s REVIEW OF THD MARXHT FOR THE WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, ASHES. Sales principally in swall Jots. We quote Pot, :monou, ton, l;ss a §loo——Pearl, ton, slooa “ . BREAD Pilot, #3% a 1) Navy, cwt. €3 a 34 . Alex. Crackers, kee, 33 ¢ 60 cts. CANDLES. We hayve no sales to aotice this weeks The hold org of Sperm. are not willing 1o sell ut less than our quotations chouéh 27 cts. has been offured and re fused. M'uul..l andles scarce. Dipped, Ib. 12 a 12} Bper:n. Swain's patent, b, 82 a 33 Nev-Bediord, do 23 a 30 New-London, do, 28 a %0 * Nantucket, do 28 ™ould, Ib. scarce, 15 a 13 CLOVER SEED. Ot of season. COAL. w‘h, ton, . s#B| Liverpool, chal. $l6 Virginia, chal. 12 - COFFEE. Licportation from st July to Ist Sepfember, 5 bihds. 221 bags. ‘T'he business doing iu this amcla‘ Yias been very light. There is but little prine at mar ket , and our rates are fully sustained. St. Domingo aud Cuba. prime, 135 a 143 De. do. inferor, 12§ a i 3 COTTON. Importation from first July to first September 5411 balgs. There has been vur{,litllu doing mn the Cot ton market the past week. rices remam the same. Georgia Uplun«r*. ‘b, 11 « 1. cents. New Orleans, ib, 13 al5 do Alabama, Ib. 113 a 125 do Sea-Island, Ib. Wea24 o DUCK. The demand for this article is steady, and prices are without variation. X U, bolt,y 21 a 214 | Half Duck, $l5 a 15} Brusgen’s, do. 20 a 21 | Heavy Ravens. 8 ¢ 8} “otoff, 20 Light Ravens, 6f ¢ 73 Chipoteking, 18 a 18§ American, Phenix mull, wade exclusively of Irish flax, No. Ito 8, %124 a 15% DOMESTIC GOODS. Mr. Greene’s semi-annaal sale will take place this day and we shall be better able to give a correct re port of prices, as private transactions will be govern ed, in some degree, by the rates given at the sale. Shirtings, Emwn, 1 yds. 83 alO cents. Do do § do. 9% @ (03 do Do do 4-4 do. 11y al3 do Do bleached, § do. 9 « 105 do Do do Jdo. 1l @l do Do fine N. Orl. Cott. 17 @lB do Do do Sealsl. do 18 @2O do Sheetings, bleached, 4-4 yd. 128 a 143 do Checks, Indigo Blue, § do. 11 al3 do Plaids, do do, § do. 12 all do Windham Co’s Shirt’gs, €, Isl. § 13 Arkwright do. 8. Is|. g’o. 54, 20 a2l do Do. do. No. 22, 15 Lippitt do do, S. 1. 13 Coventry do do. 17 Harris ~ do brown Sheetings, 133 Green do do do, 13 Bedtick, Washmgton, 25 Pawtucket, 264 a 27 Calicoes, Taunton, blue, 18 Do. do. faney, 20 DRUGS. Alum,!b. 41 a 5 Do. Arabic, 37%e Aloes, 10 all Ipacae, roll, #8125 a 4 130 Annato, 30 «a 35 Isinglass, sheet Am. 150 Aqua Fortis, 14 alB Ditto, Russian, 450 Antimony, cr. 8 alO Jalap, loot, 45¢ Bal. Capani. 22 a 25 Liquorice, Paste, 13 al5 Borax,ref. 28 a3O Diuto root, Talo Bark, Per.quil 40 a6O Madder, ground, 11 a}4 do - yellow, 15 a2O Manna in flakes, 15 a5O Brimstone, roll,{er cwt. Oil Castor, Am. gal. §1 s2Ba 2§ Waib Flor Sulphur, 3 a 4c Do. do. per doz. %5 ab Camph. ref. Ib. 58 a6O Oil Vitriol, lb. aGc Ditto, crude, 40, 0. 42 Opium, 31 a3} Cantharides, . 37§ Quicksilver, 60 a 62§ Cream Tartar, 20 a 22c Rhubarb, E. J. 40a 50 Cochinea’, $35a31 Scona, E. J. 20 a 22 Copperas, 2% a3¢ Snake Root, Vir. 25 a3O Galls, Aicppo 252 30 Spenge, common,2s a3O Gum Senegal, 12a15 Do fine § ex.fines'§a 2] QGentian, 7a9 Sugar of Lead. 25 a 29c Gum Tragac’, 3%a40 Sarsaparilla, 30 . 373 Guin Shollae, ye!.22 224 Tumeric Root, 8a 10 Do. Laves, 17a 20 Vitrioi E'ue, 9aD Do. Scammony, st¥a7 DY YOODS, Braziulotto, per tui, > 22 a 25 L‘\.“\C.',b' ¢ on, 20 w 23 ! Losrwood, St. Domiago) 00 22 | intto, [onduras, 204qa 22 | Dita, Camiricny 25129 ' FEATTINRY l The markc: « stocked 1 1 aricle, and we can mot give prices trom actual saics Holders are ask ing our rcported rates. Live Geese, b, 28 a B 4 ceuts. FLOUR. Importation from first July to first September, principatly (rom New York, 9919 barrels. Western | Flour continues in demand, and prices have vaned through the week from 45, 53 and 54. We have no sales of Souther:ito notice, and our quotations are ‘ nominal. } W. Can.bl. §5 Balt. Wharf, #47-Bas N. York b l Alex & Georgt'n 4 7-8 Balt. H. St. 54 Scrateh’d & znc, 4} Richwond City, 5 { Philadelphin, 54 Cunal 47-8 a b FISH. Mackarel are in better demand, and salcs have been made at 34 for No. 3, tor exportation Collish aro wanted at our rates. . Dgy Cod, quint. 21 Moackar:! No. 244 e 1y “le' qui-l. l} a 2 l do. R ",fi! e R Mackare!, No. . 5 @ 53 | Herewys, ¢ 247 D FRUI'T The markon is entirely bere ot v Dol o i Lemous; and we know of bat ‘vl do Ny Fruits. | Sieily Oranges, none Raizins, Mus.bx2b 2% S aly Lerg, soarcy Juneh, TH ¢ Rasins, Mal. ck. &§ biti. bx. 24« 23 Prunes, 12 a '6 s, 749 Almonds, softshl 10 a V 1 “Fanarinds 6al Do, hard, 6a G} *..- baß® Do, shelled, 11212 M thus, Salo Currauts, 12 a 13 FURS, Beaver, parchment, |b, L 3504 6 Do. North i.O Do. Souta . 6238 Do, West Ph)a Raceoon, N, and 8. skin 10« 40 cente, Muskrat, N. and S. 209 Read Fox, a 0 Martin, Canada, 63 a =0 Do. N.W. 100 a 150 Mink, North, 20 4 37 Do. Sollth. '2 20 Otter, North and South 150 a 350 Neutria Skin, 30 a 37 Hare Skins, Russin grey, 31 a 4 GLASS. Sales of DBoston, at rotail. by 8, 100 feet, $124 a i 3 % by 9, do. do. 14 a 16 Bhy 10, do do 164 a i 6 Pittsburg, 6by 8 and 7 Ly 9, 54 « 0§ GRAIN. ’ The sales of Southern Corn have been eonfined principally to privato transactions; a lot of Maryland artially injured, has been sold at 53, and on the ;\b. a cargo ol very fine sold at auction, at 56 cts l(yo.buubof 62 a6B N. Corn, yel. bu. 60 a6’ Beans, white, 15 a 11 Soth. do white do 56 a 38 Pats, bush. 44 a 45 Wheat Shorts, 15 HEMP. Russia, clean, ton, $2OO a 215 INDIGO. Bengal, 242487 DUCK. IRON. The demand is steady, at our quotations. Pig English, ton, $6O “a 62 Do. American do. - 50 o 4 Hoop American, do. 1.2 a 2 Do. English, do. 140 a 160 Sheet, per cwt. % o 8 Bar, Anerican, ton, 100 a 100 Do. Russia ol sable; do. 116 Do. do. deo. do. do. 100 Do. Swedes, do. 100 a 102 Eoglish assorted, do. 97 a 100 | LEATHER. Eastern Sole, 20 a 23 d Philadelphia, 23 a 27 LIME. This article continues in demand. Dexter’s first quality, per cask, $2 50 Joiata, ditto, 195 Harris’ Jointa, ditto, 225 first quality, ditto, 216 a 24 Whipple's ditto ditro, ditto, .1 83 white lump ditto, 160 Common, ditto, 125 Thomaston, per cask, 1 60 LLEEAD. Pig, lb. 6% a 7 Bur, 6} a 6 slcet, BaB| O, b a 7 LUMBE, CARGO PRICEs —*CASIL.” Clear Pine Beards, per 1000 fect, $2l a 22 Merchantable do. 11 a 13 N. Carolina Pine, for flooring, 20 a 22 Eastern do. do. 12 a 13 Spruce Timber and Joist, sawed, 95 a 10} Do. do. hewn, 83 a 9% Hemlock, sawed, 78 a 8% Bangor Shingles, Ist quality, 8§ a 3% Do, o I 28 a 2% Kennebeck do. Ist do. 38 a 3§ N. Carolina Cedar Shingles, Ist qulity, 3 ao} Do. do. do. 24 dv. 8 a 4 Clapboards, clcar, patent sawed, 22 Laths, sawed, 1§ a 1§ MOLASSES. Importation fruin first July 1o first September, 1478 uhds. Thedemand fur retailing qualitics has been animnated through the week, :uuf 333 a 31 cts has been readily oblained for small lots. 40 hhds. distilling sold at auction on the 30th, 5 hhds. fair at 3.4 at 4 mos. the balauce 31 cty. 6 mos. We con tinue rates. Hav. and Matanzas retailing, 83§ a 34 cents. distilling, do Sl a 32 Surinam and Trimdad 35 a 36 New Orleans, do i none. NAILS. Fall River and Pawtucket Nail Manufactory prices, Large, 6} l Swall, 7 NAIL RODS. Q. S. lony, ton, Kl2O a 130 NAVAL STORES. Demand limited, and sales only at retail. We quote Tar, bbl, $l4 @ 2 Turpentine,bbl. s2sa 3 Pitch, do, 11 @ 24 Do Spirits, 53 a 59 cts. Rosin, do, 15 a 2 OILS. The inquiry for both Summer and Winter has' been anunated, and the trade are disposcd to purchase fréely. Sales of Summer, in bbls have been mado at a trifling advance from our last reported rates; the stock 18 light and holders are of opinion 1t wiil sull further advance. We continue ratos. Sperm, Summer, gal, 5% a G 0 cents, Winter, gal 60 a 624 Whale, gal 82 « 33 none. Linseed, American, gal 85 Dutch, gal. 90 PROVISIONS. The sales of Provisions have been principally lim ite:l to the trade, and for ship stores. The little in market will not admnt of any transaction of momeant. Bosten Beef, both Mess and No. 1, have been in re quest, and the prices of last week nave been fully sus tained. We notice sales of No. 1 for exportation, at 98; a lot of Connecticut Priine in half bbls. at 4}, aud a lot of Connecticut No. 1 Prime Pork at 9. Wg continue our quotations. Beef, Boston mess bbl, 104 No.l, 9} a 934 New-York mess, nowe ‘ prime, nono Pork, mess, 144 prime, N. Y. city, 9% a 10 Prune New-Orleans, 83 a 9 Butter, Gosh. 154’16 | Lard, 10 Hams 84 a 9% PAINTS. White Lead, dry, Eng, per 100 lbs. $l2 a 12} Asrencan, 12 Red ditto, ditto, 84a 9 Latharge, 84a 9 Whiting, English, 14a 1} Pariy White, 8 a 43 Nchre, yellow, French, 4 a b Venititn Red, 4 al Vermilion, Chinere, (b, 90 cts. Verdigrise, 30 pamsh Brown, dry, 100 Ibs. *2 Lounpblack, th. 10 a "2 ets, FLASTER PARIS. Ton, ¢5 a 04 RIC: This article is without variation.—We quote @3 a 34, . SALT. We are not aware of any important transactions In this article; sales principally confiued to the retail trade. Qur prices are continued T'urks Isl. bush, 70 a7> Aincr. bush. 45 a 48 St. Übes, do 50 a 55 Cadiz bush, 53 a6O Lisbon, do. 56 Liv’pl, sk. $2 55a .60 SPICES. Sales to the trade, as wanted. Cassia i mats, Ib, 80 ail Nutmegs 110 a 145 Cloves, 72a 75 Pepper, 163 al7 Ginger Ruce, 7a 7§ Puincuo, 24a 25 ground, 8 SPIRITS, Wo Lave ne sa'es of importaree to rotice. A ‘ew Vo (Ciaw Haveacnd New York nporiation) St oty €nys Lot Gaetton taiy week-==the former t79a oot qualtty sud tobs rery fur, The 'ue or aa inferer it brouptt from 68 1o 10 ots. Salus 0 surs . ' ~' ent lgll to deberivae foave ween nAd . ang v ! Tnors 4 en! B oederux, do, oo ik Doinestic uo, 5t a o Rum, St. Cray, r{l] S Now Figland, [hhde ¢'*d) 5H a 4 Lo Gin, Haollaud, “% 20 ALIETIC I b a W Waiskey, 90 u B ~OAP. » Providence Manufiactory, No. 1y 75 . . . 2’ 55 af STEEL. German, b 20 11 ets | English, 10 (25 cta Amcrican, long, ton, plev SUGARS. Importation from first July to first September, 641 boxes, 20 hhds, and 459 bbls. Holders of Sugarsare demandmg 11 ets. for Havana Browns, thongh in gome instances we have noticed sales to the trade at 10§, There is but little business doing in any kinds. Now Orluans, 83 a 93 Pilaclump, 15 al7 Hav White, 12 a'4 Do loaf, 17 a 8 Brown, 10 all Hav. Muscov. 8§ alo 1 TEAS. ~ We continue our rates : Hyson, Ib. 92 a 110 | Hyson Skin, 53 aGO ‘\ Young Myson, 70 a_9o | Souchong, 48 aHd l TOBACCO. No. 1, b, 9 a i2]| No. 2,1 b, Talo No. 3, 3abd WOOL. Native Fleeco, 2252 25 Quarter hiood ditto, 25 a2B Hali blood ditto, 2% a 0 Throe-quarter ditto, 33 a 9 Fuil blood ditto, 55 aib Pulled S.oiunin{,, 27 a? 0 ”o. ‘ll't.’ s, ” a ” WINES. A lot of very inferior Malaga Wine brought 1310 S 0 cts, atuu slon, and thig i the o P tansat ion wenotice. The demand for other quahties con tiwues steady, and sales are made in smali lots to the trade nt our rates. Madeira, gal. G 22 a 3 Tenenfle f.. P. do, 1 Carpo, do, 85 a 90 cts. Malaga, dry, do, 55 a 60 . sweet, do, 5% a 60 Port, gal, $1 75 a 2% Lishon, do, 95 cts. Sicily Madeira, do, 118 a 15 cts. Catalonia, do, 4 a 585 Claret, do, perdoz. - s3la 4% Champaigne, per doa. 4 a 16 Frontignae, I Freuch Madeira, 60 a &.@ f’ana:? Hint i@ Full sea—This day, 4h. 47m. Sunday, Sh. 42m. Mouday, 6h. 37w. Tuesday, 7h. 32m. 1 7 Subtracting 30 miiutes gives the tine 0f high wuterat Newport— adding 3 bours and 3 muauies, gies the eof Ligh water at Bostou. PORT OF PROVIDEIICE. ARRIVED, WEDNESDAY, August 29. Brig George, Junes, Havana, 16, with sugar,to J. K. Potter. Left, ship George Champlin, Hudson, of Newport, waiting freight. Sche Planter, Lewis, trom New York, via New London, in ballast. Sloop Eliza Ann, Potter, from New York, 2 days, with flour, whiskey, &c. to A M. Vinton and others. Stoop Ranger, Corey, Tiverton, Shop Fair Play, Hazard, from Westport. U. L. slocp Mary, Bennett, from Now York, with tea, flour, &c. to W. Blodget & Co. Hunt & Pierce, and others. ~ Sloop Susannah, Bourne, from Sandwich, with wood, to J Burrongh., 5 SI;);)p Northera Star, Swift, from Wareham, with wood, to J. Burrougsh. Sloop Thomas, Beurae, from Sandwich, with wood to J. Burrough. U. L. sloop Splendid, Read, 2 davs from New York, with rum, flour, wool, &c. to John Farnum, Hunt & Pierce, and others. Steamboat Connceticut, Comstock, from N. York, 22 hours. ~ Steam boat Washington, Bunker, from New York, 20 hours. Sioop B. D. Jones, Peckham, from New York, with flour to Seth Adams, Jr. Sloop Fame, Walden, from Newport. . Sloop Wilham H. Allen, Pearse, from Bristol, Sloop Becca § Betsey, Gladding, Bristol. THURSDAY, August 30, Brig Janus, Pame, from New Orleans, 28 days, with cotton, to Thornton & Lothrop, and others, Schr Panama, Miller, Sullivan. Sloop Collector, Heath, Block Island. Sloop Avon, Gibbs, Albany. Sloop Edward, Swith, from Baltimore, with {lour, wood and watermelons, to D. Barton, and Geurge S. Wardwell & Co. Sloop Catharine Maria, Penney, fm River Head, with wood to J. Burrough. Sloop Fair America, Smith, (rom Hartford, with gin to G. S. Rathbone. Sloop Fame, Allen, from Nantucket, with oil and cand'es. Sloop Argonanut, Borden, from Troy. Sloop Geosrse and Mary, Walden, Newport, Sloop George L Phebe, West, from New-Bedford, with uil and eandles to (hie master. Sloop T'wo Brothers, Greene, Kast Greenwich. FRIDAY, August 31. U. L. sloop New Yeork, ‘Villard, tromn Now York, via Rristol, with floar, cotton, winskey, lard, &e. to Joseph Adams, S. B, Mumitord & Co. A. M. Vinton, G 8. Wardwell § Co aud others, Sloop Flash, Aborn, 21 hours frain Now York, with flour, to Hunt & Pierce. Sloop Lucy Emelne, Spink, from Wickford, Sloop Reformanion, Pratt, from Newport. Sloop Sarah, Ingrahan:, from Warroa. Sloop Moant Moriah, Matkewson, trom Warren. Sloop Reindeer, Davis, from Troy. Sloop Albion, Barker, from Norwich, with oil and candles, to E. J. Mallett. Slocp Intant, Myrick, Frectown. Stean boat Long Brauch, Mather, 21 hours from New York, with 30 passengers. Sloop Commerce, Whaley, South Kingstown. Sloop Polly, Hardy, Chatham. Sloop Ehza, Smith, fr Warren. Steam boat Fulton, Buoker, from New York, CLEARED, Brig Miles Standish, T'albot, Havana—Dby Rich mond & Andrews. U. L. sloop licrald, Brown, New York-——by Pot ter & liday. FPRUM OUK CORRESPONDENTS. Newport, August 3}. Arnivel on Yeduesday, brog awo aasden, Bar- Ker, ot oy fron Lottenburg . el three American VOaSUaS,y saline? Lieenleciou, Warren, Aug. 31. Arrovod Uie wiicnoon, sloop Amiiy, Muico, 21 HUUTL a 0 Moy 0, walll Wiskey. By the steam-boat I'uiton. Arr at New-York, on Wedneoday, ships T verpool, Robson, Liverpool, and 49 days hy Cork; Chancellor, Burkei, from Paros, Joue 2, Ivica, July 10, and Gibraltar, July 21-