Newspaper Page Text
A Wanogrer.—A letler from the Post| My Sprague’s recelipon at home..— A Master at Atlleborou"h, to the editors of peorrespondent writes from Gardiner, Me. the Journal, dated 27th inst, states that a {that the Hon. PgrLee Srracue was es young lad about 5 years of age, came to a ! corted from that town to Augusta and house in that place on the evening previ- | Hallowell by a very lurge cavaicade, He ous. The only account he can give of [was placed in a barouogo drawn by four himself is that he is from Providence, and greys, in company with Judge Kingsbury that he went to a store ith aDr Eaton. 'and bcofgo Evans, and conveyed to Hae calle his name Henry Clay Lindsley, | Hallowell, where he addressed the people or Lindley. Hoe is of middling size, has (rom the New Hotel in 2 masterly speech light bair and dark eyes, and is dressed | The procession was neuil: a mile in in dark stri cotton clothing, and palm length and surpassed any thing seen is leaf hat, movidcnce Jour, that part of the country since Lalayette’r reception, b{; Sprague, in hig address, alluded to the prophetic declaration of the Washing ton Globe, that the refractory Senators on their return to their constituents would get a mobbing—*“lf"’ said Mr 8. “this is what they term a mobbing, may Heaven commend me to such modes all the rest of my life. Fire.—The Bangor Whig, of Friday eveniug, says :—At 1 o’olocfi this morn ing our city was agnin aroused by the cry of fire, which was evidently set, by design among a quantity of shavings under a shed so immdiately contiguous to the ele ant and nearly fininished house of Mr D. G. Norcross, on Broadway, as to render it uterly impossible to save tha! building with its entire contents,consisting of the materials in a state of great for wardness for finishing, together with the tools of the workmen employed. In the space of lese than two hours, property of above the value of $5OOO was a heap of .ashes. That our city contains within its bosom a den of incendiaries, i now so manifest as to be a just occasion of alarm, Shoe Blacking.—Perhaps the best in the world is Elder Berries. Mash the berries with your hand in a large kettle of water; set them in the shade a few days, until they ferment ; then boiling it a day, filling it up with water. After it is cool, strain and wring them through a course cloth and then boil it'down to the thickness of molasses. Put a small quan tity with a feather on a brush ; rub the shoe till there is a fine gloss. The same will make good writing ink. A particular account of the last Mor-' mon campaign in Missouri, is given in' the Western papers. The bel?igerente’ swem to havo been mutually exasperated, | and to have approached very neartoa, general and bloody battle. The numbera engaged in the contest on both sides are much larger than we had supposed, be fore seeing these authentic details. The Mormons assembled late in June in Clnyb County, (Mo.) and were reinforced by parties principally from Ohio, until they | mustered from 800 to 1000 men, armed with “guns, tomahawks, knives, and from two to four braces of pistols each. " | Their design was to cross the river and take pessession of Jackson county— the‘ “Zion,” as they term it, of their faith.— Their leader, the prophet Joe Smith, promised them to ‘‘raise again,” all who should be slain in fighting the battles for the possession of this Holy Land. The Jackson county people were equally de termined to resist the passage ot the riv er, at 01l hazards. A letter from a per son on the spot, published in Maysville, Ky. says that Jackson county raised 800, urd Lafayette 400, and that several hun ~' more were ready to come at a mo ez’ warping. The feeling of the peo ple may be conjectured from the expres sion of opinion in the letters quoted, that had the Rlormont attempted to cross the river, not one of them wuuld have been “left to tell the tale.” ¢No quarter could have been given, and we could have killed most of them before they got across the river. There were some attempts at negotiation. The Jackson county people offered to ‘buy all the lands of the Mormons at a double price—which was refused. The invaders professed peaccable intentions, aund a desire only to take quiet possession of their own lands ~profession which ap pear to have got no credit. In the end, however, they desisted from the enterprise, and postponed the crusade for the possession of their ‘Zion,’ for ity or a hundred years. They will take up their intermediate residence some where else, and thus the battle, which must have been obstinate and very blood y, was avoided. It is to be hoped, for the sake of or dinary justice, that means will be found, for making compensation to these delud ed men for the property they are forced to abandon, as well as for the damages they have sustained by being driven out. (Balt, Am, Wheat in this neighborhood is gene rally coming in pretty well. Rye is light. Outs have done well. The fruit crop will be generally deficient : not more than one fourth the usual growth of ap ples. [Greenficld Mercury. Five students ol Bowdvin, saoys the Portland Daily Advertiser, were a few dayé since taken before a Justice of the the Peace, charged with an assault and battery upon one of their number. Their examination was deferred until Saturday, to give time for the respondents to com tnunicate with their friends and counsel. Messrs, Clay and McDuflie are stated to bo al the White Sulphur Springs. The number of visiters there already exceeds two hundred and filty. , A paragraph in the Pittsburg, Pa. Ad vocate of Tuesday last, admite the exilt-l ence of cholera in thatcity. There had, it seems, been several cases among the residents, two or three of which had ter minated fatally. Madame Darusmont, formerly Miss Frances Wright, is delivering lectures on education, u‘l"roemnon'n lfull, London. Price one shilling. The case of nfiiu Crandall has been argued before the Supreme Court of ‘ Connecticut. The principal question discussed was whether (ree colored men are citizens of the United States within the meaning of tho Constitution. Young Men'’s Whic CoNVENTION. The New York Star proposes that a National Convention of delegates from the Young Men of the United States should be held at Baltimore or Washing ton in November next. The Star claims 9-10thsof the Young Men as Whigs. Loss of the packet ship American.— Let ters from Apalachacola state that the packet ship American, Capt. Matthew son,on the sth of July, while lying at St George’s Island at the mouth of the bay, ready for sea, witn 300 bales of cotton on board bound to New York, took fire, burned to the water’s edge and sunk, The fire was spontane ous and supposed to result from oil upon some of the cotton before it came on board, no oil having been used on board the ship. Most of the sails and running rigging were saved. The American was three years old, be longed to E. D. Huslbul & Co. was in sured. The Cotton was shipped by va rious individual. The whole loss is prob ably between thirty and forty thousand dollars. | OUTWARD BOUND WHALING SHIPS, Ship GALEN, Borden, Pacific Ocean, to sail a bout August 20th, Ship WILLIAM BAKER, Wilcox, South Atlan tic, to sail about August 10th. Ship WARREN, Mly{lew, Pacific Ocean, to sail about Sept. Ist. _ Ship GOV. FENNER, Swain, for Pacific Ocean, to sail from Dristol, about August 15th, fCF™ Letters sent to this Otlice, free of expense, will be dispatched by first conveyance. WEEKLY ALMANAC. 1834, Sun | Sun | Moon | High AUGUST. rises. | sets. | scts. | water, 4053|177 150 | 638 4564|7 6 246 730 4065617 5| sets 816 2 Satarday, 3 Sunday, 4 Monday, 5 Tuesday, 6 Wednesday, ‘ 7 Thursday, 8 I'riday, l New Moo | 4567 4| 769 | 888 |451|7 al 88-t| 859 |453 7 2| 834 | 939 459'1 1‘ 9 ulxow n sth, Ih, 49m, moming. MARRIED, In New Bedford, by the Rev. Mr. Holmeq.l'hzv.l 3. O. Choules, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, to Miss Elizabeth G. Pope, daughter of ‘l'homas Pope, Esq all of that town. ‘ In Providence, on 'Tuesdny evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Waterman, Mr. \Jm. P. Hall, of New port, to Miss [iliza Ann Potter, daughter of Charles Potter, Lsq. of Providence.—On W ednesday morn ing, by the Rev. Mr. Hall, Mr. Ward Cheney, of Manchester, (Conn.) to Miss Caroline, daughter of the late Nathan W. Jackson, Esq. | DIEKD, In Dristol, on the 23d ult. Mrs. Elizabeth Di man, wife of Thomas Dimon, Esq. aged 72, Lost from on board brig Aguess, on his passage from Matanzas to Cronstadt, in May last, Mr, Hen ry Luther, son of Mr. Eleazer Luther, of Bristol, in the 27th year of his age. In Providyence, on the 23d, Mr. Paschal ** Ma thewson, in thé 22d year of his age. In Newport, on the 26th uit. Mr. Joshua Davis, in the 47th year of his age. MARINE LASTY. PORT OF WARREN. ARRIVED. July 27th—sloop Eloisa, Smith, from Loug Isl and, with Wood. @ - 30th—sloop Mt Moriah, Ingraham, fm Provi dence. Sloop Eliza, Lawton,from do. Ang I—sloop Almira, Blake, fn do. SALLED. x X ’ p 'p ’BOen ’ so“th At Trinidad, 2d, brig Jacob, Eddy, of thi fromn Boston, just arr, ‘¢ y, of this port, Arr at Philadelphia, 23d, bark Cyrus B Loudouderry. R Y utler, fin The following ships had touched at Fayal previous 10 June 12th ;—Rosseuu, Luce, of N Bedford, for Pacitic; London Packet, Jenncy, do for South Atlantic; Brunswick, Stuart, Providence for do ; Desdemona, Smith, New York for do; Henry, Cartwright, of Sagharbor for do ; T'uscarora, Smith, New London, for do ; Flora, M’Lane, do for do, Friends, But ler, of do for do. The Desdemona, 'l us- T'uscarora, and Flora, were off the har bor. A letter dated Fayal, June 12th, re ports ship Lendon Packet, Jenney, arriv ed out in 22 days, put in to land a sick man-—-no oil, A letter from ship Minerva, Barker, of N Bedtord dated at Woahoo March 14th, tosail for the line and Japan next day, all well—had 200 bbls 01l on board. A letter from on board ship Braganza, Baker, of Newßedford for Pacilic Dcun duted off Fayal June 10, reports her in tending to crvise a month ofi the Islands ~does not mention any oil, A lctter from ship Rosscav, Luce, of New Bedford for Pacilic, dated at Fayal Muy_29(h, staes that she put in to leave her mate, (Mr Pell,)injured on the pass age out by falling intothe hold. She had no oil, and was to sail same day. , A letter rom Captain Fisher, of bark Royal William, of St Andrews dated St Catberizes April 29, reports her with 600 bbls whale oil, and 130 sperm. April 28th, lat 11 8. ion 100 W. ship Levant, Russell, of Plymout, with 3300 bbls oil, on a cruise. Out from Cupe St Lucas March 6th, ship Henry, Astor, Rawson, of Hudson, witrr 1700 bbls ; Caiedonia, Smith, Lon don, 2300 ; Independence, Chace,|New Bedford, 1200 ; Off'ley, Stovers, of Lon don, 1200, EXCURSION TO WARREN, RRISTOL, FALL RIV- ER & SOMERSET. Ry, The steam boat Prov o A _IDENcE, Captain Seth QT el Thayer, will leave Prov idence for the above places on MONDAY, the 4th of Au gust, (if pleasant weather) at 8 o’clock, A. M. Returning, leave Fall River, at SP. M. remaining at Fall River suffic ient time to Dine. Fare from Providence and back sl. Warren 72 cts. and Biistol 50 cents. #27> A Band_of Music is engaged. August 2, \ SHIP BENJAMIN RUS o For sale, one thirty-second QQQ"M’ part of the substantial, ship ekl Bexsamin Rusu, now on a fpf D A ’ . l’ o whaling voyage in the Pacif ic Ocean, burthern 385 tons, and is a first rate vessel. Apnly at this Office, August 2. LAST NOTICE!! , LL persons, (both male and female) indebted to the subscriber, are re quested to make payment without delay, and they will save themselves cost and trouble, As most of the notes and ac counts are upwards of three years stand ing, he hopes those indebted will see the necessity of an immderate setllement, Br 7 If attention is paid to this notice soon a gettlement can be had by applying at the Paint Store of Lewis Hoar & Co, ’ LEWIS HOAR. August 2,6 w, NOTICE.—The members of the Warren Social Club are hereby notified that a meeting will be held on Monday, August 4th, at 8 o’clock, P. M. By order of the Presidsnt. aug. 2. G. T. GARDNER, Sec’yg 4 . Warren Seminary 1 FOR YOUNG LADIES. HE Fall Term of this lnstitution I will commence on Wednesday, the 10th day of September next, and contin ue 15 weeks. Tuttion in English G ram mar, Geography, and Arithmetic, $3,75 for the term ;in higher English Branch es, $5,00 ;in Languages $7,60. Extra charges ; Lectures $l,OO ; Calisthenics i&l,O(l 3 Ornamental Needlework $l,OO ; Jrawing and Painting $3,00 ; Music $lO,OO. Board, exclusive of washing, trom $1,33 to $1,50 per week ; including washing, from $1,50 10 $1,75. ROBERT A. COFFIN, Principal. Warren, R. 1. Aug. 2. Stiscow, Boston Mess Beef, BEST salt pork, my own cureing ; butter in tubs, of middling quality ; old and new cheese ; new and old cod fish ; best quality rice ; shurp cider vine gar—and 500 lbs. soap and candles at a reduced price for sale by THLEO. SALISBURY. August 2. THAYER’S OIL SOAP, 9 SUPERIOR article for taking grease out of jclothes, furniture, &ec. for sale at a very reduced price by S. A. DRISCOL, Aug 2. Water-st. WANTED, ’ BOY from 14 to 16 years of age as an apprentice to the Tailoring Business. TurNER & SavisßUßY, August 2, Andrews § Eddy, 2 Have just received a sup- A ly of Northern and South - A Py ern Corn, and Canal Flour. Nl L X July 26. STORES TO LET. A very desirable Store, situ ate on the corner of Water & Miller-streets, suitale for a Dry Goods or Clothing Store, and recently occupied by Mr, Edward H. Thurston. Also, the store recently occupied by Dr. Chace,on Muiller-stieet. Rent moderate. Possession given im mediately. Apply to CHARLES LUTHER. July 26. : . COAL: AFLOA'L. CHALDRONS Richmond 140 Coal, on board brig Frank lin. Ayply to July 26. SAMUEL BARTON. PIIG LEAD. 4500 LBS. received per brig Exchange, from New Urleans, and for sale by N. M. WHEATON, July 26. Sw. CLOTHING AT LONG ROOM. @ARM EATS of every cescription furvishod at short notice by July A, Wam. F. WHEATON. BY RASS MATS of a large size for sale by @ July 12, Jumes Gardner, N ————————— ‘ HUZZA FOR BARGAINS t \ | 4T UNION CORNER" ! ! Wx. T. Wusaron has just received super black aouble satin vestings, white and col’d Mear seilles vestings, dark ‘ 6-4 coloured In dia -lllintdoxm quality black silk for dresses, black silk hdkfs., knitting cottons, green window shades, erminet, blue jean, peruvidin fancy,ribbons, pins, cable cord, braids and cords, brown sheeting, scarlet and green bombazetts, corded skirts, gloves ~—common, medium, and superior quli-tx. cotton and linen edgings, ninepenny calicoes, silk gloves at 25 cents, palm leaf funs ot 4 cents, calicoes at 9 cents, shirting 8 cents,—furniture calicoe 10 cents, 12 1-2 cents, &c. Gloves 12 1-2, white satteen, blue florence silk, &e. &e.: for cheap Goods apply at LONG ROOM | aug. 2. Green Gro De Nap Silk. a PIEGES dark boitle green gro de nap silk, just received from Auction, for sale cho;r. J. Burrvugh, Jr. & Co. Jjuly 26, No. 8 Cheapside. BROWN COTTONS. UST opened six bales of brown shirtings and : sheetings of different qualiies, for sale low, July 26. J. Burnovos, Jk. & Co. o Super Black Silks. ;UST received from partuner,in New York, 2 cases of SEASONABLE GOOD:, among them one piece black gro de swiss und one piece Italian lustrings, of a superior quality, purchased a bargain, and will be sold accor dingly by J. BURKOUGH, Jr. & Ca. June 14, No. 8 Cheapside. Central Market. THE subscriber respectiully informs the inbabizats of Warren and vi cimty, that he has opened a Market at his new building in Baker-street, where he intends keeping a constant supply of Fresh Meat, of all kinds, 1n its season,— Also, Salt beef, corn’d beef, salt pork, hams, vegetables, &c. ; ‘ He hopes by this arrangement to be e nabled to supply the wants of the citi zens, and by using his cxertions to please the publie, to ment and receive a share of patronage. GEORGE H. HANDY. July 4. @‘rooxs—-wnw PATTERNS.— TURNER & SALISBURY sre now manu facturing some new styles Stocks, for summer WORR: < nh b ebl oTR g 7 Furmiture Calico’s. mIOH ctatz, middiing do, und low priced plate calicoes, for sale cheap at may 31, LONG ROOM, lw AILS.— Full River Iron Works Co. Nuils, WU ol all sizes, for sale by ' June 21, JAMES GARDNER. . Books, &ec. TIIE subscriber has on hand and will furnish School Books and Station ary articles of every description, at short notice and at the lowest market prices. - ‘Those who wish to purchase will pleaze to call at No. 3 Market-street. JEREMIAN WILLIAMS. may 17. v NOTICK. THE connection in busineas hereto fore existing between the subscri bers having beenthis day mutually dis solved, it becomes necessary that all debts due the late concern should be set tled with as little delay as possible, JEREMIAH WILLIAMS, JAMES GARDNER. June 6. : - N. B. The subscriber will attend to the settiments of the above buainess, at ihs store, where he intends contiouing it as before. JAMES GARDNEK. o~ 8 JNGe \ ’ ™ e AN A SR AN OLL 000 480 LOR Tables, of beautiful patterns and col & ors, of the real Leipz g manufacture,paitit ed on Lingn and warranted not 1o crack, jus: reccived tor sale low by J. BUKROUGH, JR. & CO. march 1. ‘ LUMBER!' 3” M feet merchantable Dead Riv er Boards ¢ m do clear do do do - 1O m do Hemlock Timber - ¢ m clear Clapboards & m clear blind stuff Oak plank and boards Nails of all kinds Lime and Brick. For sale by the subscribers at their Lum ber Yard south Sissen’s distillery. They respectfully invite purchasers to call and examine for themselves, or send their or ders, which will be attended to the same aa il they were preaent. J.& D. K. LUTHER. april 13. ' Cowrt of Probale, Warren, July 14, 1834, WHERE.\ 8 an instrument vurporting to he the last Wil and Testament of JA MES SISSON, lute of Wairen,decoased, has thisday been presented 1o this Court for Probate.——lt was ordered,that the considcration thereol ve referred 1o a Court of Probate, to be hold en al the Touwa Clerk's Oftice, on the 2vd Mon day in August next at 2 o'clock, P M. anc that previous notice bo given, by publishing this order in the Noithern Star, v all persons interested to appear at rard time and poace, il they see tit, and be henrd. By Order, S. RANDALL, Probate Clerk. July 19. e RAG CARPETING. JU ST received at Loxa Room, Rag Carpeting of very superior quality, and for sale Cuear. Juyly 19. } Scythes and Sickles. MURE Darling’s Scythes. Also, a choice lot of cast steel Sickles, Just received, Samuer Waeaton. July 12, LEGIHORNS. t l EGIHORN Boanets for sale cheap at LONG ROOM. July 19. mUCIi.- Koutchins hcary ravens and enttor 3 Ducke, for sale at LONG 100, une 7, . . . Received Week. mUSOIA SHEETING, white flanvels, brown and bleached shirtings-and sheetings all qualities, cali.oes, corded skirts, satteen, fancy hdkfs. dispers, glovos, ribbens, euspenders, pe lisee waddii.g, cotton cord, palm lesf and feath or fane, green end white veils silk raids, flor ence silks, liven hdkfs; with a variety of other goods, all of which will be offered at extreme low prices. J. BURROUGH, JR &k CO. July 12, No. 8 Cheapeide. Cheap at Long Room ! M.7T. WHEATON uus just received u" MARRING anvau.‘rulm lear’ fans erminets, drillings, cotton cords, shiliing and ninepenny calico, Marseilles vesiings, peurl &e, buttone for childrens cloths, silk and rotton la cetts, childrens socks, blue stripes, bed lace, sewing silks, lnce footings, tspes, ginghams, lin en darask napkins very superior, &üblo and singlefoundations, corded skirts, bonunet cotton, &c. &e. July 12, W "WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, For the Warren, Bristol and Newport SUIRC N {R.‘"E mail stage will leave Provi dence for Warren, Bristol end Newport, at 8 o’clock, A. M. cvery day (Sunday excepted) and arrnve in New port same afternoon. Returning, leaves Newport every day (Suuday excepted) at 8 o’clock, A. M. tor Bristol, Warren and Providence, and arrive same afternoon. ACCOMMODATION STAGE: LEAVES Bristol, every morning (Sunday excepted) at balfl past 7 o’clock, Tor Warren and Providence.— Returning, leaves Providence every after noon (Sunday cxcepted) at 3 o’- clock, for Warren and Bristol. Fare frown Bristol to Providence, $1; vp and back same day, %1,50. From Warren, 75 cents; up and back same day, $l,OO. p 7 Books kept in Providence, at the [Munsion House ; Brastow’s Manufactu rers Hotel, and at the Franklin House ; ‘Burges’ and Horton’s hotel, Bristol ; and at Cole’s and Cowmercial hotels, War sen. gr 7 Passengers called for and left at any part of the town. J. & N. CHADWICK. Feb 1, 1834, LEAD, l ROLL sheet lead, 3 lbs. per square foot ; 1 do dodo, 4 Ibs. per square toot; 1 dvu do do, 5 Ibs. per square foot. ALSO, Copper and Iron Tacks for leading;— deep sea and hand leads of ditferent sizes. I'he above are for sale as low as can be purchased elsewhere. LEWIS HOAR & CO. Brown & Bleached Cotton Goods. TWA T. WHEATON has just opened 5-4, \ 98 and 4 4 bleached and unbleached Sheetings; 7 8 do. do. Shirtinge, and will offer them tor sale atextreme low prices. June 7. New Summer Goods. mnm.\n'rrs. rowen cassimere, blue and etriped Jeaus, caseinetts, princetias, nan kine, stormonts, linen anu cotton drillings, with a varicty of ocher goods suitable for Summer wear, jusi opened and for sale cheap Juue 7. J. BukrovGH, Jr. & Co. New Musling and Ginghams. ;UST opened, a Leautiful ussoriment of Eng lish and kFrench fabric, selected patterus, for sale very low. J. Burrouvan, Jr. & Co. June 7. @I:\I‘ERB.-—G‘I. 7-4,8 4, and 9-4 Dam ssk Table Linen ; 3-4 Insh Burds eye ; Russia and Cotion Diapery, for saie cheap at June 7 LONG ROOM. HILLING CALICOES.—A large assort s ment just opened at No. 8 CxieareidE. July 12, W,EASf-:i’.int qual—ilT‘feu just received for sale by 5. A. DRISCOL, Wate:-st, Jjuly 4. Be e PURF GROUND GINGER for sale by July 12 James Gardner. gl’lßlTs TURPENTINE and a general as sortnent of PAINTS AND OOIL, for sale by Jumes Gardner. Jjuly 12, @REEN WINDOW SHADES— just receiv and for sale low, by July 12. J. Burrough, Jr. & Co. KID SANDALS AND SLIPPERS. RECEIVED this week, from Lyon, : a good ussortment of Sandals and Frenca Isid Slippers, which are yery ele gaat, and are now offered (or sale by 8. DAVOL, Jr, Warren, July 4th, 1834, ADMINVISTRATOR'S NOTICE. HIS savseriber having been appoint i]_‘ ed Admimstiator on the eswte of DAMEL MAXFIELD, 1 lue of Bristol, deceased, and given bonds according to law, hereby requests all per‘ sons having claims against suid estate to present them for seitlement, and all per sons indebted to make immediate pay ment to DYER CHILD, Adw’r. Warren, July 19, 3w. PURE NEATS FOOT OIL for sale by y July 12, James Gardner. WOODE.N' WARE of vartous des:nipt. ons for sule by James Gardner. July 12, 4§ OURNING PRINTB —~A fow pieced of m new and beautiful patterns, just opene. and for sale low, J. Burroveu, Jr. & Co. June 7. . 19°. . French Kid Slippers. T oceived this wee' fiom Lywnx, o good assortment of French ani com mon Kid Shppers, which are elegant, and are now offered for snle low fur a 5, 5 DAVOL, JR. april 12, Main streot. . AUOCTIONS. AUCTION. Will be sold at Public_Auvet ion, on the premises, 1n Bristol, on Thursday, the 21st inst. at 10 o’clock, A. M. the building formerly occupied by Charlea H. Bush, as a Brass Foundery, with all the tools and apparatus belonging thereto—togeth er with the stock on hand, consisting of copper nails and spikes, sheet co pper ,old and new, sheet lead, iron Wire, 1 copper cooler, brass hose joints and cocks, cop per ladles, copper piggins, copper pumpe, zinc in sheets, pig lead and lead bars,&c. &c. . Bristol, August 2. LATEST FASHION HATS. From New York. The subscriber has received from New York, this week, a new supply of HATS—srme of them broad brim. Purchasers are invited to call and cxamine, as they will be sold low for - : 2 cé‘.nflbn, In. m\ANCY hair brushee, French wesh balls and hair powder, cut-pungents, and En glish aromatic volatile salte~- new and choico articles, Preston saite, harrogate enlis, soca, rochelle, and seidlits powders, essences of all kinds; with an exiensive assoriment of genumne -and fiesh Lrugs, Spicee, Family Vi edicnes,and Perfumery, just received and for sale a 1 the Sign of GALEN'S HEAD, nov. D, W ater-street. OTICE. THE subscriber would beg leave to acquaint his Patrons and the Pube lic generally, that he has associated with him, Doct. BuLigck, in the Praclice of Physic and Surgery, DOCT. BULLOCK having evailed himself of the advantages of the first Med ical Schools in this country, for the acqui« sition of Surgical knowledge, respectiully tenders his services to the Public, in operative Surgery; to which branch he will pay particular attention. - JEREMIAH WILLIAMS. ORDED SKlRTS.—English snd domestie 0 oi ali qualities and prices, just epened snd for enle at No. 3 CHEAPSIVE. June 7. Flour, Salt, &c. 20 BBLS. fresh ground Calan Flour, sacks fine salt, ‘ &8 bushels corn and r|yo meal, hhds. retailing melasses, 5 boxes late brown sugar, A D 0 Ibs. byson, young hyson and sou. chung tea, just received; and in Store, Groceries, spices and all kinds Provisione a 3 usual, WANTED. 4.Q bushels red Potatoes. Enquire of June 21. THEO, SALISBURY. », ' . CULNEL & SALISDULY EJ VING made an arrangement with an Extensive House in New Yorx will cuulinue 10 receive superior CLOTHS of differs ent shades and qualities, throughout the busis ness season, which they will sellat a very small advance, may 24. HAT STOCK REPLENISHED., Fncmvsn the past week from New ork, a fresh supply of Hats, which makes the assortinent large at S. DAQ'OL, Jr’s. may 31. Main-st. Super English Chntz. ;UST opered a few pieces of superfine Enge hish Chintz. : ’ ~June 14. J. BUKROUGH, JR. &CO 3L§N DE, Grecian and net laccs, just re+ ceived at No. 3 Cheapside, June 14. J. Burkoveu, Jr. & Co. FRENCH PRINTS.~Just opened a prime assortment ol French prints, Crimson Giounds, of the real oil colours, for sale un usk ally lew, by J. Burrovewn, J. & Co* June 14. Fresh Gauze Handkerchiefs. Leautitul style of most every colour and A shade, just received and orud at June 14. No. 8 Cheapeide. l{lCß.—-Juot received and for sale lowby JAMES GARDNER. June 14. ) “ Go Ahead.” TURNER & SALISBURY have . this week received a further supply of Fasmionase Crorus, Cassimeres, VesTinGs all of which shall be made into garments iu first rate style, at short notice and warranted to fit. We earnestly re guest gentlemen in pursuit of chothing, to give us a call,as we (eel assured our as< sortment is a 8 extensive as any one in town, and in consequence of the ‘removal of the deposites’ we will sell at unprece dented low prices. april 26. . NEW GoODS, i: RURRUUG, , Jx. & CO. have just res e coived direct from partner in New #otl. A splendid lot of desirable goods, selected wiily care and rurchn d with cash. Among them are the tollowing,soper Jaconét cambrice; gauze and lagting ribhone, veils, corded skits, cams brice, quillings and net laccs, bishbp lawne, col icoes, ginghans, muslins, nanking bed lace, fan cy shawls and hdkis—butions, spuol thread; wils, chintze, with a 4 great variety of other goods ; all of which will ve offered at unprece: dented low prices, as usual. June 14, : CHINA BABLIEN, AND \r - ’ D iR 3 UST received from Boston, & large and ele ' gent supply of CROCKERY, oomhth; in purt of pink, brown, green and blue enrthen Din. iNG Berrs, of the latest patterns, do. Tea Bette ¢ f all colors, do do; gol/d band and lustre China tes setis, GLAs: Lasive ofall sizes and forme. ALSO—A complete assortment of Common Ware; all of which will be sold on the w able w;‘- SAMUEL WHEA e wmay 81, , . ’