Newspaper Page Text
' /Parnafllan Packet. I Frim a lata London Pa«*. j, EG Y. To the Memory •/ the late K- C. % E A C E to thv royal ftadr, iiluftrious King ! Jf Sleep, fweetiy on, beneath thy blazon’d tomb : Nor yet be (lark'd, though a tale I ling, Might call up fpiritt from the Stygian gloom. How bled were once, the lubjcfis of thy sway 1 Aid b eltings still they hop d from such a root s JJut.lo ! the flattering profpcft, fades away : Keen, notthcrn blaftS, have fpo.l'd the promts d fruit. The darling idol of the Britilh flat;, A native Prince, on whom we counted high, No sooner mounted on thy vacant (eat, Then joy began to smile in ev’ry eye. But ah ! how dark, are fate* mysterious ways In errors mazes, how are mortal., led ! Blasted the wreaths, and wither'd all the bays, We fondly wove, to crown his rogal head ! The partial minion, fraught with subtle wiles, Soon gain’d his confidence, by heililh art ; Nor, can the nation’s censures, nor her fmilet, Conxinct hits judgment, or reform his heart* Alas, how blind to fortune, and to fame, Must be the Pa inc a, who hugs within his bread A foe, that always cavil’d at his claim. And drove, tne fceptre, from his hand, to wrest ! Yet, such there is, (. e Hrav’ns forgive the fight;) Nor can a Junius wake him from his dream j In vain the people pray,—-the patriots w.ite ; He nods fupioe, o’er 7 wteda's tainted dream. IlJ,fated hour, when on thy tender youth, The northern star, its baneful influence feed ; Turn’d all thy fbotfteps, from the ways of truth,- An- mark'd to vengeance, thy devoted h—d ! Can nothing rouse thee * nothing wake thy foul .» O ! may fume vision of the midnight hour ; Some dying Cbarlti, before thy fancy roll ! And teach thee goodnefe, equal to thy Power . Remember, Sire, (or, if thou haft not read, Turn o’er the lad, but wife hifloric page) There was a people* fold their Prince's head 1 1 And there are villians Worn in every age.— O ! then awake j the voice of truth attend ' And though the novel found may grate thine ear, Resolve, at lad, to b« thy country's friend ; For all thy peace and fafecy, centers there. ’Tis Heav’n that speaks : and, though thou art a K—, In Ipite of fraud, in fawning flattry’z fp.gbt. Thou loon, or late, (hah own the truth* 1 ling, For all thy conduft, must be brought to light. And, what a weight, thy lab’ring foul will prels ! How wilt thou (land, amidlt the dark defpair } When millions tell thee, all their deep diftrefi, Could never fierce chine adamantine ear! In time, be wife { drive 'Traitors from thy bread J And let the just ! the Loneft, round thcc move ; So, (hall the finking state once more be lleft j And than be happy, in thy Peoples love. vs Lt I* do From tbt VIRGINIA GAZETTE. A PROCLAMATION. America! thou fractious nation, Attend thy mailer's proclamation ! Tremble ! For know, I, Thomas Gage, Determined came, the war to wage ; With the united powers sent forth, Of Bote, of Mansfield, and of North j To I'couige your tnfolence, my choke, Whilst England mourns, and Stan rejoice ! BOSTONiA firft (hail feel my pow’r, And, gasping midlt the dreadful ftrow’r Of miniftenal rage (hail cry, ** O save me flute—i yield !’’—and dir— Then (hall thy thundering cannons rattle, My hardy vrt’ian* march to battle, Agsinll Virginia’s hoflile land, To humble that rebellious band. At m; approach her trembling fwaiiu Shall quit well cultivated plains, To leek th’ inhospitable wood. Or try, like swine of old, the flood ; The hardy fens of Scotia’s :ace Shall ready fill each vacant place. Rejoice, ye happy Scots, rejoice, A voice lift up, a mighty voice, The voice of gladncfs—On each tongue ’1 he mighty praise of bote be lung, The praise ot Mansfield, and of Notth, next your hymns of joy let (prth ; Nor flwll the rapt’nju* itraw afiwage, Till lung’s youi own proclaiming Gage. Wn.iflie ye pipe —ye drones, drone on, Ye bellows, blow ! VizoiniaY worn I Your Gage has won Virginia’* (bore, And Scotia’s fens lhail mourn no more, Hail Middielex! O happy county ! Thou too Awl. (hare thy mailer's bounty } Thy fens obedient nought (hall fear. Thy wives and widows drop no tear ; Thy happy people peer (hall feel The force of unrelenting fled j What brute would give the ox a Broke Who bends his neck to meet the yoke * Tovt — v bend the humble knee. He (hall protect you under me ; His gen'rous pen lhail not be mute. But lobnd your praise thro' Fox to Bute. i By Scotchmen lov’d by Scotchmen taught; By all your muntry Scotchmen thought; Fear Bute, fear Mansfield, North and me, And be as Well as jlatva can be ! TH E refpcCtable Public are hereby in fesruni, that I the Subknbcr, living in Sutton, intend ifjie -tvery other Branch of bufinef* in my Way, and -Mv myfeif wholly to hat of making HOES. And haVn u pared Matters, by providing a convenient Shop, need'dry Help, ai.d a large Stock, 1 purport to begin the fii't Djv of Oftober next, and continue in that Branch unly, not doubting but I lhail meet with futficient Encou ragement from thufc whom my Ainoition promps me to fc vc • l mean thfc who a,e well Viihen to American F c Jom. But thole Jacobites that would inflame their Count.W giving thor Suffrage for the Execution of any ur.conftnutp.nal aft, Hull not through sny Hands, nur by anv Perf n for or under me, be supplied with a (ingle one, urlcfs Security be firft given, that such Tool is to be em- j playeu in making a Crave fix feet deep, to hide one or mote of the Heads ot those obnoxiouz Wretches. The ? Gentlemen in the neighbouring Governments, may be iup-| oned with what Numbers they may want, to carry on their. Bufinels, by giving icafonable Notice, whose Fsvoiw will { . M addiiiona. Obligation on me, to acknowledge mjlelf ,heirs, and the Pub**’* moil oOeri.cnt and wry humble 1 Samuel waters. | BOSTON: Printed by ISAIAH THOMAS, % * the South Corner of Marshal’s Lane, leading from the Mill-Bridge into Union-Street, where all Persons may be supplied with this Paper at Six Shilling anJ Eirbt Pena Lawful Money, per Annum, unfcaicd, and Eight bou»tngi lea etl ano uirectcd ; auu wneic Aitices or »ni«>iigeucc, &c. are thankfully received ■ ■■ Advertisements taken m—PRINTING in its various Branches, performed in a neat Manner, with the greatest Care and I)»ipatch, on the most reafonau.e renm. Small HaND-BILLS at an Htmr’t Nttiee. Subscriptions for the Sp y are alto taken ia by J. Larkin, Chairmaker, and Mr. W. Cakier, Painter, in Lbarujltwn\ Mr. J. Hiller W«tc!» maker, in Stiem j Mr. B. Emerson, Booklclltr, in New him-Prrt » Mr. M. Belcher, in Bridgewater t and by Dr. Elijah Hcwins, in Suugjtinham, | Just imported in tl.e last Ships from Lis Do *t, Choice•Chefhs re and Gloucclter CHEESE, (Which will fui: the nicest taitc,) Ar.d to be S O L D by CHARLES LOWE, Opposite the Bollon Stune, in MarlhaliVLane, near the Mill-Bridge. i [This quantity of Cheese is equal in goodnefr, if not fupc - 1 rior, to that imported and (old by hirrt last f, ring.] AlCo, excellent FLORENCE OYL, in • Flalks, wairanted good, and the bed of English Mustard, by the bottle, fiogle pound, or less. OATMEAL by the Bulhel.or smaller quantity. JUST BUBLISHED, (Price Nine Shillings , elegantly bound and lettered) And to be Sold by J 6 H N BOY LE, at his Shop; in Mai borough-Street, rWENTY SERMONS, on the following Subjrfts, via.—l. The Fully and Danger of Duplicity in Religion.—ll. The Excellent} ot the Human Soul.—lll. Jesus Christ the only Sou.q of Rest and Happiness—lV. The Dominion of an Omnipijnt Deity a Realon for Joy and Praile.—V, VI, and til. Charity more excellent than Faith or Hope.— VIII. Clift I preaching to the Spirits in Prifon.—lX. Redemption bwhe j Blood of Christ —X ind XI. The Connexion between he Duties and Comforts of Religion.—Xll. The Obligates I to Family-Religion.—Xlll. The Ufefulncfs and Imjr- j tance of religious Education.—XlV, XV and XVI. ir I Table of the Lord rendcieJ contempt.ble.—XVll .1 I XVIII. Prafticai Obfervationson the History of Judas id | and his tragical End XIX. Man doomed to return to tfr* Dull fiom whence he was taken.—XX. 11'2 Bleflednjj of those who have not seen and yet have believed. By ANDREW F. t.f OT, U. t> i'aiior ot-a Church in Boston, Also, just re-printed (price One Shilling) And may be had at the above Shop, SEVEN S E R M O N S, viz I. Of the unpardonable Sin againll the Holy Ghost Or, the Sin unto Death.— 11. Ihe Saint s Duty am Excrcife : In two Parts. Being an Exhortation to, am Direction for Prayer—lll. The accepted Time and Day o Salvation—lV. The End of Time, and Beginning • Eternity —V. Jolhua’s Resolution to fetve the Lord.- VI. The Way the Heaven made plain—Vll. The futuis State of Man : Or, a Trea ife of the Refurreft’tan. By ROBERT RUSSELL, Of Wardhurft, in Sulicx. —- Liktwift just publijbed , (On Purpose to be given at Funerals) And (o be SolJ at the above Place, [Price One Shilling Jingle, and Jen Pence by the Dozen] , A RE V I VING CORDIAL, il for a lick Sin-sick, despairing Soul, in the Time of Temptation. The fame being an Extraft of the worthy Author’s Experience of the Particulars fallowing, viz.—— I. The miraculo is Perfervation of his bodily Life from the many Deaths and imminent Dangers which threatned it, , while in a State of Nature.—ll. The Method Go*i took I with him, in awakening him to look into and to mind J Soul Concerns, when about fouiteen Years of Age.—• | HI. How the Spirit of Bondage took him, and what fearful I Work it made in his Soul. ——IV. Hiw the Spirit of) Adoption succeeded the Spirit of Bondage, healing anu . binding up deep Wounds, caused in his Soul thirtby. ' Just publijbed (price One Shilling) l And to be Si id at the lame bhop, _ THE Transgression of a Land punifliefi by «i Multitude of Rulers# Coniidtitd iwu Dikouiki, deliver:d July 14, 1774» being voluntar ly ob , lervcd in midt of Aiieanbiies throughout the Province of Mallachuletts-Bay, as a Day of rafting and Prayer, on Account of the dark AlpccT of our public’ Art airs : And now publilhed at the Define ot t!i* Hearers, to whom they are infenb-d. By PET E R WHITNEY, A. M. •Pallor of the Church of Christ in Northh-nough. DRUGS anJ M E D I C I N ES, Imported from LON DON, and SOLD by AMOS COTTING, At his Shop, half a Mile tall of the Meeting Houle, in MARLBOROUGH, AFRESH Ailortmcnt of Drugs and Medicines. Ground Madder, and other Dye Studs. Spices, Raisins, Curranrs, Turkey Figs, Hungary Water, Lavender Water, King’s Honey Water, Couit Plaifiar, small Ivory Syringes, dec. Also genuine Patent Medicines, vie. Turlington’s Balsam, Godfrey’s Coidial, Hills Ralfiam and Bateman’s Drops, Britilh Oil, ElTcnce us Peppermint, Lockyer’i Pills, James's Fever Powders, Andcrfon's Scotch Pills, Hooper’s Female Pills, Cfephalic SnufF. SURGEONS INSTRUMENTS, (Very neat) Pocket Inllruments, in Fife (kin Cases, ditto, in Velvet Pouches, with lilver Cases, Midwifery Inllruments, much .mpitved, Male and Female Catheters according to Doflnr Hunter, Cases of bell Lances, four in a Case, Filh-lkin, ditto, two in a Case, or (ingle. Teeth Inllruments ot all Sorts. N. B. The above are fold as cheap as can be bought in Boston. mu’sical clocks. -j* q BE SOLD, A NUMBER of Musical Clocks, which play a difleient Tune each Day in the Week, on Sunday a Pulra Tune. Enquire of BENJAMIN WILLARD, Clock and Watch Maker in Roxsury-ftreef, near Boston. Where all Sorts of Clocks are made in the newdl Form, ar.d warranted to measure Time without Vaiiation, and to go many Years without Cleanung. Also, Clock Cases are made at the fame Place in various Forms, and fe the heft Manner, and cheaper than can be purchased in London, and conveyed with Clocks to any Part of the Country. N. B. Said WittAzn likewise informs, that all Branches of this Bulinefs are carried on at lus Shop at Grafton. To be SOLD, in Wmcutex, AGO O D Dwelling House and Barn, together with a good Garden, and about Half an Acre of Land, with a large Brook running through the J Middle of foid Land, well situated on the Street, -ppofite the Court-House, in the mod public Part of tlie Town. Any Person inclining to purchase may enquire of Edmund Heard, on (aid Premises. N. B. Said Place is extraordinary good for a Shopkeeper, or a Trade (man of any Sort, fee. fee. .. proposals For printing by SUBSCRIPTIO N, A COLLECTION of the Laws relating to the NAVAL TRADE of the II B R I T I S H COLONIES in AMERICA. || In which will be included, all the Acts of the British || Parliament, and the Laws of the several Colonies on 11 the Continent, relating to this Subjed. (J which will be added, Completi Indixis, which may lerve ss an Abridg | ment ut the LawsLi sts of d utiarl ■ Goons, with || the Duties payable for them {—enumerated Goods, || fee. and ample Directions to Masters of Vessels, for || regularly entering and clearing at the Custom-House. II I his Book wiii be printed on a good Paper, with a near || Type, and the Price ot it in Boards ihai! not exceed || Three Dollars. || SUBSCRIP I lONS are taken in by Peter Timothy, | Charleftown, South-C.irolina ; William Davis, Printer, J Ncwbcrn* North-Carolina j I)ixor., Pod-Mailer, in I lia,T ’ lbur * ’ Catharine Green, and Son, Annapolis ; [I William and Thomas Bradford, John Spa;hawk, and Robeit Aitken, Philadelphia ; Noel and Hazard, fan.e? I Rivington, Hugh Caine, and John Holt, Ncw-Yoik ; I J atne% Lockwood, Bookleller, New-Haven ;E. Watson, | Printer, Hartford ; i imothy Green, Piintcr, Ncw-London; | Robert font and T rumbull, Norwich j John Carter, Printer, | 1 rovidrnce ; Solomon Southwick, Newport ; Ifiaiah rhomas, and Edes and Gill, Botlon ; Samuel Hal!, Printer, balein ; Damd Fowle, Printer, Portfimouth, N. Hamplhire. I ~ When 11 ,s cofohfered how amazingly the Laws of Naval I r l h T been rnuiti f liea lince the firft Settlement of ISnttjb America, the Utility of a Collection of them, it is pieluined, cannot be disputed; effntciaily the Conduftof a very great Body of People is to be regulated by them, and Ignorance,/,U Law „no Ex:ujeQ>rTr t pCsere/Tiw Aftaiis, will be found in this Coileclion, as it will contain all the Laws relating to that Branch of Bulinefs, now in F’oice, which refpeft the Britilh American Colonics. —Merck ants, Maften cf Vefitls, and Manners are princi pally concerned, but others too will be sensible of its Urility. 1 he Officers of tbt Customs are particularly interested, as the Lines of their Duty aie maiked out herein with great Exaflocls :—Gentlemen of the Lena will find such a Col ledlion ufeful as affording them at once what without it would toft them tedious Refearchcs into voluminous Coder s To Courts cf Law it will be important, as containing the Rules by which their Decisions are to be fon.V-J — Legtjlators may meet with ufeful Precedents in it; and even Covetnors arc obliged by its Contents :—ln feort, no Man of Bulinefs ought to be without it. Ihe Compiiej there fore flatters himlelf with the Hope of such Encouragement as will render the Publication an Gbjefl worthy of Attention. N. B. On Account of the present unsettled Stale of public Affairs, and as fume Alteration mav probably be made in the Laws refpcdling America, in conlequence of the Meafiures now pursuing on both Sides of the Atianrc, the Compiler propoles deleting the Publication of this Colledion until (uch Alterations (if any) can be added to it, that it may be as complete as' pofliblr i He hopes, however, that this Circuntftance will not prevent those who propose to become Subfcribsrs, from tavounng him with their Names, as upon the Encouragement teceived fiom them will depend it* be ing publilhed at all. IS AI A H THOM AS, the Printer and Pubhlher ol this Paper, has REMOV ED his PRINTING-OFFICE, from the Bottom of Royal Exchange-Lane, to the " SodtJfjßorner of Marlhall’s Lat.e, near the Mili- his Office wa; formerly kept. “73/ SILKS ■—xld Superfine BROAD CLOTHS. APR IME aflbrtmcnt cf Padufoys,Du cjpes, Luteftrings; plain and figured Sattms, Da ifi.ilk), Sarlnets, fee.—tuperfine fafitionable coloured Broat Cloths, with suitable Linings and Trimming* To be Sold at an exceeding low rate, by JOHN BARRETT and SONS, At their limp near the Mill-Bridge, Bolton, Where may be had, a.l kituis of Englilh, Scotch, India, Hard-Ware and Cutlery GOODS, By Wholelale or Keu.i, Extremely cheap for Case or lhuit Credit. JOHN MAUD, Tailor, BEGS Leave toacquaints his Customers and others, that he cari ies #n the Bulinefs as ufuai, North Side of the Town-Houle, King-ftieet ; wliere all fee Branches of the Tailot’s Bulinets ate executed in the mott elegant Mannei, with Fidelity and Dilparck.— He doe* not aim at being pompous in his Advertitemein, ner to detract from any Man’s Merit in his Profeftion ; yet he flatters himlelf that no one can flnife or cut Cloths with gieater Elegance and Taste. Regimental Cloathing, aad Navy Uniforms, he is well used to, having been em | pjoyed these many Years by the Gentlemen of the Army and Navy. Any Cloaths which may happen not to fit, he will take back according to his former Advertilement : He fincetely thanks his Friends and Cuftotneis for the Encouragement they have fe-wn him hitherto, and lhail make it hi* Study to daferve their furure Favour. Sarah dawson, widow of the late Joseeh Dawson, Gardner, at the Cold- . Bath, at New-Boston, has got for Sale this Fall, a large Collctlion of grafted and innoculatcd Engl’th Fruit Tices of all Sorts, confiding of a Number of Pear and Plumb Trees of different Sorts ; also, a large Number of young Apple Trees, pieferved from the Seed ; lik*:wife, Garden Seeds, favd cltis Summer, more suitable for the Well-Indies or Carolina, than any imported. Any Person who may want any of the above Articles, and will oblige the fad Sarah Dawson with their Custom, may be allured they will be Sold at the very lowed Rates, and ail Favours gratefully acknowledged. N. B. The Cold Bath r> now in good Order. ALL persons that have any Demands on the Filiate of Mr. JOSEPH JACKSON, late of- Bollon, Truckman, decrafed, are deftred (0 bring in their ! several demands to ABIGAIL JACKSON, foie Executrix so said estate ; and those who are indebted to laid Eflate are requdlcd to fettle and pay the lame to (aid Executrix, im mediately. RJuft Imported, and to be SOL D, ICE, Cotton Wool, Coffee and Sugar, by the Hogfeead or Barrel, and a frnail Quantity of Beaver. Enquire of PETER SI G- • <AJ RN£ Y, near the Draw Bridge. I \V HEJ * EAS great a:iJ ocueial court l or allcmbly of this provi .ce, at tiuir folium begL.x and helJ at Buftun on tiie fitx.ii day ol January 177-, [ y an att then palicu inti Lied, » an act to uukr provilicn for the alfcftmg the monies upon the land* uf’tiie proprietor* ,1 “ the tovvnlhip of Alhneld, in the county of Ham-ife; re “which zie due from the luiJ piopiictuu to defray ths “ charges hereafter mentioned, and to provide a method “ for the colledting and levying the fame," appoint-d ,s the lubfcnber* a committee to afccrcain and determine whsc was then due to tiie Rev. Mr. Jacob Sherwfo, minifttf of laid Aferield, for and towards hi* fcttlcir.cnt in the m - niftry there by virtue of his contrail with the proprietor, all * wliat was due and unpaid towards the buildir ~ of tJifl meeting-house there and the charges and expence/incur red in anu about the fame; and certain other charge* men- Honed in the laid adl, and to ajlefo foch ftnns as wc feaii judge due, on the lands already LiJ out in the fa;jr,v.n ihip, (cite pubh.k rights excepted) such proportion asfeouid appear to us nut to have been already paid ; and alio t</ alee; tarn what might he due to the said Mr. Sherwin fife his (alary, agreeable to hi* contrail with the proprietor,• finite his tettiement, to the time the (aid att was made, and to qliefis such fium on the lands of the proprietor a! ready laid out, (the public rights and the land, of the L'v tills in the laid town excepted) ea.h la; Its due and equal proportion according to it* nominal quantity, J ti uc any of the proprietors fejulu r.e.: cf to pay ludi fum* »j they thould be afiefied to the colletfoi f jr the (pace of nine ty duvs, notice of such aHejim<nt, having been given b/ laid committee, i,i manner as iv provided by a Jaw of thi* province, made in the fccond year of his prefer t Maieflv’* reign, mtitled, “ an Ad to fob;, ft tiis unimproved land, « th ' S f rov,hic t 0 1)0 fi, L fo r tiie payment of tare, aflefied on them by order r fi rhe General Court 2nd vote. u • •• * ; / “ taxes laid on them,” then and in such case the said com mittee or the major part of client may make tale us 1 > much of such delinquent proprierors laud there, a* ill 'll be neceiiary for the payment of such sums and reafunabic chat - ges railing thereon, in such manner as in and by the laic mentioned aft is provided fertile payment 1;:' fed) taxe* and charges. And by an aft made ard palled by ths said great and Geneial Court holden at Holton *m February, 1774, in addition to the aft ritft above mentioned, the said committee we e fotther impowerrd to determine what sums were duo to divers persons, and on divers canfolera tions mentioned in the laid additional aft and to uilels the the fame agreeable to the direftion* given in the said aft. and also to levy the monies so afiefied in the fame way and manner a. in and by the said litft mentioned aft, it it is provided a .d oi red ted we ihould levy die monies we were impowered by the aft to aflels: And whereas we have made, and duly polled the several afiefiinents we were authorized and impowered by the afurefaid acts to make, anu the proprietors or owners of the levcral lots contained in the following lifts refufe or negleft to pay the sums afi lefted or their lands, which ate annexed to the refpeftivc numbers, viz. Houle Lots. , No. 3S. £, 6 18 81 No. 4. £. a 5 S 3 4»* 4 >o 3 5 a 55345 9 6 4 3 6 ix 1 2 40 4 10 11 3 10 3 11 1 50 592 It 19 II 3 52 I 14 II 12 IO O 53 78 17 10 ii 3 54 4 10 11 3 20 10 o 3 55 14 o 21 18 6 2 56 4 10 it 22 42 57 41311 | 26 4473 59 4 11 27 10 11 60 4 10 11 i 28 1 5 10 3 62 4 10 11 3 29 2553 63 9 S } 30 2 5 5 a 31 3 1 2 32 2553 Third Pi vision. 35 3 7 ' £.4 10 11 3 39 - 5 5 3 IO 9643 40 a 5 5 3 11 5 4 »J 41 * 5 5 3 ** * 5 5 » 42 / 5 3 *3 86 45 15 6 14 4 re 11 j 46 *a *5 5 3 15 410 u 3 52 2 5 5 3 22 4 19 11 3 59 2 5 5 3 *4 9 6 4 3 62 IO O 25 4 IO M 3 26 9 17 1 ( Mill Lot. 2561 27 4 11 3 —— — 30 3 7 2 Second Divtfion. 31 4 10 11 3 No. 2. fj. 4 10 12 3 32 9643 3 7 * 3 33 410 «i 3 8 4 13 2 1 34 H u 3 10 7 3 3 37 4 *0 11 3 it 4 10 11 3 38 256 12 4 10 11 3 40 4 10 11 3 13 4 10 iii 43 CIOIII 15 4 10 11 3 428 16 4 10 11 3 45 5823 17 4 10 11 3 48 4 10 11 3 21 7881 49 150 22 1 71 50 4 10 11 3 23 5 19 9 1 56 4 10 11 3 25 4 10 11 3 57 4 10 11 3 26 100 58 4 10 11 3 31 4 10 11 3 59 4 10 11 3 34 9643 61 4 10 11 3 37 4 10 11 3 63 4 10 11 3 The owners of the lots aforelaid are hereby noti fied that so much of their retpeftive lots abovrfaid will be fold at public vendue, to be opened on the 28th day cf December next, at the dwelling-houle of Samuel fielding, in Alhfield afoicfaid, at 10 o'Ciocic in the forenoon, and continued from day to day, if there be occasion, as (hall be nccelfary to pay the sums annexed to the said numbers refpeftively as abovefaid, and the icafonable charge;, un kfs the fame be paid to one of u>, or to Lieut. Obadiah Dickinson of Hatfield, proprietors Treasurer, before that day. Jed’h Foster, Wm. Williams, Committee. August 25th 1774. Tho’s Dennxv, LEFT in the*HanJs cf Benjamin Goldtrwait, and to be Sold at his Shop, just above Concert-Hall, Bo.bin, Superfine ficarlet, white and pompadorc Broad Cloths ; fuperfine, white and buff Kerfymears. Any Gentlemen having Occasion for any of the above Cloths or Kerfymears,and will give him the mak ing them up, may depend on having them on the lowcft Terms, and on being used well. Said Goldthwait ha* many other Things for Sum mer wear, such a* Silk Breeche* Patterns, very good Won ted ditto, 3, 4 and 6 threaded, striped Damascus, figured Silk, corded Dimothy, Silk Tambour Shape* for Waistcoats, Silk Jane, figured ditto, white lrilh Tick very fine, plain Jeans, very neat figured Velvet*, Nankeens, Corduroys of various Colour*, fee. The above Articles may be depended on to be of the bed Kind. The Taylor's Bufineft in all its Branches is canted on in the bed Manner at (aid Shop.