Fr tlte bc ttiil Vjk aftJta,
Tor I be w7(j ITrttf tgl rflJai.
fw tbe Attars In lle ifUfam-
Aad thereat! that neaatt'lo
"r 'iirfif
I4Hh Krerj- Friday fey th
" ' '
3. XV.
T. .
INfr A. J.T.. OTi . I0L
Work th roada.
Tlte comjcrof! to large Mid the
demand o email that (he Ui
thing tbe prodecer east do is (0
feci it (o clock and pwt'that on tit
mark si.
Let no shert-figntd folly or ig
norant ohi curiam defeat the prop
ortion to build a bridge across
Grand River.
ThpJmjeMy of tn law might b
as groat in a log: cabin ae anywhere
but it in't, If we have any re
rpcct tor ctsr courts let ptrt then
jo pxxl aoae.
Lei the Council approptfet $10.
000a year to bwiktiiag icfeool 1mk
es. We can easily ppare U Mid no
other investment wosM pay so
Abase your neighbor aliv and
fob ever hia ceffin when dead; Jot
(hc you will prove to th world
that you are cither tradneer or a
On dit. That tbe Principal Chief
will have bis approaching inaugu
ration graced by the pragma of a
risndtomc'and accomplished yam?
bride in the person of Mies Eknee
Butler, ofTalcquah.
Tbe oath taken by an ofieial to
perform certain duties required Jby
lav, hs the same ranelKy as ote
taken in a court of justice to tell the
troth, the whole truth ami nothing
but the truth and lite consdentMtM
man Till regard it in that light.
From "Uur Jirothcr tn ued ' we ,
lcam that the ?taiUcal Sretary
of the Indian Mission ComVrence
at iU late feffion at Vebber'a Fall
reported 1,234 white, 20 colored
and 4,785 Indian merabsrs in the
conference; clso 1C6 local preach-en-,
SOI adult and.4S2 infant bap
ticms. Tbo Chcrokoo Kation&l Council
will meet in T&lilcqtub.'tlie isn't
Monday in next munth. After or
ganizing, tbe firt business will be
to inanguratc for a tcond tenn,
ilewrs. Bualiyhcad and Hunch as
Frindpal and Aitant Chiefs.
l)io Lewis 5Io.vrHi.r. I'ensons
within a magazine tilled with use
ful and attractive reading and
printed in larre clear type shoald
aubferibe for Pio Lewii Monthly.
Price t2.(l per annum. Addret
Fiank ramant No. 88, Bible
Ilouee, New York City.
David lat vze found with his
ihrut cut from ear to ear, Montlay
morning the 8th hist., a half mile
fromW. J. McKeeV, in FUnt
District on the road to Evaneville,
Ark., Jug Bunch, Aleck Bunch
end one other hare been arrested
on punpinion as the perpetrator of
the deed. They bad been to a show
at Evansvillc and were returning
under the influence of whisky.
Vinita is far better known than
any Indian town in tbe country.
Bheianowon u Eoltd basia. Jfer
business men arc cHTzcn and thoy
ate here to stay. Permanent
buildings are now going uj), and
the prosperity i of a kind that will
go right on. Vinita is tho gato to
tho Tciritory, and must always
remain to. Let every citiien do
his duty and sbo will eonn be the
commercial aa well t railroad me
tropolis of tbi region.
Did you ever think aliout it?
Hon much harm is done to tho
Vueiucsd of Vinita by narrow mind
ed, jealous goaippMl A stranger
comes to town and one person gives
a bad account of one promineut
citiren; another abuses another
promiueut perron; anothor slan
ders one church; somebody elie
another; ond n on till thero is
some cur to abue and derogate
everything und everybody in the
town. 80 tho visitor must either
conclude that hia infunnanlu are
all liar or that ho bus come to a
very b.id place. If you can't say
anything good don't Bay anything
at all.
Stockmen hereabouts are pre
paring for wintering stock. A very
large amount of hav has been pro
pared, and, in addition, a consider
able quantity of corn will bo fed.
Ths 1 an go, thus far, is in good
shape, the lato rains having start
ed a now growth of grass. This is
true particularly of surfacos on tho
prairies which wero burned some
timoago, the grass on tho "burns"
growing rapidly and boing very
nutritious. Cattle, gwiornllv. look
well and are in lino conditon ion
cold weather, bhoitid the coming
winter prove a inild "tic but littlo
feeding will bo done, tin- ;itflo ho
iug allowed to shift for UiciijbcIvos
tin the rajie.
Ji5jr't'ri T.U.
tf ),.!.' .-, I) '.if! 'j ff'-l.t
S)iiktnf Lfi'. cr!.'crfab ii,trMK
brtwetn Jahre Parker ff fh I"
'.. r. !?.( ,V ! I: - 1
Arkaii-.- ; i j r!''rt: cf n
ili'fun K-p..tJj.an. ab.U urn'
tine1. . r marked W th rt-1
porter, the hirh xxmlioa rilled by
Jdgc 'wkr and hia fortnrr mew- i
bfhfp tn C tt.rM aivo 1. fh ' v:rvii'.r :n i t' n r ,i f at
it triglit o hi! je than'al. Tb'T i no rcTir Kj anr'i
W'-mM aiu-h io a lew .Ji-i.na-1 taprriir Coart ar.d whn th e-1
v ),( h nm. Th" Juii U eaa- J cwi utwnrirtiby rtaallj a for '
phatic in tfAT'l U the tHl held
tr the leadtc tnbee of the Terri
tory to their land. TH-sk that
h- foold romf ha .' tm of jr- rn.
mnt fottheot hit wt,uld not d.
torb oxfatJng nght and intii
ti'na and i oj pol to the r-tab.
HahtseaHofa United Statoi Cooit
for the ladiaa Territory. On the
firt point the Ctuxrrats eonew.
on 'Jti ieeond respectally dW
gr and the third hold andtr
adrifcment bot not far th ieac n
of opposition attnhcted to Judge
Iarkr. :
There U no dirertity of opinion '
Car a we know,'anong wellia- j
formed person m to the ralidity
of the titfcM to their lands held j
hr th Indiana. That isa ad.md
knted question and we pass it.
The jadge while a member of
Congresis prepared, ptissnted and
snpported a MH to organize the In
dian Territory, bat it failed topaa
the bones of which bo was a dts
tingafehtd wember. If his riewn
remained as they were then they
aie not Materially dirTerea trout
othcru that hxec found rxj craion
in the indoAntte number of like
echesnos heretofore pre oted to
Cwigteas on the same snbject.
Tbe Cnutrratx wanu none of
them. In relation to a Conu for J '-l.T. J Utak w'k In
the "Territory "Jndg Pnrfur!rnl'Jr to th eastward of onr rU
thougbt it would be very objection ! kg On leaching th prairie I
al. We all know what Indian jar- J MW. ,il,8 t Ih right, th
is woakl be. It would b impos- B"w . h'le to y WA were
wUc for the Sheriff or Marshal to n comforuM home boild-
obtain an imparUal jnry amon'Bf " ' H. Ass. Away to
th ignorant Indiana. The teati-1
inony would hav tn 1n taken
thrnnh intrr.rtr. tkrp won! J
be bat little intelligence on th
part of tbe witness and jurors
and no judge woald compromise
-"--WB).- ----- - J-- - -." f V. W ww--
bis dignity and self respect by
presiding over au-h a coart."
And that is th estimate Jadge
Parker dacec upon the larger por
tion of hia judicial District which
he rules from the bench with al
most supreme power. We have
Very high rospcei for Judge Parker
and regret that lta should enter
tain, much less giro pttbUe utter
ance to such nw. Until th Inst
Congrsta divided the Indian
Territory judicially betaen Ar
kansas, Knnens and Texarf so ae to
allow a distribution of patronage,
tho Coort at Vt. Smith bad no par
allel within the United Stale.
With tbe addition of a few counties
in Arkansas tqe Judge ha just the
da of matt-rial tn deal with which
he al lege no judge of lf rvapect
would presidt) ov r. Adde from
tho juries who receive the law from
the bench of the Court at Ft.
Smith, tnt- class of persona who
eora before it are juat such persona
as are found in the Territory and
the us of interpreters the ?amt.
And yet no one ever supposed that
either tho dignity or the slf re
spect of any judge who has occu
pied the bench there was compro
mised by it. On th other hand it
ia ft position of honor when has
been rilled by gentlemen of high
character anil eonghl by not a few
others. There is, ranch ignorance
to be met with in th Territory but
there is also ignorance oateido
of it and no small degree of It
among whites and colored porsons
beyond it, oven within tho portion
of it that serves to sustain the dig
nity and self respect of Uie;I)ench
of the Western District of Arkan
sas The simple fact in relation to the
Court is that it hi an anomaly, and
in its constitution by Congress ig
nored curtain great principles of
law which lie at the very founda
tion of common justice. We fay
nothing about the enormous ex
pense incurred by the Government
and the loss ot time and money
imposed upon twtnevses and ac
cused jtcrsons in reaching its or
tuls, nor of the trivial charges and
oileiuos that 00 mo within its com
pruhenstvo grasp, nor of the inter
ests ot Ft. Smith, of the bar, of ju
rors and tradesmen find boarding,
houfce keepers to hold hurt to tho
benefits derived 'rom the presunce
of the Court, nor yet to the well
known fact that propositions to
curtail the extent of tho District
and form the Indian Territory into
a distinct judicial District, when
before Congress, met with net-
ivo opposition from thoso powerful
interests, but to the luw con
stituting tho Court itself. First
tnoro is no trial by a jury of the
vicinage by a jury of peers in the
legal sense.
r-. --
I he Junes coinpood j
of whites and blacks, and it i atv the total number of deaths in the
coveted privilege by fcouie of them ' tttlut population. About twioe its
to bo surnini'iK-il a-, juror fur th" ! nun.v itur among men as among
Court, are all tUn from the atuii-' woaicn.
and from
one to more than a hun
dred milt s fiom the eevnex of many
alleged onVun-H N Indian, no"
white nmi;, uu Wack man, Oi.itt v-
w r r
tfcerv a appeai fn.w tbe j
rw fc'
if i ,a
r r to
' r- -'T- nn t
rto t! "Mjp"i.f fort
Tnitd PtiU end. in rirw
f '),
f th ,
. ' trtr9i Mt,9tr ft ret - leVtn I
.v ...... v .-. . r ..- ,. w aaawfi I
a ao beiire UmU awftMt triovnal
i :
rf j'jryaiid trmtrnce naaaed irrn
bint, hia only hope f r rclee from
lmpnvomeT.If TV !-"- f1"-?!
im atpal ti if.' Pr i-nt .f t'.
r&ited State for pardoo or torn
orutat km. We rjej!, with all re
pit fer the y !- rf of the Court,
thai it la aa anooialy among the
tribunals of jwtke. The Jodge of
the Fvrt Ptui.h Diitrict alne ha
paed irttTe cf dth vr.
n'ri?cvnti'Vl hoticai.4 tan if
are to ffo at, nrt n! of whom.
red. white or black. Ter had the
poor privilege of h&rtftg his
reviewed in any other than the
manner we have stated. The law
rents the Jndgw of these border
District Conrte with almost nnlim-
ited power; human nature prompts
them to it.
ix. uiarna ocungs.
The friend who kindly fomlahed
the following will plena write
Thinking a few lines from this
part of the Nation might be of some
interest to yon and tbe reading
public I writ yon.
As yon well know, this is the
old time home of th senior editor,
the land he always lored so well.
(h a beautiful Sabbath evening
" " monnUina across
I Br. eyd another,
' m nnlike billows on the ocean.
I turned, and looking toward the
west saw the Grand and Arkansas
riTers moving along through their
serpentine eonriei, the reflected
light from th evening sun causing
them to look like great threads of
bnraiehed silver.
It was indeed a beautiful sunset
Ac th evening shades were fall
ing! risetraeed my steps, passing
on my return the neat home of
some of ok towvevien, Cade Jack
Walker, Dr. Howard and others.
Many of lb boey men who used
to be seen on the streets of onr
historic little town, twenty years
ago, are here no more. Gone.
Some to ether fields, some haw
quit bnsineM and some have "gone
beyond the river." Of the old
timers who yet remain may be
mentioned Wru. Scott, though
with a leas active step aa tbe years
come in, though in the midst of a
good business.
Mr. Pordral ia still ready to wait
on hid host of varied customers.
A new firm, though of old dti
teus have lately commenced busi
ness bore, viz: Messrs. Nash
French, who aro striving and eeem
to be gaining a good share of the
public patronage.
We ltave two churches with good
minhnets and two coWed churches
Two chools aWy conducted, one a
misaion school tho other Cherokee.
Onr ehiaf, Mr. Itashyhead, it
the win fluiet unosenuung gentle
man ajd aitiaen, though earnest
and zealous in the eause of his
people and the sphere in which he
ut called to set.
Two companies of soldiers (In
fantry) aro stationed here. Many
of tho oiuoers and men are pleas
ant gentlemen. The commander
of the gnrrloon, Col. Dates, is well
liked and seems to t e tbe right nun
in the right place.
We hare no railroad as yet but
at morn and eve we hear the roar of
of heavy trains as tltey erosa the
Arkatuiaa rirer bridge miles away,
moving along that great artery of
trade, the M. K. A T. Ity.
Like you, who are located on a
great railway runn'rja'Jnwft' Chica
go t Galveston, wo too, may tome
day b located en another of ooaal
or greater imjKWtanee, vis: front
Charleston, S. C, via Memphis to
Denver and SanFranciseo. We
may soon hoar the sound of the
forge and loom in our midst. And
like you, we may yet have here a
little city who spires and rnina
retU may almost pierce tbe eloods.
A home and a people where and
among whom sobriety, morality
and intelligence mar prevail.
S. A. W.
Frm a recent investigation into
the mortality referable to alcohol
conducted by a commit! of the
! Xarveian Societr. it annanm that
.. . af . r 1 "-"-
thQ rule tn Ioudon is 14 per bent
Silence never showed itself to so
great an advantage as when it madi
reply U calumny and defamation.
XhLeu:e to
The Fairuoir ar.d ruaay
is asMnkTOstiny
For Ids
JLjargest Line of Hardware, Stoves and
Tinware kept in the Gtierokea Nation.
Doors, Windows, Window Glass, Paints and Oil.
In fact everything yon want in the Household Line.
For Good Goods at Bottom Prices go to
. w9l- Oa SL'TREOKnO dfes OO'j,
There,a one pko in the Indian
And o, iPxtli
"toy Our Oustoinors.
IF rdfr WAXT Harness, Saddlery, Leather Goods of any Had
G-o to "7w7" O. PATFOM'S-
IF YOU WANT Wagona, Agricultural ihchinery, Buggies, Spring Wagons, ot,, eto.,
Gro to "ju". o- xj''oirs-
1F YOU ARK SICK and want Medicines, Drugs, Proscriptions cnrenlly proptred, ate,
' YOU WANT Clothing, Boots and Shoes, lUte, Cape, Bedding, oto, eto, etc,
IF YOU ARE IWSaitrmd want Groceries, Flour, Baeon, Oannotl QoodB, ote, etc.
IF YOU ARE IX I.OVK and want Candied, Parfumio., Toilet Goods, Soap, eto etc,
IP YOU ARK QOhXQ TO MAURY uiH want a mplcte outfiit of everjthing,
GO TO W. C. PATT0K Ytaita, I. T.
IB"CL37" C0nLe,p O-ocdI
Idled io p pmidMta who expected
! dWait eapeet tscaa. Mat Um
ardcd witfi say
"7Uu Gr'JEL
"Sr2vC:Nr3D&; Co.
Torritary whore you oan hey any
General Store
-aj3dOXt2a3L02XI3.t Of FlTroTyt'H i t- g
Artn rd tvat pj th:
to anybody to
T-i rn
kind of good you want. Wo keep
Tis lire Stack Market cf St Loan
Located at Easi Si. Louie, ill.
rWrarilir imiiiw tf ;rof S4 Lfrtiia.
' Bavcr tar all 4wrrir.o f Kre aUnrk
aiwif ia !tftdtT. aa-t ;t!ia the
atoa cf tWi aeotk jard ar iMku,, jvn ( ja oriac
eanwlan nwaiir. with a racity for 1 , ... ., ..-ij .w .
as)de1cssjeciM esUMSehwnt" "Ui
a ransrity wit aJaVjfrtonpg ,' bon
OuxuT.Jtntm, Aaserlatetxteat. M
PaO New Mark Jaat beagh la Saint
taam atloweat vboleaalep. m and
new !r aJ at
Bed-rock Prices.
Cash paM for far, Mdea, etc. Cash
r goods iaeachaaa tor cattle. Trade
LoadV of 'goods arriving at
Green's daily.
Mr. M. H. Ilowsley of the Mos
eone nureery, setarns hia thanks
toUwpeopfoof th Territory for
their Kboral palxonacain th past,
sad hopes to merit a continuance of
the sam by selling ae good trees
and at as low figures as ran be had
in any good nursery in the state.
Iw 1.
Pa rat far Sale.
.Thirty-five acres in cultivation.
Good range for stock. Good bear
ins orehard. Apply to or addraas
J. V. Cratelrfk4d,
li. Catoosa, I. Tv
Ylnita. Sept. 30, 1SS3
Q. II. Warren has pnreha4l the
grand River Milk, month of Fry
orS creek, and requests the same
natroatag as given to his p edecps
eor. The mill will be run under
the sam management and by tbe
same miller as Wore Tho.
wright. Addrt-,
2U. ChoUau, I. T.
ViniU, C. N.
J. W, Stapler &,3on,
Talileqxiali C." T.,
Take pleasure in announcing to
the public that their
'STOCK is now complete in all
its Department. If you want fair,
square dealing and the, full worth
of your money call on them.
Tableqwdt, ... c. N
The Largest and best selected
stock at Bottom Prices.
Sawing Machines, Organs, Coffin
aad Metallic eases always
kept in stock.
J3- II. ECoiTYian,
South side of Maple St.
CaurrorA, - - - Kxxb.
Vinita 33 rick Yard
Apply to .C. W. A. LYNCH.
Tito Bcrnas' Germ: li I
, red alaitU and St)t.. euh
JukOjw, iih ott a.UOU
illustraueo a irbola 11W.
turttf iI!a-v Ht.M i.Ut.
, ; . e.v. . uii nuvtv-
far twunal or tamU um. TIJ. mv
U) otder, and gjj exort CMrt of ewrr.
tlUnj yeu nte, t. drink, vair.w lure
fua with. Thau iqniluaUf) looks wr
Uia irXnsat-a gkuitj from the raaj
iHf of tie ! . 1 AVo wi 1 J n Ail a cony
X rco Pi i!lT tjjrcwupon rot-ii.t of tL
poiae -7.'ta, ItujiLearrviuyoa.
ST tt) Wso Xnm?- ti3it lit
iiiiin ' nwnrifrrr ntnui
I itli vrt ru mark foll tolj- t
1 h!p lUotT IHinoU river, i tat
fwal.ow fiwk rf aaderMt !a oXS
ear aanl aatertorw ia tbe otlwr.
Vlnlto. t. T.
BnwJedoa both aides. Crop off left
eas sad apUt la right. aoa Locust
Prairie OKy, I. T.
Branded with Mtuo bnmt on both
4d- aad both hi. xahuu JftaU of
lioaa Creek.
J. vr. sLuoTr & 00.,
VlnliiM. T.
Uog mrk un-lt-hit ia or car,
eretatt'ofUieuft. I'attte brandwiou
left bip aad alioakirr. sue Cabin
Creek. f
Bono, I. T.
Ilrac I - rn !, .t'i r m lu. lnrZ
j rrrntl rulit ir i-.n.li-r kIojw oU left
'L-tr. R.mwi--ll irscCrwk, C. K.
ZvaoBViUe, Kanwie.
jiiui'ura-u came an IiranUPilJr?
i? .if t. . 1 ... . . .
on 111 aiii nl hit. .-vine ear 'I'.
markixl uf w fSTS" fcK
tiieiat. sjsrsiur;.,,,-Sieyic,! .lie
, 11 -"' mat
"... iiwi-i Wl., lfffTn tn n.
f :..- WVUJ " -.
srctHlfc e.Lr. kkc-i i
artotid i- ir y-'ri i ? n l
-e-oiuovmictu' cvuntv jwul.
LOUIS acj&Has.
Ohotqpa, Kansat.
Ntit and hum rutin oar awl swalfotr
fort in left Rewl-brund Uj Mi.
lUNoa-CabmOreek. '
Ohorokoo Orphnn Asylum.
Hark. mnoothrY.i. ir
anderblt in rig ht.
Skiatook PoeUofflco, Q. N.
i Horse brand esano on left ehoul
i der.
Posticus Pky:dlRn.
( alii jr
r .-J t
rum B. KATTM.
1 w W
ind. Trn-
i ! tn, li.v or
" titinii
1 ,. ,
' V
m-0rmilfw. "
vW- ..'
-w,w--r irtf-V