-j(r v' ---. -p-jjriy "r" "l!-"" immmmmmnr ' '" l'"i' "H (i wWiliMpMWBBpBBgli-,.lfl"llU4 -JMKHHJBPPIMmMIM v- iiMnr w wnt m- H r VWVrtm. ,.... .'. I I -. " lk.-riW ""V -Sl. 4. J'JV-' n ' ' " ' limn ' ' LJ'-y'.'-y!?? ' niiiiiwiin..uinii. iiii.iiiiii.iiiiiiniiiiw.i.i i m u iii hhmiiiimi J.i mii iA i nil ,,im nmmmmmmimmmsmmHIfm:E!U jtr t ' ' '"' ' - -1 i ", ""., 7 rnjb4''ytf!r f-t -mm I - ' 7 !EF'yam.M.'.w..l.,..,iw..,.l., ,.WM.Uu.w.l,,,MBwww8WWWBimt.,M,, ....iy.,,...!,;.,,,,,,,;,,,,.,..! p ''--$(' -:- .: ISDIAN CHIEFTAIN. 3 '.. i iBiMfly n ii.i.stfriiffiK-, i'jiS8ir0'td Ui.'lt"rcM' r,l, W"rUt. !inc.iiw, CMcUhmius. ScBilHoio., CrocMs, mi7nll "e- nullum or tlio Imlliti. Territory. .,. a I 1 ohieftajn publishing go.- VINITA, INDIAN TEKRITOJIY, lflillUY, FEBRUARY 1), 1883. VOL. I. NO. 21:-. , ,.. .. ,-. .-. v-u i r.fj - . ,- --. - - - - j. Axni ib n m i m !' m: i i ji WM " J A '-aft iP in i u HM w fV ll rv H WEEK'S NEWS. Glcnuctl by Telegraph mid IUrM I'nocicnniMJs or cNuns. In the Senate tha Mil, Mr. Miller, of Call tomls, from the Foreign llrlallons Committee, reported favorably a ,l to Incorporate Iho ...1,ri,m? rrI Company (Nlrnrnguan Com-hf-Wi. bm I "Mln for Holding a t'entcii T..i ..'"." nn" liKltiMrtdl Imposition In WM . . i!.'', "." BM(1 mtcr liclnf anicmlod ao a i PI.. , """ Invitation to forelwi natlnm i?. e iloJ"lof MaiiDfora lntrwl of tlio Pre.l ." .P'aoil. The Ptmt. InilMiM on Im r. in 1 """"' 10 loo roiloaeo Approprlntlmi 1 1 1'-." .r?nfcreM vrrro "Ppt.lntnl. ThoTnrllt 11 iuai lairn im final ilnMntnHttn iZJ-.. WJiitloiM rclntlnir til Iho itralfi of iiKy"1a,h'0Orth- Aftirwhloh thnfennto r.?!ID?i I. IWhqllouao tni'Keniito amend !IJS!n i ii "0,lJoltilrcaoliitiin mnklnn . .. " wk iuiii tlVimiMIUIIlll IH1VII1IIIM1I 2?Jll,"on, for rontlioir lh work of Iho rrifxeann were oonuirrd liv After ctl-poic njr of titj-twn Item o' tho Chinleal a. liodtilo InthoTnrltT bill, llm llnua Jmiacd rt.si 'I ' ma or rwpcct to tho memorj- of Mr. Onh, and ml In the Senate, rcbrnarj.rjeara. lllalr and Mahon. prcecntod il.t.ons tat natlonnl ni.il common fchooli. MfmIr3r't-H,flu,,, I"1" lonaofrlllicniof I)aknl-'njuti'!!'" i iob rniorrnii(iv.i)Ar -w"pB.rw '" PrM tiMltJ,' if f dL on, will ttH. Mrtnict. li-kv. .- r I !' rnrmlmeiu at Qm RnuM .n fixing )r ctmt. ad Milofem. w adnpiril. After luHUer detiato tl.n Hcnile ailjonrneil ..In Ihe il.Mire, Jlr. Krtlaj ifn. Mked ttint an flerernii-nt alioul.l t-1 im r.M Into wlierctr tho lloiiv) thou'd sit until A p. m mcrydar that tho Tnillt Mill, un.ler roiildrrntlon. If win tnoltlrngrrcHn awl tho limine tbon, In Com inttleui.f Hit! W,ol,., returned tlio Tarllt bill, -clictnlciih bolnir un-ler iliams-lon, until ad Joummcnt. The Tariff hill wna earljr taken up In tho frcnatc. tho ?d, and tho echodiilo on atnrcli oon tliiiled, when tho Fcnato then Jel to tho tondilointluii of Oie o.tti.n end colti.u l-oh1 Miwnilo. whlcti clltltcta loaf ilebntn. Mr. (hllnittpreMutidthocndenllalaorMr.Tiitior, llerieil frptn Colormlo, and lie wnf awoiulu ind took hli rent . In tlio Ilium-, on motion or Air, rntaon, rf lllllnl", n naoliillnn wu aVt'tdciiIllnffon tlio tocrtvirr of tho Inte rior for Information In ri'.utlnn to Iho U'nru J'i." '"'""ir "i I Vt- -H ni Itnllmnd After T. i'.,.nlmi " f o"lfic the rorlolllro .'.K'f"!10" '"IJho lluuo wmt Into (Vim- inm,mt;?ir 8?ii-.mittw ao nud Mr UShS. ,,,i,SLniBji..n Appioprlatluna rrin.!.11 ui,v " j,,"- In Iho H nato the Sh ( ,,, meirorlo a of MIwuilW1Ll. Mkln(t for , mgoof U totWU.TuV.J,rn of tarr f Airrlrultur. It Hie doW.., . mnn. liilUiinitbo.Meimt-itoitlntoKxiiKir? . n and when ifco iloift ero iMrtftiii ih n i.val li'inrtli. lleforo a lo iMifi Mlv l-ui'l tin llnuroirKolullont In relation In th, .r n in rociimuto !.) o were rotoiyd. Arter appropriate eOilrfj"w tho Kenato Tid ltirnel Inihn It itfe the Tnrllf wmtlm iiIki iirl In Oiimmltten of the Wholo, when rnhik I.iiIii'-a wn aiiKKndi-d, i.tid Ihu llmij piiKCi-dril to thnmtii.t.loiiitnii of approprlalo rr.olutlofii on tli.'.lenthef Hon. W'm. M. Luwc, of AUbanin, and then iKLoururl " ' Imhc enatetheSth. 'Ir an Wn k offcretl nrtaoluiiondlrertliiir thi' t'ommltteo on Trn flonn to Inrjulro l.clh.T.lnlm airent In WokIi InrUaiaro prni'tlolnir p tort Ion for their rcr lern procuring M.rlii.. r nlina for'oldlm, widow iirnrpiiiuit. AflJr th- Exn-utlvo Sol alontheTnrlltl.I.lwn'tHVen up mid tho Jute jhnhilij.lliciiMivl. Tbcdolialo took n wldo mnm, vmbPtoinB rultm and other similar ;uH'l". '"notion v Mriku juli from tlio ACItl Uii WJ umtinitlttinihi-fn-ijwt.wut anally . tel, U to. y. Afttif tuj tbf rikilMtii nn Jut nr , rvMi-Mu.v wiuvnHtpnwxoi.Hnawo-rr. I vt ' if ..Ii "1, whnfUie.entitnjidiotirncd. innn i ntkXi.t. liavlnir f Mul-tl'fun (if llr Hun nrtlf l)ii,,t nrro'ir t mtil toonlcrth.' Ifll and aniTOdnicni tU,- to rrpoitod to the JknifO fo Its actlop. Bit 4 that dny n motiMti Mwtoiiit' ' ''mmltlo of tlio Wholo t rl) im ivpo t iho h m 111 j ilo.ise ahull take pr - r, vv in uiuu.ui to amend WAIIINOTOW NOTKH. Aiillllias been eiKrtetl to theSunate rstab. 'Ilfh, g 3M new jt routes, principally In the '3 rtt and Couth. MlMOUrl has A Texas 37, 11 s Indiana 14, Wisconsin 11, Arkansas 10, id Mlnresola 9. V bill has been Introduced Into the House Mr. lalklns pror.dintrfor the pavment of eexiense Ifcciirreil by. contested election ncs In the Forty siutl, Cousins. The mount BRKrefotcd fftjOO." I'ubllcdcht ItutemciU for Januarv! Tnl.l liXiUXJCSU.Oi. total Interest, IIO.IM- I VW.0(1: nil, In lrn..,T3 L'tl T 1111 M . .1.1.. 91css cash In trcasuxy7,K)3,7lM,7!ttP0s tle ,3.ireaoof debt durinc tho month. 13.fina. an if nil iinnnmnrmii waa i,tj-. e Tr--.-i t r! nt. wti-rart- i,ir)ii ,n .ii.ai,.i rri --iff'f. ffSK MM-ii .., i-r :..! r:""'AutlHhnrt"w j x,awyr mn of wm. r.gP lTpryl .. ft ml Clair, niar Toledo. OMj$ i94t2.uJSSfcTSffl,7.---,r, " enrti TTcc1lya.,d was totallfconsunnHl it -JSS&PO, ilecrea( of debt since JuncfO, l&SJ j;' WJ03 007,COT.(W. ' ) fH i TheSenatol'ostre V ,?trone Mil next ji-K- 7 lmof Ihebllltoreulal iVond cliti matte? at fle Committee decided to -"M- fiM.tlw.r fiiiiftLldi-.. eulato rates of jkhIusc on :r ai icutr carrier oiucei. ,o bill proposed to fix the rate of iiostnco on 'jjd diss tmhUtatlona deiiositcd In letter arrlcr oillccs k)iro ccuta per jiound Tho Leslslatlif, Kxcculivo and Judicial Atv roprlatlun bill imported to tho Houao rccom- iicnds an appropriation of V-M.IW.OOO, an In Ar&la of S4!l.0fll as rntnnamri with lssl 'ai Jvl'The t.irresser lp tie amount appropriated Is ) ' mainly due tot Im necessary provision for the rurcancu mcmijersuip m .ougrcss, ami to I no f let that the net Is a long Congressloual ses ion. The Uli;n detail varies very llttlo from "j.tn r bllli, nnwpt tlie lneartlou of tho clsiwi illicit will iftjfcrJhe.jlfVtljfWT n. Uxra lofis Vnarroe. " T ' IhsUM ' svo Immc hi u -j. "- -a Si rf o W i IV .. timt-mt o-JwWjlhsr Capt. tit b k last w.rartctly tutmiiLt for . SB1 a,mu. r' ta.4s,W 'This was duo f tt Dt 'r,"trUk at- refused, It bclnir laltnqi a, per depbtli nanot maintained line In the m.ddte channel at the (or a fhorl ' I tfre-cxamlHatlon It was found that a nilsik'- had been initio on tho part of tlio iioveriflimt. Senator ).iis will offer an amendment to ho Snndr ( tvll Appropriation bill to provldo forpsilnga Cherokee Nation 30i000 out nf the fill due under the appraisement of I hrrokie ltd welt Of tha Arkansas Hlvor, I II flrst ' Clidltl! J iiidltkh Jhatl'thA Oicrokces shall auresliitlsractoiy to tlio Secro- crlor forths tracts now occupied , FoDCas, Nexpcrces, Otoes. ! i iei . jasr'lovhQm, III their tribal ... r " iuumiii omisiirii vftuci. 1 t 1 v Wv lanua are iiicnupon 10 do wR'a!!W,Wfen D"l Pproprlatea ;ipeIJ)ePProrl;S.il5,80O.00Oof f tj il, usiixirt of the Commissioner of the total receipts to bo ft.OO'J,- .i niures, 033,607; balance lu the L.jrj r, . account of the patent fuod, -i ii'i 1 ' number of applications re 'it oi.vMH; total patents granted, w H 1 ommdttea ou Coinage, by a vole 1 1, adopbed a.rcsolutlon that It Is f, t .0 dltcoutluilo tho colmgo of ill- '. i,,Di! TIIK KAT. raionV Cashier aud bookkeeper of t I Ity- Dank, of Jcney City, N. J., ,j tod cted. ml I lot dork In Now York burned a , JtAict Lou about 1330,000. A oura- 3 fli were more or Jess damaged, v y ram of death and destitution In i. wwoihtp, near Vllketbarre, Fa., rsresled by ths Ladlei Aid Society. Sji-1 Leoatrd and nil ton wcto found M aed. thswifs djlng and two young -V tlie Uit itsget of starvation. "V 0qwrnv fur Ut factory, at Danbury, ildtr(UcJ bj'Hro -actotly. Lois, iure4 tor 119,000. c-nUhrExehanf, of New York.bn , onrw to either tlm trade OnJ- i.t Un en par with gr.ld dollars. jinai. Tilts, of th: titm of (Wcbrlit, ih,, ,.v,.n,ii.r.. v York. fled. iyr ---"f '' --- 1 ' frWIlP 'o" tttn nlBniausv .l. ." i . -, ,r afte- uaTltiff for the Uit two jura arnltmat Ically Hied the credit and inoner of ths con cern for l.lj own private ipeculatlon. John Kennjr, a New York 1.111 poster, under lenience fot Ah for murder, recentljr aliot and killed lilmelf In tlio Karmond Street Jail, In llrooklju. lie preferred death to Imprtion ment. A pascnRer train on tlie DulTtlo, New York and l'tilUilelphlt Kallroad from Oleau for UiifTalo, recentljr pluneed Into a creek near Iaclina. Knglneer Hall and Fireman llrlctr were killed. Conductor Lore. wa lerfounl; Inlurrd. SeTcral patience' wcre'allfihll In jured. Tin accident wan culitcil bj IiIrIi water undermlnlnft the track. . nin wi:sr. Kx-Ooternor Downey, of California puTj llsheaacaid In whlcJi he seonts tke tramp theory of the recent Tehaehapl dlnaater, and charges it to the rareltiunoU of ctnploren. l(o annniinrea Ms Intention to btlilU cult for heavy (lainagei. t!or. Uowney'a wife was a victim of the dliatter. John, B. Blstti over a week ajfo, arrived at St. Tvf from Denver, Rnd arranged Willi jjti: of thn St. Iotila and San Frnuclieo -'vn( ! cbarRO of the new depart- w Hinroai. lie resiaicreil at Hie Utaiui (!" i Utitcl. hut soon alio' dlapiearcil. Ho had a large sum of monrr tilth hlui, and foul plaV aa atronRlt (UK-cto.l. The Millers' Nat unal Association, lately In scislou at Clurclan.l, Ohio, adopted a resolu tion InstrucUnir the Executive Commutes to effect a settlement, on behalf of the Associa tion, with the ehlmants nt patents when the same can to made for a nominal s'un, but If such n settlement cannot be mado and the claim Is deemed unjust and without equitable Rtnuuds, the Committee I Instructed to con test the same with all poslbIo vigor up to tho cour' of last resort. T'.,j storm last week was the severest jet experenced this winter In the Northwest In Minnesota, Io.ta and several other States travel and trafllc were entirely impended. The people of Fillmore, In the north part of Ion a, on the Ilea Moines and Forf.Dodite Hall road, sent a trillion to the flnvernor to have that road oieuedatonce,asthcy n ere suffering J lorwani oi nour aim coai. The Minnesota I.cglsturc. elected I). M, SaBln Lnltod Slates Senalor. Thirty Demo cials voted for Rabin. An Intercepted dispatch through the United Staled Signal Strvke from fleneral 1'opo o don all available troops from Forts Ileno and Sill to repair to Ol.lahotna to exjcl Captain I'ayne andhlsColonlos. Toli'do, ( ihlo, ralsetl 13,303 for the relief of SulTorera by tho German floods. jNwitae failures of the past week weie Sua, of -ah nlnetjvtno were In the Western States. Tlie cracker V..n;,f9cllttrn.,e(mrd-c6ok 1 vv., ,..,-a, ..jw-,. iiMtrnyeil by lire one nlsht last week, and W prorerty more or less Injut ed. 1 lie loss waVij,,, ',000, par tially InsureJ, Four firrmen v were on the stairway wcro burled by the falt. 0f- the stabs. Three were rescued with Mji d,. Jutles but the fourth named Hooker, was v.ry scrlouilv and rrhapi fatally Injured. The t'nlon Irou and Steel Works tf Chicago failed last week. 1 he moH accurato estimate cM-uW &1 ths liabilities nt ..iiOIIS. TW "jrUa iTOfe taken Ksseslon of by the Ibrlli, a lud to work hard to stve tlio coc tents of tha ir( lumlrer yard adjoluliifr, but succeeded. Ope drcmau was Injured. Tlio loss nas cstlmati1 1 t (7S.00J, it being especial ly hcay because of the iinusuallr large stock on hand. Insurance, (11,0.10, Chut, D, Hunker, Commissioner nf Immi gration of California, has bean arrested nn thice warraat', each charging htm with felony In approprlitlug to his own use sums collected as fees of illlccnnddue the Stale, aggregating H:,W0. Hunker furnished ball In riK.OOO. Ills oilier has recently been tho subject of In TeitlgatAnt by a Lcgltlathc coinmiltee. Fletc)cr Keed, a joiing man llvUig near Futnaxi, Muskingum 'ountr, Ohio, got up be viuu, ,ih iiiuc r cntly, In a dl of forcMyllght one morning recently, In a religious excitement, aigoli statv set it on tiro ana Jiuipci afte; he had cut his throat lih a rcrtalni were a mass of charred found. Tf it Ucvelafid, Ohio, on thif.'l rausrd nileapread damage fell In torrents the pmvlous tw eft caused the Cuyahoga Rher and aJnrvHi) 11l.es, iktiis, isctorli K" ht tflIRaC, L " I r--aLl inrnifl taueta ero damagad or waih. rtrT. ; ::c Imj In the morning a mal creek, known as Klngibury Hun, roo and ipread over hun dreds of acres of land. From a "lcakv still of the Standard Oil Works, the flood rarrled the escaping oil under tho .bouVra of ths llreat Western Oil Worki, where It Ignited, and communicated Ui tanks containing In tho ag gregate 6,IJ00 barrels of oil, which soon were ou lire. Eight large oil tank exploded. The Standard Oil Conpany'a losa vtaa placed at t0.0t, and, other losses, It was thought, tronld swell thejotal toovcr a million dollars. The steamer facoma wai recently wrecked .between. Ban Frauclico ami 1'ortland, Oregon. iNlnalltei were lost. f A dlsaitroui railroad aecldmt took place on the St. Louis and San Frauclico ltailroail near Sprlugfleld, Mo., on the 4th. John Burns, a brakamau, and a tramp were allied. Tlie widow and children of II. A. Schlliig bydal who w kl'leil In the Tehuchapl, Cal., dlssiter, have brought suit for 150,000 agalust tho Southern l'aclflc Hallroad Company. TJk Eagle Hotel, at (Iran Utaplds, Mich., as lately burned. Tlio gucHi and attaches of tho house escaped In their night clothes, loiluff everything else. . A Delaware, Ohio, sjieflal dates that tho freshet at that point was Iho wont ever known. I lie ausrenslnn l,rLt-o ni. ...,. away, and two other bridges cro expected to Families living near (ho river were res- cued In boats. Acres of ntesdow land were inunuiieu, ami nouses and thsuiands of trees afloat. Dispatches from vatlous points In Ohio lud Fetniylvanla give fearful aeeoi.nt. !of ti destruction bv th flnrut. si Meadlllle, -Ta, one-third of the city waa submerged and over three hundred families were rescued In boati, Tho lower ptrt Bradfonl, Fa., wa leu feet under water, and flvo hundred houses Inundated. F.lsblr-one families livlug on iho flats be tween Bradford and Tarport had to fleo for ti tlr Uvea when the Ico gorge broke, leaving all their effects, and many of the housci wero swept away. At Tltuivlllo the damage waa great, aud a number ot persons wcro drowned. Tho destruction of property will reach Into the mWIotii In the track of them tloodi. JobhC. Farker, the murderer of Mike Fay ton, whose case Wat, docketed fpr trial In tho criminal court st St lAUtt.'shol hit wlfo througa the hear) about noou pn tho 5th, lu the Jurf room of the court, end afterwards sent a bullet Into his own brain.' It litboucht that Mrs. Farker furnished the wreapou. che waa Imtintly killed, aud at Hit accounts Farker vai dylug. run isouTii. State Trraiuitr VInce.it, of Alabama, Is a defaulter to tha amount of about t&O.POO. Th nAeywat lo.t In tutluu speculations Ylnctt left Ms otllce the iilfht before the LegltlUUe committee was to Inspect hla books and abound, Ho left a not Mating that be knebe wai short, but would go to New York, tt) the inonet and make Ma deficiency good, (he State will lose nothing, as the Tiessunr'i bondimen arc amnlv abla to nar ' Th Aal i11rm ami miiliVklt,,.,,, bl j Annipcls bate rrilgutd, and the first and tcoud titsiei declined their poiltloni. Moit A j i tva tiJlU iy. 1 tile, ihw. t B t- ww Uk wh oi me nrsi ciasi were put under arreit. Tho cause of tlie trouble ws thst Cadet Woodruff, of tho first dais, wm re Irled lor dishonorable conduct, having ccrtlued, on his honor, to a false hood, which ho acknowledged In writ ing altcrwanl. Ho was reduced to tho ranks. Cadet Lieutenant 8treet (hen led his command In, cheering tho broken c-adct. The Lieuten ant was reduced to the ranks, and on reading the order a number of cadets groaned and hissed. Hie cadet officers who sent In their resignations, except Cadet Calvin, wcro re duced to the ranks and placed In aolltary con fine nic-hl. VVT Wood, Treasurer of Jaekson County, Texas, had been missing for a week, when, by onler of the court, hit safe was forced open, and tl.n county (utids (soma t'il.UW) wersalso mtMTng. . A llttlo eighteen mouths-old daughter of I N. ltnrr, or Nsihrllte Tonn., was killed a few days since by the discharge of a toy pistol which she ami another child were playing with. At Winona, Miss., ouo day last neck, W. V. Fowler, a traveling salesman for Schmidt At 8elh of New Orleans, shot ami killed C. M. Wt IgW a mnbr of tho lam firm of Wright IlrosA Hammond u't.nm-i Titodlniculty grcwout of the (allure of tin Yvluo. d.-. last Derembcr. Wright attacked Fowler, pre senting to pistols at blm, but Fowler drew hi jilstol anil shot Wright twice Ix-fore the latter could use his ncaont. Wrtht dlfld Instantly. Fonlrr's famllyresldo at (Jranada, Mist. He waa formerly a conductor on the Chicago, St. Louis and Northern Ohio Rail road. A young man naned Bradln, residing near Brushy Knob, In Texas, waa cleaning his rovolver recently, when tho wenxui was accl dentally discharged, and he was a' most In stantly killed. Several weeks at;o the coat shove'ers otllar pcr'a tolling mill, at Newport, Ky., struck against a reduction of wages mid quit work Harper supplied tho'r pla.es with Cincinnati men. One night last week thaslncn on thrlr way from work, under ai cs-urt of police, i-ncic uiuiizucti niri ueaie.l v ll.l stones, jlie Kclilcf of I'ollcc an I n coui.Ic o( mlln-men were hurt, but not seriously. The mob at tlio last point of attack numbered over a thousand. J. II. Clay, a farmer of l'itU)lvula County, Va., was killed In a quarrel with a nun named Kcmioily. On lite Choiapciko and Ohio Hallway, neai Lexington, Ky., a construction train ran Into c haul car, killing Scott Webb, and seriously wounding Handall Anderson, Hirrry Kcnnr, Eugcno Johnson and Frank Burgess. Tlie (lorcrnor of Alabama has offered a re waid of S,Os3 for tho capture of Viucc'it, bo defaulting Stata Treasurer. A recent (be at Nashville, Tenn., ch orl.lnatol In .thU-n Fmn1 street, anrrad to 36mlng bulldiugs until licariv the entire block bounded by Front, Broad, Market and Wharf streets was In ruins. A falling wall seriously Injured two firemen. Over forty horses were burned In tho livery stable. The Capital Warehouse, stored full of cotton and tobacco, was destroyed. The loits amounted to about ISOO.OX). filt.MiUtl.. At Klngsvllle, Out., ouo ulght recently, ai Alf. Alworth, clerk In Smart's Bank, was locking the door at 11 o'clock, he n as touuced upon by throe masked men, gazed and iraggjia" Intn 11 nhmk. Tl.r bv of thn f.ntl ;..lil."en finin-IUm.and tho safo robbed. 'Tlicy thcn-'locked 'JjJIrorth lc ,tho" vault and left. , At Hallfa'x, N. S;, Wm. dray, a ejerk for the Halifax Banking Compauy, waa lent to tin Foetofflrc wltli n parcel containing 5,C0CI, when he abstracted tho money au J substituted w aste paj cr, Cclcwajo, who for several yean past was on probation In England, has been reinstated King of Zululand. About A.O0O Zulus were present at the ceremony. Many chlofs expressed great dissatisfaction at tho condition! on which hi waa restored. It la rejiorted In l'arls that tho Orlcani Trlnces hate drawn up a manifesto. In which they proteit against the charges made against them, and declare their readiness to sacrifice their pcrioual Interests for Franco. It Is stated, should the necessity arise, they will publish the manifesto and at the samo moment quit ihecountn. It Is ilated that famine prevails In tho Qov- umeni oi nuerson, nuisia. Several peas- committed suicide to escape witnessing icry oi tnelr atarvlng families. lu a woolen factory at Bombay, a panic by wulcli twenty-three crushed to denth. hundred ersoiis suspcctetl of con- tlio secret organlxatlona in Dub- i tUja'ffuil f- city, but It Is be- lftsaslH1sA,'l bi atiUH-n the Klncdoin.Jipth.-ss lielng made In BIrinlngbam,aKMHn Manchester for per sons agaliistirfssrwmfnnts had been Issued. m " p fPKlK TLKTXWT, IrrthaScnatUuHlMh, the resolution was alopted Instructing the Commit teo on Feu stons to Inquire whether claim agents at Washington o guilty of extortion. Tho Tariff bill waa then taken up. After transact ing aome unimportant business, the House alio went Into Committee of tho Whole on tho Tariff bill. Tho Senate Sub-Committee on Education and latxjr has begun taking testimony con cerning tho relations betweeu labor and capi tal, and tho condition of tho laboring classes. Tho HouiaCommltteo on Military AfTalnt has practically ngrecd upon the terms of tha bill to place (leneral (Irani upon'tho retired Hit of the 1awlti the rauk of OeneTal. ' 8tockmcuiport that tho late storm hai been eomewhat disastrous to sheep, cattle and other stock In Southern Kanm aud the Indian Territory range. Tho storm began with a driving fleet, which chilled tho stock. There Is considerable loss on sheep, which erowd badly lu such itorms, and In conse quence many wero smothered to death. Cat tlo on the range drifted with tho storm, and were many miles from where they wero over taken by tho polar ware. John W. Vccncr, who was rcceutly fatally Injured at M uncle, Indiana, by the explosion of a can of gunpowder, itated before ho died that largo sums of money, aggregating about 1 20,000, were hid In different places. On In vestigation at one of the places named the money waa found as stated, and other places will be searched. One afternoon receutly the south bound panengcr train on tho Dayton and Michigan Hallway and a local freight, both running at full apeed, collided near Klrkwood, Ohio. Engineer Trurman of the freight anil his fire man were Instantly killed. Engineer John Mollcrof the passenger wai fatally Injured. Several paiiengeri wcro severely Injured. Chaa. Waltc, Bherlff of Sherman County, Nevada, rcceutly shot and killed lib inlttreis. Mn, llyan, a boning home keeper, and thcu suicided. Jealousy waa the cauie. Alfred C. Thomas, editor of the Sea Island, 8. C, A'exci. Iiangedhlmirlfonetlay las week. Tho poitofllce at Birmingham, Ala., was recently robbed of money and stamps amount ing to M.000 or 17,000 and a fine diamond rlug. Tho MardlGras was celebrated at New Or leans, tho Olh, with the usual festivities and grand street spectacles. The city waa gaily decorated and Illuminated at night. An Im mense crowd was lu tho street, there being 35,000 Hilton preient. It Is estimated that a quarter of a million gallons of wldiky go out of bond In tha Lnjils vllle, Ky., district under the law requiring tho pajment of taxes and the failure of Congress to .-us the bill extending tho boud period. fiov Crlltcuden, of Missouri, rrreettv Itiusd a warrant upon tha requisition of Ihe Uowrnorof IU7uu for L M Brown, who r.'Mfd his father of t&no and a horse and fled to Mliiourl, " ":i;.r.. - ..,...-rtv. ' ' . ' - - - .J. i j. ALI,K(1U1 (IIHANTU- FKAIWS. tv.it-. .. .. Wii,"""ito, Jnn. nrytt. ni? u,,Ln ..'Uv ,rrl"r ' p".lal Aicnl eln et)iHti'rlar fr 'in ihn man, w.ib tho ln dorsoniinr of Hi . ( h ei-Insp, otdr i'li-.rmr. l.si'ii'r..ir Orricr, I ,t .' n'i'SOl), jHllliary j lwt. f inii,rk,rtJ " Vnrkor- Cno' o't-oiroo llio ncoompnnrlng trportl nf Inrector liar KSfXJTi1 !hu '5 r,f,,fr.. w " inc. rvri5"r h?, ... tl "J"1 ttT.m n'n",l be ixclu.lcl from JPf m,",' n iraii'lilirnt, mid t nt tho action of thu ro-tmasterOonenil thrroi.tt bn ImmolkJ riJrtM1r",ho'1 .loJ" '"'tmastor nt t hi ? 5LM? ".'""n "r ,b" ""'. tint tho fraud 5 VT. ,!,!l'lM,, "' 0,.u-c ' ' W ainotinls by reglsiPio.lli.ttoi-nud money nrdor am dully rcooltcd. j. K. Hit-Aiu . rost-olllco ln-Mitor. tr- neioHT. I'osivns-rirK iNsrrrmin'a Ornrr, I .. , ..Ciiir sun, January sMkki f Trie Hon. J. Ii n.mrt, I'ost-otiiro Insrectur: ;.." i 1" ".' nw"ro. tho tnr-ciitMKl" of tho oxtonslti. fntultilut awlmlii. K ihemos.f J. V5r. ?P7'? :t lBd "'"nmltif florrlam. It, s.i.."!,!l.A.f;ov httt a J. ueml.1i Co. nn.i tuilworth ,V Co has lonr bneii a sut.J h t or ln ?"ir.b.V""; Thin?. hemes of men wh 8 ,.p.,ii".lrn '' '? "noi ucry nw. smirchiM renchedapolnt whltli Is perfectly nston th- M.f..2-"Tt'.,"l,.or,ho,lrm "' ' mml.,g Murrlftm nn almi.ly oni.nnoits, nt w.ll b.' s. t to. It ls.cuiinotr.1. mink witliTiiiiirii. .- air7rrjnta p, orngf .1.11. ror thn list sixty d-s of n .t less th in fin OM. inrlu Una- what thoy have ro- .lifs of 11 .1 m-ivoilt.y thtMnriouiuxp m uimpinle. Tho flnn of Mo.nmlT.g A Merrbim hve, In tlio twenty tiay irom January unry SJ. 1 81, twolted 1, 1-H.l, to Jnn- Chtcgii I'ostoiho.t 7T&. loxstcr.-d I t tt't. Ni.ti. of theso rtglat.-ntl letlcnt toninlrrvj ims than flu, and fry mnnyt.r them cntitu nel mi tints tarlng rft.m f UWtot'O). Ihoy hue In tho'nmc tliiioncelrvtlnb.iit'OI m.iiic)--mlor, ygrimiing fjucid. It is of oi.utso imiMissll.lu stnio nrc.irately Iho nmojiit rorritcl l.y them by tho -overnl ex press rotnpinios, but, julalng from n stato itieutmmlo by one In posit on to know sumo thing 01 ill. Ir mildness, they i-wcted last wi-ok pttTfli',tW)i.r cxprea. ft is pri'stiiiied thtt Iholrrecolplst.y express for ihotw.nty days werontit loss thtn 130 OU Avvr.'ir.nl tg iho leoi'lpt f rom thi-so snurcot It would iippoitr tbntlbor Imtoro. elpIinihoneli-hlr.rh,KHliir Ihsvtnnh flu. e.tsjua mo January I In tlio. n o period ..f twenty tliti a tho I rm of It. It Kendall A Co. lint v had ttisho.1 nbi.ut as iiion.nrd is, for tho Bum .r fii.H.,7. This Intlortlrmh is also r cclvoil n that tlni" Ml registered letturs. nono cotitulnlinrlo-siiiaiiflj, unit many tmru tU tots), ltiiinat.t'g thn business of II. 15. K n dall A Co. nt two thirds tint of 1 l.'inmlng .VMeirniu.lt would arcgnlo about JSWJ In thirty .lata Tho other two (Irm-. CIi .rl.-s J. Honn A (., .....1 Culwortti it Co.. do a rmallort.tisltie , 1h twoprnbnblynirgr"Krttii.g olout fJV),tuilii money rmvpl In tho ..mo t mo. .Now, uat.ittiuch.irn. tor of thtbuinci di.noby Ihoto llmis. I appnud to this rcixirt Iho ocrlltl oto or tho ChlofOmlu luspert'T, Ih it nono of ibflo ilrms tun knotfn to inn btnto Inspection Dcpt tineut "its wurvlioui c mon. gntlu receivers, or slilppors, mr Inntiy wny ronncnloil with tho octttnl grnln truile" Ubo prctutisotn thilr o.rculnr that ll.ey nro commission merchants Is llctlilou. exeunt tn tho extent thnt mm nt thorn has .Inno littlo.l cotninissi.Hi iiusin u nni now oim mtes h i ti forsuin.'f w i-tisto nets. Tlio prluoip.l ( Uro of their fraud is this: 'llu- pr. t n I ti conluat what la terjicl Dytnumn' M.icu I .tnvatinm.r lUllt" .tr .MjvAlmi ui. rtird," compusol of lite money .f "suckers" and ' grwnhoreA" who buy ihates nt flu por share and t no tho chuv "i that ths m.ineicnt nso tho ngguo tun.ls eulisrrllvd by tho ahiuehol It I. io Dinting In gtnin. atiKks, etc. The immtiiert otory few .In) s or week innkciroporutrbow liu Uint they h.tto lost or m.ido so much monoy. mid. If Iho latter, they return tobarc h.il.lu.a n prolomlod pmllt or so much jr o. nt. Iheycnnnot shcArthnt tboybntoetor mnilo tho pm tsor loss, a thuy rjrt byntiy ruptitnblo proo . What monoy they 10 urn as profit la solely Just wont they ihoo o, mid tho) chno'o to return Just what tbey think will in. I. ico tho b.tn. holder to I in oil mora Inrircly. I it tome onscs thryhnvo, to sm II Investor-, r.tum.-d nt nro'its n not.tlous showlnx of n Hnu wntrnti-..r ii. .-... .w..s. j,njpj--f i i-t(--..jjTiKiiui'ii ij-rjr. rrr-tiyirpni n t tnotd' pl.ttw iit.d ttr distant CtstoJ, httvo lnxt'i Induced to InviMt lnrjtn itmutints niinw, .VcnsUrtUtzIn wlthflj or r0 li.tvo lieon In. uu;i. tiy rccoiMiii n unncr nt ntii'-n, m,w V i b.i u - pniut in invest situ, sm, mid In innny ensns within my knovli-dgn a high nsef.niilto ILfOO. Tho nolo return they cm is-crgvtlt Just what thus '0' t will of Iho fel low who run tho cono. rn nro dtsiKisol to Bi'ii'l trii-ni. Thnt they ttto (co.infrcls an I oughtt.iloltitl.opo i.ti-niliiry miir bejudgoj by tho nntecivlmU of s.mo of them. Juhu t-lcnitu lu, of t-lommlntr V MorThiiii, wn 1 pnrtnur In Detroit of McKlnnor. iloK Inner is now serving n term In llu M.uh'guti Htittu I'rlson for "fencing' slolongtKxls Vlnmmlnj blmstlf wiisnncstcdln 1 ctr.it tor rutin!, mid oxiKiwd by tb M rit'Mii '.ii mer. Tbu notori al s Itmiji mlu Iltiokwaltrr of Kow i ork, now nliiKltho from 'iunc ,ltiu.lorstooil to hnto Ik-vii n mot lug spirit In th' orgnnlrlng or tbo awintllM In in.i-UBO. l'renk 8 Wn or nnJ ll.in Lorliu,-. of l i.lcu.co, lntvu nmo ennnpo tlon, oithcropcn or secret, w.th I leuiintnir MvrrlHtn nml It. I!. Kan.lull A C'.u Winers is a biolhrr-ln-laworKen.tnlt Waters nnd I orlng wore In the K rvside rVitnd lottery aw inbound UewspniKT frutid n rw yours ngn, uttd both haw rutins closely to tbu limits of criminal iutcrfor. ne a they il.irc.l, mil nro knowr. ns sii-plnlous and cronko.1 mon In minor trnii-n. lions hoa't'.foro. Th" n.nnascr ol Ilnidstrcct'a Comtncrelal Agency, Mr. Turn bull who h.t a hotter kuowbiliro of tho stand ing and tcpulHtlonof men of Liisttiess In Chi ciigu, lint i rcmptorl y rclits.il to nllow clthei of tha linns nnnicd t,) tietomo sulBerlNrs tu the . gency, nnd denominates I hi ni trutnla and KWlii.lleraot tho worst sort. Tbo Hon. Hitrvoy I). Colvln, ox-Mnyor of Uilcnan. now Man liter ortho I'liltolH nlosliipru st'ompnny, aitr a mo of his willltignrst .ml ile ro to lire ik up tneso tnonsip.iis schemes, and prom's.' to not BiuiultHtioously with tho r.st-ollleo Dcptrt- nit'tit In rorusfng to dollvor any romlltauep tu itm, air. iM-,-, Uanoffcr of iho Amerlonii Lxpro.s (l.mp.iny ia thu city, will do tt.o same Ihltig, und ttj ho has no doubt of tho .ilsrcp iitiililoniid unlawful ibanuucrof thoschemo. Kx-Oovorunr bbumnn, ulltor of tha Ihlumo Journal, too Hon. W ! Mxon. Manager nf tho Cbltagniitrrvrnii, tbomnnng roi iho ll'ot ni liuml, and otbcni present cortlft. ntes to tyhlch I Invlt" rrs,' ctful ntlcnt on stilting that IIkmu renutnlrcl jjrlnt nnd Bcnltor btx,.dcast 'hoirolroulari nndndi crt.seinonlt., which pur p-'ntolMicopleaortillluriatliidorsemouisfrom reimtablo m-nspniier. or their frauds, Theso cert tic ttta sh'.w that tho notices cop'cd by tuom wcro paid advertisements, written by llieinse'vrs. und then cniilml fnr iim.r n,,. . .. i-u-u. iiiirii. ., .... ii. ,, ..:- , r:. r -r- - . .., llnrtllf n hlllni..hniin In !'.. n..n lull lloodod with l.'liors of Inaiitrv no, I com. Plaints' f rom u , tuVu&SdVtttM iibotitnnoorothorof thM nrm. Vrhov .: if u Mates Thoy cm- pioylai y largo n.imlK-rsi.r emplovM In nddrustlrnr 1 mull nir Ihnlr nlnrln,, V,i J..i .12 "''urusing nii'i rn t or ih Hut in, golil.igtha nn.".oV.VS0'c'oyrtho WIimv" 'IJtUer, tbo drlyor iiollcod a men In f.i tori. . cnnl.ml..i. im.. and niso trvlnor to fiiluuo rohA.itnra workfeap Ins their aacn'aJnn.l tn Invest with the. Biroiiioi.partmtntiiitakotbocnrltcst!Kisslblo 111.1uiL-.il u.i.i oxi3.hu -11100 cwHH'nit oy nnmo from th-s nrlv lgo of rooolvlng monoy- nlors nnd iiul'tero'1 letters nt tho I'hlotigo I'nstiif llcp. I nrpend my own alhdarlt to my belief nstotbofucts. Very ruspoeltiilly. 1). A. luv, rasboUIco lupector Arriutvir. fiTATKOl'Iu.lNOIn, la t ountr of Cook, ..I'anlelA liny, being duly sworn, doth Do roionn.l.ny ibut from oarorul oxntnlnntlon Im Is led to I.el etonn.t does belli'totbo llnui styled rifinmlng & Murrlntn, It. i: Kendall & (v., ll.nrle, J. Ilcml & Co. mil Cu (worth ( c , of Chloiigo, 1IL, arorngrtgo.1 In conducting frHU.Uilent si homos by tho uso or tho lnltod ftati'S malls. IHtirr, A. Ittv. 8worn to hof.ire mo this Sltls dny or January. Is. I'. C. Timxiw, l'o t-omcu Inspector. , ... 1. scuevn 1.1.ANK. Onler-lil.ink ror ha.r In tho Mutual Coop. orntlto Cut.. Rv-fxtt. ll.duinnn & Ou., Manngor. IV n,t Uf Unit Washln.ton ftrcoLCW'.-iro, HI, (iruUrm.i.. Pleuso find bcrowllh lncloso.1 - . for which forward to my mMress sbaroi In tho Mutual Co-operatl s o Club. Ifyouhavo not our largo circular of ox plinut'oii aud for IL Wrlto name and ad- rtrt- plainly, lown , County , Hlnto . ' HUnnamo . lasoNo. Special. D. A. Uav, Inspector. ASOTiteu nun. I'osT-Orncie iKnrEOTOn'H OKKicy, I . . n Ciui sno, January ),1NH Tb "I. J- F. Ftuart, l'ost-olllco Inapcctor. .,. . 11 una cnilll III inT KIlOWlQOirO Ihftt A ctu wni siyicu Hennctt. Ilollitnoti At'o,. man. ?K,f," .r B lu"ul Co-npernlivo Club nt IM and IHF.ast Washington atroet. ( hloago, hn rt contlytnuimenoiit ii now rehem . to dotrnud. Uilng tho mulls therefor, exactly aim Itr to tlio -oof Hommlng, Merrlitm .VCo.,11 15. Ken daP A Co, tharlo J. Henri lc Co.. nnd Cud worth Aln which schemes 1 htro In my re rPIL"' l1'1 llo n cases Xl.Wt r. and Nn Z1..60C, fully exosed. I recommend In this case that Iho Postmaster at Ch cogo 3o d roeb ol to dollvbr no ri-glstcrod matlnr nor to piy any nionoi -orders to lletn.olt, llolixman 4 to., as they are frauds. Very respectfully, 1). A. lur. I'ost-oinio Inspector m . Tub Woman's Mutml Insurance and Accl dent Company la one of the latest Instltu tlogs In New York. It Is designed to benefll sow lur wonteu and servant girls. iTALThai'a'nafonaldtbtof J,6,tXliX. iVltli tills load, she maintains an army of 1, 000,000 men. She fears war with Franco not many years hence. 1 heiib are thlrtenn ground for divorce Ir .i.r ci.ic ui ixeniucky, and tbetnext Legl.l u.oex wm to ring in cod fa -LoudM. c uuiMrvyurnoi, -scisssj- V j r.'u.j r.ttfrlfiirc lit a Snntl.Slorm. I'KIISOSAL AMI MTF.I1AUY. rhiin-e In fiirT. Illit nmtd tho breathless silence of the J ThoEfMhun Overland tmln which should iat i rei il cn Firn tics tho nttemnnn of Jnnualy only arrltotntt! tn thO'lghtof tho M, hVlti b.'en ilelnye-l nt Humtier by n torrlflo aartd-atpt i that raged Ibrotich tho Mojnvo tlacrBM aprend out over n pnttlon of ths attrroun Oigccuntry. The storm ts-n In tho enjly tuttnlnir, m1 whon th Ir.iln renehed Emttnerili Kem rvntnty, ha.l txw .mo n regti lH,ilrnrni. Th wind swept ncros thn sandy wrnsles Xllh stun violence thnt tho train swityedMd rooked under tha fierceness of tho blajls y-qieomrd lonly to plungo from tho track, i lie mron ha.l becomn oicrei.st In ths early pirlof tho nlaht, nnd tho Journey was oonlluuiylln ntUikncss thnt rapidly lncronseit until thVlay begnn In Htyglnn gloom Tho pvaongsr, who had tH'cn nr ucd from their sleep tic lie fieroo nssnuU nf the wind nnd the dashlitrrf tho sand ngalnst the window of tho train, Uittnl anxiously for tho appearanco n( IboatiuV'Ut no gloimor light rcllotod thn f. r bl.ldlntMlarkn"St of tho cast. Mint tnnln Minmljjer away, nnd tho blacknesi of tha bc- jSrcw- Intvuso wllh tho morning, until the slrrt bca I llxht of tho locomotive almost failed yrioroo it. iho amail jvjrtlon of tho dciortfrklchwn cxpjt.s i.y Iho rngi.,ft-, I'VSefvod tn ducjourngo tho traveler. -'ioi---.'s, thq billows of aarnl that,wrjrVftiur tosswl ner .a tho roll by tho angry jtrm. jThs desert mnrol llko n sen, and wlinui.o wave of snnd atttick tho shlvoi' Ing slrtefsyf Iho tra'n they Bcnttorcilllko iprny and flUSTtha air wllh n dust which m. fr... brenthlnTimpossible. Tho trtv Inrs- fonri ot being stopped by n r nn l-drrt wcro soon rcnllrnl. After lenvln? SunimrrjWhlch lit Jit mile from Fan Trail. Isoo, tho trnui movnl cauiiotisly for ten tnllt throilghioahlftlng w.nto nn! then slopped with n crush. Thoclarmod pA'Bcngcts hnr My dnrod totnoo the driving storm to Icnrn tho otmooUbo unpleasant hnlt. Tito fowlnlrepl.l ponsrns who vrutuml Into thn blinding s'raoon found thst their express train had nm into n freight train which had stopped jin nn Itnpnssnblo snnd-drirt. Tho slowmmat which tho cxpross v.'as moving t'ltnblod tho engineor to slop tho (rain Int. mo lov present n ecroiis Occident, nnd tho cx.lils'on wnt unly suniclont to cnsttholo comotlvtS from tho truck. Tlio passcngor-rnrs remaliie.!ontberaiK It was then ton o'clock. bo slowly hndilin express proo-,lo,l through the blinding storm alt. r lent Ing Humnor. Tlio irkiKw of tho nl;ht h id only Increased, an I n itblngwjs, lie oto pt wtlhln tho roeiisof the trn.iiD llirhl. lor llc wenry hour tho Ktwongt- wr mrnpcllnil to remain on thn "'Jaehpiltr.liiwblljrrtlof was ho ngnbtnlncl ."' i sW"'t!r Ailtno hnilmr nrrlved, thi twmr-trns (lenrml of annl aumcieutly to rn.ibfo n p ,ISf emrlu. to pull tho uxrrt"ia c tn Sumner, where ths rus rcng. r found slim nccommrxl-itlon iintl tho stnrtn blow ovnr. Townnl Ilvo o'clco'c In tlm lift, rooon the itnrkivsi began M ilint penr. but the sltno m 10111111. Ine.1 Its vliror 1111 III lilirhtfsll t th mornltig tho iinrnrtunat. pni tiarrsiir o. inlon thsilrjoiiniry. th-rti-ma udrr wl. . o was mdo wjih 'tit Bnn- tlO.lAl llMSIlllWir B. iSmin. f-hlr,i. h.,t l..n Lnt work n 1 11 g .1 end hwt olc-rol tho trnok nf I y it-Jtr"!!!.! (t'l-drtft. AtTulsrothoex- pr.-, nan.n -aji.i.w ni 3:i ). tn.. January , ov. rt'Kik thn tla 11 and wother-t,onlen oi- I pro, hiring n,.-l with illnht iliacomrnrt 1. l.irri.an 1.10 1PIIO of a piaton-nxl delayed tho first express still , further fctllhivp, nnd tbo two ira'n omtio iii.ii.i'i.cnusiy 10 UHKinnn wnnT. Iho nrst mer 111 rf) hours behind tlmo und tho seoind otcrslx. All hn.lt, howavor, soon forgot th-s itnplo iritness of tholrndvcnlttto and laughed ot it lt.--Aiit fr.rncl.co tiamUur. slinitlt'ticrnitly to O.iklnnd wlin-f. tbo first Klllcii Iiy the Accttlctit.I a Unit. Dlsclmruo of Kansas CiTt. Mo.. JanunrvML t inn or r if tC Afrtt hnrrtatvoJi-s oj UfuthJ.y srco,i- - "vHf vting vi'p.n'et;er tkarr a hup licnM at .'hi lumtoT-Ot Snds W. IlnnVIn. nbout Ihn-s ih'.lo south of thli clly, this urtcr nt.n, by tin accidental dlsehnrgo of n ahot gidi, youna Hopkins Mowlnir tho entire bond t'rt-JillyujfCBflnd loautlful-wlfo. Tho hus band nnd wlto wore nlono In the sitting-room when thd torr.blj trngisdy occurroJ, nnd bis story ot tbo udilr U ns fullows. " It Is all so horrible," snld tho young mnn, "that 1 tupJIyknw how to bogln. On my return frosi t iwn lo-d y I went to tho bnrn and put up tho hors. my wlfo joining m- nnd together wo ro-mtorod tha bouse. Altot soma llttlo work my wlfo wont Into tho lilting room or library, and snt down by tho novo In a rocklngibnlr, with somo work lu her bnii'ls, I got n ihot-gun, which had been In the hotie for somo tluio. and proceeded to load It nnd cloiin thi lock, as 1 bad noticed some rnbblt tracks n cur the barn, nnd wanted to hat e tbo gun ready for Inslnnt uso. Ono barrel wui nlrendy ,'oadixl-tho lift ono nnl gnlnglnto the room whero my wlfo was, 1 loadod tho re maining barrel und then sat down In n chair Hourly In front of her nnd took up n small o'l oautnpH tnVnockii tf(tho gun, wb'ch wcro somewhat rusty, Inlawed Iho gun barrel to rest partially across my a m nnd legditrlng ths operut'on. when ludlonly, ns I pulled bnok tho bummer or tha t arro.'. It slipped out r my lin gers nnd then tho gun went off wllh a noise iiko thuulcr. and 'my wlro r.-ll right ovei ojnlnst Ih wait. . Hut I cant t. II . ny more soi.ni,iiiiiiMiiuiiiir iriiu. xuv rnirtTotti Iin rnri rnvnt.r wirn'i hA n.sii-ii..ni i... ho' tore my nv.r wlfo's ben, 1 partially olt, but when I grablAd her slip was dend. Oh. nn Ob, 1117 uoi, n -nsawiui, awilllt Tbt4tnrurtunitb .vaunin. nM rit-A - from lierUuMmnd vbcn xtyn nit Mr oocihtihI, nntn luuMof Jwrbnilin wero blown tixainsi Ibo whito wl!jtfrjmwhlcU Ihoy rcImun Jed to the opposite vmAU nnl portion of her muIL nnnlni, I.. t.t.Snh, h a..... ... . . t , . I- ...i.e., ifc ... t.uf.i 1, iiumicr (.1 an incu in ui . Jim-tor. wore pcattor-d nil ocr tti room. I l'hot graphs, mirrors nndoirryartlcl around I "s.w uorr.u.j i-iHu.cnii. iiopsins was onty .-i.jntj-ii.pji.ivj-, .nn nn 1 nnti iKon miirno.1 uui iwo yenrs, 'iwiin panic uelnn Innv tn ,.1,1 iii.rf qulio wculthy ft-nlllos. mid their homo was nn excooilngly bcftutlful, place Iho Coroner Mewed tho rqnniis und il'o .Icil, unless rurtherractsera UeielopoJ. that nn Iniiucsl will bo uniux'amry', ncoldenUI shooting bolng evident, s . Sllllntlotl. When tbo rcgiiiV train which left Hat Tort. 4x0 yoatordayjf Mag wtu Hearing tha bridg. i-nw,lklnfl 'AQtruclurn, Too train an- mnn' is danger. Tho bridgo Ii tO'llll t n person to aland on ono m'Antti bto for i. pas.-and Itwns lmposi i other aldo before ths Wm. To Jump i rom tbo train would brldgo was eorl; doatli Tha only rcuraa open wits to ton outer board, an I, sua- penile! botw 'on II i ana death, nwait tbo re did, nnl Ih tnt n. waleh suit. Thli tho sua wu. nor. vo atnppc.1, ratna thuti.lcrlnon. Thavoudlitt t, rcJKcUiu that the i tops ol tho Pullman Cawtro r.-ry low, and would rrobnbly iirlka Ifey-tnin' heod. rushe.! to tlw ronr or tho trnln abi unootiplod tbocur, which, by tho prompt applloullon of brakes, wai lopped lu time. Thomanpullod himself up fcud rcuchod tho other end or tho brl Igo Attblslcstauta freight train was obsorved bat king uround tho cutvo, and (here stool tbo 1 ulltunn oar In tho wlddlo of tbo br dge, flllol WiL,.'l,n? ,o,Tlfll pauengcra. ror tho rrnnt part r,,b?.t.n"!lna on' "" Tho entitle ofiho freight train was altailnd lotho rearend.ao thtit wusimpo'ilbo for tho engineer to aeo iholulimanoar, 0 loavo tlio Pullman cat was o -rtMii death, sa tho pnS'iigis ha.1 no means of cacapo, an1 Ttotwlthslsttdlng Iho shouts or tho train J4lolal. tho freight tia'n came . thundering ou. Itwaa fori rn boiKi. PUt It WAS Ih, nnlv nn. an.l n..lb .. M..I. Lonductor Trodden, ot Iho pnssner train, signalled Ibo engmror. who bad irono off w.lh tun front part of tbo tmln. to luick up. Ho Siwtbo (famrer. but. trim to Mi j-utiin- f. torsed h' englno and sped bjrk over tho bridge on b s mlK'on nf moroy Ho r.ichot Iho rnr, Ihn roupllng was made Ihe lorcr .'uanuuui nus'un ill mere Iho rnr. Ihn roupllng was rr hrownoa kwarl, anl not an I the Pullmtn i'nr nn IJU ori c drawn rnim lha threihol.l of i I inlantino .in Clous load were ' r!lfc Mll-n,lw nil with awed facos iho pnwongors rmle to tho olty, ouch one i eallaing bow ckmio had twen 111- In a I. Thocalnosaktlaobo.1 to tho frolabt train whs also fllittl with pasiongers. but when Ibnv saw their dinger many of them lumped from tha crJito tho snow-driiu 1 InnljMt; fttirt. j . . Bona curloui facts wp lately telite.1 re garding hydrophobia before tho Academy of Sciences l'arls, byr.vrert It seetni thst Inoculation wl h pmcuj from the reiplrato-y otiaici of a mad dogeiused. rabies, but tt.at with ihs Mllr.ry Hqus did pot. ilclprucl transfu'lon ot blood lot ruin a heallby am a mad fog aimed no rat-i lu tho.former. Mas, Iiuia Adshius CtJTLrn, ot West chHt, J. )., let tbo bad bora In btrBu- diy. choojcjasi match tB9lswhllo thn-fttxSf-Inia-dent-ivlfl Ifltulng Iff-rirjyer. and uow Mrs. K'l Adtilaldo Cutler's cmsins, who watitod Iwr faoo,(, and dUI liotgvl It, pro. Sue ths fart sprjof teuoub, Jin .uby to fcrr.au ner m I tf l JU,viJ. ni(u-. KHU1V ti 1 - - ..,.. , ..... ...,.... , .. I I I II.haa flic jinf(tj! hart, nt tTiA tWTi 0' Mr. Dnnn, of tho Xow York Sun, Is a.iUl by a correspondent ot tlio Atlanta OMfidmoii to bo worth 81,000,000 outaitlo of his iiowsiniior flock. - Holpcr, who wroto tlio 'Impontltnfr Crisis " j oars ngo, nipl nt ono limit hntl Sl'iO.oiiOln hnnlc, IstloliiRoil.lJoSs nbout Wnslilnglon to keep boiiy mitt soul to gether. Washington lost. "Coal Oil ilohnny," olhor roiioits lo tho contrary notwithilnmlliifj, is nt Krarnoy. Nob., whero ho owns a Inrge rjrnln olrvntor nnd Is rnpltlly fopalrlng his was oil foitunos. Cvirnio 7'imr.t. Kx-Clilof-Jtutlco SlmrswrKitl, ol IVnnsylvnnln, rocontly rot'ro.l front th( Statu Mipromo Ilcncli, nftorthlrty soven years' service, fcoU vigorous enough ct to oucn a law ofllco forprlvato prac tice. - Thirty-two yenrs ap,o Senator ro l'lioreon, of Now Jersey, then a student ntTcinpIo Aeaitomy.ln Gcncsoe, N. Y., rcntl n school osay on tho " I'sos ol "i qry," 'Iho othcrilay ho wont thorp ngairl ni. tho invltmiou of ttiu lttsturleal Society of WoMcru iNow York toilollior 3it ntlilro-s upon Iho samo Mibjoct, nntl sovorni oi ins oiti scuooimntcs wore present. .lu.iiiuiii .iiiuur, in writing oi mc I stability of woalthy families on Murray T.. ....I.. llll I ,., ., mn. iiiniKs unit tlio jiatont pill people tuu mo ino poneoiiy sauttni. xno man Hint "struck oil" tmco illtl not long ma ntaln Ills oleant m.tnilon, ami the ln untor of a pntent hlngo ilisnppenrotl when In a suit hi, patent was nuuulluil. Tlio man who Invented a patout screw was moro fortunata Ho bought his res ilenco on Murray Hill, and "ifays ho has scrowod himself on to stay," UoHnn yVtij cript. A corroipondunt wrlllng froio Kingston, N. M. siys: "Hoio. nlo, l.vcs a womnuof somo thlrty-lhoor for ty summer's, w ho is a wondor. Sim hm just completed a lo;r cabin, and did all tho work herself oiccojit pulling tip the last logs. Sho cut tho loj, hauled them, nud mntlo tlio shingles tocotor It. I saw her rltlo in to town rocontly, ou s horse. In front of hor was a tleor alio had just killed You will probnbiy think sho Is a lovely widow. Such fi not tho caso. Sho has a husband, nud ho takos euro of tho children. Of Mr. VIIli:lm Honry Smith (now lit flnrgo of tho Associated I'rcis, Kasl anil Next) tho ('hieairo Jriliuitf siits 'Mr. Smith has hud long oxporienco In .i scrvlco of tho Western press, and hns discharged his vory onerous, nnd in somu ruspo tsdollcato, dtitlos with nor fuct satisfaction to tho Avoolattou. It can not bo tloubtod thnt In hi now rn. lailous ho will meet with at loast onual succoss. His iippoiutmunt moans groat cr vliror and o'lioionev in Iho co luctlnn of nows by both Assoclntlons thnn liave over boon shown before. " IIU.MimtlUS. Eliznljoth Cndy Stanton think girls should piny lillbrils. 'XliCru H s iriiuU cloul ot "klsslnir" In billiards. but tliut'e no roniou lor excluding tin An obscuro, but yet not wholly tin Intelligible joko In regard to tho mule Is that though lio raros vory llttlo foi pro 'ions stones in general, yet ho gen erally n Hoc Is top.tr.." A'. 1'. Urapluc. Canal mulos do ao?--Ilos'on 7W. "How iulorestlngthoso mon of lot lers aro, Susiin!" ' l)o you think so? ' rcpliod S sail. "Now, I think tho Jot ters of men aro much morolntoroJtinjr," at tho rmmo tlmo holding up a dainty looking eji.etlo sho had received fioix "somebody." Motion Transcript. Judgo Tourgoo Is delivering a lo t uro on "A iamlly of KooR" 't havon't heard It, but jirosumo ho rofon lo tho girl who kludlod a 11 ro with kerosene, tho boy who "didn't know it was loadod," and tho man who aiks' "Is-It cold enough for your" aV. 1'. Advertiser. High classic ' Can you compre hend lira?" " I nm, porhaps, a little obtuso, but jou may lo sure that 1 shall go' nt your moaning prosontly." Low Inasio "Can you catch on" " Woll, perhaps I don t drop as 8 d dcnly as somo, but you hot I'll tumble us (pile); as tho average." The JuJtje. A magazino writer has recently published a long art'elo about " womon'i iiosoj." Tho best thing wo know aboul a woman's noso is a muslncho. The best klinl )n n, pnlo lirown, ami waxed al tho ends. For enmplo, nnd liutructluu in best mothod of nnnl cation, annlr at this oflloe, after businojs hours. Jlur- Umjton Ilawkeye. So you have cot twins nt youi houioi"' saltl Mrs. Ho umbo to little Tommy Samuolson. " Yoj, ma'am, two of 'cm." " Wliat aro you go ng to call thcmP" "Thundor and lightning." "Why, thoso nro strango names to call children." "Well, that's what p k-uiiuu muni us soon ns nu ncani iiioy wero iu tlio hotiso." Texm BljUnys, " Justlco.your Honorl"oxclaimed a legal comet in ono o his occentrio per orations, "Is not llko tbo fabulatod llriario is of old, whoao oyes woro ai multiiilical ns tho sands of tho sea, Hot yut Iiko tho famed Cyclops whoso vision perforated onlv tho arena of tho coming futurity, but Iiko tho sportlvo dorm stration of 'blind man's bufT.' Slits pursues her way uiiiooliig anil unseen, holdm; tho stoo'yardj that wolgh with coovni riciss iiiuo tlio carats of gold and tho carros of horticulture, and knowing no North.no South, noKast.nc Wost!'f Home (A'. '.) henlintl. A report comes from London thai thoro Is n chaugo in tho fashion In dogs. Young ladies Vho havo beon wearing Englsh jnigs (t match tho.i complex on, trimmetl with plastroiu and things, or tho Kalian groy hound oi K Ing Charles spmlol, cut entrain with j.i' ot and polonaise, will rogrot to loarn that thoy havo gone out of. fashion, nnd thoy might as well bo glvon to tho j.oot or r.old to tho old rag-man. Tlionowgtyle of dog is tho llully whito 1'omoranlan, with a noso in point appli no and shir red cars: or tho .Maltese tcrrior, with s silk Jackot ami velvot llngerlo orsorao thing that way. A'orrisiown lltrald. i An AfTcctlonnto Child! Llttlo Tommy Mllligan was dressed up in linn clothes bv his parents nnd sent ovor to his grand other's on Christ ii as day, on Austin avenuo. Tha old gontlmn recclvr-d h s grand on In n most kindly manner. When tho time enmu for lummy to go homo, n uch to tho dollght f tho old man, ho refused to go, sat Ing that ho wanted to Ilvo per matic'iitly with his grandpa. "So you lovo your old grandpa si muohyou 'on'twantto lcaio idm?" oxeiaiiucd tho dolghtcd old an. "No, if no J,at," ro Hod Tommv, but every tlmo ma sends mo to visit vou smjjvntshos my faco. nud I liato to hnvn ffny fnce washed, so you fee if 1 lived with you all the tl i e, gramlna. ma could not sen I iro to you, and l would novor havo o havo mv fa o washed. Ndihlnt Hint bo ucoraraaj ? ixg, pw nrujmn'Wsw-uytvj ucarw.-tui m; aunt Atlnm woro noctifls, nndtoFo'omon's lovcn liumlrcd wives was denied tho delight of seo ng their llcgo lord decked out in n do n shirt and collar. How tho dandles of Ihoso daya managed to look rotpectablo is a matt'r of iuulanchoy con oi-turo. Tlio history of tho mod ern cud is a startling con fi mint on of Mr. Darwin's theory of ctoatlon. It was evolved from nothing. What aw ful an I fautastio shipos it may yot as sume no mnn can toll. Fifty cnrs ago tho cttir wns ns much a curiosity as was n linen shirt fifty years boforo. ThO gentlemen of tho ltevolutlon woro ruiiies or ruusoi taco or crimpeu nnnn nbout tliolr wrist. It was about thirty jo.trs ngo thnt tho first linoti cuIT wns mado. it was a plain band of linen sowed to tho shirt slcovo and was fast ened by an ordinary jiorcclaln button. Its uso grow rapidly In publio favor, nnd In a low years thoro opjtoarcd In tho markot a cull", buttoning soparaloly to tho wristbnnd. Thoro had boon still no proiisbn madu for tbu orna mental button, but sovcral yoars attor a cult was mntlo having In ono end tho much-coveted holo, nnd from that ihw tho success ot tho iiivcnt'on was asitureil. A pioco ot wbito linen was a good thing, but a piece of linen nnd a chunk of gold, nnd tho first slcovo buttons woro coined of thnt proo'ous motal, lombinlng as thoy did utility and beauty, comfortand clognnco, at onco found tholr way into permanent popular notice Tho linen cull of today Is its tinliko that of twenty years ngo as is man and tho monkey, lhern aro now sold by tho trndo three classes of culls, respect ively madu of linen, jicrcalo and cellu loid. Tho tollulold otiir, whon first it mado its appearance, created a genu Ino furoro; but now It is worn ns a rulo only by traveling salesmen, who have to do thnlr washing on the lly, nnd poor people In tbo summer tlmo. The porcnlo cuiT, llkowlso ouco high in iho estimation of the wealthy and tho icatliotio. has gone Into nt loast a tem porary oblivion, althotich wholosalo iobbers say thoy llntl rcatly sains for uoin tlio porcnlo nnd celluloid cuft's In tho oxtretno Dontli m WuiU Tlio t-uW which laps ovor and buttons nt ono end is now considered barbarous. Thn tiltm fashionablo kind Is tho cufT which is Klua have booome all-powerful , -bountl togothor bv a link button. It , Uirouglionl tho world ' by the fact that r should bo uttacho'd to tho shirt aloovo I "ft bollof constantly Inculpated during - f by two dol.cato slljis, oxtonslons from tho oarly years of llfo, whllo tho brnln that part of tho cua -which a sailor i 9 Inipro's be, nppours to ncoHFroaX' would call "nmldshlpe." Ono reason most tho nam o of jn.'n.ti.s-vsV jr-jcry Lt why tho percale culls wont out of fash-, csottco of whicb Is tbat it is followed ft, ion was bocauso thoy cost moro than a ! Independently f omob. v s good linon nrtlclo. nnd wcro not nearly j Tbo yonn' hlht is ni War In tlms fc so decent lu nppoaranco. About liftoon bands of f lhr. Sho can mold It , -t years ngo tho paper cuT, llkowlso tho n"hocI . no. notns sho choofj j, paper collar, was held up to Iho adtnir- b t nc-X- - her ability, even. Uh iM, Ing gnzo of consumers. Millions woro tho aailptorhU model cwraia-lo J f manufnetured, nnd It was thought tho ideal fad Urn niastcrv of tlio pnnc p ? dcsltloratum had nt Inst been foun I, but ot '' t. Every rlght-m adod Mother ; I tho pnjior eulU llko tho tiorcalo, Is now J"1'' 1.T5 'iar c,h'' wsrdhfl th r only tisod In tho South nud In tho ox- b ghost ldOU of intell'aKj'-, .v rt, ttomo West, around (ialveston, anil In ,'l" "w.w mo a""7?, . gTL, y m Iho Dlack Hills. .Ki- UlwtelMffl culls soM in'tliift'Oimtry are r nmlfact- 'iWatelf JasMmHM;gsaM wesj, mff' I tirodlu'IVov, N. V. Somo vcati niro weops, wWJrs J4soi toTsriiiat jf -iV gr ui mniiv wero imported irom iin- glaud. Aownone aro brought ncroM tho ocoan. On the other hand. Amorl - can culls nro finding a large salo in London and I'Brls. Six yoars ngo ciiITs woro nadu In two orthrcojileces. nnd ono stio. In par- tlcular, was about nino inches long, nnd Ihen dotiluVd over to within a half-Inoh . -. ... . . . .-. . ui mo hi lining- oinc Jll Ol I DO CI1IIS of today nro what is known ns four-ply , that Is. tho V nro mntlo of four tlilr-lr. ' ncsses of linen, with tho intorlltilngs of I .ml t0 romo ryth ng thnt hldoi cotton. All-llnoncu h are but llttlo I ''om a "'? "ht ta, Is. to worn. Thoy cost from sixty to sovonty-1 lior houso with livlug stat cs. or Ilvo cents per jialr, nnd havo not half with statuettes, perfect In o tllno aud tho capacitv for holding starch and jyniinctry. Iho maturia that Is in her kcoping stfir that tho "ndutlcratod" ,m'"1 may not bo of ipiallty or Ih owaB gootls possess. Thoro are throo general tlty to ni,l,ko cojossal statues, but If he shapes In cufTs. souaro oornors, round succeeds iu making it Into good models, cornors nntl clioppod-oir cornors. In ' ,n raak'BS ,0' tn8 "o1 that can ba Now York nnd Hoston tho roundrornors ' msl,' hcr ,,l,t !s we dono- . .. aro laslilonablo, In rhroilolphla tho suuaro corners arc all tho go. nnd In Washlncrton nntl Hnltimoro ono soes nothing but tho choppod cuQc. .... . 1 irtuiscltymenlikoablgouir, as big ns thoy can cot It. In Now Or oans tho ' bon.ton wear diminutive wrlst-bands. I and out in tho boundless West thnv , wear n from Tho latter m1 '" rr.? '"...'"'"L'" "."T n ann I .! .T .. Vf 1 rovn a, sinrand Xblo ' nytltlngthathaiipcustobohandv. !..".." L.t t .rr". .?ui.. ...' V. " t. ft." a dish-ras to a iialr of nlnnor. "-l-- "-'" l'" -f. "!. is the all-provalllng stylo In . ""'"? a"?J ZJ?' ?" ??A "81BJ- " denominations wear 'd.rforont kinds o' volol,mIcnU , "or. as some plant have a cuffs. Quakers want small single cu"J ' ' eavcs-somftial primor that lap over and button at tho end. i d!a1, Pwl'tont-so some children show Actors wear big cuirs and largely patron- ? 'S1c2Bn'S,f0Il1i t.r,!lU,,RBl1 'V' Mli y.o tho gaudy percale wllli polta dots n mi" "r dLMcnttht worn, and rainboiv stripes like b'lU-po ters. ,8(of "'JWuUi. Toaage heffgure. It Is pormlssiblo to wear a tigh .flttlnsr ' f.rao c ,lldr0,Ko '"" l rair smu cufTln tho winter, although tlio present tM ??d T1 ,IDe,?K?r- " stvlo favors a roomy ono that w.l Tome ' f,0" LS,Hn SmtSCl? down clovcrlv oror thn wrial nn.l vt "oe nn' m ""n,e " OfCteir de- nor.tlckln't fo0coMoo ? like a ? Jt P 1,mt ' ve their pji, to man In an alloy. Nono but fops wear ;,Palr-. orf 0I? te the 'iWiest tholr cuffs down to their knock es. Tim 'P.I'08, of ttUimae noble mattrltyj.Wi bostdlstanco 1, from an Inch to half an incu. xo vary mucii irom this standard -- ri' v- "- ",- Is to display oxcossivo modesty or u i J? R ts lo n f0,0,"1 "f . ,i " becoming loudness A dirty cuiT Is a ,,aV ot. its , or ","on. hJlVt thing, tofeo washed and nottmkcdabouuVS Chicago llcraUL Pat Holland's Shooting Triok. A Novada oxohanr-n sirs. Vnnra mm In ll.n Aarlw li ..S t.K ' rv.mstnr.ir TMimi.nt ! iintu...i . postraastor and coroner In a little town In Cochiso County, Arizona, was tho moit rospeclod mr.n In tho Stato. Ho had the reputation of being a dead-shot witii a pistol, en courso this accom plishment made hint feared by every body, ami thoro ww no man in Virginia Investigation has developed that (He so bold as i to cross him In publio. l'at fascinating game of draw poker was In acquired his reputation bv shooting on vented somewhoro about 1816 or 1817 tho Uage, and could kno knnnpplooir r by Mr. Klrkraan, ol Tcnueswo, a his eons head with an accuracy an 1 1 turfman of some note. The game ed carelouncsj which combined toi.j press -trnlght or plain iioker, of ciHa date tho publio far moro than tho nianucr In much farther back. JJraw may V be which the painstaking William Toll said to be the National gae. mU li. p formed tho foatw than arrow, H-'yorhnps. doing mora harm InaculsH nally.l'at soeu.ed a young lady who Ind Innocent way thai, cealaV Hi would allow an apnlo to bo shot o her , futures or ear other specie oi gatrJuV AX w I,?? W',C?,10XCCUtcl .'" Almost everybody knows a 11U& "m '$ h.-!rS.,l,tSWu.,iU kcou 0i? " ? hl,1T -HMi the game, wklvh .,,- X - "s-iis suss siia ur avis into inq,ainipe enough, and jst It )im Imumi gallery, and without looklnc at his gravely consiiTerciUnd act i.clgv4thaUhe in-irk. send a bullet through u,e fruit, ,ry height of human wdomstokHcw Ihis was put down on tholllls as "l'at ' when tonlav a hand down. Sohm vran Hollands psychological feat o saoot- Ulticeadraw-pokershariswlw MieaeiWv housos." Ono night ho adve.tsed'lo hutise. and who claliucd the rtartliiiK .hoot npplos fromlwclvo jo ng ladles' I and showy sobriquet ol "The SnSrVM heads in succession, nnd onlv take ono ! Y..lln.r,.,mm- L. M,..it ofi' i-iT look attho orowd. Pliter's Onern llonso .. . . was pao ed with men nt ono dollar a head, nnd wl on the curtain roso twolvo immaculate ballot dancors wero in lino ilong Iho wings, oach with an applo on hor Head. I'a stopped to tho foot lights n bowed aniid romendous apjilause Ho had a six-shooter In each hand, ind Wlo stago mnuager anno ricod that bo would shoot the last six apples with his loft hnn-l, Casting his syo along tho line ire took a long broath. a steady position, and then fa-ed. the audience. Lifting hu revo,. rnr, ho ' egau to shoot lu rapid uovo lion, and tho apples began to lly out of t i -a n ,nri-, , sight amid tho breathless silence of the titidlcnoo. Tho curious part of the per formance, however, l.ty in tho fact thai by tho tlmo l'at had fired tho sit aboti all tho npplas had disappeared, yet ha kept on .anging away with his left hand, amid roaw of latightor und deri sion. To cap tho climax, two applos got tangled together nnd remained dangling from tlio edge of a scono Id plain sight of tho audiencn. Tho tries. was at ouco apparent. .Each apple had a fine thread attached, and at the shot was Jerked quickly out of sight. The supes behind tho scenes who pulle the strincs cot confused at Tnl'e rapM firing, and half tho apples disappo.ired boforo tho t mo. Two wero smtfehoe" oil simultaneously, and tho strings over lapping In tho a r brought tho npplei togother, whero thoy hung to the edge of tho scciio, tho strings being on each sldo. This ended Holland's nrecrasa pit Ho soloist on tho p stol, and tli publio gradually came to look hpoS hint as nn ordinary mortal. , Soon after IhH lin rrnt Inln n atrnnt: rnc In l'loohtt find tired twolv ahou Ih it ajk 1t inccu poritoii oi iho city wiitHHil Killing a man. Hut for attempting to do too much nt oneo ho might have gooe te Congress from this Stata years ago, i Early Triiinufc. A fow days ago a couple ot PyronoKu boars passed our door in okirsro of a. Spanish koonor. One ot tficmTiJM" pcrfonn a groat variety of tricks, and was almost" as oxticrt In his t-a,sibQla ' and oxplolti as a trained monkoy. ThV otnor was clumsy ana stoiui jn his per formance, and fnr less Intelligent, appar ent! v. than his comiwnon. TIi.a keen er explnlnod that thoy wore brotliuK, nnd tho only dlirorcncc between therh wai that ono hail hcjn caught six months earlier than tho other, though both wero caught when cubs, aril mid' ed: "If yov only catch a bear young anough you can train him to do most anything." Tho samo romark 's equal ly npplicahlo to many animals beside bears. Im explanation Is not dlMeult. Ono of o p ino.'t acute otserrsts-i,.anv eminent nutlipriiv in,a)Mseo, expia i ibow no TtrtlV "stratlgO CUStpm IWdWIJ!" pcMtltions. In comit cto opposition to tlio truo wolf are nntl happiness ot men- ' . ,"" . i t " "i mi ;t, vi 'A bit of wr no larger than the lUt.toi . ft bloFl ' msr,b'0.n"',e,M!; k ?.- ' " bo maJo' ,u kniful hands, to taM ,, ; the shnU t( auy tao ol tjfee gros - wastorpl, .-sot art, Many l,boy ol wpuloiim . My hac in htm Iho el- raon,s lhl." "KUt'r'Ivf,?.T0'?l'', ,ho ""povlh matorlatchMed away i ..... ... i. . .1...-J. t..i - . -'6" -x " - jv.-v f-ia:T'v ., 0"10 'X ' l ro ' ,,h, k? fa tho problem- i trre tho ldo.il Unas . ?-. " must noi co lorgoueu mai im P'"or trains her child as much UY wnat .mo is res. y wnai sue ",00,5- , ?,' ," ,tll? atraoiphore nf lin a-ilislil Slim la liVsA itilia rrrta r.i ",'": :, X-, i. lu, .mi"- ""T"'" i. "' '.'"'.. ""r ."?'"-" lo " P.0,.n ' or .." u ?.nl lr? V ". 0 win in iho ii cuo prao - iOt 'I UI acoordlnirto the devolonmont 1,, K5 r "pffi mt' tuL?.vCn " who bog ns In season to so imp om er talu fun amuntul truths and rightprlR olples on tho brain and heart ol bet chiltl that ho can never outerow or es vapo tholr iui'uonce, amj tiieso priacl plos rhnll constantly nntogonl o ttHftca- clue in blm to evil and strcnifllien ten duu, eVto B?d- 1,mt ' whole bolnj: Jluiing Its entire oxlstence shall respond "ocry stago of its dotelopmeat tokef mammal toujU. AT. . fnbuhey Draw i'eker. n.l.It.lA I -. 1 - 1 . vr exhibited to us and a couple, or New !"- "aas.asj a a a uin -tuiiii mil mn t loric commercial tourists how four jacks could bo draw tioat a task a4 hold tin a sloevo for ua dHrfn -. coaslonot guuios. M, contrtbuUidViiw. eratiy for tlio iiiformatkw. nl si ! thou havo sot ' e dnwlng nmsH 1 CV iuu tuiiuiiHuc.i ii wny onswu tnattl fori wiiLnotio-eanyihKwyaliowV ou gleet to draw Ih this war. . TWo 4- tome rules about it eatlrelrsafa. a( Iplay forMsoaeyW vou eanuot nouvna j iently atortl to ksM It, Jon!t playwlth- oi t you umterstABtl th same. Tk men ar all dead who understand lisit Ijaiae, AfiKoM (tVa.) 'Jiekgnk. ' sursMP r7 ,-ww ir nini ef nil tiiinrre n ivimr aim la ia t intuj ttwiu uw ui itrrnin imi in hi in ol ' ' l-VJ.lt ., li J ' ...! ? i r J i sSfUw rvlHH TJ :&tmwiM rtoVtyerfor.-WCfr .. TO. I wlV. ware --toiiflfl,i .VAI UUSUBII 0 vu-s--s '"-. t'M.WMHrwm3SMMga,Ml . I J . . -2- ,cc