Newspaper Page Text
Tuz sLuk 300 k, ~This volume, which must prove valuable as a book of refers ence, bas been published in a handsome moner by Key & Biddle, Philadelphia, and mey be obtained at Allen & ’fick mor’s. 8o much has been said of this book and there is something so odd and mystefious in its very name, that we stall not be serprised if cvery body is looking init, or for it. Any one, howover, who anticipates devoting a few hours for its perusal will be grievously disappointed ; since the list of names appears absolutely to have no end. It is in fact, a Register of all officers and agents, all ships and vesvels inthe service of the U. S. Baok and its branches, and the compensation of all_priaters in nn'l( wn{ employed by Congress. [Bost. Traveller. *“IMPROVING THE CONDITION, OF THE Pries.”—The Ogdensburgh Times fur nishes anoter item for our list of Collar Editors. It statea that Mr Hoard, Euit or of the St Lawrence Republican, came to Ogdensburgh a year ago, and soon af ter assuming the collar, was appointed Comnussioner of Deeds. This was soon followed by the appointment of Inspector of the Revenue, g'or'om the offices he re ceives about $5OO a year in ‘‘Spoils.” A HANDSOME OPERATION.~—“Nick Bid dle’s Monster,” says the Albany Journal, has turned a clever penny out of the new Gld Coin Law. 'lj;:io law enhances the vulue of American Gold Coin at the rate of 5 per cent. Immediately after its pae sage, the “Monster sent his Gold bullion and coin to the mint, tobe recoined, with an alloy of 5 per cent by which process the Bank makes s shave of $70,000! The editor of the Claremont Argus is e most ungallant fellow ; if he lived in this State we should recommend himto the tender mercies of the Ducking-stool. Has the question been asked “:iat has he done?” We answer. He has pub lished a “memorial of the undersigned la dies of Newport,” tothe Legislature of New Hampigire, praying that a stop may be put to the trafic in ardent spirits ; and inserting the name of the fair memorial its, he hae added wilfully, and with malite propense, the following anti-gentlemanly, anti-chivalrous, anti-temperate, and auli republican » “Note.—Those whose names are dis tinguished by a star, are married women —those by a dagger, widows ; and those by uwe daggerv, old maids.” ° (Troy Budget. _ Cholera.—This disease has appeared in various parts of the country westward. It hes already visited Cincinnati, Wheel ing, Pittsburg, and we have now to record its appearance in Washington, Pa. The board of health of that town, under date of Friday, July 25, report the death of 6 persons by cholera during that week. Of these deaths three were in one family, two in another, and the 6th case was that of a German emi‘gnnt who had lately arriv ed in town, e are glad to observe that the disease is not like to spread, as a re port of the 29th—four days after—men tions that there had been no new cases or deaths, since the 24th, | The Quebec Mercury of the 29 ult. states that the health of tze town is grad ually improving ; bat its actual condition is uot announced. A number of parishes around Quebec had been very unhealthy th’rp"?oent season. | Montreal Herald of Wednesday last, cotains the following agreeable an nouncement : ; | It is with extreme pleasure we are en abled to congratulate the public wpon the improved health of our city, consequent upon the agreeable change which has taken place the weather. From the N. Y. Journal of Commerce, Hearti or tue Ciry—August 4.—We learn at the Inspector’s Ofiico that the number of deaths in this city during the week cnding Saturday morning, 8 o’clock is between 240 and 250 ; being a greater number than hus occurred in one week since 1832, There is, however, nothing alarming in this unusual number ; as it includes the many individuals who died on Saturday and Sunday, July 26th and 27th, from ex cessive heat and drinking cold water,— while of the rest, more than 130 are un der two éeau of sge. A few died of common Cholera Morbus, but none of A siatic Cholera. : | ‘The sudden death of Wm. Lawson, la spector of the Ist Ward who was attack ed at 11 o’clock Sunday forenoon, and died in 8 houws, exhibiting some of the symptoms of Asiatic Chofou has I)givcm riee to considerable conversation, and per haps a little alarm. The general feeling, however among intelligent men, appears to be, that even admitling a few cases ol this disease should occur, it wouid be no thing very extraordinary, or very alarm ing. 1o almost all the large cities of Eu rope, where the Cholera raged in 1831-2, there have since been, at intervals, a num ber of scattered cases,—but in none of them has it prevailed as an epidemic. There is no reason, that we know of, why No# York should be an exception to tbe‘ general rule. : ‘ ‘l'he Board of Health have not been in session to-day,~ there beipg no occasion for calling them together. The Cholera has broken out in the town of Churlton. There have been thirteen cesss, and four deaths. The inhabitants Bttt pce” (S r. Myr Babbag's calculating machine iv nearly cimpleted. A uaRD LEssoN.—St Paul first advis eth women to submit themaelves to their husbands; and then councelleth men to love their wives—since it was fitting that ‘women should first have their lesson giv to them, because it is hardest to be learn ed, aind therefore they need inore time to con it. " A Tory Vicrory.—On Saturday last, the Plimpton Riflemen, an independent company, succeeded 1n choosing Samuel Chamberlain, a town pansnr, to fill the va cfn;l office of Ensign. [ Plymouth Memo rial, A Whare.—A dead whale, measuring about fiteen feet in length, was taken in our harbor yesterday, by bnpt. Richard Pope. 1t probably grounded on the flats which caused its du&n, as no wound could be discovered. It will yield about one barrel of ¢il. [Plymouth Memorial. MRr RoserTson, the Anti Administra tion candidate is elected to Congress from Richmond District in the place of Mr Ste venson. Mr R. now holds the office of Attorney General of Va. An extraordinary work, called the Phi losophy of Painting, by an extraordinary man, u*l a London critic, will soon ap- W:r'[ he author is an American, Mr nel. ~ Another titled authorees, the Countess of Morley has made her appearance with a Novel called “Dacre.” Mrs. Jameson has published a sketch of the life of Fannv Kemble. A Biography of Juseph Bonaparte has made its appearance. , - A good illustration—Mr Wilde in a late speech says: ¢ Pulting down cor ruption by employing State Banks in place of the United States, i= like promot ing intemperance, by establishing five hundred grog shops in place of one whole sale grocery. : - The New Orleans Courier. a Jackson paper, observe, as to the result of the e lections, ‘‘Our defeat 18 total and com plete. Our not being accustomed to dis asters of this sort, renders them peculiarly unpleasant.” - The Troy Whig speaking of the New Orleans election, says—* fi'he effect of this election will not be lost upon any State in the Union: The whigs have struck for their Altars and their fires— God and their native land.” A letter from Florence dated the 20th of May, mentions the death.of the Grand Duke’s eldest daughter, from consump tion of the Saturday previous. The fu neral was quite unostentious, consisting of a hundred atteudants and but three carriages, v ; ; “ Good Board and Lodging.”—A house in Quebec suburbs, Montreal, thus label led, was visited on the 21st ult. by a mem ber of the Sanitary Committee, who found one hundred and fifty-twe persons, chiefly emigrants. WEEKLY ALMANAC. At Lt ok et 9 Saturday, 6 1659 |lO 0 | 1056 10 Sunday, 52 | 6 568 | 1029 |ll 85 11 Monday, 5 316567 |ll 0 | morn. 12 Tuesday, 54|666| 11 36 I 114 18 Wednesday, l 5 6 l 6 54 l morn. | 226 14 Thursday, 5 6| 663 | 116 | 855 15 Friday, |o 7|652‘14‘521 First quarter 11th, sh. 29m. aficrnoon. eoe o R OUTWARD BOUND WHALING SHIPS, Ship GALEN, Borden, Pacific Ocean, to suil a bout Auiufi 20th. Ship WILLIAM BAKER, Wilcox, South Atlan tic, to sail about August 10th. Shii WARREN, May{uw, Pacific Ocean, to sail about Sept. Ist. Ship GOV. FENNER, Swain, for Pacific Ocean, to sail from Bristol, about Aagust 15th. ji=7> Letters sent to this Otlice, (ree of expense, will be dispatched by first conveyance.’ MARRIED, In Tiverton. on the 8d inst. by the Rev. Mr. Peckham, Mr. A. Brßow~ LAxk, te Miss C. D. CoGGrsHALL, daughter of J, Coggeshall, Esq. In Providence, on the 31st ult. Mr. Nathantel C. Bushee, to Miss Sophia B, Potter. wln dl‘lunton, Mr. Jonathan Platt, to Miss Mary ood. . DIED, In Newport, un the 29th, Mrs. Sarah Whitfield Perry, widow of Mr. Stephen Perry, in the 79th year of her age. In Providence, on Wednesday Jast, Mrs. Eme line Brown, wife of Mr. Llenry A. Matteson, ip the 26th year of her age. In Weare, N. H. in Feb. last, Mrs, Sarah South wick, of Danvers, Mass. In Smithfield, Mr. Horatio N. Sanders, in the 29th year of his age. In Full River, on the 26th ult. Mrs. Patience Chace, late of Swanzey, uged 68. MARINE LIST, PORT OF WARREN. . ARRIVED, ' Ang. td—oloogol';ull River, Brayton, from Fall River, with iron hoops to Collins & Driscel. Sloop Almira, Blake, Providence. Sloop Mt-Morish, Ingrabam, do. Schr Reindeer, Crowell, Boston, with beefto J. Swith, Jr. 4ith—sachr Clarissa, Nickerson, Gardiner, Behr Post Boy, Perry, Gardiner, with lumber tod. & D. K. Enchr. Steamboat l;’rov;'duo;. Thayer, Pr:vidom. 6the—sloop Mt-Moriah, Ingrabaw, ditto. Bloop Eliza, Lawton, J 0.." Sloop Eliza, Merrick, Freetown. Sloop Gen. Juckeon, Dewning, Assonet. Olb—SloonAlmiu. Blake, Providence. ' Sloop Mt-Moriah, Ingrahum, do. Tth—sloop Hope, Carr, Newport. ‘. SAILED. At Havana, July 20th, shij Mosher A T PA?'"?’ ) Afr st Wml. 28d, bark Cyroe But dor, Mauran, {; 60 ds, 143 passengers. At Trinided, 17th ult. brig Jacob, Eddy, of this port, for Bahimere,in 6 or & duya Cld at New York, sth, brig Leopard, Bowen, Wilmington. ‘ Nq.n:f"r’.. Fall River, Bd, ship Attious, Yopn‘. At at Pictou, bark Poacher, Frink, froa thie port. Arr at New York 4th, sloop Portstaouth, Wine e " i ship Newbn at Newbu n, ewbury ’ Starbuck, Pacific, b China, Bray, Falklacd Isk ands, sealing. Arr at New York, 4th, ship 1‘::,#:. Russell, fin Liverpool, 29th June. 6th, arr ship Statira, Sa vannah; brigs jKennebeck, Stinson, Bt. Croix ; Florida, Sheflield, Georgetown, S.C. p 7 To the crtizens of Warren and vicinity. TTHERE will boq; complete course of ' lectures, on thé ‘science of GEOJ.O GY, delivered by Professor Corring, at Col. Cole’s Hall, commenci? on Mon day Ev.nilf‘nm, PRECISELY at 8 o’clock. cture evenings—Mondays and Wednesdays. Subject of the first two lectures.— The Mineral substances found in the crust of the Glole, Definitions, Principles of the formation of Eirata, &c. B> Season tickets, admitting a Lady & Gentlemen for the whole course, $1 ; single admission, tach evening, 12 1-2 cents-to De had at the door. Aug. 9, PROVIDENCE CITY MUSICAL ACADEMY ON THE PESTALOZZIAN SYSTEM.. TEACHERS’ CLASS.—Persons desirous of qualifyig themselves to teach classes (juvemle or adult) in Singing, upon the muchapproved system of lge-ulozzi, are iulotme‘r that a class will commence on the first Monday in September, under the instruction of E. R Hansen, Professor of Music. Three or four lessons will be given daily, in or ’dur to complete the course in one week. Illustrations of style and effect will be ad ‘ded. Also, ohservations on the great ef forts now in opérationto introduce secu- Jar and even profane music into the Churches. Tickets $4 each, to be had at the bookstores of Beckwith & Co., C. Shepherd, and Marshall, Brown & Co. g 7 During the month of August, Mr. Hansen will make a professional excur sion to the principal towns in Rhode Isl and, and neigbborhood, remaining from one to three days in each place. Igeuons desirous of receiving lessoans in either sa cred or secular vocal or instrumental mu sic, are requested to form classes, and inform him thereof by letters addressed to Providence, Post paid. Mr. H. teaches the Organ, Piano, Flute, Violin, Bass & other instruments. He will be accompanied by Mr. Frieze, and will give an instrumental Concert in each place ; they will also assist at Ora torios or sacred Concerts if desired.— Terms modorate, ' Auvg. 9. ’l"P"Grrs & CURLS—OfaII kinds, for sale \y ELIJAH BRAMAN. Aug, 9. P, HOPLI BANK. ’ T the annual meeting of the Stock holders in the Hope Bank, held on Monday, the 4th inst. the following per sons were elected Directors for the year ensuing, viz :—Joseph Smith, Jr. John Stockford, Samuel Bartor, Barnard Smith, Lewis Hoar, William Carr, Jr. Miller Barney, Jonathan Luther and Dan iel Bosworth. And at a meeting of the Directors on the following day,Josern Smitn, Jr, was re-elected President, and THO. C. WILLIAMS, Cash'r. Warren, August 9, 1834, Sw. : VINEGAR. PURE Cider Vinegar. of the first quality, warranted, for sale by S. A. DRISCOL, aug 9. Water-st. SHIP BENJAMIN RUSH. - KRS For sale, one thirty-second Sicktiip, part of the substantial ship ¥s} Cuaasy f_ Bexsamis Rush, now on a WEELED whaling voyage in the Pacif ic Ocean, burthern 385 tons, and is a first rate vessel. Apnly at this Office. August 2. LLAST NOTICE!!! , LL persons, (both male and female) indebted to the subscriber, are re quested to make payment without delay, and they will save themselves cost and trouble. As most of the notes and ac counts are upwards of three years stand ing, he hopes those indebted will see the necessity of an immdewate selllement. p7= If attention is paid to this notice soon a settlement can be had by applying at the Paint Store of Lewis Hoar & Co, LEWIS HOAR. 6w. August 2. "Boston Mess Beef, BEST salt pork, my own cureing ; butter in tubs, of middling quality ; old and new cheese ; new and old cod fish ; best quality rice ; sharp cider vine gar—and 500 Ibe. soap and candles ut a reduced price for sale bg THEO. SALISBURY. August 2, * THAYER’S OIL SOAP, ‘ SUPERIOR article for (tnking grease out of [clothen, furniture, &c. for salg at a very reduced price by 8. A DR!QEOL, Water-st. Aug 2. WANTED, ‘ BOY from 14 to 16 years of age as an apprentice to the Tailoring Business. Turner & Savissury, August 2. CLOTHING AT LONG ROOM. BARH!.\TU of evary cesctiption furished at short notice by iy 4 !'n. T.WHEATON. H © ' STORES TO LET. ~ Avery desirable Store, situ _ate.on the corner of Water & Miller-streets, suvitabie for a P Dry Goods or Clothing Store and resently occupied by Mr. Edward H. Thutston. Also, the store recently occupied by Dr. Chace,on Miller-street. R:ldltm:l'odenxo.l Possession given im mediately. y to L ; CHARLES LUTHER. July 26. COAL AFLOAT. CHALDRONS Richmond l Coal, on board brig Frank ho. Ayply to July ‘6 SAMUEL BARTON. PilG LEAD. 4500 LBS. received per brig Exchange, from New Orleans, and for sale b : . N. M. AWHVEA'ION. July 26, - Sw. RASS MATS of a large size for sale by @ July 12. James Gardner. .~ HUZZA FOR BARGAINS ! AT UNION CORNER" !'! WM. T. WasaToN has just received super black «ouble satin vestings, white and cél’d Mar seilles vestings, dnrk‘ain;hnm. 6-4 coloured In dia matting, extra quality black silk for dresses, black silk hdkfs., knitting cottons, green window shades, erminet, blue jean, peruvian fancy,ribbons, pins, cable cord, braide and cords, brown sheeting, scarlet and green bombazetts, corded skirts, gloves ~=common, medium, and superior quality, cotton and linen edgings, ninopenny calicoes, silk gloves at 25 cents, Palm leaf funs |at 4 cents, calicoes at 9 cents, shirting 8 cents,+furniture culicoe 10 cents, 12 1-2 cents, &c. Gloves 12 1-2, white satteen, blue florence silk, &ec. &c.: for cheap Goods apply at LONG ROOM aug, 2. - YARINE BALT—S bags clean fine sali, for w sale by JAanEs GARDNER. Jund 14. ‘ @RUNKS for sale at the New York prices at No. 3 Cheapside. June 14. cleaning and repair ing CLOCKS and WATCHES, at shortnotice. Silver Spoons manufaciuied 10 order, Job work executed with neatness and dispatch. He. has on hand for sale an assortment of \Watches, and Jewelry of almost every kind called for. Also, a large lot of horn nnJivoty Combs; silver spoons§ sil* ver and st el bowed Spectacles; W atch Trim mings; heming’s Needles: Beads for fancy work and Bead Needles. &c. &c. - BRITTANIA WARE. Just received, a complete assorment of Brit tania Ware, from the Taunton Brittania Manu facturing Co. which is offered for sale at low prices. Among which may be found Coflee anJ Tea Urns, eplendid patierns; elegunt Tea seits ; Lamps of all sizes; ("andlesticke; Castor frames; smull Looking Glisses, metal frames, &c 09~ Patronage is respectfully solicited. "8 "ELDAH BRAMAN. May 3. PILOT LINE, FARE§IS) FOR BOSTON. N The Pilot Line leave jfi.;:‘::’-“'t':‘..‘: Providenre every morning ATy IRt~ (Sundaysexcepted) at 7 o’- Chitsnea i clock, and arrives in Bos~ onbe orel o’clock, P. M. i i Books kept at the Franklin House and Manufucturers’ Hotel, (Market Square;) Man sion House ,( enefit street ;) City Hotel, (Broad street;) aud Shepherd’s, (corner of varket and North Main streets) —~where Stage fare will be received, when the names are entered. J. BLE SDELL, JAgent. ‘ CITIZENS' LINE OF STAGES. FOK BOSTON—AT ALFPASTII2, P.M. BTAGES leave Providense every day,at half past 12 o’clock, M. (exceptfundays, when they start at helf pasi 8 o’ciock in the morning ) 0@ Books kept in Providence, at the Frank lin House, and Manufacturers’ Leotel, ( viarket square;) Mansion Hoase, ( Benefit etreet:) and City Hotel, (Broad stree! )--where lta‘r fare will bereceived, when names are entere . J. BLAISDELL, Agent. Dee. 14. Iy. " Warren and Bristol §7™ Passengersin . ar. 4 by securing seats with Mr. Chadwick, can spend two hours in Providence and arrive in Boston, same evenng. ~ STOCKS. jc WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TURNER & SALISBURY. MAN UFACTURERS of the above article, keep constantly on hand, Brown and black double satin, first, second, and third quality black Bombazine STOCKS. 37 The Stocks manufactured by the subscribers, are warranted equal to any made, being got up in the best style, and of the first rate materials, T S Water-st. Sept. 8, SHINGLES. 180 QOOO North Carelina 9 Cedar Shingles, just re ceived per schr Marlow, from Bay Riv er, and for salo by ). & D.K LUTHER. - may 18, WAPKR.—SM-!M. and Wrapping Paper ol all sizes, wholesale or reta.l, at tuo Man ulacturers prices, for sale by 8. A. DRISCOL, may 24, Water-sireet. Cheese. GOOD old Cheese on hand for sale by SAMUEL WHEATON. June 14. Fire Buckets. NUFACTURED work n;::-. for miaty ) ALVAN COLE - - ’ 1 A . ¥ stand one dodr_sox e apd offers for sale, B . ofall kinds. __gmay 10, School m , &e. THE subscriber bas on hand for sale, . Smith’s productive grammar, Mur ray’s grammar, Smith’s arithmetick, Par ley’s xvnphy, Morse’s do. and atlas, Ang wion Nos. 1,2,3,4, 5, and 6 ; (300drich’s bistory andyEmerson’s Sup plement, Alden’s spelling book, english reader, accowpt beoks, memorandum books, bank books, writing books, paper, quills, inkstands, slates, pencils, &c. SAMUEL WHEATON. may 24. LILE, &0, WBITE wash and mortar Lime, whitewash Brushes, Tar Brushes, Po tash, Rosin Hc. &ec foreale by LEWIS HOAR & CO Horse Skin Bools. UST received -nd*flo low at :‘ June 21. 8. DAVOL, Jr'. 308‘1‘ received and for sale Rice, dried ap ples, cocoa snd pegpor sauce april 6. AMueL WreATON. FAINTS, Olls &0, LEWIS HOAR & CO. HAVE for sale 2 1-2 tons Salem Lead, dry and in oil ; pure do ; Ist and 2nd quality keg do. in oil, togeth with a general assortment of other ;"lint made use of in their line ¥ 2RDIGRIS. 1600 'bs. dry and ground Verdi gris, warranted of the first quality, for. aale as low as can be purchased in the State. ALSO, English linseed oil, fir‘hqunlily by bbl. or gallon, boiled or unboiléd ; neats foot il ; Spirits 'll;tgpemine; FURNITURE COPAL VARNISH, by gallons or less quantity; japan varnish; give; gold leaf ; paint, tool and varnish Brushes ; hawr pencils ; &c. &c l march 106. THE subscriber respactiully informs his friends and the pub'ic, that he bas taken the shop for merly occupied by SyLvEesTER CHILDS one door north of Cole’s Hote!, where he will attend to A LARGE sssoriment of Men’s and Boy's pulm leal hats recejyed from the manu facturer this week, for sale by G. T.GARDNER. May 3d. wate: =st, 1. ¢ N 4 Childrens Fancy Caps ECEIVED this week an assort- R ment of Childrens Fancy Caps, of the latest fashion. Likewise, Boys broad cloth Cars, for sale by 1 may S 1 8. DAVOL, Ja. Splendid Crape de Chine Shawls. UST received, purchased at an imporiers sale ; in New York, and will be ol'erent a greal nquction from the legular prices. upe 7. -J. Burnovon, Jr. & Co, - HARDWARD, NSamuel Wheaton, 5 Wouw say that he has just re j ceived and offers for sale, a large supply of Sheffield and Birming ham Hardware Goods, of the latest im portations, as also of Yankee manulact ured tiard ware, which with his stock on nand, makes his wssortment very exten sive; comprising all the articles, usuall, found in Hardware Stores of larger towns, which being much too various and num erous to detail ; suffice it to say, are a dupted to the wants of the Mechanics of every denomination, and of all others in this region, and will be sold at prices the most reasonable. ALBO On hand a very extensive wnd beauti ful assortment of CHINA, EARTHEN and GLASS WARE, of the most ap proved manufactures, compr.sing all the newest patterns. ‘ LIKEWISE, , A complete assortment of select GRO CERIEE and PROVISION'S, besides a great variety of MISCELLANEOUS articles. nov. 2, GLA mtam‘ by 6, 7 by 9, 8 by 10,12 by B, 12 by 9,12 by 10, 13 by 8,13 by 9, 13 by 10, of different qualities for sale by jan IL, James GARDNER. Turner & Salisbury, HAVE on hand an exteusive assort ment of ready made clothing, of alinust every description and style, which they will dispose of, not ut what they cost, but as low as any other dealer in the state. Persons haviog any idea of pur chasing clothing, will do well to call und exawmine, if nothing more, water-st. march 22, BRICKS. 50 QOOO Bricks for sale by the 9 subscribers, at their Lumber Y ard, soGth of Sisson’s Distillery. april 13. J.&D. K. LUTHER. J Hoes, Shovels, SPADES, manure forks, ox yokes, ox bows, hoe handles, ke. &e. for sale oy Samusr Waearon, april 8. SASLIONADLE SLLES. : BURROUGH, Jx. & Co. have just re e coved a luige ussoriment of Poult de Soiy Silka, of firet rate quality; and beautiful colours, purchased at Auction and for sale choup. Mg ' A \ 1 OLOTHING. ‘ R T . iy aeamp—— L L " '.,_, .v..,, :'; Y g 48 j'-‘*?',..}-* T AUCTIGN, | EPIIMA A, 7 o kor e g g Mt ’u- on be pramine n Breel ‘ N B ,'_,—\r g } | U!‘:"'v“.~ ' .:’m L’ .‘r .’ 2 v»" ;V. 10 ".f and apy ) balonging therelo—togsth er with the stoek 4 copper nails gud spikes, sheet co pper 0l and new, sheet lead, iron oppe ccml'o.r|sl brass jo‘dfl': cop per " i copper pum zinc in '.b.l.‘ and lead yke. &e. e W',M' . WEA! ING “GRALS I WYLT WHEATON oo for sle -3 !p.-n. s, bt S mlor, 4 caps, comforters, mittens, palme, sheaths, vine yard kersey and o(z" yara , mwnn:z&och. dra duck chock‘_“h..' ‘:::. trowsers, pea, y nadl e Rt AT m..., 81. ’ ' LONG ROOM. . .. Furnaces. o ust received th anew J supply of fhe Philadelphia Fur naces, which are warranted superior to any other, for sale by G. T. GARDNER. June 21, * water-street, CERAP SHORS & mog LYNN. b ‘mn:?r"l:;i ;;:l:e":b;:t. con . sisting of Ladies Kid anc Cloth Slippers, Childrens morocco boorees and ankie ties, a varioty of colours; Mens slippers, &ec. fof sale by 8. DAVOL, JR. april 28, 4 PAINTS & OIL. WHITE lead jy Venetian red Red lead Spanish brown ‘Black lead Chinese vermillion Chrome yellow Lamp black Chrome green Ivory black Prussian blue Spirits turpentine Copal varnish Paint brushes Jupan varnish Varnish brushes Dutch Pink Linseed oil Rose pink Neats foot oil, For sale on reasonable terms bfi . march 2. JAMES GARDNER. RIED BEEF~—;j ived le b D T e A. DRISCOL, may 24. j Water.sireet. IROIV HOOFPS. ‘ N assortment of IRON HOOPVS from the Fall Rwer Iron Works Co. just received and for sale at the Man ufacturers’ prices. . ALSO, IRIVETS of ull sizes at the Manufact urera’ prices, by | COLLINS & DRISCOL, March 29. Hats. SPRING STYLE. - Satin beaver Hats, fur bodies, a ;Plcndid articie. Also, Boys Cloth Cape ; dc, ur Hate, just received for sale by GEO.T. GARDNER. Water street; april 13, FOR SALE. sPERM Oil, Fall and Wiater Strain« ed ; Lamp Wick ; Lamp Feeders, Oil Cans, and Jappenn'’d Lamps of varie ous descriptions by LEWIS HOAR & CO. Jan. 11. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Daily Linefrom Bristol to New Bedford. ' A STAGE will leave Bristol every morning m (Sundays ucopud)‘_n: 8 o’clock, and arrive in Fall River at half past 10, and in New Bedford in season to dine. Returning, leaves New Bedford every morning, at 11 1-2 ‘o’clock, and ar rive at Warren and Bristol, same after< nooß. o j 7 Passengers wishing to go to Fall River and return the same day,are inform ed that they can stop in Fall kiut, two hours, for the transaction of business. ’ Books kept at Burgess’s und Horton's illotol, Bristol; Cole’s and Commercial hotele, Warren; at the General Bufio' Of fice opposite Lawton’s Hotel, Fall River; at Blake’s and Colc’s Hotels, New Bed ford. , Natnan W‘nm. Bristel. June 1. ’ HARDWAR . 3 James Gardner, Has now on hand a general assortment of Hardware, suilable for the Market, AMONG WHICH ARB THE FOLLOWING, Vi¥ ¢ ooop assoitment of table & desert Khived A. and Forke, and Curvers of differect pat— térn § table and butchéer steels; cleavers; butch cr, bread and shoe koives ; a great vernely of pen, pocket ana 2 blade knives § theep shears @ scissorsj razore ; #ho@ piticers and nippers 'J,-l ers ; carpentgrs, shoemakers and seduiers bam mers ; coopafe and carpeniers compasess § tent coffce mills ; beuch and hand vices ‘mf" humb and japen Norfolk latches ; lifling band« tes , nuil and spike gimblots § sickles; ra’ ) welded and riveted table hinges ; wrought w hinges ; H avd H L hinges : pew hinges ; chpst hinges ; cast butt hinges; flst and round bolws j woud sciews ; steel kniting pine | nouse wrape 3 gridirons ; iron canhdlesticks | pod and screw au gers j suger bitts ;| coepers bitta ; catpel rode teolyards jbed serows ; Parow axes ; .‘.‘ axes ; ship Carpenters axes ) cerpenion coopers adze ; auncing knives ; trowels § nves ; broad hoes ; stub hees ; chisesle gouges ; p'ane itons § deawing h }oaie of all kinds ; §.OO 80d respe; 100 ot thee : seuce pate ; short B ' :u: + cow Lella § eurry a o ! : ue ¥ ‘! L g e 4 .