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Worcester daily spy. [volume] (Worcester [Mass.]) 1850-1888, October 10, 1850, Image 1

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212 Main Street, (Butman Row,) Worcester,
The price of THE DAIL’. SPY is Three Dollars per
amium. or Seventy-five Cents per quarter, if paid strictly
in advance.
is published weekly at the same Odice. Terms—sl.7s in
advance, or $2 it not paid in advance.
r«a*Rirw3iftrar;..'n4"wn<ff isct -w iTwz-rxOTx ,
Worcester and Nashua Railroad.
Change of Summer Arrangement— commencing
»t7th, I’Bs#,
PASSENGER TRAINS will run as follows :
Eeave Arrive at Groton Nashua and
Worcester at Junction at Lowell at
6.45 a.m. 8.15 a.m. 9.00 a.m.
11.00 a.m. 12 30 p.m. 1.45 p.m.
4.10 p.m. 5.35 p.m. 6.15 & 7 p.m.
Leave Arrive at Groton
Nashua and Lowell Junction, Worcester,
7.30 a.m. 7.2 U a.m. 8.15 a.m. 9.45 a.m.
11.30 a in. 11 30 a.m. 12.30 p.m. 2.00 p.m.
530 p.m. 5.15 p.m. 6.15 p.m. 7.05 p.m.
Leave Worcester at 6.45 and 11 a. m., and 4.10 p. m.
Leave Fitchburg at - .15 a m., and 12.30 and 5.45 p. m.
FREIGHT TRAINS run daily each way between Wor
cester, Groton Junction, Nashua, Lowell and Fitchburg
At. Worrcstfr —the 6.45 a.m train connects with Nor and
Wor. St. Bt. train from New York ; Morning, and Midday
train of the B >s. and Wor ,’Prov. and Wor., Nor. and Won,
end W. R. R., connect with the 11 A.M. and 4.30 P.M train*
innn Worcester.
A’ Ciroton Junction —trains arrive simultaneously at 8.15
A. M., 12 30 an*! 6 P. M. from Worcester, Nashua, Boston,
fitchburg, Low: 11, West Townsend, and depart simultane
>nsjy for the above named places nt 8.15 a.m.,12 30 & 6 p.m.
At Nashua —Trains arriving from Worcester at 9 A M.
and 1-45 P M. connect with upward trains of the Concord
’nd Wilton Rd! Roads. Those leaving Nashua at 7.30 and
11.'h A. M. connect with downward trains of the Concord
nnd Wilton Railroads.
} .’This road forms the cheapest and most expeditious
channel of communication for Freight and Passengers be
tween New York City, the southern and southwestern por
tions of New England (including (Ue line of the Western R.
Road), and Lowell. Lawrence, and Portland—Nashua, Man
chester, Concord, and all places in the vicinity of the Con
cord, Boston, Concord and Montreal, Northern, A Passuni p
*ic R. Roads, and Vt. Central R. Road, upward from White
River Junction—Also, to all places on the line of the Fitch
burg, Yt and Mass., Cheshire, Suilhan and Vt. Central R
Road from Windsor, and Passnmpsic R.R. from White River
ij yFare from Nashua to New York. $3 and $250 ; from
Nashua to Pru\ itLucc $2; from Lowell to Providence $1,75;
from Lowell to New York, $3 and $2 75; from Worcester to
Brattleboro’ $2 50, Worcester and Greenfield, $2,25
Worcester, Aug. 7. 1850. dwti Supt.
i’tovidence and Worcester Railroad.
WINTER ARRANGEMENT— On and after Oct. 7, 1850.
Leave Worcester at 7 15 and 11 a.m. and 4 pm.
Leave Providence at 7.45 and 11.20 a.m. and 3.50 p.m.
TR AINS CON N ECT at Millville with coaches for Slaters
viße and Nasonvilfe • at Uxbridge with coaches for Milford
and .Mendon; At Whitins with coaches for East Douglas
and Whitinsville; at Farnums with coaches fur Grafton Cen
tre, N. E. Village and Upton; at Worcester with trains of
Western R. Road and Norwich and W. R. R., and Wore,
and Nashua R. J. ; At Waterford with trains of Norfolk
County Railroad for and from Boston, Dedham, Ac.
Passengers by the 7.45 train from Providence can arrive
in New York, via New Haven, the same evening.
Passengers by the 3.50 P. M. train from Providence can
arrive at Springfield and Hartford the same evening.
The 11.3 h trains connect at Worcester with the Express
Train for New Yqrk, whi. Ii leaves Worcester at 4 P. M.
The 11 A.M. train from Worcester connects at Providence
with trains tor Boston,Taunton, Fail River, N. Bedford, Ac.
The 4 P.M. train connects at Providence with the Boston
and N Y. Steamboat train for New York.
g 7 ’T»:e 7. i and 11 A.M. trains do not stop at Hamlet.
J yThe 3.50 and 4 P. M. trains do not stop at Ashton or
Sept 25, 1850. dwtf
Norwich and Worcester Rail Road.
.— ■— -
Arrangement Commencing April 15, 1850.
Leave Worcester at 6.00 10.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m.
Arrive at Norwich at 9.00 a.m. 1.30 and 7.30 p.m.
Leave Norwich at 6.30 a.m. 12 00 m. and 5.00 p.m.
Arrive in Worcester at 9.45 a.m. 3,00 and 8.45 p.m. ।
The 6 a in. Train from Woi. will arrive at Norwich in .
lime to connect with the Line for N. London, Greenport,
and N.Y..via Steamer Alice and the Long Island R. R I
Also for Willimantic, Hartford, N Haven and N. Y., via i
N. Haven and N. York R R.
The 10 30 a.m train from Wor. will leave after the arrival I
of the Boston Worcester, Wor & Nashua, Western, and
Providence R Roads, and arrive al Norwich in time to cun
nect with the trains for N London, Stonington, Providence,
Willimantic, Hartford and N Haven, reaching each of these
places the same day.
'l'he 4.30 p.m. train from Wor. will leave after the arrival
of the afternoon trains into that place, taking passengers to
N Y by the Evening Line of Steamboats, arriving there
' arly the following morning.
The 6.30 a.m. tiain from Norwich will take passengers ar
riving by the Evening Boats from N \ ~ and arrive at XX or.
in lime to connect with the Morning Trains of the Boston A
Wor., Wor. & Nashua, XVeste.ru, and I’rov. & XX or. R R.
The 12 m train from Norwich leaves after the arrival of)
the trains from N Haven, Hartford, Willimantic. N London,
Stonington and Prov , reaching Wor. at 3 p.m., in time to
coMiect with the afternoon trains from that place.
't he 5.30 p.m. train from Norwich leaves alter the arrival
cd ihe train from N Y., via Greenport and N. London: also
from Hartford, N. Haven, and Willimantic, reaching Woi. i
m time for the Evening train to Boston. j
Passengers taking the 6 mm. train from Wor. can visit.
ilre<vr>orl by .Sleimicr Alice, and return the gome Evening j
The Steamboat Train will leave Allyn’s Point every morn- |
mg event Momlav, at about 1 o’clock, for Boston direct.
Returning, will leave Wor every Evexing except Sunday, |
t 7.05. '
FREIGHT TRAINS — leave Worcester at 6} a.m., and |
Norwich nt Hl a.m.—(Baily, Sundays excepted.)
1 rExpress Frsioht leaves Boston at 12 in., arriving m '
New York next morning. ,
All Baggau'e must be delivered to the Baggage Master or
staler person mithoritted to receive it before lite Passenger
Akes his seat in the cars. t
Baggage will not be taken to include money, merchanaire,,
tor other articles limn those of personal use; and when of
uglier value than Fifty Dollars, notice must bo given of that
act, and an extra price paid, or the Company will not hold
t’Hf liable beyond that amoimt.
No baggage permitted in tite Passenger Cars.
No smoking permitted in the Passenger Cun or Depot.
PiinnoiigcTs must procure Tickets nt the Station Oflloea.
JOEL W. WHITE, President
April 24 dwtf N.AW.R.R.
t 1 7 U LL Information relating to passage by Stenin ,
V or Wind, including ditlcrenl lines, tunes of
sailing, distill expenses, baggage, etc., is com-1
rnnn | ( H i Ol | jn our new “ Information Circular,
gratis. Every body is invited to send for ow.
postage paid,'at the CalHornin Passenger Aucne.y, No. GJ
.Wrrlwuy, Arm York, ARNOLD BUFFUM A CO.
LT Life Insurance done on the Mutual system.
For the satisfaction of those to whom we are personally
unknown, we have permission to refer to the lollowing
Members of Cough i s : _ „„
Hon. John Otis, Maine, Hon. Loren P.W aldo,Conn.
“ .Limes Meacham, Vt. “ Win. H. Seward,N.Y •
“ John P. Hale, N. 11. “ ThndeiisSlavens, la.
•' Clinrl-s Allen, Mass. “S. P. Chase, Ohio.
“ Horace Mann, Muss. " NiUh’l Albertson, In.
" Orla Fowler, Mice. “ Win. Sprague, Mich.
■' Thouins Corwin, Secretary, U. S.’l rcasury.
New York, Aug 29, 1850. ‘ _
A HOUSE suitable for two small families, In the west
4 ». part of the city. Possession to be taken as soon alter
Lie first of September us pi utible. Rent nut to exceed
1 squire nt this ofth e* du Aug 21
Worcester Uailg
» re offering probably the best assortment o f
T I Rich Silk Goods ever exhibited in Worcester.
Among other new styles are
do “ “ ARMURE;
“ do GLACE “ RHINE ;
Splendid Chameiion SATIN de CHENE ;
Handsome wide Glace’s at 75 cts ;
Clmmelim, narrow stripes, Fall Styles al 621 cts;
Beautiful seed fig’d Gros de Armure ;
Brucite and Jacquard tig’d SILKS, in rich colors ;
XI Ihc above comprises, but a small portion of ourim*
mecre and varied stock of Silk Goods. Many of these were '
ol importers, on the best terms, while many others
were imported to our own order, and among these last a
lot oi
Superior English Black Silks,
probaWy the bevLSilk a Lady can buy for durability, both
of lustre and fabric, and warranted by us in all cases, to
wear without cutting or breaking.
Splendid Black Gros de Paris,
Also, imported fur us, being a very beautiful quality, sel
lom found in this country, unless imported to private order.
of those rich old fashioned Silks, that will “stand alone.’’
and “ stand” the most severe wear as well.
Heavy India Satins,
Another style, like the last, of the old fashioned goods—
ck as a board” and twice as durable.
Superior Black Satin de Cliincs,
Of the best makes and most durable qualities.
Oj’We believe our assortment of Silk Goods to be far su
perior, in style, quality and cheapo exx, to any stock ever
offered in this city—WE KNOW they were bought at the
very lowest prices of any market, and we are satisfied that
siy the least, as any other establishment, and we are sure
that an examination of the Goods will satisfy every pur
chaser that it is for their interest to purchase only of
Oct 2. dw
No. 3 Flagg Buildings,
opposite Central Hold, Worcester,
sept!B dwGw
FALL OF 1850.
rSTOCIiTVELLi has just received the Fall Styles
j e of Goods for Gentlemen’s wear, and will be happy to
serve those who may please to give him a call.
Also, the NEW YORK FASH lONS fur the coming season.
SIX or EIGHT TAILOR ESS GIRLS,weII acquainted with
the business. Two or three Apprentice GIRLS, to learn
the trade. L. STOCKWELL.
Grafton, Sept 3. dwtf
HAVING just completed my arrangements for the exten
sive sale of the BAY STATE MILLS SHAWLS, I
would take an early opportunity to inform the public that I
have received a large lot of all their different styles and qual
ities and am prepared to sell them at WHOLESALE oi
RETAIL, at AS LOW RATES as they can be purchased
of the Manufacturers.
MERCHANTS from the country can be supplied at my
Store al the Agents’ lowest prices, as my advantages for ob
twining them are equal to any of the largest Jobbing
Houses in Boston. MARTIN STOWE,
No. 3 Flagg Buildings,
Aug 29 dwtf opposite Central Hotel.
Painted Floor Cloths.
would call the attention of all persons in want of
T f Floor Oil Cloths to our UNUSUALLY LARGE as
suitmcnt of
which we cut to any size,or shaped rooms, or Halls, cheap
er than can be bought elsewhere in ihc State.
dw33 B L. HAROON & Co.
The best assortment in the State.
American PAPER H ANGINGS, just received, and for
sale nt prices varying from 4 cfs. to Jjj; 1,50 per Roll.
Warranted the CHEAPEST in the county, by
A. J. BROWN 148 xMain Street.
Worcester, Sept. 11, 1850. dwtf.
Flint 7 s
Bonnet Bleachery,
! I \ N cnlile NEW WAY of Onishing
Bonnets, to look nearly as well
% as New for the
M Low Price of 25 Cents.
a large assortment are now
opening and for sale very low at
April 4. dwtf FLINT’S, 133 Main St.
Pure Winter Oil, &c.
i GALLS. WINTER SPERM, warranted.
Bleached Winter Whale.
Spring and Fall Sperm.
Lard and Neats Foot Oil,
Together with < general assortment of PAINTS, DYE
STI FFS, and Manufacturers Articles, on reasonable
terms. E. F. DIXIE,
Jan 9 d6twtf3 247 Main Street.
Professor Barry's Tricophcrous
OR MEDICATE!) COMPOUND for Un- Hair for sale,
wholesale or retail, by SPERR <t SIBLEY,
Sept 13 eodAwlf 140 Main-st., Worcester.
Washing Fluid,
WARRANTED aupurior to any thing of the kind in nse,
for Hille at S 3 cents per gitlloii by
SPURR <t SIBLEY, 140 Main-St.,
Sept 13 eodAwtf Worcester.
Eddy’s Refined Lamp Black.
'■pHE above constantly on hnud and for sale, togotbor
1 with English and American Lamp Black in papers and
bulk by SAMUEL C. WHITE,
Washington Square, near Western 11. 11. Depot.
July 20 eod&wlm
GREAT discovery.
rj'lllH OH. is prepared by IL C. CURRIER, who is tile
i sole Proprietor in the United States, and is the greatest
dlstoverv in the known world lor the growth of Hair, and
warranted. It will cause the hail to grow where it has lalleu
off, and is u sure preventative,and makes it grow Iliick, dark
mid silky. Price $1 per bottle. The best of references cun
be obtained Worn those who have been beiiented in thisedty.
N.H. The money will be paid bank, lu nil cases where
the Oil does not give snlisfiicliom Side Agents for Worces
ter, \VM. D. FENNO A SON, 166 Main-et. dwtf July 7
White Lead, Linseed Oil.
LEWIS’ Philadelphia and Union Pure White Lead. Dutch
English and American Linseed Oil, for side wholesale
and retail nt the lowest market prices, by
21 Washington Bq., near the Western 11. IL Depot.
Feb 27, w 6‘“
We beg leave to notify our friends and patrons, and
the public generally, that having completed the addi
tions and alterations in our Store, (of which we gav«
notice last Spring), we have moved back to the NEW
STORE, where we are prepared to Exhibit the
Largest and Best assorted Stock of
fur the retail trade, in the Slate; together with Feath
ers, Hair Mattresses, Fainted Floor Cloths, &c. &c.
In all the alterations and improvements we have made
in our Store, we have had constantly in mind the com
fort and convenience of our customers, and in doing
this we have spared no expense to make our store
Second to none in the State, and having ac
complished this object, we beg to assure our friends
and the public, that every effort of ours will be to make
our assortment of goods, and the low prices at which
I hey are offered, the chief attraction to our establish
ment; and we desire further to say to our numerous
patronsand friends, that, we feel under many obligations
lor the liberal patronage bestowed upon us in year g
past, and would solicit its continuance and influence.
Any person who shall receive nngentlemanly treatment
from any Clerk in our employ, will confer a great favor
)y reporting the same to either of the firm,
B. L. HARDON & Co.
f B. L. Hardon,
Firm. / Stephen Sawyer,
CW m . A. Ca re y . c si 7,d\v3m3b
Sept. 16th, 1850.
We have now on hand the largest and best assorted
PETINGS; together with a full and complete assort
ment of LOW PRICED all wool Carpetings, Cotton
and Wool Venetian Stair and List Carpetings, Painted
Floor Cloths, from 3-4 to 6 yards wide, and from 2s to
Os the yard. Straw Mattings, Rugs, Door Mats, Ma
nilla and Rope Mats, Stair Rods, all wool printed
Bookings, from one yard to four yards wide, and from
#7 1-2 cts. to $2,50 the yard—Linen Stair Bookings,
and every useful article to be found in the largest Car
pet establishments in the country, all of which are en
tirely new and fresh Goods, embracing a great variety
i>f new' and beautiful designs
Never before seen in any market.
We offer these goods to the public, with the assurance
I hat they can and will be sold under any and all cir
cumstances, lower than the same styles and qualities
can be bought in the County, and as low as they can
be bought in any market in the United States. Persons
from all parts of the State, should visit this establish
ment before purchasing.
All orders promptly attended to.
c 517,8w38 B. L. HARDON & Co.
JUST RECEIVED, which we offer forsdeat from 25« t<.
to $1,50 Ilie yard, and warrant them the best goods in
he County at ihe prices.
6w38 B. L. HARDON & Co.
Damask Towels.
We have received, and offer for sale, a full assort
ment of Damask Towels, Damask Bordered Mucka
buck and Diaper Towels, also a good assoitment of
Colored Bordered Diapers, and Rich Basket Towel
ing. All very choice and desirable Goods.
c 517,6dw38 B. L.HARDON & Co.
Gentlemens’ Furnishing Goods.
We have now on hand, a full assortment of Gentle
men’s Furnishing Goods, among which may be found,
Black, White, and Col’d Kid Gloves, Silk Lined Kid
Gloves, a choice Article, Buckskin Travelling and
Driving Gloves, Black and Fancy Silk Cravats of
choice styles and the very best quality. Silk Scarfs,
very rich styles—Silk and Linen Pocket Handkfe.,
Suspenders, Silk, Woolen and Cotton under-shirts an
Drawers, &c. &c., for sale cheap for cash.
c 5!7,6w38 R. L. HARDON & Co.
Silk Dress Goods.
In this Department of our Store will be found a very
large stock, embracing upwards of 200 pieces silks, in
every desirable and fashionable shade of coloring, from
medium to extra quality.
In this branch of the silk department, we have the
largest Steck ever exhibited in this State, and of styles
and qualities the best made in the world. Any lady in
want of a black Silk that will not lose its LUSTRE by
being wet, or by years of wear, should look at our as-
Borhnent before purchasing. Also, Black Watered
Silks, a Magnificent Quality, the best ever of
fered in this market—all of which will be warranted
not to cut or crack in wear, and will be sold at the low
est prices the same qualities can be bought for in any
City in the United States.
517,8«38 IL L. HARDON & Co.
Shawl Velvets.
We have just received a choice quality of Lyons
Velvet! for shawh and' cloaks. Also, Shawl Fringes,
New Styles. B. L. HARDON & Co.
c 517,6w38
Hair and Palm Leaf Matr sses.
VI f E have now in sto e a very large stock of the very best
VI Hair Maire sen to be found in the country. Also
Palin Leaf M iricsscs—both of which will be sold for cash,
-is chuup, by the subsc ih’T’, as they cm in any
natkol in die United it.s.
Gw3B B 1 . HARDON a ( o .
£7fA PS. 8-4 Printed t’o tun Bruggeis this week reietving,
t?V/ nnd for sale cheap for eiwh, by
t.w3B B. L. I AR DON & Co
25 Pieces Dutch Carpets..
lUST UEUEIVED in new patterin'. Wo bare just
received 25 Pieces genuine Dutch Carpets, of a very
mpeiiur quality; lictter than any dver before Imported
to this Country, to which we ask the attention of pur
•hasers before buying, ns we feel confident we can sell
these Goons 25 rr.it cr.nr cn i ai i.k than they can
x.- bought elsewhere in the Slate.
c k17,6Jw38 B. 1.. HARDON & Co.
Boston and Worcester Express.
r T I IIE subscriber continuei to run THE EX
* PRESS between Boston and Worcester, for
safe transmission of Packages, Bundles, Bank
Notes, Specie, and Merchandise generally,
Three Times each way Daily.
Particular attention given to paying, collecting and nego
jating notes, drafts, bills, and purchasing and selling mer
:handize, produce, etc.
All packages must be directed to his care.
’Die subscriber is alone responsible for property entrusted
o his case, and no risk is assumed by the Boston and Wor
ester Rail Road Company
Packages by this line forwarded from Worcester toSa
em, Newburyport, Taunton, Fall River, and New Bedford;
Iso, to Portland, and all parts of Maine.
Orders free for goods to be returned by this Express.
Offices.—ll ARN DEN <k CO.’S Office, 8 Court Street,
ioston: J. H. KNIGHT’S HAT STORE. 163 Main Street.
Feb 25 dtf S. S. LEOxNARD.
and Western >
Passage Company.
C ’ ENERAL TICKET OFFICE for all the Southern and
* Western States and the Canadas, by Rail Roads, Steam
boats, and Canals, from the Old Established Office, the only
responsible Company in the town of SPRINGFIELD-
Office in the Massasoit House, opposite the Depot— it
being the only office authorized to sell tickets fur the follow
ing routes ahd rates of fare—
From Springfield to Ltica, $3.95 —to Syracuse, $4,50 —
lo Oswego, $5,25 —to Rochester, $4,75 —to Lockport, $4,75
—to Buffalo, $5 —to Cleaveland, $7 —to Sandusky, $7.50 —
to Cincinnati, 810—to Detroit, sß—to Whitehall, ss—to
Montreal, Lower Canada, sß—to Toronto, U. C., $7,25 —to
lamdton, (J. c., $7,25 —Kingston, U. C., $7,75 —to St.
ouis, sls. South to Philadelphia, $4,75 —to Pottsville,
8 lo Lancaster, $7,50—t0 Baltimore, $7,50—t0 Reading,
7,50—t0 Columbia,s7,s0 —to Holidaysburg,sß,7s—to Pitts
urg, $10,50 —to Wheeling, $11,50 —to Milwaukie and Ghi
tgo, $8,75.
Xj-Passengers can be perfectly safe by getting their Tick
ts at this office, and at no other. Any security required
ill be given for the fulfillment of all contracts made with
lis Company. J. MANSFIELD, Agent,
M. L. RAY, Superintendent, 3A Commercial-st, Boston.
Springfield, May 2, 1850. dw6m
oston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and
A & CO. forward Goods,Parcels, Money,
A c, » an ,na ke collections on Norwich,
' New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Pitts-
burg, and St. Louis, with the utmost promp
tude, giving all possible care to all and any kinds of busi
ess of the above, description entrusted to them, (ETA. A
o. a so forward Parcels, Letters, Ac. to all parts of Europe.
OFFICES.—9 Court St , Boston; 18 Shetucket St , Nor
ich; B. F Bolles, N. London; 85 Chesnut St., Philadel
hia; 7 Wall St., New York; 7 Light S., Baltimore; Penn,
venue, Washington: 85 Fourth St., Pittsburg; corner of
ine and Water-sts., St Louis; L. L. ?4ASON, Express Of
ce, corner of Main and Mechanic Sts., IPorcester.
Worcester, May 1. ts W. B. DINSMORE.
American and Foreign Office.
Igcncy for Business with V. S. Patent Office,
No. 22 State Street—BOSTON.
I N 1840 the subscriber was appointed by the Commissioner
I of Patents Agent of the U.S. Patent Office, in accordance
vith the 10th Sec. of Act of 1837.
Having relinquished the Agency for tiansrnission of Mod
is, and adopted a more expeditious inode of sending them
> the Patent Otlic?, whereby a patent may he procured
boot six weeks earlier; he continues to forward them free
f expense—to prepare Caveats, Specifications, Assignments,
•id all the necessary Papers and Drawings for Patents; and
> render advice on legal and scientific matters respecting
le sume. Patents secured in Europe and other countries.
By application at this Omce, inventors are saved the time
nd cost of a journey to Washington, and delay there as well
s all personal trouble in obtaining their patents. They
Iso have the advantage of verbally explaining their in ven
ons, and of consulting in respect to them; matters fn gen-
of paramount imporiaace in order to obtain correct
we if cations and claims. The experience of sixteen
ears’practice, an extensive collection of rare works, deci
ons, etc., on mechanical subjects, the Patent Laws, and
dents of different countries, collected at much expense
uring the long time this otiicehas been established, together,
•ith accounts here kept ofinventions patented at Washing-1
m, enable the subscriber to afford to inventors, desirous of
rocuring Patents, assistance and information which in other
aspects might be difficult of attainment.
R. H. EDDY, Solicitar of Patents.
Washington, July 21,1819. During the time I
ccupied the Office of Commissioner of Patents, R. H. Ed-
Y, Esq., of Boston, did business at the Patent Ollice as So
citor for procuring Patents. There were few, if any, per
ms acting in that capacity, who hail so much business be
,re the Patent Office; and there were none who conducted
t with more skill, fidelity and success. I regard Mr Eddy
s one of the best informed and most skilful Patent Solicitor
i the United States, and have no hesitation in assuring in
entors that they cannot employ a person more competent
nd trustworthy, and more capable of putting their apphea
ons in a form to secure for them an early and favorabl
unsideration at the Patent Office.
Late Commissioner of Patents.
Boston, Sept 11, 1850. eod&wly
4 SUPERIOR article of PENN. RED ASH COAL, so
* Summer use in cooking stoves, ranges, etc., for sale b}
le subscribers. Also, White Ash Penn, and Xquiduecx
Yard on Plymouth Street,
Office, 222 Main-st, over C. Foster & Co.’s Store.
April 22 dislf
House Lois, Houses, &c.
"BEAUTIFUL LOTS, containing nearly an acre
D each, delightfully situated on u Fairmount,” hul
mile north of the Court House, unequaled for beau
■} of location and aspect, for those who prefer to live a little
ut and own a large lot for a very moderate cost.
Finely situated LOTS on Harvard Street, on the elevated
land directly west of the Central Church, the most desirable
lots remaining in the market.
Very desirable Lots on the Brewery Estate near the West
in Railroad Depot, and in other parts of the city.
Also, several Dwelling Houses in difibrent parts of the
»ty. Good Gardening land by the acre, and other Real
roperty, for sale on the most accommodating terms, bv
Feb 19. eodislf D. S. MESSINGER.
IMIE subscriber has disposed of his interest in the manu
. factlire nnd sale of the Revolving Clothes Frames to
Howard Holden,who will continue to furnish those desir
ous of purchasing at the shortest notice and on favorable
Worcester, July 18, 1850.
BY the above notice, il will be seen that I have purchased
of Mr. Hammond Reed his interest in the manufacture
nnd sale of the REVOLVING CLOTHES FRAMES. This
articles is recommended as an economical and labor saving
appendage to the Clothes Y’ard for several reasons—lst, a
whole washing can be suspended to dry by one person with
out change of position, which makes the article an exceed
ingly convenient one in lime of snow—2d, it does not wear
the clothes, but yields io the w ind, and gently revolves—and
3d, they occupy but little room.
!I. Orders h it at Wm. A. Wheeler’s Counting Room on
Thomas Street—ut Taet A- 11 \«rin«ton’s Grocery Shue
corner of Front and Trumbull Streets, or at my house ou
Laurel Street, w ill be promptly attended to
July 13 eodßmw3m HOWARD HOLDEN.
I N R - STONE, Oculist and Aui-Ut, con
’ tlbues to devote particular attention to al
Ssi-iz diseasca and affection, of the Eje and Enr. tu
operate, for Squint Eye, for Cntarnct, and flat ida of the teal
duct, and insert# Artitic id Eye, of the most life-like am
natural appearance. He treats Deafness on the most recent
modem principles a, practised by the celebrated AttaisTt
Cramer, Curtis, and Ytarsly of Europe. Upwards of Illiy
cases of deafness have been successfully treated and restor
ed by him during Ihe past year.
077*D11. STONE likewise attends to nil general practice.
gj-Tlte best jf reference given. Ollice hours from it
A. M. to 4 I’. M. eod&owly Octi
For the Cure of
i TN offering to the community this justly celebrated remedy
| I for diseases of the throat and lungs, it is not our wish lo
I lay before thorn the opinions of distinguished men and some
, of the evidences of its success, from which they can judge
for themselves. We sincerely pledge ourselves to make no
wild assertions or false statements of its efficacy, nor will
we hold out any hope to suffering humanity facts which wii!
not warrant. Many proofs are here given, and we solicit an
inquiry from the public into all we publish, feeling assured
they will find them qerfectly reliable, and the medicine
worthy their best confidence and patronage.
FROM BEN.L SILLIMAN, M. D.,L.L.D.,etc., Professor
of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Ac., Yale College, Member of the
Lit. Hist. Med. Phil, and Scient. Societies of America and
Europe : “I deem the CHERRY PECTORAL an admirable
composition from some of the best articles in the Materia
Medics, and a very effective remedy for the cla«s ofdtseases
it is intended to cure.” New Haven, Ct., Nov. 1,1849.
PROV. ('LEAVELAND, of Bowdoin College, Maire,
writes—“ I have witnessed the effects of your CHERRY
PECTORAL in my own family and that of my friends, and
it gives me satisfaction to state in its favor that no medicine
I have ever known has proved so eminently successful iu
curing diseases of the throat and lungs.”
Dr. Ayer—Dear Sir: For two years I was afflicted with
a very severe cough, accompanied by spitting of blood and
profuse night sweats. By the advice of my attending physi
cian I was induced to use your Cherry Pectoral, and con
tinned to do so till I considered myself cured, and ascribe
the effect to your preparation. JAMES RAN DALL.
Hampden, ss. Spring field, Nov.*27, 1549. This day ap
peared the above named James Randall, and pronounced the
above statement true in every respect.
at the office of Hon. Geo. Ashmun, Memb. Cong.
Portland, Me., Jan 10, 1850.
. Dr. Ayer: I have been long afflicted with Asthma which
grew yearly worse until last autumn, it brought on a cough
which confined me in my chamber, and began to assume the
alarming symptoms of consumption. 1 had tried the best
advice and the best medicine to no purpose, until 1 used your
Cherry Pectoral, which has cured me, and you may
wi ll believe me. Gratefully yours, J. 1). PHELPS.
If there is any value in the judgement of the wise, who
speak from experience, here is a medicine worthy of the
public confidence.
Prepared by J C. AYER, Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold
in Worcester by Lewis T. Lazell, Jas. Green &. Co., M. B.
Grefen, A. Clarke, D. Scott, Jr. A Co.; Dr. Barrows,Web
ster; M. L. Smith, N. E. Village; O. F. Vinton,Westboro’;
E. Aldrich, Grafton ; and Druggists and dealers in medicine
generally, 3taweow weoptDll Sept 12
DR. WILCOX invented this Medicine about 10 yearsago,
and its great popularity as manufactured by hiinseifhaa
never been equalled by any other medicine. But Town
send, after getting the'recipe for the Original
in about two years commenced polluting it with minerals.
Corrosive Sublimate, Sulphur Saltpetre, &c.
Now DR. WILCOX, seeing these abuses, has taken the
field, determined to give every body wanting a
Gemsisse Vegetable Itiedicine,
Some from his own hand, which can be obtained at the
Principal Office, 173 Broadway, N.Y.
And corner of Green and Beaver Streets, ALBANY, and of
Druggists and merchants all over the country.
“The Life of every animal is the Blood thereof.”— Levit.
“ What every body says must be Trttef 1
and without a single exception so far as heard from, the
unanimous acclamation is, that Dr. Wilcox’s Sarsaparilla is
the best medicine in the market. The best physicians in
the city of New York, and in the State, and also in the State
of Virginia, have unhesitatingly expressed their opinion that
East Medicine in the Market,
and they carry out their professions by recommending an I
using it.
It never has failed in any of the following complaints,
though it has been used by them all:
Consumption, king’s Evil, Salt Rheum, Ery
sipelas, Scald-head, Tightness of the Chest, Dyspepsia,
Palpitation of the Heart, and all Nervous Affections, Gen
cral Debility, Piles, Fluor Albas, Rheumatism, Syphilis,
Liver Complaints, all Kidney Complaints, Cancerous Hu
mors, Mercurial Diseases. Hfc.
Don’t say because this has the name of Sarsaparilla, you
will not use it, because you have been humbugged with
Townsend’s and others of the name. This is no humbug,
and if it don’t do as recommended call and get your money
buck. (LT Wholesale Agent for Boston, WM. B. LITTLE.
For sale in Worcester by LEWIS T. LAZELL, 201 Main
Street. weop&d3taweowly July 13
Kitchen’s Preparations for the Skin and Hair
rpHE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the
Jt public in Worcester that he has established two Agen
cies in two Drug Slores—one that of JAMES GREEN, 111
Main Street, and the other, M B. GREEN, 216 Main-st.,—
thereby affording the citizens at either part of Worcester an
easy facility to purchase either of the following populai
THE COLCASSIAN AMBRA, an odifetous tonic for pre
venting Baldness, Grey Hair, or the falling oil of the hair ;
effectually eradicating Dandruff, and the thorough cleansing
of the skin of ihe head. It is decidedly the best medicated
compound for the strengthening, preserving and beautifying
of llu‘ Hair.
THE VITA PALIS, which removes freckles, and all
eruptions nnd impurities of the skin and preserves it in a
healthy and youthful state. This preparation is composed
of innoxious ingredients that have received the sanction ol
the best Chemists.
THE ROYAL ISPHAN HAIR DYE, a vegetable com
pound for coloring the hair a permanent Black or natural
Brown, as the Lady or Gentlemen may wish. This article
has been the result of several years experiments! and has
been improved by the experience of eminent Chemists.
Many have been benefitted by it, and it is now being used by
several Ladies and Gentlemen of this city, who unanimous
ly agree that the Ispahan Hair Dye is the best and most ei
feclual extant. It does not stain the skin of the head.
[I r Wholesale and retail, by the proprietor, ANDREW
KITCHEN, manufacturer of all kinds oi Ladies and Gentle
men’s Hair Work, Rooms 257 Washington-St., Boston, and
in Worcester by James Green, 117 Main Street, and M. B.
Green, 216 M<dn-st. d3taw3m Aug 17
W'aiclres, Clocks, aud Jewelry,
Silver, Plated, and llrifmnia IPare, Combe, Spectacle,
Cntleru, Pistols, Hurtins and t'ishinp Apparatus.
ofeverv description, and a grant variety of Fancy Goods,
PERFUMERY, etc , for sale nt the very l.nwest Prices.
All articles sold at thia Establishment will be warranted
ns represented. ...
irj‘Watches and Jewelry repaired by experienced work
men oxlv. ENGRAVING neatly execnted.
tush paid for oMGold and Silver, at the old stand former
y BoVDEN * Fknno. 100 Mitin Street.
Worcester, March .10. eod&wtf
No. 212 M' in Street, at short notice. Also, WEDDING
NO 110.

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