OCR Interpretation

Worcester daily spy. [volume] (Worcester [Mass.]) 1850-1888, October 01, 1850, Image 1

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212 Main Street, (Butman How,) Worcester,
The price of THE DAILY SPY is Three Dollars per
annum, or Seventy-five Cents perquarter, if paid strictly
>u advance.
is published weekly nt the same Office. Terms—sl.7s in
advance, or $2 if not paid in advance.
Worcester and Nashua Railroad.
Change of Slimmer Arrangement— commencing
August 7th, 185 b.
D Tl
PASSENGER TRAINS will run a* follows:
r Leave Arrive at Groton Nashua and
Worc ester at Junction at Lowell at
6.45 a.m. 8.15 a.m. 9.00 a.m.
1 Luo a.m. 12 30 p.m. 1.45 p.m.
4.10 p.m. 5.35 p.m. 6.15 & 7 p.m.
Leave Arrive at Groton
Nashua and Lowell Junction, Worcester,
7.30 a.m. 7.20 a.m. 8.15 a.m. 9.45 a.m.
11.30 am. 11 30 a.m. 12.30 p.m. 2.00 p.m.
53u p.m. 5.15 p.m. 6.15 p.m. 7.05 p.m.
Leave Worcester at 6.45 mid Ila. in., and 4.10 p. m.
Leave Fitchburg at 8.15 a.m., and 12.30 and 5.45 p. m.
FREIGHT TRAINS run daily each way between Wor
cester, Groton Junction, Nashua, Lowell and Fitchburg
At Worcester —the 6.45 a.m train connects with Nor and
Wor. St. Bt. train from New York; Morning, and Midday
train of the Bos. and Wor , Prov. and Wor., Nor. and Wor.,
and W. R. R., connect with the 11 A.M. and 4.30 P.M. trains
from Worcester.
At Graton Junction —trains arrive simultaneously at 8.15
A. M., 12 30 and 6 P. M. from Nashua, Boston,
Fitchburg, Lowell, West Townsend, and depart simultane
ously for the above named places at 8.15 a.m.,12.30 & 6 p.m.
At Nashua —Trains arriving from Worcester at 9 A M.
and 1.45 P. M. connect with upward trains of the Concord
nnd Wilton Rail Roads, Those leaving Nashua at 7.30 and
11.30 A. M. connect with downward trains of the Concord
and Wilton Railroads.
[Er This Toad forms the cheapest and most expeditious
channel of communication for Freight and Passengers be
tween New York City, the southern and southwestern por
tions of New England (including the line of the Western R.
Road), and Lowell, Lawrence, and Portland—Nashua, Man
chester, Concord, and all places in the vicinity of die Con
cord, Boston, Concord and Montreal, Northern, <fc Passump
sic R. Roads, and Vt, Central R. Road, upward from White
River Junction—Also, to all places on the line of the Fitch
burg, Vt and Mass., Cheshire, Sullhan and Vt. Central R.
Road from Windsor, and Passumpsic R.R. from White River
XT Fare from Nashua to New York $3 and $2 50 ; from
Nashua to Providence $2; from Lowell to Providence $ 1,75;
from Lowell to New York, $3 and $2 75; from Worcester to
Brattleboro’ $2 50, Worcester and Greenfield, $2,25
Worcester, Aug. 7, 1850. dwli Supt.
Norwich and Worcester Rail Road.
Arrangem.e;d Commencing April 15, -1850.
Leave Worcester at 6.00 10.30 a.m. ami 4.30 p.m.
Arrive at Norwich at 9.00 a.m. 1.30 and 7.30 p.m.
Leave Norwich al 6.30 a.m. 12 00 m. and 5.00 p.m.
Arrive h Worcester at 9.45 a.m. 3,00 and 8.45 p.m.
The 6 a in. Trnhi from Wot. will arrive at Norwich in
time to connect with the Line for N. London, Greenport,
and N.Y..via Steamer Alice and the Long Island R. R.
Also for Willi man tic, Hartford, N Haven and N. Y., via
N. Haven and N. York R R.
The 10 3u a.m train from Wor. will leave after the arrival
of the Boston Worcester, Wor Ac Nashua, Western, and
providence R Roads, and arrive at Norwich in time to con
nrct with the trains for N Loudon, Stonington, Providence,
Willimantic, Hartford and N Haven, reaching each of these
places the same day.
The 4.30 p.m. train from Wor. will leave after the arrival
of the afternoon trains into that place, taking passengers to
N Y by the Evening Line of Steamboats, arriving there
early the following morning.
The G. 30 a.m. trap from Norwich will take passengers ar
riving by the Evening Boats from N Y., and arrive at Wor.
in time to connect with the Morning Trains of the Boston &
Wor., Wor. & Nashua, Western, and Prov. Wor. RR.
The 12 in. train from Norwich leaves after the arrival of
the trains from N Haven, Hartford, Willimantic. N London,
Stonington and Prov., reaching Wor. at 3 p.m., in time to
connect with the afternoon trains from that place.
The 5.30 p.m. train front Norwich leaves after the arrival
of the train from N Y., via Greenport and N. London: also
from Hartford, N. Haven, and Willimantic, reaching Wei.
hi time for the Evening train to Boston.
Passengers taking the 6 a.m. train from W’or. can visit
Greenport by Steamer Alice, and return the same Evening
The Steamboat Train will leave Allyn’s Point ever}’ morn
ing except Monday, at about 1 o’clock, for Boston direct.
Returning, will leave Wor. every Evening except Sunday,
1 7.05.
FREIGHT TRAINS —leave Worcester at 6{ a.m., and
Norwich at 9f a.m.—(Daily, Sundays excepted.)
(17 Express Freight leaves Boston at 12 in., arriving in
New York next morning.
All Baggage must be delivered to the Baggage Master or
»ther person authorized to receive it before the Passenger
fakes his seat Jp the cars.
Baggage will not be taken to include money, merchandize,
aor otimr articles titan those of personal use; and when of
ligher value than Fifty Dollars, notice must be given of that
met, and an extra price paid, or the Company will not hold
tself liable beyond that amount.
No baggage permitted in the Passenger Cars.
No smoking permitted in the Passenger Cars or Depot.
Pansetigers must procure Tickets at the Station Offices.
JOEL W. WHITE, President
April 24 dwtf N. & W. R. R.
riovidcnce and Worcester Railroad.
W: ‘"gm.
On and after June 3.Z, 1650,
Leave Worcester nt 7 and 11 a.in. and 4.10 p m.
Leave Providence at 7.30 and 11.30 a.m. and 4 p.m.
coaches for Sistersville and Nanonville; at Uxbridge with
coaches for Milford and Mendon; At Whitins will; conches :
fur East Douglas and Whitinsville; at Farnums with coaches
for Grafton Centre, N. E. Village and Upton; at Worcester
with trains of Western R. Hoad aud Norwich and W. R.R.,
aud Wore, and Nashua R. R.
At Waterfcßl with trains of Norfolk County Railroad for '
and from Boston, Dedham, Ac.
Passengers by the 7.30 trains from Providence ean arrive
in New York, via New Haven, the same evening. J
The 11.30 trains connect nt Worcester with the ExpresM
Train for New York, which leaves Worcester at 4 P. M. W
The 11 A.M. train connects at Providence with trains for’
Boston, Taunton, Fall River, etc.
The 4.10 train connects at Providence with the Boston and
N- Y. Steamboat train for New York.
Ij-Tko 7.30 and 11 A.M. trains do not slop at Hamlet.
] rTUe 4 and 4.10 I’. M trains do not slop at Ashton or
Hamlet. ISAAC .1 SOUTHWICK, Supt.
May 20, 1850. dwif
Boston and Worcester Railroad.
mm r ggsCTaaao 'SBaisan
Leave Worcester (at about!) at 74 10.2 > a.m., 3.35,3.45 4101
“ Millbury 6.45 “ 3.30 p.m.
“ Milford nt 6.30 “ 1.15 “
“ Haxonville at 7.40 “ 435 “
“ N ewton at 6.30 and 9 “ 5,45 A 8 “
“ Brookllncat 6.40,7},8j 410}a.m.,1i,3j,5i,74 9 “
TRAINS FROM BOSTON leave as follows:
For Worcoslor at 7.30 and 8 n.m., 12 30, 2,30,4, 4 5.30 p.m
“ Millbury at 8 “ 4 “
“ Milford nt 8.45 am. 5 “
“ Saxonvillo at 8.45 “ 5 “
“ Newton at 7.35 •' 3.30, 6.45 and 9.15 “
“ Brookline at 7,8! 49fa m , 12J, 2}. H,6t. 7j 49) “
UFor further particulars see PalhUndcr Railway Guide.
Aug 27 dwif G. TWIC.IELL, Hindu
Wmxeder Wilg Sjm
a—*-- CHEAT
and Western C**"
Passage Company.
p ENERAL TICKET OFFICE for all the Southern nnd
vJ Western States and the Canadas, by Rail Roads, Steam
boats, and Canals, from the Old Established Office, the only
responsible Company in the town of SFRINGFIELD-
Office in The Massasoit House, opposite the Depot —it
being the only office authorized to sell tickets for the follow
ing routes and rates of fare—
From Springfield to Utica, $3,95 —to Syracuse, $4.50 —
to Oswego, $5,2-5 —to Rochester, $4,75 —to Lockport, $4,75
—to Honalo, $5 —to Cicaveland, $7 —to Sandusky, $7,50 —
to Cincinnati, slo—to Detroit, $8 —to Whitehall, $5 —to
Montreal, Lower Canada, sß—to Toronto, U- C., $7,25 —to
Hamilton, U. C., s7,2o—Kingston, U. C., $7,75 —to St.
Louis, sls. South to Philadelphia, $4,75—t0 Pottsville,
$8 to Lancaster, $7,50 —to Baltimore, $7,50 —tn Reading,
$7,50 —to Colmabia,s7,so —to Holidaysburg,sß,7s—to Pitts
burg, slo,so—to Wheeling, sll,so—to Milwaukie nnd Chi
cago, $8,75.
, ID perfectly We by getting their Tick
rets at this office, and at no other. Any security required
will be given for the fulfillment of all contracts made with
this Company. J. MANSFIELD, Agent,
M. L. RAY, Superintendent, 3j Commercial-st, Boston.
Springfield, May 2, 1850. dw6m
information relating to passage by Steam
" or " U| d, including different lines, times of
sailing, distances, expenses, baggage, etc., is com
municated in our new “ Information Circular”
gratis. Every body is invited to send for one. Address,
postage paid, at the California Passenger Agency, No. 179
Broadway. New York. ARNOLD BUFFUM A CO.
O’Life Insurance done on the Mutual system.
For the satisfaction of those to whom we are personally
unknown, we have permission to refer to the following
Members of Congress:
Hon. John Otis, Maine, Hon. Loren P.Waldo,Conn.
“ James Meacham, Vt. “ Wm. H. Seward,N.Y.
“ John P. Hale, N. H. “ Thadeus Stevens, Pa.
u Charles Allen, Mass. “ S. P. Chase, Ohio.
“ Horace Mann, Mass. “ Nath’l Albertson, la.
“ Orin Fowler, Mass. “ Wm. Sprague, Mich.
“ Thomas Corwin, Secretary, U. S. Treasury.
New York, Aug 29, 1850. dw*
Boston and Worcester Express.
subscriber continue! to run THE EX
1 PRESS between Boston and Worcester, for
safe transmission of Packages, Bundles, Bank
~ Notes, Specie, and Merchandise generally,
Three Times each way Daily.
Particular attention given to paying, collecting and nego
.iating notes, drafts, bills, and purchasing and selling mer
ihandize, produce, etc.
All packages must be directed to his care.
The subscriber is alone responsible for property entrusted
o his case, and no risk is assumed by the Boston and Wor
ester Rail Road Company.
Packages by this line forwarded from Worcester toSa
sm, Newburyport, Taunton, Fail River, and New Bedford;
Iso, to Portland, and all parts of Maine.
Orders free for goods to be returned by this Express.
Offices.—HARNDEN & CO.’S Office, 8 Court Street,
Joston; J. H. KNIGHT’S HAT STORE, 163 Main Street.
Feb 25. dtf S. S. LEONARD.
Cloth Dressing and manufacturing.
Kerseymeres, satinets, frocing, plain
CLOTH and WOOLEN YARN, on shares or by the
yard, in the best manner and on reasonable terms, by the
Agents—W. L. Clark Ar Co., 62 Granite Row, Worces
ter, Win. Bennett, Jr., Hubbardston, Levi Goss, Sawyer
Mills. Bojlston. ROYAL 11. CHAFFIN.
Holden, East Village, June 19, 1850. wtf
Pure Winter Oil, &c.
LuVV Bleached Winter Whale.
Spring and Fall Sperm.
Lard and Neats Foot Oil,
Together with a general assortment of PAINTS, DYE
STUFFS, and Manufacturers Articles, on reasonable
terms- E. F. DIXIE,
Jan 9 d6twtf3 247 Main Street.
JfTiv S .By A. TOLMAN & CO., at the old
Carriage Shop,
No. 10 Exchange Street,
5 new Carr\ alls, 5 2d hand Carryalls,
5 “ Top Buggies, 6 “ Top Buggies,
3 “ Open “ 7 “ Open “
3 “ Chaises, 1 “ Chaise,
2 “ Job Wagons, 1 “ Job Wagon,
7 “ Harnesses, 1 “ Worcesteree, good.
All the above named Carriages we promise to sell at less
I han the average auction prices.
XT We have jusi received a large lot of Top, Enameled
and Dash Leather of first quality, Coach Varnish, and have
on hand the usual vatiety of Lace and Trimmings.
Worcester, Sept 17, 1850. ’ d2w w3t
FALL OF 1850.
[STOCKWELL has just received the Fall Styles
J. of Goods for Gentlemen’s wear, and will be happy to
lerve those who may please to give him a call.
Also, the NEW Y ORK FASHIONS for the coming season.
SIX or EIGHT TAILORESS GIRLS,weII acquainted with
the business. Two or three Apprentice GIR LS, to learn
the trade. L. STOCKWELL.
Grafton, Sept 3. dwtf
Wanted Immediately,
ONE or two good Bottomers to work on Bov’s Thick
Boots, at the shop opposite of James H. Wall’s.
Aug 30 dtf P. HUNT.
A ROUSE suitable for two small families, in the west
A part of the city. Possession to be taken as soon after
the first of September as ptssible. Rent not to exceed S3OO.
Inquire at this office. dtf Aug 21
A N experienced Salesman in the Dry Goods Business.
Inquire at the CITY STORE, 152 Main Sc.
Aug 19 d
Washing Fluid.
been proved to be a superior article, for sale by the gal
lon or barrel by DRAPER Ac CLARK,
। Sept 2 dwtf 103, IDS & 107 Front St.
lively used in this place, and have never to our know
ledga disappointed the reasonable expectations of any.
| ' John Trull, Srlh H. Temple, Aaron Weston,
Amos Nichols, Wm Temple, James Coggin.
1 Reading, Mass.
R XT The above named just received and for salt* by A. P.
I&LBEE, 34 Southbridge 81, General Agent,and by LEWIS
fT. LAZELL, Apothecary, 201 Main Street. Price 25 cents
per bottle. d'finis Worcester, July 25
Patent Lightning Conductors.
rj'HE snbscr her is prepared to aifiv his improved Light*
JI nh\g Conductors io buildings la Worcester and vicinity
and solicits orders which may he left with Mr. Wm
GREENLEAF. No. 115 Main St., Worcester, or by mail to
the Hubacriber in BMtbn.
My improvements are indispensable in making a perfect
protection, and they combine beauty, strength and •lurubil
ity. As there has been some infringements, the public are
cautioned ngninst employlug any one tn affix rods which are
an infringement of my Patent, as 1 shall demand damages ol
all who have their buildings protected by such rods. My
Patent has lately been pronounced “good” by the Jury, af
ter a fair trial, and judgment has been rendered bn the ver
dict. No rod has yet been devised nearly ss good us mint)
whish is not an infringement.
Specimens may be seen on the house of Wm. A Wheeler,
Esq., and Edward Lincoln, Esq.
WM. A. ORCUTT, No. 77 ComliilL.
July 24. wd2nw3m* 1108*1 ON
Artists Tools and Colors.
V COMPLETE imortnicm of ihn above nlwnyi on hnnil
and lot «nk-by BAMUh'L C. WHITE, Dmwl.t,
Wwdiltiglou neur Weatetn R. R Depot.
July 24. dw4m
HAVING ju.t completed my arranuemenl. for the exten
sive sale of the BAY STATE MILLS SHAWLS. I
would Hike an early opportunity to inform the public that I
have received a large lot of all their diflbrent styles and qual
ifies and am prepared to sell them at WHOLESALE ot
RETAIL, at Afi LOIP RATES as tney can be purchased
of the Manufacturers.
MERCHANTS from the country can be supplied at my
■Su,re at the Agents’ lowest piices, as my advantages for ob
taining them are equal tu any of the largest Jobbing
Houses in Boston. MARTIN STOWE,
Ko. 3 Flagg Buildings,
Aug 29 dwtf opposite Central Hotel.
Painted Floor Cloths.
WC would call the attention of all persons in want of
Floor Oil Cloths to mir UNUSUALLY LARGE ns
sottmenl of
which we cut to any size,or shaped rooms, nr Halls, cheap
er than can be bought elsewhere in the State.
dw3B B L. HARDON & Co.
The best assortment in the State.
A BOLT 200 NEW PATTERNS, French and
j.'V American TAPER HANGINGS, just received, and for
sale ut prices varying from 4 cts. to 81,50 per Roll.
Warranted the CHEAPEST STOCK in the county, by
A. J. BROWN 148 Main Street.
Worcester, Sept. 11, 1850. dwtf.
No. 3 Flagg Buildings,
opposite •Central Hotel, Worcester,
t Flint’s
Bonnet Bleachery,
A N entire NEW WAY of Finishing
A V Old Bonnets, to look nearly as well
as New fur the
Low Price of 25 Cents.
a large assortment are now
opening and for sale veiy low at
April 4. dwtf FLINT’S, 133 Main St.
THE immense and truly elegant stock of CLOTHS, CAS
Ready-made Clothing and Furnishing Goods
now in the United States Clothing Store,
under the United States Hotel,
will be exposed fur sale for the next FOUR WEEKS, at
Prices to suit Purchasers.
The intention of the proprietor is to close out the whole
of this extensive stock, and it will be done regardless of sac
rifice upon the cost of the goods.
The public are urgently recommended to improve the op
portunity which this tum in fortune aßbrQt them of buying
whatever they want among the stock at their own price.
SIX GIRLS, first-class Pant and Vest Makers, to whom
first-rate wages will be paid—as above.
Worcester, Aug 15, 1850. dwtf
wholesale and retail dealers in
Watches, docks, and Jewelry,
Silver. Plated, and Britannia Ware, Combs. Spectacles.
Cutlery. Pistols. Hunting and Fishing Apparatus.
of every description, and a great variety of Fancy Goods,
PERFUMERY, etc., for sale at the very Lowest Prices.
All articles sold at this Establishment will be warranted
as represented.
O’Watches and Jewelry repaired by experienced work
men only. ENGRAVING neatly executed.
Cash paid for old Gold and Silver, at the old stand former
y Boyden & Fenno, 106 Main Street.
Worcester, March 30. eod&wtf
No. 22 Sudbury Street, Boston,
VVOULD inform the public that he has invented anew
“ contrivance for LINING PIPES WITH GLASS,
which imparts to the water neither color, acid or taste
The outside of the pipe is covered with a composition thal
preserves them from rust. This is considered, by the most
eminent chemists tub only rieE fit for conveying water
into houses for domestic purposes. Those using aqueduct
water will find it for their advantage to call mid examine.
(D*lle has also invented a GLASS STRAINER, tube
placed at the bottom of Wells and Springs. The water is
carried through glass lined pipes to any part of the house
desired. Jj’Persons from Ihe country are invited to call,
or send in their orders. dwtf Boston, June 28
/CARRIAGE and FURNITURE Varnish from the mann-
V factory of Johnson Richards of Newark N. war
ranted to give satisfaction, or may be returned and money
refunded. For sale in any quantity by
Washington Squore, near Western R. It. Depot.
July 21. dw6m
Summer use in cooking stoves, ranges, etc., for sale b»
Ilie subscribers. Also, H’hite Ash Penn, and Aouidneel
Yard on Plymouth Street,
Office, 222 Main-st, over C. Foster & Co.’s Store.
April 22 dlslf
CONSTANTLY on hand and made to order from the bee
of seasoned Lumber. Also, Seam Rubbers. Reed’s Pal
lent Screws, 4c. KT Express orders promptly answend
Aug 3. eodtwtf Centrrl street Steam Mill.
House Lots, Houses, &c.
MTJEAUTIFUL LOTS, containing nearly an acre
D each, delightfully sitnaled on “ Fairmount,” hal
n mile north of the Court House, uneqmiled for beau
ty of location mid aspect, for those who prefer to live a little
out and own a large lot for a very moderate cost.
Finely situated LOTS on Hurvard Street, on the elevated
land directly west of the Central Church, the most desirable
lots remaining in the market.
Very desirable Lots on the Brewery Estate near the West
ern Railroad Depot, and in other parts of the city.
Also, several Dwelling Houses in different parts of the
eity. Good Gardening land by the acre, mid other Heal
property, for sale on the most accommoHuthig terms, by
Feb 19. eodistf D. S. MESSINGER.
A. ft?
Temperance Eating Blouse.
ME ALB served up at all Hocus of the day, Sunday,
excepted. KFLADIES can visit these Rooms with pcrfec.i
propriety, as sucli is the custom of l)te place.
Ijimw, May 11, 1650. wAd2awtf
Professor Barry's Tricopherous
Z \n MEDICATED COMPOUND for the Hair for sale.
V / or retail, by 81’URK & SIBLEY,
oopt 13 eod&wtf 140 Main-»t., Wbrceater.
Washing Fluid,
WARRANTED superior lo any thing of the kind in use.
for sale ut 33 centsper gallon by
BPURR 4 SIBLEY, 140 Main-St.,
Sept 13 eodtwtl Wen.-sier
We l>cg leave to notify our friends and patrons, and
the ptfblic generally, that having completed the addi
tions and alterations in our Store, (of which we gave
notice last Spring), we have moved back to the NEW
STORE, where we arc prepared to Exhibit the
Largest and Best assorted Stock of
for the retail trade, in the State > together with Feath
ers, Hair Mattresses, Painted Floor Cloths, &c. &c.
la all the alterations and improvements we have made
in rar Store, we hgve had constantly in mind the com
fort and convenience of our customers, and in doing
this we have spared no expense to make our store
Second to none in the State, and having ac-,
fiouiplislted this object, we beg to assure our friends
and the public., that every effort of ours will lye to make
our assortment of goods, and the low prices at which
they are offered, the chief attraction to our establish
ment; and we desire further to say to our numerous
patrons and friends, that we feel under many obligations
for the liberal patronage bestowed upon us in years
past, and would solicit its continuance and influence.
Any person who shall receive nngentlemanly treatment
from any Clerk in our employ, will confer a great favor
>y reporting the same to either of the firm,
B. L. HARDON & Co.
fB. L. Hardon,
Firm. / Stephen Sawyer,
(Wm. A. Carey. c s!7,dw3m3B
Sept. 16th, 1850.
11 e have now on hand the largest and best assorted
PETINGS; together with a full and complete assort
ment of LOW PRICED all wool Carpetings, Cotton
and Wool Venetian Stair and List Carpetings, Painted
Floor Cloths, from 3-4 to 6 yards wide, and from 2s to
9s the yard. Straw Mattings, Rugs, Door Mats, Ma
nilla and Rope Mats, Stair Rods, all wool printed
Buckings, from one yard to four yards wide, and from
37 1-2 cts. to $2,50 the yard—Linen Stair Bookings,
and every useful article to be found in the largest Car
pet establishments in the country, all of which are en
tirely new and fresh Goods, embracing a great variety
of new and beautiful designs
Never before seen in any market.
We offer these goods to the public, with the assurance
that they can and will be sold under any and all cir
i nmstances, lower than the same styles and qualities
can be bought in the County, and as low as they can
lie bought in any market in the United States. Persons
rom all parts of the State, should visit this establish
ment before purchasing.
All orders promptly attended to.
c s!7,Sw3B B. L. HARDON & Co.
Gentlemens’ Furnishing Goods.
We have now on hand, a full assortment of Gentle
men’s Furnishing Goods, among which may be found.
Black, White, and Col’d Kid Gloves, Silk Lined Kid
Gloves, a choice Article, Buckskin Travelling and
Driving Gloves, Black and Fancy Silk Cravats ot
choice styles and the very best quality. Silk Scarfs,
very rich styles—Silk and Linen Pocket Handkfs.,
Suspenders, Silk, Woolen and Cotton under-shirts and
Drawers, &c. &c., for sale cheap for cash.
c 517,6w38 B. L. HARDON & Co.
Silk Dress Goods.
In this Department of our Store will be found a very
large stock, embracing upwards of 200 pieces silks, in
every desirable and fashionable shade of coloring, from
medium to extra quality.
In this branch of the silk department, we have the
largest Stock ever exhibited in this State, and of styles
and qualities the best made in the world. Any lady in
want of a black Silk that will not lose its LUSTRE by
being wet, or by years of wear, should look at our as
sortment before purchasing. Also, Black Watered
Silks, a Magnificent Quality, the best ever of
fered in this market —all of which will be warranted
not to cut or crack in wear, and will be sold at the low
est prices the same qualities can be bought for in any
City in the United States.
5!7,8w38 B. L. HARDON & Co.
Shawl Velvets.
We have just received a choice quality of Lyons
Velvets for shawls and cloaks. Also, Shawl Fringes,
New Styles. B. L. HARDON & Co.
c 517,6w38
JUST RECEIVED, which wo offer for sole al sroni2scts.
to $ 1,50 ihe yard, mid warrant them the best goods iu
the County al ihe prices.
6w38 B. L. HARDON & Co.
pr za PS. 8-1 Primed Colton Drnggots this week receiving,
OU mid lorsulo cheap fur cash, by
(i W 3B B. L. BARDON & Co
Hair and Palm Leaf Matresses.
WE have now in ato-e a very large stock of the very best
Hair Matreißcs to bo found in the country. Also
Palm Leaf Mun cite B—both of which will be sold for cash,
ns cheap, by the subscribers, as tboy can be bought in nny
market iu the United States.
6wW B L. lIARDOaN & Co.
25 Pieces Dutch Carpets.
JUST RECEIVED in new patterns. We have just
received 25 Pieces genuine Dutch Carpets, of a very
superior quality ; better than any ever before Imported
to this Country, to which we ask the attention of pur
chaseis Iwfore buying, as we feel confident we can sell
these Goods 25 per cent cheaper than they can
be bought elsewhere in the State.
c s!7,6dw3S B. L. HARDON & Co.
Damask Towels.
We have received, and oiler for sale, a full assort
ment of Damask Towels, Damask Bordered Hucka
buck qnd Diaper Towels, also a good atsoitment of
Col'HQd Bordered Diapers, and Rich Basket Towel-
- ing. AU very choice and desirable Goods.
G B. L. HARDON & Co.
Improved Fire Proof Safes,
Warranted free from Dampness or Mould ’
f 1 MIE undersigned conlinnes
* t 0 keep on hand and man
ufacture to order the above
flHWrwl known Safes, at prices
verying from 80 to 600 dollars.
! ‘llirSjS These Safes having already
ilwIB? been subjected to the severest
*WMIrW tests, abundant evidence can
ke produced of their complete
I security against the element of
:They will be fitted with
the ordinary “Lever Lock,”
" which cannot be picked but by
l he most finished adepts in the art of Lock-picking; or with
other and more costly locks,which, although they have been
several years in use, HAVE HITHERTO RESISTED ALL
PER KEY, they being equally proof against gun-powder
and gun-cotton. One of them is known to have resisted
four attempts upon it with gun-pcwder,wHZio«t the slight*
est injury to the lock whatever. Purchasers cm have the
inside (or maliogany) case made in any desired form by send
ing their order.
Arrangements have also been made to furnish Banking
Houses, Treasury, Insurance and iMercantile Offices with
BANK LOCKS,” which have been introduced into more
than 400 Banks, Treasury’, Insurance and Mercantile Offices
in the United States within the last two years, and having
given entire satisfaction, are now in almost daily demand.
More than 300 certificates, recommending the above, can be
seen and by calling at the subscriber-s Manufactory, to which
place all orders should be addressed.
No. 30 CAESESVA.Y, Corner of Lancaster Streets,
N. B. Orders for Bank Vaults, Machinery work, etc. etc.,
solicited, and promptly executed.
April 6. d 1 aweow weoply 15
(4 Truth, will Prevail.”
IT is now five years since this valuable medicine was first
offered to the public, and the result has fully proved this
IMPORTANT FACT, viz: That a remedy of real value
can sustain itself without extra puffing. The article speaks
For itself ! Old and difficult cases of Gravel, Stricture,
Retention of the Urine, Inflammation of the Bladder, Affec
tions of the Kidneys. Female irregularities, Dropsy, etc.,
have yielded to this remedy after all others had failed; and
It is no longer doubted that the Golden Extract stands
WITHOUT A RIVAL, ns a safe, speedy, and permanent
cure for all diseases of the Urinary organs of either sex.
For sale by A. CLARKE, Druggist, sole agent for Wor
cester. weop&deow3tawtf Aug 15
A TTENDS to every branch of Medical practice, aside from
tl diseases of the Eye and Ear. His great experience in
active general practice, for the last fourteen years, in other
sections of the Union, as well as the New England States, in
grade and variety, enables him to promise satisfactory suc
References—Wm. Eaton and Alvan T. Burgess, Esq’rs,
Worcester; S. J. Woodbury, Esq, Sutton ; John Barnard
and Nathaniel Stone, Esq’rs, Auburn. Kj-Office and resi
dence, No. 2 Maple St. eod&eowly
rRENCII, English and American Paris GREEN—Chrome
Green and Yellow—Prussian Blue—Ultramarine—Paris
Blue—Carmine, &.c. Also, Ground Paris Green, put up in
cans—togetluer with a great assortment of COLORS and
TOOLS for Fancy and Ornamental Painters, warranted to
give satisftetion and will be sold cheap for cash.
Square, near Western *. R. Depot.
July 24 eod&w6m
Banning’s Patent Body Brace.
THIS celebrated PATENT LACE, or BODY BRACE, is
an efficient relief to persons laboring under the follow
ing and other analogous maladies and symptoms,viz-. Asthma,
Consumption, and other diseases of the Lungs,—Spinal Cur
vatures—Bronchitis and other affections of the Throat—Loss
of Voice—Hip Diseases, Scrofulous Swellings, Distortions,
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache, Want of Sleep, Palpita
tion of the Heart, Disordered Circulation of the Blood, Kid
ney Affections, numbness and coldness of the Extremities—
painful, difficult, or suspended Menstruation—Palsy, Gout,
Falling of the W omb, Leuchorhoe or Whites, Dropsy, Piles,
Constipation, Withered and Decayed Limbs, Weakness of
Chest, Vertigo, Dull Pains in the Sides, Pains and weakness
in the Back, &c. &c.
The following certificates will show what is thought of
Dr. Banning’s Patent Lace, &c., viz :
From Prof. Mott, and other Physicians of New York.
The undersigned have examined Dr. Banning’s novel views
on the mechanical pathology of many affections of the vice
ra, and believe them highly interesting, and worthy the seri
ous attention of the medical profession.
Valentine Mott, MJ). J. Kearney Rodgers,M.D
Stephen P. Kirby, M. D. Stephen Brown, M. D.
Alex. B. Whiting, M. D. H. McLean, M. D.
From Rev. Caleb J. Tenney, D. D., of Northampton, for
merly of Wethersfield, Conn.:
Thirteen years ago I sustained a loss of voice, which, for
three years w-as almost total. Subsequently my voice was
continued weak and indistinct. One year ago, 1 commenced
the use of Dr. Banning’s Brace, and have found very marked
and decided advantage from it, increasing the ease of speak
ing and the strength of my voice. Now. although I preach
once or twice, almost every Sabbath, I should scarcely at
tempt the service at all, if I had not in constant application
the principles of Dr. Banning’s Brace, which from my own
knowledge of its certain utility in my case, I cheerfully re
commend to all suffering a like calamity.
Aug. 5, 1846. CALEB J. TENNEY. '
DR. J. C. KNAPP, the undersigned, has pur
chased the right of this far-famed Patent Lace, or Body
Brace for the County of Worcester, and are now ready to
sell, and apply the instrument to patients, either at their
own residences, or at their said Office, No. 245 (up stairs)
Main Street. They will sell the right to make, vend, and
use the said Lace, in a few, and a few only, of the towns of
this County, on terms very advantageous to the purchasers.
All the above mentioned diseases, and many more of a
similar nature, the undersigned have, with their MAGNET
IC, or ELECTROPATHIC REMEDIES, treated very suc
cessfully, and will continue to do so, either with or without
the application and expense of the said Lace or Brace, as
patients may prefer. The instrument is light, neat, and
easily adjusted, and can be worn by a gentleman, or lady
without the least pain or inconvenience. The public is iu
vited to call and examine the article at their said office,
where all favors in their line will be thankfully received, and
all explanations, as to the said Laces, and the Magnetic
remedies, gratuitously given. References to many cases
cured, and others now under their treatment, iu this region
given to any qu application. J. C. KNAPP,
Worcester, Feb 6, 1850. dtf
Kitchen’s Preparations for the Skin and Hair.
THE subscriber respectfully informs bis friends and the
public in Worcester that he has established two Agen
cies in two Drug Stores—one that of JAMES GKEEN, 117
Main Street, and the other, M 11. GREEN, 216 Maln-at.,—
thereby affording the citixens at either part of Worcester an
easy facility to purchase either of the following populai
THE COLCASSIAN AMBRA, an odifetoua tonic for pre
veining Baldness, Grey Hair, or the falling off of the hair ;
effectually eradicating Dandruff - , and the thorough cleansing
of the skin of the head It is decidedly the best medicated
compound for the strengthening, preserving aud beautifying
of the Hair.
THE VITA PALIS, which removes freckles, and all
eruptions mid impuiitles of the skin mid preserves It In a
healthy and youthful state. This preparation is compose.l
of innoxious ingredients that have received the sanction <4
the best Chemists.
THE ROYAL ISPHAN HAIR DYE, a vegetable com
pound for coloring the hnir n permanent lltaek or natural
Brown, ns the Lady or Gentlemen may wish. This nrtide
lias been the result of several years experiments und has
been improved by the experience of eminent Chemists.
Many have been ber.efitted by it, mid it is now being uaed by
several Ladies mid Gentlemen of this city, who unanimous
ly agree that the Ispahan Hair Dye is the best mid most ef
fectual extant. It does not stain the skin of the head.
rr Wholesale and retail, by the proprietor, ANDREW
KITCHEN, manufacturer of all kinds of Ladies and Gentle
men’s Hair Work, Rooms 257 H'aehington.st., Holton, mi I
In Worcesler by James Green, 117 Main Street, and M. B
Green, 216 Main-st. d3taw3m Aug 17
INo. 312 Main Stukbt, at short notice. Also, WEDDING
NO 102.

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