Newspaper Page Text
VOL. VI. WORCESTER DAILY SPY: PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING AT 213 Main Street, (Butman Row,) Worcester, JOHN MILTON EARLE, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOB. _ terms. The price of THE DAILY SPY is Three Dollars per annum, or bevestv-five Cents per quarter, if paid strictly in advance. 1 THE MASSACHUSETTS SPY is published weekly at the same Office. Terms—sl.7s in advance, or $2 if not paid in advance. Worcester and Nashua Railroad. Change of hummer •Arrangement— commencing August 7lh, 1850. PASSENGER TRAINS will run as follows: Leave Arrive at Groton Nashua and Worcester at Junction at Lowell at b.lua.m. 8.15 9.00 a.m. 11-ODa ni. 12.30 p.m. 1.45 p.m. 4.10 p.m. 5.35 p.m. 6 15 A 7 p.m. Leave Arrive al Groton A asana and Lowell Junction, Worcester, 7.30 a.m. 7.20 a.m. 8.15 a.m. 9.45 a.m. J 1.30 am. ]1 30 a.m. 12.30 p.m. 2.00 p.m. 030 p.m. 5.15 p.m. 6.15 p.m. 7.05 p.m. FITCHBURG AND WORCESTER TRAINS. Leave Worcester at 6.45 and 11 a. m., and 4.10 p. in. Leave Fitchburg at 8.15 a.m., and 12.30 and 5.45 p. m. FREIGHT TRAINS run daily each way between Wor cester, Groton Junction, Nashua, Lowell and Fitchburg Wore ester— -the 6.45 a.m train connects with Nor and Wor. St. Bt. train from New York ; Morning, and Midday train of the Bos. and Wor , I’rov. and Wor., Nor. and Wor., and W. R. R., connect with the 11A.M. and 4.30 P.M. trains liom Worcester. At Groton J unction— trains arrive simultaneously at 8.15 A. M., 12 30 and 6 P. M. from Worcester, Nashua, Boston, Fitchburg, Lowell, West Townsend, and depart simultane ously for the above named places at 8.15 a.m.,12.30 & 6 p.m. At Nashua —Trains arriving from Worcester at 9 A M. and 1.45 P M. connect with upward trains of the Concord and Wilton Rail Roads. Those leaving Nashua at 7.30 and 11.30 A. M. connect with downward trains of the Concord and Wilton Railroads. (ErThi* road forms the cheapest and most ex]>editious ehannel of communication'fw Freight and Passengers be tween New York City, the southern and southwestern por tions of New England (including the line of the Western R. Road), and Lowell, Lawrence, and Portland—Nashua, Man chester, Concord, and all places in the vicinity of the Con cord, Boston, Concord and Montreal, Northern, & Fassump sic R. Roads, and Vt. Central R. Road, upward from White River Junction—Also, to all places on the line of the Fitch burg, Vt and Mass., Cheshire, Sullivan and Vt. Central R. Road from Windsor, and Passumpsic R.R. from White River Junction. [O'Fare from Nashua to New York $3 and $2 50 ; from Nashua to Providence 82; from Lowell to Providence $ 1,75; from Lowell to New York, $3 and $2 75; from Worcester to Brattleboro’ $2 50, Worcester and Greenfield, $2,25 J. W. STOWELL, Worcester, Aug. 7, 1850 dwti Supt. Norwich and Worcester Rail Road. Jlrrangement Commencing April 15, 1850. passenger trains. , Leave W orcester at 6.00 10.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Arrive at Norwich at 9.00 a m. 1.30 and 7.30 p.m. Leave Norwich at 6.30 a.m. 12 00 m. and 5.00 p.m. Arrive in Worcester at 9.45 a.m. 3.00 and 8.45 p.m. The 6 a m. Train from Wot. will arrive at Norwich in time to connect with the Line for N. London, Greenport, and N. Y., via Steamer Alice and the Long Island R. R Aho for Willimantic, Hartford, N Haven and N. Y., via N. Haven and N. York It R. The 10 30 a.m train from Wor. will leave after the arrival of the Boston & Worcester, Wor A- Nashua, Western, and Providence R Roads, and arrive at Norwich in time to con nect with the trains for N Loudon, Stonington, Providence, Willimantic, Hartford and N Huven, reaching* each of these places the same day. The 4.30 p.m. train from Wor. will leave after the arrival of the afternoon trains into that place, taking passengers to N Y by the Evening Line of Steamboats, arriving there i arly the follow ing morning. The 6.30 a.m. tiain from Norwich will take passengers ar riving by the Evening Boats from N Y., and arrive at Wor. in time to connect with the Morning Trains of the Boston <fc Wor.y Wor. Nashua, Western, ami Prov. Ar Wor. RR. The 12 m tram from Norwich leaves after the arrival of the trains from N Haven, Hartford, Willimantic. N London, Stonington and Prov., reaching Wor. at 3 p m., in time to connect with the afternoon trains from that place. The 5.30 p.m. train from Norwich leaves after the arrival । of the train from N Y., via Greenport mid N. London: also j from Hartford, N. Haven, and Willimantic, reaching Wot. in time for the Evening train to Boston. Passengers taking the 6 a.m train from Wor. can visit Greenport by Steamer Alice, and return the same Evening STEAM BOAT TRAIN. The Steamboat Train w.ll leave Allyn’s Point every morn- ‘ ins except Monday, at about 1 o’clock, for Boston direct. I Returning, will leave Wor. every Evening except Sunday, I VI?EIGHT TRAINS— leave Worcester at 61 a.m., and Norwich at 91 a.m.—(Daily,Sundays excepted.) , j-Express Fkeight leaves Boston at 12 m.,arriving in New York next morning. All Baggage must be delivered to the Baggage Master or sther peraon authorized to receive it before the Passenger takes his seat in the cars. Baggage will not be taken to include money, merchandize, aor other articles than those of personal use; and when of ligher value than Fifty Dollars, notice must be given ol that lact and mi extra price paid, or the Company will not hold tsel’f liable beyond that amount. No baggage permitted in the Passenger Cars. No smoking permitted in the Passenger Cars or Depot. Passenaers must procure Tickets nt the Station Offices. * JOEL W. WHITE, President April 24 dwtf N. A W. R. R- Piovidence anti Worcester Bailroad. CHANGE OF SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Ou and after June 3d, 1850, TRAINS I eave Worcester at 7 and 11 a.m. and 4.10 p m. leave Providence at 7.30 and 11-30 am. and 4 p.m. THE THROUGH TRAINS CONNECT al Millville with coaches for Slatersville and NasonviUe ; at Uxbridge with co ehes for Millord and Mendon; At Whitins with conches for East Douglas and Whitinsville; at Farnums with conches f ! Crafton Centre, N. E. Village and Upton; at Worcester with tralnl of Wesiern K. Road and Norwich and W. R.R., Sl At^ltorfordwith' , t n rnins K of Norfolk County Railroad for I ’’“qfX'liVe™ from Providence can arrive in New York, via New Haven, the same evening. The 11 30 trains connect nt Worcester with the Express Train for New York, which leaves Worcester at 4 P. M. The 11 A.M. train connects nt Providence with trains for B Tlw , lT^rX n the B “ 8t011 and \^t -’p frTlie 4 and 4.10 P- « trains do not stop nt Ashton or ISAAC H SOUTHWICK, S.q.t May 29, 1850. n _ Boston and Worcester Railroad. , s ;. u WAJ/i Aid: INGE /'• PAafIFNGEII TRAINS FOK BOSTON, ns follows: “ Millbury “ ; J 7sUl‘ 5 Ul ‘u m ’ “ Milford at „ / 1 !' „ “ Saxouville at 7.40 4Jo (i “ Newton at 6.30 nnd 9 .n u « Brooklhieat 6.40,7},81 AloJn.m.,l}, JJrdi <* 9 Tit MNS FROM BOSTON leave as follows: For Worcester at 7.30 mid 8 a.m., 12 30, 2,30, 4, A 5.30 p.m “ Millbury al 8 “ ‘ „ “ Milford nt 8.45 a.m. » H “ Slixonvlllc Ut 8.4.1 <> “ Nawlonul 7.35 •' 3.30, 6.45 nnd 9. L> “ Brookline »t 7,8} &91a m . 12|. «}, 4},6}, 7} A9J ‘ n r For further partloulars see I’uihllmler Railway Guide. W rlwU U. TWICHELL, Sup’t. Worcester JWg ■■■■Mm— —mMB—■Ma—— ■rhcbi n ■ ■ i ■ ■ — .laMAHaaMa-y-M, , - _ NEWPORT Via PROVIDENCE. SOO the lLu -U3 STEAMER PERRY, CAPTAIN WOOLSEY, will run between Providence and ew I’orL connc< ; u’»g twice each way each day with trains of PROVIDENCE & WORCESTER RAILROAD, as follows: Leave Newport at 5 A. M. and 1.45 P M. Leave Providence at 9.30 A. M. and 6 15 P. M. or on ar rival of trains from Worcester and Boston. P* Passengers may procure through tickets at Railroad stations of New York and New Haven Railroad New York; of W estern Railroad Albany, or Providence and Worcester Railroad Worcester. FARE.—New York and Newport, via New Haven Hai tford, Springfield iyid Worcester, $5.50 Albany and Newport, via Springfield and Worcester, 5.50 orcester and Newport, 1,50 Passengers may leave New York by 8 A. M. train and arrive in Newport the same evening ; or leave New York I by 3 P. M. train, sleep at Worcester, and arrive at Newport | next noon; or may leave Albany m the morning and arrive in Newport the same evening; or mav sleep at Worcester, and arrive at Newport next noon; of leave Saratoga in the forenoon, dine at Albany, sleep at Springfield, and arrive in Newport evening of next day ; or leave Springfield at 8.15 A. M. dine in Providence, and arrive in Newport same evening. Passengers from Worcester will take the 7 A. M. and 4.10 P. M. trains to avoid delay, or take the 11 A. M. train and dine in Providence. An examination of Gold th waite’s Railroad Map will clear ly show the eligibility of this route to those travelling from New York or Central New England to Newport Passengers and Baggage conveyed free of charge between Boat and Railroad station in Providence. ISAAC H.SOUTHWICK, Supt. P. W& . Railroad. June 19. GREAT and Western ■ Passage Company, f'ENERAL TICKET OFFICE for all the Southern and * Western States and the Canadas, by Ilan Roads, Steam boats, and Canals, from the Old Established Office, the onh responsible Company in the town of SPRINGFIELD- Office in the Massasoit House, opposite the Depot— it being the only office authorized to sell tickets for the follow ing routes and rates of fare— From Springfield to Utica, $3,95 —to Syracuse, $4,50 — to Oswego, $5,25 —to Rochester, $4,75 —to Lockport, $4,75 —to Buffalo, $5 —to Cleaveland, s7—to Sandusky, $7,50 — to Cincinnati, slo—to Detroit, sß—to Whitehall, ss—to Montreal, Lower Canada, $8 —to Toronto, U. C., 87,25 —to Hamilton, U. C., $7,25 —Kingston, U. C., $7,75 —to St. Louis, sls. South to Philadelphia, $4,75—t0 Pottsville, $8 to Lancaster, $7,50 —to Baltimore, $7,50 —to Reading. $7,50 —to Columbia,s7,so —to Holidaysburg,sß,7s—to Pitts burg, slo,so—to Wheeling, $ 11,50 —io Milwaukie and Chi cago, $8,75. ty Passengers can be perfectly safe by getting their Tick ets at this office, and at no other. Any security required will be given for the fulfillment of all contracts made with this Company. J. MANSFIELD, Agent, Springfield. M. L. RAY, Superintendent, 3$ Commercial-st, Boston. Spring field, May 2, 1850. dw6m LEONARD’S Boston and Worcester Express. subscriber continue] to run THE EX A PRESS between Boston and Worcester, for l^ e sa k transmission of Packages, Bundles, Bank r Notes, Specie, and Merchandise generally, Three Times each way Daily. Particular attention given to paying, collecting and nego iating notes, drafts, bills, and purchasing and selling mer ihandize, produce, etc. Al! packages must be directed to his care. The subscriber is alone responsible for property entrusted o his case, and no risk is assumed by the Boston and WGr eater Rail Road Company. Packages by this line forwarded from Worcester to Sa sm, Newburyport, Taunton, Fall River, and New Bedford; Jso, to Portland, and all parts of Maine. Orders free for goods to be returned by this Express. Offices.—HARNDEN & CO.’S Office, 8 Court Street, Joston; J. H. KNIGHT’S HAT STORE, 163 Main Street. Feb 25 dtf S S. LEONARD. WOOL CA l< UI Cloth Dres*i»g sited IHsiiiiifacfiuiiig. Kerseymeres, satinets, frocing, plain CLOTH and WOOLEN YARN, on shares or by the yard, in the best manner and on reasonable terms, by the subscriber. Agents—W. L. Clark & Co., 62 Granite Row, Worces ter, Wm. Bennett, Jr., Hubbardston, Levi Goss, Sawyer Mills, Boylston. ROYAL IL CHAFFIN. Holden, East Village, June 19, 1850. wtf IMPORTANT TO CALIFORNIANS. I riJSXC information relating to passage by Steam or Wind, including different lines, times of I sailing, distances, expenses, baggage, etc., is com- municated in our new “ Infor/nation Circular f ' gratis. Every body is invih d to send for one. Address, I postage paid, nt the California Passenger Agency, No. 179 1 Hroadivay, New York, ARNOLD BUFFUM & CO. . ICT Life Insurance done on the Mutual system. ! For the satisfaction of those to whom we are personally unknown, we have permission to refer to the following Members of Congress: Hon. John Otis, Maine, | Hon. Loren P.Waldo,Conn. “ James Meacham, Vt. “ Win. 11. Seward,N.Y. “ John P. Hale, N. H. “ Thadeus Stevens, Pa. “ Charles Allen, Mass. “ S. P. Chase, Ohio. “ Horace Mann, Mass. “ Nath’l Albertson, la. “ Orin Fowler, Mass. “ Win. Sprague, Mich. “ Thomas Corwin, Secretary, U. 8. Treasury. New York, Aug 29, 1850. dw* SPRING FASHIONS. r 1 HIE undersigned begs leave to return her compliments to : I. the Ladies lor their patronage for past years, and would respectfully announce that she has just received a splendid assortment of MILLINERY, which she is prepared to ex hibit at her establishment, No. 92 Main Street. Also, FRENCH FLOWERS, SILKS, LACES, RIB BONS, and Ladies’ DRESS LAPS. Ladies purchasing Hats or Caps at this establishment will be sure to get the right shapes. O-Please call and examine. P. FELTON, May 8 dwistf 92 Main St Artists Tools and Colors. V COMPLETE assortment of the above always on hand and for sale by SAMUEL C. WHITE, Druggist, Washington Square, near Westein R. IL Depot. July 24. dw4m Farmers. rpilE subscriber would remind those Farmers who have A dairies of Cheese that he is prepared to receive and at tend to marketing the same. CASH PAID fur CHEESE four weeks alter received atmy Store. Oakham, May 8. if DEXTER HILL. Wanted Immediately, ONE or two good Bottomen to work on Bov’s Thick Boots, at the shop opposite of James H. Wall's. Aug 30 dtf P. HUNT. WANTED, V HOUSE suitable for two small families, in the west part of the city. Possession to be taken as soon after the first of September as possible. Rent not to exceed S3OO. Inquire at this office. dtf Aug 21 WANTED, A N experienced Salesman in the Dry Goods Business. Inquire al the CITY STORE, 152 Main St. Aug 19 d Washing Fluid. TOIIN 11. WALTON’S WASHING FLUID which ha. fl been proved to be a superior article, for sale by the gal lon or barrel by DRAPER .V CLARK, Hept 2 dwtf 103, 105 A 107 Front St. DYSENTERY A TWOOD'S DYSEM EBY DROPS have been oxten il lively used in this place, and have never to our know ledgj disappointed the reasonable expectations of any. John Trull, Seth H Temple, Aaron Weston, Am Nichols, Temple, James Coggin. Reading, Mahs. mr The above named just received and for sale by A. P. ALBEE. 34 Sohthbridge St,General Agent,and by LEWIS T. LAZELL, Apothecary, 201 Main Street. Price 25 cents per bottle. d3mis Worcester, July 25 W ORC E S TER. MONDAY, SEPT EM B ER - 23, 1850. B. L. HARDON, & Co. CARPET WARE ROOMS. Sept. 16th, 1850. CARPETS! CARPETS!! CARPETS!!! We have now on hand the hugest and best assorted stock of TAPESTRY, BRUSSELLS, THREE PLY, SUPERFINE, and EXTRA FINE CAR PETINGS; together with a full and complete assort ment of LOW PRICED all wool Carpetings, Cotton and Wool Venetian Stair and List Carpetings, Painted ‘ Floor Cloths, from 3-4 to 6 yards wide, and from 2s to 9s the yard. Straw Maltings, Rugs, Door Mats, Ma nilla and Rope Mats, Stair Rods, all wool printed Bookings, from one yard to four yards wide, and from 37 1-2 cts. to $-2,50 the yard—Linen Stair Backings, , and every useful article to be found in the largest Car- I pet establishments in the country, all of which are en tirely new and fresh Goods, embracing a great variety of new and beautiful designs Never before seen in any market. We offer these goods to the public, with the assurance that they can and will be sold under any and all cir cumstances, lower than the same styles and qualities can be bought in the County, ami as low as they can be bought in any market in the United States. Persons from all parts of the State, should visit this establish ment before purchasing. All orders promptly attended to. c 5!7,8w38 B. L. HARDON & Co. Silk Dress Goods. In this Department of our Store will be found a very large stock, embracing upwards of 200 pieces silks, in every desirable and fashionable shade of coloring, from medium to extra quality. BLACK SILKS. In this branch of the silk department, we have the largest Steck ever exhibited in this State, and of styles and qualities the best made in the world. Any lady in want of a black Silk that will not lose its LUSTRE by being wet, or by years of wear, should look at our as sortment before purchasing. Also, Black Watered Silks, a Magnificent Quality, the best ever of fered in this market —all of which will be warranted not to cut or crack in wear, and will be sold at the low est prices the same qualities can be bought for in any City in the United States. 517,8w38 B. L. HARDON & Co. Gentlemens’ Furnishing Goods. We have now on hand, a full assortment of Gentle men’s Furnishing Goods, among which may be found, Black, White, and Col’d Kid Gloves, Silk Lined Kid Gloves, a choice Article, Buckskin Travelling and Driving Gloves, Black and Fancy Silk Cravats ot choice styles and the very best quality. Silk Scarfs, very rich styles—Silk and Linen Pocket Handkfs., Suspenders, Silk, Woolen and Cmtim under-shirts and Drawers, &c. &c., for sale cheap for cash. c 517,6w38 ’ B. L. HARDON & Co. Shawl Velvets. We have just received a choice quality of Lyons Velvets for shawls and cloaks. Also, Shawl Fringes, New Styles. B. L. HARDON & Co. c 517,6«38 200 PIECES MERINOES, OF FRENCH, GERMAN AND ENGLISH MANUFACTURE, JUST RECEIVED, which we offer for sale at from2sctß. to $1,50 the yard, and warrant them Ilie beat goods in the County at Ihe price?. 6w38 B. L HARDON & Co. $-4 Printed Cotton Druggets this week receiving, and for sale cheap for cash, by 6w38 B. L. HARDON & Co Hair and Palm Leaf Matr sses. TTTE have now in slo e a very large stock of the very best > V Hair Matreeses to be found in the country. Also Palm Leaf M iriesses—both of which will be sold for cash, as cheap, by the subscribers, as they can be bought in ant market in the United States. 6w38 B L. HARDON & Co. FANCY GOODS, PEFUMERY, &c. THE subscriber has now on hand, and is constantly mak ing additions, one of the largest stocks of Rich Fancy Goods and Perfumery, to be found in this city, consisting in part of Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Dressing Cases, of rosewood and inlaid, various patterns and very rich; Rosewood Toilet Cases, with China and ent glass bottles, various patterns, odors of the most vivifying qualities ; Paper Boxes of the richest kinds; Opera Fans, a beautiful assortment; French Toilet Ornaments, foi the centre table and toilet, in endless variety; Court Plaster, the various qualities ; French Pow der Puff and Boxes, double and single, many patterns; In delible Ink, with or without preparation ; Dressing Combs; Tortoise, Buffalo, Ivory, and Horn, in endless variety; Pock-’ el Combs, every variety; Fine Tooth Combs, a great varie ty and of different qualities, from the highest to ihe lowest; Mirrors, a fine assortment and in various forms, and in one word, a hundred other miscellaneous articles suited to the trade, too numerous to mention, which I offer on the most reasonable terms. S. A. HOWLAND, sepl6 d6tw3t 143 Main-st. Pure Winter Oil, &c. I GALLS. WINTER SPERM, warranted. 1 cFVV Bleached Winter Whale. Spring and Fall Speim. Lurd and Neals Foot Oil, at wholesale on retail. Together with a general assortment of PAINTS, DYE STUFFS, and Manufacturers Articles, on reasonable terms. E. F. DIXIE, Ja» 9 d6twtf3 247 Main Street. BtlinVs Bonnet Bleacherv, NO. 133 MAIN STREET/ A N entire NEW WAY of Finishitu* 2V Old Bonnets, to look nearly as well as New for the 25 Cents. NEW BONNETS RIBBONS, ® a large assortment are now opening and for sale very low at April 4. dwti FLINT’S, 133*Main St. INVALUABLE INVENTIONS WIH. B. GUY, No. 22 Sudbury Street, Boston, IX7OULD inform tlie public that he has invented anew contrivance for LI NING PIPES WITH GLASS, which imparts to the wnier neither color, acid or taste I'he outside of the pipe is covered with a composition that preserves them from rust. This is considered, by the most eminent chemists the only pipe fit for conveying water into bouses for domestic purposes. Those using aqueduct waler will find it for their advantage to call and examine. (LTlIe has also invented a GLASS STRAINER, lobe placed at the bottom of Wells and Springs. The water is carried through glass Hued pipes to any part of the house desired. [fj Persons from the country are invited to call, orsendjn their orders. dwtf Buston. June 28. Wanted, VT the Temperance Exchange, two AMERICAN GIRL? to do Chamber Work. dtf Sept IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT I The King of Pain Killers in a New Dress! rrniE O N L Y sovereign J never failing remedy F for SUBDUING PAIN, and V ; curing the worst Burns Scalds,PilestPounds, jv lL Rheumatism, or R ~ Cutaneous and Infiamatory VALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR • In a New Dress and Boxes of much enlarged size! CAUTlON.—Counterfeits in the Old Wrapper Hood the market ! Avoid them as you would poison. GROSS IMPOSITION.— Caution to Dealers ! Unscru pulous venders of counterfeit Extractor, put up the spurious and deleterious stuff with a fete bo j est of the genuine Dalley salve in each dozen, under a well imitated but counterfeit wrapper of the old size, and thus offer it to dealers at a re duced price. This BAIT lakes with many dealers, but the confiding sufferer who happens lo use the counterfeit and poisonous stuff'pays the penalty of the fraud ! —aggravated diseases, unsightly deformity resulting from severe burns and wounds, and not unfrequently loss of life itself are the woful consequences ! AVOID FRAUD! Buy the Dalley Save Only in the new ! You avoid the danger attending the use of counterfeits—are sure of getting the genuine article—and gain near 50 per cent in quantity' of Ihe Ointment ! O See the new Circulars for 1850. (CT Mind '. The New Envel ope—the large boxes—and the genuine article !«C6 No other salve but DALLt.Y’B can allay ihe pain of the worst burns or scalds in a few minutes, and cure the wounds without scar ! O’ Emblems on the new Envelope—the Triangle, Serpent, Dove, Lion. Sun and Eagle. CAUTION EXTRA ’ Beware of traveling imposters whorepesent themselves as my Agents, offering Dalley’s Extracior in the old wrapper at a reduced price. I solemn ly caution the public against such interlopers and their poisonous nostrums! O Mv only traveling Agents in the New England States, are M. S. BURR, and J. B.TOUSEY. OAgentg for Worcester—M. B. Green, J. Green <fc Co., D. Scott, Jr, & Co., and Spurr A Sibley. H. DALLEY, 415 Broadway, septl3 weodd3taweow3m New York. DRESS GOODS AT CHAMBERLIN <fc CO’S. X VrE are now opening the best assortment of DRESS v t GOODS we have ever offered. The slock consists of so great a variety that it is impossible to enumerate all the different styles; we would, however, call particular atten tion to the Rich Chine, Cashmeres and de Laines, comprising some of the most beautiful goods we have ever seen. Silks in great variety, offering selections from the most splendid stock of goods ever exhibited in Worcester; prices for beautiful goods from 62$ cts. to $1,50. Rich Black Silks, Satins, and Gros Armures, comprising, besides our own in portation, some magnificent INDIA SATINS and heavvy RICH SILKS for Cloaks and Dressas. Evening Dress Goods, consisting of every thing new or fashionable in this depart ment ; we mention, as particularly desirable a case of beau tiful EMBROIDERED TARLETONS, a very genteel and fashionable article. Our stock of Tliibets, Plain Cashmeres, and De Kaines, is very full and exhibits all the choice and desirable colors— the style of finish is very soft and beautiful, and the prices are quite as low as ever before. Of, Coburgs, Che ip de Laines, and Alpaccas we have a large fresh stock at the lowest wholesale prices We also ask attention lo our JVEW STYLE SWISS GLNGHAMS, French, English and American Prints, which we offer as usual at the lowest prices. We have just received a beautiful stock of Ribbons for Belts, Sashes, Trimmings, &c. (LTThe Paris Fashions are received by every steamer and our Store is as usual the resort of those who wish to buy FASHIONABLE, TASTEFUL or CHEAP GOODS HENRY H. CHAMBERLIN & CO. Sept 13 c 37 U dw AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal and Communion Purposes. r | HE attention of all who wish pure and unadulterated 1 wines and liquors for medicinal purposes is invited to this advertisement. We put up all kinds of Wines and Liquors and warrant them to be of the purest and most su perior quality. We put them in full sized bottles, twelve in each case of the different kinds that may be ordered, which may be shipped with perfect safety. To secure ourselves and the public from counterfeit, we have obtained from the Graefenberg Co. (which is an incorporated body,) the syle right to use their name and seal. None genuine without their seal, and our own written signature upon the label of each bottle. Price Twelve Dollars per dozen. (T/fA liberal discount made to Physicians, Druggists, and respectable dealers. We pledge ourselves that all our Wines and Liquors shall be exactly what we represent. HOLBROOK & CO, 214 Broadway, New York. Price sl2 per doz. For sale by LEWIS T. LAZELL, sole agent in Worcester. d2nw9w Aug 13 White Lead, Linseed Oil. J EWlS'Philadelphia and Union Pure White Lead. Dutch A English and American Linseed Oil, for sale wholesale and retail at the lowest market prices, by SAMUEL C. WHITE, 24 Washington Sq., near the Western R. R. Depot. Feb 27, deop w6m Professor Barry’s Tricopherons OR MEDICATED COMPOUND for the Hair for sale, wholesale or retail, by SPURR & SIBLEY, Sept 13 eod&wtf 140 Majn-st., Worcester. MUST BE SOLD. THE immense and truly elegant stock of CLOTHS, CAS SIMERES, VESTINGS, Ready-made Clothing and Furnishing Goods now in the United States Clothing Store, under th© United States Hotel, will be exposed for sale for the next FOUR WEEKS, at Prices to suit Purchasers. The intention of the proprietor is to close o'fit the whole of this extensive stock, and it will be done regardless of sac riftcc upon the cust of the goods. The public are urgently recommended to improve the op portunity which this turn in fortune affords them of buying whatever they want among the stock at their men price. HENRY S. MOORE. WANTED, SIX GIRLS, first-class Pant and Vest Makers, to whom first-rate wages will be paid— a* above. Worcester, Aug 15, 1850. dwtf I’iinples, Freckles, Redness, Sunburn, Tan, Blotches, etc., COMPLETELY REMOVED by the line of the ORANGE FLOWER LOTION. The subscriber offer* thia Lotion to the public with confluence, ns n safe, agreeable ami cer tain remedy for the cure or prevention of Pimples on the face nnd skin, for Freckle., for Blotches, for removal or pre vsntion of Stmburn and Tan, for Redness from exposure to the sun, for Chapped Hands, and lor rendering the complex ion clear and beautiful. It is particularly recommended to gentlemen to prevent soreness after shaving, and for pre venting eruptions which so often follow. ET-Manuractiired ami sold by ORLANDO TOMPKINS, Boston. For stile in Worcester by Druggists generally. July 17 dw6m FASHIONABLE FURNITURE. L. A. HOLMES, 157 Main St, Worcester, (Old stand of Noyes & Kimball,) MANUFACTURER and Dealer in Rich Drawing Room, Chamber, and Cottage FURNITURE. FEATHERS,MATTRESSES, MIRRORS, LOOKING GLASSES, Jfc., with the largest and best selected assortment of Furniture to be found in this city. Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully invited to visit this Establishment and examine the above extensive stock of Furniture before purchasing elsewhere. WM. A. NOYES can befound at his old stand, where he would be happy to wait upon his friends and former custo mers, and orders left with him will be promptly executed. L. A. HOLMES, 157 Main Street, directly opposite B. L. Hardon & Co’s New Store. ■ept 17 _ dwtf CARRIAGES FOR SALE, 2/ B y A - TOLMAN & CO., at the old Carriage Shop, 19 Exrhnnge Street, — WORCESTER : 5 new Carryalls, 5 2d hand Carryalls, 5 “ Top Buggies, 6 “ Top Buggies, 3 “ Open “ 7 “ Open “ 3 “ Chaises, 1 “ Chaise, 2 “ Job Wagons, 1 “ Job Wagon, 7 “ Harnesses, 1 “ Worcesteree, good. All the above named Carriages we-promise to sell at lest than the average auction prices. Er We have jusi received a large lot of Top, Enameled and Dash Leather of first quality, Coach Varnish, and have on hand the usual vatiety of Lace and Trimmings. Worcester, Sept 17, 1350. d2ww3t Washing Fluid, AXTARRANTED superior to any thing of the kind in use, 11 for sale at 33 cents per gallon by SPURR & SIBLEY, 140 Main-St., Sept 13 eod&wtf Worcester UNION HOTEL, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. rpH IS Establishment has been recently fitted up, I in Pacific Street, near Sansome, which is con lOlSH ven^ent to l^e^Uß > ll ® Bß parts of the City, also to the Hall, and other public buildings; and within a few minutes’s walk of the principal Steamboat landings. The Proprietor, from his long experience in the business in the City of New York, (having been connected with Love joy’s Hotel for several years) feels confident that those who may visit his House will find there the comforts of a home. GEORGE BROWN, Proprietor. San Francisco, Sept 4,1850. d3law&w6w FALL 0F 1850. ' I STOCKWELL has just received the Fall Styles J. of Goods for Gentlemen’s wear, and will be happy to serve those who may please to give him a call. Also, the NE W YORK FASHIONS for the coming season. WANTED, SIX or EIGHT TAILOR ESS GIRLS,weII acquainted with the business. Two or three Apprentice GIRLS, to learn the trade. L. STOCKWELL. Grafton, Sept 3. dwtf STOVES- STOVES. Call at No. 26 Front Street, A ND examine a large variety of COOKING, PARLOR, and OFFICE STOVES, you will find the celebrated FARMERS’ AIR TIGHT COOKING STOVE, this stove recommends itself, it needs no puffing. Wholesale and Re tail, No; 26 Front Street. AARON BILLING. Worcester, Sept. 11. dwtm Eddy’s Refined Lamp Black. THE above constantly on hand and for sale, together with English and American Lamp Black in papers and bulk, by SAMUEL C. WHITE, Washington Square, near Western R. R. Depot. July 20 eod&wlm PARIS GREEN. FRENCH, English and American Paris GREEN—Chrome Green and Yellow—Prussian Blue—Ultramarine—Paris Blue—Carmine, Ac. Also, Ground Paris Green, put up in cans—together with a great assortment of COLORS and I TOOLS for Fancy and Ornamental Painters, warranted to give satisfaction and will be sold cheap for cash. SAMUEL C. WHITE, Washington Square, near Western R. R. Depot. July 24 eodAw6m Waterford Window Glass. 'pHE above well known Window Glass is now being man - 1 ufactured in a very superior manner and for brilliancy of polish and evenness of surface, is warranted to be unsur passed by any American Window Glass in the market. Ail qualities for sale wholesale and retail, by SAMUEL C. WHITE, Washington Square, near Western R. R. Depot. July 23 dw4m SOLAR LAMPS. ' THE subscriber is now prepared to furnish manufacturers with SOLAR HANGING LAMPS,CHIMNIES,WICKS, LANTERNS, &c., at mannuafeturers, wholesale prices; manufacturers, merchants, and others buying these goods in quantities, will find it for their interest to call. Also, just received a very large assortment of Solar Stand Lamps, with new patterns Shades and drops, which will be sold at 25 per cent, less than Boston prices, any one doubting this statement, can be convinced of the fact by calling. Chandeliers, Girandoles, Hall Dan terns, Vases, &c., &c., in great variety, at very low prices, ai 148 Main Street. ' A. J. BROWN. Worcester, Sept. 10, 1850. dwtf patents: American and Foreign Office. Agency for Business with U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON. No. 23 State Street—BOSTON. IN 1810 the subscriber was appointed by the Commissioner of Patents Agent of the U. S. Valent Office, in accordance with the 10th Sec. of Act of 1837. Having relinquished the Agency for transmission of Mod els, and adopted n more expeditious mode of sending them to the Patent Office, whereby a patent may be procured about six weeks earlier; he continues to forward them free of expense—to prepare Caveats, Specifications, Assignments, and all the necessary Papers and Drawings for Patents; and to render advice on legal and scientific matters respecting the same. Patents secured in Europe and other countries. By application at this Office, inventors are saved the tim. and cost of a journey lo Washington, and delay there as well ns all personal trouble in obtaining their patents. They also have the advantage of verbally explaining their inven tions, and of consulting in respect to them; matters,in gen eral, of paramount importance in order to obtain correct specifications and claims. The experience of sixteen y ears’ practice, an extensive collection of rare works, deci sions, etc , on mechanical subjects, the Patent Laws, and patents of difl'erent countries, collected at much expense during the long time this office has been established, together with accounts here kept of inventions patented al Washing ton, enable the subscriber to aflord to inventors, desirous of procuring Patents, assistance and information which in other respects might be difficult of attainment. R. H. EDDY, Solicitor of Patents. Washington, July 21,1849. During the time I occupied the Office of Commissioner of Patents, R. H. En dy, Esq., ot Boston, did business at the Patent Office as So licitor for procuring Patents. There were few, if any, per sons acting in that capacity, who hail so much business be fore the Patent Office; and there were none who conducted H with more skill, fidelity and success. I regard Mr Eddy as one of the best informed and most skilful Patent Solicitor in the United States, nnd have no hesitation in assuring in ventors that they cannot employ a person more competent and trustworthy, and more cupable of putting their applica tions in a form to secure for them an early and favorabl consideration at the Patent Office. EDMUND BURKE, Late Commissioner of Patents. Boston, Sept 11, 1850. eodAwly Rice’s Improved Lightning Conductors. rpHE subscribers would respectfully inform the inhabi- 1 tants of Worcester nnd vicinity that they are prepared to erect LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS, the ensuing season .in a manner superior to any tiling of the kind ever yet oiler cd to public—substituting for the rude connections common ly used, copper points nnd fastenings, gilded spires, and cop per bottoms, adding thereby nuiterially to the beauty strength, and durability of the work. xyOrdcrs by mail promptly attended to. T. C. RICE Worcester, March 8. dwtf J. P. RICE NO. 95.