Newspaper Page Text
A W Mf .'' 1 Hip "& - -v -w ' 'k, m w eTj 'ft' rt V II v ', Vk fr a ,1 L-tt rm k -' ft fcmmaitiiyM' im wu i pi affcgfcr-aaags TlIKnHfRFTAlN 1 1 CO P"R TB,tt. 1. W. I.ipo, . liuoltttos Iaaufcr. VlXil .I T.. J X.,1, 1 Itf.tas of AdvnrtlBlng. f) 'O Mqn-iie, Imi Inset lin 1r, ?1 ftO f i 1 1 c tlit unci i inn uml 7"i renin fur p u li ttHhm iiiil iiimpiI mi. eft 5 1H 2.1 III 42 60 71 II'Al it, 'me Hqiinii' j 6 'I ni tinmi' II 1 lircp Mitittres . . 17 1 inir Kiiinri 28 1 up wiitin ... 8) On. fourth lolumti .. 35 One-half piilmni W) One column . 7fi Tirnlvn nml nnn-linlf tm I $ 1A tVi i. 05 1(X) ISO ICO tu the ahoio rates for doeV JtiuM adiertiwmentH All ail All nilwi tlwnlpntH will l)eCI wniPiitfl wilT uehvit bv tlio Kiuinro unlem contract ie mude liy tlio iiuuitli r year. Ohurch Dlrootory. iWioxfrntnyit. ''-ttanehtn(p4?JSbviWiitlji, nl.tl0.45 a. ,n anii"7::w"prniFvJainaiii muioaiai oinn it. in. Jtegnlur jtrujor meeting 1'hurwiay oveninas tt ...TO p. in. l onutx people's prayer meeting eror Habhatu nt li 15 p. m. Hev. J. W. Serogn, Pas- i or METHODIST Kril'COl'At- IIIUBCIC MOUTH. Pronililns on tlio first, third nml . finirtli Babbaths nt 11 a. in., nml ever, lit): I 1 r-abbatli-at 7 n. ir.- 1'raVur inpHK ivory wcunow fay i iy nt 7 p. m. sauna 5. O. Shanks, Pa-tui in tin C J IMlSHBYTKRIAX CIIU1 V florvlees ovcrv scemid Sol ! M n. Church, at 11 a.m. chool every Sabbath at 10 am. Kov. charge. t Sabbath at (lie ... ml 7 t In -in 1.. unit;.!, nv .. ill ..' ,- iltcv. Win. P. llauurlli, Pastor. f Railroad Tlmo Tablon. Miasomti I'Aciric. North bound No. 152, Tomu, St. Louis nnd Hannibal oxprcns 10:14 p.m. In. 151, Texas, Kunsas anil Missouri express 13: 15 p.m. South boiiim No. Ml, Hannibal, 8t. Louts and Tpxiib express. .' AtVl a. m. No. 163, MiMouri, Kansas and Texas express 12-15 p. in. V. I. Duenna, Arjuut. ST. LOUIS & BAK rllAJH UKX- Paflscneur, onst. . .M? $ la f iiBUIV, iivb. . -- II J l"p.giii, ftul -vu. '" V MrmM, Wr- :rrr . . T riiBBViiguriiul frnli f , nr 'UHKQllI'Or. WOSl 1'' "' 1-lfi n. m rauoouRor auu irciKnii v H. H. KiMti 2:15 p.m. DMiKtUMOS, Ajjeijt. LOCAI. LINGO. o. IcocroaniloKono,butpilrtiw."riCM5r;84 -.Hint Uiink 01 oystw 7 WhV moil in for lemon lo and pop When pancaken loom in iew7 Don't Bparoiilm bout aiparaim7 ?:ui't miiKlimoin dlsifmnt tfreenft? i3on't nioilleil RTousolay out romed bet f Aim quaM ueai poncanu neaiiKf Krcliensc. You hot they do. and parlor tiro Are better far bv rooilB. Than rod ants nn your trouser logs, " Atfli nlrg In the woods. And vjith th lamp turned oafelydown. Your ji I iiiou vortr knne, Is Jniieh abend of moonlight hujis, Or(ikiBe 'n en tli a tree. . Ont Olf Qazette. O pool truo yon muoly do I)3acrilie ofetrtlj- bltegvtlio sum, Mp wjiiil. wnnl.iiwMUfltahLllil.tfifi Sweet iib that parlor ldgsyumkyum. Willi arms ontwlnod, nn noli divined A BiPoterhoavei)lier thing Till fitliorlvlicAff made near tho roof, And left n naBtnjiur atlnj. A little child dffWht. I , Boatlv'B died on Wednewlav uvifalng. Major Una a id bin brother Jacob TJpo, apant last Sunday in Vinlla. Tho bovB hnvo a roo1 joloon II113I1 Carroll. Tor .particulars aak Joo Ilogcrs. Tlio beat Plowa nindo will Jo nt Rpymonil & Co.'s Fobiunrv fet, 1888. 17-3t Nowfitockof lloota and 8boc and Itubbar gnoJs nt Oreon'a this nook. Just in tlmo for the cold and muddy weather. Died, on last Sunday morning, af ter an illneag of tlrte weeks, tio wife of Cap Hicks, living in tho western parl,of town. If you want a fino upMglu or Grnnil Square rirlr 9BfH. iftwww rtt adtfrcfls WJj( Owon, Jiifflm, SJ. -,T.M Hum I Rton evOUisJ Dpnty a', 11M famVy woa in V 8. Marana', ind rami'y woa in VMiUa Monday on tlio1 way touianrv vll'e Texas, win 0 they will nm'.u the1' homo. They j-ad fonuev,y KcJ in l't Smith AikansaB. -Papt. L.W. Marks, Deputy U. 8. JlarHha', was In the city the foio part . oflftpweek. Iiotrlnt after wilneaes nii'l invonligattn&In the murdor case j, f 1. sore Taylor andJolii Smith, on rthi Eictlon at liluelacket station. - Rco W. S. WpIIh, or adlros icpfcUTi planft, o-fljen, or tnUBiottl IS -" liiliiment of auyjiind. , 17-tf tt1C ,jaf.o'i. I) F. QvVton, viovomo- of (' iJjuf' 1 if Ni-rlon. was in tlio ciiy on (M -atu'lnv aid Sujd i-, Tlio Govemor Jki'liA'1' nn b'HWjyr InpVHtir.ijjtou, but ho VVffpiipob) Pt. Sjnlth bolw.nir a wit- s nJf iiein in the Slauupler ease. Slaughto Jciilo I Win. WillR In lrffO. irt' -Nr WnLIdlHtiaeworUi, Junior ed- yi ill 9 i.f t lut llw miMti .. If ,. !.. t ) ui Jjf f tho Ohih "k f 'Tuning f fl mi, h TuX.18, $ ''IjiM-ru.v. Ho WHiariaiJi, luivi'll lllvu 01UI1- for nn extunded visit in tbo Intorcut 'of the wBl "take in" Dunl City. ete.. fri tlj Worth, Cplorado vttJUMuit friomlH and rulativea in V'uf 0 ntw year w ushered In most ,l'T to tho family o'Andv J. Tvr.n amllif on J)utk fr?1. i Delaware 4irp. - " MHUJf UlUOinol live biuu- ariifi'i-8 was Blanili ith back to tlio &cq vhen liaViUeai auaht, burulng toV. ..awiougiy ghoi d after adioad- mJ3- 1 nlh'rlngf ono Wfetk. k?1 Tho VreaUirn Cottnae Oru is bpst. For varl. ty in eonibina rt brillianoY. awootnoss and fj. . ?mW.', nnu power et lone, and Jnfc1 111(1 (IohIl'118 of OBfoa It mi-nm. if " " -- 1 rl!.ll ai .... li 11 ...u J... 1 U1 otheie It is sold iid wai " t e n 'ii iornt .,V 1' Owi ve ir inyourhoU'C, cd Jo.lin, Mo T W.Vl w V -Married, it 1mU, T)fcrjiUr li, 1W, by the Kpt. Wbi. Y. Hiw-irth, M- lnvtd P. l -I i.l.y to MIm lUbo rs Kykor, NHb of Minonrl. t to a1- Hpo fr nn 'hi UviMK o iplfl '-UIc that thtjr art doing well. MrHil, Dois SJth ult., nt tlio roil- diie of Claud Oo.v, wwt of Vlnltn, Mi. Oporg 8. Walker to MIm Mollte Skinner. Thpro eocme to bf qtilto A.ntTlfo bo twepn the aerntu of tlic illswou 1 Pa eilli anil Trlsco ra riwdn at thlplru. Mr. W. H. Hotclior, of tlio MUcoul Parlllp, wont up to Phw ib, Kancas, on Patimlry con,ng to viBlt hlii xiro and famll' , and whllp thuro van BoniMl with a bnun "lu. fi'r! baby. On the mo'-iiftig of the 0th, Mr. 11. II. Ed tmondoon, of the lfrieo wna alo pre scntwl with n lino daughter, wldch weighed nine pouinls. xfik oJsrSw'Iwui'w through Dola wtttlr1w f nights ai. Its twfUilAjiowrwM uiunuwn until the neat uwi-olflf;. Tlio light revealed tho fltartllng fct that a box houw ttuatcd near tho railroad, two or llirco 1111101 wost of Prairio City, lay acalteriMl all tuouml 011 the npun prairie In a ntato of utter cIimor; and tho BtraiigCHt part of tho matter is, that an ax was used rry tnj yelono In Iho demolishing of said buHUjiig. Truth and facts are eurtainly stronger thou Uctiou. ifb other damage dono to any other prop erty a far as yet known. Tho house was In litigation and the argument was too lively between tho logs, they BiiattareJ, FARM rOIl SILK. Oio mile eat of Vlnltn, tho most definable improvoumnt in thin bection. Kljbty aoraa umlcr cultivation and throe hundred mid fifty unci or feuce. WHI be Bold for one half what has been iuvQfttud. l'miulrt! of 18-tf A.O. Katmond, KoncE, - ToUioMeaibcrsofllie Chcrokco Stoc'w men's Asiodatlon. You are hereby notified that thoro will bo a regular meeting of the Chcro fc Xm1 SfafeSuucii'H Proti'Ctivo id$!0eteMtve dfsgRation, held at iHtuW) h day of 1'cbru- fltolnnvrA are reuuestod te bo In atleiiilunco as there Is impor tant biiBinonB to Ixj atteiuieil to. J. O. Hall, I.. 15. Hkll, President. tSccrctarv. WEiR PLOWS ! AJwrtyfl kcoping in view the best intoroAla of tho Panning commun ..1 ity, by offering lie best good? made, w fill on February lut, 185, hnvVin block a full lino of tlio re nowiotl WSIE PLOWS, which I1.1v no equal. All should contu't bcHl interest by jottinj; tho bi!l at nricus thai defy compeli- tion M7-, 40 A. C. Raymond & Co, JikftocJuncu JJcellni nLTopoya. f?T Wo soo by tho Commonicealth that a Bpecinl mooting of stockmon belinging to tho Stockmen's Asso ciation of the Chcrokeo Strip, was heW in Topeka on ilonday. M. II, Bennett was olected chairman prj teni., and after a freo and full clfocusbion of tho order issued by the Commissioner of Indian aiVairs removing all improvements from tho strip, on motion Hon. B. M. Ilewins and Maj. A. Dranun wcro appointed to watt upon tho Secre tary of tho Interior and request a thorough investigation of tho in tentions of tho otockmon in erect ing inelosurea and niakii'g tho nu proVumonta complained of. Also, to request a suspension ot tho ox cution of tlio order until tho inves tigation ismado. Tho meeting adopted tho follow ing nreaiiiblo and resolutions : t Wiikkcas, Wo havo an associa tion known as tJjoCherokeo Strip HttHSKnTimfAsooiRWn, whoso ttieruberp own! over nlfioty percent, of ail Ht $took gewyjd uiion tho Ob. - -V jtrfn, KiflTari U'erritovy, and uli tliflifultics herctoforo aris ing between members of this asso ciation havo boon amicably settled by tbcmHolvcB, nnd Wueiiks, Wo; as stockmon of tho Indian Territory, claim no right whatovor in said Territory, only us guanmtcod us by virtue of payirrg a grazing tax on stock to tlio Chcrokeo Nution : therefore, bo it ' ' Resolved, That wo would re spectfully request tho Secretary of tho Interior to mako a full mid ooiiiplelo investigation of the intor eat and mirnoscB of tho stunk men 2B.E. oujon thVlChcrokoo strip in tho In- nan.. Jim njveuTEntrurihor 1 ran trrfiTnt mly piBteet iheir slock from tres lassirfg upon tho ranges of thoir pillow stockmen. Resolved, That wo aro opposed any company or individual mon bollzlng any part onthoTorritory Oat inlringos upon tho rights of Uy person or persons that havo pvd tho grazing lax upon thoir wjtlo and havo grazing ground al ltnod and set apart for Uio benoflt ofllio cnttlo upon which said tax hoi been paid. Wilvod, That wo unanimous. Iy unapprove of tho Standard Oil ooilimuy or any other corporation or (iinpany of individuals, in fonc inuup the grounds known as tbn "q artuititio grounds," said gr inds having been got anart by tin atttociation, by and with tho coifaomt of the Cherokoo nuthori- t'el, lor tho benefit and uso of jico Jildor peraons driving cnttlo lrom i'eiia and othnr points for ship ment. ,'lsolYlj Thai wo, as mombors of tllfu association, will uao our lit mOblwjjloav'or to prevent all tres pafiengyipfin tho timber lands of jhd Ckerekec Bvlrin by whoiiiHoover it inaj Co. We tfo also insist upon all pchojis holding stock upon tho Cheroletj strip preserving order ai.l if tly ivibmiltiiig to all the li vs rp Jicii-iiina ol the l;o-voJ", l nig iju. r of il i.iin t " ,--- .- A7--... Jmm v rw p' m "i v-iviww - uiigil'llllMl A tVWHflXfttfUIIAlVIWMn.MHfttf AMHtll LllfMIVfl lhv IV IIMMMWMwn TIIK CMCltOKEC 01'TI.CT. 15ns. CniKPTAi.v Tho undor signed rtspoclfnlly begs leave to ropronont thut the controversy now ponding between Chorokeca and U. S. citizens grtuing cattle nnd other Btork on what is known as ho ''Cherokoo Outlet," has grewn out of fencing pasture lands in that region. Thoir right to erect such fencing being toiorntod by their own Gov ernment, and many such fences hnviug already been built, and successfully paetured; aiding great ly Iho collection of tho now ixmh reduced) (ax, compelling such as graze to roport moro conectly the number and 1 ind of btock when ptislui r.;, under the pntronngo of ChoioVofcK, thcrohy lessening tho trouble of the Treasurer in hia du ties in colleckins such revenues, besides lnni j olbcr advantages snob ontoip.iso piOwCnts and nf- TdTUlvno say nothing of our right 16 do bo under our treaty of 1SGC. The treaty provision is explicit and gives the U. S. Government tho privilege of settling friendly Indians on tho lands of Iho Outlet. Thoy to take tho lands in compact form of 160 ncrc to tho head, the price to bo fixed by tho parties in intercut, and in case of disagree ment tho President of tho U. S. to fix the price. Tlio Chcrokcos to retain possession of and juris diction over the unoccupied and unsold lands. It is asked, if it ft'as not presumed Chcrokccs would Bettlo on thoc lands and utilize them, why it should restrict set tlement on them to friendly In dians? Now is it urged by thohe that arc making tho greatest com plaint, of tho fencing of Tcrrltary within the Outlet, that huch fenc ing is interfering with rights and privileges for which they havo paid tho Treasurer of whom not more than one out of six hare paid for such privileges. Stockmen that have paid for grazing as a goncral thing mako no complaint oven when included in stick pasture. It is only a few stockmen combined with such set tlors along tho line as havo for years stripped tho country of not only the"BTass, stono, Buffalo bones, but the timber Unit arc applying for remedy, when thoy find their sup plies arb about to lo cut off. Is it a clam following duch illicit traffic or is it tho citizens of its own Coun try, whoso rights liavo been here tofore grudgingly dod out to them that tho U. S. Government pro poses to protect? Sco Chapter 12, Vtticlo, Conrpilod J.awsiof tho '"-- - , Pliot-ftl.. VM,'n ?.. -f 4. "Tax on stock grazing upon Chor- okco lanus west ot tno yutn meri dian." Question, Is a U. S. citi zen an intruder agreeablo to tho 27th articlo of the Treaty of July 10th, A. D., 1SGG, with tho U. S., if ho has in his possession a Graz ing Liccnso for 12 months issued by tho Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation? Havo tho Solicitors furnished during any time, to tho Principal Chief, a completo and full list of all persons residing or being on tho lands west of 90 , in violation of lawfl, and has tho Principal Chief roportod tho samo to the proper authority for removal? Aro those men who havo 'a "graz ing lieeiiBo" and hold receipts from tho Treasurer of the Qherokeo Na tion an injury to tho Nation, or is it much to tho advantage of tho Nation? Is itaorimo for a U. S. citizen to lend his money to an In dian? Instead of isolating tho In dian ho should bo brought as much as posfciblo in contact with whites not with soldiors or with worth loss trumps and vagabonds who seek a rofugo in tho Nation but with good practical men who are willing to treat him right, and comply with tho rules and regula tiona of tho Country. Such men could acquire a competence and oven grow rich and bettor tho con dition of tho Indian, without in jury to either paKy. In conclusion it may bo proper to add what Hon. Commissioner Prico has said in roforenco to tho Clierokco Country West of the 90th meridian went longitude Ho says that "tho Chorokoes still havo as the toaty provides, tho possession and jurisdiction of all the lands ex cept those axsignod as stated in his report, and havo been, and are now rccoiving rents from tho Enme.' C S & STKpnr.Ns. Tho abovo piece written by Mr. S. S. Stephens has been introduc ed in tho Ojiikktain with a viow to discussion of tho "Cherokue Outlet" question, 801110 of tho positions wo do not fully concur in and will comment on in part leav ing tho fullor discussion of tho mat ter for our next issuo. Tho present troublo as wo un derstand it, has grown not out of fencing pasture lands an Mr. Sto pheus seems to think, but of fenc ing in the rango of those who havo paid tlio tax and been assigned a certain rango. This was tho cato with Mr Biott who made tho coin uut tu the LaJjuu OPu nnd W) 10111 tbe uri'.or of rutin' - rain.). lo fillet? in a nun' against bin will wlo lias paid f and hits been astifnod to a certain rango can hardly bo justified on the score of fencing out others who unfairly use the range. As to the Solicitors furnishing the Principal Chief n licit of intruders west of 90 , it is proper to slate tho Treasurer, Hon. D. W. Llpc, was the proper one to report delin quents and did so to General Mc Neil. Wongreo with Mr. Stephens in the rights of tho Chcrokccn west of 00. Relievo that thoy have an much right there as here until the lr.nd is "sold and occu pied" as tho treaty provides, for the words of the treaty are, that tlio Cherokee Nation shall rcVain ";iocion cno jurisdiction." What possession, in the mcaiilimo can amount to unless wo hive the. tl.r ugh right of ubc, mortal mnn knowiu.L' ... 11. .a .1 8l.i -r ... 1 Ln" iiuu jiuk mc nfci'i .11 use id liun- ed is acknowledged in allowing ui ....... to eraze rjtttln thnro nr nllnw nth crs to do so nnd a distinction )t . il ' made between using with a "&4 and using without a fence possession conveys this dlsuncti 1 we cannot divine. - 1 TUT (.'IICTlOKEi: SCHOOLS.- Omen of RoAnn of Edcc; rid TAni.KQUAU, C. N., Jan. 13Ui "Sia l.Vi. ...... r mi Jl 'xiiuil Ul 11IL.V. Ulltr -a 1 ti following schools have failed 16 mako tho lawful average rrijj" a A; discontinued : "Gravel' D3ll' Flint District: "Fairfieid.t "Clearwater" nnd "Pincy," Going dtiako: "Bryartom1' and "Budl liorn," Canadian : "Skin Bayou' or "Sequoyah," Sequoyah : "Sl lina," Coo'cc5coowco : "Duck Creekt" "Delaware Tom" nnd "Neosho River," Delaware Dis trict. "rr The following schoola have been cstabllB.ed, "Doublo SpriSF1 Flint District: "Sanders," luul "Oaks," Going Snako: Ppr utna," Canadian: "Shiloh,"'c quoyah : "Clarcmoro," Coowois cooweo : "Willow Springs," Del aware. Schools to bo established, Uolawaro District two c1ioo1h; Go ins Snako one school, Canadian one Echool. Petitions from tljcso tbreo Districts aro in order. Some ono of tho petition should qualify to tho facts as ret forth in the Jtctf tion so tho Board of Bdtication'can act thereon with certainty. Peti tions with all tho names fiigncd by ono person and with no ono certi fying to tho statement contained in the potition do not deserve and do not receive the same conpidcralidns - 2wl as ) those with gomiilio ciK,8iiow-Cf8y for ona tp mislcao, ,Uio. .? TTorirfifld in. . Tho following appointments havo been made for tho ensuing session : Charlotte Whitmiro, "Sanders," Going Snako. J. D. Wilson, "Doublo Springs,!' Flint. Liln Wilson, "Oaks," G.'S, - Lunny Duncan, "Starrs Chape,l," G. 8. J Mary Laslie, "Porums Gap," Canadian. Mr. L. G. Ross, "Meridian,'' Canadian. " Miss Joanna Rogers, "Siycct Spring," Illinois. Ic J. J. Cabell, "Shiloh," Sequo yah. Lizzio Duncan, "Camp Creek," Sequoyah. John II. Ross, "Requah,"Sa)ine. John Butler, "Flat Rock,'rCoo wecscoowco. Amanda Smith, "Clarcmoro," Cooweoscoowco. E. J. Daughters, "Vinita," Coo wcescoowco. Chas. Reeves, "Rogers," Coo weoscoowco. Carrio Armstrong, "Willow Springs," Delaware. John J. Hayden, "Mitchell Springs," Dolawaro. ThcBo appointees and all others proposing to continue according to tho tenor of their appointments will obligo the Board of Education by EtvndiuK a postal card seating Uiefr i$r3w and tfftSj?(BlBT present address.. Books and school material will bo given out on tho threo days pro ceeding school, that is on Feb ruary 8lh, 9th and lOlh, not before and not aftor. All teachers must bo present cither in porson nr by personal representative to rcecivo school materiul which.tho Jloard of Education wishes to issuo. Tho Malo and Fernalo Seminar icfl will open on tho 12th of Feb ruary, 1883, with a full corps of teachers and well prepared to caro for tho children of tho Chcrokeo people All boarders will como with nto ossary bedding, towclB, etc., with clothing all marked plrinly. Board is $5.00 por month and must bo paid in ndvanco. Pajjmtrf ar especially requested fopjjjifr sko of thoir children to BeiuUthatii in promptly on tho tad)gup of school. If linliind HinTf-CHrr.f will 1 , ....... ...... ,... , ..... havo to bo claBslfiqd cm? a. lower grade than th4lf Ab.ala'rsiiip would otherwise advi), U. L. iUxvji, bevntnrv .i'J - tjiM.MiS,L( - M - t - 'y - 1 u F10.H I.K.iirMXJ CUKKK. t Jrm. Plenno allow niOT'ipato in your valuable paper for'a few words only. f'uch has been said and written te years concerning the eduea uciu, nnd the civilUntion of the Aliiorican Indian Many have ex pjessed their viow s, and planned a It were measures, if adopted, rbuld havo accomplished this or tliat for the Indian. Now we do ipt fall out with any ne whose opinions are different from ours, m wc do condemn tlipso who pre tend to inform the public concern Hig tho affairs of tho Territory, Uho know nothing of what they write. Many a correspondent in pur opinion, who aro green, inex perienced hands In writing for a puper select as their Rubjcct to commence upon, something that as happened in tho Indian Terri- I ry. As a Nation of free think- "wlfi , ,. .1.. .,., i.: 1 ... 1. .. . " u "v " 'g " wwng au " ' eu occasionally, xiui When are advcrllsed, it is nothing u im than justico for us lo ask tho artiscr to advertise nothing but 'l.i truta. "Right is right, and 'm.ut will wrong no man," Is 1 fcxitu which certain correspon dents outside of tho li. 1. T. bUouUI cjver remember. Not very long bluco a correspondent of the Kan saetCity Timet, had considerable to say concerning certain matters 1 in our Nation. Now wc acknowl edge our incompetency to tako is sue with such a paper as tho Kan sas City Timfs. But it seems to us it cither has a very green cor respondent or it docs not caro a cent what it says. Wo believe though it would as toon tell an un truth as aV.falsehood. But aside from tho Kansas City Times, and its correspondent who lacks horse sense, there are others of like faino published near the border of the B. I. T. Do not misunderstand us. There aro papers near hero which try to say only what is truej nnd stick to it. But some of them mako wide mistakes by not being properly informed. As a Nation only in our infancy, young, pros perous, and wido-awako to our own interests, it is but natural and right for us, as the world knows, to defend our own rights and bco that wo are not imposed upon by "jack-leg" newspaper correspond ents, and those who writo only for pastimh to hear their pens scratel and heads "rattle. And in this mattor of justice, wo only ask jus tico which is duo tho living as well as tho dead. Tho newspapers are tho great educators of tho day, and 1. . ...... iiuouc luiiio acoui a matter WHICH publi might bo of vital importanco to us as a Nation. If tho nowepapors throughout Amorica will givo us justice and state facts as they aro, the day will not bo far distant when our proudest exclamation will bo, wo are Chcrokecs I Homo. DIUIXTOKS DUTIES, Offlooeftlio Hoard or Education, Tab. Icquab, C. N., January 4th, 188U. According to Sco. 23, Chapter 10 of the Revised Codo of tho Laws of tho Cherokee Nation tho duties of the Directors of tlio Primary Schools aro as follows : 1st. To manage and control the School proporty, and see that pro vision is made for taking care of school books and other school ma terial. 2d. To locate tho houso in tho neighborhood and superintend its erection and repairs. 3d. To suspend or expel pupils for misconduct, to enforco the courso of study, to visit tlio schools at least twice during each torm, to certify to tho length of time tho teacher has taught, for tho inform ation of tho Board of Education. In addition to this direction of tlio law the following ruleB aro adopted by tho Board. Rule I Director vill sco Uiat rate BoHbOl is, provided oy Jho pat: roue urUh a bookoa,o, lock and koy according to Sec. 26, Chapter- X, Revised Code, and that tho teach er lakes caro of tho books and sta tionary accordiug to that Sectiou, and that the ttaehcrt carry out the rule and regulations of las Board as'ict Jorth in the accompanying rir culur. Rule II. Directors are referred lo the 31 Section of Chapter X, Re vised Codo which forbidB tho chil dren of non-citizens receiving in struction in tho National Schools, and are directed to enforce it as long as it stands on tho Statute book. Uui.k III. Directors are esjiecial' ly enjoined to report any immorality, or unprofessional conduct of the; teacher, to tho Board. Rule IV. Directors should bo very careful in examining tho ag gregate and avorago of uttomlanco sin'' J upon these is based tho ex t.jndlturo of tho schopl-fund. SCHOOL IIKOULATJO.NS. Tho following rules nrid reg:ln Hon urc idopled in noidynfo fci' - t - jiiricilliiii'li www m.-man with bee. 5, Chap. X, Rivtee Cdo, fur tlir fnnPiAtrtrnt of tin 1'rimnfy Pti.'ioN. Tc.ul.ors iii' givo mem careful atttntum. l'ot-' ' 1 ono circular in school room, an. givo oaeh Director ono. Rule I. Teachers aio requiret' to keep a njcinlor showing tin name, ngv, sex, attendance, Ian guage and scholarship of nil pupili who may enter their rospectlv. schools nnd, under oath, the aver ago monthly nnd average and ag gregnte term attendance. Rule II. Averages shall bo bns cd upon tho nttcudanco of tho chil dren of citizens alone. To fim monthly average' add togothor tli daily attendance for the scholasti month and divide by 20. To fim term average add together tin monthly averages and divide bj the number of scholastic months in tlio term. The ten aggregate is j tho aggregate, enrollment for the term. Tho monthly reports shall bo carefully filled out and promptly sent in. Rule III. School shall be open ed with reading a selection from tho B.blo and be taught six hours, on each of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of each week during the term pre scribed by law, not including ro- cesscB, between such seasonable hours ns tho Directors may prc scribo. No text books shall be used in National schools except those adopted by tho Hoard of Ed ucation, nor any other branches taught. In Chcrokeo speaking schools, ono entire hour morning and eve ning shall be devoted to the teach ing of common English words with their meaning, to all Cherokoo speaking children. Rulu IV. Teachers will not be required to receivo into their schools children under six nor per sons over twenty-one years of ago, nor allowed to confine a child Un der twelve years of njyj to the school room fur a longer period of timo than one hour nnd a half. Rule V. Teachers shall endeav or, by precept and example, to in- eulcate upon their schools the prin ciples of truth, morality and jus tico, and the habits of personal cleanliness and gentcol deportment in maimer and speech. These les sons aro infinitely more important than grammar. Tho text-book "Good Morals nnd Gentle Man nera" shall bo taught to the entire school one-half hour daily. Ex- plain fully to tho children, have them tako notes nnd oxnmino them each day on tho proceeding losson, so as to cultivnto their memory as to instil the lessons of this book. . -Rule VI. Toaehera will .hold pupils to strict account for disor derly conduct during school hours and recess, while at play and on their way to and from school. RuloVII. Disciplino of the eohool shall consist of moral sail sion, as far as practicable, but, whon necessary, of corporal pun ishment, suspension by the teach er and expulsion by the Directors. Rulo VIII. DrunJtcmtMi, pro fanity, gambling and carrying un lawful weapons are prohibited, and if practiced by a teacher will lead to the cancellation of his certificate, or by a pupil to his expulsion from the school. Rulo IX. Tcachors will bo held strictly responsible for all Echool material delivered to their care. They will seo that tbo books are carefully used by pupils and not carried off by pupils or others, but safely locked up each evening at closo of school, at the closo of tho term the teacher shall placo the books etc., In chargo of ono of the directors taking his itemized re ceipt therefor. If tho law requir ing book caso 4c, (soo Gee. 20, Chap. X.) is not complied with, the' teacher shall promptly notify tho Board of Education. X. Teachers Shall not exchange schools, nor excopting in caso of temporary illness or some extraor dinary emergency employ substi tutes, unless by special permission of the Board of Education. Teachers besido tho ordinary toxt-bookB now adopted for ubo in tho common schools will ba exam ined in Ogden's "Art of Teaching" which can bo sacured of Van Ant werp Bragg and Co., Clncinnatti, Ohio. Tho cost of tho volume Is, including postage, 81.17. Very truly and respectfully, R. L. Owkn, W. A. Duncam, Secretary. President. Aa Act to I'reTcnt Monopoly of tbe rb. lie Domain. WnKitBAS, tho Constitution de cl:ucihut tho lands of the Chero kee Nation shall remain common proporty, and that tho National Council shall havo power o adopt suc)i laws and regulations .as its wisdom may deem expediout and 'proper to prevent citizens from imonopolizing improveiuonls with tho view of speculation, and Wu-uA8,,tho iuclosure of largo bodies of land for whatever pur poso is yiolnlivo of tho paramount ownership of tho pcoplo in tho common property of the Nation, and calls for the exercise of tho 'pont'r invested in tho National iTxrrvMmajMiLWw.y,.'j"L vti-Tjr , (.'(HUJfll to ndoj t fill, b ln inid SrtlJations as it ni.iv n-m proiei ' to jjfuvoilt cilizeiiH from moiiopo- ulag iinirovouionui, tueroioro, 8$ it enacted by the National Cetjgftfii', That ell inalosurcs of the Ianij8 of tho Cherokoo Nation by vil or whether barbed or plain, irdXposts wood or iron, tho said injcrinl having been at no tihio sffguizod ns constituting a lawful net in tho Cherokee Nation, or n instituting any part of nn im ircfveniont under tho constitution ng, hereby declared to bo unlaw i If and when such incloses exist, Cfjwncrs or claimants of tho wiro .dAiosts used fu making such in Mures aro required to remove o samo within ninety days after ie passngo of this act, or it shall o the duty ofthoShoriff of tho District, wherein such fencing may bo found, to removo it, nnd to sell so much thereof as may bo requir ed to cover tho costs of such re moval, aftor giving further notice of tho timo and placo of sale in three successive Ibsucs of tho Cher okee Advocate. licit further enacted that from and aftor tho passage of this net it shall not bo lawful for-any- person to hold, for tho purposo of grazing a greater quantity of laud than fif ty acres attached to tho farm own ed nnd occupied by such person, hobeing a citizen of the Cherokee Nation. Bt it further enacted, That in caso any farm is or shall bo inclosed by wiro and wood or iron pos.ts, such fenco shall bo lawful when con structed as follows, to-wit : Wooden posts not less than so en feet long, six inches in diame ter, firmly sot in tho ground two feet ono wire four inches from tho ground, next, ono board one by six inches, four inches bee first wire; not second wire four in chea njwvo first board, not third wiro fifteen Inches abovo second wiro; second board, ono by six or eight inched, eighteen inches abovo third wire; said wires to Uo fully stretched and scctirely faBtened to the posts, and the boards to bo bc curoly nailod to tho posts. Approved Dec 9th, 1882. By tho Principal Chief: John L. Ad.uu, Ast. Executivo Secretary. D. W. BUSHYHEAD, Principal Chief. Tho ninety days, for which the abovo Penal ActhaB to bo publish ed before it becomes a law, will ox piro March 27, 1S83. Curiosities of Earth. At tho city of Medina, in Italy, and -about four miJM-nrouncr-jiti wnorcvor tho earth is dug, whon tho workmen nrrivo at a distance of 03 fcot, thoy como lo a bed of chalk, which thoy bore with an augor, fivo foot doop. They then withdraw from tho pit boforo tho augor is removed, and upon its ex traction tho water burnt up through tlio aporturo with great violonco, and quickly fills tho nowly made well, which continues full and is affected neither by rain nor drought What is tho most romnrkablo in this operation is tho layer of earth as wo descend. At tho depth of 14 fcot are found tho ruins of an ancient city, paved Htrccts, houses, floors and, difforcnt pieces of ma son work. Undc- this is found a soft, oozy earth, mado up of vege tables, and at 2G feet largo trees, with tho walnuts sticking to tho stem, and tho leaves and branches in a perfect state of preservation. At 28 feet deep a soft chalk is found, mired with a vast quantity of bIioIIb, and tho bed is 12 feet thick. Under this vegetables aro found again. First Annual Annonnceont WORCESTER ACADEMY. VINITA, I. T. This academy proposes to furnish a thorough courso of practical Instruc tion hero at home, and consequently for less money than tho same advant ages would cost If children were Bent to the fitates. Tho building now being erected will contain ma ttciiooiv booms. all large and admirably arranged, and adapted to their special uso. Tho school will open with j-OUR T-ACIIKK, secured from tho eant, all of whom aro tho very best to be had. ijpoclal rooms and teachora aro provided for KCSIC, IiaAWIKO AMD TAINTINO, which tf H give as thowMKjh lulvantagoe as can be secured aaywhere. There wilt also bo a " UCSIXMM COVRHI, dcalgnod especially for young men i .r.t. i....,. . i take a limited amahcr of boarders. Aa booh as erected a boarding establish ment will be added. Tho first term will open Kovr.MDF.n 13, Immediately uftertho fair. The school s backed by the American Howe Mis sionary Soeipty.bnt is under tho fpe clal control of the Hoard of Directors, who are citizens of the Na tion. OIVI THK BCHfKM. A VM-fiti befnTo Bonding your ckUdree etaewbere. Directors: A, P. GootiYKOONT. Tree. G."W, OaK, Treaa'-wrer. . A. W. TiMBaAX. Secwlary. 7- 3k lUjll. Sii----l-unerJ VNmkT rr- f-rwn,.jtiwmrt' nixMi H0 itfgBtoi nwi inrwr . . . xah raAMfittftt mmw villi ,..,...-...- - lint lllinvTO ice ' .T,n. tf V Lllll ,M J. h IN, Prior. i Special .m i'ven fo the Travel ubllc oood r wip;iiE BOOM 8.' -j 1 i tsple and 1'ancy t 12 1 TKSI! KMawwe, (jTttrs ariel Tebaeoo. ,maCau. i-n I, ' 4i Saloon. DEtotoc Dealer Quconnww Tit a iv Ton H W. M. BRl ill - Proprietor. H First-Class -V and"! 'rofewlenal! it inu. Jjre-ser, ' t I. T VINITA, 1-1 rn 8. J.-THOMTSON, B T id out 2o ntis fcs V IJ I T A, 1. T; rj I -residence;., i-i ; ff -VS. 333XI, rnoy at Ia"w, - . V CAKEY'S FK1.RY, I. M T. Jy?viY.QO i&TIIJayby, PHYSICIANS & 8TJBB0jrg. VINITA, 1. T 1-1 1st. ?. Play ru -3, PHYSICIAN AND SUflfiEOK, VINITA, I. X. Strict attontion to all caaei entrants to my caro. 1-1 a". c zsr, Atfcornoy atJCiaw, VIN1TA, I. T., Will Praclico Before Any of Uie Courts of tho Nation. 11 J0HH fr.iLYQ-fS, TTttbrnly am) Ubirecilng Agent, FOKT GIBSON, J. T. - ' , Particular attention given to elaiass. 1-1 Long- Branch BILLIARD HALL. By OHORQH W. VINITA, - - leammovt, - - I. T. ( I keep fine Tobaccos, Clflars, Nuts, Candies and all kinds of tmk-naekd. l'uro Applo Cider always e hand. Call and gee mo whoa ypt ow to town. o 1-7 G-. "W. -Emeirwou.. HENRY ARNSttcWG. ii.t Dealer in V GENERAL MERGIJAHMSE; i Chelsea and l Keeps everything asaallyy found IB a general ater-i PMOES AS LOW- AS ,AW 1-3J 4i JEJ i as. i jBfi nxm, agTB eajBP .lib Jo. Sondheiirtr, j Dealer la ' HIDES, WOOL, Furs and fecans, MU8KOQ-W, I. T. Buys for cash only, ind pay Uir. 'J lliuuvqb III1VV. t- ATTENTION ', On and All. X have for Bala CiraRUot If mo tion of tbe Klueteeath Century. SIorh'b Oe-lebrated Six "Wlieel Sewirie;t&QhlneOator. Axhlnt: that should o in vryliO'ae iu the TJlted Ktata and TArrf'o'" A 1 Thoy are fandso-.i t "4 able, sua one ee "win il1" time. A eh do aaoTe jpe u- e-ltte from oae pert ot plPU30. a Qra-4 aeeae-lne-' 7 Sewlmr Maealae, ) I want ealeesaeB rrT 1 tov.-a aswlloeaUty la U yeek, I will pay a If ''?? .. rA -l--l nniiM '. mieete . w - - - . - --. , try taeeuewae.i. ', For fartJier i-Swtfe-, "s&ki! JOHN n.mQKP asUftc, 1MM. r. iiiuai t peV, .. TV v j', Kt v li.. p. x i t 't M i v , ?A LTM 4 'I j . t .Jm : i : f r I It X Jf: i I'rDMi law a cvwt, i5ri. Vv. v.rt ay. Tho j j't 1: , rt'i -r-" " i '"".J , - --H-'J). " A. "jfluuil.tli o. lout with a pleasure par' P."! .- , r" ii - i. vi oil- Js t upu licarwtiat 'ruV-e- sw-w-tk.. -vr-wl- It . tlJd f H .... I ...... . !. --.-- .. j. u a rfw --.-r ii- iiiinin .i mi . ''ll't.fcniw' v ."- -.-. ". iiiSiyK 'mX: ,m WM'-r. "T-i-" . " 4 t- ??!'(. j-t -. - nr. . aa. . i u. i od i eMiF