9 afrv m Devolesl ( Ike Intrrtats of the Cherokee, Chociaws, Chlckastsws, Sew :! , Creeks, ma mil Other loetians ef the Indian Territory. CHIZPTAIN PUBLISHING CO. VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1883. VOL. I. NO. 16. v JUL JJL Ji I J VlJLL. J-L L. iV 1 Jl. 1 A WEEK'S NEWS. Ictus by Telecraph aad Hall CBBni(a OF 00NGBBS8 TBt senate met on the i7ta and at (be eloss hour tlx consideration of the PJ 8"k w" was resumed, ltMque.tion bo- "r Hawler's amendment Drohibitliur Citi!!-. k "lor coll!t'" ol political coutri- T wnww. u ine tioverameot iron maer lioveraou nt omoer or employes. An amendment .h aim adopted that no person Bamtually uelng Intoxicating bevenwres in ex "" pa appointed to, or retaiued In any " scj wialneee ar employment to which the proriatous of the act are applicable. The MU wa tuau j named or a rote of W to &. The noma met but no quorum being present ad- Th Senate tba iSttt at th eloae of the awrriing hour oa motion of Mr. Edmund, took P the MU reported by him from the Committee SB Judiciary, to prevent tae Government of. J B1 employe collecting from or paying f outer money for poiltioal purpose. ' wa oaeree: a a autetitute to Mr. Bd- committee bill one hitrodiieed bv him fe li-MWiPQer !. foe th Mmn.M(alnhiM4. bat a -tuiiuiir Government omoer and ent- r""-irora coutrtbutiug money for pol tii-al p-a. iaee to any person, whether Government rawoer ar employe or not. The aubstitute w fnjectea or a vote of IK to Xi. The Fit. John Porter bill waa then taken up and diseuaaed nam adJoummouL ...... Ike flouts waa not la In tke Beasts the 29th, after the lutrodue Uoa and reference of several bills, on motion f Mr. Genome, tke MU appropriating f 10,000 for tke erection of a monument to Huron De tain, at Annapolis, Hit, pawed. The bill to regulate tae r residential auceemton waa taken up and diacuaaort until t o'clock, when tke bill for tae relief of Fill John Porter waa taken up, and Mr. Logan addressed tke Senate at leneth in opposition TbeHouae waa not lu Tba Senate waa Dot ta esaloa the SOtta. la the House, oa not on of Mr. Kaseon, the billa to reform tke civil eervloe and pre- nllcai aeaeesraent were taken from tke ker'a taMa mi pmtmI tn Ihn I 'iimtnillM oa Civil Kerr ice lteform, and leave granted the wvwiHf hi rewin lata si an uuie. . mi i no vxaon of Mr. Marak, of Illinois, tke Penale bill waa pasted eiieiulinir the time for lilinar ekuma for horaea and equipment kwt by om fere or mliaied men in the aervloe of tke United tkate witk an aiaendinent liiiiitina tke wleualoa to one year fnnu the paMUure of tke Mr. aunina, 01 aiaaawnuM'tia, onerva a resolution retiuodins' the Attorney (ienfral In bifnrm tke liouae what neueaaity exlstid for the appointment of Jaa. H. t'halmera as Ae aistant Uiafrict Attorney for tbe district oourt of the l ulled Htaua for tbe northern district f MlaaHMliipi, and to forward to the Hmiae all Borreapuu deuce la regard hi suck an appoint' WallHINGTOJI NOTES. A bill has been Introduced lu tbe Senate pen tiii a; to witnesaes In Uia Star Bouta prose- eutloB In the criminal court of tbe District of Columbia living west of the Mississippi river, t per diem ol 12.50 and mileare at Iba rate of trvea cent per mile cumins; and ruin-. Tba Commissioner of Aurrliull ure has pre pared a revised table sbowlna; the (fralu product tf tbe country for the year ending Uecember I, to be i Corn, l,M5,ft.i0,OX) buthrla; Wheat, 110,000,00) bushels; Oats, ;0,0U0,OUO busbels; Barley, 450,000,000 bush); Rye, SO.OUO.OOJ busbels Buckwheat, 12,100,000 bushels. To tal jrrsiB product of the country, S,ilJ,(U0,WW twihela. The renat on th tS(h dlsruasca tbe Po litical Asfeasmeut bill, and Sually by a rote I SI to au took op the bill for the relief of Ft I Jobs rotter. The llouae was uot to ses sion. Postmaster General IT owe addrnwd a rora muulcat i to tbe Chairman of the Fenate Ap ' proprlatlon Committee, rallin( his attention to I he fact that grower of seeds and bulbs In th States along- the Canadian border forward their vo;'s to Canada and hava tbrm sent tbrourk tba m ils to person In the United Plate, thus obtaining- the benefit of cbeaier tantdan otaii rate oa uch matter. Th IVatmaalar Geaeral after referrinf to the fact li st the Veiled Btates cfaargrs twka as mark r ounce for carrying producer' seed a It doc for car rying tie rlieuUr which advertise seeds, con clude his letter by asking whether w cannot afford to transport for right rent per pound seed which tba farmer bays, a well a to traBtport seed for nothing which the Uorera ment burs, and If we cannot afford to carry teed for one cent for two ounce paid tela our treasure a aril a carry them for tbe Sams price paid into th Canadian treasury. Th proceed of th recent tale of article aocamulated in the D.a J Letter Office amonnt rd to (4,4 7, which aum ha bee deposited la the Treasury to tba credit of tba I'oatoftice department. Th ratlncatlon of tba Convention ol tba CbII1 state and Belgium for the exchange of money order after January t, was formally u ti Hand beta era tba Post master General aad tba Belrtaa Minister a few day lee. It la said that at tbe last Cabinet meeting tae appointment of ferrets ry roljer a Min ister to England was determined upon, aad that be has accepted. Cea. Poi ta reported a hsvlng algrncd a raqarat ta Crmgress asking that th prayer ol of Oea. rorter b granted. Th Ways aad llaaa Committee havw com' parted th ronstderstioa of tbe aehedule of wool aad wooiea maaafacture and advanced rate about tea per cent, oa the average over that recommended by the Tariff Commission. Tba report which leave the rat a Bird by tba Committee, I reduced anoat tea per cent. befarrth axtaUar one. This sit ranee was apoa wooiea cloths and ready-made clothing. At th PrraMeat' reception oa New Tear's Day great nciteaseat wa created try tba sud den death of the Hawsliaa Mlnlater. After being preae-ited to the President, and while oa Id way to tbe anta-room, he wa attacked wtth rertlgo aad spasms. Ha wa promptly attended by tbe phrtcians, but shortly after- Ward died m one of th ante-mom at tbe Exacatlva Manama. Wbea the MtnlHer waa take sick tbe music stopped, and after tba ajmoojicemeBt of his death tbe rcceptioa against Dake I so Intense that it would ra ,uir Blight aataUoa to csMue a lawless out break. Kew deve!opmenU show that to as persion against th charactar of Capt. Nutt't daugbter is Dukes' utters ar abameiut. Soma of these letters will be presented wbea the trial some on. Tba polio of Trenton, N. i., report that Jacob and William Rusk drowned themselves In a canal there to escape arrest oa eharg of tabbing Officer J arris, of Philadelphia Marcus Pike, of New Tors, aged eighteen, nicked ap a toy pistol, and ta a playful man ner pointed It at his married sister, Anni McKeou. An explosion followed, and the woman was shot fatally. The mala building of tba Somerset Fiber Company at Fairfield, Mains, burned recently. A bug digutar heated by the Same ex ploded, throwing tbe macbln ta all direc tions. John Pooler waa killed by tba falling of an (ron pipe. Loss, fS5,0U0; injured. Twelve kundrad arm and individual of New York City bars signed a protest to Congress against tbe passage of th Bankrupt act A Are at North Attleboro, Mass., recently destroyed 75,000 worth of property. ' Christian Tiraman, who rescued two girls oa th occasion of th late Calendar Budding Are at Providence, Rhode Island, waa called to tba Mayor' otnc one day last week, and Biade the recipient ol a puree of money ag gregating f87! wliils the father of on of the girls gave him a suit of clothe. Two children, of Meriden, Conn., aged eleven and eight years, acknowledge that they placed an obstruction oa tba track recently. to wreck tbe New York passenger train, and ssy they did so because an employe of th road drove them off th tbe track. Nelson Kaymoud, H Worcester, Ma., aged sixteen years, wh la playing with a revolver, killed his brother Joseph, aged ten years. TH BAST. Th will ef Edward Clark, ef Ofaege) Coaa- tv, Krw Tork, bequeaths to hit heirs tl.SW, Oua. There Is eowaiderabie ef lb property ta Hear To k City sod else here. Including the f eraleigk aan:oa and thtrtr-lv acre of hand hi th village ef FernleUrh, oa tbe o aBehaaaa. lis aloe beeaestha tjtl.OO) to tbe gtwual f dof Waiiams College, and request hi eea, Joba H-, to bar swlTtctect mterest la tin Stager Maawfactwvag Company a as be tier ted Director to watch ever aad protect the family mterest la that eoacera. A eeafereae ef the rerar refiners end tm fJorteraof Boatoa aad vtrinity waa held re caaMly. Every bowse waa represented. Tbe mxlkif waa eaTled peeiaDy to pcewewt tbe arw ef the trade as meiahsis of Congress Bowiaaa, Camdler, id to aeTre to the assessment of ft was Intimated by tke slhfersBcre esnowg llgaais had hit' arte ff a plaa rowid be 1 tana thin iras a bee ef aecwrtag a ) espitaHsts hav mad ta Powtswrw seiling asmlB Jasam Uark afeot aad kfOrd ha wife la a r-h bibb at baavte la Pittxira, Pa-, lately. ( aik ta tmeer ef well known family, BWd Mi srUe baa, far year, borne a bad iepa vaa) were ataaean. jaiiaa. Eaaaaw awd KasaeO, ta yiasmia that the Bar sr apporter i peaeBBted Beaatavi A aartraf la.), (N. T IIUMub arxas ef wkarh they Tas Tobaree Trade AmortaOoa of noade fJa feeeaarr adnied resotottoa arriat Gbs ayaas te s dj arHtioa of the mterwal rev aaaat tax ea toeacee. la SyTamae, Tf. T, Aaaa O'Brlea feB tote a aaahEra. wk Je arawtng a pall ef water. Her aseeher ran to her teat a and feB ta alsa. laa wee dieaasst The lather dtaimmd i he tetfif sea freea work lb exrtteaarwt ever the Nalt traa-edy at rwtoatewa, P-, b) aaabateA aad tbe feelief TUB WEr. Tbe operators of the Masslllon, Ohio, dis trict coal oiliics bars agreed to reduce tbe price of mining from ninety-five to eighty-fly cent a toa, and hay appointed a eouuultte to confer with the miners. Henry C. KIsselL City Treasurer of Tucson, Arizona, and agent of the Budweiser Beer Company of St. Lou la, ha gone to Mexico, defaulter for 13,100, Th city, the Budweiser company and several psrties ar th lor. At Pioneer, Csl- a few day since, W Ullsm Hartley stepped up to th bar of a saloon to take a drink, when Thomas Kerr, wlthoat provocation, knocked him down, and drawing a pistol shot him dead. Kerr wa disarmed, and a jury of twelve held sn informal trial. Kerr asked for an hour's time to ar- rauge his business, sat do an aad with per fect coolness wrote to his mother at Lexing ton, 111., requesting all hit effects to be rlvt to ber, and then asked for severs! drink. The citizens then took him out to a sycamore tree. wbea be requested that his boots be taken oil si be aid not wish to dl with bis boots on. II o wa then promptly hanged. Peter DcaTsron, a carpenter, of Rockfora, W. T., recently shot hit wife aad himself through the bead. Cause, Jealousy. Messers. Ilsrris and Watson, men ofeX' perlence in the ttewsnsper business, and hay lug capital, bare been In consultatioa with Capt, Payne, at th office of tba Ok labors colony la Wichita, has. They design ac companying tbe Oklsboroa colony from that point on th or at day of rtw'.ae!t, and a 111 rata' llah a new paper called th Oklaho ma War Chief. Tba drat two number will b published in Wichita, the next number upoa the territory II n, and Ui next and all subse quent publications from the Oklahoma tows site on tba North Canadian Hirer. These gentlemen It I rrpoi ted, hay already obtained about 7U0 aubscrtber lor their paper. I'ayna sari that there a bow 0,0U0 wagon ready to atart for Oklahoma. . Chris. Han ton, of Lebanon, Mo., aged about thirty year, a blsrksmith a few months direct from Denmark, died recently from th effect of a spree, during which he drank half pint of alcohol at oa drink. II left AX) which h brought with him from the old country. Tbe C'htcsgo Lumbermen's Exchange, la their monthly meeting recently, decided to continue tbe old price-Hit, except fur kiist and scantling two by lx Inches, twelve to fourteen feet. which were reduced in price 11.00. President Morse, of th Kansas City Fat Ftock chow, baa selected . Menrs. A. B. Matthew, William Epperson and M. R. Phut at th Execotlre Commutes, which commute shall bay charge of tbe detalla of tbe daty ef making th arrangement for the ahow. it is proposed that special premiums, beside tbe regular one, b given, and that these awards be arranged for tba different cute aad Ter ritories a follow: low, Kansas, Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, Mexico, Texas aad tbe ladiaa Territory. - rergi. Rnfus, formerly of the girth Cavalry, committed aulrlde at Fort Lowell, Artsona, recently, shooting bimelf with a carbtn ia the prrseBC of tbe company. He waa a gradu ate of West Point, and formerly Lieu tenant of tbe Sixth Cavalry. Ha was compelled to re sign oa account of drunkene and misconduct The Ntlctd I attributed to drink. Win. Walton, a coal miser at West Belle ville, III., the other morning ahot J arte MU- boara beraasa b would aot marry him, aad thea shot himself. Both died almost Instantly, Joba Parry, bookkeeper for BeverUg A Dewey, private banker of C blcago, baa bees arrested oa the charge of forgery te the ex tent ef e,M0, by a system ot fraudulent ehecka, ta coUasloa with a bar-tender large saloon. Tbe bar-trader wa not s nest ed. Tbe senior member ef tbe firm la aa ex. Governor ef 11 Knots. Three weeks ago, a yoaag msa hi Monro Coanty, Mo., named Grahea got married and took hi wife to hta ssotber's bonne to lira- A yoaager brother viewed tba Bsarriage with great dtafarer, and after brooding ore the liter two week he roes from bed early oa aternlng last week, and wlthoat drese- tng, went to his brother's rooaa, ahot and killed him wSil asleep by his wife' side, and thea ted; bat, hi a few hoar later, re turned aad aarrewdered to tba aatborttiei. Threats ef lynching tbe marderer were made. bat aa tnveeUrmtio developed the fact that the yoamg maa was aaaaae. The Cincinnati laeaei refase to Jota the CUcage aad Milwaukee brewer la adeaaring the price of beer one dollar per barrel, and the rseae ef the two former due ban receded from their resolattoB. Tare aVisptiate character war recently tracked a rsyaevDir Crook Ceasaty, Orsama. Ia trrtag to thaw owt soaac giaat pewder at Portlaad. Orarow, lately, aa exrsnaiaw aeek t.taT mere Ckmiaii a badly toyar- mg tare others. A hey Baaaed Tyrrell, aged revra year while ptarteg with a Wtorbeater rile at Maat- Keb ewe rvewlasr mat week, aertdesjtally dtorbarged the gun sad wa kales, tbe wbote top ef ks bead betng Mewa eC Barry ae the nalag ef Dae-, gist, a Bra brake owt la Friend Brethers' barge hole ml doth .- awtaMharaWBt ta Milwaakre, Wla, Tba tre origissted ia the tauwawat, from either as overheated or ee'ectre fttrawee, aad worked Its way aa the sloriaa ef the mrg BtrBctarc throng the elevator. The latency was completely gat ted. eestrrrring tbe un mease stock by water aad smuba as nrweh a by Bra Friend Bi otbeiS Mas Igwrm ap $na, tX tnenred fer ah mi tT7.0B) . Ia addtttoa. arrersl other estaWlibmiuta snlfcred te the eaBoant of IM 000. J arses TMHt wa re-res tly kBVrd at Tipae eaaea, iasL, by fslling hi front of a rtrraiar Keymui reai bed tbe Indiaa Bwreaa Irwm the Cherokee crrontrr, ladiaa Ten limy, te tbe efert that wait mew are weHif bafldtra Ski feectng at aastaawtbi the LoereAe eat- let. Commisiloner Pries recently addressed a letter to Agent Tufts at Muskogee to warm whit herder to remove,wtth their atocx, from th reservation, allowing twenty day for tbe cxU. It tbe herders tail to get out in that time, the agent 1 authorized to call on th military and eject them. " - California baa been visited by th heaviest now storm the past week ever recorded in hey history. . -t TBtB BOl'TH. ; Charles Branch, a negro, who outraged and murdered a nine-year-old girl near Varnei Button, Ark., on the Little Kock and Missis sippi River Railway, was taken from his guards by an armed mob and banged to a telegraph pole. Six book of record have been stole from the safe of the county clerk's office at At lanta, Ga. As nearly all th original deeda to Atlanta property are redsaled In the atolen books, tba authorities offer f 1,330 reward. Fix colored persona Were dr6wned twalvs miles above Darien, Ga., a few daya since. Officer McCarthy was shot dead Christina day at Deulaon, Texas, by a man named EUls, whom be was attempting to arrest. Revenue Collector Lewis Buck or, of th Louisville, Ky., District, states that the re ceipts from tbe sale of tobacco stamps In his district hay fallen off about two-thirds since the discussion of the reduction of taxation be gan In Congress. English dt Huguenesr warehouse at Macon, Ga., contaiuiug bales of cotton and a large amount of guano, burned recently. The grocery of Early dc Bhearwood waa also con sumed. Loss, 1110,000; Insurance, 185,000. Two brothers, named Bullard, were killed recently at Lebanon, Ala., by two brothers named Jacoway, In a quarrel. All are mea of prominence. - . . q During a light in Staples' grocery store. Owensboro, Ky., Christmas night, between man named Norria and a negro, James Mont gomery hearing a noise, stepped in the room lust as Norria fired, lb ball (truck Mont gomery In the abdomen, causing bis death. At Columbus, Texas, a son of Capt Stafford was shot and badly wounded, when the friends of Stafford banged the man who did the shoot ing.. A Ire at Presoott, Ark,, lately destroyed two entire blocks of business house. Lost 1100, 000; pai Uy Insured. Clarence Veight stepped Into the cigar store of Mrs. Liixie Swim, at Fort Worth, Tex. ens evening recently, purchased a cigar and after lighting It applied the atlll burning match to some fireworks In th store. An ex plosion followed and the atore and adjoining building were consumed and Mrs. Swim waa burned to death.. eight fled. Aa expres train going east collided with freight train near Owingsrille, Ky., on day last week, killing both engineers, a brakeman and a baggagemaster. Several of the passen ger were Injured. Th trains were almost totally destroyed. Dsvid Ferguson and George Levi, the City Hall official of Louisville, Ky., under Indict ment for fraudulent appropriation of tbe city funds, are In JsiL Ferguson confessed and surrendered to tba law. Levi waa surrendered by bis bonda men. Hiukee, City Auditor, la the only one Indicted now out of Jail. A riot occurred at Oconee, Ga, lately, when Asa Lawsoa killed Marahal Webster and Lou William wa etortaliy wounded. ' All wars white men. Three colored men, brother, were dangerously wounded. Several ether of both races were Injured. CBifKBai Russia and th Pope have arranged a modua vlven.ll. The Pop will reappoint Catholic bishops In Poland. - Klug Alphonso lately expressed tbe hop before tbe Chamber of Deputies that the con centration of Imgwrtant publie force around hi throne and dynasty was a sign of, an In creased feeling of attachment to th tradi tional monarchy. At Bradford, England, a tall chimney fell apoa a building full ot operative. Tblrty- sil persons are known to bars been killed and fifty Injured, mostly women and children. The damage ta estimated at over (-100,000. About 3,000 persons are thrown out of employ ment. Arald Pasha and his fellow exile embarked a few day since fur Ceykra, There waa no demonstration of any kind In connection with their departure. Sentence varying from on year' police urvclllano to twenty year1 banishment were Imposed on eighty-tout prisoners. Twelv of th richest prisoner were ordered to deposit a guarantee ef 5,000 and lesser amount for the faithful observance ef the Government order. , Th buslneat failures of th country last week were IM, of which sixty-thre were In the Western States. M. Gambetta died at hit residence at Vlll d' Array, In France, at midnight, just at th advent of tbe New Tear. TUB aVATBIT. fa th Senate January Mr. Logan contln- ad hi argument against the Flu John Por ter bill. The business transacted by tbe Hon waa of no general Importance. Tbe eirest of exports for twelve month, ndlng November SO, 1483, waa 1,434,835; exres of exports of gold and silver cola and bullion, 'same period, wa 133,701,307: vain of Import of mercbaadi Into th Called Btates for twelve month ending November 80, 1750,517,205, tncress of 190,400,295: vain ot export of domestic and foreign mer ebaadla lor twelve month, ending November SO, 1H, was 1758,082, 461, a dearease of 1105, &,03a. The public debt statement for December bow total debt, SI.W0, 7,o93.Bl; total cash to tnasary, 31s,9M,01AOO; debt tea cash In treasury Jsnuary L, ISO, tl,O7,54.r67.00; December 1, 1883, t,era,mW0; eeerreaee ef debt during the month, 115,411223.00; de crees of debt since Jan 30, 1882, tSl.STO, KS.00. Th Board of Manager of the National Soldiers' Home ask SL,l21,0r for next year. Five hundred mora Inmate are expected than year. Six hundred and eighty were ad mitted laat year. The atanagnr recommend that worthy, destitut soldier, even though they can not trace their till to origia tn the ser vtre, should be admitted. The Inmate ot tba boms number 13,000. Mrs. Stilwen, wife of Jay Stilwell, employed oa the Chicago, Burlington aad Qnlncy Kail- road, has made a eonfcasioB on her death bed of thre m orders. Her f rat victim Was Beajsmia Swlgart, ber I rat husband, who ah ays, she killed at MaryriUe, Mo., tn March, 1S77. wtth tae aid of ber anther sad brother. The aecoad was a stranger, whom tbe mm killed for BBoney. The third waa her whom she strasated oa the ef hw another at Kulo, ties , la May, a. See asao eewfrased to terse atiamrta to kJ berarewent has be ad to obtain Ms Hf ta- rraaee- She ia dytnar ef ronsnapUoa at tba aaf remtrre to Kaox Cbaaty, Ohio. ; Mha Josephine C Meeker, danrhterof the to X. a Meeker, who waa tartared and k'led by the Lie Indians In the am. tarn of lbit, aad who was herself raptured, died hi Wssbmgton last week of paenmoeia. She wa a clerk la the Treasury Department at the time of ber rhialk '' Mayor Colby, of Salem, Maa., wboas term of ofbee expired the let, hanged himself oa the day his term ef office expired. He lost his wife shout ooe year ago, since which time been a subject of despondency and melancholy. Pme Bra ft, Ark., was visited by des trac tive are oa the M. The loss is estimsted at H,om Advice from Care Town, Africa, to tbe National Board ef Health state that during the past two month t.0M people bare been etrtcken with small pox, aa that t,M have died. The nes-roet object ' vacctnatlo. i CIV1L-SEUVK E REFORM. Panax ot the l'enillrtoa Bill ta the United State Senate The Bala Feature ef the JCnactuientCooipetitiv zasut satioa rrovided Far, aad FoUUcal As asuneat Forbidden. Tba (oUowing are the provision of the Jlvn Kervioe Ht form b il as finally paeaed by the United State senate: The bUlto eatitlod "A Ii.U to Itegulate and Improve the Civil- wrvicsoi tne united olstoa." It providea for the appointment by tbe President of three persons, not more than two sf whom shall be of the same party, a Clvll Serrlce Commissioners, who shall constitute tbe United btates C.vtl Service Commission. Power la given tbe President te rvmuve any Oommlasioner and .. fill any vauancy, by md with the oonauut of the rweata. The salary of said Commissioners h) axed at &l,Su) each, par rear, and all necessary traveling expenses. . s ? - ' ' . Seet.en 1 pre.-eribc tbe dutlee of said Onai miseiouer, which are. briefly, to aid the Presi tent in preparing auitabla rnJe fweairf-iag this act iuto effect; and wbea said rti It s shall Have been prornuhated. It shall be tbe duty of all oifcour of the L tilted States in depariment aud ottics to which any auch rule may rotate to aid in . all proper way in carry ing said rules and any modification itr reof into effect, raid rules shuli firvide for open, ompct-tiveexiimiuatioa or testing- the tito" ot applicants fur pubtlo fervice: such exsmiiiatioiui suall be pruolical ia their character, and, so tar aa may be, shall relate to those matuirs which will fairly cost the relative capao ty and fitness of persona liHMiu -d to diSL-barge the duties of that serv ice into which they sot-k to ba apMintoil. It luttnui-proviuo tor tbe ciHS-iticiit.onof sit dthecs, plaois and employments, and that tuch plaoja eh-ill be ttlb-d by seluctions ao )rling to grade from amongthoae graded the aighestas the result otuoh competitive cx Also Drov14e tor tbe annortionmont Of aiinolnbiiieiils In the A ntirtiiioula aniomr the ' ievorni htatc cud Teriiiorie upon tho baais af popuhttMin, and evary application forea ainiuailon snail coutulu, Sflnonjt omcr inuura,a itutemeut. under oath, setting forth hie, or her, actual bona fide rt sidt-noe at the t.m of making application, sa wuti a-i how long ae, or be. has boeu a rcsid(4it of said place. It further provtilesthat there shall be a period at prolMitioii before auy absolute appointment, and also for Ihe promotion from lower to higher grades upon tne baaW of merit and eotn petitiou. i'rornlos thai person in the public service are thereby uiiiler no obligation to oontribute to any political fund or perform any political sei-vloo, and that he shall n-t be removed ot otherwise prejudiced fir refusing to dose. Korbids the use of oJhciil author ity tiintlucnce or oocroe the political actioa 3f any appointee. It ulo provldai for non-competitive ex tmlnation in oases where conipctcut persons do uot apM-ar after notice, a d in ease, where oouiuetuiou may uot be found pi aeticabln. A so provides for the n.ititlcation to the Omunigsion by thewppoiutiuir power ot those ieiocToa lort-mpioyuictitsiuouinoee esamiir ed ; of the place of residence ot such persona: of the roji o.ion of any sucli persous alter pcobs lion; of trtiupfers, roHiirnaiiona and removals, and of thu dais thereof, and a rvoord of tne same shull be kept by siiid t'ommianion. ba.d Comiuisaton shall tie subject to rules Hint may be umde by the President; make reauliiioua for and hat ooiitmtot such exniuiuatien-i, aud through its mcuibora or eannmt rs It Shalt silpervie and i-cMAi vit the r.u ..1,1 1. II t LllM .rtiiittl Slid aiuiJi teen the minutes of It own urueecdiiiHS; make annual report to the President, tor tnuisinl-ai.m to Consresa, ahowing its owns ton, rules and n-iriiiatiun auif exceptions thereto in fone, tbe practical eltccta tucreof, uu any aur-caiioiie h may appruv a. rectloii X i-rovldea, tor the empieyment of a l nicl r,x inilnor wuoanaii rcoeivea aataiy in tliil (J par yanr, and a tteorauu aia salary of fi.'HU per year, and also, ben necessary, a stenographer and lucsscng -r. Tne t'mimis slon shall Ulcet at tt aahiurton and in onn or more p.aeea in oaeh ntute and Territory where etumiuati ni are to tnk place, d 'al-iiate and leet a ault ilile nnintier of persona, not I'-as th in throe In the elheial service of the I n ted Suites, rea ding in said hlalo or 'i'emtoiy, after conaulting said depsnment, orolht-e, lu whirw each Demons seti a, to la use member it IliHiniaol t:suininer.and inay.al any titnc.siib- atilutc n.ny other per ma in said ae1-! loc.liviug in such territory, in place of any oui s i si'l-jcted. Such Hoard of i:ain ners shall be a., hi a'ed aa tn make It reauil.l) yonven leet and lnexM'ns.V4 for appllouuls t. atteud bofiirc them; and where thcie are -rsona to be eiamiiMhl i anv Mtato or Territory examl- natlona aball be held therein atXt twice in each year. 7'he uae of any room in any public Duil'ltng 1 allowed tne toiuiniaaiou or auca It tarda of Kxamincrs by the provision of the sect Ion. Section S direct the Secretary of the In terior lo pro kin suitable rooms In Washing ton tor heeaiiuartere, ana to euppiy tn - uoc-w my atstiouery and printing fur Uio Commia Bli in. Meetton 4 auwrtdee tnat any tmm awioner. Kiainiiier. e.Hiviat. or moaaemrer. or any per son in public a n ice a ho shall wllfuily and corruptly deceive, or obstruct any pernon in respect to his or her right or examination, or who shall wilfully, corruptly and falsely m irk. iriedc, estimate, or report upon Urn ex amination or nroner standing of any person. or who hall wilfully and corruptly make any false repre -illation concerning ihasam", or oonoeniing tne per a exam nod, or who ahall wilfully and corruptly fumlsh to any person any apociitl or secret Information for the pur pose of either impiovirut or liijurlny tbe pn p-ctsorchanoi-a of any peraon so examined being appointed, e.npioyed, or promot 1, shall lor each such ollense be deemed guilty of mladcmaanor, and upon eoMvkt.on thereof shall be punished by a fine of not lca than f 110 nor more than f 1,00 1, or by Im priaonineul mit lose than ten dara nor more than one year. or by both such fine and imprisonment. rvctloii t direi't tne cecretaryoi tne Tree- n rv w. thlu sixty day after tl e pnsmjr" of tne bill 1 1 el lasitv all officer In the emuloymi ni ' of the Treasury Department, and rep-irt sstne to the I'riwldent and instruct the matter-General and th hi-a-ls of all othc partments to make similar tiaaaihcaUou,' reports. Section provide that after the ernl of six months from the pstre of th t officer or clerk shall be appo.nted. and t son shab be emiiloyed to ent'-r or be p-r In el hnror Mid clashes now exiatinr may be arranged hereunder pursuant rules, until he has tHed exatnim shown t i be spectnlty exemp'e I I rom aintnatlon In conformity h rewiih: I Ingcon-sined In Slid net ahull b - com take fr in tlHiee b'moraiily d sehar thf- military or naval service anr tr conferreHl by the l,7iHth s ti-m of the httttiltes nnr lane rrom tne I'reselent tborlty not Inconsistent with this act c by the L'i5"d section of ssi t soitu shall any officer not in the exicutii of the tiovemmeiit, or env pcrw-n a pi lyedss s tnborer or workman, here. beclHesirted bereu-ider: nor, unless tkinortr.e r-enale. snail any person bc-n nominaveat for connrmiitlori r lXo re roi ui red to be classified or p naoon. . Heation T nrovmrs ta ic not more member of a family shall be eligible I menttoany grade. Bf-cllon tiroi wei tnat no re-ex of riewatoewer K preaeatatlrea, ere. charactiT and reid-nee, ehH be eoi In making examtnat oas or sppoiatw aect'i a s arovKiee mat ao pj-raon - uaina In oxicntlnar bei-eiwat-s tn- shsll be apfiointed to or r.-tnine i tn ait busmea or employment to wum-b tae ions of till" act are appt-eabie. section rs dtia ine tnnt no renator reeentative nor any emfioye of eitbet ant at executive. Judicial, military e oleeerof the t'nttod litatea, and ne emokirecf any detmrtment. branckot of the exerwtive. Judicial, or military, service of the Cnib-d Stutes, siiail. din Indirectly, eoticlt or reeeive. or be m anr tier ccflceroed in eotietting or re eiiii assessment, aubsertptloa or enwtr-tbtfti anv nolitieal wumose whatever frm flit v-r. clerk or employe of tbe fritted or anr department, branch or bureau I or from any person receiving any sa core penar Km trom tvwen fieri ve. II Treasury of the i'nlt-d Biste. Sceticat II I rev ei - that n rwheef ptovea of tbe t'nited States shall c rromote. oreewrade. er te.ny manne tbe onV-tal rank or onwipenaat oa of r otfteer or employe, or promise or th. te do. for rivma or witbhoMirar er a to make any e -olrlrmtion of money vahialde thing for any y"lit 'Wl pary neetion II wmhlhiu the riving e to lenatora and ketawaewtativca t pollteal obtecta. Snciion l provMea that anv -ahall b fonnd aw y of vmlailna -tb of tbe fowr i-irev -ins ectl deemed gnltvv ef a m-adewieanoi eonviction tXMreef. be puni-h-a. exceeding are thousand doliara, prtsoament for a term we ri-e veara. or ov nea in sa x napx in the discretion of the court. TBE FIEE AT KINUSTOX, JAMAICA. A Graphic Description By a lady Ke- Vt itness Thrilling Incidents. Tke wife of aa omoer ea the stoamer Alva rave the repor .er a sketch of what bad come andcr ber personal observation. She waa ia the oity from the time tba brat alarm wa given until the found refuge on tbe ship at aiidniget. She said: "I wa out with aom friend when erl a of Bra were heard sni eohoed along the street. We at once learned how the fire wa supposed to have occurred. J. boy wa in a lumber yard araokmg. Hi father had repeatedly threatened him for being there, and only a day or twe before he had been flogged for the of ferae. But the punishment did a A aeem to af fect him maun, and on this day he wa amok- lag a uaal oa a pile of shaving with ton companions at the gate watching for hi father. Ia a spirit of fun they suddenly yelled 'Wolf I Wolf I your father hi coming. The boy hastily scrambled to his feet and flung iba lighted pipe on the shavings. gt "Thawews hlowinr, the tinder kindled, aot S tnent later the yard waa on fire, with bo. waning away as fast a their legs could of . -: u-re is another thing about this bM tv muj not been noticed, and it may ao f the sudden primring up of fire r night far away f r m the general a negroes have long been in a state ent at the policy of the Government nry hava chafe! under its tnereas- bns. Now, it it well known ia at anonymous letter were etrcu ig that the towa would be de t'ae threats were thrown in certain pensively discuued, and in many Uoturht of aerioua moment.' ilow ! eaa rumors may be, the conduct of luring the fire showed remarkable I In an exceedingly abort apnea jt th. first alarm wa gives (anoke house far away, and the atreett (wk'-d with a miscellaneous mob k b Thi- amok wa so thick that d no safety in any quarter. farmed and tried to foroe my way t i The attempt we a a failure, for the t im along toward that part of the e. I Indescribable scenes were being eh ijvttutn. r-olitlers, balf-breeda, ne gro mea, children and offli lal formed a closet, peeked multitude tbat i urged against the 11 nc of houses so either ti le of the street. Ne owe amde any effort to sava-the building except a few of lbs hand capped fir J brip-aile that vainly tried to get hydrant-water Into th Same with iiM-faah toned pump. 1 finally g-4 out of the thickest of the crowd and Into the park, wh -re M her een were taking place. Girl rushed iutothi open (quare with bundle on their h-uidi, but the bundle were on fire. and many of the poor ereaturca loit tht Ir brautiful king hair In the ahower of biasing htnglea that were caniei through th city by lh! wind. Troops of wear ing mea and bowllag boys tramped the streets. Thea there were women who rave way to crisi for wstor and merry. l ord God. sen 1 ruin on the-w poora nnenr oricd one worn in. taakedherwbysbedld not go for water. ' lie you 'aios I'd pit water with these hxndsr I'd die Bis. I'dsesKlnr bia sunk 'fore Id tots water.' Another woman howled plaintively: 'O blesaed Lord, havem- cyl I know'd all de tin edutd ia- Hiru If no dav of 'peutanoo wa put ' atrem de Lord, de day ot wrath 'A maa want d hi plana moved pxm houaa to house In ai-arch of Vnli nerwo off U-f am L and help, ture -dnt wo the fr whet -Ply was: 1'se a t moviu' furnl- ho, sua, not me I Me no do e pian i was finally earrird by thf street with other effect, -d an hour later. It was .fere ordoml not to io- woir "A thea. and c-gdo. but a io city, "'e tti a rule they erisp hor a gangs ruin, t. te lik down f tore. - throuirh ht fir 'd coo itroom, 14. -d to a child In ... . .cent down, s tbe smoldering ked Db, which they eiilbalt a 'thea- marched yelling -ta. A lady was shopping la a 4ear I the alarm, and ran to see If her house waa safe. The lire wus half a mile away; before shegd there It was ia flames hear woe of thy Government buildings nc-r i a oman fell upon her knees shouting: O mass i God, aai. the p w women! Klnss toa is sih h a wicket plaoa. I bad a friend; i he sultl she would repent. She put it og one day too long, and aow th firs takns the rich and poor.' It waa said on good authority that his Kxcllency the Governor of Jamaica ia an much disliked ty tke n cymes I bat wbea he appeared on horseback with ks private score Uiry to hk after the fire be waa grerti -4 w.th sticks and alone, and retreated to a rMaoe of safety.' At last, after a lorg stnirxie of tour or Sr. hour tba lady ruBuhed tho wharf aad got a b-iat hitake her tn -he te-ner Alva Sh r e grate- -weouni or the im-xv-nta of the arht Are brought oa board with wir via, but without money or a turnip in ai clinches fom hia etore. Hefureos 5 eeii eitleena h ave their '-inr thnms h ihe f treett (Hie man who had tost at when he left tne bwrn ; were taking away tanre "-iffee still smoking and .it for bread. Near the V it among a pile of he had saved from lbs their valuable to lh i n that edinee burned, I, diinnx the nirht were Mothers came without : l-t I hem tn the crowd. I steamer with three came to herself ah re ma her chl dren. la f-n a nelnhbor a rbiidn-a 4 nd In the boose, and It er mother waa take, oa Me thing at her breest. bread tn eat. After fA alwet the refugees rae lower part ef the pnds ef men searched garden were tn a sad t ees warn mere charred a roaated Buns fr I hlrh ihme l he e ty -r-1 vulture. Impetiewt mr 10 wtw tvi eu-t. -m .jltants ef iamaiea da rj I J oarrioe the bua- incy are very tame, in lu Betrbt these silent r-ale beeame ao terrified ire oa the shin la th" fnerstrtioas aailers wnw-d I y even when the nssnnr asournful plumes. Ji. 1 . I Seeds by lbs Kerrrw I meat. AHtiawma, Decemlwaa. . t tnt Agncultwre, ta his re V-bi'i w le the work of h a de "'-Idahleeihlbtlloe of tht ". I'adiw the special V ef $- for needs loiilbera - districts. tlJUt: Held enrw. ,5;; etd beera, : field eettoa, IM. The seeds seat eatt by the V-,irii Mmfwflttarei4 wrnirr I lll1lrtl 4?orTv- iryt-as UtH. I trTtcd hr prnvl friw UfK-ta. IfhiXA pv k nrr, tn 4-ant. if ti,9 t.H'1 nun- I 1 IV A MoitTUax, man sent revera Canadian apple to Qw-ea Vic to tone, Lord Luff Tia and Oeaeral . He re-rlrcd letters ef acceptat o- except the Qseen, whoa secre 'Her aiajeaty com wands me i fnlfy apfreciates your kiadae apples, but H is s rnl ihi" tare shall not be acceptet count of the p- risbabW cannot be letulued." f wajBot rpla nei. .f. Till eit'g?aa of Tore snaking rrerarat'ons that (tty's semieeiiV- layt sr to be j-ivca t .'.l were cotton seed, tr.wd - -- e -etetalea. SLris tonae--i strawrievry. These Twr-" were "T7 kines f wheat. M kmds of sr. H of stwwwum. Twe y ever grata packages ia sing of bnitdiaa- a rest-f-agzectel Flnh to owe , 'Te. I tbeagirt I aiBSTbith tlto.' "What a-e Gothic, or Doric, ar p, a little of every- ti b the lirr-taa I genuine Betey- i si! arenad M f have beew k fried by dt mnwtha, and there tbe toliea. CM- : frhaldn Claim i gent. WsmuaoTox. December SL Commissioner Dudley has written tne fol lowing letter to a gentleman of this city who wrote asking whether there wa any real ne cessity for employing penaion attorney, and for a brief statement of the method used by dishonest attorneys to swindle soldiers: DxrsBTiiairr or ths Invshior. WsamkoTox, December la. 1W Dxan Sib: Tour oommuuicatioBof the 14th Inst, is at hand! You ask ma two questions: First, "1 ht absolutely necessary that aa boar cat claimant for a pension should be repre sented by an age'r" and t-sui, 'What are tne principal device by which dithoorat areola fleeoe soldiers r" In responsa to the am questioa I ahould say tbat Sea. 4,Tta of tba He vised Btatutea prorldei that I Commissioner of Pensions, on appllcattoa being made to him tn person or by letter by any claimant or applicant for pension, bounty land, or any othv allowance required by law to be a ljua ed or pa d by the Pension Ofhce, anau ruinisk to am a person, free of Ml ex pense, all aush printed instructions and form aa may b necessary in establtahlng and ob taining aaid olalm. I hand you herewith a copy of the pamphlet of law and Instructions la med In conformity with said law, and sent out on application or freely distributed on ceil. When the claim, properly filled up and exe cuted, to filed, tha receipt Is acknowledged, the number of the claim given, and claimant aot i Bed that tha earns wilt be taken m us om r. At the same time sn ex tract ol aad pamphlet I forwarded contain" y full and eompiets lusi mo tion. JVeersiarily considerable delay occur! between the time of filing the claim and lu being taken up In IU order, which delay tne claimant 1 sdvised to employ la procur ing the necessary evidence. When the case la reached and la taken up, if the evidence all in and sufficient the claim la settled at once. Otherwise the claimant ia called upon for the paiticular kind of evidence required, aud the circular c lit are au woe ed that they can not be misinterpreted or misunderstood by any one. The evidence of record 1 obtained by Iba otto d root, as Is also the medical ex amination by the medical boards in different parts of the country. I will only add that the aarvioss of sn agent are moat ef ul to th clamant when he devotes himself th preparation ot tha required evident (mtnediauly upon the filing of tbe eialu) er before. An agent well p a ted In the law and the requirements of this orfloa can thui anticipate the calls of the office and greatly shorten ihe time consumed la the adjudica tion of tba claim, aa well aa aave the oflice much labor A to the absolute necessity ol the Intervention of an agent, each must Judge lor himself. In response to your second question, I would ay that the criminal files of th s office show so many and various prosecution agalnatdishon est agent that I ahould be unable to clasniry and enumerate the different violations of law endthedovioo used In defrauding pensioners within th? limit of such oomniuntoation a this, but the prine pal vioUtaone conaiat in the collection, under some guiae or upon ome pretext or another, of more than th foe allowed by law, the enforced eal lection ol ao called "expenae fees" or "postage fees" fa ad vance, addressis" th calls of this office fi r medical examination or other evidence by "C. O. II." packngu, the collection of fee ia advance and the abandonment of tha claim as anon as th fee Is received, advertisements holding out iiiTiucemeiitt not warranted by law, by which honest soldier an led to prefer in tici claims, tbe only advantage in such eases being that which accrues to tha agent, who gets a fee. Su h facts ar prlnelpally predatory upn the ctaJmaut rather than upon the Uovora , but ars Just as mcritrtcloua and biaia Wurth. Very respectfully. w. w. Di Di.rr, CoeimlsaloMr, A Remarkable Nlery. The St. Thomas (OnU a'txasnv Jeto-nol tells the following exceedingly wonderful story eonoerninga Michigan man: On Kunlay mnr.iinr aa tha CI B. B. express going east waa a- aring Fletcher, a man whe waa a paaaengeron oneoi the coach s Jumped from hia seat and ran hastily along the aisle te tbe platform and Jumped from the dying train. The speed1 of the train must hare been furry-five miles an hour, and those who saw the Bxaa make his terrible leap thought there wat not the slightest chance t r hi life. The rope was pull- d by the brakeman, tbe engine reversed, the air brake put on, and the train backed np to tbe point where the man mad h t sudden exit, the train mea being all ready to ov-k up tbe fragment of what waa (un to be a era xv paaaenrer. However they were mistaken, and the train was met by tht said pasaeng-w hoofing It down the track at lively rate. He was almost aninjured. and aa aoon as he was aboard and the train making headway toward Buffalo agaia be waa besieged with questions, traiamen, conductor and pa seng. rs all being carer to know the reason of bis hasty dlaembarkattou. lie name wa K. A. Cimcry, bis age taenty two, his bwtinea locomotive aremaa on the Grand Ilapids A Indian Hallway. He wa going home to Buffaw after a two year' absence, and had gone rc sleep la the eoaoh, a one naturally would at three o'clock In the morning. While he tepf he arcane that be waa In tbe cab of hia en gine and hi mate shouted to him! "Tht throttle tt stopped, if yon want to save yottt Ufa. Jump!" And be Jumped, as baa been de scribed. It I a good thing he did not lamp minute Boone r, or be would hav landed in tae stream below the txrtdg this side of TH bury. A it was. he waa scarcely Injured at at, Bis ana Being snraiiy nrursea crab-bed. He did not wsam am tdl he struck the gf d and discovered A train long way ft Writer Lctler. The Id lowing r- w from the report af the Postmaster Wirral, mid shows ths nwm ber of lettrr wvittan and mailed In each State of the Union during the year, aad tha) per cent ajre per capita of p-ipulatkmi Srsras sac Tciuu- voMiaa. Re. IWrsrs. Alabama ,"!. XT Alaska. .... MIX ArtarSM.. .. t,T:i A eix.. r .... a,fis.rw l oi-ma..' .(. ft s a,T-w.lC I I'm, ' a w74.aTtt .a, f' - S ....... S,Tlt, K. H -,i . SM.1!5I xe.5t.v er..... 4-a.i'di i. ....... . r WM.i , KMIMII ......... H.WISW .......... ia.7aii-i 1UIA.SM i.t-!.;iti as.a-e m 1CXW K.TSl.im 7i ns.wr.'Jit K.M,W te-Lm- Wa.- ... Mir---. Ms. MkW ran. .. Wlnwwota .. Miaae-aippi.. Mtaa-mH ... Mnntafal.... Wetrwasa... TEeswda Sew KaiawBuia t- S- Hew J-rey Xl.Vrt hewpjexlce lt. Jfsw Verk ... Ill . Riwth Cavorina a.i-..i.it we .ej pi -sylvan la.. . . lftV lm- r-iaod ........ :.r.y V-uih ( rc4ia. V 4,rt mi mmje - a r-m sXTmi t IBS . t'-7 v erssana.... ... . Teaasea As. per Ron, per ki. rt .t r t; n stm at i w It MO s ma m as m : ; ai is m IS K, XI 1144 M tS 47 W 4 ta.x It K7 4 SOJ l: at It Iff aft n in a it m a at la It f 5 7 T f II n st tt m tt is 4X 4 a a tt tt 41 XI M a b is 11 t 7 41 it a 1 41 M a im i an 7 am t a si a a m M IS a i a 14 tl 7 a a 4t a.a PEUSOXAL AXD LITEItART. The new Governor of Colorado is sn!)' about thirty years old. Senator Bayard is ranked by Georen A. SaJa as the best story-teller in tha eoumry. Milton received 25 for his "Para llel Lost," and Tennyson $5,000 for hia Troniise of May." Mr. Bill Nye, of ths Laramie Boom erang, speaks of Elder Cannon as a four ply j aterwamilias. Mate. Kilsson, speaking of Oscai Wilde to a Cn.cago reporter, said: "Ha ou;ht to have been taken by the eat and taken to the boat and driven out oi Ihi country." In the opinion of the Philadelphia Vets Mrs. Langtry could have "got into" her critics in the most cruel way by saying: 'How much money did you fellows earn while I waa making (62, 000. It is now said that (iorernor Cleve land is a direct linear descendant of Henry Sex ell, i'gq., who, in the dul l of tjueen Elizabeth, was several times chosen mayor of Coventry. M l. Charlotte Carpenter, who be came tbe w.fo of Walter Scott, wrote before marriage tbat she did nut ap prove of reSeetinar, and bade adieu to all thoughts, for she meant to have a good time, Hie London correspondent of the Manchester (Juardian says tbat Her! ert Spencer looks well, but protests tbat bis uron.ea iook is only a temporary conse quence of the sea vovasre, and that he fee's in reality the reverse of benefited oy u i trip. The prospective Mrs. Cleveland, who is expected to preside over the ex-e-'titive mansion at Albany, is Miss May linri.uirame, a liiuy residing near Utica. Tbe Governor ej K-t has been about six years making up h i mind to it, but tho question is said to have been popped at iatw August Belmont, although be has been a "Wall street man" lor a good many years, has never been drawn into stock speculations. No one has ever heard of Be'inont's name in any "cor ner ' or street speculations among th bulls and bears. He has confined him self closely to bis original apecia ty, and has bunt up an immense banking busi ness. Sergeant BaUantinc, thouslf a celo- brated and eloquent speaker, is rattier awkward in manner and has an odd war of alluring his phrases like a law yer dictating ait important brief to an amaniicns a. tie has spoken six noun a uav In court lev three sucocoillnguavs without notes, but says that ho is afraid to a dil less an American audience. Edward 1). Cooler was only thirty-. nve years old when be aieo, at n est hpringncld, Mass.. and yet he lived one in so poor a hovel tbat it was assessed for taxation at only k'2 while bank books discovered since bis death show that he bad about r.'o.OOO at in terest Ho was a graduate of Amherst (Villcge. and it is said that a love affair first maiie intu a recluse. 11 is u e was very solitary and his nearest neighbors had no ac uainianre with him. A few books and a gun were his companions, and he was contented to live in rags ana squalor. MlMOKOt'S. Has any one found otit how mucb waterways. Question In natural History V hat does a catamount toF Aminadab says the balance of trade is generally some two ounces short. An exchange thinks that when a man cuts his throat a new term should be employed in place of "from ear lo ear." How would "from the knee to the elbow" doP That would be a change. "Julia, my little t herub, w hen does 1 Blunders of Ignorance. It has been said that if there were not to many ignorant people, the world would be less agreeable place to lire in there would be such dearth ol mirth-provoking blunders. There is something iu the assertion, for ignor ance is the mother of blunders. Who would not pardon the ignorance of the Irish servant, who, being sent for a bot tle of capers, asked the astounded cleric for "a bottle of them 'er actionnf But the ignorance which begets ludicrous blunders is found among those who do not rank themselves with the common people. home twenty years ago there was a famous divorce case tried in London. The parties were an aged nobleman and his yo:mg wife. ,1 he presiding Judge, Sir Crcswell Creswetl, remarking on tbe disparity of their ages, said that the case was another instance of the evil effects of "marriages contracted between May and December." Could it be possible for any educated person to misunderstand this familiar allusion? Yet the secretary of a Scotch statistical society sent a letter to the Judge askin; tor a statement of tha facts on which he based his opinion as to the in'elicity of marriage solemnized between these tw o months of the year. ( erta n members of the society, added the secretary, wished to put the infor mation in the shape of s paper to be read before the society. There are few persons ot education who do not know of the Koman Emperor who, because bo renounced Christiani ty, is known as Julian ths Apostate, let an English Judge, Kenyon, who subsequently became a Lord Chancellor, in a charge to the jury at a tr'al for blas phemy, said: " Above all, gentlemen, need I name to you the Emperor J ulian. who was so celebrated for the practice of every Christian virtue that he was called Julian th: ApotileV A Western jury once brought in a ver dict in a caso of alleged stealing: "Not guilty, but he'd better not do it again." Their ludicrous ignorance was matched by an English jury which tried a man charged with having house-breaking in struments in his possession, with intent to commit a burglary. "Wo find, " said the foreman of this intelligent jury, "the prisoner guilty, with the benclit of a doubt." (In tbe Judge refusing to accept such a verdict, the foreman explained that there was some doubt in the jury's miud, but they thought the prisoner waa guilty. He'ng font back to recon sider their verdict, they failed to ajree. After a long trial of a case involving one hundred tuousan I dollars, the Judge said to the jury: "(ientlciiicn, before you retire for consultation, if there are auy terns of law used during tbe trial, or any rules slated, which you do not understand, the court is prepared to ex plain them." Upon this a bald-headed juror a roes and said: "I believe 1 understand all tbe ru'e of law laid down; but there are two term of law that have been a good deal t-.sed during the triit', which I sbonM like to know the tueaiiingef-". "Wei1, sir, what terms of law do TOU allude toP" asked the Judge. I mean Iho words ulniHtiff and uc- feirtaul." ... . .. . i a Ulsgusi ami amusement strove naru to overcame each other, as court and bar bean! this model juror's request. louU i i Cuii'jiamon. 'li I nps hsrs s W-l ItABT VasBTO- parents, of Lebanon, O, thoaghl wotkiai of I heir dsarhter's ptarfa remarks aa she stitched tndustriowsiy away Bpoa a btarw velvet dress far ber ewa wear, bat when they beard agonised rroaaa aro ttredirtg from her room tbe etber right and lottad her past lewrety from the eHecta af at ry chaise, they realised that aha waa aert msif la earnest wbea she bad remarked: Thi It the hM. drees I hJl ever make, aad I shall wear It but owe." Her Hack wires treat serves) tor her shrewd. Taw Srst lefer seat borne by a grtstiag fr!irea: Pater, eaaihe veto mesne autre pt aewttemel Era urcttb last cent Taws stations hare JotmnaM your sister Emma return?" Julia: dun t snow." "IMdn t she sav anv thing before she went awavP" Julia 'Mie sa a. If you raroa to see ber. Ilia he d be gone till dot mulay. Mr. J. J. IL Gregory savs that an acre of land may contain six tons of worm. So it may; but, if Mr. Gregory ever tried to dig a bag of bait on ten minutes notice ol an invitation to go fishing in a dry time he know it don t. 'Lowell Conner. A Kew York physician offers lo cure men of snoring lor ten dollar. Ax. Men who are in the habit of snor ing for ten dollars should consult him. e never snore for such a small amount. It doesn't oxt any more to snore for ten thousand dollar. XurriMown Ut r- ald. "Whv. John, where nave Ton been all night f" wa the greeting, as he stumbled up-stairs. "Comet jsxrty. my dear, xtial a all." "t omet iiartvf Whr, it ought not to take all irght to see tbe comet "if you xbee as many comets aih 1 did, 'i would take yon. poor, weak woman, a whole week. Tt sh it would." An old darky said lo hit wife at tbe circus "Look abere, suae, yer jest got to make np yer mind: ef yer gwine to take de isoes yer can t go to de circus, an' ef ver is gwine to de circus yer can' I get de shoes. Just about this time the ban t struck up a lively air, and nse told Ihe oil maa the would ro barefooted a while longer, roe was bound to see de circus. A coentrrmaa stepped into a ft nit store an I invested in a nickers worth of chestnuts In half aa hour he re turned an I baade I the proprietor om of tbe nuts. What does this tneanr": asked tne dealer. "Well," remarked thescustomcr. "that is tbe only sound chestnut I found in tbe pint, and no thought yon bad pat it in by mi-take I am an honest man. and don't want to take a mean a ivaatage of a fellow." Aa o'd la.lv ia the ctwantry had a dandr from the city to time with her on certain occamow- tor aeeerl there anpened to be aa eaot-nsotM apple pie. ' La, ana' am! ' aaid be, bow do von manage to band la socS a pir"' "Lay enough," was tbe reply; "we make the crtK up in a wheelbarrow, wheel it nn derthc spp'e tree, aad tbew shake tbe fruit (towa into it" Tbe Hunrwriins employed as labor ers oa tbe railroads near El'mira, X. T., have a ctsstom tbat they are tbwtght to have tmnrrht with Ureas from the old eotmtry. Wbea they wab, which, te judge by tbeir appearance, is a boat once per month, they fill their mnothi with water, pipit that water into their bands and rob it ever tbeir greasy faces. Dr. David Psraeaa, the old-time par or of tbe c-hnrr-h in Ambert, was anted for bis exirmtricitie. aad, among etber vafariea. ned to bare a plate iH at bis table for a f avorf cat. rue day, while ask Bg a bleirg at the toorwing mead, be w as taken with a fit of eout-b-iag, and before tbe paro it sm was over the eat mewed. As boob as the par sow could apeak be tinned to tbe cat and rtri!tnd: "Shut ap! I ran get along witbrwit yowr belpf and then prnck ia w Here be bad left o3 aad tm bed tbe blessing. rhespharcsrent Beetles, The beet'et (ela'er) are the most re splendent forms of the South. Over seventy distinct species of them are known from Chili to the Southern Slates of North America. They have two yel low phosphorescent spots upon the back, and two other bidden under the wing caiet, which are only visible when the insect flics. We have frequently read by their light; allowing tbe insect to cling tj the linger, and passing it along tbe page, a spot two Inches in diameter would be rendered luminous by the dor sal lights. The sight produced by these tropical fire-flics is often extren-ely magnificent, and has been aptly de scribed by routbey: Sorrowing we beheld The night come on; tut soon did night db pier More wonders than It veiled i lnnuaxsroo tribee From tbe wood cover swarmed, sod darkness mate Their beauties v'flble; one while they streamed A bnirht Mue rad:anre upoa Bower which el.siod Their gorse mi col ra from theeve of dayi Now, nt-H I- ntca a n't tn rfc, ei ele.i aearea, Sclr-enr-Mtd-it: and s-.wn, s tarring the sky, Koee like a shower of tire." Now a red glare dashes by, followed by an intermittent blaze of rich orange yellow, while in the foliage all about tbe brilliant green light of the pboturis appears, d. ing away a mimic revolving light. At times these attract others of golden hues, and a bevy of fashing in candesceut bodies circle about each other for a moment, and thea dart away like flaming meteors to illumine the gloom beyond. One. tbe pyro pbortia, emits, wbea at liberty, a rich, ruddy glow, aad again a yellowish orange, I nt in captivity H seems dif fused with a pale, green glow. These are tbe insects tho early Spanish in va iers to .k for the lights of an im menae army aa they advanced apoa tbe ancient capital of Mexico. At th;f time they were t sd by the natives at night, numbers of them being tied to the feet, bo they refers to this ia the poem a) reads otioled. Wbea Coate was guiding Madoe through tbe cavern, Fhe beck, w d. and dwieewded, and deeW awl From MO'i !- k her vrwt a care, or tt-S It r ter m rat he ealied. sn In Ike twiea WhieB kait it, where, cmftned, twe Sre-Siea rave Their luster." Ia parts of the South to this day they are in common ase at a decoration by tbe ladies; aad among tbe peasantry of Italr and Greece a gala toilet would not seem eotnple e witboat a diadent of Baening lire Dies that srleaais aad acta. tillates like a veritable halo about their beads. As evening falls these maids sat tbe ana follow tbe gleaming inae-cta. ami bedeck eae another with living F-rrit that only Nature can pmdoc-e. poa oae occa.i I- a Dnmingo Ccade, of Cole mb-a. a?peare1 apoa tbe evening protDeviade with as enorroors hve txeeuo aa a catch to his Panama hat, which ia ttrra was ornamented with a loop of blazing- trre-fies: and in his palace cages of silver wire hung, impr.wniug mvriads vaf tN gleaming invert. Chart ea F. BMtr, t Ha per' i ilng- rtae. Where a chap gets ahead rT old Father Time is wbea be dreams. He caa dreara of going to England aad fooling around for a year and returning home agaia ta ten " necowits It also saves evpenes. iHtrtM Free Yvwa, Tbe rerdict of tbe Coroner's inrvat Tunbridge We'!s oa the death of a chiid was: Tbe child was stiff ocated, bat there is ao trridewce to show that tbe mffocatioa was before or after aeata." tv