Devoted lo Iho Intercut oftlio Cliuroltcc, Clioctuus, Clilr-Uitiu, Seminole, Crocks, mill nil Ollior Indians of tho Iinllun Territory,
VOL. II. NO. G. t
Glcnncd tr Tctcgrnplt nnil .llntl
Tnis Postmaster General has mnilo tho
ruling tliat the reduction on the first of Oc
toticr on tho domestic rate of postage, from
Ihroo to two ccntj, reduced nlio from tlio
samo dnto from six lo four cents per linlf
junce, tho double sostnp;c, made In per
litnnco of section 3,915, revised statutes, on
tetters for delivery In tho United (States,
commonly called "ship letters," which nro
conveyed to this rountry by vessels not
regularly employed In convoying mails.
The claim of tho United Htntes ngnlnst
Wj Central Pacific Ilallroad Company,
pending for soma tlino In tho courts of Cal
ifornia, for a large amountot Internal rove
into taxes, has been u. promised. Tlio
terms of the compromise wcrothnt tho rail
road company shall pjy tho Uovernuiont
C,000 and costs of tho pending suit, and
relinquish a claim against tho Government
for $20,810, on account of interest alleged
to have been unlawfully retalnod slnco
January 1.
The Commissioner of tho General Land
Office Is reported to be conducting a lgor
ous cmsado against what is known as tho
land cruisers In tho West, upon n report of
spec'al agents. Tlilrtcon entries of public
Lands In Washington Territory wcro can
i clcd ono day recently. Tho Commissioner
said all parties In these, cases appear to
have combined in tho commission of fraud,
the combination oven extending to tho
Notary who witnessed tho papers. AH en
vies after confirmation wcro transferred
tonne Individual.
Tub Commissioner of Tensions has of
late received a great many letters from
various parts of tho country, enclosing
circulars sent out by Washington claim
ngonts, which discloics tho itso that tho
agents were making of tho lately published
pension rolls to lay tho foundation for
bleeding the Government nnd-pensiouers.
Tho circulars, It Is stated, held out Induce
ments to pensioners not flkely to even bo
fulfilled, but which looked to an ndvauco
fco to tho agents.
TnB report of tho Commissioner of Ten
sions for tho fiscal year, ended Juno 30,
183, shoucd that thero wero 303,(ViS pen
sioners on the roll nt th end of tlio fiscal
year. During tho year tho names of sov
tmty-slx, who had liecndropped previously,
wero restored to tho rolls, making .TS.tXiS;
pensions added during tlio year woro
In excess, 10,015 over tlio preceding
year. Averago annual vnluo of ontfi
pension, $100, nnd aggregate nn
nual voluo of nil pensions, $33,311,103; nn
increase, of $3,01,000; amount paid for
pensions, $00,001,003. Tlio apportionment
for salary and fees to Tension Agents was
exhausted, and thero Is a balance duo tho
agents. Tho whole, number of claims filed
slnco 1F01 was 680,137, of whleh010,03S wero
allowed. During tho samo timo $031,073,297
was paid for pensions ami costs of disburse
ments. The Commissioner of Tensions, in his re
port, takes up tho question on tho practices
of claim agonts with pensioners, and says:
"Tlio evils of which complaint has been
mado havo greatly Increased, and tho
prosont situation colls for immediate
action by Congress." Ho also said, "tho
business has attracted to It many tgnornnt
and unscrupulous persons, n hosts only ob
ject seems to Ihs to procuro nppl teat tons from
pensioners, and then nssldlously dun the
claimants until tho $10 fee Is secured, mid
thereafter practically abandon t'io case
Ilka n squeezed orange."
It Is estimated that nearly a million
dollars will Ihj required to pay for tho mail
lervlco on subsidized roads for tho fiscal
yars of 18S2 and 1883. Serious Inroads
Into the postal revenues nro therefore, an
ticipated, for up to tho present time tho
cost of moll transportation over tho
branches of the subsidized roads haw nover
been charged to the postal expenses, but
has Iwcn credited to tho interest account of
tho railroads, In accordanco w Ith tho Tlitir
man act.
Colonm. Casev hns reported to tho
Becrotary of State nt Washington, that tho
ivork of erecting n sultablo monument over
thogravo of Thomas Jefferson has been
rompleted, tho adjacent lots repaired ond n
ttrong nnd handsome fence built around tho
burying ground.
Bedibtian BnnNo, n station laboror, at
tempted to rob ond murder John C. Fox,
paymaster of tho New Krlo & Wyoming
Ilallroad, near Greenville, To., recently.
Knowing tho paymaster had n largo sum of
money llruno waited nt n lonely part of
the road, and When tho paymaster appeared
flrod six shot., nono taking effoct, and fled
lo tho woods. .Scouting parties nnd tlio
pollco failed to capturo Mm.
Tns trial of Stato Senator Sessions, nt
Albany, N. "TVfor bribery, resulted In a
verdict of acuilttal.
The centennial celebration of Washing
ton's disbanding nnd taking leavo of his
vV'torlous army, at Nowburg, N, Y on
tho 18th, was attended by fully 50,000 peo
ple. Senator Haynnl and Hon. Willlnui
M. Evarts delivered orations.
The General CniinHl ttt sim rtrflnn.nn.i
Lutheran Church began Its sixteenth an
nual Convention In New York on tho 18th.
Dr. Spalth preached the annual seimon.
The Mexican Government was lately no
rotlatlng in New' YorU for a $10,000,000
Till! amount of gold received nt the Sub.
Treasury at Now York from Now Orleans,
Galveston, Mobile, Memphis nnd St. Louis,
for which silver certificates havo boon de
manded nnd sent back, from March ,1 to
Dctobor 20, was $11,000,000. In nluo days,
from October 0 to 18, it was $2,605,000.
At the recent meeting of the National
Association of Wholesala Druggists in Now
York, W. A. Gelatly, of New York, was
elected Preildont; Arthur Teter, of Louis
vllle, Swretary ; A. 11. 'Nernonl, of Cincin
nati, Treasurer J. M. Strong, of Cleveland,
Vloo Prosldeut.
The United States District Attorney of
New Yo'rk recently filed. Information
gainst a number of fashionable milliners
who had been delected smuggling rich
laces and other fineries Into tho country.
At Ttcaucus.N. J., recently, fifteen thou
land pounds ai powder exploded In Iho
drylng'room of tho American Towder Com
pany, killing ono man and slinking up
things generally.
Foan boys aged from six to eight years
recently found a giant powder cartridge
where blasting waySjelnc done on Fiftieth
Itreet, In New YoA', nnd applied a match
to it. One boy was. fatally Injured, two
ttherc lust lielr eyes, and tho fourth was
badly hurt. ,
A traix recently ran off a trestle near
Fort Edward, N. Y., between Albany nnd
Glenn's Falls, killing Mrs. Motions and Mr.
IVinnegan, of Glenn's Falls, nnd a man
srboie name was not learned, and inju.lng
tbout flfty.
The eleventh annual Congress of thi As
Delation for the Advancement of Women,
keld recently In Chicago, was attonded by
i large number of distinguished women
Irom all parts of tba country. Julia Ward
Howe, tKe aged President, made the open
ing address, and referred with some feel
bag to the first session of the Association
f)i In that city In 1972, and; to the fact that
many of thoso concerned In tho Initial
organization hod passed away. Hho de
clared a great work had boon accomplished
for nnd by tho women of tho country dur
ing tho intervening period, but declared
that tho great reforms ere to coma after
the present leaders had quitted this sphere
of action, as tlia world was slow In accord
ing to woman what nro her rights. Mrs. H,
L.T. Walcott,of Iloston,rrnd n paporon the
work of tho Society for the Trovcntlon of
Cruelty to Children. Among other papers
rend was ono by Mrs. Mitchell, of Chicago,
on Scientific Charity. It was n careful
analysis of tho nature of truo charity, nnd
pointed out tho illfferenco between benevo
lenco and IxmrnVence, nnd emphasized
thoso kinds of charity which tho world
most needs.
Tuft Ada Atkinson murder mystery nt
Fowlnr, Ind., has been cleared up by tho
confession of Jacob Nelllug, who had been
nrrcsted for tho crime, upon suspicion,
Nelllng confessed that while bo was work
lug in tho orchnrd, and the young lady was
alone In the house, ho was seized with an
Irresistible desiro to hill her, wlilch ho did
w I til his pocket-knife. Hu had no motive
for tho deed other than he could not resist
tho sudden dosiro that took possession nt
him. It required a strong guard nnd de
termined olllccrs to keep a mob from
lynching him.
The total voto of Hamilton County, Ohio,
was C1,71t nnd Homily's majority 2,531.
The voto In favor of tho judicial amend
ment was 47,3,7), the regulation of tho
liquor trnfil', 11,710, and prohibition amend
ment, 8,102. Tho reform Democratic can
didates had an nvcrago of nearly 2J0 votes.
While n party, consisting of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Gcorgn Davis, Mrs. 11. II. Norton and
son nnd Miss Florn Neblet, wero attempt
ing to cross Turkey Creek, In Jasper Coun
ty, Mo., recently, tho team becamo unman
aguible, and the creek being very high tlio
occupants jumped out nnd Miss Ncblctt
and Mrs. Davis were drowned.
At Hlgglnsville, Mo., nceutly, Gobo
Archer, n German, in passing the liouso of
Hannah Simpson, colored, "squinted
through tho window," when tho womnu
drown roolvcr nnd shot him through tho
The city of Weston, Wash. Trr., wns to
tally destroyed by flro tho other night.
Ge.nkiiai. Jahijs II. Strapuan, died nt
Toledo, O., on tho 18th, ngod sixty-seven.
A. M. Chapman's livery stable, at
Howling Green, O., with ulno horses, nine
buggies, hnniuss ond hay, was totally de
stroyed by flro tho othor morning. Chostrr
llohe, ngml thirty-five, was supposed to
havo been burned wlillo sleeping in tho
The lleo Keepers' Association of tho
Northwest met In Chicago recently. Tho
Secrotary presented n statistical report
showing that tho number of colonics repre
sented by members in tho Association last
spring was 4,010; present number, 8,048;
numlier of pounds extracted this season,
143,000; number of pounds comb honey,
While digging for tho foundation of n
wnter tank at Springfield, Mo., recently,
tho workmen discovered part of tho tusk of
a mastodon embedded In tho earth nnd be
neath a heavy rock. Tlio slzo of tho tusk
Is about ten Inches In length and nearly
tho samo in circumference. Tho remainder
of tho tusk was under the rock, but would
probably bo taken out, which, It was
thought, might lead to tho discovery of tho
whole skeleton. It wnsnbout eight foot be
neath tho snrface of tho earth.
Wii.liau Adams, of Fairfield, ()., recent
ly killed himself by taking strychnine, be
cause his girl sent him a noto breaking off
their engagement.
IIckolauh raided tlio. vlllago of Estello,
Mich., the other nlgfit nnd blow open tho
safes of E. I). Drake and M. W. Tucker nnd
secured $1,300 nt Tucker's. They then stolo
n liorso and buggy nnd escaped.
The result of the election In tho Creek
Nation, I. T., for Chief, was! J. M.
lYrryiiiau, C-ll; Samuel Ctilcote, (tt8;lur-He-Chee,
A late flro nt Oakland, Nob., destroyed
the largo dry goods store of A. I. nnd II.
Fi lend, tho millinery stora of F. 12. llarnes
nnd F. Btoltji's tnllpr shop. Loss, $15,000;
Insurance, $0,000.
W. A. Ki.ein, under indictment for kill
ing Mayor Stubbs, of Folk City, Iowa, wns
shf t and killed recently at Clydo by his
brother-in-law, John Cools.
A i.atk flro at Tacoma, D. T., destroyed
$23,000 worth of property.
O'llniitN A. CAni'ENTKit, ono of tho most
prominent ind wealthy citizens oT Lincoln,
III., has been arrested charged with tho
murder of Zorn Bums, a douicstlo In his
family, who was found dead ucnr the out
skills of that city a short time since. The
murdor wns considered n great mystory at
tho time, but recently developed circum
stances pointed so directly towards Car
penter that ho was arrested. Tlio Bherlfl
appealed to the Governor for aid to protect
tho prisoner from mob violence Cnrpon
bos a wife and two daughters.
llv a boiler explosion nt Mount Pleasant,
Iown, the other morning, in Hoss Brothers'
flouring mill, n man named Ileckwlth wns
li'-.inr.tly killed, another man badly In
jured, who was thought to bo dying, nnd
fouror five others w ero moro or less bruised.
Tho mill was blown to atoms,' with hardly
enough left to burn. Dwellings in the
vicinity shook with tho explosion.
The Kansas ilallroad Commissioners re
cently heard tho argument of counsel for
the Missouri Pnriflo Ilallroad, asking for a
re-oponing of their lato decision In the Ho
lolt caso, nnd decided adversely to tho peti
tion. IlKsnY Mohiieii, brother of the Mnshcr
who kidnapped Cliarllo Hoss, was recently
lynched near Cheyenne, Wy, T.
The ofllclnl voo of Ohio show eel. a total
of 721,401, of which Hoadly received 310,.
50J; Foraker, 817,001; Schumnrher, 8,301;
Jenkins, 2,78.1. Hoadly over Foraker, 12,
529; over all, 1,383. Majority for tho Ju
dicial Amendment, 33,413. Tin. Second
Amendment foil short of n majority, 39
613. Tho llogulation Amendment rccolvcd
Of.OOO votes.
The first through passenger train on Iho
Kansas City, Springfield & Memphis Hall
wuy loft Kansas City at precisely six
o'clock on Sunday, the '.'1st. Tho time from
Kansas City to Memphis Is twenty-three
A riiic recently destroyed a largo hard
waro store at Middleville, Mich. In trying
to saVo tho property Captain Smith and
Charles llurnyard, n boy fourteen years
old, were killed by a falling wall. Silas
Garr was badly hurt alidwas not expected
to live. George Freeman was alto badly
Till', SOUTH.
Ose death and three new cases of yellow
fever, at llrowton, Ala , tho 18th.
The bodies of North Cirollna soldiers re
cently exhumed from Arlington were
Interred' at Kalelgb, recently, under tho
auspices of tho Ladles' Memorial Associa
tion. The remains wero borne from the
capital on a handsome funeral ctrtOthe
Confederate Cemetery,
MAitaAniT IUnniBO.v, colored, was
banged at Calhoun, Ga., for the murder of
LetUU Lawl.
Till first through frelghttraln for Mem
phis, Tenn., over the new road just opened,
left Kansas City on the 18th. The train
consists! of flftv-four cars, Of packing
bouse product, yan etc., and. consigned
to merchants In Mempld, Now Orleans,
Charleston and Mobile. Tlio cars wero
decorated with streamers, flags nnd eer
groans, nnd presented a novel apperancc.
A Late flro at Petersburg, Va., destroyed
tho mammoth tobacco factory of Colonel
A. II. Lcftwlrh, nnd the smaller brick fac
tory adjolning,owned by Colonel Leftwlch,
but occupied by F. M. Dunnlngton, dealer
In leaf tobacco. Tlio total loss was mom
than $45,000; Insurance, about $30,000.
Br.uiKM from the locomotlvo of a mall
train fired a cotton-trnin nnd destroyed
nliout two hundred bales of tho staple, near
Marshall, Tex., recently.
Tiiiiee counterfeiters, Thomas II. Oliver,
llohannan and James Sprague, who wero
shadowod from laulsvllle, Ky.,by Govern
ment dctcttlvcs, were recently arrested at
Mobile, Ala. Counterfeit money, nnd
moulds, nclds, etc, for counterfeiting wero
found In their possession.
Jaher Moonx, n diver In tho employ of
tho Kansas City, Springfield fc Memphis
Ilallroad, was recently tho victim of a rln
gulnr accident at Memphtl. Whllo under
the water, through n misapprehension of
signals, an Iron splko wns driven down
through one of his feet, nnd ho was com
pelled to cut his own foot off to prevent
himself from lclng drowned.
Near Shelby, N. C; tho other night, Mr.
nnd Mrs. William Logan, both oversoventy
j-enrs old, w-cronttacked at their homo by a
negro burglar; Mrs. Logan was killed, ond
her husband choked nearly to death. Tho
negro escaped with $10.
The assessment rolls of ono hundred nnd
fifteen counties In Texns showed nn In
creased tax of values In tho State, over $1X1,
000,000 above lastyear,w Ith llfteon counties
to hear from, which would doubtless tnako
the total Increase $10, 1,000.000.
The experts sent to llrewton, Ala., by
Surgeon General Hamilton, of tlio Marino
Hospital Service, to make nn Investigation
of tho epidemic nt thatplaco, reported by
telegraph that tho dlseasa Is yellow fover.
Up to tho 20th thero had In-en thirty-four
cases and fifteen deaths. Dr. Hamilton
said this Is n vory high rata of mortality.
Tho population of tho town is lictwecnSOO
and 500, but the disease was not spreading
to ony extent.
A London (Eug.) dispatch stated that
four hundred uersons wero prostrated by
trichinosis In ten villages In Saxony. Fifty
sufferers were in n helpless condition.
Deaths from tho diseaso wcro occurring
Maiiia McCahe, unmarried, has been
sentenced to hang in Hamilton, Canada,
for drowning her infant.
The Exchungo Dank, of Montreal, has
The Government of Alsace-Lorraine has
prohibited tho publication of nlno French
papers in that Province.
The French Prime Minister, Ftrry, In n
recent speech at Havre, forshadowed tho
withdrawal of tho present embargo upon
tho Importation of American bacon.
IlALirAX, N. 8., was greatly excited re
cently by tho -arrest of three men with n
largo quantity of dynamlto in their posses
sion. ADVicrs from Altata, Mexico, reported
tho population of tho town decimated by
yellow fever, deaths averaging twenty n
dny for tho last two weeks. On tho 3d
Altata was struck by n hurricane, killing
several pooplo and destroying n greater
part of tho town, and tho Inhabitants
sought refugo in tlio mountains. Several
miles of tho Smallon and Durango Ilallroad
track wero torn up and tho brldgo at Qua
rarrator blown dow n.
The failures In tho United States and
Canada, for tho week, ended Octolwr 20,
wero 2.13, an increase of flfty over tho pre
ceding week, mainly In tho Now Englnnd
Stutes, South nnd West. Failures nlso In
creased In Canada.
A Hehlin (Prussia) dispatch of tho 21st
stated that the trichinosis in Saxony was
increasing nnd spreading. Thero were five
hundred ofllclally reiorted cases. Thn
mortality bad reached tho unprecedented
overnge of twenty per cent, of tho totil
number of Infections. In many of the dis
tricts entire families weteprostratod. Tho
scientists who hao been studying tho
plague announced that tho diseaso would
become epidemic If It continued to de
velop for the full jwrlod of a mouth as it
had Increased in tho twenty days durlne
which it hod already existed. Two hun
dred nnd sixty-six persons were suffering
from the diseaso at Ennsleben. Only fifty
out of one hundred and thirty-four houses
woro freo from tho disease.
It Is announced that a treaty of peaco
botween Chili and Peru has lieen signed,
The other day tho Treasury Department
received n letter postmarked Allegheny,
Pn., and signed "Clergyman," which con
tained six hundred dollars to bo credited to
the Consclenco Fund.
The 1 learns Manufacturing establish
ment at Grand Haven, Mich., was do
s'troyed by flro recently with $8,000 worth
of lumber. Loss $.10,000.
Up to tho close ot business, tho 22d, tho
total amount of Government bonds re
deemed under thn various calls amounted
to $115,21.7,000.
At Flemlugsbuig, Kv., recontly, Charles
McCartnoy, nn editor, was attacked by
James T. Tonwell and Frank L. Thompson,
w ha felt oggrtoved at a publication, when
McCartney drawn revolver and shot both,
killing Tonwell and mortally wounding
H. W. GntswoLD recently discovered
gold on his farm near Lisbon, D. T. He bad
ono hundred nnd thirty samples assayed
which showed from twenty to two hundred
aud flfty dollars per ton. Much excltemeut
prevailod, and people wcro flocking to tho
Kev, M. T. llooEnn, a colored Baptist
clergyman, having occasion to perform
some ministerial functions at tho upper
end of his parish, lioardcd a freight train
at Now Iberia, La., before daylight, tho
other morning, intending to take n f:ee
ride, and mado himself fast to the end of
tho car with a rope. Tie lost his grip,
however, and fell and was drrgged a long
distnnco before his dead body was found.
Mug. Loviha DoiiEnTT, twenty-five years
ot age, attempted to kill herself In Now
York, tho other night, also her five-year
old child, by cutting the throat of the lat
ter and soverlng the arteries of her own
w rists. It was' thought both would dlo.
A youno man reported himself at Port
land, Me., recently, who claimed to bo the
missing Charlie Hoss, He said he was kept
In a dark room four years, and subsequent
ly taken to Ilrarll.
O, Claiik and Charles W, Stone were
recently arretted at Jumalca, Vt., outha
charge of counterfeiting. They belonged
to an organisation of twenty-three, young
persosis who bad a complete counterfeiting
outfit, which was seized with a quantity of
spurious coins.
An explosion In the Excelsior Squib fac
tory at Kingston, Pa., recontly tore the
establishment to pieces, and eight children
employed there blown out with the flying
timbers In ry direction. Eight of tho
children wero probably fatally injured.
The most promlncntcitltensof Bt, Louis,
irrespectlvo of pirty, met In secret council
the ptbar night and organised a Law-and-Order
League. Tba object of the League Is
to secure ood local government, right cor
ruption and political rings, especially the
gambling ring.
fliiAsn.r iiusim:s.
Sensntlfiiint Trsllinonr llrfure the Bennte
i.'miiinilli.e on Kdnratlim nnd l.tilmr Cnn
rrrnliiK the Tanning nt ttiimnii III, lr.
Hostoh;, M us , Oct 13.
Some stnrti.ng testimony wns mioxpect
sdly produced before the Senate Committee
an Education nnd Labor this nlternoon.
Mr. Charles T. Chance, of Roiuorvllla a
currier by trade, was testifying. Ho had n
prominent port In organizing tho Curriers'
Union, and wns blacklisted therefor, so
that ho has slnco had groit dllllculty In
flndlng work. His reputation for veracity
is unimpeachable. After bn had given
omo unimportant testimony ho was asked
by Senator lllnlr It ho had anything else to
toy i
"Well, lr," sold lip, "Iho men complain
(nine about this huninii hide business tho
Innnliiir of human lililes "
" v hi , iln j on irniin tossy," nVed Benator
In J
uinir, in
int this hns been dune to any Ktrat
' Yes. sir. 1 do." was Iho trnlv. "and of niv
own personal km dmliro. I mw hliles mjscff
as much as lit nor six jrars iiit I hennl of
Ihom clown jnnrs niro, and 1 knew men
rbthten.i inam airowho heard of them Thn
business has lieon Increasing ever slnco until
Intel) Tlircoor four months hko It nns stop
ped Nenator lllnlr IVhat have j nil stenf
Witness. 1 httvu soon set end whole hides of
women Unit lint teen laurel The) wcro per
fect and looked as natural us lite
tfenator lllnlr Where 01,1 son sec these?
VWtilnss. I ilon't know as I oiutht to ear. It
mlchl Injun' me.
Senntor lllnlr. I w 111 take the rfsponslhKtty
for that.
Witness. Well. I rues I can stand it. 1 lia o
wen them nt Muller's tHiimrr In Cambridge.
The lat one about a year nirn.
Hcnntor lllnlr. For w lint purpnso nro these
hi les tniinclr
Witness. I ilon't know. sir.
Senntor Illulr Mo jii'i know any one elso
who mw thec thliiirsr
Vt ltnes. Yes; Dun McPermntt, of Homer
vlllo. saw one: iilson man namol Woisler, nt
SoincrWl!" .McDennotlciit n small plecn nit
ami eurrlcil It In his pmket for two) ears.
Senntor lllnlr. Is this business done any
hcrorlso' Witness. Yi s; it Is dono In Woliurn.
Keimtor Illulr DM ion cur tnko part In
tnmiliitf line of the-o hides?
Witness. No, sir.
Senntor lllnlr Did tlio proprietors know that
this wasjrolmron?
Witness. Why, rest they must have. Thn
men toM mo that Iho proprietor did mnst nf
the work on tin s hides with their own linmls.
There am ,lini or men who could till all
about this, Inn iliey ilon't dare.
nti:xcii j:xcf.ssi:s in tomjuin.
The Story nf thn Wholesale Mnulitrr ot
lie Aniunltrs ly Hie I'rrnrh nt the Tak.
lnB nf Hue Tim Wniiniled .ltrrcllrolj
llnlilirrril white l'lcndlng for Their
ONW1V, Oct. n.
Pierre Lote, nn otllcer of the French ex
peditionary force In Tonquln, sends to the
Paris Ftqaru the following description of
the fall ot Hue: Tho beaten Aunmltos
wcro cooped up In tho burning village.
Tho only rotds to escape from tho flaniri
lay undur tho guns of tho fort, which was
tilled w ith sailors armed with Krnpotchak to
peatlng i iflcs, w Ith sights carefully adjust
ed to tho distance. Tho magazines of the
rifles were duly loaded. Tho men looked on,
waiting until n flank movement of the oth
or troops nnd tho tiring ot tho bamlioo huts
should drive tho human quarry out before
them. We saw them halting at tho end of
tho village, with singed hnlr and garments;
then, altera few momonts' hesitation, tuck
up their flowing robes as high as they
could nnd trj lug to protect their heads
with planks ngalnst the impending shower
of bullets, they rushed on. A great butch
ery then commenced. Two volleys wero
fired. It was qultd a trcnt (e'etalt mi
plalslr) to seo these fan-IIko streams of
bullets sweeping down on tho fugitives.
Tlicy were poured In twice In ono mlnulo at
ma worn oi commauu in a suro,meinotilcai
maimer. It wns like a jet from a hugo
watering-pot, which mowed them down by
dozens. In n cloud of dust nnd gravel wo
could see somo who seemed to bo driven
mad, picking themselves up, limping now
one wnv, now another like wounded ani
mals. Gathering up their robes In n comi
cal manner, their long hair, unfastened
nnd streaming down their backs, mado them
look like women. Others tried to escape by
swimming a lagoon, trying t
reach the Junks. These were killed
in tho water. Somo good divers
remained a long time under wntor. Out
men continued to kill them nil the Kami
when they enmo up to breathe, like seals.
With those killed In the Southern forts,
about 800 or 1,000 must havo been disposed
of. Tlio sailors mado bets ns to t!e num
bers destroyed. About nine In tho morn
ing nil was over and tho rout ot the Anam-
Itntt tvna itttt1av Tim. tinr ir Int.maa
., nun fcviiirivw;i 4iiv in us nus titttJilOSP,
and tho sailors, maddened bv tho tun nnd
tho noise, nnd quivering with excitement,
rus'ie.l out ot tlio fort nfterthe wounded.
-, -. ,-,.......m ...... ...........
Some were crouching Itihulcs.othnrs feigned
Ueatli, wlillo olliers, at tho last gasn, were
stretching out their hands, pleading for
mercy and shouting "Haul HnnI" in heart
rending nccents. Our men slaughtered
them with U.yonets or brained them with
iiiein wiiu m.yoiiuis or urnine.i inein Willi
thebutt-endsoftliBlrmuikots. These sailor.
w ore absolutely madmen. Tho oftlcers at
tempted to reafralnthcm, nnd said to them,
"You ought to Ih ashamed of such coward
ly, dirty work.'They replied: "The Ann
mites are savages. They carried the head ol
Copt, lllveiero oil the top of a pole, and if
they carried tho day they would cut the
Fi ench to pieces or saw them within two
flanks." There wns no reply possible to
his. It was true.
A I'mlmlde Clew to the Mysterious Murdei
uf Zur.i Hums nt I.lmoln, Illinois.
OllC.KlO, Oct, 19
A Daily Xeut staff correspondent tele
graphs from Ilochoster, Ind., n full inter
vlow with Tom Dukes, who was engaged tt
mnrry Zura Hums, murderod at Lincoln
Duke, was found in hiding. Ho had hit
hand done up In a rag, ond told different
stories about how ho had hurt It. Ho said
ho could not bo hired to go over to Lincoln.
Ho would not tell where ho wns from Fri
day until Tuesday, although he acknowl
edged that ho was away from home. Hi
gavoup two letters from Zurn Hums. In
one kho says that he must meet her at Liu
colli by October IS, and accuses him of try
ing to go back on her. Dukes said ho knew
Kura was cnclonte, but said he had uevel
sustained Improper relations with her,
Miss Frcar, the young woman Dukes Is en
ftagod to in Kcewaunee, Ind., said Tom tolc
ter that he was ill trouble nut 111 Illinois,
but would not Ull her what It was. Th
people of Fulton County, Indiana, becams
aroused to-day, and the Sheriff started to
arrest Tom Dukes but be was not to 1
found. It is n good country for conceal
ment, and It Is doubtful If tho arrest Is ef
fected without great delay.
Could Not l'ncn the Music.
Arm, Oa., Oct. 19.
William C. Dorry, a prominent church
man, father of HU James' Church of Au
gusta, nn.l bookkeeper of tho Macon Tela
graph awl .Vcssnitf, a November wrots
Colouel Hansom, proprietor of tho Macou
Jeleiraph, a letter acknowltdging having
appropriated $l,t00 of tho company's
money, Colonel Hantom paid the money
for him and did not mention the fact, keep
ing him In his employ until he lould secure
anothor position. In tho meantime Derry
took JhOO more of the company's money,
covering It with false entries. Disrry, fear
ing detection, took laudnnum, wrote a con
fession, and died this morning. Citizens
aro shocked at the developments.
A HlrlUe Moon Battled.
JOI.IET, ILU, Oct. 19.
A strike occurred in tho steel rrll milt ol
tho Jollet Steel Company to-day, Two hun
dred men dropped their tools and went
home. The trouble grew out ot tbo dis
placement by the foreman, without reason,
j of a roll hand wbo had been working for
I tbe company over threo year., and the sub-
itltutlonot a new man against tha recog -
nUed rules of the Amalgamated Assocla.
Hon of Iron and Steel Workers, which !
I recognized by tha Company and regarded
I as Just. The General Superintendent mat
' a committee otthe Association and tbe lnn
I were sustained, The new" man was removed,
' the old one reinstated, and work waj Ira
I mediately reiimel by tbe m,en.
THE I'j:.YUr. mTilXMAU
Hie evirbrntlnn nt Nrwlimqh, Jf. Y. An r.lenlrunnt (Inrtlnston's Report In Hit
Immense nnd llnllin.ln.tle Iemnn.tr. ,,, (lf , srttnrJ. of Wnr-Tlin.s
tlnn nn Iho (Irniinit wlirro Washing-Inn , , ... ... , . ,
Tnnk Leave r 1.1. Victorious Anur-A 'PI'ltry Orders-tetter nt Inquiry
Trlhute tnth Character ur the Country's '" Commander Wllnes from Kerrelnry
flrent Defender. t'linmlter Mini thn Lntter's Itrply lf lie-
Nzwni'noit, M. Y., Oct 18. tlarea the l'niillo Umenwnrtliy from the
This was ono of tho loveliest of lovely Binit,
ititumn days, and tho confidence of tin Wasimnotox, I). C, Oct. 19.
people in the glorious sunshine on tho 1Mb T'18 Kocrrtary of War has received from
f October had Its vindication. Durlngtha the Chief Signal Ofllcer tho report of Lieu-
preparations for tho centennial celebration "t '- A. Darlington, Commander ot tho
at Washington disbanding nnd taking re'e"t Arctlo expedition to Smith Sound
leavo of his victorious army, nil questions "r tho relief of the Signal Service party at
bout possltdo rnlii were met with the aw J'a,1 ' "Hklln Ilay. Tho report Is very
iwer f-at for tho past ten ) ears tho 18th ol lollK' ""d K00" '"" 'n, n lonll of
October had been clear and bright. Great I voyago nnd wreck of the Proteus, and
srowdt ot oplo nnlvd by boat and 'o rotio.it of her survivors In .mall boat.
trains Inst night nnd thronged the down- ,0 " North Greenland settlement of Uper-
town streets. Many persons could not find nnTJck. ....
lodgings, so crowded wero tho hotels and .,Atler "'errlnR In tlio highest terms to
iwelllngs ot the city and towns round ' roge, ski land goA Judgment shown
sbout. Torc.i-llK.it processions, llremen's J """'""'J' V,w',,l ,,1,rl,nB ,l10 trt.
displays, fireworks and in ich enthusiasm """tenant Darlington concludes hi. report
were tho preparations Inst night for to-day. " lt'' follow Ing statement concerning tho
tlio bay wns Illuminated hy electric lights "O-callwl supplementary crdersl
llongtherher front, and tho largo numbri "I desire to call your attention to tha
f vessels, including yachts, steamboat, ""t l"J"ry done ino In the publication
.,,., u I.,.,... .. ...... .. ... ot ceitaln statement Immediately after
ind United States war ships riding at an- ,, f ,10 ,,ft,u,r rfn,.i,,. loro ?.,,,
:hor, mado n picturesque scene. Mayor k-tatemrnts, purporting to havo been au-
Ward held a reception In honor of tho .lis- thnrlzcd from the Signal Olllce, were tothn
tlugtilsliril guests. At sunrise to-day tho 'IJect thnt 1 had l-en fiiriililio.1 with sup-
i..,,.......i.iir.,i..i,,i,, .. i, i,.i, ...-. plempntnry Instnn lions prior to my .le
avo navy vessels flred salutes, which wore ,,,. frm Ul0 ltn(tC(, Hn wld' ,
responded to from the cannon planted nt .tructlons I had positively disolieyed. Tho
Washington's headquarters and elso only instiuctlnns I nver received nro orlgl-
where on lioth shies of tho rlvor, and by nal instructions, putdlshcd nt tho time. An
flnglng oil tho church bells. Immoiise "I"t.'l written paper was inclosed In
, . i .1 . t the eiivelopo with my Instructions. This
throng, of people were on tho strets. Ono m,,or ,, ,,',,,,,, nn nlfthentlcated copy of a
irntn on the est Shore Ilallroad nrrlved memorandum prepared by nn nlllror In tho
In four sections with I,o00 passengerr. Ono j Signal oIHcm. I was lnforme.1 this memo
Erlo train with two e.iglnos had nlneteoii rnndum was to hao Iwen famished tho
,, ....l..,! ,vm, ..nn,,!,. .il il, t.utrnrm. Secretary of tho Navy to form tho basis of
ars packed with people, and tho platrorms , u,tttw fnnn to ., E,,Jcn 10 coititiinii.l-t- ot
n ere also crowded. Tho lawn at os'-lng. t,0Teci o.dered to nccompany the Fro
wn's Headquarters wns inrnngea long bo i
lore tho hour for iM-elnnlii'r thn nxercl.es. I
Tivn l,,,i,,li-..,l Vnw Vnrir niv ,,nli.,,n I
iblcil the local force In preserving order.
Tha city never presented a liner display.
Flags floated oi cry where, nnd thero was nn
incloudcd sky. Not less than fi0,000 stint.
fers wero In town. Governor Cleveland
ind stair nrrlved from Albsny on tho West
Shore train nt 10:.V). The train hod eigh
teen conches crowded with passoiigcrs.
President Arthur sent n letter ot regret.
Conkllug also regrcttod that ho could not
Tho procession startod nt 12:13, an hour
and n quitter lato. Tho Governors and
their stalfs, Generals aud their stalls, tut
marines ami sailors ami lavorlto troops oi
the State made nn Imposing display, while
joined with these wero the visiting troons,
veterans, clvlo societies, etc., which innde a
procession four miles long. It marched in
II vo divisions. Fivobnndsof 1'iuslo wore In
each division. Thollnoot march was crowd
ed with people, who applauded enthusi
astically. The windows nnd steps ot
every bouse wero filled with Indies, who
clapped their hands or waved their hand
kerchief as the troops marched past. At a
few minutes before ono o'clock Governor
Cleveland nnd stolT, Governor Drown ot
llhode Island ami staff, Senntor Hawley ol
Connecticut, and otlier invited dignitaries,
took seats on the platform, and at 1:10
o'clock tho procession, headed by the po
lite of Now York, enmo in sight.
As tlio beod of the procession reached the
grand stand there was great enthusiasm
among tho people. Tho Governors of the
different States, Senntor llaynnl, tho chap
lain, orator, poet and others who had a
special part assicnod them In tho exercises,
wheeled from the ranks 'o the reviewing
stand. Tho "march past" took placo to Hay to establish a relief station nt Littleton
cnllvoiilng music, nnd the parade was dls- Island, nnd thnt Lieutenant Greely would
missed. People, then hastened to the lawn endeavor to reach thnt point In Sep
In fiont of nshlngton's headquarters, tember, expecting thero to Hint a relief
whore the excrLlsos took place. After nil party, n house, food and provisions, You
introductory overture by tho flno band of wero nt Littleton Island on August 0, nnd
tho Seventh lUglmunt, Mnyor Ward called learned that tho Proteus had been crushed,
tho assemblage to order, ltev. Dr. S. I and thnt Lieutenant Gnrllngtflii nnd his
Ireneus Prime offered prayer. To Douiu whole party had gone south, reaving notli
for WW voices and tho band followed, and I Ing for Onyly nt Llt'letou Island. You
thon Senntor Hoyord was Introduced ns the could havo readily landed there provisions
i rvsiiienioiiiioccieurnuon exercises, i no i
Senntor delivered on eloquent address and .
was frvnueutlv annlandnd.
The address was followed with Hall Co
lumbia, by the chorus nnd band; nn origi
nal poem by Wnllaco llmce, and n grand
chorus, "fto King but God," followed.
Senator Bayard thon presented tho orator
of tlio day, Hon. William,. M. Evarts, who
received a most cordial welcome.
Tho speech of Evarts was devotod In the
beginning to nn analysis of thn attitude of
Washington In tho portod Immediately pre
ceding nnd following tho close ot tho war
for independence, and close J with a tribute
to tho character ot Washington s a states
man. The great Influence of the leader's
DcrsOIlal Stlelisth In moMIno- tha rlinrnrtnr
.... ,. .----
' ' mo new nation wns shown, nn.l tlio ilcc,
Unitlon made that even had his career
siuled with the Involution bis name would
(till bo foremost in history, "In tho mem
ory of bis countrymen," said the orator,
"as ho stood upon this very spot ono hun
dred years ago. his face would havo shone
' "" j,,u nu. ... ia woum uavu snone
I to all this people as did tho faco of Moses
to the children ot Israel when ho delivered
the tables ot tho law. And now, after n
hundred years ot marvelous fortunes and
crowded experiences, w c-nfront the diy.
and works and men of tho first ago of the
republic. Threo wars have broken tho
pencil he proclaimed the war for neutrality,
iu vu.i.iiici? our inucpemienco uy csiauilsn
Ing our rlftht to be nt peace, though other
powers sought to dr i w us into their wars;
the war for hound iry which pushed our
limits to the Pnclilo snd rounded our terrl
tory.nud thewarof thu Constitution, wlilch
rstnbllshed for this peopln that for them
and forever 'liberty nud union nro ono and
Inseparable.' Thoso rolling year, hnve
lliown growth, forever growth, and
strength, increasing strength and wealth,
and numbers over expanding, whilo Intelll.
couce, freedom, art, culture ond religion
have pervaded and ennobled all the mate
rial greatness, Wide, however, as Is our
land and vast our population to-day, these
are not the limits to the name, fame
ami power of tho life and character
ot Washington. It lt could bo Imagined
that this nation, rent by disastrous
feud broken in its unity, should ever pro
sent I he miserable spectacle ot the tin.le
flled garments ot bis fame parted among
his countrymen, while for the seamiest
vesture nt his vlrtuo they cast lots ; if this
unutterable shame, if this immeasurable
crime should overtake this land and this
people, bo sure that no spot in tht. wlda
woild Is inhospitable to his glory, and no
people In it but reloice. In tho Influence of
bis power and virtue.
The Hallelujah Chorus was given aftci
the oration, and lllskop Cozo pronoimced a
benediction. The great crowd then scat
tered to a march by the band, rhe people en
oyed theinrelveslu their own way through
tit the afternoon. In the evening there
was a fine pyrotechnic display, salutes wero
fired and ships dressed, and thero were
many social reunions.
A Dlfuulter Indicted,
Cleveland, O,, Oct. U,
The United Btatos Grand Jury has In
dicted Klrkland Fitch, defaulting cashier
3f the Warren Second National Hank, foi
"embezzling, abstracting and wilfully
misapplying funds of n national bank while
one of its officers," and for perjury, foi
falsely swearing to monthly returns re
lulred ot national banks. Fitch lost in
peculation about $8?,W0 ot tha bank's
money and Hod, was captured and brought
back last August, and since then has been
;onttalitly under arrest, although allowed
Us live in a hotel Instead of tha jail. The
United States Marshal brought him hero
to-night on a capias and lodged him in
prison. Ilail was fixed at $30,0j0.
Tlio Sucetssf ut Ulfla Bhooters.
LJUvrMwonTH. Has,, Oct IS.
Tha competition for places, on the rlfU
team of the military division of tbe Mis-
tourl was completed to-day and tha team
announced a. follows, with scores, tha four
klebest belnz presented with eold medals
, by General Pope and tho balance with all-
ver medals i Merrlam, Platte, IMA) Delaney.
, Dakota, 340; Kosers, Missouri, .118' Bey
mour. Missouri, "Mo: BeaHty, Dakota, 317)
Partell, Dakota, 34. i btevass, FlaUc, 3t
(Phillips, Missouri, 9Wj Umphrey. DskoU,
(i( King, Mlsscurl, ill;
mm mii,
lioi waxne.. icxas. xii.
On the team totals Missouri was ) 6 points
ahead of Dakota. Tnls clo. tti-e riff con
lest (or hn year.
Tin: rnoTEUs disaster.
tens. i hen I found It rmnng the papers
'r.mlshed me I at once carried It to you
' jpii. Hazen), and called your aMetitlon
i lclafirH to landfm!
-i" "--j -" -;"- - -"-
supplies on J.lllietnn isinuil. Ion -Mil in
substance thnt you did not ki.ow how that
had gotten In there, and Impressed upon
mo tho necessity of carrying out, ns far as
possible, tha Instructions I had received.
Thoso Instructions were based upon tho let.
Icr of Lieutenant Greely, and you calld
my attention to tho fact that Lieutenant
Greely strongly urged that tho ntllcor com.
mnndlng the relief party should havo no
latitude, ot action. 'Iho paper was not ad
dressed nor signed, indeed, born nn olMcfal
marks whatever. I did not then, nor havo
I at nny time since, regarded It as an or
der, nnd I was surprised to find tho stnto
ment published that this paper was tho
supplementary Instructions."
General Hazen, In trnnsmlvtlng Lieuten
ant Gnrlington'a report to tin Secretary of
War, has written a letter In thich ho says
... ...... .. . i. ....-
that the question or supplementary orders,
referred to by Lieutenant Darlington ns
having beet) rnlsed, and III unfairness to
himself, Is in substance correctly stnte.l by
him, and the strictures made on him, so far
as they refer to the question ot disobedi
ence, havo been unwarranted.
Washi.n(itox, 1). C., Oct. 21.
Secretary Chandler ha. written a letter
to Commander WlUlos, of tha steamship
Vnnttc, with respect to tho failure ot the
erpcdlilon in which ho says, after detailing
tho Instructions to tho Yautlo and her
failure to comply w Ith thrnu
"Your attention Is nlso called to on
other point, You liad been furnished with
copies ot Instructions to Lieutenant
Gnrllngtou, nnd were nwnro that be
was ordered in tho event of tho failure
nf tho Proteus to reach Lady Franklin
and supplies, but omitted todoso. You
will please explain this omission. Inclosod
you will also find a copy of a memorandum
marked 'lnclosuro-1,' containing instruc
tions tor tho guidnnco of the naval tender
nud tho Proteus, and you will Inform tho
department whether durlni! your voynzo
I there nny such Instructions were seen by
you or were oriuiy commumcotoii io you.
Vory respectfully. W, E, Ciiannucii,
Secretary of tho Navy."
Commander IVIldes replies that tho boil
ers ot tbo Yantlo wero in nn unreliable con
dition when ordered to lit for tho crulso.
Repairs woro pushed to hasten departure,
but not being UnlsliMon sailing day repairs
wero continued from ttmo to time until
arrival atUodtiavcii. "Knowing thai from
thonr-a northward tho main depondenco
would bo on tho engines, I determined to
get tho bailors In fair condition before leav
ing. Tills took six days, Ono dny was
then taken to get coal from tha brig Peru,
which had Just arrived. Then thick, stormy
weather set In which delayed our departure
two days. Wo arrived at (Jodhaveu with
but ITU tons coal, and moro time was lost,
so that lt was July 35 before wcrouldleave.
Six day. more wero Inst by dontn fog, und
on tha .list wo cleared trim Upycrnavik for
sea. No time was lost, and no unnecessary
delay made nt any point. Had wo sailed
from uodhnven tho same tlmo as tha Pro
teus, besides being unablo to keep up with
her wo would have arrived at Littleton
Island with a coal supply reduced to
sevcnty-ilvo tons nnd tho boiler. In a leaky,
precarious condition. Commander Wildes
say. hu did not delay one moment otter ho
considered tho ship prepared, but pushed
ahead and only reucued Pandora harbor to
find that the boats hud goua south six dny.
before. He considered It his first and para
mount duty to pick up the boats, which
contained thlrty-sovon men, and having
done that it would lie time to consider what
noxt. Having made n long and unsuccess
ful search for tha boats, a heavy pack ot
Ico moved down behind, and leaving no
alternative but to proceod to Upemavik."
Tbo letter concludes as follow.:
"Tho memorandum marked 'Inclosure 4,'
with no datoor signature, which I presume
era the supplementary Instructions so of ton
spoken of, wns never lieard of by me until
our arrival In St. Johns, nor seen until now,
I am prepared to shoulder all responsibil
ity which properly belongs to me, and if
this statement Is not satisfactory, and
thero still remains doubt. In tlio depart
ment thnt I have not dono my duty a. nn
ofllccr nf the United States Navy, I respect
fully request that a court of Inquiry may Im
ordered on my conduct, as I do not wish to
rest under tba Imputation that I have heed
lessly and unnecessarily left Lieutenant
Ureely and party to tho possibility of per
ishing by starvation. I am, sir, your obe
dient servant, Frank: Warns.
"Commander, U. S. N.
' S ' '
KiugEcrntrd Itaports.
COM.TANTINOrr.K, Oct. 21.
The first account, ot tbo earthquake In
Anatolia were greatly exaggerated. At
Vourla, near Smyrna, where 200 huts were
wrecked, only two persons were killed and
von Injured. Ono thousand inhabitants
are quartered In long tents outside tu
ruined village. Ten hamlet, near ChesU
suffered more or less loss. Altogether,
fifty-seven person were killed and IV) In
jured in that district. Tbo foregoing num
ber, of persona killed represent the total
loss of life, although 1 1,078 persons wer
rendered homeless. All are being fed bv
tho aiitborl'tss, in obedience to the Sul
tan's ordure.
Stage Rubbers Capture.!,
DikXAS, Tux , Oct, ?1.
Deputy United States Marshal (l.rrln to
day loJged in jail Jack Ilrock, J, F- Terr)
and -J. C. Terry, the alleged robber, war
robbed the Henrietta and Ft. Sill stage seal
the first named place on the IStfa Inst
They were captured near Wichita Fall, b)
Oerrln, 8. M. Piatt and J. C. Piatt, Thi
robber, took llfty-slx dollars In monoy trots
thd passengers, also two watobee any
other valuable. They also secured reg
ittored package coBtalntng sixty-five dol
lars. Tbe otttcers claim to have proof poet
ttve ot tbe guilt ot the prisoners, A Con
federate twenty dollar bill,, moete deck of
cards and tbe two watches were fosjl4 M
their person und identified,
Tho famous pianist, Dr. Ilnn Von
llulow, lilt's become thn ItttiiMo of a
Itttmtiu nsylum.
Mr. .sinirjreon') publl-dicr Ii until to
havo sold JI.'O.OOO topics of "John
I'ltlllRjllll.in'n Titlk."
Mr. MsoYcngh It coing to write tin
hi lx month.' oxticrlonco In tho (Jar
lioltl Cftlilnol mlatlcljM JVe.
From tlio fnnt that nlio calls It
"ilo.ir America" now, tho LouIaOlla
Courier-Journal Infer that Mrs. Lang'
try h Inarnlng to bo a great nctrosi.
Texas ha a llltlo girl lecturer,
Jrntilo Scott by name, who Is a prodigy.
Slits Is seven years ulil, ami aponk mos
learnedly on many subjects. Slin has
never been to school. Chicago lUnitd.
Mm. Julia Oantncr Tyler, widow of
ovl'reslilcnt Tyler, nnd Mr.. Sarah
t'hildro; Folk, widow of ox-President
Folk, tlniw their pensions of $S,000
each nt tho agonay In Knox vlllo, Tonn.
Senator Hob Hart, tho reformed
minstrel, hopes to mnko something out
of a forthcoming autobiography, m
people aeem to think thnt n clergyman
ran livo on air nnd got fat by chewing
daylight. Detroit t'osl.
Mian Lcsllo Ayer, daughter of tho
lain .lame Ayer, of patent modlclno
clubrily, I tho latest Amerlnan target
for tho nlm ot impecunious fore) en
Counts. Tho young woman, with her
dot of r.,000,000, receive much nt
tentWm In tho aristocratic circles of
Far!. A'. 1'. Jlera'tl,
There was tv happy family reunion
In Folk County, On., a few 'days ago,
Mr Nnncy Liggett, of Missouri, hav
ing gono thither to meet her threo sis
tor., whom alio had not soon for forty
lives yearn. Hho 1 sovcntr-flvo years
old, and her sisters are: Mrs. Klnsuy,
aged sovt-ntvi Mw. Clnrk, aged sixty
nine, nnd Airs. 1'rlco, nged sixty-sevon.
Ciicii'to Journul.
- A ltrnhma missionary to England
gives this dffcorlptlon of John llrlght:
"John llrlcht eats his breakfast llko a
lion, and digests it, loo; but ho doesn't
drink, lie Is a broad, mlddlo-slrcd
innn, with great soft hands and nn
enormous nppctlto. I havo scon him
finish olT tho plentiful morning meal
with a halt jug of milk nnd a good lump
of sugar, wlilc.ii ho nut Into his mouth
Bomowhnt surreptitiously."
Tho widow of Ilnv. Klkannh Walker
Is probably tho solo survivor of tho
women who rodo ncross tho plains to
Oregon on horseback In tho oariy d ijb.
.Slio resided at Forest (.rove, in that
Stato, and Is still In good health. Thn
saddln on which ho rodo across tho
plains forty-llvo years ago Is still In her
posos!on. Hereon, O. II. Walker, the
oldest whllo person born In Oregon, was
with her in l'orllnnd on tha dny of the
recent railroad parade. K. 1'. Post.
' What fruit Is a stream? Tho cur
rant. Why? Bucanso It hns to he
"Ono good turn dcsrvcs another,"
as thu tug-boat Captain said to the
How may a vein ho Ilkoncd to a dry
hook? In Its being opened only in
cases of extreme necessity.
An advortlsor of very cheap shoes
recontly blurted out thu renl truth iu
mistake thus: "N. 11. Ladles wish
ing thoso cheap shoes will do well to
mil soon, ns they will not last long."
;rfro lint.
Tha widow of n Scotch Dttko Is
about to be married to a New York ox
edltor. Wo nro glad to sco that tha
nobility doesn't consider Itself inenpa
bio of Improving its condition. Afer
clmnl Traveller.
"A Georgia man has raised n peach
thnt weighs u pound." If a Georgia
man can t raise a peach wolghlng more
thnu a pound ho must bo pretty weak.
Vo havo llfteen-yeKr-old ooys In this
vicinity who can "ralso" n pumpkin
wu'ghing ono hundred pounds. Korris
town JJera'd.
"i'ou ought to ho in our room
now," sniu Amy; "wo Jiavo a tencnet
that rules tho roost." "Well," replied
tho High School girl, "I'd ho ashamed
of niypolf; you should say: 'governs
tho horizontal perch mi which tlio fowl
reposes,' not 'rules tho roost.' " Oil
City Derrick.
"My son Willylm," said it fond
mother, "ustor ho pretty wild as n boy,
hut slnco ho wont West ho's sorter
turned over n new leaf and got steady,
Ho's getting along well, to, for Iseo hi!
nnmo iu tho papers thoy say Iio'ri beoi
iv sav lios beou
a road agent doing a largo huslnesK,
and thnt his fullow-cltlzcn organized it
neck-tio sociable In his honor recently.
1 inn so glad that Willylm is petting
up in tlio world." Itochester iW-A"s-preis.
A llttlo four-year-old was taken on
a visit to grandmamma in tlio country.
There, for tho first tlmo, ho had a near
s, low of a cow. Ho would stand and
look on whilo tho man milked, and ask
all manner of questions. In this way
lie learned that the long crooked
branches on tho vow's head were called
liorns. Now tho llttlo fellow know of
only ono kind of horn, and a few days
after obtaining this Information, hear
ing a strange kind of bellowing nolso in
tho yard, ho ran out to ascertain lbs
eaiuo, In a fow minutes ho returned,
with wonder nnd delight depicted on
his countenance, exclaiming: "Mam
mal mamma! Oh, do corao out lierei
Thn cow's blowing her liorns!" liar
Iter's liazar.
Taxing Mustache and Egg-
Tlio following amusing dialogue,
which took placo the other day between
nn ollielal and a mini be r of revolution
ary peasants In the neighborhood oi
Agrant, illustrates tnu nature oi sow oi
tho causes which hare broucht about
somo of tho present troubles m Austria:
"Wo wish," said the peasant;, "to see
tho papers In which tba new taxes are
writttmdown." "I have neither paper
nor now taxes." "Tell that to some
body else, sir; we know ery well tfeat
vou have brought the patiers." "Im-
itiro you it is not so." After a long
parley, which ended in a svarett for the
documents on the official's body, the
peasants at last believes! bltn, and one
courageous spokesman asked: " So the
bow taxes do not oxlet?'1 " I asewre jou
that they do not." " And we have to
pay no taxes according to the leagth oi
Diir mustache?" "Mwt certainly not,"
"Neither according to the numWat
children we have?" "What are ytm
thinking of? ' " either according to
the number
' oi egg in owe Awiteer '
told you' such a thlmr?"
" Whoever
Thereupon with loud exclamations ot
Joy the neaeauU, who hod gathered to
gether from many different par.'sKe,
ilUperaod to their home. WaaUar
btorie eqiMUy baseJeM bate, Innsever,'
played a prominent part In some of the
greatest revolutions reQort,e4 ittMMOHV
Incorrigible Losers of Keys.
"It is likely enough, m yon hey,' re
marked an tip-town locksmith, "that
my placo doesn't appear psMrticnlarlr
amusing. Hut If j on had been in thw
httslnoss ns long m I iHtve nifh cm
forty years you. d have come across
somo Interesting llttlo elrctimsteneos.
I don't bcltovo Hint there are any queer
er men on earth than the regularobron
le key crnnks.
' ' Sow, hero Is a couple of ilocen keys,
nil ut exactly tho samo putern, that I
nm making for one mn. He doesn't
know thnt I'm making theni,' but I'
know that ho's sine to ell forotveol
thesu keys pretty regi-larly ooe a week
until they're nil gone. He's a genuine
Mosor,' and thu most curlosis thing
nbout tho matter Is that he has not the
remotest Idea of how orwhere he ever
lost a koy. A fow weeks ago lie hasl a
small closet mado to hold a duplicate.
Well, as no men nrn so ready to look
things tip as key losers, the first thins
ho ilTd wns to havo n lock put on hit
closet. Then, of course, he used to lose
lhatkoy, too, and every fow days ho
would have to break open his little cti)
bonrd with n hammer. Finding after,
awhile thnt he vw losing two keys in-
stead of otic, ho hail to return to the old
"That tall man, who lust went ottt,
Is n llttlo queer, by tho way, though
ho's not a heavy key losers he won't
averago more than two a month. Last
winter he hnd a box constructed and.
nailed to his bnsement door. It was
to rccolvo nnwspapcra in. He said
ho always got his papers all right,
hut somo ono In thu house was
sure to look o or them before he did.
Now I don't think I'm a selHsh man,'
bo used to say, 'but If thero is anything
I (locnjoy It Is to sit down before my
cofl'to and just unfold my fresh morn
ing pnpor myself.' l'erhaps he is righlf
l'o sometimes felt that way myself: it
may bo ono of tho regular laws of hu
man nature. Howsomever, this man
just told mo that hu thinks he lias dis
covered how ho lnsos his keys. He went
to a restaurant tho otlier day and called
for thu newspaper. As he was going
out tho waiter brought him his key,
nnd then ho recollected tl at he htvl
ttkcu It from his pocket ami laid it on
tho tabto when ho asked for tlw news
paper. Of course ho had ni reason to
do it, hut tho key and the aewnpapei
had becomo so associated lo hie mind
that lit took out tho key without think
ing about it. Yet, n a rule, a key loset
never llnds out tlio truth about It. Will
this man bo all tight after this? I hard
ly think so. Tho chances ore that he
will lo.no tlio key In Uio very next place
he enters wheru they keep newspapers.
"I havo one customer who expect;
mo to have duplicates of his keys Al
ways on hand, not at the shop,
but at my house, for he always
loses them late nt night, latch-key
and all. Four or live nights In thu year.
I hcn; a trcmoudou ring at the iloot
bell. 1 holler 'All rlehll' out ol the
window, and then grab the duislIoAte
bunch and slip doivn stairs with It,
Lor, b!e3 you! I always know who it
is. I bcllevo ha is a lawyer, and I'm
(old that he emphasises, hht folate in
after-dinner speeuhes by jioklne hie UsW
trest key in tho paint of life hand.
Where ho nuts them afterward lie novel
knows, and he isn't the kind ol man to
gl vo himself away- by inquiring.
"Oh, no, I wouldn't tare for thieves'
tradb it isn't worth a cent, -litit give
mo tho set rants' trade ami all tbo night
key buslneej, ami I would do well.
New York is the greatest plaoe on earth
In which to sell ulght-keys. Did you
know that night-keys are generally lost
near men's own houses? The reastn is
that niany men, when they have been a
llttlo Indiscreet at the club, commence
to tuako elaborate preparations foe
entering their houses while they are
still n haif a block or more away, They
will get tho key ready Mrct, and white
they are pulling their olothes straight
or lixlng their hat, will loee It.
"A customer of this kind that X hail
for six years told me ono bow he got a
lesson. It neem.1 that he always had to
wcrl: on a particular plan couldn't
help It. Ho would first take out hit t
kuy, and then sit on his doorstep to poll
Oft his boots. During the latter opera-'
tion he would lay (town nU key ami
lose it, nnd be obliged to ring. Some
times lie would lose both tbe key and
tho boobs; but ho never dared to men
tion the fact at the breakfast-table. Jit
asked me onue it woe the day ftw
Christmas to guess what present hit
wife had glveaJL Well, sir, it eoa
listed of olevetMlfkt-keye and three 0
pairs of boots, lhstween the eervMl
girl and the milkman the ornp had bsw
gathered In and given to the old Wy
Iu a single year, ' ,
There's owe foot I never eowhl a .
count for, and that is haw men with
Sood memories otherwise will fall in
le matter of keys. A man1 sent foi
me from down town on three oeclou
to pick a look for him when he hod (he
key about him each time. He wh om
of the regular losers, awl boil triesl all
sovte of ways to get over the habit.
At last he tied the key around bis neck.
Wjion he sent or me lie was trying
on pocket after another in a perfect
fury, Just as I got the picker to
work ho yelled: Great Jenualemt t?i
Hero It is around my neokl' Ho did
the sawe thing twice.
"How do peoole In general lose,
keys? Well, with them it Is mare
carclessM ami forgsseftiloee., ottd
they generally tittd tk-em omlu. It re
quires a genuine key crtuilc to lose s
koy Instantaneously, completely and
forov Some folk, mostly women,
lose keys from a habit they bat e ol
playing With them. You will notice
they often dangle or twirl them around
their fortiHagtsr, ami if they only rs
member wit ton Utey generally ifoto
twirl them ovser' hoot roll or a bridge
m uvssr kUM ran or a Drmge
w&rFTiwrHT be ,
1 to xpe??lt tu.-..V. r,"
ran om
rmlv do
prepared to expoei
Laber w MM.
TU Fiji pUntore are experieneing
eooehUraWe dUHottJiy in obtalninf (,
Hoient itipplre ol labor, the ooetoi
I'olyneeian labor having Ittereaaesl eo
f;riMly wMdn'Hie wot tirree ynvn Uust -,
t ntwtoeen fotutd impossible to grow
produce at the enhaoeed rksK h
seems probable that FIJI will have to ,,
teek K labor elsewhere. Tbe export r
atent ol bringing eooUes from Iudla ha
sot been satisfaotory, while the ooat la
a prohibitory as it Is tor the Polyne
sians. An effort will be anortly mado
to oMtsin OtHueste labor, and there le bo,V
I MM aumcolian will sewra tbm
1st IM IssssAtssTI of cst
aod olbjutM. -
duraaoe. A og evenie, tt ! j-etty
aermld that in CBtnamw, sjte Bets oi
late been aomewsvat MasMsaa Mem in
CaiUoruia awl llatoMa, s
tollable tsve FIJI
. VjMLbU
vgz" "9tnf
W sr I BBSS I f,