Newspaper Page Text
VOL. VI. WORCESTER DAILY SPY:# PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING AT 213 Main Street, (Butman Row,) Worcester JOHN MIL TON EARLE, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TKRMS. Thc'i'riro of TIT >•: |i , l.v Sl’V is Three Dollars ncr Annum, or BLVEATY-EIVE Cents per quarter, if paid strictly in advance. THE MASSACHUSETTS SPY i» publiahcil weekly at the same Office. Terms—sl.7s j n Ailvancc, or $2 if not palrf ii; advance. Worcester and Nashua Railroad. Change of Summer Arrangement — commencing August 7th, 1650. m - -^b PASSENGER 1 RAINS will run as follows : Lrave Arrive at Groton Nashua and Worcester at Junction at Lowell at ti.4sß.in. 8.15 a.m. 9.00 a.m. 11.00 12 30 p.m. 1.45 p.m. 4.10 p.m. 5.35 p.m. 6.15 & 7 p.m. Leave Arrive at Groton Nashua ami Lowell Junction, Worcester 7.30 a.m. 7.20 a.m. 8.15 a.m. 9.45 a.m. 11.30 a in. 11 30 a.m. 12.30 p.m. 2.00 p.m. 530 p.m. 5.15 p.m. 6.15 p.m. 7.05 p.m. FITCHBURG AM) WORCESTER TRAINS, l eave Worcester at 6.45 arul 11 a. m., and 4.10 p. m. Leave Fitchburg at 8.15 a.m., and 12.30 and 5.45 p. m. FREIGHT TRAINS run daily each way between Wor cester, Groton Junction, Nashua, Lowell and Fitchburg At IVo raster —the 6.45 a. m train connects with Nor and Wor. St. lit. train from New York ; Morning, and Midday train of the Bos. and Wot , Prov.aiul Wor., Nor. and Wor., and NY. It. R., connect with the 11 A.M. and 4.30 i\M. trains lr >in Worcester. A 1 Groton .Junction —trains arrive simultaneously at 8.15 A. M . 12 30 and H F. M. from Worcester, Nashua, Boston, Fitchburg, Lowell, West Townsend, and depart si in ultmie oiisly for the above named places at 8.15 a.m.,12 30 A 6 p.m. At Nashua —Trains arriving from Worcester at 9 A M. and 1.45 P M. connect with upward trains of the Concord and Wilton Rail Roads Those leaving Nashua at 7.30 and 11.30 A. M. connect with downward trains of the Concord aiul Wilton Railroads. r , This road forms the cheapest and most expeditions -channel of communication for Freight and Passengers be tween New York City, the southern and southwestern por tions of New England (Including the line of the Western It. Road), and Lc-weM, Lawrence, and Portland—Nashua, Man- Chester, Concord, and all places in the vicinity of the Con cord, Boston, Concord and Montreal, Northern, 6c Passump sic R. Roads, and Vt. Central R. Road, upward from White River Junction—Also, to all places on the line of the Fitch burg, Vt and Mass., Cheshire, Sullhan and Vt. Central It. Road from Windsor, and Passuiupsic R.R. from White River J auction. LT Fare from Nashua to New York. $3 tnd $2 50} from X :diua to Providence SJ7 from Lowell to Providence $1,75; front Lowell to New York, $3 and $2 75; from Worcester to Brattlehoro 1 $2 50, Worcester and Greenfield, $2,25 J. W. STOWELL, Worcester, Aug. 7, 1850 dwtf Supt. Piovideacc and Worcester Railroad* j‘- ■ • - ...V- . u aPr ■ # —»iygi 4 WINTER ARRANGEMENT— On and after Oct. 7, 1650. TRAINS Leave Worcester at 7.15 and 11 a.m. and 4 p m. Leave Providence at 7.45 and 11.30 a.m. and 3.50 p.m. TRAINS CONNECT at Millville with coaches for Slatere "uille and NasonvilSc ; at Uxbridge with coaches for Milford and Mcndon; At Whilins with coaches fur East Douglas and WhitinsvilU?} at F:i mums with conches for Grafton Cen tre, N. E. Village end Upton; at Worcester with trains of Western R. Road and Norwich and W. It. R., and Wore, and Nashua R. It. ; At Waterford with trains of Norfolk County Railroad for and from Boston, Dedham, &c. Passengers by the 7.45 train from Providence can arrive in New York, via New Haven, the same evening. Passengers by the 3.5 u P. M. train from Providence can arrive at SpringfiHd and Hartford the same evening. The 11.30 trains connect at Worcester with the Express Train for New York, which leaves Worcester at 4 l*. M. The 11 A.M. train from Worcester connects at Providence with trains for Boston,Taunton, Fall River, N. Bedford, Ac. The 4 P.M. train connects at Providence with the Boston and N Y. Steamboat train for New York. jjfTho 7.15 and II A.M. trains do not stop at Hamlet. 3 7*The 3.50 and 4 P. M. trains do not stop at Ashton or Hamlet. ISAAC 11 SOUTH WICK, Supt. Si-jit 25, 1650. <lwtf Norwich and Worcester Rail Road. fcisflSSS *l7l e. rc*» cWiiat 4- -, "v^-dv^rw —as^?jßH»i -X. — — Arrangement Commencing April 15, 1830. passenger trains. Leave Wore Mur at 0.00 10.30 a.m. and '1.30 Arrive at Norwich at 9.U0 a.m. 1.30 ami 7.30 p.m. Leave Norwich at 6.30 a.m. 13 00 m. and 5.00 p.m. • Arrive in Worcester al 9.45 a.m. 3,00 and 8.45 p.m. The 6 a ra. Tre.iu from Wot. will arrive at Norwich in I time to connect with the Line for N. London, Creenport, and N. V., via Steamer Alice and the Long Island it. It. ! Also for Willimamic, Hartford, N Haven and N. V., via \. Haven and N. York It it. j The 10 30 a.m train from Wor. will leave afterthe nrrival of the Boston fe Worcester, Wor .A Nashua, Western, and Providence It Hoads, and arrive, at Norwich in time to con ee< i with the trains for N Loudon, Stouiugton, Providence, W illimantic, Hartford and N Haven, reaching each of these places the same day. . The 4.30 p.m. train from Wor. will leave after the arrival of the afternoon trains into that place, taking passengers to N 1 by the Evening Line of Stcumlioats, arriving there > arly the following morning. The t;..30 a.m. tinin from Norwich will take passengers ar riving by the Evening Boats from N Y., and arrive at V\ or. in time to eouni ct with the Morning Trains of the Boston 4: Wor., Wor. .t Nashua, Western, and l’rov. A Wor. 1111. The ig at. train from Norwicrt leaves alter the arrival ol the trains from N Haven, Hartford, Wilhinantic. N London, stouington and i’rov., reaching Wor. at 3 p.m., in time to connect with the afternoon trains irom that place. The 5 30 p m. train from Norwich leaves alter the arrival of the train from N V . vmtireenport and N. London: aim. from Hartford, N. Haven, and Willtmantic, reaching W 01. m time for the. Evening I rain to Boston. Passengers taking the ti a.m tram Irom Wor. call v sit Breen port by Hleamet Alice, and return the same Evening STEAM BOAT TRAIN. The Steamboat Train vvdl leave Alijrn’i Point every morn ing evcciit Monday, at about 1 o’clock, for Boston direct. IL-iuriiing, will leave Wor every Evening except Sunday, FREIGHT TRAINS — leave Worcester at 6J a.m., and Norwich at 91 u.iii.—(l»Hily, Sundays excepted.) 1 Exprkss I'ItEHiHT leaves Boston al Ik in., arriving in N.-w York next morning. Ail Baggage niusl lie delivered to the Baggage Mast, r or Mher person authorised to receive it before the lasstnger in',ns his seat in the cars. Baggage will not lie taken to include money, menha M l •*, ».r other arli. lcs than those of personal ll " u V gin r value than Fifty Hollars, notice must he giv u of lb at Get, and an extra price paid, or the Company will nol hold liable beyond that amount. No baggage permitted in the PiwHimger ’ nrrt< n , No smoking permitted in the Passenger <ms or P • Passengers must procure Tickets at the StaiUm Ofllces. * JOEL W. WHITE, President kprll M dwtf Boston and Worcester Railroad. Ei» »*■’•* ■ - vii '. ! U'TV UN ARRANUKMKNT, OcL7, law. PASSENGER TRAINS FOR HOHiON. ,n ! I,Hiv,. Worcester at 8,7.30,4 10.3Un.m.jS.4«iM»* , 44 Millbury 7** ,> M Ik, ♦* :: , i is« lis - “ Huxoiiville at n.u .... M ir. u “ Newt,,n lit 7.00 an,l9 , 4 '?°. , - *• Brookline at 71,Wj4 104 »■"»., >4,84. *’ *■ TRAINS PROM BOSTON : 30 „ m For Wot neater nt 7.30 ami « a m., 14 30, 4,30, I, A • P; t “ Milllmry hi 8 u 4 4 r i •* 14 Milford at 900 «.m. | „ ;; •* »•«“ lggo ,s,«, •• - Brookline at H 05&« «m , MM». 1, For further imrticulara ae. Lp’t. WANTED, A HOUSE sultuble fur tw» »m«ll ramlllw, ta Rijj A pan of the city. Possession to b# taken • ""J I he ilrsi of September aspt salbl*. Rent net to i« • 'lire at this olHce <W AueJl —'' ' ‘ H! Pli 3 CHEAT '-' ;: Sollt herii and Western *> Passage Company. ssJS^skst:, (j (. ‘ AU TICKET OFFICE for all the Southern and » csImiMHUM H," l the Canadas, l.v Roads, Steam “ ; ,l '," C “" alfl . f ™» the Old Established Office, the only re, pomohie Company In the town of SPRINGFIELD -1,,,;, 1 'Vi' ,n T IIK ‘'Lvssasoit Hot se, opposite the Depot — it 0 he only office authoriz-ed to sell tickets for tile follow ing' routes and rates of fare— I rmn Sjiringfield to 1 tic.;*., $3,95 —to Syracuse, $1,50 — -ton®i’r 5 — to Rochester, 84,75—t0 Lockport, $4,75 to buffalo, $ I—to Cleaveland, s7—to Sanduskv, $7,50— t \t,,ul?," l |" 1 f" ! hsio—to Detroit, s9—to Whitehall, 85—to IhimVn' 1 ’ 'T7 < -' nn:l ' ,:1 ' to Toronto, U. C., $7,25—t0 Hamilton,. U. 87,25—Kingston, IF. 87,75—t0 St. f l - Sooth to Philadelphia, $1,75—t0 l'ottsvillc, d° -sneiwter, 87,50-to Baltimore, 87,50-to Reading ‘ ’ <0 tol | t | "| ) ia,s7,so-to ll u iidav« K ,Bß,7s-to l’itts enko 88f75 # l ° VVl ‘ eeU '‘ g ’ *> lJ ,so—to Miiwaukie and Chi -1? Passengers can be perfectly safe bv getting their Tick ets at THIS office, and at no other. Any security required will he given for the fulfillment of all contracts made with this Company. j. MANSFIELD, Agent, at r n.v , Springfield. M. L. RA\, Superintendent, 3i Commercial-st, Boston. Springfield, May 2, 1850. dwGrn IMPORTANT TO CALIFORNIANS. mfmmalion relating to passage by Steam Sf * V . or W hid, including different lines, times of sailing, distances, expenses, baggage, etc., is com municated in our new 41 Information Circular ,” gratis. Every body is invited to send for one. Address, postage paid, at the California Passenger Am ncy, No. 179 Hroadwnij, Nc W York , ARNOLD Bi ll UM 6c. CO. Y~r\n fe Insurance done on the Mutual system, for the satisfaction of those to whom we are personally unknown, we have permission to refer to the following Members of Congress: , H«m. John Otis, Maine, lion. I.oren P.Waldo,Conn. u James Meachain, Vt. * 4 Win. H. Seward,N.Y. 4 * J«»hu P. Hale, N. 11. “ Thadcus Stevens, Pa. “ Charles Allen, Mass. “S. P. Chase, Ohio. “ Horace Mann, Mass. “ Nath’l Albertson, la. “ Oriu Fowler, Mass. “ Win. Sprague, Mich. “ Thomas Corwin, Secretary, U. S. Treasury. New York, Aug 29, 1650. ' dw* LEONARD'S Boston and Worcester Express, f T I HE subscriber continues to run THE EX i- TRESS between Boston and Worcester, for 6. lc ya^c transmission of Packages, Bundles, Bunk — Notes, Specie, and Merchandise generally, Three Times each way Daily. Particular attention given to paying, collecting and nego- Jaiing notes, drafts, hills, and purchasing and selling mer ihandize, produce, etc. All packages must be directed to his care. The subscriber is alone responsible for property entrusted o his case, and no risk is assumed by the Boston and \Yor ester Rail Ruud Company. Packages by this line forwarded from Worcester to Sa em, New bury port, Taunton, Fall River, and New Bedford; .Iso, to Portland, and all parts of Maine. Orders free for goods to be returned by this Express. Or kicks.— IIARN DEN <fc CO.’S O dice, 8 Court Street, loston; J. 11. KNIGHT’S HAT STORE, 163 Main Street. Feb 25. dtf S. S. LEONARD. Wasliiiig Fluid. JOHN 11. WALTON’S WASHING FLUID which lias been proved to be a superior article, for sale by the gal lon or barrel by DRAPER Ac CLARK, Sept 2 dwtf 103, 105 6c 107 Front St. Rice’s Improved Lightning Conductors ufMIE subscribers woulJ respectfully inform the inhabi- A tatits of Worcester and vicinity that they are prepared to erect LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS, the ensuing season in a manner superior to any thing of the kind ever yet offer ed to public—substituting for the rude connections common ly used, copper points and fastenings, gilded spires, and cop per bottoms, adding thereby materially to the beauty strength, and durability of the work, (prOrders by mail promptly attended to. T. C. RICE Worcester, March 8. dwtf .T. P. RICE Artists Tools and Colors. 4 COMPLETE assortment of the above always on hand J\_ and for sale by SAMUEL C. WHITE, Druggist, Washington Square, near Western R. R. Depot. July 24. dw4m SOLAR LAMPS. HPHE subscriber is now prepared to furnish manufacturers J with SOI,AIt HANGING LAMPS ? CJIIMMES,WICKS, LANTERNS, Arc., at nmimiiafcturers, wholesale prices ; manufacturers, merchants, and others buying these goods in quantities, will find it lor their interest to call. Also, just received a very large assortment of S'olar £tan<l Lumps, with new patterns r-hades and drops, which will be sold at 2 o per cent, less than Boston prices , any one doubting this statement, can be convinced of the fact by calling. Chandeliers, Girandoles, Hall Lanterns, Vases, &c., &c., in great variety, at very low prices, at 148 Main Mreet. A. J. BROWN. Worcester, Sept, 10, 1850. dwtf Waterford Window Glass. f pIIE above well known Wnidow Glass is now being ninn * ufactured in a very superior manner and for brilliancy of polish and evenness of surface, is warranted to be unsur passed by any American Window Glass in the market. All qualities for sale wholesale and retail, by SAMUEL C. WHITE, Washington Square, near Western 11. It. Depot. July 23 dw4m VAR&ISH VARTUSH. rtAIERTAGE and FURNITURE Varnish from the mantt- V.'' factory of Johnson <Y Uichards of' fir war k, A. J., war ranted to give satisfaction, or may be returned and money refunded. For sale in anv Humility by SAMUEL C. WHITE, Washington Squore, near Western It. it. Depot. July 24. _ __ ''"ti" l STOVES STOVES. Call at No. 26 Front Street, 4 NI) examine a large variety of LOOKING, PARLOR, \ mid OFFICE STOVES, yon will find the celebrated FARMERS’ AIR TIGHT LOOKING STOVE, this stove recommends itself, it needs no pulling. Wholesale and Re tail, No. 26 Front Street. AARON BILLING. Worcester, Sept. 11. dw.lm BOOT FORMS CONSTANTLY on hand and made to order from the la s tof seasoned Lumber. Also, Seam Rubbers, Reed’s Pal tent Screws, &c. O'Express orders iiroinptlyymi»\>ered A tig 3. eod&wtf Centrrl Stre et Strum Mill. GROCERIES. MAY be had, nt consKß os Mxis and Bo4JTHb*idoe SrnuKTs, n general assortment of Groceijes. Also, a variety of articles for family use. NEW I.UMI BU 1, of prime iiiiiility, received weekly, and deliverable to fmm lies near, through the season, if desired. (LrAlso, Wooden, Stone, and Earthen Ware, fur sale. White and brown Rags taken ill exchange for goods, Flour excepted. 1,. SPRING, 2nd, No. 297 Main, May 16 dwtf ami 7 Suutlibndgo Si reel Waters’ Liquid Hair- Lye. sj IIIK Uve possesses an . ! ulvanl;iuover any other hind, I from the absence of any preparation j a simple appli ration bring all that is necessary. It has been extensively sold and is too well know this region to need any enco niiums now. lor sale wholesale anti retail at the iiiaiiutuc* Hirer s prices !>> the^Mj 1 ;,, lA /|;|X, Druggist, M4dwlstl 901 Main »t. 4 doors north Am. House. EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY. V .p, STONE,Oculist ninl Aurlst,con #s®#*** I ) unties to devote particular attention to nl diseases and allecliona of the Eye and Ear, at No. A MAPLE STREET, WOKCESIER 111 for Snuint Eye, for Cataract, nud llstula of the teai operate I sr tlf|r.,<l Eyes of the most life-like am duet, and I' - r j llenfness on the most recem modern "princi'plcs*"" praclised by the celebrated Aubist. r' , ' , and Ytnrsly of Europe. Upwards of lllty eii'es of’dcafness have been successfully treated nnd reslor -•"Iff HTt LN E bk e w isa'n tte nd, to all general practice dip The best of reference given, ‘'dice hours from U A.M to 4 )'■ M. eodAewly 01,1 WORCESTER. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17. 1850. A CARD. Wc lieg leave to notify onr friends ami patron?, anil ihe public generally, that having completed the addi tions and alterations in our Store, (of which we gava notice last Spring), wc have moved back to the NEW STORE, where we aw prepared to Exhibit, the Largest and Best assorted Stock of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, lor the retail trade, in the State; together with Feath ers, Hair Mattresses, Painted Floor Cloths, &c. &c. In all the alterations and improvements we have made in our Store, we have had constantly in mind the com fort and convenience of our customers, and in doing this we have spared no expense to make onr store Second to none in the State, and having ac complished this object, we beg to assure our friends and the public, that every effort of ours will be to make our assortment of goods, and the low prices at which they are offered, the chief attraction to onr establish, merit; and tve desire further to say to our numerous patrons and friends, that we feel under many obligations for the liberal patronage bestowed upon us in years past, and would solicit its continuance and influence* Any person who shall receive nngenllemanly treatment Irom any Clerk in our employ, w ill confer a great favor >y reporting the same to either of the firm, B. L. lIARDON & Co. ( B. T„ llardon, Firm. < Stephen Sawyer, (\Vm. A. Carey. c sl7,dw3m3fe B. L. HAIIDON, & Co. CARPET WARE ROOMS. Sept. 16th, ISSO. CARPETS! CARPETS!! CARPETS!!! VUe have now on hand the largest and Lest assorted Mock of TAPESTRY, BRUSSELLS, THREE PLY, SUPERFINE, and EXTRA FINE CAR PETINGS; together with a full and complete assort ment of LOW PRICED a!l wool Carpetings, Cotton und Wool Venetian Stair and List Carpetings, Painted Floor Cloths, from 3-4 to 6 yards wide, and from 2s to f)s the yard. Straw Mattings, Rugs, Door Mats, Ma nilla and Rope Mats, Stair Rods, all wool printed Bookings, from one yard to four yards wide, and from f»7 1-2 cts. to £2,50 the yard—Linen Stair Bookings, and every useful article to be found in the largest Car pet establishments in the country, all of which are en tirely new and fresh Goods, embracing a grqat variety of new and beautiful designs Never lie fore seen in any market* We offer these goods to the public, with the assurance lhat they can and will be sold under any and all cir cumstances, lower than the same styles and qualities can be bought in the County, and as low as they can lie bought in any market in the United States. Persons Irom all parts of the State, should visit this establish ment before purchasing. All orders promptly attended to. c 517,8w38 B. L. HARDON & Co. 25 Pieces Dutch Carpets. JUST RECEIVED in new patterns. We have just received 25 Pieces genuine Dutch Carpets, of a very superior quality; better than any ever before Imported to this Country, to which we ask (lie attention of pur chasers before buying, as we feel confident we can sell these Goods 25 per cent cheaper than they can be bought elsewhere in the State. c 517,6dw38 B. L. HARDON & Co. Gentlemens’ Furnishing Goods. We have now on hand, a full assortment of Gentle men’s Furnishing Goods, among which may be found, Black, White, and Col’d Kid Gloves, Silk Lined Kid Gloves, a choice Article, Buckskin Travelling and Driving Gloves, Black and Fancy Silk Cravats ol choice styles and the very best quality. Silk Scarfs, very rich styles—Silk and Linen Pocket Ilandkfs., Suspenders, Silk, Woolen and Cotton under-shirts an Drawers, &c. &c., for sale cheap for cash. c 5!7,6tv38 B. L. HARDON & Co. Damask Towels. We have received, and oiler for sale, a full assort ment of Damask Towels, Damask Bordered Hucka buck and Diaper Towels, also a good assoitment of Colored Bordered Diapers, and Rich Basket Towel ing. All very choice and desirable Goods. c 517,6dw38 B. L.HARDON St Co. Silk Dress Goods. In this Department of our Store will he fuund a very large stock, embracing upwards of 200 pieces silks, in every desirable and fashionable shade of coloring, from medium to extra quality. BLACK SILKS. In this branch of the silk department, we have the largest Stock ever exhibited in this State, and of styles and qualities the best made in the world. Any lady in want of a black Silk that will not lose its LUSTRE by being wet, or by years of wear, should look at our as sortment before purchasing. Also, Black Watered Silks, a Magnificent Quality, the best ever of fered in this market—all of which will he warranted not to cut or crack in wear, and w ill lie sold at the low est prices the same qualities can be bought for in any City in the United Status. 517,8\v38 B. L. HARDON & Co. Shawl Velvets. Wo have just received a choice quality of Lyon* Velvet* for shawls and cloaks. Also, Shawl Fringes, New Stylos. D. L. HARDON & Co. c h17,6\v38 200 PIECES MERINOES, IF FRF.NCH, GERMAN AND KNGLIBII MANUFACTURE, JUST RECEIVER which wo otter forsule ui (torn 25 ct*. to $1,50 ihe vunl, and warrant them the best good* in he County ht the pricer. Gw 38 B. L. HARDON & Co. Hair and Palm Leaf Matrfsses. WE Imvf now in mo-e n very largo stock of the very hem llnir Matre ioH to bo found in tho country. Alto Palm Loaf M.incsßOß—both of which will he mid for cash, v* cheap, by tha aubacribcra, ns they can lie bought in run it.trkot in the United State*. Gw:*B B L. HARDON A (o. CA PS. M Printed Cotton Dnijfnts tlii* wcok receiving, */U and tor Hale olitlli for cash, by 1 tttrW B. L. HARDON At Ct RICH DRESS SILKS, '"re now offering probably the bust assortment of » 7 Rich Silk Goods ever exhibited in Worcester. Among other new styles are RICH CIIAMELIOX GUOS De AFRIQUE; “ do “ “ ARMURE ; “ do GLACE “ RHINE; Super PLAIN GROS de AFRIQUE ; Splendid Chamelion SATIN de CHEXE ; Handsome wide “ Glace’s at 75 cts ; Chameliov narrow stripes, Fall Styles at 621 cts; Beautiful seed fig’d Gros de Armure ; Broclie and Jacquard lig’d SILKS, in rich colors ; (O’The above comprises, but a small portion of our im mense ami varied stock of Silk Goods. Many of these were j bought of importers, on the best terms, while many others wore imported to our own order, and among these last a lot of Superior English Black Silks, lirobably the best Silk a Lady can buy for durability, both of lustre and fabric, and warranted by us in all cases, to wear without cutting or breaking. Splendid Black Gros de Paris, Also, imported for us, being a very beautiful quality, sel loin found in this country, unless imported to private order. Also, EXTRA RICH BLACK GRO de ARMURE, one nf those rich old fashioned Silks, that will “ stand alone.” mid “ stand” the most severe wear as well. Heavy India Satins, Another style, like the last, of the old fashioned goods— ck as a board” and twice as durable. Superior Black Satin de Cliincs, Of the best makes and most durable qualities. lIT We believe our assortment of Silk Goods to be far su perior, in sriy/e, (/iialiti/ and to any stock ever offered in this city—WE KNOW they were bought at the very lowest prices of any market, and we are satisfied that WE CA N SELL THEM AT AS SMALL A PROFIT, to »ay the least, as any other establishment, and we are sure tint an examination of the Goods will satisfy every pur chaser that it is for their interest to jraiehase only of IIENRY H. CHAMBERLIN & CO. Oct 2. d w GEEAT SALE OF LEY GOODS AT No. 3 Flagg Buildings, opposite Central Hotel, Worcester, BY MARTIX STOWE, WHERE THE BEST BARGAINS CAN BE HAD. HEAD QUARTERS FOR THE BAY STATE SHAWLS. sept!B dw6w FALL OF 1850. J STOCK WELL has just received the Fall Styles j. of Goods for Gentlemen’s wear, and will be happy to erve those who may please to give him a call. Also, the NEW YORK FASHIONS for the coming season. WANTED, OIX or EIGHT TAILOKESS GIRLS,weII acquainted with yj the business. Two or three Apprentice GIRLS, to learn the trade. L. STOCKWELL. Grafton, Sept 3. dwtf BAY STATE SHAWLS. fTAVING just completed my arrangements for the exten -IJL sive sale of the BAY STATE MILLS SHAWLS, I would take an early opportunity to inform the public that I have received a large lot of all their different styles and qual ities and am prepared to sell them at WHOLESALE or RETAIL, at AS LOW RATES as they can be purchased es the Manufacturers. MERCHANTS from the country can be supplied at my Store at the Agents’ lowest prices, as my advantages for ob taining them are equal to any of the largest Jobbing Houses in Boston. MARTIN STOWE, No. 3 Flagg- Buildings, Aug 29 dwtf opposite Central Hotel. PAPER HANGINGS- The best assortment in the State. 4 BOUT 20 ) NEW PATTERNS, French ami ./V American PAPER HANGINGS, just received, and for tale at prices varying from 4 cts. to $1,50 per Roll. Warranted the CHEAPEST STOCK in the county, by A. J. BROWN 148 Main Street. Worcester, Sept. 11, 1850. dwtf. -.i I'finCs Bonnet BSeacherv, NO. 133 MAIN STREET.* ' A N NEW WAY of Finishing Old Bonnets, to look nearly as well *■* as New for the A Low Price of 25 Cents. gpl NEW BONNETS Up RIBBONS , a large assortment are now opening and for sale very low at April 4. dwtf FLINT’S, 133 Main St. MARTIN STOWE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY” GOODS. Just received, A Large Stock of Silk Goods nf recent importations, of the very best styles and qualities to be found in the market. DRESS AND CLOAK GOODS , of every description. A large stock of DOMESTICS on hand cheap. CARPETS, FEATHERS, &c. Head Quaiters for the Bay State Skalds. ' BZ3"Customers may be assured that my Goods will never be misrepresented, and that they will receive gentlemanly treatineut. HT Also, I shall sell my goods as low as they nan be purchased in the United States MARTIN STOWE, No. 3 Flagg Buildings, opposite Central Hotel, sept 18 dw6w CHEAP GOODS. YOll CAN DOT AT H. H. CHAMBERLIN CO.’S Handsome New BONNET RIBBONS,! BEST MOUSS. HE LAINES, cool) BI.ACK AI.PACCAS, FOR Handsome YARD WIDE PRINTS, } 13} cents Hood J.insey Woolsey, | per yard pine; dark cinghams, IJOOl) TABLE DAMASK, j rrWc might offer various reasons why our store is REALLY THE CHEAPEST in Worcester, but the BEST PROOF of this fuct in the prices and qualities of the goods, which we ask ALL to examine, that they may satisfy them selves. HENRY 11. CHAMBERLIN 4 CO. Oct 2 c 37 dw Scarfs and Neck Ties. I>EAI. INDIA CAMELS HAIlt SCARFS; V Superior CASHMERE SCARFS, all sixes: Elegant BROCHE Fig’d do. entire new styles', French Embroidered NECK TIES, a new and beautiful article. NECK RIBBONS of every style. A great variety of the above goods, Just received from Importers and for sale-at the lowest prices liy Oct 3 dw 11. If. CHAMBERLIN 4 CO. Bajou Kid Gloves. WE shall this week receive, direct from the manufactur er in Paris, 100 DOZEN BEST BA.IOU GLOVES. These are made in colors selected by ourselves, with par Ill’ll lar reference to the Worcester trad’e, and are warranted to be the genuine article and the heat Imported. HENRY 11. CHAMBERLIN 4 CO. OSdw d„ CHERRY PECTORAL F or the Cure of (OUGHS, (OLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, (ROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. IN offering to tin* community this justly celebratrd remedy for diseases of the throat aiul luiies, it is not our wish to ifiy before them the opinions of distinguished men and some of the evidences of its success, from which they can judge for themselves. We sincerely pledge ourselves to make no wild assertions or false statements of its efficacy, nor will v. e hold out any hope to suffering humanity facts which will not warrant. Many eroo fs are here given," and we solicit an in<]iiiry Irom the public into ail we publish, feeling assured they will find them perfectly reliable, and the medicine worthy their best confidence and patronage. FltOM IIENJ. SI f.I.IMAN, 51. D.,1,.T..D., etc., Professor of Chemistry, .Mineralogy,&c., Yule College, Member of the Lit. iiist. Med. l’hil. and Soient. Societies of America ami L u rope: “I deem the CIIKRRY PFCTORAI. an admit able composition from some of the best articles in the Materia Medina, and a very effective remedy for the class ofdiseases it is intended to cure.” New Haven, Ct., Nov. 1,1849. PROV. CI.EAVEI.ANI), of Rmvdoin College, Maine, writes—“ I have witnessed the effects of your CHERRY PECTORAL in my own family and that of my friends, and it gives me satisfaction to state in its favor that no medicine I have ever known lias proved so eminently successful in curing diseases of the throat and lungs.” HE AE THE PATIENT. Dr. Ayer—Dear Sir: For two years I was afflicted with a very severe cough, accompanied by spitting of blood and profuse night sweats, lfy the advice of my attending physi cian 1 was induced to use your Cherry Pectoral, and con turned to do so till I considered myself cured, and ascribe the effect to yonr preparation. JAMES RANDALL. Hampden, *». Springfield, Nov. 27, 1849. This day ap peared the above named James Randall, and pronounced the above statement true in every respect. LORENZO NORTON, Justice, at the office of Hon. Geo. Ashmun, Memb. Cong. THE REMEDY THAT CURES. Portland , Me.. Jan 10, 1850. Dr. Ayer: I have been long afflicted with Asthma which grew yearly worse until last autumn, it brought on a cough which confined me in my chamber, and began to assume the alarming symptoms of consumption. I had tried the best advice and the best medicine to no purpose, until I used your Cherry Pectoral, which has cured me, and you mav well believe me. Gratefully yours, J. ]). PHELPS. ‘ 11 there is any value in the judgement of the wise, who speak from experience, here is a medicine worthy of the public confidence. Prepared by .1 C. AYER, Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold m Worcester by Lewis T. Lazell, Jas. Green & Co., M. B. Green, A. Clarke, 1). Scott, Jr. A C 0.5. 5 Dr. Barrows,Web ster; M. L. Smith, N. E. Village; O. F. Vinton,Westboro*; E. Aldrich, Grafton ; and Druggists and dealers in medicine generally. 3taweow weoptDll Sept 12 PATENTS. American and Foreign Office. Agency for Business witli U. S. Patent Offlee, WASHINGTON. No. 22 State Street—BOSTON. IN 1840 the subscriber was appointed by the Commissioner oi Patents Agent of the U. S. Patent Office, in accordance with the 10th Sec. of Act of 1837. Having relinquished the Agency for tiansmission of Mod els, and adopted a more expeditious mode of gentling them to the Patent Office, whereby a patent may be procured about six weeks earlier; he continues to forward them free »fexpense—to prepare Caveats, Specifications, Assignments, and all the necessary Papers and Drawings for Patents; and to render advice on legal and scientific matters respecting Lhe same. Patents secured in Europe and other countries. By application at this Office, inventors are saved the time and cost of a journey to Washington, and delay there as welt as all personal trouble in obtaining their patents. They also have the advantage of verbally explaining their inven lions, and of consulting in respect to them; matters, in gen eral, of paramount importance in order to obtain correct specification* and claims. The experience of sixteen years’practice, an extensive collection of rare works, deci oions, etc , on mechanical subjects, the Patent Laws, and patents of different countries, collected at much expense during the long time this office has been established, together with accounts here kept of in vein ions pateuted at Washing ton, enable the subscriber to afford to inventors, desirous of procuring Patents, assistance and information which in other respects might he difficult of attainment. R. 11. EDDY, Solicitor of Patents. Washington, July 21, 1849. During the time I occupied the Office of Commissioner of Patents, R. 11. Ed dy, Esq., ol Boston, did business at the Patent Office as So licitor for procuring Patents. There were few, if any, per eons acting in that capacity, who had so much business be fore the Patent Office; and there were none who conducted it with more skill, fidelity and success. I regard Mr Eddy us one of the best informed and most skilful Patent Solicitor in tlie United States, and have no hesitation in assuring in ventors that t hey cannot employ a person more competent mid trustworthy, and more capable of putting their applica tions in a form to secure for them an early and lavorabl consideration at the Patent Office. EDMUND BURKE, Late Commissioner of Patents. Boston, Sept 11, 1350. eod&wly PUOUTY MEARS’ ” New Hot Air Ventilating Brick Furnace, FOR. 1850. PHIS is an entirely new furiiftce, combining many*l -1 ble improvements and obviating many of the, objection* of the Ilrick Furnace* now in use; being only 5 feet high it is peculiarly adapted to low cellars, which admits ofati unusual elevation ol the hot air pipes immediately after they leave the brick work, thus allowing a more direct escape ol the heat from the air chamber to the room to be heated than is usuaiy obtained in other kinds. It is perfectly simple in its construction, and can be very easily cleaned es soot or ashes even when in operation if required: Being made entireiv ol Cast Iron of unusual thickness, it is more durable and not lialde to get out of repair for many years. Tite subscribers are also sole proprietors of“ Hank’s Im proved Furnace,” w hich have given unqualified satisfaction Iqr the last three years,some of which can he seen in opera tion in the Court House, New School House on f.’old-st,, mid many of the private residences in the citj of Worcester We would invite all, who are atiout procuring Furnaces, or are otherwise interested in these articles to call and ex amine the above at our Ware Booms, where will also be found, l’routy & Mears’s Improved PORTABLE Hot Air Ventilating Furnaces, Cooking Ranges, the celebrated Medal, or Madeira Parlor Stove, and a general assortment of coal und wood Cooking and Oiliee Stoves. DAVID PUOUTY, A CO. 19 4- 20, fiortk Market Street , HOSTOIf. April 13 dStaweow wood WILLIAM D. FJBWWO & SON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Clocks, and Jewelry, Silver, Plateil, and Britannia Ware, Combs, Spectacles Cutlery, Pistols, limiting and Pi shiny Apparatus ’ Also, CANES, FEATHER DUSTERS, VASES, FANS of every description, and n great variety of Fancy Goods PERFUMERY, etc , for sale at the very Lowest Prices. ' All articles sold at (bis Establishment will be warranted ns represented. HO- Watches and Jewelry repaired by experienced work men duly. ENGRAVING neatly executed. Cash paid for old Gold nnd Silver, at the old stand former y Bovkun 4 Fekno. 100 Main Street. WM. D. FENNU, CIIAS. w FUN NO. Worcester, March 30. eod4 wtf White Lead, Linseed Oil. LEWIS’ Philadelphia and Union Pure White Lead Dutch English and American Linseed Oil, for sale wholesale tnd retail at the lowest market price#, by SAMUEL C. WHITE, 24 mdiington Sq., near the Western 11. R. Depot. Fel) *•' deop wan. IBrant’s Indian Remedies 1?OR the cure of Consumption, Coughs, Colds, etc., fir . sale, wholesale and retail by SI’URR 4 SIBLEY 3 deodfcwtf 140 Main-»t., Worcester NO 116.