea* and nays, “ Stephen Longfellow, Klq; though he voted foily against the late adfs of the Britifii Parlia ment, yet be manifefted his dill ke to Come expredions made use of in said report, which he ternard harih ard provoking," which I d.d not then fuppofc was to be ex preded in the vote, but fit cc find it is his defiie that it ftiouldv I therefore requetl you would insert it in a margi nal note, or, if the proceedings are already printed, that rou would infer* this, ia your nest paper. Yours 7 SAMUEL FREEMAN. For the MASSACHUSETTS SPY. To the essuks * to the late Governor Hutch iifon, in Lifhu. Gen 1 i.emin, YO U are once more called upon to make 2 recanta tion tor limning mat addieu, which ius with girjc reai jn giving lucii urrealinela to the public, and your liiki.n. in particular ; you wouid not at again calk'd upon, v.a. .. nut afic.ted lire! many of you have exprellrd 4 ucli.u 10 make the puul.c such latLfacliun as cornu in rralon be re quired. You luve now many gentlemen ..1 tl.c county set you, and it any of you have the d.fpoii. w., tan catily follow it. , From one ot*your old conAßutiunal Fiiiekos. * The Proteder* would have been added here, Lot | at they are the ).:mc pe>fnt, with 1 cry few additions, Vi; ; tbougbi needlejs. r. ■., . ui. . - , , — , mV, Salim, 4 th Cfhler, 17-4. WHEREAS a .mall Call; (said to contain Uohea Tea) was brought Iron, Eof.c-r, Yesterday, in a Waggon, und-r my Caic, in order to juflify my Conduct in the Affairs, would be£ leave to inform the Public that, on Sunday the 2d Instant, a Negro Man be- • longing to, or employed by, Mrs. of Boston, came to me and enquired whether I had a Waggon going t<> Salem the next Day ? I anfwcrod, Yes ; he laid bis Millrefs wanted to fend a ftr.aii Calk, 1 told him the Waggon was loaded and could not carry it, he replied the Cask was fmail and light, and that M s. Sheafe would take it kind of me to carry it, to oblige that Lady, I cor.fented (not know - ing the Contents) to bring it, 1 have likewiie t..e grtaict Rralon to beheve, that the Savants v\lvw.a. .tjw.shfl tfntS Of latu VUiK* lUi i:KnWAtf v \ llW.t IW 1,1 71 J clare, 1 never law tbe abuvementiontJ cafic, until it was brought into School-Street, in this Town, to be c- inmitted to the Flames. BENJAMIN JACKSON. Essex, if. Salem. Olio. 4, 1774. THEN Mr. licnjamin Jackson made solemn Oath to the Truth of the above written Dcpu.'iiiou by him lubiciibed. Before me, PETER FRYE, Justice Peace. J OS 1 A H Q_U IN C V, jun. HAVING resigned his Bufim-ll into the Hands of Mr. I’erez Mokton, and embarkedfiir Ensland, dcf.rcs all his Clients who want to know the State of their Affairs, to call on said Morton, for Information All Peifons who are indebted to said Quincy, on Amount, are dented to make Payment to laid Mur ton, and any who may have Drnands on laid Qu 1 ncy, are requeileJ t.» ap.dy to the form Gentleman for thrir Difchargr. Those Perlon* who ove the laid Quincy, on Bond, or Note, arc hereby notified to make their Payment to William Pillifs, Esq; Attorney to Jos lAh Quincy, jun. NATHAN F R AZ 1 ER, BEGS Ireave to inform the Public, that in *.on(e qurnce of the Bolbm I'o. t-Bill, and with a View of accommodating those of his Cuftomerato whom it may be most convenient to luve their Supplies conveyed by Water, he has opened a Store in Salem, (the one lately improved by Mr. John Johnson, and next door to Mr. J«hn Gooi.’v) where he has for faic r An Aftoitmeat of G OO D S, foitabie for tlie So a fun. Said FR A ZIE R llill continues his Business at his Store in Bolton, as ulual : His Cuftumeis may be fopplied at either of said Stores, Wholefxle and Retail, on the most reafonabie Terms for ready Money. He w.ll give h.s per fo.ul Attendance, for the (.relent, at h;s Salem Store. r u, In Union-Street, near tlie Market, Has for SALE, A EAR G E Aflbrtinent of GOODS, foitabie for the Seal m, c.vnliiling of Woollens, Lm nrns, Silks, Statioi aiy, and a.I Rinds of Habcdolhery Wares ; which he foils at the vc.y lowed Prices for reaoy Money. Me.rv Andrew, Highland and Harry Vlllth CARDS. JOSHUA BLANCHARD, jun. BEGS Leave to inform his Friends, Cuftomen. ami others, that he has removed from iris Stoic on Dock- Sq are, to the Store lately improved by Mr. Joseph 'i yLEa, oppolite to Mr. Scott’s Infii-Linnen Store, in Ann-S:rect, and fronting the North Side of 1 aucuil- Hall, Market, Boston : Where is to ba Sold, Loaf and Brown Sugars, Rasims, Currants, ChocoLte, warranted puaic, Coffer,, I lour, Poland and common Starch, Ginger. Pepper, AKpice, Salt Petrr, Split Peafe, Firkin Butter, TUfk Oil very good, Lilban Oil hy the gallon or less, bed l)u:ham Mustard, Cinnamon, • Mace, N ut megs, Cioves, Rrimftone, Ailum, Copperas,Red- • wood, Stives and Seive Bottoms, rS Inch Pipes, Crown Soap, Having Cards, Slates, Indigo «f various loirs, ch'jice Bacon, Cheele, Oatmeal, and GROCERIES of a>l kinds. Alfo,Weft-IndiaamlNcw-England Rum, Jamaica Spirit, Brandy, Douhefter Beer, launton Ale, Melaffes, tee. N. B. The above articles will be fold by Wholefaleor Retail, uncommonly cheap, and all Favours gratefully sc knowledged. STOP THIEF! "IXTHEREAS the Shop of the Subfcrib ▼ V er> W as last Night broke open, and robbed of twclve Beaver, and fix Beaveret HATS. This is to pronyile a Reward of TEN DOLLARS, to any I’etfon who lhall difeover the Thief or Thieves, so tliat he or they may be convifled thereof, and the Hats recovered, or in Prcportiai for any Part of them. JAMES CODNER. liafton, Oftaber 4, 1774* i To-morrow will he pullijbed, THE Rovftl American Magazine,No.a. For AUGUST, 1774- * Four hundred pounds, Lawful Money, to be Let. Enquire at the Intelligence-Office. TO-MORROW, at Eleven o’Clit, Will be fold by PUBLIC VENDUE At the Bunch of Grapes. King-Stieet, TWENTY Hogsheads of moiex cellent Tobago R U M, a 1 most equal to Janfa. j J. RUSSELL, Aufteer. I ♦ , I Mr. BERNARD ROMNS I begs Leave to inform the Public, that ffifaps T I are now ready for Publication, the Copper Woi*Hg a.l I done, and tlie Paper which he was obliged to gefianu- J i tafturrd on Purpose, is liktwife fiiiflied, but net ro- i ] ceived liom Pluladelphia, or elle at least a great Fwou.d- I • have been delivered before n<>w, tne Subfotibers y reA I allured ol receiving the Copies withia the Time pribed, 9 which L the firft of January next. I As his Edition is Imali, it is requefled that focfcnfle- ■ men who incline to have Copies may fobferibe, atter ■ Publication none hill be to be had for less than itllarr. ■ SUNDRY degant Pieces of PUT, M finitheJ in the most modem Tafle, to bold a* ,H| Cheap as at Vendue, viz. a Tantcanl, a Can J able Sports, ic. Alio, a good Clock. Enquire of thintt'- <■