Newspaper Page Text
Full Sea—This Day, ih lm—Thursday, 2h 49m. ~—Friday, Sh 43m. s Jf‘uuufl:lm‘ S mbaates gives the Ume ol hizh water at Newport— lng Shours and & minutes, givesthe thae of high water at Bosion, PORT OF PROVIDENCE. ARRIVED, SATUTRNAY, Auzust 25, Stoam bt Woshungton, Buaker, o New York, 0 hans. b swop Venus, ChLild, 2da trom New York, At e e, Sloop Wik, Griffin, Sagharbour Sloop Sea Slower, Probyey, from ‘Uiunton, Bioop vien. Warras, Prosheoy, Taunton. Bloop Relcmauon, Prait, ron vYewnort, SUNDAY, Ausust 26, New brig Havee, from Baroeyville, ‘o Humphry ¢ Bverott——intended foran European trader. Schr Lucy, Baker, from Bath, Sloop John, Jenangs, from Fairfield, with grain to he muster, Sloop True America. Brooks, Harwich. Stoop Lydin, Marthews, Yarmouth. Stoop Indusiry, Bugbee, frov Taunton. Sloop William, Gibbs, Sandwich Sloop Gen Washington, Godirey, fr "Caunton. Sioop Rasing San, Hathaway, Tauston, Sloup Chanty, Chapel, Tiverton, MONDAY, August 27, Kloop Georpeand Muy, Walden, Nowport. Steam boat Fulton, Buuker, from New York. Rloop Argonant, Borden, from Troy. Sehr Juao, iSldredge, Sundwich. Bloop George Washington, Blankenship, Roches er. TUESDAY, August 28, Sieam hoat Bubeock, Bliss, New port. Slovp Leopurd, Allen, from Gast Greenwich. CLEARED, U. L. s'oop Superior, Child, New York—by Pot ter X Eddy U, 1. «loon Empress, Thayor, New York—by Pn'll‘.l’ Sx’ EJ\‘)’. 03 A full rigged brig was off Castle Hill, vester day worning, beating Gp. COMMERCE OF PROVIDENCE. Statement of the arrivals and clearances at this port, from Jan. 1, 1827, to Aug. 27. Arnvals, Clearances. Havina 27 ) Matuazas 8 6 Kinpston, (Jamaica) 1 Curccoa 2 1 St Phonas 3 St (i x l St Eusata 1 Guadaloupe 1 Martinigue 2 "-A_Vil 1 W. L. Islauds not enumerated 4 Canton 1 Gaibraltar I 3 Marseillog 1 Amgiordam 1 Liverpool 2 Suroin 3 1 CGoivaburg 3 St 'hos 1 Naiatos, (!r \Z“) 1 Stockhioim 1 Omoa 2 (oast of Atrica - i Hoo luvas 2 Humburyg 1 Tonerut: 1 y Pernainbuco 1 Copenbagen 1 Total €9 42 Arrévals from and clearances for distant do mestic ports, during the same period. New-Orleans 17 7 Savannah 37 12 Key West 1 Charleston 18 5 ¥roM o CORRESPONDENTS. Newport, August 28, Sailed on Sunday, brig Marcia, Mayberry, for Havana. Same dav, brig Criterion, Taylor, for New Or leans, via Havana. VESSLLS SPOKEN, Lat 41, lon 71 30, ship Frederick Augustus, Earl, from Newport, for Pacific Ocean. Gih nst. ship Joha Brown, Price, ofthis port, from Richmoud for Bremen. 7th wst. oif Cape Canso, U. S. schr Shark, for Labrador. The Newport Mercury says, ¢ the ship Boy, from New York for Leghorn, was spoken June 2fst, lat 39, lon 36, probably the ship Boy, of this port, from Havana for Antwerp.”” 'T'he Boy, of Newport, was in the harbour of Havana, at the time the above ves sl was spoken~—we do not recollect what time she sailed for Hamburg—and as thé above intelligonce came by way of England, it precludes the possibility of its being her, even allowing there to be an erior in the date. The schr Frances, Cariton, hence, [sold] has arr at Salem, Schr Magnolia, Randall, from whaling, has arr at Ro hester. Cld at New. Orleans, 3!st, ship Franklin, Pierce, “and brig Janus, Paine, for this port. The ship Aun § Hope, Esdell, hence, arr at Gib raitar, 24 ult and was .o sl about 29th, for ludia. Thas brig Cathacine, of New London, fiom Rio la Hache, for New York, has been lost oa the Jourdines —captan and crew have arrived at Trinidad de Cu ba. At Hamburg, June 23th, ships Aronaut, Orne, 's¢. Übes, 8 Ruath & Mary, Lisbon, 5; brigs Ariel, Hur man, disce; Lehigh, Walhs, do; James, Buckmer, do, Harvest, Eldred, of Newport, fr Havana; Ariel, Coffin, of Wuiren, for do 10; Curlew, Ellis, Boston, 10; Kanhawa, Reed, Smyrna, 12; Mermaid, Sum wer, St Übes, 45 Tam vorth, Pitman, Gibraltar, 6; George, Morris, New York, uac; schr Nancy, Stod dard, Petersbure, 7. Tae wreek of 4 vessal burnt to the water's adge, excepting the stom amd stern post, and a small part ot the ben s forward, was passed Jure 18, lat 31, lon 69 30, sapposed 0 ave been a low decked brig, of about 40 tons, havi iy two bow ports, no head—was shoathed, verdirre bottom, beuds black, with a nar row white st eak painteld on the npper part. Bartlett and the two scamen of his vessel, who wore e/t with him at Crooked Isian ), arfived at Sa vanuahy, 12th st in the pilot boatr Savannah, fron New York, to give their evidence wn behall of the ‘promttu'iun agaiast Capton Garloer, torpivacy. At Labrador, 23d 't boyg Grape, dolines, for Breardse, in 2 or 3 days—had suceweded 1a procuring a cirgo of fisi, at $35 per guinial sehr Thomas, Miller, (oe this port, saile f fm Ban gor, 215 t iust. Beig Nereus, Page, of this port, fin Ansterdam for Cronaadt, passed Elsimeur, Ist uit. The brig Ba'- anes, Browutag, of Bristol, rom Liverpool, passed June 27, A Havre, T4th u't. ships Extio, Post, for New Ocleans, une; Huntross, tor New York, 4 or b 5 brigs Areptas, Narare, St. Übes, 2; Dorcliestor, Crownll, for Jams Rver, The brig Jaace, has beon freiohito | by the N. York and Alhany Com aittue, to earry provisions, &c. to the Gree. . Tae Dunlap,at Bohy, fellin with, Tone 27, lat 33, Jon 61 30, tha wreek of a vewssl, qmite new, hottam upy patated geeci, hor keel GO toot long, acd loaded wWith stans, At Matanzas, Yhomst, sches Jobauna, Roberts, for Charlostor, 1 Ehzabothy Allei, Baltimore, B.—< The ships Cireasann, for Marsoilles, salod 3d; Ath. ens, Aatwer;, Gth; Canton Packet, Mavseilles, 71l; brig Agoes Auiworp, S At .iur-'.fl'l\. Seh it brige Rio, Goerv, loating for New York; loperong Geay, do oy Geo, Jack pon, MOkl Uty Richmon | ice, St Tho mas. At Rign, Vaae 5, M oaind, Low, Bremen, A Barcelona, J une ¥, Uiilliant, Cubda, ; NEW.BEDFORD, Aug. 27 —CId ship Wilming ton & Livagpool Packet, Ifri"l. Pacifiec Ocean. S.\LEw,\ug. 24.—Sailed, shp Friendship, Su watra; schr Frances, Carliton, South America, GLOUCE-TER, Augs 2L.—Sailed schr Ann, Arkins, Cavenne. PORTLAND, Aug 23.—Arr Globe, Porter, fin Liverpool, 70; Milo, Merrill, Havana, 22, Cld An gela, Gardner, Guadalupe. BATH, Aug. 28.—Arr brig Emery, Given, Liy erpool, 47; schrs Four Brothass, Nickason, Provi. denee; New Packet, Nickerson, do. Sailed, Mury & hiza, Tallman, Martinqgue. BOSTON, Aug. 20— Arr brig Foster, Foote, i Lireonock, D 45 schr Susto, Morean, Part av Prince. Cl brigs Margaret, Mayo, Aviwercs 3000 Tao, Dearborn, St. Thowas; St. Pierre, kusicr, =i Pierros. 25ith, are brigs Hapny Return, Holbrook, Havana, 195 Cordelia, Fihis, (in ‘Trindad de Cuaba, 205 schrs Clhacham, Saul, Baltinore, 08; Godtrey, Ryder, i Lav ot Chalew, Cld brigs Yortune, Buker, Valparaizo and a miar. ket; Juniper, Parsons, Cayenue aud Surinam; Pearl, Biackmer, Cupe de Verds and amarkoet, 26ith, arre shvp Mentor, Maan, Haibuge, 58 27th, arr shup Cowper, Urann, Liverpool, 85; brigs Cameo, Mansfield, London; Traveller, Bignoll, Tar ragora, 7385 Samoset, Springer, Wilminkton, 16, NEWYORK, Aug. 23 —An ships Beghon, Sebor, London; Manches'er, Lee, Liver oo!; W Thompson, Maxwe!l, do; Edward Bonowfe, Hatga way, Havre; New Orleqns, Cole, Laverpooi; hng Dappen, Bickeason, Holl; scurs sogle, Abrauns, St Barts: Bruce, ?rigos, Xibara, Cuba. 24, arr ships Concordin, Batley, from Liverpool; Lowisa, Recves, Havee, $9; Amcernican, Maoran, do; brigs Emily, Godirey, London; Potomace, Barstow, Stockholm, snd 66 days fr Elstueur; ¢loop Meidian, Carr, Bridgeport. Cld Br. stup Moro Castle, Lenox, Liverpool; brig Sarah, Ashford, Rio Grande und & pearket; schry Ben Alan, Roberts, St Andrews; sloops i liza Ann, and B. D Jones, Providence. 25th, arr stups Moatuno, Smith, Havre; General Hand, Bordewux, 48, PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 3.—Cld schre James Barnil!y, Hatl, P ooviftence. 24th, ¢! brig Riclon nd, M’Neilledge, Trimdad; senr Arvo, \V..l:»ull, Matanzas. BALTIMONE, Aug. 220 —Cld brig Congress, Wadiep by Liverpoot; schres Yellot, Murphy, Valpa raisoy Amazon, Leonr, St T homas., NORPOLK, Aug. 20-—!n Hampion Roads, ship Sarah, Collins, from Liverpool, 1510 Jane, bound up James River. 22d, in the Roads, ship Tndiau Clic’, Vanhorn, fin Bremen, 64, for City Poiut. ALEXANDRIA, Auy. 8. —Sqiled, schr Prompt, Miore, Aux Cayes and St. Domwiogo. CHARLESTON, Aug. 16.—Arr brig Emeling, Burger. Matanzas, 5; sciir Jane, lavana. Cld br g Sophia, Avaeilhe, do, ; SAVANNAM, Aue. IL—Ar schr Gold Huntress, Smali, Charleston, 3. Lth, wre ship Niagara, Vennard, v Liverpool, 61; schr Mary Elcanor, Mitchell, Havaua, 9 NOTICOE TO MACINERS The hoard of healih at Nortolk, have ordered that all vessels arriving at that port trom Coarleston and New Crieans, shall ancior at the quarattuie ground, and wail a permn (o eator, The new taent’ was published at Port an Prinee, July 28, aud wasto be put an lorce Sepr. 2505, which witl advance the daties on foreign wnpoi i ong 4 per cent.—those 1 Haytien vesse's will be reduced 8 per ceunt, o 6 TO NENW-VORN--DIRECT FROM PROVIDENCLE. T steam boat Lo~na g:i -. Bra~xcrowill leave Prov- G tfFidence for New-York, on BbR AR 1o odays and Saturdays, at 1 o’clock, P. M. until further notice. Re turning, the Long Branch will leave Now- York, every Thursday and Sunday afternooa at 4 o’clock, for Prev.dence. For excellent accommodations, stillness of machinery, and swiftness of sailing, this boat is not surpassed by any in the sound,the Wash ington excepted. P. 8. The Long Branch will make a few trips to and from New York, before she re sumes herstation on the New London Line for the winter. August 29, BRISTOL UHOTEL 'F”E subscriber hving taken that large and commodious House, heretolore well known in the occupation of Mr. Sanford Hor ton, and fitted it up n handsome style, hopes for encouragement, and invites his friends and the public to call on him, He assures his friends and the public that «very exertion shall be made to turnish his house with the greutest variety that can be proeured. His bar will at all times be stored with the best Wines and Liquors,and he hopes by attention and industry i his business to meet with that encourcgement, which may be expected from a liberal conmuaity. W. A. WAITE. August 29. tf. BROADCLOTHS AN CASSIMERES. JAMES H. READ, No. 7, Manker SQUARE, Has just opened, ‘! @? Picees of blie, black, olive,hirown, . ¥ steel, slate Oxford, and haresback mixed Cloths. Also, 1 case super Light, mixed Cassimeres; 1 do do drah do; 1 bale mixed Paddings; Ido reddo; 1 do Buckram; 1 do red Flannels; 1 case bloe sewiig Sik; 1 do super London Twists; 1 do Bronn Linens; 2 do Suspender Battons, All of which are of fared for sale at the owest market prices by the package, piece or yard, for casi or good paper. Augist 29, ALUMNI MPETING 'Pl"". Alumai of Beo oo University, are re=- quested to meet at Mechanics” Hall, on Saturday next at 3 o' clo Ly, Po M, for the pur pose of farther considering the subect of rais g a fund for rewarding Lieroy weat. Al those who feel an mteiest .n the insiitution we presame will attend. Auvgnst 29, ONI MILL REWALRD. E_\" ANAWAY (rooihe sabs riber, on the W TR st Apprentoe named Maci- AL Huaney, aboul 13 years of sge, - Heo is sonposad 1o have takoen passage in the sieatn boat for New Yois. Whoever will re turn sod apprentice to the subseribor, shail re ceive Oae Mill, but no charges vall be paid, Anguat 20, FRANKLIN COOLEY. v, T . P oa6 i AO G o DB EPrdnldvn q)i" every descrintion, executed at this Of v fice, at the shortest notice, and i the neatest style, August 29, PUNCTUALITY. (BNS quarter of tciet No. 15 19 237, 1 deavwn on Tiveeday lusty a prize of 5009 was prosoned on Tiorsday, by the fortunate hotder, Mo, Pardon B bl of Fall River,ad the cash promptly atdvanced at ALLENS' Truly Luek Ovice, 17 Market-strect, August 29, FRENCH LA GUAGL 1{“. ABADIE egpecttully mlorma the v pubilic that s cecond covrse of lessons will commen ‘e nest weeik—=h's room s directs lv nver Mr, Enoch S cere’s stare Cueaps G e l:ll'm'.n:\t‘un will b goen at Mossre, Hulchions & Coiy's Buok store, or at his room. . August IN THIS TOWN AGAIN. | THIS DAY, | RHODE-ISLAND West Baptist Society - Lotteiy, will be drvwn in t[:il town this day. Highest prize - 6000, | SCHEME. . 1 1 prize of §GOOO | 10 prizes of 150 I do do 2000 25 do do 100 1 do do 1200 46 do do 40 1 do do* 11030 46 do do 25 2 do do 1600 | 1198 do do G b da do 400 8220 au do 3 WO o do 2.0 Tickets 73, parts it proportion, for sule at i,‘"‘\ “‘ h ) R, I Lottery and Frckani» Cffice, No. 4, Unioa Baldags, Augnst 29, . WP DR ) THE West Baptist Lottery, draws in this town, this day. SCHEME, 1 prize of §6OOO 10 prizes of 150 1 do do 2000 25 do do 100 Ido do 1200 ‘ 46 do do 40 1 do do 1103 ' 46 do do 25 2 do do 10000 1196 do do 6 5 do do 469 . #2580 do. do 3 10 do do 250 | | Tickets (8 and parts in proportion, for sale ut . . BOU!IINS August 29, Franklin Hooee, TEEIS DAY, ]?HODE—[SLAND West Baptist Society ‘& Lottery class No. 7,10 be drawn in this town, this day. SUHEME. 1 prize of #6OOO ‘lO 150 1 2000 25 100 1 1200 46 40 1 1103 46 25 2 1009 1196 6 B 400 8280 3 10 520 Whole tickets :3, pars in proportien, for sale at e ALLENS Truly Lucky Office, August 29, No. 17, Market-st, THIS DAY. 'Egllf) E-ISLAND Wust Baptist Society @ Lotteiy, No. 7, to ba drawn this day. SCHEMI, 1 prize of $6OOO 10 prizesof 150 1 do do 2000 25 do do 100 Ido do 1200 I 46 do do 40 1 do do 1103 46 do do 25 2 do do 1000 1169 do do 6 5 do do 400 | 8220 do do 3 10 do do 250 Whole tickets ©3, shaves in propertion, for sale at : Paine & Burgoesy Auvgast 29, g THIS DAY, Canital Prize 6060 Dollars. p'll)l)l':-lf".'\Nl) Wout Baptist Society o Lottery, T7th class, to be drawn in this town, tivs day Capital prize 6000 dollars.— Tickets 8, and shares in proportion. On Monday, September 3d. Washington Lodge Lottery, clase Mo 10, to bo drawn in this town, on the 3d September. 6000 dollars higheet prize Tickets 8 dollars, thares in proportion, for'sale by HUTC ENS & CORY, August 29, First door west of the bridee WASHINZTON LODGE LOTTERY, DR.\ WS n this town, on Mouday next.— Highest prize 6000 dollars. SCHEME. 1 prize of §6OOO 1 prize of 816 1 do do 2000 1 do do 200 Ido do 1000\ 11 do do 100 1 do do 900 36 do do 40 Ido do 800 ‘ 836 do do 20 1 do do 600 | 468 do do R 1 do do 500 3780 do do 1 Tickets :4,shares in proportion, for sale at CLAITRS R. L. State Lottery and Exchange Office, No. 4, Union Buildings. August 9 . " ONLY %4 FOR A WHOLE TITKET. ('(I{AND State Lottery, No. 16, for the M crection of a Free Bridge. Highes prize ~6000. Only 11,430 tickets to be drawn in Providence, Septermber 12th 8. § M. Allen & Co. agents for the Managers. SCHEME, I.prize of $6OOO 1 prize of 300 Ido do 2000 l Ido do 200 1 do do 1000 10 do do - 100 1 do do 800 l 36 do do 40 1 do do 600 36 Jdo de 20 1 do do 800 | 468 do do 8 1 do do 436 | 3780 do do 4 1 do do 400 Whole tickets £4, parts in proportion, for salé at ' ALLENS Truly Lucky Office, No. 17, Marlket-st. ~ Angust 29, STAGE FARE REDU ED TO FALL RIVER 7 CTSs. ,%('(‘().\IMU,')\'I'IUN Stage leaves Fal / River at Lot past 6, A, M. on Tuesday Thinsday and Saturday, returning the sime dars leaves Providence at half past 3o’clock P. M. Books kept at Horton's, Wilder's (Manaficturers” Hotel) and at the Fronklin House, Provdence, and at Blake's iforel, I'all River., tf. August 29, BANK STOCK, '\"3?:'/'.\ NTEI to purchase 160 shares in the ¥ Moechanics’ Bank., Apply at ALJLINS, Auvgust 29, No. 1%, Market s, MORE LUCK AT LOURN'S, CO.‘IBIN:\'I'IUN 33 54 55, the capital prize of £6OOO 00 the Union Canal Lot tery, was seld to a gontleman in this tova, whois invited to cail and receive the cash, ~Augnst 29, FLOUR, CORN AND RYL. . 31’ Barrels Western Flour ' a@ GOO busiiels Coin 609 bus'els Rye ! 12 bareels prime Pork—-now landing from sloop Yolant, wid for sale low from the el hy E 8 DAY X SON, ! Angnst 25, 25, Wevhossett, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ‘ ‘l7l'|.l. he #old, on the 4th of Sopremhber, "' no o, at prosent poved s a Tavern togeiharvoth o Boon,and tiave irths of an acre of land, on v loch @ elands, There| leoa Bl *3 b hed 10 e ' : anl b : Esiata g von " wsantly o e to I’ e f accominedat ! LUNJAMIN L. PECAIiA L ! (‘.)vnntr'v, .‘.Us wl 24 Is. —v'fi._- - - .- - -—— - - -y - ST. CROIX RUM. 3.) Hhds Bt. Croix Rumn, voarranted pure, ~ . superior quality forsale by Augnst 29, GEO. S. RATHDONE. HOLLAND GIN, d‘ P.pos Holluud G o, tur sale by ” GLEO. 8. RATIIBONE, August 29, 71'-‘“[‘: sabseribor hav'ng taken the Store No, s 13, Sou o Water-street, overs for sale a goneral aszortinent o Crocer vy, an favorahle Lo riis, wiiLiaM 1. SIMIIONS. - “Anpust 29, | 2.1} WANTED, - ‘]'s.‘..-‘_. v A conenicnt TENEMENT for a ; :;!El small fanilv.—Oon the west side of the (Bege would be piefeired rent reasonable; ;whwh will be paid in advance, of required, - Apply at No. 51, Westmiuster-street, August 29, 814, ‘ TO THE PUBLIC, ! . “’ E the, undersignod, havitg been aflict- | | ed with that dreadful disease, a CAN- | | CER, have severally been atiended, and u;l ' we beliove, perinanently cured, by Lir. Aaron [Anprews; we therefore do myst clicerfully "recommend all those allticted with this d sease ‘uud with WENS, to call on him, as we believe that his method of cure s performed in much less tnne—more safe, and wore sure, ard with far icsa pain to the paticnt, than by the use of the knife, or any otiier method yet withia our knowledoe. Reference inny be made be had of either or enchi of'us, by calling at our places of abode or business. John Lauglton, Distil-honse square. Levi Whitney, corner of Derue stiect, John - Woer, Temple street, Joseph Stevens, Summer street, Ezra Chamberlain, Distil-liouse square, Samcel Abbot, No. 11, Pitts Liouse. Di. AARON ANLREWS, No. 18, Warren i st. Boston,where he may be found every morn ning, from 7 to 10 o’clock, Has of lute fonnd asure cure for GRAVEL., The wedicine s simple and cavy 1o tuke, A gust 29, SWELD MALAGA WIN, &e. 'E % Quctor caska sweet Miligs Wine [ A OV sdito ditto Colnenar dtio 10 bags Pimento—-for sale by J. & C. HOWELL, ‘ €9, South Water-st l ’ T LET--Store No. €2, Soath W iter-at, ‘! and immediate possession given, or torms, | ; Ke. upply as above, Augast (8 1 ll)ll. CHAMBER'S REMUDY FOR INTEM. | | PEitANCE, ' l PRESHE subserher, onilic decease of he lae i d l)l. Wit (,'!l.('a"h'ln unlb:\ mo jus l possession the personal estaie of the deceased, and foond preparcd @ Yarge quaatity of wr. | Chat Romedy tor Licemperance., ' o hereb mortis ine pablie, that he has digpased of wil v aediciie o found, to Dr. IJ anes 110 MHart, and Mr, indrew M. Fanning, of this ty. ' . La makong this dispasition, the subscriber hias beon actaated by adue regard 1o the infor ests of the heirs of the intestate, as well as from a wish 1o oive the most extensne use Lo the virtues of the discovery,whatever they may Ilm; and he can turther add, with contiaence, that the gentlemen who will hercafler be the venders of the Remedy for lutemperance, as prepared by the inventor, have been intimately connected with Dr. Chambers in his life time, have been his agents in compounding the med icine, and are acquainted with ws compoation, SILVANUS MILLER, Public Adminstrato,, &c. {7 The medicine will hereafier be prepared and sold by the subscribers, who alone are in pussession of the original recipe of the inven tor, at the office of the late I'r. C in the basc ment story of Rutgers’ Medioal College, | Duane-street,east side of 1o dway, and at the medical store of Dr. Hart, coravr of Broadway and Chawmbers stree!, three doors from Wash ington Hall, New York. ' The astonishing suceess which this remedy has obtained in restoring habitual inebriates to sobriety, has cstablished its virtues beyond all contradiction, and supersedes (he necessity of { anv further eaminent, I ‘The remedy las mnocent as it is eflectuad; so mueh so, that it is ofien given to chidaren in Febiile cormpluints, and frequently used as a [ Family wedicine for Dyspepsia, §eo Al that Vis required, to ensare its speciiie elect, is to ; abide sivictly by the directions. Tt s put up L packages sutlicient for one individual ¢ re, Land accompanied with ample directions for its |s, eizned in the hand=writing of the subseri bers, without which none are genuine. We are induced to adopt this measnie, a 8 In conse quence of the great celebrity which Dr. Chawm { hors' medicine hasobtained, there have been, Fand doubtless will be, Ny Epurious anitas [ tions, O enclosing 1o us the usual price, 5, | postage paid, the medicine ean be sent by {mail, Tothose who are unable to pay, on ;,n-r.\‘um/f up,n’i:'m’.vnn of the mdiduad at our Lotice, the medicine will be adminstered gra | tis. JAMES T TIART, M. D. A. M. FANNING, Successors of Wtk Chambers, ] A 9~||pp|_\' of the above celebhraed Medicine Vi recenved and for sale by SMITH & FAR MENTER, Cadet Oflice, Warranted genn e, August 25, |- R I ! JUST RECYVIVED. | % FEW preces blue Cla e 1 nivce mixed 48 Cuty beantiful <hadey 2 o extra fi.c} ek € oths, suitable for Comne cement, ! . &7 WELLE A @ 98 21 Mari=i q » NEW WORKS. ‘ PR Dosmesrie Puxstcoan and, Trava CoW elers Medical Companion, cotpled from the practice of the most emment physoong atdd surgeons, viz, Sir Astley Cooper, Sn Hon vy Hoadtord, Drs. Bathe, Latham, Horbeoden, Saunders, Babington, Biv kbeck, & e e and adapted for the use of parents and heads of fondes: for conductors of luge etablisie | mentsy tor travellers, e, By oa Physievor, = | Piast American from the second London odite | ion, with sotes and appendx, contawng ad- Vice To porsons reinoving to tropn al ¢ imates| to those attagked after drinking cold water, F §e. By an American practitioner. Also, the | private memo'rs of M.:t{.:m Da Havscet==Las dy's maud to Madune De Pompodear. The above works are just publitied nd jor . Ve b HUTCHENS & (ORY, | Augost 15, First door vest v 1!-" bridora FASH'ONABLE DRESSING ROOM, | "‘6";'!: sonscribor l('\,)‘ 'l.x-‘;: Il‘ i e : W pablio, that he hos taken room Noo L 0 Wesimasterstivety a few daors west « ihe i Arcade, and at the eorner of Ornge-stiee’, | wheio e wil be Lappy fo wait oo taoe Wbo | may Fovoghim wih their patron o and Lopes, | by o Pty ard attention to bhoe nesa 1o et | LBy ol l“,. ' ) " far iWi 2o | Pl ety ras o ' ni a 0 the mos! vecunraodatm Ceriat L Al ol ordees ereciten icaout del v, hasseklbd DWELL : Lugae e J 150 100 40 25 C IRG vfio /PHIS EVENING, August 20th, the per forinance will commence with A GRAND ENTREE, HORSEMANSHIP, by Master Alexander. The beautiful horse Nipoleon will be intro duced, and wil! go through lus woaderful pes formance, ) HORSEMANSHIP--Py Mr, Stickney., STILT DANCE, ’ B, six men, ten fest lagh, HORSEMANSHL, By Mons, Richor, who will pertorm the laughe able scene of the French Pensant, first thue 1 this town. HORSEMANSHIP, By Master Wiitiaker, the young Auerican. : STIHLL VAULTING. By the whole company, The whole to conclude with the laughable scene of the TWO PHILOSOPHERS, Doors epen at half past 7, performances 1o commence precisely at 8 o’clock. Box tick. ots 50 cents; cluldroa ander ten years, haif price. Pit tickeis 25 cents, August 29, I'OR ALUBANY,: K The pachat sleop PROVIDENCE, & Winnianm Woon, Master, is now ready to receive freight, and will meet wirh despatch. Apply at No. 27, Loug Whaitl August 22, GAMALILY, CHURCH.® FOR ELIZABETH CIITY (™. C.) : The new and substantial schooner FRANCIS D. WILLIAMS, Kina, lasicr, will be ready to receive freight oy Tuesdny next, for which, or pussage, apply 1¢ the Master oa bourd, or to SETU ADAMS, Jr. ! August 25, 24, South Water-st, P bt ißyt 1 PROVIDLUNCE AND PAWTCUC.KET POST | COACIT, : Tfm proprictors of the Providence and Paw- | tucket Post Coach, respectfully inform the ! publie, that they have purchased of Mr, Sinon L. Arnold, all his rizht, title and interest ini the Pawtucket Diligenee, and have placedon | the road between Providence und Pawtucket, | a POST COACH, whicl wi!l run every du.\‘,‘i (Sndays excepted,) as thllowa: The Past Covelr will loave Providence at 8 o’clock, 12 o'clock’ 3 o'clock, and at half pist 5 o’cloek; and will loave Pawtucket ar 9 o’clock, 10 o’clock, hall pest 1 o'clock, and at ha!l pat 5 o'clock, Hoos kept at Wilder's ! Man fietaver's Hotel, and at Clarke's lan, ! Providmee, and at Edwards® Hote!, (late Hodges™) and at Blake's, Pawracket, | o Fane 12 1.2 cents for those passengoers who are taken at the ceveral houses at which the boola are kept i Providence or Pawtucket, Candd Laaded at the vegular stuge hooses ineither |of the places, Those who wish to have the stage call for them at Weir plices of recidence, will be charged 23 cents: way pasiengers, that is to say, those who inay talic passsge on the rond will be eliarged 12 1.2 cenis May 2, K. BLAKE, JAgent. KiEMOVAL. Gi AMUEL J. BOWER, San Painter and M 3 Gilder, has removed to the Hanulton Bl ' ding, 3d story, over Mr. Fraukl u Richmond’s, Cand opposite Messss, Low & Fenner’s, Mar ket-street, where Sion and Ornamental Paint ng, and Gilding, will be done .a the best man ner. Gt, Aug. TEFT AT THE FRANKILIN HOUSE, i ‘N this town, about six months since, a ': " trunk, covered with deer-sin, and mark {fed HL W, containing the wqaring apparel of a ’ femnle, a parasol, a siondl wooden trunk and a co v oof Watt’s Psalms and Hymns, in which (s written the name ofull. Gurney. The trunk cwasunlocked when lefi. The owner isrequest fed to eall and tale 1t awav, 5t Franklin Honse, Providence, August 18, ‘ PROVIDENCE FLUOATING BATIHS, V-E\HE subs.rber having just completed his spacious Hoaing Caihmyg House, respee fuily wlorms the ladics aud genticmen ot Piove wdenee and 163 vicanty, taai he has focated gt i the cove, near the oot of He dowublon street, and in the rear of the Exchange Bank, IlLe buwlbding as provaded with every convenscnce; witi stand o' where the current s pure, aud Wikl e entered Ovor s PO be S i from its relired yet eenirval situatiun, it cannot | Ll to mvite tae company ot iho<e who prac tice cold water batuing., Tae apariments of | the ladies and gentleiwen are separated m an ¢ ottcciual manner, and thoso which are appro- 1 priated for the fonaer, will not, under any cir cumstance, at uny time, be occupied by gen- l‘ tlemen. | ~ Cuareful and attentive persons will be engng ed to wait on those who iny pacronice the ess tablishuent, and a fomale wul wiways Len at- | tenduance tor the ludies. [ The subscriber hayving at much expense pre< pared thus combortable ho o for those dizpos- | ed to enjoy the luxury of the cold buath, or shower bath, flatters huioeed” that he soall be | Liberaily revwarded by the pativnage of geu- ! crous public. | Lerms.—Scason tickets, 3; wingle ticket, 12 1-2 cens; ten hickeis, L, | The house will be open troma sun-rise till 9 o'clock m tue evenmg, except nundays, ol which aay it wall close ai 9 o o w, AL M, | June . ERANITUS FARNUAM, PAVILION, | PEY (I sabseriler has the (doasure of inform. i g g dneends aad the pablie, that owin tothe teoecal patronu e ™ has receny ed, be hus Leen enaviodto mace several vaprovemenits b | tis olesant resort Jor gonleel conijany. A allat eof :l‘l.‘:<'|"| s huve boewd :-n; "\‘lt’-""v, ! ot th s H-l.l:‘l: foied PV e, Wit Laey can Y U dicturbed, the fiurcst socners | Mmoo e l-‘_‘-A‘A."-I liny, Ae col= e saur el waiement ooy .|l'i,-|t' GLine de- S o Ihey wail be undes sach a regu wlion Lo Ponder Iwl Wy of bewy cailed the Na ant of Rinade-Is wods | May 0. GieNJAMIN T, FOSTER, g v v ravy r y il OBSERVATORY, "11\“;3 Lescee of ihis fahionable plice ofre- W sort, reope tiuli, nuoras the pv.l»l Cy uid Uhazei Stranyers, that 11 =oW op tor the Sprig and summer soasons It s situsted on o connence which commands a beaur.tul view o Nareagansett Bay 1:.;\",9 gidpacent coune sy i 1 dmitted ".s Wl o taim’, ohe ¢ dotightful plice ol resort, Voachea Lo The O hscivalony, aro ivoe sk Lowhog Vile s, not salortor to any . 1K ode<dduind, - | (e B s supplicd with ke best hguors that ! Con bo peocurody wn | othor refresipnenis ;‘-" oy v Frars, Pastry, 8o Bvery atteation wAbe o Puid Yo Lhuse who visit the establis! ~”'.l"3 and \ lords ) Agret ible walk, parteularly “'.l contlomon steangers who vist the town for ol ‘ woation and annek ate - Toe Qbscrvatory | il b kopt wpew (rom 3 o'clock A M, 0l 6, | .M. oobaIALELE mav 19 : SALES AT AUCTION BY GEORGE 8. RATHDONE. Corn and Molasses. TO-MORROW, August 80sh, ut balf past 10 o’clock, A. M, at Masor barf, on bourd sclir, George & Mary, 2000 bushels Maryland Corn, prime quality, aud m fine order. » Also - 80 hhds Havaua Molasses, just land c‘('. AUM 2.' BY MARTIN STODDARD. Chairs, Looking-Glasses, &e. »? On FRIDAY next, August 31st, at h '~ clock, A. M. in front of Oflice No. 1, Markets square, 150 New-York manufaetured “il’.“" o Chairs, handsome patterns; 8 new hand some Sofus; 12 Looking Glasses, large sizes and patterns; 20 do do mall do. ¢ Also -2 casks Day & Martin's Liquid Blacking; Ido Japan Ink, &e. &e, August 29, | BY WILLIAMP. GREE NE, ¢ PACKAGE SALE OF AMERICAN CULODS My fifth semi-annual public Sale of Jmeria . can Gaod , wulk take place. . ~-On Saturday, Sept. 1, at 9 o'clock, A. M.« At which time will be eficied a large ursofa sment of Broadoletls, Cussinerer, Satne's, brown and bleached S’A(.C‘lillflfi and b'_h‘lflih&l) Ticks, Pluuds, Checks, &e, L " LSO at 1Y ¢ clock. 170 pmdx g ol Poots and SJIOG_I) M_ 30 cares men's fine fur Hats, Catulogres wil be ready for delivery, wff} the Goods for exauunation one day befoje i sale, ‘lhe abgve sale presents an opporturfity . Manufuctuers and others, for disposing 6% their Goods at fai prices, and at legs expes sy, than is attendant on foreign Sales. Lnli» w advances will be made on Guods wmi'&! and it requived, sales wili be guarantied, «Mg the cash nnmediately paid for the proceetls, =- ft is neccessary that lnoices of Guods intgp ded for the =ale, showld be torvarded at le Bt ten days previous to the day of sale, in o oge that they way be entered on the catalogie. I - Public Sales of Bowestic Goudds, wie i w axempt {rom Auction Duty. Avgust 1. S ee R .e = s eNN . 3 FRUIT HILL=NORTI} PROVIDENCI.. 'i\.‘: I 2 occupant of this fashionable piace of resort, respectfully informs his fveous « "l the public, that it is now open ftor the sunas r searon: bois suated on-un eminence, who lt conpnanlsa beautiful view of the adjucet ‘umulry. and it is admitted by all who ha e v isited it to be a delightful place of revert tor those in pursuit of ease anl condorti—l' s ccarbiest Cherries are now aipey e Lheeps o U cother hinds of Frait that this climute siords; - s Bar s sapplied with choico Liguors, Wi o e~ his tuble will at )l times be furnisicd itom the choicest selections of the market:-~ ‘ his very comwmodions Hall is furnished w.h CSwings, which is an apreeable exercise far aentlemen and ladies:—his long Alleysis in tiie hest order for the acoommodation of those wiio will please to visit liis house for recreation.- | A few Dowrders can be accommodated. .dE Cthose wishing to enjoy the country during e Csutmner season, will improve their health by , visiting Fruit I, where they caa inlule the | pure atmospheric aw. : PLTER THOMPSON. North Providance, June 27. EDWARD R, YOUNG&, . No. 24, Market Syuare, i E} ESPICITULLY wivrms his friends, Lotla | B®& 1 town und country, that e hus veeen'« 1y very considerubly enlarged his Stock; Cut s wssortivent ot Genuie Groeeres, Tea | B amesy opivits, Cordia's, e, is wol surpussed ty [any otheran frovideace, o ' E. R. Y. his just reeccved by the slin An., Hrome Caitony a lurge retail supply of Fre s | Tras, whiein vwere selected and ju! up, expres - fi-. foi him. These ‘l'eus, ecnsist ot lHyso Youuz Hycon,and Souchong, and they e wi flv(‘rfcci eoudide.ce, recommended to the ivve s tol good Tea, } e has also received Ly the same arrival, to cnses firol quality Preserved Ginger, six poiy 1 v Ceach endr, This articie will Y e sold Jower 21 4 iohae befure been wllered s this macket, by il » case, pot or Jowm Jd. He hos wlzo, ou cousnn men!, five cues mnrked I O, Y. vonlain g - Fany duda Ciachers, Clay insects, and Puoobs boxes. E. R. Yonng's ascortment of Wines is verys extensiie o a ictwl estullishohent, they vems e 5 Ol Sheiry : [ "«l *",‘ } Port, { Brabe Maiaze, LoQuarter Caci Marseilles Malmery, | or guslen, Supertor white Currant, Real Cairait, Caaonie, J Povrven Wives,viz: Champaigre, Cnr e oty Musentoa o Od orty T particalinn, o ew dozen Old Porty a vy of the lot when M. B oake vad ou hand on fus remotul o e l‘nltu:\ll" ::' s, searees on hende=QoOWl Cornie Biwpd:. Fiench Bravde Jamoiea Spirne, Bollant G Whiskevy, Chorry Ru®, Aineviesn Gin, = . Croix Rumy, 100 N. I Rone, Conviins—of all ds ; aned narticulpr! - Cream Avnesitte, ol Awvemenn monufactore, L artoved by them wiho hnve «¥smiuea ity (o ro t ‘-.»\i o the richaest 1 ','“P-l'xl( Gluldls Lwvortofsape ior bonleg Mustard, prt e o b cannistersg pounds and buif pourds, byt forin or sing oW veaßs=—tperior double and ey glf refine ved common Lost Sogars, Pintaded; bin bua g et wndd seeond qoanbity Havana “White Sugu | Hlava a ovwnaac S 0 Crors, X Coabbrvuk==Javi ani flnve a, spicr s =—Naca, Nutmege, Cinves, Ciluunmen Vpeeg tepter, Canger and Unyeune ; PR es— Buaneh woad ecotwmnon Moseals Dlovivg maltimngand YVinoa o Raisins, Cinranteg Foge, Pruaes and Dates, Aimord [ Friberis, ¥, bslr Walnuise Crema Notsy Ciiton, Growr b coats sl bk, Gl iuisy Uoves, U ers, O - noes und oo TAMARINDS, 0 superior lot hy the posed ur ropneapn wi MHesu_ ir ssrup col O lutin oy Amchoy e, Day & Muitin's aua Wauiien's Loudon Blavk« " BUTTARD ELbY, o Noo VA, Broad-street, HEFING abaut totanke a new nirangeine) s N 8 1 lis businers, recpectiully solicits «| eraora ndebted (o it to meke settlowen ey ons to the st of Soptémberie—ail acs Giete that oare no settled e that thae, will e elt walh an altors ev dor collecton, A ersons having demands agun<t him, are e wested to present them for hguidatior, tonr Sope~The shop now oecupicd by tha nderagred, wil be sold coatensonable torn . s wovdd budding veorly new, calealated artent oy for a Boot and Shoe Maler, ' chiely there 14 41 ¢ ""1' A ®loje, T‘l" stand a good oce, el biy sitanted, and oflers .. y tractous te Ihe crat, Aug 1. de. RIPHWARD EfDY,