Sales principally in swall Jots. We quote Pot,
:monou, ton, l;ss a §loo——Pearl, ton, slooa
“ .
Pilot, #3% a 1) Navy, cwt. €3 a 34
. Alex. Crackers, kee, 33 ¢ 60 cts.
We hayve no sales to aotice this weeks The hold
org of Sperm. are not willing 1o sell ut less than our
quotations chouéh 27 cts. has been offured and re
fused. M'uul..l andles scarce.
Dipped, Ib. 12 a 12}
Bper:n. Swain's patent, b, 82 a 33
Nev-Bediord, do 23 a 30
New-London, do, 28 a %0
* Nantucket, do 28
™ould, Ib. scarce, 15 a 13
Ot of season.
w‘h, ton, . s#B| Liverpool, chal. $l6
Virginia, chal. 12
Licportation from st July to Ist Sepfember, 5
bihds. 221 bags. ‘T'he business doing iu this amcla‘
Yias been very light. There is but little prine at mar
ket , and our rates are fully sustained.
St. Domingo aud Cuba. prime, 135 a 143
De. do. inferor, 12§ a i 3
Importation from first July to first September 5411
balgs. There has been vur{,litllu doing mn the Cot
ton market the past week. rices remam the same.
Georgia Uplun«r*. ‘b, 11 « 1. cents.
New Orleans, ib, 13 al5 do
Alabama, Ib. 113 a 125 do
Sea-Island, Ib. Wea24 o
The demand for this article is steady, and prices
are without variation.
X U, bolt,y 21 a 214 | Half Duck, $l5 a 15}
Brusgen’s, do. 20 a 21 | Heavy Ravens. 8 ¢ 8}
“otoff, 20 Light Ravens, 6f ¢ 73
Chipoteking, 18 a 18§
American, Phenix mull, wade exclusively of Irish
flax, No. Ito 8, %124 a 15%
Mr. Greene’s semi-annaal sale will take place this
day and we shall be better able to give a correct re
port of prices, as private transactions will be govern
ed, in some degree, by the rates given at the sale.
Shirtings, Emwn, 1 yds. 83 alO cents.
Do do § do. 9% @ (03 do
Do do 4-4 do. 11y al3 do
Do bleached, § do. 9 « 105 do
Do do Jdo. 1l @l do
Do fine N. Orl. Cott. 17 @lB do
Do do Sealsl. do 18 @2O do
Sheetings, bleached, 4-4 yd. 128 a 143 do
Checks, Indigo Blue, § do. 11 al3 do
Plaids, do do, § do. 12 all do
Windham Co’s Shirt’gs, €, Isl. § 13
Arkwright do. 8. Is|. g’o. 54, 20 a2l do
Do. do. No. 22, 15
Lippitt do do, S. 1. 13
Coventry do do. 17
Harris ~ do brown Sheetings, 133
Green do do do, 13
Bedtick, Washmgton, 25
Pawtucket, 264 a 27
Calicoes, Taunton, blue, 18
Do. do. faney, 20
Alum,!b. 41 a 5 Do. Arabic, 37%e
Aloes, 10 all Ipacae, roll, #8125 a 4 130
Annato, 30 «a 35 Isinglass, sheet Am. 150
Aqua Fortis, 14 alB Ditto, Russian, 450
Antimony, cr. 8 alO Jalap, loot, 45¢
Bal. Capani. 22 a 25 Liquorice, Paste, 13 al5
Borax,ref. 28 a3O Diuto root, Talo
Bark, Per.quil 40 a6O Madder, ground, 11 a}4
do - yellow, 15 a2O Manna in flakes, 15 a5O
Brimstone, roll,{er cwt. Oil Castor, Am. gal. §1
s2Ba 2§ Waib
Flor Sulphur, 3 a 4c Do. do. per doz. %5 ab
Camph. ref. Ib. 58 a6O Oil Vitriol, lb. aGc
Ditto, crude, 40, 0. 42 Opium, 31 a3}
Cantharides, . 37§ Quicksilver, 60 a 62§
Cream Tartar, 20 a 22c Rhubarb, E. J. 40a 50
Cochinea’, $35a31 Scona, E. J. 20 a 22
Copperas, 2% a3¢ Snake Root, Vir. 25 a3O
Galls, Aicppo 252 30 Spenge, common,2s a3O
Gum Senegal, 12a15 Do fine § ex.fines'§a 2]
QGentian, 7a9 Sugar of Lead. 25 a 29c
Gum Tragac’, 3%a40 Sarsaparilla, 30 . 373
Guin Shollae, ye!.22 224 Tumeric Root, 8a 10
Do. Laves, 17a 20 Vitrioi E'ue, 9aD
Do. Scammony, st¥a7
Braziulotto, per tui, > 22 a 25
L‘\.“\C.',b' ¢ on, 20 w 23 !
Losrwood, St. Domiago) 00 22 |
intto, [onduras, 204qa 22 |
Dita, Camiricny 25129 '
The markc: « stocked 1 1 aricle, and we can
mot give prices trom actual saics Holders are ask
ing our rcported rates.
Live Geese, b, 28 a B 4 ceuts.
Importation from first July to first September,
principatly (rom New York, 9919 barrels. Western |
Flour continues in demand, and prices have vaned
through the week from 45, 53 and 54. We have no
sales of Souther:ito notice, and our quotations are ‘
nominal. }
W. Can.bl. §5 Balt. Wharf, #47-Bas
N. York b l Alex & Georgt'n 4 7-8
Balt. H. St. 54 Scrateh’d & znc, 4}
Richwond City, 5 { Philadelphin, 54
Cunal 47-8 a b
Mackarel are in better demand, and salcs have been
made at 34 for No. 3, tor exportation Collish aro
wanted at our rates. .
Dgy Cod, quint. 21 Moackar:! No. 244 e 1y
“le' qui-l. l} a 2 l do. R ",fi! e R
Mackare!, No. . 5 @ 53 | Herewys, ¢ 247 D
The markon is entirely bere ot v Dol o i
Lemous; and we know of bat ‘vl do Ny
Fruits. |
Sieily Oranges, none Raizins, Mus.bx2b 2%
S aly Lerg, soarcy Juneh, TH ¢
Rasins, Mal. ck. &§ biti. bx. 24« 23
Prunes, 12 a '6 s, 749
Almonds, softshl 10 a V 1 “Fanarinds 6al
Do, hard, 6a G} *..- baß®
Do, shelled, 11212 M thus, Salo
Currauts, 12 a 13
Beaver, parchment, |b, L 3504 6
Do. North i.O
Do. Souta . 6238
Do, West Ph)a
Raceoon, N, and 8. skin 10« 40 cente,
Muskrat, N. and S. 209
Read Fox, a 0
Martin, Canada, 63 a =0
Do. N.W. 100 a 150
Mink, North, 20 4 37
Do. Sollth. '2 20
Otter, North and South 150 a 350
Neutria Skin, 30 a 37
Hare Skins, Russin grey, 31 a 4
Sales of DBoston, at rotail.
by 8, 100 feet, $124 a i 3
% by 9, do. do. 14 a 16
Bhy 10, do do 164 a i 6
Pittsburg, 6by 8 and 7 Ly 9, 54 « 0§
The sales of Southern Corn have been eonfined
principally to privato transactions; a lot of Maryland
artially injured, has been sold at 53, and on the
;\b. a cargo ol very fine sold at auction, at 56 cts
l(yo.buubof 62 a6B N. Corn, yel. bu. 60 a6’
Beans, white, 15 a 11 Soth. do white do 56 a 38
Pats, bush. 44 a 45 Wheat Shorts, 15
Russia, clean, ton, $2OO a 215
Bengal, 242487
The demand is steady, at our quotations.
Pig English, ton, $6O “a 62
Do. American do. - 50 o 4
Hoop American, do. 1.2 a 2
Do. English, do. 140 a 160
Sheet, per cwt. % o 8
Bar, Anerican, ton, 100 a 100
Do. Russia ol sable; do. 116
Do. do. deo. do. do. 100
Do. Swedes, do. 100 a 102
Eoglish assorted, do. 97 a 100
Eastern Sole, 20 a 23 d Philadelphia, 23 a 27
This article continues in demand.
Dexter’s first quality, per cask, $2 50
Joiata, ditto, 195
Harris’ Jointa, ditto, 225
first quality, ditto, 216 a 24
Whipple's ditto ditro, ditto, .1 83
white lump ditto, 160
Common, ditto, 125
Thomaston, per cask, 1 60
Pig, lb. 6% a 7 Bur, 6} a 6
slcet, BaB| O, b a 7
Clear Pine Beards, per 1000 fect, $2l a 22
Merchantable do. 11 a 13
N. Carolina Pine, for flooring, 20 a 22
Eastern do. do. 12 a 13
Spruce Timber and Joist, sawed, 95 a 10}
Do. do. hewn, 83 a 9%
Hemlock, sawed, 78 a 8%
Bangor Shingles, Ist quality, 8§ a 3%
Do, o I 28 a 2%
Kennebeck do. Ist do. 38 a 3§
N. Carolina Cedar Shingles, Ist qulity, 3 ao}
Do. do. do. 24 dv. 8 a 4
Clapboards, clcar, patent sawed, 22
Laths, sawed, 1§ a 1§
Importation fruin first July 1o first September,
1478 uhds. Thedemand fur retailing qualitics has
been animnated through the week, :uuf 333 a 31 cts
has been readily oblained for small lots. 40 hhds.
distilling sold at auction on the 30th, 5 hhds. fair at
3.4 at 4 mos. the balauce 31 cty. 6 mos. We con
tinue rates.
Hav. and Matanzas retailing, 83§ a 34 cents.
distilling, do Sl a 32
Surinam and Trimdad 35 a 36
New Orleans, do i none.
Fall River and Pawtucket Nail Manufactory prices,
Large, 6} l Swall, 7
Q. S. lony, ton, Kl2O a 130
Demand limited, and sales only at retail. We
Tar, bbl, $l4 @ 2 Turpentine,bbl. s2sa 3
Pitch, do, 11 @ 24 Do Spirits, 53 a 59 cts.
Rosin, do, 15 a 2
The inquiry for both Summer and Winter has'
been anunated, and the trade are disposcd to purchase
fréely. Sales of Summer, in bbls have been mado at
a trifling advance from our last reported rates; the
stock 18 light and holders are of opinion 1t wiil sull
further advance. We continue ratos.
Sperm, Summer, gal, 5% a G 0 cents,
Winter, gal 60 a 624
Whale, gal 82 « 33 none.
Linseed, American, gal 85
Dutch, gal. 90
The sales of Provisions have been principally lim
ite:l to the trade, and for ship stores. The little in
market will not admnt of any transaction of momeant.
Bosten Beef, both Mess and No. 1, have been in re
quest, and the prices of last week nave been fully sus
tained. We notice sales of No. 1 for exportation, at
98; a lot of Connecticut Priine in half bbls. at 4}, aud
a lot of Connecticut No. 1 Prime Pork at 9. Wg
continue our quotations.
Beef, Boston mess bbl, 104
No.l, 9} a 934
New-York mess, nowe
‘ prime, nono
Pork, mess, 144
prime, N. Y. city, 9% a 10
Prune New-Orleans, 83 a 9
Butter, Gosh. 154’16 | Lard, 10
Hams 84 a 9%
White Lead, dry, Eng, per 100 lbs. $l2 a 12}
Asrencan, 12
Red ditto, ditto, 84a 9
Latharge, 84a 9
Whiting, English, 14a 1}
Pariy White, 8 a 43
Nchre, yellow, French, 4 a b
Venititn Red, 4 al
Vermilion, Chinere, (b, 90 cts.
Verdigrise, 30
pamsh Brown, dry, 100 Ibs. *2
Lounpblack, th. 10 a "2 ets,
Ton, ¢5 a 04
This article is without variation.—We quote
@3 a 34, .
We are not aware of any important transactions In
this article; sales principally confiued to the retail
trade. Qur prices are continued
T'urks Isl. bush, 70 a7> Aincr. bush. 45 a 48
St. Übes, do 50 a 55 Cadiz bush, 53 a6O
Lisbon, do. 56 Liv’pl, sk. $2 55a .60
Sales to the trade, as wanted.
Cassia i mats, Ib, 80 ail Nutmegs 110 a 145
Cloves, 72a 75 Pepper, 163 al7
Ginger Ruce, 7a 7§ Puincuo, 24a 25
ground, 8
Wo Lave ne sa'es of importaree to rotice. A ‘ew
Vo (Ciaw Haveacnd New York nporiation) St
oty €nys Lot Gaetton taiy week-==the former
t79a oot qualtty sud tobs rery fur, The 'ue
or aa inferer it brouptt from 68 1o 10 ots. Salus
0 surs . ' ~' ent lgll to deberivae foave ween
nAd . ang v ! Tnors 4 en!
B oederux, do, oo ik
Doinestic uo, 5t a o
Rum, St. Cray, r{l] S
Now Figland, [hhde ¢'*d) 5H a 4 Lo
Gin, Haollaud, “% 20
Waiskey, 90 u B
~OAP. »
Providence Manufiactory, No. 1y 75
. . . 2’ 55 af
German, b 20 11 ets | English, 10 (25 cta
Amcrican, long, ton, plev
Importation from first July to first September, 641
boxes, 20 hhds, and 459 bbls. Holders of Sugarsare
demandmg 11 ets. for Havana Browns, thongh in
gome instances we have noticed sales to the trade at
10§, There is but little business doing in any kinds.
Now Orluans, 83 a 93 Pilaclump, 15 al7
Hav White, 12 a'4 Do loaf, 17 a 8
Brown, 10 all Hav. Muscov. 8§ alo
~ We continue our rates :
Hyson, Ib. 92 a 110 | Hyson Skin, 53 aGO
‘\ Young Myson, 70 a_9o | Souchong, 48 aHd
No. 1, b, 9 a i2]| No. 2,1 b, Talo
No. 3, 3abd
Native Fleeco, 2252 25
Quarter hiood ditto, 25 a2B
Hali blood ditto, 2% a 0
Throe-quarter ditto, 33 a 9
Fuil blood ditto, 55 aib
Pulled S.oiunin{,, 27 a? 0
”o. ‘ll't.’ s, ” a ”
A lot of very inferior Malaga Wine brought
1310 S 0 cts, atuu slon, and thig i the o P tansat
ion wenotice. The demand for other quahties con
tiwues steady, and sales are made in smali lots to the
trade nt our rates.
Madeira, gal. G 22 a 3
Tenenfle f.. P. do, 1
Carpo, do, 85 a 90 cts.
Malaga, dry, do, 55 a 60 .
sweet, do, 5% a 60
Port, gal, $1 75 a 2%
Lishon, do, 95 cts.
Sicily Madeira, do, 118 a 15 cts.
Catalonia, do, 4 a 585
Claret, do, perdoz. - s3la 4%
Champaigne, per doa. 4 a 16
Frontignae, I
Freuch Madeira, 60 a
&.@ f’ana:? Hint i@
Full sea—This day, 4h. 47m. Sunday, Sh. 42m.
Mouday, 6h. 37w. Tuesday, 7h. 32m.
1 7 Subtracting 30 miiutes gives the tine 0f high wuterat Newport—
adding 3 bours and 3 muauies, gies the eof Ligh water at Bostou.
WEDNESDAY, August 29.
Brig George, Junes, Havana, 16, with sugar,to J.
K. Potter. Left, ship George Champlin, Hudson, of
Newport, waiting freight.
Sche Planter, Lewis, trom New York, via New
London, in ballast.
Sloop Eliza Ann, Potter, from New York, 2 days,
with flour, whiskey, &c. to A M. Vinton and others.
Stoop Ranger, Corey, Tiverton,
Shop Fair Play, Hazard, from Westport.
U. L. slocp Mary, Bennett, from Now York, with
tea, flour, &c. to W. Blodget & Co. Hunt & Pierce,
and others.
~ Sloop Susannah, Bourne, from Sandwich, with
wood, to J Burrongh.,
5 SI;);)p Northera Star, Swift, from Wareham, with
wood, to J. Burrougsh.
Sloop Thomas, Beurae, from Sandwich, with wood
to J. Burrough.
U. L. sloop Splendid, Read, 2 davs from New
York, with rum, flour, wool, &c. to John Farnum,
Hunt & Pierce, and others.
Steamboat Connceticut, Comstock, from N. York,
22 hours.
~ Steam boat Washington, Bunker, from New York,
20 hours.
Sioop B. D. Jones, Peckham, from New York,
with flour to Seth Adams, Jr.
Sloop Fame, Walden, from Newport. .
Sloop Wilham H. Allen, Pearse, from Bristol,
Sloop Becca § Betsey, Gladding, Bristol.
THURSDAY, August 30,
Brig Janus, Pame, from New Orleans, 28 days,
with cotton, to Thornton & Lothrop, and others,
Schr Panama, Miller, Sullivan.
Sloop Collector, Heath, Block Island.
Sloop Avon, Gibbs, Albany.
Sloop Edward, Swith, from Baltimore, with {lour,
wood and watermelons, to D. Barton, and Geurge S.
Wardwell & Co.
Sloop Catharine Maria, Penney, fm River Head,
with wood to J. Burrough.
Sloop Fair America, Smith, (rom Hartford, with
gin to G. S. Rathbone.
Sloop Fame, Allen, from Nantucket, with oil and
Sloop Argonanut, Borden, from Troy.
Sloop Geosrse and Mary, Walden, Newport,
Sloop George L Phebe, West, from New-Bedford,
with uil and eandles to (hie master.
Sloop T'wo Brothers, Greene, Kast Greenwich.
FRIDAY, August 31.
U. L. sloop New Yeork, ‘Villard, tromn Now York,
via Rristol, with floar, cotton, winskey, lard, &e. to
Joseph Adams, S. B, Mumitord & Co. A. M. Vinton,
G 8. Wardwell § Co aud others,
Sloop Flash, Aborn, 21 hours frain Now York, with
flour, to Hunt & Pierce.
Sloop Lucy Emelne, Spink, from Wickford,
Sloop Reformanion, Pratt, from Newport.
Sloop Sarah, Ingrahan:, from Warroa.
Sloop Moant Moriah, Matkewson, trom Warren.
Sloop Reindeer, Davis, from Troy.
Sloop Albion, Barker, from Norwich, with oil and
candles, to E. J. Mallett.
Slocp Intant, Myrick, Frectown.
Stean boat Long Brauch, Mather, 21 hours from
New York, with 30 passengers.
Sloop Commerce, Whaley, South Kingstown.
Sloop Polly, Hardy, Chatham.
Sloop Ehza, Smith, fr Warren.
Steam boat Fulton, Buoker, from New York,
Brig Miles Standish, T'albot, Havana—Dby Rich
mond & Andrews.
U. L. sloop licrald, Brown, New York-——by Pot
ter & liday.
Newport, August 3}.
Arnivel on Yeduesday, brog awo aasden, Bar-
Ker, ot oy fron Lottenburg . el three American
VOaSUaS,y saline? Lieenleciou,
Warren, Aug. 31.
Arrovod Uie wiicnoon, sloop Amiiy, Muico, 21
HUUTL a 0 Moy 0, walll Wiskey.
By the steam-boat I'uiton.
Arr at New-York, on Wedneoday, ships T
verpool, Robson, Liverpool, and 49 days hy
Cork; Chancellor, Burkei, from Paros, Joue
2, Ivica, July 10, and Gibraltar, July 21-<had
no communication with the shore; Lafayotte,
Fanning, New-Oileans, 22; Adamant, Brown,
London; barque Four Sous, Deming, St Tho
mis, 20; brigs Rising Sun, Goddard, Carnar
son, 403 Pawelia, Jordan, Gibraltar, 50; Ca
is Puoaey, card, Carthagena, 25; Cadinus,
Whie, Poroo Rico, 15; Hope’s Dehight, Crow
ell, obasca, 41 schrs Spiendid, Concklin, V.
Cruz, 23; Tuion, Halieit, Xibaia, 15; Liber
ty, Riveio, davana, 17; Gold Huntress, Small,
Savannan, i3y Fly, Maichell, Richmond, 5,
Eclpse, Joliason, Perersburg.
St e Gey Jhacon, Gnswold, Valparai
-203 oi . ileager, Baxer, Vera Cruz
Arvoon Taorsday, scoars Aon Howard, IHag-
Cat, W clangton, NL G 5 Ceila, Hiteheock,
iy Wea, iB5, HBulow, schr Adams, Bn,gley,
of Moo, o "Wilimington—-4 of her crew
| C!d. brig I'nenus, Lewis, Liverpool; schrs
' Charles Hayes, Ra viings, Pac i, E. F.; En
elme, Jolinson, Key West.
A very sevete gale was expericnced in tho
| vieinity of Norfoik, on Sunday iast.
. In Hawpion Roads, 25th ult, ii'.:[g Jefferson,
Cornick, Li.erpool, 38, for Janies River.
Arr a! Wilmington, 22d ult. brigs Counsellor,
- Mann, Guadaloupe; Ann Celia, {‘urry, hence.
Cld brig Sarah Lee, M'Kenzie, of this port, for
Hull, Eng.
Arr ai Charleston, 21st ult. brig Thomas
' Morris, Lane, from Havan, put in for arbitra
l tion, having run ashore on Carysford’s reef, on
{ the night of the 16th, but received no damage.
Also arr. schr Joanna, Roberts, Matanzas, 7.
Cleared at Now Orleans, 4th ult. schr Solon,
Tarr, for this port.
At Koy West, 12th ult. U. S. shiv John Ad
ams, all well.
At Carthagena, 4th ult. brig Athenian, Ship
man, for New York, 10--the only Awmcrican
vessel, ;
At Tobasco, June 30, schr Stanley, Ander
son, for New York, soon. :
At Vera Cruz, 6th ult. brig Jasper, to sail
in 4 de, ‘
Sailed from Sagharbour, 24th ult, ship Ara
bella, Sayre Puci%c Ocean.
The U. 8. ship Constitntion, was off Cape Matte
pan, June 6, ail well d
At St Thomas, Sih wit. ship Agnes, of New York,
discg; briss Ulysses, fr Boston, just ar; Volant, New
York, 2:Jos. Bastburn, Pluladelphia, 3; schrs Ma
ry ‘Now York, 5.
At Porto Rico, 14th ult, sehr Cerena, Bordon, of
Warecw, I.r NSew Yok, T.r 9
The U. 8 sloop of war Erie, Captain Turner, has
sailed Ir New York, for Koy West-
Spoken, Aug. 10, lat 44 45, lon 42, ship Virginia,
from Liverpool for Alexandrna—had -token two days
previous, a ship from Savauuah for Liverpool, wity
the captain and 4 or 5 of the crew sick—h Lad lost a
mant fivi the main top gallant yard.
Thebrig Asaph, Shaw, for Gibraitar, is advertised
to sml v Boston, on Tharsday next.
The Chuiics Sidney, Johnson, 27 ds fr N Orleans,
at Newburyport, - -
Ship Ann & Hope, Esdel!, of this port, sailed from
Gibraltar, July '9th, for Cauton.
A brig, keel upwards, sjeen and cabin washed away,
laden with staves, and supposed 10 be an American,
was drivemushore in the month of June, un the norih
sido of the island of Madeira.
Outhe night of the 14th ult. a Spanish droger went
along side the brig New England, Deming, of this
port, Iying in the harbor of M itanzis, under pretence
of making a line fast to warp out by, and while the
peopin ofthe brig were muking the line fast for them,
they cut tiw hawser by whicli she was moored ;aud be
ing calin it was not perceived unt! morning, at which
time tho drogor, with her price, a bedge and a huu
drod futhoms soven wich hawser, was out of tho Lar
Brigs Prince & Edward,Hewland, of New Bediod,
fr New York, arrat Jampico, July 16, .
At Pownt Petre, B 4 uit. brig Pocahiontas, Brown, of
and for this port, 4 or 5, .
A: Bt. Übes, July 10, brig Union, Burr, for this
port, nextday, 3 i e
At 'Matanzas, 16th uit. U. 8. ship John Adams,
Just arr. all well; brigs Laura, Stout, fr Leghorn; N.
England, Deirleg, Now York; Sea Istaud, King, dv;
schr Uetseyyayo, do.
Ship Lieavor, Clild, 60 days from New Orleans,
arr at Gibraltar, July 11.
At Point Petre, sth ult. schr Baltic, Cranston, of
Bristol, for St. Barts, 4.
At Cork, July Bd, ship Margaret, from Bristol for
New York—put in loaky and discharging.
PORTSMOU T'H, Aug. 27.—Arr brig Iris, Riee,
St. Ules, 4%,
29th, arr ship Martha, Lunt, St. Übes, 41; brig
Criterion, Burnham, Liverpool, 53.
PORTLAND, Aug. 2h—Arr brigs Regulator,
Hubbs, fr Liverpool; Albert, Simontun, Point Petre,
19. CW bargue Mereator, Morse, Port au Prince,
CASTINE, Aug. 23.—C1 brig Vouus, Uilden,
St. Thomas.
BOSTON, Aug. 28.—Arr ship Saco, Leslie, Liv
erpool, 45. Cld. brig George Henry, Prince, Hali
fux; sches Midus, Wecks, Clarleston; Juliet, Ward,
29th, arrbrig Thetis, Bailey, 68 ds fr Bristol, and
56 ir Cork; schr Experiment, Cripp, Malaga 63, and
58 fr Gibraltar, Cld schr Sally Hope, Baker, Prov
YtUth,arr brig Perseverance, Barker, fr Charleston;
schus Ivy, Parker, St. Croia; Abigail, fin Cuba, “2;
Bersey & Eliza, Baxter, Providence.
Cil big Commerce, Fvaus, Surinam; schr Lucie
tia, Gibbs, 5t Peters.
NEW-YORK, Aug. 26.—Arr ships George Clin
ton, Rawson, Liverpool; Farmer, Stewart, St Unes,
165 brigs Atlantie, Lawson, Dundee, 48; James No
bie, Lewis, Rotterdam, 37; George, Morris, Ham
burg, 33; Clarice, Hateh, Gabraltar, 35; schir Joseph
Bouuer. Sowmers, Waslungton, 105 sloop Huutress,
licath, Providence.
Cid Br. burque Oceoan, Gibbs, Liverpool; brig Sa.
rah Heerick, Sauaders, Port au Pringe; schr Exat,
Wright, Charleston,
27, are bz Peafilgar, Winsor, Ivica 53, Gib
raltar 49, Cld brig Willian, "T'wyceross, Neavitas.
28th, arr sche Caroline, Gvcr‘. Leghorn, and 50
hours tr Boston; sloop Superior, Chuld, Providence,
1. Cd slap Chase, Baxter, Breinen;. brigs Courer,
Bailey, Savannah; Tobaceo Plant, Robertson, do;
Yellow Bied, Tuir, Cape Haytien; sloop New York,
Willard, Providence.
PHILADELPUIA, Aug. 25.—Arr ships Superd,
George, Rotterdam, 47; Atlautic, M'Cuil Leghorn
and Gibraltur, 31; vrig Zeha, Crooby, Favana, 12;
schr Creole, Now Oriwans. Cld brig Antelope, Cure,
St Jago de Cuba,
26th, arr ship Alexander, Baldwin, fv Liverpoul,—
Cld brig Eliza, Merclken, Vera Cruz.
27, are brig Forest, Brooks, Bordeaux, 49; sloop
Rising Sun, Clark, Newyort. Cid. ship Stranger,
Dinger, fur Liverpool; brig Ann, Eldredge, West In
dPPe W .
BALTIMORE, Aug. 23.—~C11d brig Ann, €loan,
Lima; schr John & Joseph, Cottrel, St. Barts.
25th, arr ship Jane, Child, (of Warren,) St Übes,
465 schrs EO, Fish, St Johus, P. R, 15; Ehzabeth,
Allen, Matanzas, 7; sloop Com. Perry, Now York.
Cld schr Iris, Cruthers, Cuba.
ALEXANDRIA, Aug. 25.—Arr ship William
Baker, Thllinghast, Providence. Sailed, schr Ehza
beth, Cormng, Maranham.
26th, sailed, ship Columia, Foster, Awsterdam.
RICHMOND, Aug. 26.—Arr schr Enterprise, fm
Providence. Cld ship Diana, Braithwaite, London.
VEHE individual, who s in the habit of tak
ing from the store of Francrs Pav
ernNg, the Literary Cuadet, is respectfully
requested to abstam from the practice. Mr,
Payerne subsoribes for the paper to accommo
date his patroas,and hopes thut the gentleman
who takes at lromn him, will have the good
ness to leave it, afier Lo hascad it.
September 1
! @GBGD Bushkels Murylund Corn, of
. ¥ prime quality, on board of
selir. George & Mary, at Mason's wiarf, for
sale by
Septamber 1. CGEO. 5 RATHBONE,
i M. VINTON otiers for sale, 36 hhds
¥ e St Croix Rum; 15 pipes Holland Gin;
t pipes Scignette Brandy; 100 quarter casks
and Indian barrels Mulaga Dry and swect
Wine; 40 do Irench Madeira Wine; 40 bbls
rectiied Whiskey; 100 kegs No. 1 manufact
ured Tobacco; 100 boxes No. 1 Soap; Alex
andria Cigars, Flour, Ilams, Cliocolate, §e.
&e. September 1.
7’o Bbls Prime Pork, Hartford city -
spection, for sale by
Septomber 1. A. M. VINTON.
l " Chests Young Hyson Tea, Tunny's
cargo, just received, tor sale by
Septemuer 1. A. M. VINTON,
15 Bbls Ciates’ Gin, jost landed froin
o sloop Fair America, for sie by
September 1. GEO. 8. RATHBONIL.
ster street, hue just reecived and clives for
1600 Havana Oranges
700 do Pine Apples
2 bbls tresh Limcl.
Also—Oon hand, a goneral assortmwent of
Fruits, Liquors, Groceries, &e. for sale on the
most favourable terms, September 1.
1600 Havana Oranges
700 do Pine Applos
3 bbls tresh Limcs.
l)()\’l.E S HMATHAW Y, Book Binders,
roar of No. 17, Market strect, will ex
eente all orders which they may be favoured
with, ia the best manner and on reasonable
Acedunt Books {or Merchants and Banke,
rled o any pattern, and warranted durable.
Wanted, an Apprentice, 3 Scptmuhrr 1.
RIS et S Gnntead ~are-ay -et PRy -~ PP v
450 Gallonstiost quality Winter 01,
. just received and for saie hy
@, South Waler Jtrent
'[‘llE Managers respectfully inform 'be(rub
- lic, that the Theatre will be opened on
' MONDAY EVENING next, for a short sea
son, with a full company. September L.
Vrl!ls EVENING, ¢ceptember Ist, the per
formance will commence with
Who will perform the scene of the Peasant’s
i'rolie, or ladies’ Fashions in Panis. |
SLACK ROPE By Master Whitaker.
By Mons. Ricker, who will exhibit the adwired
scene of the Roman Gladiator.
Otlicer and his Recruit, on tweo horses, by Mr.
Richer and Master Whitalier.,
By Master'Laforest, who after many surprising
feats will leap uver a canvags 13 feet wide,
hus horse at tull speed.
By Master Whnttaker, without «; ddle orbridle.
The evening’s performance to couclude wit
the grand historical pantowine of’ ]
For further particulars see bil's of the dag
Doors open at half past 7, perfornmncu}lo
commence precisely at 8 o’clock. Box tick
ety 50 cents; children under te. years, half
price. Pit tickets™2s cents, Sept. 1.
STORE No. 119, High-street; and imme
diate possession given, For terms, apply
at said store. 38 September 1.
‘l ‘b" Barrels tresh Canal Flour, land-
M. ing trom sloop New York—for
sale by GO, S. WARDWELL & CO.
September 1,
25 Poxes Havana brown Sugar, landing
from brig George - for sale by
September 1.
1 00 Bhls, Whiskey, linding from sloop
New Yori--tor sale by
September 1, A. M. VINTON.
549 Keoega prime leat Lavd, landing from
slovp New Yorke—tor sule by
September 1. A, M. VINTON.
7«949 Gadions New London Summer Ol
in barrels
25 boxes ditto ditto sperm, Candles, landing
this worning from sloep Alhion=-for sale by
Septewber 1. L. J. MALLETT.
]'('S'l' received, a few docen supedine bea- |
OF ver Hats, of a very superor quality.——
Also, a very extensive assohuent of castor, |
rorain, and nnitation beaver Hate, oi almost !
every description and quality, comprising more
than an hundred dozen; which are ollered for |
sale on the wost reasonabic teris, i
N. B. Oae invariable price strictly adhercd
Lo, Scptember 1.
JUST landed from sloop Bliza Aun, 260
bbls Rye Whiskey, for sale by
| _September 1. A. M. VINTOXN.
50 Boxes Sperm Caudles, st landcd
from sloop Fame, for sale Ly
September 1. o 3. MALLETT.
i - FLOUR.
50 Bbls Howard street Flour, trom new
wheat, just landed tiowm sloop LEd
ward, for sale by
Septewber 1.
TIIE 8 bseribers have j streceived 2 con
signment of linpevial Prin ing Paper, ot
good quality, whieh they oder for sale oun the
niost favourable torme
dlso—A lot of che an ¢ '.tl"r;t"_," l'.l:\",",
Sept. 1. Fost door west of tihe bodpe
0:; Menday, in tha town, Wushington
Loldge Lottery, is to be drawn. H.glest
prize 6000 dollars. Tickets d doliars.
On Commencement day, tue New York
Consolidated Lottery, ail to bo fnsied ay us
ual, in a few minntes. Fhghest price 20,000
doliars. Fickels s dollars, shiics in propote
On Tuesday, 12thinst in this town, Grand
State Lottery,highest prize 6000 doilars. Tick
ots 4 dollare, shares in proportion. And on
the same day, draws in Richiond, the Virgin
ia State Dismal Swamp Lottery, bighost prize
15,000 dollars. Tickels 5 doil.rs, aud shaves
in proportion.
Aud the last ¢ thongh no* least’ on the
docket, comes the Vennout sate Lottery, to
be drawu on Friday, 18h inst. hignest prize
8000 dollars; and what 15 o come considera=
tion, the lowest prize is 5 doilos, whilst the
tickets are ouly 4 dollars, -uned chares o pio
portoon. For chwnces in all or citlier o the
aubove, pivazc call at
R. 1. State !.h“flf)‘ and 1. \-"‘..'i.’-) Gidice, No,
4, Uuion Buildings,
Buuli Blls examined gratle Sept. 1
A little more like old times. Lucl upon
Luck. .‘..)H.'."H.'.,' like it,
“CLARK'S Lot of tie drawing of the R, L
{/ Wedt Bapust Soc.cty Lmt--r_\ s wlich
took place on Wednesday atternooun.
Droawn SNuners,
41 14 23 19 47 10 22 b 4
Combinaton 10 25 47 cawie up a comtorr.
(ble prize ot 250 dollare, Combmation 22 23
47 also a price of 250 dsllars, both e:n_ld a fcw.
hours previons to the drawiny, togentismen of
this towh, who received the eash for the same
the moment the tickets were presented * withe
out discount for interest,’ as usualin all ocaves
fur prizes #old as above of * 500 dollars avd|
ander.” It ig almost tine for us to do sotnC- |
thing in the line of heavy prizes, and we hope |
shortly to be ableto give our patroniing |
frionds ¢ oeenlar dn"")"s!r‘[lnlll' that we \'A“
not be * behind-hand® m a good cause. ‘
The “’illhi"mn“ 110('.!3 l.fl”(‘r.\' drawa 0':
Monday, and afiords a handzone opportumty
for the ap licants nf”n[nc ¥ nllll."J‘ to throw in !
their proportions, many 6f whieh mugt nvmu-{
garily meot with the most f:l'-:oruhlu ruCcpllOD-‘
R. 1. Wtate Lottery and Exchange Ofice, Xo.i
4, Urion Daildings
' \'.-vh".n""'j 1 ’ !
On Thursday next, September 6th, st Offich
No. 1, Market square, at 3 o'clock, P. l‘l;.i
200 handsome Engravings, sgme new
and the finest of wogfiuncbip e
20 autltu Lord Byron's Works, cumplete, in &
vals. p
50 do National Tales, in 2 vols.,
100 5:0:5 Lead Pencils '
50 dozen Wallets
200 do fancy Snaff Boxes
40 do best Evglish refined Razeors, §<,
This Day,Elpl mber 1, at 4 o’clock, P. M.
in front of Othce To. 1, Market square, the
«hek of a Baker s establishment, unfortunate,
in business, cons.ir s of one Qod Horse; ou¥%
Breal Cart, Stove » 1 Pipe, fl!b&?flk, 50
empty Flour Barrel., ;umz; Tools a Bake
House Estaldish:uent. By order of the As#
sigugeof J,V. & K Snow. September 1,
rl\mc Chaire, Looking Glaeses, Sofus, &«.
which vwere advertised to have been sold
vesterday morning in front of the subscriber’s
Auction Room, is postponed in consequence ob
the non arrival of the -ame, for a few dava.
NO. 1, Market-Square, has just receivtd,
and offers for sale, on liberel terms,
120 pieces indige bluc ¢ ud fancy mixed Cassi-
100 ditto American Rel Flannels
2 cases 7-4 figurgd Crape Shawls.
September 1, =
WASH]NGTON Lodge Lottery i to be
‘ drawn in this town, next Monday.--
Highest prize 6000 dollars.
i 1 pri.e of §6OOO 1 prizg of 316
ill do do 2000 1 do do 20D
'1 do do 1000 11 do do 160
1 do do 900 36 do dv 40
‘l do do* 800 36 do do 20
1 do do 600 | 468 do do 8
‘'l do do 500 | 3780 do do 4
Tukets §4, shares in proportion, for sale at
i LTruly Lueky QOffice, 17 Market-streit,
i September 1. g
| ‘VI}W-YORK Counsolidated Lotery, class
ik No 6, to be drawn inthe €ity of New=
, Yourk on Wednesday rext
1 prize of §20,000 10 prizés of L'y
I do do 7500 30 do do lan
‘1 do'"do 4000 46 do do w
'y 1 do do 2000 92 do do 4y
1 do do 1600 1150 do dv 16
I do do 1224 ¢ 8280 do Jb B
110 do do 1000
. Whale tichets {B, parts in proportions 17
iSd-D “we )
! Lruly Lucky Office.
! S\ “'.Chlil"i' T NO. 17.%‘“&01'5:1
! V:,w.vom{ Consolidated Lotterv, clas
| INU'No. 6. 20,000 doMars highest prize. 54
| uuber combination— 8 drawn ballots,
| Iprize of 20,000 10 prizes of 51w
11 do do 500 80 do do 150
1 do do 1000 46 do do g
1 do do 300! 92 do do 1o
11 do do 1600 ] 1160 do do 16
|ldo do 1224 I 8280 do do S
v! 10 do do 1000 ]
2 9624 tickets, amounting to §148,824,
| I’l’wkn:s o duilars, shures in proportion, tin
salc ut ‘
! ot Lottery end FExclange Qflice,
i Nou. 4, Union Buldimgse
'} September T, )
{ ‘% EW.YORK Consolidated Lottery, N'u\
, 4 % 1o be drawn on Wednesday next. :
4 SCHEME. : .
1 U prize of $20,000 | 10 prizesof §6v
l|ldo do 7500 ‘3odo do 150
| 1 do do 4000 46 do do S 0
:L3do do 3000 \92do do 40
1 do da 1600 | 1150 do do 168
1 do do 1224 | 8250 do b e
110 de do 1000 |
_ Whole tickets B dollars, patfs in gropo 18:r,
tor sale at
- Paine & Burgess’
- Septendier L. Truly Lucky Offilex
[ e e
. l.llflh’l‘l's"r prize 8000 dollars - 4th clase
‘ E new sciics, to be drawnon Friday, 141
|1 prive of $BlOO 4 pizes of Bein
1 do do 30080 12 do do Ity
Ido do 2500 l7Bdo do 4
11 do de 2000 98 do do 2o
1 do do 1100 ‘ 154 do do Tin
. 1 dJdo do 1048 et do "o S
2 do do 1000 | 7800 do do .
i Ticle s 04, parts in proportion, for sale nt
' . Office, No. 17, Market sqaaio
September 1,
~‘%';\SF"N(- roN Lodge Lottery will fie
, drawn m this town, on Mooday ney.
Highest price 6500 doilars,
I‘ 1 prize of $';“00 ' 1 pl'l’fl o 3'.
I do do 2000 1 do da 260
"1 da do 1000 Illdo do e
! l;.o dn 900 :!6 o'o f’fl *y
1 de do &80 l 36 do do Al
1 do d 6 GOO | 468 do do &
1 ds de 0] 3780 do do 4
‘| Tickots 4 doliars, shares i grogortion, Oy
eale at
| Sl‘phllllbflr ‘ Franklin "ow.
- - - i—— e —————— e oty B g
!"‘HE Washington Lodge Lotterry will Lo
I B deawn in this town. Wighest price 60t
| dollare, FOMEME.
' prese of 38000 l » Sl6
8" 2000 1 2
1 1000 11 100
B 000 , a 6 'CL
{ 1 X .z o
l 1 600 ’ ~
1 500 | 3784 4
i Tickets 4 doll e, whares in pn’-wh.. fue
«alo by PAKNE & BURGESE,
v Ruguet 11, Vg fog the Munegan,