Newspaper Page Text
NEW ENGLAND GLEANINGS. The State. Fall River will grant liquor licenses Ibis year at Increased prices. Lynn lias just disposed of $200,000 worth of 5 per cent twenty-seven year water bonds at 102 J. Boston granted 2445 liquor licenses last year and received therefor a revenue of $181,164. James Cunningham, a peddler, has been held in SIO,OOO at Boston, for an outrage on Nellie Riley, a 10-year-old girl. Rev. Dr. Bosworth, pastor of the First v 'st Society at Haverhill, suggests a re in of SSOO in his annual salary. grand division of the Massachusetts Temperance has elected Charles E. of Malden grand worthy patriarch, elghty-four divisions in the state, -log of a lady in Fall River died y, and she bad a nice black wal u made for it, the remains placed „iii and sent to New Bedford to be lu erred in the family burying ground, where some of her children are laid. A few evenings since, a father and daugh ter al Wellesley, Mass., were having a pleas ant chat, mutually recalling incidents of the latter’s childhood. “I shall never forget,” said the young lady, “how you took me out of church one Sabbath, when 1 was about 3 years old, and punished me for playing in meeting. I can remember the tingling of that peach-tree switch to this day.” “Very strange, very strange,” said Ine father; “I don’t recollect the circumstance at all.” “Ah, well, papa, you were at the other end of the switch.” The will of the late John E. Lyon of Bos ton, president of the Boston, Concord and Montreal railroad, who was recently burned to death at Plymouth, N. H , gives specific legacies to the amount $1)0,000, and provides for the distribution of the rest of the estate, supposed to amount to several hundred thousand dollars, among those persons to whom the statutes of Massachusetts would give it if the testator bad died intestate. Mr. Lyon is not known to have any living rela tives, but many of them will doubtless turn up now that the will is made public. A question which has been frequently pro pounded by people who were depositors in savings banks that have been either tempo rarily or permanently enjoined, and wbo were at the same time owners of real estate upon which the bank held a mortgage, was whether they could not iu some way offset the one against the other, in order to relieve their connection with the bank. A case of this nature has receutly been tested in the Courts at Boston, and Judge Ames decided that this could not be done, for the reason that tbe amount due the depositor cannot be determined accurately and with justice to the other depositors, until the assets have all been converted. The recent death of J. H. Proal of Holy oke was a very remarkable event. He bad been ill for over a year with chronic liver disease, and it was decided to take him to tbe Massachusetts General Hospital at Bos ton for treatment. Dr. A. F. Reed was about to go to Boston and consented to ac company him, though Proal was not his pa tient. They left Holyoke last Saturday morning. By the time they reached Spring field Mr. Proal was quite exhausted and just able to walk aboard the train. Dr. Reed sat with bis arm about him to sustain him. Just after the train went out es Worcester, Mr. Proal expired without any manifestation whatever, so that none of tbe passengers about suspected but that he was asleep. Dr. Reed sat quietly wtih the dead man’s head on his shoulder and supporting him upright in his seat, till they reached Boston, when the remains were removed to a car riage. Mr. Proal was intered near Boston, where he formerly lived. He was a member of the Holyoke Lodge of Odd Fellows and of the Liberal Christian Church.—Spring field Union. Elsewhere. A woman wbo was stopped by a tramp at Woodville, N. H., and insulted with abusive language, drew a revolver and shot at him twice but without effect. T ' ivid Dudley Field of New York has ibased tbe Skinner place of several acres, Haddam, Ct, near tbe old church, and .ends to make a public park of it, which : will give to the town. Forty five tons of maple sugar have been shipped from Brattleboro, Vt., this season by expiess, besides a large amount by freight. The price has advanced from 7 and 10 cents a pound to 10 aud 12. H. W. Love of Rutland, Vt., a Boston Globe correspondent, has sued P. 8. Ryan fur S3OOO for tbe beating which the latter gave him last .Summer fur connecting bis sister’s name with a scandal. A youth named Grove Knickerbocker snapped a rille which be supposed to be un loaded al a comrade named Frank Lynebam at Canaan, Ct., recently, and shot him in tbe breast. It is feared tbe wound is fatal. Miss Elisabeth Sisson, who left New Lon don, Cl., five years ago to devote her life and abilities to missionary work in India, has been obliged to abandon her task in conse quence of ill health, and is on her way home. Diphtheria is still continuing its frightful ravages at Ferrisburgb, Vt. Edward Gara gee lost a five-years-old girl of tbe disease on Monday, aud an eighieeu-moutbs boy on Tuesday, and still has six children sick, three es them very dangerously. Tbe names of twenty persons engaged in the riotous proceedings at Newport, R. 1., Wednesday evening, are now in possession of tbe police, aud they will be prosecuted. They are, principally, sons of highly respec table citizens. It was in no sense a po litical affair, those participating being mere lads. On the back of a ballot cast at the late New Hampshire election was found penciled iu delicate ebirography, “Every man has bis price, aud, believing in universal suffrage, the man who casts this vote has been bought by me, aud in reality a lady votes this year in Rochester.” A lady’s name was signed, but the censors could uot help themselves. Three hundred policy-holders of the Char ter Oak met at Haitford on Thursday, aud reorganized tbe company. They adopted by laws relative to tbe meetings of policy holders and directors, and accepted the new charter by a nearly unanimous vote. The vote, as represented by the amounts of tbe policies, stood $3,9>1,629 in favor of the char ter, and $42,100 against it, tbe ballots upon which the accounts were not slated were 7354 iu the affirmative, and 8 in the nega tive. Human Hair! For tbe next Thirty Days, I will sell HUMAN HAIHI nt the following prices: Puffs, each, - - • • 08c 2 1-2 oz Switches, * • 25c Stem Curls, • 25c Combings, straightened, per ounce, * 15c Everything c’ne in stock at corresponding prices. A. MEDINA, Opposite the Bay State House n>h26,lm FREDERICK G. STILES, 46 Foster, corner Cypress st. Carriage, Sign and Ornamental Painter. r ’nge R»pilrlng In all Its Branches, Revar ng, Eto Ironwork by Henry M. Corbett. 'ng by Albion Carpenter. Prices to suit usa Ordy{S ylLltinj. ^lij^-owlm .)O Yop WISH TO BUY A OOOD —• H »USE, <,r a nice cottage. Call at 410 Main Street, Room «,. a13,8w A. J. EATON. CLOTHiNO AND WOOLENS. FINE CLOTHING We call particular attention to our Display of FINE SUITS that we are selling for sls, $lB, S2O, $22 and $25, equal to any made to order for $25, S3O, $33, $35 and S3B. An examination of these Suits will convince any one of this fact. We offer a Une of fine SPRING OVERCOATS ! superior to any ever before offered in this city. Pricesfrom sstos2O AL6O Boy’s Fine Clothing! Artistic in Cut and Finish, E’egant and Beautiful in Style, at no greater cost than inferior goods. People who have clothing to buy will consult their interest by examing our goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. It is our pleasure to show our stock whether our customers purchase or uot. We have but ONE PRICE and guarantee this to be THE LOWEST. (jy Money refunded if goods purchased are not satisfactory. D. H. Eames & Co., One Price and C. 0.1). Clothiers. 116,dw BANKS AND BANKERS. $90,000 City of Worcester FIVE PER CENT. BONDS, DUE 1905, In Sum* of SSOO, SIOOO and SSOOO. Interest will be remitted for by checks on Bos ton or Worcester by mail, as on Government Bonds, FOR SALE BY RICE & WHITING, 400 Main St., Worcester. ap2,2w CALIFORNIA MINING STOCKS Bought and Sold IN SAN FRANCISCO. Telegraphic Transfers wade, Dividends Cashed and all information given by CHAS B.WHITING 4 CO. 415 Main Street. mh29 r 3m WORCESTER COUNTY INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS, No. 13 Foster Street, Worcester CHARTERED FEBRUARY, 1.828. Business Hours, 9to 1,2 to 4; except Saturdays, 9tol. ALEX. H. BULLOCK, Piee’t. C. A. HAMILTON, Treasurer. )22tt PEOPLE’S SAVINGS BANK, No. 452 Main St., opposite City Hall Deposits put on interest on the first days of February, May, August and November. Dividend payable February 15th, at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum. Bank hours—9:oo to 1.-00, 2:00 to 4:00. Satur days, 9:00 to 1:00,6.-00 to 8:00. WILLIAM CROSS, President. ja2*-tf C. M.jBENT. Treasurer. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. GEO. R. SPURR, DEALER IN Drugs, Medicine’, Chemicals, Per fumery, Soaps, Brushes, PATENT MEDICINES, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. 337 MAIN ST., WORCESTER, MASS. E^yPhysicians’ Prescriptions carefully com pounded at all hours. olHtf PURE DRUGS ” AND MEDICINES BUY THEM AT BREWSTER'S AND SAVE MONEY. No. 236 FRONT STREET. f6,tf Mnnsonlan Stenographic Office, 28 School St., Boston, Branch Office, 2 Postoflice Block WORCESTER, MASS. Established for the purpose of supplying orders for ALL KINDS OF SHORTHAND WORK iu or out of the city. Orders by mail or telegraph promptly attended to. Address G. H. Pratt, stenographer, 28 School st., Boston, or I. D. GOULDING, No. 2 Postoffl re Block, Worcester 1878 SPRING 1878 Hats, Caps, AND FURNISHING GOODS THOMAS H. HALL, WHITCOMB’S NEW BUILDING, NO. S» FRONT STREET, Respectfully invites the attention of the public to his Immense stock of desirable goods iu tbe Une of Hats, Caps, Gent’s Furnishings, Etc., all of which are fresb and of the latest style to be f ound in tbe market. Included in his stock may be found a complete assortment of Trunksand Bags which are selling at bottom prices. THOMAS H. HALL, Whitcomb Building, 82 Front St.,Worcester,Mass, aplttt I? VERY HORSE THAT HAS~A JCj cough should have a box of Howard's Condition Powders. They never tall to help a cough and Improve tbe general health. Try them. For sale wholesale or retail at No. wd Front street and at No, I Prov. idence street. Also, also at Hastings BarmJsr ■tore on Exchange Street, Wot oester. oßeodtt WORCESTER DAILY PRESS: SATURDAY, APRIL 20. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Ham, Ham, Ham! Good Sugar Cured Ham 8c per lb. Extra Sugar Ham, 9c. Smoked Shoulders, Tc Sheldon’s Cash Market, J Trumbull St. ap!7, 4t» 61 to 65 Hauover Street. WHERE I TRADE! Putter selling at 18 to 25c per lb F»esh Farm Eggs 15c per <'oz Beef Ste^k, round >2c per ib Fr»Hh Puik and Sausages 09c per lb Best Hams, only 10c per lb Dried Apples, nice 10c per lb Best Corned 8ecf....•••• 08? per lb Pea Beans on'y 08c per lb Grin Apples 65: per pk. Maple Sugar 10 to 12c per lb Together with other Meats, Groceries, and Pro duce, such as Veal, Lamb, Tripe, Flour, Sug ar. Mola-ses, Tea, Coffee, Squashes, Pota toes, Sweet Potatoes, Granges, Lemons, Etc. GL 14.DUTTON. SHELDONS CASH MARKET, Nr. 5 TRUMBULL STREET. Compare these prices with any others. Beet Steak, Round 13 cts. “ “ Rump 18 “ “ “ Loin 18 “ « « porter House 20 • « “ Chuck 12 10 lbs for sl. “ Roasts, from 10 to 20 “ “ Corned 5 to 10 “ “ Stews 3 to 8 “ Pork Roasts, from 8 to 9 “ “ Steak 10 ‘ u Sausages 10 “ 11 lbs. for sl. “ Salt 10 “ 10 lbs, for sl. “ Ham, extra sugar cured, sliced 20 “ “ Ham, whole 9to 10 “ Lors of five or more,9«j. Mutton, hindquarter, 12^ to 15 “ “ fore “ Bto 10 “ “ 1eg5........ 18 “ “ chops 15 ro 20 “ Poultry and Game at lowest market prices. All goods delivered free of charge. Mv order team will call upon those who find it inconvenient to come personally, if they will no tify me. fl 4 New Cash Grocery Store JOHN 8. BALLARD & CO., having removed from 375 to 319 Main street, Mechanics Hall Building, will continue the sale of Wines, Teas and Fine Groceries, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Plants, Flowers and Vegetables, Fi-om their Green Houses;] FRESH BUTTER AND CREAM, from their own Dairy; SALT PORK AND HAMS, from Hogs raised on their Farm. Having moved to reduce our expense’ and nn able to compete with ‘ Musical Margin-,” we feel prepared to warrant saii faction as toprice aud quality in our new quarters. JOHN S. BALLARD & GO., 319 Main Street. apl,6t Flour, Flour, Flour. UNPRECEDENTED REDUCTION in the price thereof at E. P. KING S, 573 Main and 5 Southbridge St., SCOTT’S BLOCK. Two more ca- loads of that celebrated PORTER & MOWBRAY'S HAXALL FLOUR ! Just Received to be distributed to consumers at $8.50 per Barrel, and every barrel warranted to be as good as any Flour sold in tbe United states, irrespective of the price asked therefor. A Dollar Saved is Two Earned ! Remember that baking samples are given away wber»-ver desired, and that the price will be re funded in full for every barrel not found satis factory. E. P. KING, 573 Main and 5 Southbridge St., SCOTT'S BLOCK, WORCESTER, MASS. ap2tf Fashionable Furniture. I beg to uunoiiuce to my friends aud tbe public generally, that I have made arrangements for the Spring Seasou on a scale unsur passed at any previous time since being In the trade. In my Stock may bo found Parlor, Chamber, Li brary and Dining Room FURNITURE, in the Eastlake and Queen Anne Styles. Al so, a splendid line of Black Walnut, Ash and Common Chamber Sets. Parlor Suites in Plush, Raw Silk,Terries and Hair Cloth. Odd Pieces in any style of frame and cov erings made to order. Side boards, Book Cases, Pier and Mantle Glasses, Marble and Wood Top Library Ta bles, Lounges of all kinds. Hair an 1 Common Mattresses, Feathers. I have a large and ele gant line of Furniture Coverings in Plush, Raw Silk, Terries and Salines, also a Fine line of Rich and Common Cretonnes. Draperies of all kinds made and put up; also, Holland Shades of all colors. AH kinds of Common Furniture. REPAIRING iu all its branches at tbe 1 .west prices. Parties m want of First-class Furniture will do well to examine my stock before buying. Mr. G. W. GIBBS, formerly with J. D. Chollar & Co., may be found at my store, where he will be pleased to sec bls friends. J. B. LAWRENCE, 355 Main Street. rplCtf For Sale--Accounts. Tie American Mercantile Union, Office 476 Main Bt.> offer tbe following claims, or accounts for sale Henry Giaz'er, Auctioneer for coal $23 28 Charles E. Shumway, Boot Cutter tor groceries 14 81 B. F Linnell tor groceries 38 M Charles A. Hoppin, Clerk, ...JprjtRKUJeS. 448 mh29,tf CIOTHINC AND FURNISHING. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT. Louis Friendly & Co., The People’s Lore Priced CLOTHIERS, HATTERS and FURNISHERS, Have This Day placed on their Counters one of the Largest and Most Complete Stocks of Men’s, Youth's, Boys’ and Children’s READY MADE CLOTHING, Hats, and Furnishing Goods ever boughtfor CASH at any one time by ANY Cloth ing House in this City, whichithey will offer at! the Lowest Prices Imaginable. We will enumerate a few solid facts for theibenefit of our patrons: We have justclosed one of the most successful sea sons ever known in the Clothing trade in 2 the City of Worcester. WHY? BECAUSE we have sold goods LOWER than any other house in 'the city. BECAUSE we always keep a nice selected stock, and have no old stock. BECAUSE we continually offer our patrons new and desirable goods at prices generally asked for old stock. BECAUSE our method of business enables us to to sell goods low on account of our Cash System and Cash Purchases. We sold goods low Last Year, but we intend to sell STILL LOWER this year and increase ou r sales. Our cry will be Good Garments at Low Prices. Come and look our Stock over. Everything new and fresh this season. Our HAT DEPARTMENT is full in ah the leading Styles. Our FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT com plete to suit all classes. NECK WEAR A SPECIALTY. Remember, Cash Buys Goods Cheap. Louis Friendly & Co., 417 MAIN STREET. WOOD AND COAL. WOOD! WOOD ’ The Wellington Coal Company are now prepared *o furnish both HARI) AND SUF C WOOD, m quantities to suit; Wood by the C^rd, Foot r Basket. 10 Bankets Soft Wood Kindlings for $1 7 “ Hard “ ° “ $1 Ord* rs may be left at General Office. No. 1 P.O. BLOCK, or at V «r<is, on MANCHESTER SC. and SOUTHBRIDGE ST., cor. Hammond, and will receive prompt attention. Worcester, April 2,1878. apstf FRED. W. WELLINGTON, DEALER IX ALL KINDS OF COAL. OFFICES: 415 Main St., and at YARD, on f 4 Hammond Street. ly JOHN D. WARREN, Dealer in all kinds of COAL. Office. 416 Main St. Yard, Southbridge St. <lls ts "C. W. CLAFLIN & CO., COAL. Office. No. 22 Pearl St. Worcester, Maan. Yard, corner Union and Central an. dlt,tf THE WELLINGTON COAL COMP’Y Are prepared to furnish by the cargo or at retail, all kinds of COAL! SOLE AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED WEBSTER BITUMINOUS COAL. Office P. 0. Building, Pearl St. YARDS—Manchester street, and corner South bridge and Hammond sts. 019,tf yy H . JOURDAN Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ANTHBACITE AND BITUMINOUS COAL! OFFICE; I YARD: 9 Lincoln Block, , Green Street WORCESTER, MASS. 018 tl E, A. SUMNER, COAL, WOOD AND HAY. 394 Main SI. and 131 Union SI. 018 J. FRED. MASON, Successor to ELLIS THAYER, manutacturrr of All Kinds of Brushes 553 Main St. cor. Allen Court, Franklin Square, Worcester, Mass. Particular a'teutlon paid to the manufacture of Bruenes for Cotton a”d Woolen Machinery. Prompt atteui lon given to resetting Cloth Flu bbing Brushes, Shear Brushes, Teazle Gig, Pick er, Wool Comb and all Brushes iu general use. Loom Dusters constantly on hand. On account of continued 111 health, I have su’d out my stock and good will lu business to my former uar'mr J.Fr> d. Mason,who will continue the business at th. same * ,w ^U^tH I AYEI< ,r ' Worcester, Marob 14,1878. mhaht U>WAp«nu. ACCre*. A. Co VITM »Oo.,Chks<u PRINTING, STATIONERY, ETC. "job printing? Every species of J}ook aud Job Printing, execut ed at short notice and at reasonable prices, by Tyler & Seagrave, SPY JOB OFFICE, 442 Main Street. ai>6tf , BLANK BOOKS AND PRINTING FOR 1878. SANFORD & COMPANY, 364 Main Street, Directly Opposite Foster Street. Having the most complete establishment in the city, invite all in want of BLANK BOOKS, COMMERCIAL, OB OTHER PRINTING, bo give us a call. We do all our own RULING, PRINTING and BINDING, and can give es timates on large or small jobs and will guarantee our prices to be as low as the lowest (quality considered.; BANK, RAILROAD, AND INSURANCE WORK A SPECIALTY. i^^biinples on hand to show of all kinds of work. SANFOBD & COMPANY, 3G4 Main Street, OPPOSITE FOSTER STREET. ’-.ACVV* . HONEYSUCKLE GIN, THIS PUREST AND BEST LIQUOR IN CUE MAKEBT, FOUND ONLY AT GEORGE F. HEWETT’S, Corner Foster id Waldo Sts. aheWBMV and Moi®hmo habu absolutely nna l^AUJtoa. IN WMluugtvuSP.CliUairi. Ilk TRAVELERS’ DIRECTORY. BOSTON AND ALBANY railroad. BOSTON AND WORCESTER DIVISION. Time Table commencing October 29, 1877. PASSENGEd TRAINS leave Worcester: For Boston from Union Passenger Station, Ex press. 4.50,735, 9.30 a. m., 3.00, 5.00, 8.10 ami 9 20 p.m. Accommodation trains at 7 and 10 a.m., 1.10, 4.00, and 8.15 p. m. Fur Millbury, 7 a. m. and 4 p. m. For Gratton, Westboro, Soutbville, Cordaville, and Ashland, at 7 and 10 a. m., 1.10,4.00, and 6.15 p. m. Fur South Framingham, 4.50 . 7.35,9.30 and 10 a. m., 1.10, 3.00,4.00, 5.00,6.15, 8.10 aud 9.20 p. m. For Milford at 7 and 9.30 a. m.,1.10,ana 4.(M>p.m. For Natick at 1, 9.30 and 10 a. m., and 4.0 v aud 6.15 p. m. For Wellesley, 7.00 and 10.00 a. m., 4.00, 6.15 6. m.; Grantville. West Newton, Newton, and ri uh ton at 7 ana 10 a. m., 4.00 ano 6.15 p.m. Passengers for the same stations, Natick and Wellesley, can also take the 1.10 p. m. train to So. Framingham, and there change to the So. Framingham train, which leaves So. Framing ham titteen minutes afterwards. The 4.50 a. m. train runs every day; 7.35 a. m. express will run every day iu the week, and Sundays will scop at Natick, Wellesley and Grant ville. Sunday Mail leaves Union Passenger Station at 4.50 a. m. (Monday) for Boston. TRAINS LEAVE BOSTON as follows: For Worcestei at 5,7, 8.30, exp., and 11 exp. 11.05 a. m., 1 30, 3 exp., 4.30 exp. to Framing ham, 5.30 exp., 6 exp., 9.00 oxp. p. m. For New York, via Springfield, 8.30 exp., 11.00 exp. a. m., 3 exp., and 9 p. m. Grafton, 5, 7,11.05 a. m., 1.30, 4.30 p. m. Westboro, 5,7, 11.05 a. m., 1.30, 4.b0, 5.30 exp p. m. Southville, 5,7,11.05 a. m., 1.30,4.30, p. in. Cordaville, 5,7,11.05 a. m., 1.30,4.30 p. m. Ashland, 5, 7,11.05 a. m., 1.30,4.30,5.30 exp.p. m. South Framingham, 5, 7,8.30 cxp.andll.Usa.m., 1.30,2.15 0xp.,3 exp.,4.00, 4.30 exp., 5, 5.30 oxp., 6 exp., 6.30.9 exp., 11.10 p. m. Natick. 7,9.30,11.05 a. m.» 1.30, 2.15, 4,5, 5.30, 6.05, 6.30 and 11.10 p. m. Millbury, 7.00 a. m. and 4.30 p. m. Baxouvilio,9.3o a. m. 6.05 p. m. Milford, 7, 8.30 exp. a. m., 2.15 exp., 4.30 exp. p. m. 6.00 p. m. Albany express runs every day In the week, and Sundays stops at Grantville, Wellesley and Natick. Sunday mail train leaves Boston at 9.00 p.m., stopping at South Framingham, Worcester, West Breoklield, Palmer and Springfield, arrives in New York at 5.23 a. m. All other outward trains run daily except Sun day. C. O. RUSSELL, Sup’t Springfield, W. H. BARNES, Asst. Sup’t, Boston. WORCESTER AND SPRINGFIELD DIVISION Leave Worcester for Albany and Way Stations (accommodation), 6.45 a. m. For Springfield and Way Stations, 6.45, 9 a. m., and 4.45 p. m. For New York, exp., 12.13 and 10.35 p. m Sunday Mail leaves at 10.35 p. m. For Albany, exp., 7.30 u. m. For Albany aud New York (exp.) 9.55 a. m. and 4.27 p. m. Le«*ve Springfield for Worcester at 2.45, 5.45 7.15, 11.05 a. m., 1.10 exp., 3.22 exp., 6.05 7.37 exp., p. m. The 2.45 aud 5.45 a. m. passenger trains from Spiingfield, aud the 7.3oand 10.35 p. m. passenger trains from Worcester will be run daily. Kallboad Connections.--At Albany, with tbe New Yura Ceutial.Truy aud Greenbush,aud Hud sou River Railroads. At Chatham, with the Har lem. Hudson, and Boston and Harlem Extension Railroads. At State Line, with the Huusatouic Railroad. At Pittsfield, with the Pittsfield aud North Adams aud Huusatouic Railroads. At Westfield, with the New Haven and Northampton Railroad. At Springfield, with the New Vork, New Haveu aud Hartford, aud the Connecticut River Railroads. At Palmer, with the New Luu dou Northern, and Athul and Enfield aud Ware River Railroads. At Worcester with the Provi dence aud Worcester, Worcester aud Nashua, the Boston, Barre aud Gardner au i Norwich aud Worcester Railroads. At Ashland, with Hup kinton Railroad. At South Framingham, with the Bustuu, Clinton and Fitchburg, Milford and South Framingham and Lowell Railroads. C. O. KUBKELL, Kup’t. Springfield. W URU b b I E rv AN 11 NASHUA, PORTLAND AND WORCESTER, CENTRAL VER MONT, PABSUMPSiC, AND BOSTON, COiN CORD AND MON IREAL LINES. Uu aud after Munday, December 17, 1877, pas sengei trains win run as follows: Leave w UUCEsTEK tor ROCHESTER, 7 ^0 11:15 a. m., auu 5:00 p. in. Leave WORCESTER for NASHUA, 6 7 ^0 (Express; 11:15 a. m. Leave WORCESTER for PORTLAND, at 7;30 (Express;. Leave PORTLAND for WORCESTER, at 7:30 a. m. and z :30p.m. Leave ROOHEsTEK for WORCESTER, l0:0U a. in. aud 4.30 p. iu. Leave ROCHESTER for NASHUA, 5:15, 10.00 a. m., auu 4^op. m. Leave NASHUA for WORCESTER, 7:10 a. m., 12:00 in.,6:10 and 6.25 p. m. Leave NASHUA fur BOCHESTEIt,6:3O,9:OB a. in. aud 4.0 p. m. lueouiu train connects at Fitchburg with trains for the Vermont and MassachiisctiS,Cheshire aud Rutland and Builiugtou Railroads; at ayei Junc tion with trains of tue Fitchburg, Peterboro aud Sniney, Stuuy brook, aud Lowell aud Lawren ;e Railroads, aud at Nashua with trains of the Wntou, Cuucord, Manchester aud Lawrence, Nortueru. Boston, Concord aud Montreal, Ver mont Central,Passumpsic aud Ogdensburg Rail roads. The 7:30 a. in.(Express to Nashua) train cou uecu at Clinton with train for Leominster, Fnch burg, Winchendon, Keene, Bellows Falls aud all points north via Fitchburg; aud at Nashua w>tn oxp। ess train fur Manchester and Concord, cou uecting there with express aud accommodation traius tor White River Junction, Burliugtou, st. Albans, Montreal, and all northern points via Northern Railroad, also with trains over the B.C. & M. R.R. for Plymouth, uittletou, aud all points iu the White Mountains and beyond. This is also a through train for Rochester, Portland, Bangor aud way stations,and connects at Rochester with Boaton aud Maine R. K. for Alton Bay, aud with gahtern R. R. for Wolfboro mid North Couway. Direct connection at Westbrouk Junctiou for Bangor and intermediate points. At Grand Trunk Junction, Portland,with Grand Trunk Railway for Gorbam, aud way stations. At Portland with steamers lor points along the eastern coast, and with ocean steamship lines for Bt. John aud Halifax, and foreign steamship lines for Liverpool aud foreign ports. The il :16 a. m. traiu connects at Fitchburg with Cheshire Railroad trains; at Ayer Junc tiou with Fitchburg,Stony Brook,and Lowell aud Lawrence trains; aud at Nashua with Wilton, Concord, Manchester and Lawrence, Northern aud Boston,Concord and Montreal (to Plymouth) trains, aud with freight and passenger tiaiu for Rochester aud way stations. Thu 5:00 p. m. train connects at Fitchburg with the Cheshire, Vermont and Massachusetts, and Central Vermont night express trains, via White River Junction; at Ayer Junction with Fitchburg, Peterboro and Shirley and Stony Brook trains; and at Nashua with Concuru, Manchester and Lawrence, Northern, Vermont Central night express, Ogdensburg, aud Mon treal and Cnampiain trains. For ROSToN via AYER JUNCTION, cars leave Worcester at 630 aud 11:15 a. m. aud 5.*00 p. m., returning leave Boston at 6:15 and 11:15 a. m., anJ 4:30 p. m. Cars r:<D through. Baggage checked through without ch.ange. C. 8. TURNER,Bupt. December 14,1877. PKOVIUENGK A»U . WORCESTER RAILROAD.—Ar- -™ K —rangementof trains, commenc in'- Monday, November 5.1877. raeseuger trains will leave Worcester for Prov idence at 7210. 19:15 a. m. (express from Woouw socket) 1:00 and#:Jo p. tn. Providence for Worcester 7:20 and II :30 a.m. 2:ls<Express, stopping only at V oonsocket aud Uxbridge), aud 4:oo u. m. The 7:20 a. m. mail and 2:15 p. tn. exp. train from Providence, and the 10:46 a. in. and 4:00 p.ui.mail trains from Worcester connect al Union Depot with craius to and from Cllutou, Fitch burg, Rutland,Saratoga.Montreal, Nashua, Low ell, Lawreuce, Concord aud tbe White Moun tains; Springfield, Albany, Troy, Magara Falls, aud points North or West. Througu tickets aud baggage checked to all important points The Worcester trains, except 10:46 a. m. and 6:3" p. m., connect at Woonsocket Junctiou with trains to aud from Milford, aud at Water ford with trains of the Boston,Hartford and Erie Kailroad. SPECIAL TRAINS. Leave Providence for Waterford at ’.45 a.m.cou nectmg immediately with crams forSoutbbridge, Putnam and Norwich; leave Piovld-uce tor Ux bridge at 7p. m.; Uxbridge for Providence at 7:30 am. woensocket for Providence 1:30 p, m. Trains leave Aaulauu ac 7:00,6:10 a. m.,aud 5:45 p.m. Milford at 7JO an 1 11:10 a. m., and 4:30 p. m. tor Woonsocket, Provid-uce and Worcester, Leave Wooueic et for Milford aud Ashland at BJO a. m.. 12:30 and s :20 p. m W. E. ' HAMBERLAIN, Supcrlnte dent. w. M. PURI I EE, Cen. Pars. Agt. MEW YORK AND NEW ENGLAND 11 RAILROAD. NORWICH AND WORCKsTER DIVISION For New Haven, New York, Phil adelphia and Washington, FROM UNION STATION. Trains leave Worce-ter at 10 a. m. and 8.06 p. m. Putnam at 11.10 a. m. and ".15 p. m, Arrive iu New York at 4.22 p.m. ai.d 6.23 a. tn. Arrive In Phlla elpi la at 8.40 p m. and 7.06 a. m. The 10.00 a. m. train from Worcester connects atPutnam wltn PULLMAN PARLOR audSLEEP ING CARS for Philad. luhla.Wa-bmglou, Liuch burg and Danville, Va., WITHOUT CHANGE. Direct cnnect.unß there ter savannah and Jack sonville, Fla. Trains leave Grand Cent-al Depot, New York, at 1 aud 11.36 p m.; Pbi'Alelpbla at Ba. in. and 7 p. m. Arrive In Worcester at 7.40 p. m. and 7JO A. ni. a^Tickets on sale at the Ticket Office, Union Stanou; also, at Rawson’s Ticket Agency, B#l Main st.. Worcester. P. ST. M. ANDREWS, Norwich, July 2,18 TL |olß Snp’t. TRAVELERS* DIRECTORY. - ~:rni>iiwi,i-.».-ii BOSTON,BAKKE & GAKDxER AND MONABN'XiK &AILHOaDB. Tb« NEW AND MOST DIBKCT UNI TO THE NORTH AND WEST. Passengers by this Line leave UNION STATION at 750 a. in., 2:15 p. m., and 620 p. m. The 750 a. m. train makes close connections at Gardner with the Hou sac Tunnel Line for Athol, Miller's ^ails, Brattlel»oroucb, Greenfield, Shel burn Falls, North Adams. Troy, Saratoga, Alba* ny, Buiialiq Rochester, St. Louis, Chicago, and all points West; Ht Winchendon with rhe Cheshire and Central Vermont Lino for Keene, Be lows Falls, Rutland, Saravia, Burlington, EBs**x Junction, Windsor, Claremnunt, White River Junctiou, Wells River, Sc Johusbury, Newport, Montpelier, St. Albans, St. Johns, Ogdensburg. Moutre l,and the White Mountains. The 2:15 p.m. and 620 p. m. trains connect at Gardner for all points ou the Vermont and Mas sachasetis division of the Fitchburg Railroad, and also to all points West via Hoosac Tunnel Line; at Winchendon for all pob ts on ( heshire and Rutland & Burlington Railroads; also for Windsor, Claremont, White River Junction, Montpelier, St. Albans. Sc Johns and Monueal. The 7:50 a.m. and the 6:20 p. m. trains run through io Pour borough, N. H. Passengers by taking the 620 p. m. train via the Boston, Barre & Gardner Railroad reach all points on the Cheshire & Central Vermont Rail road, including Montreal, at the same time as jassengers 1< aving two hours earlier by other, thereby avoiding delays and saving 28 mles travel. Ask for tickets and be sure they read via Bos ton, Barre & Gardner Railroad. H. M. WITTEB, Supt. NOKWICH AND WOR division, n. y. and JW , Nt IB7L WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Trains going south leave Worcester at 6:45 a. m. Way passenger train. Connects at Webster with train from Southbridge and for Boston; a> Plainfield with trains to and from Hartford and Providence, at Norwich with train for New London from West Side Station. 10:00 a. m. Way passenger train. Connects at Worcester with trains from Boston, Nash ua, Fitchburg, Lowell, Western and Providence trau.s; at Putnam with train from Boston and for vv il liman tic, and with Express for Philadelphia and Baltimore without change of cars. Also, for New York express by “Air Line” for Middletow., New Haven aud New York (Graud Central Leput.) Ac Norwich for New Lona on. 5:00 p.m. Way Passenger Train. C nnects at Worcester with trains from Nashua, Fitchburg, Lowell, Boston, the West, aud Providence; at Webster for Southbridge; at Puinam with trains from Boston, auu tor W4iliu>antic; at Plainfield Junction with trains from Providence. Passengers from way t-cations except Webster, Putnam aud a anielsouvtle, for New York by steamer frum New London will take this train to Norwich. Boston steamboat express leaves Boston at 6:00; Putnam at 8:30; Norwich at 950 p. m. 8:05 p. m. Steamboat Express train for New York Connects at Worctstei with tiains ir*>iu Bustuu, Cuucord,Manchester,Low ell, Lawrence, Nashua, Ficchbuig, Roch ester, and Portland; at Putnam with Philadelphia and Washington night ex press. Trains going North leave Norwich at 4:40 a. m. (daily except Monday) Steamboat Express for Bustuu, bUckstune, Frank lin, Walpole, Worcester, Nashua, Lowell, Concoru, * auiiester, Fitchburg, Roches ter, auu Portland. This train leaves New Lonuonat 4.00 a. m. 6.00 a. m. ay rasseuger Train, connecting at Plainfield Junction for Providence; at Putnam for Busion, arriving at 10.15 a. m., ana from Willimantic; at Worcester for* Boston, Stringfield ana waj sta tions, Albany, Providence, Nashua, etc. 11:45 a. m Way Passengei Train. Connects at Plainfield for Providence, arriving at Worcester in season for trains to Boston, Providence, cpringfleld, Albany, Nashua, etc. 4:45 p. m. Way Passenger Train. Connects at Putuam for Proviuenee, and wiib Phila delphia day express, reaching Boston at B:3Up. m.; at Worcester with train for Busum. WEBSTER SPECIAL, Leaves Webster L r Worcester at 6:00 a. m. Leaves Worcester >or Webster at 6:81> p. m. P. St. M. ANDREWS, Sup’t. Sept. 17,1877. POKTLAND&WuKCEmR LINE. CARS KUN THKOtGH EACH WAT DAILY. No Transfer of Pa»seugers or Baggage. Leave Worcester for Nashua. Rochester, Port land aud Bangor, 7:30 a. m , ^Express). Leave Puitlauu fur Worker lei, New York and the West, 7:30 a. iu., auu 2:30 », m , express.) T me of the 7UW a. uj. t-xpies iioiu * urcester to Portland is •/*.*> 6 hum s .uu 30 miuUtts. Dawi connection at Wtstbruuk junction for Bangor auu luieiineulate points. Ai Graud Trunk Juuctiun, Portland, with Grand Trunk Railway i r Goibain,anu way sta tions. At Buruand with Bitameis fur points a oug ihtaeasieru Coast, and w tn Ocean btcam bhip lints fur bl. John auu Halifax, a< a Foreign steamship lints tor Liveipoi l and foieign puns. Through Tickets and bay y aye Checked through. Freight Trains eachtvay Laily. Fur iuiihtr ii tuima ion .nquiit of C. A. WAITE, Gen,Ticket agent, or J.M. WlLLlAMS,GtnTiueight Ag’t W.&N.R.R. 018 utf C.». TURNER, BUp’t. UKAMINGBAM A&D LOWELL X AliD Mauslleld and Framingham Kail roaUs., Direct lout© from Worcester via Boston and Albany Bailioau auu South Framingham io Low ell, Lawrence. TauutuD,New Beufura, Fall River, Oak Bluffs and Maltha’s Vineyard. Fall anauge meuts lor 1817: For Lo* en passengers can leave Worcester at 7:00 a. m„ auu 5:00 p. m. Fur Lawrence, leave Worcester at 7:00 a. m. Fur Taunton, leave Worcester at 930 a. m.,and 6:16p. m. Fur Fad River, leave Worcester at 9 30 a. m. Fur New Beuiord,leave Worcester at 9:30 a. m. For Oak Bluffr, leave Woicesier ar 9:30 a. m. Close aud sure counections made at South Framingham with tiaius to aud from Boston aud Alt any Railroad. Ask fur tickets via South Fiamingham. 8. A. WcBBEK, Superintendent, fl F. & L. auu 51. F. Railroad. FOR NIBW YORK, FAST FREIGHT VIA PKOVIDKNCE. “NEPTUNE LINE.” The attention of shippers of freight to NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, And all points SOUTH AND WEST, Is hereby called to the superior facilities for speedy trans portation affvrueU by the PROVIDENCE AND WORCESTER R. R. AND PROVIDENCE ANDN T. STEAMSHIP CO. through i heir EXPRESS FREIGHT arrangemeut, by which merchandise leaving Wuicestei I y daily expiess tralusovtr Piovideuce aud WuiC Bter Rainu d, is delivered iu New York earb the'ntxt moruing. Bhippeib are auvised that freighting facilities by mis Hue a-r positively Lin icvlitd. Grt at care exercise^ iu th haudlmg. Rates as low as by any other rout**. Al) goods for points south of New York should be consigned iu “care oi ISAAC UDELL, Agent, Pier 27, North River, New York.” For further panic larc at ply to F. M. BURROUGH, Gen’l Agent, N 0.22 South Water St., P.0.80x, Provb ei ct,8.1. 018,tf A. E. QUACKENB 88, Providence Depot, Worcv».ter. gPKCIAL nCKhlb IU NEW YORK, BY NORWICH LIN Is $3.00. r.oin ATTENTION, Dealers and Farmers! Having been appointed selling agcn’s for one of the largest pla t r mills iu New England, we arc prepared to furnish Land Plaster of tbs best cuality, delivered st any point on earn or by sirple ton at the lowest market rates; also, AIK-SLACKED LIME, by car load or Slagle barrel, for fvrttl sing purpost a; also, agents for tbn Honnstead celebrated biand of Super-tLos pbato < f Lime. Lime and esment at wboleeala and retail. Give us a call before pu'tdiaolug eUewbore. Cerreapoudence soUdted. . SMITH & GUIN, M Shrewsbury streat, rrhS/lam Worcester, Mass.