Newspaper Page Text
NEW ENGLAND GLEANINGS. The State. Frederick Thatcher aud Ellcu Flynn were held in S2OOO each at Fall Biver Friday for passing counterfeit coin. Joseph W. Carpenter, Jr., of Fall Biver, has settled his S6OOO embezzlement from Burden & Almy for S3OOO. The Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank at Harwich has availed itself of the restric- V ns of the new savings bank law. he New Bedford Institution for Savings $50,000 of the Fall Biver Union Mills toy’s paper, Instead of $200,000 as was sported. •ho created such a sensation in rt, and who was whaled by a .iceording to the Herald o.' that .nauged bis tactics, and now ad moral suasion. ymouth White has been arrested in ew York and taken for trial to Boston, where several months ago he swindled Allen G. Lovell out of SIO,OOO. He is a noted con fidence man and his swindles are said to amount to $1,000,000. Thursday evening Schooner Lizzie Thomp son of Newburyport sailed for southern fish ing. Off Cape Ann she shipped a sea, which washed Michael Fitzgerald, 45 years old, from the bowsprit, aud he was drowned. He leaves a wife aud five children. The Merrimac Manufacturing Company of Lowell is to erect, partially on the site of the present watchbouse building, a two-story brick building, 100 feet by 70. Half of it is to be used as an engraving room, and the other half as a cloth room for the print works aud cotton yard. Five cars of a freight train of twenty-eight cars, heavily loaded with grain, on the Eastern railroad, were wrecked near the Cbelsea station on Friday by the break ing of an axle of one of the cars, aud the track was torn up for some distance. The damage is considerable. The petition of Arthur Cheney, proprietor of ths Globe Theater at Boston, agaiust John Stetson, Jr., lessee, for an injunction to restrain him from presenting “Laila Rookb,” on the ground that it was not a play ai.d would not be making use of the theater for theatrical purposes, as their con tract requires, has been dismissed by Chief Justice Gray. Edmund F. Masurett, cashier of the Tre mont House at Boston, attempted suicide on Friday with laudanum and by shooting him ielf in the head. He had employed some of ■he funds of the bouse and lost tue money at aro. He was suspected, caufessed, and vanted to compromise, but the proprietors >f the hotel ®ent for an officer, aud before te could arrive made the attempt at his life, vhich will probably prove fatal. A young woman with a pretty face and nodest ways, took a room tn a Springfield intel. The other guests pitted her because he seemed timid and unprotected. Before be week was out three men bad called to ee her. Oue was the husband from whom he bad eloped. A second was the man with rbom she bad eloped. A third was a mau rith whom she had promised to elope, but iad jilted. The simultaneous meeting of hese four persons was so inharmonious hat all were turned out of the house. Elsewhere. Newport, R. 1., is already filling up with lummer visitors. The Rhode Island Legislature adjourned n Friday after an uneventful session. Before a Providence girl had been married week she got drunk and eloped with her usband’s best suit of clothes. Arthur Galpin, formerly chief clerk of the ndian Bureau at Washington, has resumed he practice of law at Hartford. Rev. L. T. Chamberlain of Norwalk, Ct., rill give the annual commencement address >efore the Yale Theological Seminary. The property of the late Major Goodwin f Hartford inventories $2,100,000, the real state being put in at a very low valuation. Jo*-n Wakely of Stepney, Ct., seriously ro >d bis wife on Wednesday by dis both barrels of a shotgun at her. been trouble between them. "onald of Rutland, Vt., has contract to furnish stone j enormous elevator to be Hudson River railroad at eet in New York. The stone _r $90,000. .oner’s inquest upon the killing of ulante upon the opera house stage at .ucket, R. 1., has resulted in a verdict accidental shooting by Mrs. Franklin, .fie jury recommended the passage of an rdinance forbidding all such exhibitions. A fire at Providence Saturday morning artially destroyed a building owned by esse P. Eddy, and occupied by Eddy & lose, wholesale liquor dealers. Cause, sus ected incendiary. Loss on building esti tated at $25,000; insurance $33,462. Loss u stock SIOOO. Frank Harris of Providence went to feriden, Ct., interested himself in temper nce aud religious movements, and, securing place at a store, stole on Wednesday $56 -om a man who bad befriended him and •ft town. The young man has parents in omfortable circumstances. On an old gravestone in Litchfield, Ct., it ; recorded of the wife of Dr. John Buell, ho died in 1768 at the age of 90, that she ad 13 children, 101 grandchildren, aud 274 reat grandchildren, and 22 great great randcbildren at the time of her death—4lo i all, of whom 336 survived her. Alfred and Charles H. Crossland were the Waterbury, Ct., boot and shoe merchants ho were arrested at Montreal on suspicion f being the burglars of a Detroit bank. Not mg ago Charles H. made an assignment, itb liabilities at $15,000 and assets $3500. ast week Alfred, who claimed to be bis •editor to the amount of $2500, was tried >r perjury, but several of the prominent tembers of St. John’s Church testified as > the unblemished character which the ac rsed had always borne, and be was acquit d. Last Friday the brothers disappeared, Ist in lime, It is said, to escape arrest for aud. KENNEY & FAY, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of lARD AND SOFT WOOD LUMBER, 9 Central St,, Worcester, Mass, WHOLESALE —Are agents for same of the rgest manufacturers In Indiana, Michigan. Can la and northern New England. Full car-loads lied direct from Manufacturer to any point, for Anufacturer's Prices. RE TAIL —From our sheds on Central Street.on ack of W. & N. R. R. Full assortment of Laths, laphoards, Sheathing,, Inclosing, Fln b, Shingles, Barn Boards, Box Boards,Etc. 99 Central Street. L. c. kknnev. m2,3m f. e. fay. “the - winthrop” is the Best and st Range In ' -11 and see it. Also, OUTFITS tor the 30 DAYS, AT P. Oliver’s Stove Store, 512 Main St. tn U27,tf __ , EUDULD YOU BUY A NICE BUILD- INO LOT. Can at 410;MMu street, Room 818,2 w A. J. EATON. CLOTHING AND WOOLENS. FINE CLOTHING We call particular attention to our Display of FINE SUITS that we aro selling for sls, $lB, S2O, $22 aud $25, equal to any made to order for $25, S3O, $33, $35 and S3B. An examination of these Sults will convince any one of this fact. Wo offer a line of flue SPRING OVERCOATS I superior to any ever before offered in this city. Pricesfrom sstos2O ALSO Boy’s Fine Clothing! Artistic in Cat and Finish, E’egant and Beautiful in Style, at no greater cost than inferior goods. People who have clothing to buy will consult their interest by examing our goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. It is our pleasure to show our stock whether our customers purchase or not. We have but ONE PRICE and guarantee this to be THE LOWEST. ^*Money refunded if goods purchased are not satisfactory. D. H. Eames & Co., One Price and C.O.D. Clothiers. H6.dw BANKS AND BANKERS. $90,000 City of Worcester FIVE PER CENT. BONDS, DUE 1905, In Suma of §SOO, SIOOO and SSOOO. Interest will be remitted for by checks on Bos ton or Worcester by mail, as on Government Bonds, FOR SALE BY RICE & WHITING, TOO Main St., Worcester. ap2,2w CALIFORNIA MINING STOCKS Bought and Sold IN SAN FRANCISCO. Telegraphic Transfers made, Dividends Cashed and all information given by CHASB.WHITING &CO. 415 Main Street. mh29,3m WORCESTER COUNTY INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS, No. 13 Foster Street, Worcester CHARTERED FEBRUARY, 1828. Business Hours, 9to 1,2 to 4; except Saturdays, 9 to 1. ALEX. H. BULLOCK, Pren’t. C. A. HAMILTON, Treasurer. j22tf PEOPLE’S SAVINGS BANK, No. 452 Mam St., opposite City Hall Deposits put on interest on the first days of FMiruary, May, August and November. Dividend payable February 15th, at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum. Bank hours—9:oo to 1:00, 2.00 to 4 00. Satur days, 900 to 100,600 to 8.00. WILLIAM CROSS, President. ja2B-tf C. M.|BENT. Treasurer. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. GEO. R. SPURR, DEALER IN Drugs, Medicine*, Chemicals, Per fumery, Soaps, Brushes, PATENT MEDICINES, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Pu'poses. 337 MAIN ST., WORCESTER, MASS. jyPhysicians’ Prescriptions carefully com pounded at all hours. olstf PURE DRUGS ” AND MEDICINES BUY THEM AT BREWSTERS AND SAVE MONEY. No 236 FKONT STREET. fO,tf A XEW STOCK of desirable CARRIAGES and HARNESSES, Just Received at Richmond's Carriage Eictaje, 34 Waldo Street, WORCESTER. Call and make your selections early while assortment Is good, m!2tf Moosonian Stenographic Office, 28 School St., Boston, Branch Office, 2 Postoffice Block WORCESTER, MASS. Established for the purpose of supplying orders for ALL KINDS OF SHORTHAND WORK in or out of the city. Orders by mall or telegraph promptly attended to. Address G. H. Fratt, stenographer, 28 School st., Boston, or I. D. GOULDING, No. 2 Postoilice Block, Worcester Smoke M. E. Shat tuck’s 444 or Punch Rea alias. WORCESTER DAILY PRESS: MONDAY. APRIL 15. CROCgRIBg AND PROVISIONS. 61 to 65 Hanover Street. WHERE I TRADE! Butter selling at 18 to 25c per lb Fresh Farm Eggs .15c per doz Beef Steak, round 12c per lb Fresh Pork and Sausages 09c per lb Best Hams, only 10c per lb Dried Apples, nice 10c per lb Best Corned Beef...,'***.... 08c per lb Pea Beans 0n1y..... 08c Green Apples 65c per pk. Maple Sugar 10 to 12c per lb Together with other Meats, Groceries, and Pro duce, such as Veal, Lamb, Tripe, Flour, Sug ar. Molasses, Tea, Coffee, Squashes, Pota toes, Sweet Potatoes, Oranges, Lemons, Etc. CT. H.DUTTON. At the Old Reliable Stand! THE PEOPLE’S Tea, Coffee and Spice STORE, 30 SOUTHBRIDGE ST. A TERRIBLE CUT IN PRICES. Having bought two large Invoices of Teas, we are now selling our 60c Tea for 50c per lb. and our 75 r for 60c. A trial will save you 15c on every lb. Your money refunded if the Teas ilo not suit you. SHELDON’S CASH MARKET, Ne. 5 TRUMBULL STREET. Compare these prices with any others. Beef Steak, Round 13 cts. • 4 “ Rump 18 44 44 44 Loin 18 “ 44 44 Porter House 20 • 44 44 Chuck 12 10 lbs forsl. “ Roasts, from 10 to 20 44 44 Corned 5 to 10 44 44 Stews 3to 8 44 Pork Roasts, from Bto 9 44 44 Steak 10 4 44 Sausages 10 “ 11 lbs. for sl. 44 Salt 10 44 10 lbs, for sl. 44 Ham, extra sugar cured, sliced 20 “ 44 Ham, whole 9to 10 " Lors of five or more, 9c. Mutton, hindquarter, 12%t0 15 “ 44 foro 44 Bto 10 44 44 1eg5...., 18 M 44 chops 15 to 20 44 Poultry aud Game at lowest market prices. All eoods delivered free of charge. Mv order team will call upon those who find it inconvenient to come personally, if they will no tify me. . f 14 New Cash Grocery Store JOHN S. BALLARD A CO., having removed from 375 to 319 Main street, Mechanics Hall Building, will continue the sale of Wines, Teas and Fine Groceries, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Plants, Flowers and Vegetables, From their Green Houses;) FRESH BUTTER AND CREAM, from their own Dairy; SALT PORK AND HAMS, from Hogs raised on their Farm. Having moved to reduce our expenses and un able to compete with “Musical Margins,” wo feel prepared to warrant satisfaction as to price and quality in our new quarters. JOHN S. BALLARD & CO., 319 Main Street. apt,6l Flour, Flour, Flour. UNPRECEDENTED REDUCTION in the price thereof at E. P. KING’S, 573 Main and 5 Southbridge St., SCOTT’S BLOCK. Two more ca- loads of that celebrated PORTER & MOWBRAY'S HAXALL FLOUR! Just Received to be distributed to consumers at $8.50 per Barrel, and every barrel warranted to be as good as any Flour sold in tbe United Stites, irrespective of the price asked therefor. A Dollar Saved is Two Earned ! Remember that baking samples are given away wherever desired, and that the price will be re funded in full for every barrel not found satis factory. E. P. KING, 573 Main and 5 Southbridge St., SCOTT’S BLOCK, WORCESTER, MASS. ap2tf Fashionable Furniture. I beg to announce to my friends and the public generally, that 1 have made arrangements for the Spring Season on a scale unsur passed at any previous time since being in the trade. In my Stock may be found Parlor, Chamber, Li brary and Dining Room FURNITURE, in the Eastlake and Queen Anne Styles. Al so, a splendid Une of Black Walnut, Ash and Common Chamber Sets. Parlor Suites in Plush, Raw Silk,Terries and Hair Cloth. Odd Pieces in any style of frame and cov erings made to order. Side boards, Book Cases, Pier and Mantle Glasses, Marble and Wood Top Library Ta bles, Lounges of all kinds. Hair and Common Mattresses, Feathers. I have a large and ele gant line of Furniture Coverings in Plush, Raw Silk, Terries and Satines, also a Fins line of Rich and Common Cretonnes. Draperies of all kinds made and put up; also, Holland Shades of all colors. AU kinds of Common Furniture. REPAIRING in all its branches at the 1 >west prices. Parties in want of First-class Furniture will do well to examine my stock before buying. Mr. G. W. GIBBS, formerly with J. D. Chollar & Co., may be found at my store, where ho will be pleased to see his friends. J. B. LAWRENCE, 355 Main Street. mlOtf G RUB INK. The best and sure remedy for Canker Worths. For sale only by TYLER &BEAORAVE, Spy Job Office. ajiOtf M 2 Main Street. CLOTHING AND FURNISHING. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT. Louis Friendly & Co., The People’s Loiv Priced CLOTHIERS, HATTERS and FURNISHERS, Have This Day placed on their Counters one of the Largest and Most Complete Stocks of Men’s, Youth’s, Boys’ and Children’s READY MADE CLOTHING, Hats, and Furnishing Goods ever boughtfor CASH at any one time by ANY Cloth ing House in this City, which.they will offer at', the Lowest Prices Imaginable. We will enumerate a few solid facts for the ibenefit of our patrons: We have justclosed one of the most successful sea sons ever known in the Clothing trade inlthe City of Worcester. WHY? BECAUSE we have sold goods LOWER than any other house in 'the city. BECAUSE we always keep a nice selected stock, and have no old stock. BECAUSE we continually offer our patrons new and desirable goods at prices generally asked for old stock. BECAUSE our method of business enables us to to sell goods low on account of our Cash System and Cash Purchases. We sold goods low Last Year, but we intend to sell STILL LOWER this year and increase ou r sales. Our cry will be Good Garments at Low Prices. Come and look our Stock over. Everything new and fresh this season. Our HAT DEPARTMENT is full in ali the leading Styles. Our FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT com plete to suit all classes. NECK WEAR A SPECIALTY. Reinemliei', Cash Buys Goods Cheap. Louis Friendly & Co., 417 MAIN STREET. WOOD AND COAL. WOOD! WOOD 1 The Wellington Coal Company are now prepared to furnish both HARD AND SOFT WOOD, in quantities to suit; Wood by ihe Curd, Foot r Basket. 10 Baskets Soft Wood Kindlings for $1 7 44 Hard 44 “ 81 Orders may be left at General Office, No. 1 P.O. BLOCK, or at Yanis, on MANCHESTER ST. and SOUTHBRIDGE ST., cor. Hammond, and will receive prompt attention. Worcester, April 2,1878. apstf “FRED. W. WELLINGTON, DEALER IN?aLL KINDS OF COAL. OFFICES: 415 Main St., and at YARD, on f 4 Hammond Street. ly JOHN D. WARREN, Dealer in all kinds of COAL. Office, 410 Main St. Yard, Southbridge St. d!6 ts CTW. CLAFLIN A CO., COAL. Office. No. 23 Peart St. Worcester, Mass. Yard, corner Union and Central Sts. dll,tf THE WELLINGTON COAL COMP’Y Are prepared to furnish by the cargo or at.retail, all kinds of COAL! SOLE AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED WEBSTER BITUMINOUS COAL Ofllce P. 0. Building, Pearl St. YARDS—Manchester street, aud corner South bridge and Hammond sts. o!9,tf yy H . JOURDAN Wholesale and Retell Dealer In ANTHBAUITK AND BITUMINOUS COAL! OFFICB: I YARD: , Lincoln Block, I Oreen Street WORCESTER, MASS. 018 ti E. A. SUMNER, COAL, WOOD AND HAY. 394 Main St. and 131 Union St. 018 J. FRED. MASON, Successor to ELLIS THAYER, manufacturer of All Kinds of Brushes 553 Main St. cor. Alleu Court. Franklin Square, Worcester, Mass. Particular attention paid to tbe manufacture ofißrusbes for Cotton and Woolen Machinery. Prompt attention given to resetting Cloth Fin i.biug Brushes, Shear Brushes, Teazle Gig, lick er, Wool Comb and all Brushes In general use. Loom Dusters constantly on hand. Ou account of continued ill health, I have sold out my stock aud good will in business to my former partner, J. Fred. Mason,who will continue tbe business at the same place a« m^ Mioreyr. Worcester, March 14,1878. ■ lubMtf AA WATCHES. Chennc.t In Hio known ^Mworid, Camille vatth ana out lit fm to Anni*, IP W For wrrjs address CO ULTEIi X CO X'bieaeo- PRINTINC, STATIONERY, ETC. JOB PRINTING. Every species of Book and Job Printing, execut ed at short notice and at reasonable prices, by Tyler & Seagrave, SPY JOB OFFICE, 442 Main Street. an6tf BLANKBOOKS AND PRINTING FOR 1878. SANFORD & COMPANY, 364 Main Street, Directly Opposite Foster Street. Having the most complete establishment in the city, invite all in want of BLANK BOOKS, COMMERCIAL, OTHER PRINTING, to give us a call. We do all our owu RULING, PRINTING and BINDING, and can give es timates on large or small jobs and will guarantee our prices to be as low as the lowest (quality considered BANK, RAILROAD, AND INSURANCE WORK A SPECIALTY. 9y»H«mpU» on hand to show of all kind, of work. SANIORD & COMPANY, 364 Main Street, OPPOSITE FOSTER STREET. HONEYSUCKLE GIN, the fukebt and best liquor in THE MARKET, FOUND ONLY AT GEORGE F. HEWETT’S, Corner Powter and Wirido Sts. Rui ary. Br!md<q wanted to mH oor donn d loUU TRAVELERS’ QI RECTORY. -.m.wiri BOSTON AND ALBANY BAILROAD. BOSTON AND WORCESTER DIVISION. Time Table commencing October 29. 1877. PASSENGER TRAINS leave Worcester: For Boston from Union Passenger Station, Ex press. 4.50,7.35, 9.30 a. m., 3.00, 5.00, 8.10 and 9 20 p. m. Accommodation trains at 7 aud 10 a. m,, 1.10, 4.00, and 6.15 p. m. Fur Millbury, 7 a. m. and 4 p. m. For Gratton, Westboro, Sou th ville, Cordaville, and Ashland, at 7 and 10 a. m., 1.10,4.00, and 6.15 p. m. For South Framingham, 4.50 , and 10 a. m., 1.10, 3.00,4.U0,, 8.10 and 9.20 p. m. For Milford at 7 and 9.30 a. m., I.lo,and 4.00p.m. For Natick at 7, 9.30 and 10 a. m., and 4.00 and 6.15 p. m. For Wellesley, 7.00 and 10.00 a. m., 4.00, 6.15 &, m.; Grantville. West Newton, Newton, and righton at 7 ana 10 a.m., 4.00 and 6.15 p.m. Passengers for the same stations, Natick and Wellesley, can also take the 1.10 p. m. train to So. Framingham, and there change to the So. Framingham train, which leaves So. Framing ham fifteen minutes afterwards. The 4.50 a. in. train runs every day; 7.35 a. m. express will run every day in the week, and Sundays will stop at Natick,Wellesley and Grant ville. Sunday Mail leaves Union Passenger Station at 4.50 a. m. (Monday) for Boston. TRAINS LEAVE BOSTON as follows: For Worcestei at 5,7, 8.30, exp., and 11 exp. 11.05 a.m., 1-30, 3 exp., 4.30 exp. to Framing ham, 5.30 exp., 6 exp., 9.00 exp. p. m. For New York, via Spriugneld, 8.30 exp., 11.00 exp. a. m., 3 exp., aud 9 p. m. Grafton, 5, 7,11.05 a. m., 1.30,4.30 p. m. Westboro, 5,7, 11.05 a. m., 1.30, 4.30, 5.30 exp p. m. Southville, 5,7,11.05 a. m., 1.30,4.30, p. m. Cordaville, 5, 7,11.05 a. m., 1.30,4.30 p. m. Ashland, 5,7,11.05 a. m., 1.30,4.30,5.30 exp. p. m. South Framingham, 5, 7,8.30 exp. and 11.06 a.m., 1.30,2.15 exp., 3 exp.,4.00, 4.30 exp., 5, 5.30 exp., 6 exp., 6.30.9 exp., 11.10 p. m. Natick. 7,9.30, 11.05 a.m., 1.30, 2.15, 4,5, 6.30, 6.05, 6.30 and 11.10 p. m. Millbury, 7.00 a. m. and 4.30 p. m. Saxouville,9.3o a. m. 6.05 p. m. Milford,7, 8.30 exp.a.m., 2.15 exp., 4.30 exp. p. m. 6.00 p. m. Albany express runs every day in the week, and Sundays stops at Grantville, Wellesley and Natick. Sunday mail train leaves Boston at 9.00 p.m., stopping at South Framingham, Worcester, West Breokfiuld, Palmer and Springfield, arrives in New York at 5.23 a. m. All other outward trains run daily except Sun day. C. O. RUSSELL, Sup’t Springfield, W. H. BARNES, Asst. Sup’t, Boston. WORCESTER AND SPRINGFIELD DIVISION Leave Worcester for Albany and Way Stations (accommodation). 6.45 a. m. For Springfield and Way Stations, 6.46,9 a. m., and 4.45 p. m. For New York, exp., 12.13 and 10.35 p. m Sunday Mail leaves at 10.35 p. m. For Albany, exp., 7.30 p. in. For Aluany and New York (exp.) 9.55 a. m. and 4.27 p. m. Leave Springfield for Worcester at 2.45, 5.45 7.15, 11.05 a. m., 1.10 exp., 3.22 exp., 6.05 7.37 exp..p. m. The 2.45 and 5.45 a. m. passenger trams from Springfield, and the 7.30 and 10.35 p. in. passenger trains from Worcester will be run Railroad Connections.—At Albany, with the New York Cential,Troy and Greenbush,and Hud son River Railroads. At Chatham, with the Har lem, Hudson, and Boston and Harlem Extension Railroads. At State Line, with the Housatonic Railroad. At Pittsfield, with the Pittsfield and North Adams aud Housatonic Railroads. At Westfield, with the New Haven and Northampton Railroad. At Springfield, with the New York, New Haven and Hartford, and the Connecticut River Railroads. At Palmer, with the New Lon don Northern, and Athol and Enfield and Ware River Railroads. At Worcestei with the Provi dence aud Worcester, Worcester aud Nashua, the Boston, Barre aud Gardner au i Norwich aud Worcester Railroads. At Ashland, with Hop kintou Railroad. At South Framingham, with the Boston, Clinton and Fitchburg, Milford aud South Framingham and Lowell Railroads. C. O. RUSSELL, Suv’t. Springfield. WO KU EBT E K AND UHucaaam Nashua. Portland and Worcester, central Ver mont, PASSUMPSLC, AND BOSTON, CON CORD AND MONTREAL LINES. Un and after Monday, December 17, 1877, pas senger trains will run as follows: Leave WORCESTER for ROCHESTER,?^ 11:15 a. m., and 5:00 p. m. Leave WORCESTER for NASHUA, 6 7:30 (Express) 11:15 a. m. Leave WORCESTER for PORTLAND, at 7:30 (Express). Leave PORTLAND for WORCESTER, at 7:3d a. m. and 2:30 p. m. Leave ROCHESTER for WORCESTER, 10:00 a. in. aud 4.30 p. m. Leave ROCHESTER for NASHUA, 5:15', 10:00 a. m., aud 4:30p. m. Leave NASHUA for WORCESTER. 7:10 a. m., 12:00 m.,5:10 and 6.25 p. m. Leave NASHUA for ROCHESTER. 6:30,9:08 a. m. aud 4.0 p. m. The 6^o train connects at Fitchburg with trains for the Vermont and Massachusetts,Cheshire and Rutlauu aud Burlington Railroads;at Ayei Junc tion with craiua of cue Fitchburg, Pettrboro and Shirley, Stouy Brook, aud Lowell and Lawren :e Railroads; aud at Nashua with trains of the Wilton, Concord, Manchester aud Lawrence, Northern, Boston, Coucord and Montreal, Ver mont Central. Passumpsic aud Ogdensburg Rail roads. Tne 7:30 a.m.(Express to Nashua) train con nects at Clinton with train for Leominster, Fitch burg, Winchendon, Keene, Bellows Falls aud all poiuts uorth via Fitchburg; and at Nashua wad expi ess train for Manchester and Concord, con necting there with express aud accommodation crams cor White River Junction, Burlington, st. Albaus, Montreal, and all northern points via Northern Railroad, also with trains over the B.C. &M. R.R. foi Plymouth, itclecon, aud all points in the White Mountains »nd beyond. This is also a through traiu for Rochester, Portland, Bangor aud way stations,aud connects at Rochester with Boston and Maine R. R. for Alton Bay, aud with Extern R. R. for Wolfboro and North Conway. Direct connection at Westbrook Junctiou for Bangor and intermediate points. At Grand Trunk Junction, Portland,with Grand Trunk Railway fur Gorham, and way stations. At Portland with steamers fur poiuts along the eastern coast, aud with ocean steamship lints tor Si. John aud Halifax, auuforeign steamship lines tor Liverpool aud foreign ports. she it :15 a. m. tram connects at Fitchburg with Cheshire Railroad trains; at Ayer Junc tion with Fitchburg,Stony Brook,and Lowell and Lawrence trains; and at Nashua with Wikou, Coucord, Manchester and Lawrence, Northern and Boston, Concord and Montreal (to Plymouth) trains, aud with freight and passenger train tor Kochest* r and way stations. The 5:00 p m. train connects at Fitchburg with the Cheshire, Vermont and Massachusetts, aud Ceutral Vermont night express trains, via White River Junction; at Ayer Junctiou with Fitchburg, Peterboru and Shirley aud Stony Brook trains; and at Nashua with Concord. Manchester aud Lawrence, Northern, Vermont Central night express, Ogdensburg, and Mon treal aud Cnaiupiain trains. For BOSTON via AYER JUNCTION, cars leave Worcester at 6:30 aud 11:15 a.m. aud 5:00 p. m., returning leave Boston at 6:16 and 11:15 a. m., and 4:30 p. m. Cars ruu through. Baggage checked through without change. C. 8. TURNER.Supt. December 14, 1877. . PROVIDENCE AND WORCESTER RiILROAD.-Ar —— ” — raugementof trains.commenc- ing Monday, November 5 1877. Passenger trains will leave Worcester for Prov idence at 7:30, 10:45 a. m. (express from Woon socket) 4:00 and 030 p. m. Providence for Worcester 7120 and 11:30a.m. 2:lsiExpress, stopping only at V uousockutaud Uxbridge), and 4:oa u. m. The 7:20 a. m. mall and 2ilS ». m. exp. tratn trom Providence, and tbe 10:45 a. m. and 4:00 trains from Worcester connect at Union Depot with trains to aud from Clluton, Fitch burg, Rutland,Baratoga.Montreal, Nashua,Low ell, Lawrence, Concord aud the White Moun tains; BpringUeld, Albany, Troy, Magara Falls, aud points North or West. Tbrougb tickets and baggage checked to all important points The Worcester trams, except 10:46 a. m. andß3up. m., connect at Woonsocket Junction wito trains to and from Milford, and at Water ford with trains of the Boston,Hartford and Erie Railroad. SPECIAL TRAINS. Leave Providence tor Waterford at ’.45 a m.con necting immediately with trains for boutbbrldge, Putnam and Norwich; leave Providence tor Ux bridge at 7p. m.; Uxbridge for Providence at 7:30 am. Woonsocket for Providence 130 p, m. Trains leave Ashland at 7:00,8:10 a. m.,audz:4A p. m. Milford at 7130 awl 11.10 a. in., and 4:30 p. m. for Woonsocket, Providence aud Worcester, Leave Woonsoc et for Milford and Ashland at 8:50a.m.,1230 ands:2op.m. W. D. HILTON,Bupt. NEW YORK AND NEW ENGLAND RAILROAD. NORWICH AND WORCESTER DIVISION For New Haven, New York, Phil adelphia aud Washington, FROM UNION STATION. Trains leave Worce-ter at 10 a. m. and 8.05 p. m. Putnam at 11.10 a. m. and f. 15 p. m, Arrive In New York at 4.22 p.m. and 5.23 a. m. Arrive in Ptilla elpeiaat 8.40 p m. and 7.06 a.m. The 10.00 a. m. train from Worcester connects at Putnam witn PULLMAN PARLOR and SLEEP ING CARS for Philadelphia,Washington, Lynch burg and Danville, Va., WITHOUT CHANGE. Direct connections < here fur Savannah aud Jack sonville, Fla. Trains leave Grand Central Depot, New York, at laud 11.35 p m.; Philadelphia at Ba. m. anil 7 u. m. Arrive In Worcester at 7.40 p. m. and 730 a. tn, EjpTlckets on sale at tbe Ticket Office, Union Station; also, at Rawson’s Ticket Agency, 801 Main st., Worcester. P. ST. M. ANDREWS, Norwich, July 2, 1877. |olß Supt, TRAVELERS'. DIRECTORY. BOSTON,BAKKE & GAKDSER AND MONADNOCK KAILKOaDI, TDK NEW AND MOST DIRECT LINK TO THE NORTH AND WEST. Passenger, by this Line leave UNION STATION at 7^o a.m., 2:15p.m. t and 6:20 p.m. The 7:5Q a. m. train makes close connections at Gardner with the Hoosac Tunnel Line for Athol, Miller’s Fails, Brattleloroui’h, Greenfield, Shel burn Falls, North Adams, Troy, Saratoga, Alba ny, Buffalo, Rochester, St. Louis, Chicago, and all points We«t; at Winchendon with the Cneehire <ud Central Vermont Line for Keene, Be lows Fails, Rutland, Saratoga, Burlington, Essex .Junction, Windsor, Ciaremount. White River Juuctiou, Wells River, St Johnsbury, Newport, Montpelier, St. Albans, St. Johnn, Ogdensburg. Montre l, and the White Mountains. The 2:15p.m. and 6:20 p. m. trains connect at Gardner for all points on the Vermont and Mas sachusetts division of the Fitchburg Railroad, and also to all points West via Hoosac Tunnel Line; at Wincheudon for all poi« ts on (het-hire and Rutland & Burlington Railroads: also for Windsor, Claremont, White River Junction, Montpelier, St. Albans. St Johns and Montreal. The 7:50 a.m. and the 6:20 p. m. trains run through to Peterborough, N. H. Passengers by taking the 6:20 p. m. train via the Boston, Barre A Gardner Railroad reach all points on the Cheshire & Central Vermont Rail road, including Montreal, at the same time as passengers having two hours earlier by other, thereby avoiding delays and saving 28 miles travel. Ask for tickets and be sure they read via Bos ton, Barre & Gardner Railroad. H. M. WITTER, Supt. NORWICH ANDWOR- DIVISION. N. Y. AND N . E , B. lßn> WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Trains going south leave Worcester at 6:45 a. m. Way passenger train. Connects at Webster with traiu from Southbridge and for Boston; a Plainfield with trains to and from Hartford and Providence, at Norwich with train for New London from West Bide station. 10:00 a.m. Way passenger train. Connects at Worcester with trains from Boston, Nash ua, Fitchburg, Lowell, Western and Frovidenc*- trans; at Putnam with train from Boston and for Willimantic, and with Express for Philadelphia and Baltimore v ithout change of cars. Also, for New York express by “Air Line” for Middletow., New Haven aud New York (Grand Central Deput.) Ac Norwichfor New Lon a on. 5:00 p.m. Way Passenger Train. C< nuects at Worcester with trains from Nashua, Fitchburg, Lowell, Boston, the West, and Providence; at Webster for Southbridge; at Putnam with trains from Boston, ana for Willimantic; at Plainfield Junction with trains from Providence. Passengers from way stations except Webster, Putnam and nanielsouvide, for New York by steamer from New London will take this train to Norwich. Boston steamboat express leaves Boston at 6:00; Putnam at 8:30; Norwich at 9:30 p. m. 8:05 p. m. Steamboat Express train for New York Connects at Worcester with trains from Boston, Concord, Manchester, Low ell, Lawrence, Nashua, Fitchbuig, Roch ester, and Portland; at Putnam with Philadelphia and Washington night ex press. Trains going North leave Norwich at 4:40 a.m. (daily except Monday) Steamboat Express for Boston, Blackstone, Frank lin, Walpole, Worcester, basbua, Lowell, Concord, ^ anhester, Fitchburg, Roches ter, aud Portland. This train leaves New Loudon ac 4.00 a. m. 6.00 a. m. Way Passenger Train, connecting at Plainfield Junction for Providence; at Putnam for Buston, arriving at 10.15 a. in., and from Willimantic; at Worcester for Boston, Springfield ana waj sta tions, Albany, Proviaence, Nashua, etc. 11:45 a. m. Way Passenger Train. Connects at Plainfield for Providence, arriving at Worcester in season for trains to Boston, Providence, Springfield, Albany, Nashua, etc. 4:45 p. m. Way Passenger Train. Connects at Putnam for Providence, and with Phila delphia day express, reaching Boston at 8:30 p.m.; at Worcester with train for Boston. WEBSTER SPECIAL. Leaves Webster fur Worcester at 6:00 a. m. Leaves Worcester i or Webster at 6:3.0 p. m, P. St. M. ANDREWS, Bup‘t. Sept. 17,1877. POK TLAND& WORCESTER UNE. CARS RUN THROUGH EACH WAY DAIEY. No Transfer of Passengers or Baggage. Leave Worcester for Nashua, Rochetter, Port land and Bangor, 7:30 a. m., (Express). Leave Portland for Worcer-ter, New York and the West. 7:30 a. m., anu 2^Ju p, m , (Express.) Tme ul tbe 7:3U a. m. Expies fiom urcester to Portland is oniy 5 hours <«mi 30 minutes. Direct connection at Westbrook Junction tor Bangor anu inter mediate poiuts. At Grand Trunk Junction, Portland, with Grand Trunk Railway t r Goi bam, anu way sta tions. At Portland with Steamers fur poiuts a ong the eastern coast, and w th Ocean Steam ship hues for Bi. John aud Halifax, and Foreign Steamship lines for Liveipo«>) aud foreign pons. Through Tickets and baggage Checked through, Freight Trains each way Baily. For further ii.fonua iun inquire of C. A. WAITE, Geu, Ticket agent, or J.M. WILLIAMS, Gen’lFreight Ag’i W.&N.R.R. 018 utf C, >. TURNER, Sup’t, pKAMINGHAM AND LU WELD A AND Mausfield and Fruiuiughain llail roads.. Direct louto from Won ester via Boston and Albany Raiiroau am. South Framingham io Low ell, Lawrence. Tauutuii,New Bedford, Fall River, Uak Bluffs and Maltha’s Vineyard. Full ariange mems lor 1877: For Lo *en passengers can leave Worcester at 7:00 a. m., and 5:00 p. m. Fur Lawrence, leave Wo t ester at 7:00 a. m. For Taunton, leave Worcester at 9x>o a. in., and 6:15p. m. F» r Fail River, leave Worcester at 9 30 a. m. Fur New Bedlord,leave Worcester ai 9;U) a. m. For Oak Bluff*-, leave Woi cester at 9:30 a. m. Cluse aud sure connections made st South Framingham with Hams to and frum Boston aud Au any Railroad. Ask for tickets via South Fiamingham. S. A. Wr BBER, Suptnniendent. fl F. A L. anu M. F. Kail load. FOR NEW YORK, FAST FREIGHT VIA PROVIDENCE. “NEPTUNE LINE.” The attention ot shippers of freight to NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE, And all points SOUTH AND WEST, is hereby called to the superior facilities for speedy trans portation afforded by the PROVIDENCE AND WORCESTER R. R. AND PROVIDENCE AND N. Y. STEAMSHIP CO. through their EXPRESS FREIGHT arrangement, by which merchandise leaving Worcester by daily express trainsover Providence and Woi cester Railroad, is delivered in New York earl) the next morning. Shippers are advised tha't freighting facilities by ibis line aie positively unexcelled. Great care exerciaeu in th i handling. Rates as low as by any other route. All goods lor points south of New York should be consigned io “care oi ISAAC ODELL, Agent, Pier 27, North River, New York.” For further particulars apply to F. M. BURROUGH, Gen’l Agent, N 0.22 South W’ater St., P.0.80x, Providence, R.I. 018,tf A. E. QUACKENBUBB, Providence Depot, Worceatsr. ^FECIAL THJKETb TO NEW YORK, BY NORWICH LINK $3.00. oil ts __ ATTENTION, Dealers and Farmers! Having been appointed selling agent, for on. of the largest pla-t-r mills in New England, we are prepared to furnish Land l?laster of tbo best Duality, delivered at any point on cars or by single ton at the lowest market rates; also, AIK-SLACKED LIME, by car load or single ba>rel,for fertilizing purposes; also, agent. lor the Homestead celebrated brand of Super-Pnoa phate of Lime. Lime and cement at wholesale and retail. wive ue a call before pu' chasing elsewhere. Cerreapondenoe aollolred. SMITH & GUBEN. 34 Shrewsbury etreet, U’h«,d3m Worcester, Mass.