Newspaper Page Text
IksiM :M7ftftJika MJL-M TXarss. wwlAwil''l mwMwBMmiwimwmmmmnmrmto&wwmmammMmwlw&M&Mtwmm K iS TBEOHIKFTAIIS Fot tho caino that lacks RMlMancp, For tho wrong that nerds retdstniicu, For tlio future In tho distance, And tho rood that wo mil tin. Published Every Friday by tlio Indian Chieftain PunMsiiiKa Co Wv. P. ltORK, :t AND Editors. J. W. Schoons VINITA. I.T.. 03 1'. 12 , 1W3. Wo must houses. liavo bailor school Tho payment at Tnhloqtiah ntul Fort Gibson passed oiTquiotly. Now is tho limo for Councillors tt riso abovo parly hnd work for tho good of tlio country. Tlio illumination in St Louis this week was tho finest and most ex teiiBivo.cvcr seen on tlio globe. Wo enn spend $1UJOOO on "school liouspp.f'JC.OOO on, $15,000 on tho roads nndthen hnvo more left than wo will know wlmt to do Kith. Dont forget that ilridgo over Grand river. Wo can havoilasoasy as not. Jhitjlont give it to us in tlieshapoofa monopoly to hniiR over' our heads and tho heads of our postorityfor all timo to come. Let u havo no special legislation.' There aroTour things ovory body is agreed upon, viz: tho building'of bridges, court houses, working the roads and assisting ncigbhor hoods to build cchool houses. Tho Chero kecs are not going to bo bohind the ago in theso things any longer. Thoro is no m ccssily or sense in Council spending two or three weeks in organizing and piddling before 'gc'thig down" to business. Two or Ihreo days arc sufllrient. Last year was agreat improvement, now let's boo this year) if things cant bo done up about right. " M ' lilb II The jury, in tho caso of Dick Turner, charged witli tho murder ot Chfirlcs'Squirrcl, in Juno, tried Inst week at Tahlequah, brought in a verdict of manslaughter in first degree, and sentence of nino years in tlio National prison at Tahlo quah, was passed on him by Judge Uigby. There uro.tlirco olJiccB.'of impor. tanco shortly to become vacant, which should bo filled more in re ference to porsonnl qualification mid integrity of character than to party affiliation. Thcso aro the Treasurer, Associate Justico of tho Supremo court and ono mem ber of the Hoard of education. Thojolcction, Monday, inOhio, for Govornor and Members "of tho Legislature is claimed by both par ticfl. Tho vote is eloso with tho probability in favor of tlio Demo crats. Iowa is reported llcpublican. Have you an Orchard? If not, p'ant ono. Now is a good timo to tot out tho trcea. Ilavo you shade trees around your houso to afford a pleasant placo for your children during tho long hot summer days ? No I Tnen got them at once. Don't put it off. You may never have a butter timo in which to do it. Tho Government of tho Cherokee Nation nndall ita institutions arc mipportcd by tho interest derived from invontmonts hold in trust by tho Secretary of Interior, under treaty stipulations.- That is tax ation, indirect to bo surcnitjnuvor tho less taxation. It is equal in ninouut upon all who meet it re gardless of ago, sex or condition, but not equal upon all who are ci tizens many of whom enjoy equal rights imdur tho law and' derive far greator advantagoB from them than do thoso who bear the whole burden of government, Thia is not right. Tho Ciiikitaix votes that "every ekillet." man packs his rwu Coowcepcooweo District is too large, so is Delaware District. Theso districts havo tho largest re presentations' in council and aro rapidly increasing in population. If tho present rato of incronso con tinues ilia probable that these two districts will havo a largor repre sentation than all tho rest combin ed. Tho largo size of theso districts renders tho execution of law very difficult nnd burdensomo. Many citizens livo over a dayB joqrnoy from tho court house. To bo bum moned as a witness is to a groat many a veritable calamity. It is bad statesmanship to have pomo districts too much largor than other, Tho nearer all districts nro to being tho samo elzo, tho nearer equal will be-tho represen tation of all. Tho remedy is very simplo Hoorgiuiieo thedistriols, ao ni to havo threo distrier wect of (J rand RSvor inttcad ol ono and part " ofnotho. This is a saib praotiu. able, reasonable plan and wo hopo Council will consider it Oin I Mtiurm The fmlu lug artnh by Mr V II. Hoiltr, Geologist and Mining Kngineer, h full long for the col umns of tho CiukI'TaIn. Bul as it trentH of tho natural resources of tho Torritory in which aro involved untold millions, wo insert it to tho oxclusion of items of perhaps more Intorostto thogonoral reader. Let Ihe people know and fully oitlmalo tho value of their inheritance, and their National Councils legislate wlsoly in reforonco to it. look ing to tho rights of all and not the advancement of a favored few of their constituents. Tlio development of tho Indian Territory will bo secured beyond question by the abundant supplies of good coal, which makes its np pcaranco on all tho completions linos of travel north, south, cast and west. Comparatively littlo is Uiicivn of tho extent of tho other mineral resources; in consequence they are but very imperfectly ap preciated. So far nk ascertained the indications are that they will 111 surpass the expectations even of nor own people, wncn once me treasures now lying dormant shall havo been nmdo accessible by in telligence and labor, lu oneof my communications to the press, I gave a short notice ol the occurrence In theCreok'Nation of immense stores of the oxide of mangnncpo, a mineral which is ex tensively lined in tho manufacture of steel and glnsH, nnd for thu gen oration of chlorine. It contains be side alumina, phosphoric acid and traces of oxides of coppor, cobalt and nickel, Per oxido of manga nese, 81.0 per cent; sesqui oxide of iron, lfi.3 percent, which is fully equal in quality to thu dumauds of tho manufacturing chemist for making bleaching salto and other preparations of chlorino. It exists here in two conditions, ono of which is bard and crystalline, thu other pulverulent and black,coutaining a laigo jxiri'enliio of oxygen upon which tho market valuation de pends. Next in importance is the accu mulation of largo beds of aaphal turn, which has been observed in Kovoral localities in the Chickasaw and Choctaw Nations. In the vi cinity of Maytoby Springs, tar or more properly, petroleum Springs occur over a space of about fitly square yards. Thu surface of the area which they occupy is covered with a dark crust of indurated bitu men, from ono to several foot thick, which is used in immenso quanti ties for illuminating purposes, for city pavements, loots, cements and in any situation where a per fectly water tight construction is required. Hero are tho samo indi cations as were thoso of thu famous oil wells of Pennsylvania and nor thern Ohio, piior to tlio discovery by deep borings of incxliMislibfo quantities of petroleum or rock oil. A number of acid springs which surround tho locality present con siderable diwndty both in temper ature and relative properties of mineral ingredient. All of them yield potrolcum and carburotted hydrogen cub In more or loss abun dunce. Tho petroleum may be seen constantly rising in small globules which coalescing, form a scum upon tho surface of tlio springs, the sides of which aro nho coated with tliiH subbtaneo. Tho water is quite Four, owing to thu remarkable acid properly it contains. It. wmiis from both the bottom and the sides of tho springs. Tho disngreeablo foetid odor of it is caused by tho presence of petrol eum. Ik'Bidcs petroleum, bubblos of carburotted hydrogen constantly escape lrom every part ot tno spiinga. Tho geological structure of this region consists of alternate beds of light brown and ash color ed clay and marl, soft, calcareous and siliceous Mim'stoncs and bitu minous shales witii included beds of coal and ironpyrltes, holonging to tho upper carboniferous poriod It is not hi'probablo I hat largo sup plies of petroleum or rock oil might ho obtained from deep excava tions. It is a general beliuf that asphal turn and potrolcum originate from coal. In legard to this "Fraas," in his excellent book "From tho Orient," has explained tho forma tion of earth oil on the coral reol'of Djobel. According to thia scien tist, the oil there must bo a direct product of decomposition of dead uiaiino animalB. 'Credner" has also comu to tho conclusion that petroleum, if not in all, in most easos, ban been formed in this manner. The most abundantly flowing wells in Nottli America are in the deeper Devonian and Silu rian strata, emanating from a bitu minous blato, and are from ono hundred and sixtv to two hundred miles distant from tho out crops of me great coal imsln. blnular con ditions exist in lCurope. Tlio reck oil of l)runswick,IIanovor,Galicia, ivo, ascends from bituminous clays not from coal donosits. In various parts of North Germany, there oc- turs asphaltum, the origin of which can not bo explained but by thu hypothesis that rock oil ux udes, as if were, from bituminous dejioaitB, uvaporated and solidified,, I lie samo una cavities in geodea and hIioIIs or the fissures of tho surrounding rocks. A similar oc currence exists in tho Devonian system of New Brunswick. As a third reason, that rock oil must bo a decomposition of animal matter, thu peculiar occurrence of Uraocoalin tho Jurassic system at Usnauruck Ib given. Togothor with cnlcspar und partly with vory thick deposits of bands of iron spar tho samo fills hero tho fissures which penetrate through regular donosits of clay slatos. This coal can only bo considered as a pro duct of decomposition of animal matter. Prof. Peckhani, who has given great attention to the subject, also considers tlio rock oil as the pri mary product of tho decomposition of marine animal and vegetable or ganiBin, especially of tho flmt, bo Uuvina thai tho different kinds of it originate from tho various forms of ainnml lifo. Pi'cUiiiiii'h view is 1 H. prrt'd v tbe fict tb,.' wb.le 'robutii lit m 'u m Itlp nitrogen, tho oil from the car boniferous t and torliary epoch, nliiiifwHnrr in fnaatl rnmnltid rif higher animnta, is rich in nitrogen. I Of this kind aro tho .Miocene pro duets in Pouthorn California, on the Caspiaa Boa, and in the Texas Hlrala, where wo have found re mains of elegantly preserved bones of several species of horses, rhiiu coros, tortoise, tigerj, sloths and o number of smaller animals, most of them saturated with oil, in exca vations for wolls at depths of from 30 to 00 feet below tho surface. Petroleum has never boon discov ed under such conditions as would lead un to bcliovo without doubt, that its origin was from wood. Wood in prehistoric timoa has been converted into lignite and coal, but it scorns that for its con version into petroleum other con ditions wore necessary, and Hiich as were never known to exist. The view that the older rock oils have been produced from Sen-algiio is to be sustained by chemical analysis, tho difference between tbe compo sition of the algae and tho animal organism at the bottom of the sea, being too small to bring about a perceptible difference in the pro ducts of their decomposition. The co-existeneo of Pelroloum with animal remains in tho Lias in Kngland, thu Silurian in Canada, and the Miocene in California and lexasis another proof of tho ar gument which is drawn from tlio high percentage of nitrogen in po--.. Ti... .. ii. . ii... . i muuuin. inu iuiv null lilt) puos- phorous and sulphur of tho animal tissues are not met with in these hydro-carbons, must bo attri buted to tlio circumstance that they aro readily oxidized and then cur ried away by tho wator. Sulphur and sulphuretted hydrogen aro nevertheless mot with in Califor nia petroleum. Tho various kinds of pelroloum may bo divided into two groups. Thoso of the first, form asphaltum by a process of evaporation ami oxydationj they and their products ot distillation contain paraffin. The first group is ropreonted by the petroleum of Oil creek and its neighborhood in Pennsylvania. The second group forms asphaltum by decompos'ib-u. It does not con tain parartin, ...u tho oil regions of tlio Indian Territory bolong to it. They contain on tho average 1.010 to 1.105 per cent of nitrogen, that of Pennsylvania only 0.10; of West ugiiiia 0.05 per cent. Very Respectfully, A. It. UolMSI.KIt, Geologist nnd Mining Eng. The caso of "ox parto" Frank Morgan, brought up before tho U. S. District Court at Fort Smith, on a writ of "habeas corpus," was argued and submitted last Thurs day. Tlio court took tho caso un dur advisement, decision to bo ren dered in a few days. It will doubt leas bo nmdo this woek. Tho facta aro those : Morgan killed Albert Johnson in thu Cher okee Nation, both parties being native Cherokcea and citizens of tlio Cherokee Nation. Morgan lied into the Statu of Arkansas, and D. W. Bushyhead, Chief of tho Chorokeo Nation, made a req uisition upon tho Governor of Ar kansas for tho ajiprehonsiou of Morgan and his delivory up to tho Chorokeo authorities under thu Clu'rokeo treaties and tho laws of tho Unitud States in reference to extradition. Tho Sheriff ofSo baBtinn county, Ark., arrested Morgan upon a warrant of tho Govornor, and was procooding to turn him over to tho Chorokeo au thorities, when a writ of "habeas corpus" issued from tho U. S. Dist. Court at Ft. Smith, bringing tlio caso before that tribunul un judicial examination. Tho issue in tho caso is this : "Is tho Chor okeo Nation u conipolent party un der tho laws and treaties of the United State to demand fiom a state in tlio Union tlio extradition of a fugitivo from justice?" Tho question is a now one, and is likely to bo attcned with vory important results whichever way it ia decided. Tlio caso was ar gued by 1). W. C. Duncan, Vinita. on pait of tho Cherokee Nation. There is great excitement in Europe over the insults offered to King Alfonso, of Spain, at Paris. Tho Franco-Prussian war grow out of a less matter. That "Thoro is a divinity that doth hedge about a king" is immeasurably ri diculous in this age. Conceit, pride, arroganco, vanity and pre emption combined could not pro duce a more monstroua absurdity than tho "Divine Right of Kings" An insult to King Alfonso ia really of no more consequuneo than un insult to an old woman who keeps n peanut btand. The niiico ia to be revered, but not tho officer. Wo hopo they wont fight about it, but if thoy do, wo will furnish them beef. Tho National Council of tho Crook Nation luivu had a committee of twolvo counting tho votu cast in Soptouibor for tlio Chiofs. Tho commituto havo probably nmdo their report as the Council would adjourn by Friday (to day) until Deo , when tho mombors-oleat will tako their seats. Polrco City. A correspondent, on hia travols writes that Poirco City will booh hnvo gas ami wator works, which in addition to other improvements will mako it tho most beautiful town in tho south west. Tho Fair will bo a groat Miceoss I liinnzmr in I I Em JPuB X m'Mi Ff.'HI rVmt TRHU $' r?&i KJ mH KB MWd MM HI Pj'f fLj K&fm Mm MM mLm Pli Ml Tho Fair is over and many failed to get premiums who expected Ihem and some got Uifn wlio didn't expect them, but Iho groat Sweepstakes. is unwftvorlingly awarded without any disappointment to anybody to For his immensq assorlmont of BOOTS and S1ICES, HATS, CAPS, QUEENSWAItE, HARD- WAKE, TINWARE, TRUNKS, VALISES, FAMILY GROCERIES, OVERCOATS. BLANKETS, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, etc., etc., etc. THE BEST PIERCE CITY FLOUR. ATTENVIE CLERKS, FAIR AND LIBERAL DEALING. GIVE ME A TRIAL AND SEE IF I DO NOTSATISFY YOU. tun"! !,. 4OT. , Did you hear amytliing. Well, tho birjgost racketlthat has been heard' ajiout Vinita In a good viiilo is at Thoy have just received an immonso stock of every Btylo aud doBcriplicn)f .'.full lint of ovory kind of rhcl' and heavy E3ARDWAREI HARDWARE I AgrioulturAl implements of ovory kind. Carpontor's tools, blacksmith's toola, tirm toola And the heaviest itock of Weating Stoves!inSthG' Indian .Territory- , II as just been added to our already largo establishment, and is chuck full of now goods and MoroSOomixig on ISvory Train. R.oTnom.'taor tlao j5Xcvoo. A- O. RAYIvlOD, - - Vinita, S. T. Thoro4s ono plnco in tho Iudinn Territory whoroyou can buy any kind of goods you want.v Wo fccop A General Store Toy OtX3c Ouatom ors. IF YOU WAKT Harnoss, Saddlery, Loathor Gooda of any kind IF YOU WANT Wagons, Agricultural JlHchinory, Ruggics, Spring "Wagons, ntc, etc., IF YOU AIIE SICK' and want Mcdicinos, Drugs, Prescriptions carefully prepared, otc, IF YOU WANT Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Redding, otc, otc" etc, G2rO to "7Ua On E3.a5L?03XriS- ' YOU AliE HUNGRY and want Groceries, Flour, Bacon, Cannod Goods, otc, etc C3rO to "7 O jTXOISI IF YOU ARV IN LOVE and want Candios, I'orfumiod, Toilot Goods, Soap, oto otc, O-O WO "VP" O E-LWJOKT'CB. J' Y0V AliE GOING TO MA Mi Y and want a complete outfiit of everything, GO TO W. C- PATTON'S. WHEBE TO mtftf HE3 frw1" - AML.V. - .GO. Tinit.i,I. T. Fashion Catalogue For rail co.A VXin-te 'K3-04 BKISTT CRISIS To nny ono scndinif fall immo nnd ad dress Contains litlioarnhcil Faalilon Plates nml above 100 beautiful Wood KiiRrnvlnns, lllustrnllng thocry Intent novelties In .iidlpn' nml t'hlldrcnV Hiilln nnd Clonks, Umlorwenr, Infiints Odtnts, Ilnxiery, GontB Furnlalilne uooiln, LnecR, I ancy (iuoils, Fllvirwnre, Jewelry, Wnlclios, Hoots mid Shoes, Ifnlr Oood, etc., etc. Prices lower than tlioso or nny other lioiiHC. H. C. K. KOCH &S0N, Oth AicASJOtli St, Sow York. JOHN and GEORGE Bullette. Full Now Btook Just boiiKh In Kalnt Iiils at lowest wliolelo y. les and now for salo at - Bed-rock Prices. DBY GOOD'S, GROCERIES. QTJOSISN'SVA.'BIi, . TINWARE, BRIDLES, Etc. Gush pnld Tor furs, hides, etc. Cash nr goodB In exchaugo lor cattle.- Trade roltcitcd, Sl-Om TULSA, I. T. RAILWAY irccl Ron! East! 2 fRAINS DABLYI Pullman Palaco Hotol Cars through to St. Louis, via Bcdalia, dally, t Direct Itouto West and Southwest .VItt KANSAS OITY. At Kansas Giiy, ."."S for KanaH, Colorado, New Mexi co and California connect with Ex press. Tiains of all lines. MAfnliinnn Con n ec t i on in AlClllSOIl, made with' Ex press Trains for all points in Kan fas and Nebrabka. Al Omaha Connection is mado witli all lines lead. nj to tb; Nor,th and West. Superior Accommodations ! 9STFAST TIME V. CHASDI.EK, Oen'l Pima'r Apcnt. . II. KIXXAS, Ahs't Gen'l I'ass'r AR't, w. II. FLI.Tlllfclt, Agent at V ii FR8SCO LIME" St. Louis and Sanfranclsco TIir.OL'OII Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Indian Territory Shorter thau any othor routo botweon i cerTnnouan expreos teains ) Aro Itun Daily. ( NO CHANGE OF CABS. 200.000 I AMlnoral'VamlH' a.033L33S J for salo by this Company, in iSouthwoat AXIoBouri. fl-For full nnd pnrtlcnlnr Information with Maps, Timo TublcH, Hates, c, call upon any of our fetation Agents, or either of tho undernamed: O.W.CALK, I. WI.SIIART, Qor.'l Krt. A(?t.. Ucn'l Puss. At. ST. M)U1. MO. 8T. JOVS, MO. 0. W. ItnaKits, Vico-l'rcsidcnt nnd General Manager, Tcmplo Building, St. Louis, Mo. rti The Uirrauf Gems li I , iiued March and Sunt., each I year: 210 pagca, xllj Icchw. -with over :J.:iOO ttkW illustration s wholo pic- Ml price direct la eontumtrt on all good) for pergonal or family use. TclU how to order, and jlvc exact cct of every thing you uso, cat, drink, wear, or have fan wuh. Thcsa invaluable hoolu con tain Information gleanod from tho ma lct of the world. "Wo wilt malt a coiy 1' reo to any addrow upon receipt of the postage 7 cent. Let u hear from you. Itttpcdfully, ' MONTGOMERY WARD & Ca T WakMk A,l, CkUaw, ia Missouri Pacific 35 Miles n o SCt T nn i llULai).ilUllD a bdu rcr l'ost-odico Ttvhloquor ..T. f '. V Jff-2fcTrW3 JJ3 OOon hip and slioiildor, oltliorwdc, wild various murks. None bl only .1.1.. .. iu.iviiUnnlR river. 4 miles east of Talilcqiinli. JES3B 13. MAYCQ. Swnbow-fork nnd uiu'orblt In ono car and undereUpe In tno otlior. B. B. TAYLOB. 1'ost-ofllce, Vlulta, I. T. Brnndodon both ldt. Crop oil lull ens nnd split in right. iwMo-Locnst urecu. LM ijijii n"Tr f (AH. PoBt-ollle-i,. ii. r 9 Pralrio OitylCJff' ' Jlrnndcl with eniii' tirnnd oil both Fides and both hlj. KAMiH-llkad ol Iloase Greek. J. W. ELLIOTT & Co., Fost-olllce, Vlnltm I. T. 33SSS0BP IIor imirhs uuilerhit In afli car, crop oll'ofthohift. Cnitlu brmuh-! nn left hiii nnd HhouMer, KA.siijijKt'nbiii t'reek. joiik couNTnWAsr. I'onf-oflicp, Koho, I. T. llrand Buvon-up, 'tlu-i i.l.-. llurk crop oil right wn uiidt r kI.h oirieft ear. Ihinsn HuroCp.oi, C. X. EVANS, HUNTDB & NEVMAN. POBt-Offlt-'O, Evancvillo, lCanBtio.- & Hiilf.lirnoil Piiiint ft'i i.r,..i.iu,i i . yiimij hum n ii. .-iiine '".ir-,at3 nne i-ur- UiSJbii ll-tKail tho .....I ,. ktrjnnm FA7i-l tir iHt.ll. liul) ill ii r SlIK'vlr'B near iunou Coiuuiaticliu county pool. LOUIS XtOaBHQ. Poot-OlUco, Ohotopa, KaiiBB.1. Spilt and bit in iiu-'-tntr nnd allow mrk in left. Itond-b. ,md V. ,,., iiAKUK Cabiu CreoW. Ohorokoo Orphan Aoylum. "v 3Iark, smooth-crop In loft car, nnd uuderbit In right. JAKE OAPTAINB, Skiutook rost-ollico, C. N. j J i rfc3 Ilorso brand sumo on loft shoul der. "W.R.D.A.VIB.M.D. PftreticlBf Phytcilan. VINITA, INI). THU- & fvrrffiiiwEt ' Tl ."S".JL-.JT Wh i E ""J"UJ vM.rjfZjr-j-z c-ji Calls nmptly nlt.nlod to. day or burgory uiHi,M' iint' eMidn n I t ?1 -i I- .,. vV i j(WlllBir. -- j.A,-5S,Ww5!r ' - -v-n-r.. ? 'nwwjB.yj ""! rvJ'f,Mfc- BJ!"- "","WB ii