Newspaper Page Text
-.1 A If ? 1' ftV UW-llLl-WfiW gl KvmfmanfirwntmtiKatnjar9Kfjrtvi9mMtmtii6mmMitnn THE CTIII.FTAtN 81. CO VElt YMAn 6 VIMTA, I. T. OCT. 20, KS. 'rlio Sail FranclBeo loWl Is doing n rflnoUitHliKMH. A nind dog kcnrc Is ruimrtfNl from TllutJiBtrl.t. Hevernl rnttlo litiyora wore in town i during tho past veck. There 1 contlJembli'slcknoe In the I Tlvlnitx of till llitco. A bunch of cntllo from Texas wait brought hero limttvcok. Urmihcerfontho Western liranch of tho Frltco ruUvr.iy Is Increasing. Tho repair of tho.'cronslng of tho Kriseo wad, near tho Knglncers oflleo, I tlmolj'i Quito n uumhor of our citizens at tonded tho races at Independence, Knnt.fl, Iftht week. A hfcrd of nearly 100 Texas ponies him been held on tho prolrio oast of i town tho past week. In localities heyoud tho Kansas bor dor corn la reported to bo selling nt twenty cents per bushel. Quail and pralrio chickens tiro com inn to this market In abundance. Dcr is likewise plontlfnl. Tlie "payment" was suspended Tnes day afternoon and the overplus Monoy deposited in a place of security. Tho reported approaching marriaRO ot;flon. I). W. Hufihyhead, will be the event of tho season in social circles. Wider and lonftorj steps nt tho west ' 'ind of tho Frisco station platform Is nn .m rnvempnt f bo desired. Di..i't fll to iad tho now adver- mt.iionle. Thwi read all the adver Hricnacntr, new and old, and profit thereby. Tho demand for h lnrtfe and commod ious botol at this point Is growing loud or. True, all our hotels nto woll kept, but the increased patronajje calls for moro room. Wo hoar that there will bu quite n contintovertha olllei?'.hich theOun- ; ell will havo to bestow nt its coming acumen, Tho crowd of peoplo brought togoth- cr here "by tho payment liavo folded their tents and (rone away, but Vinita retains an aotlvo trade. The time of the departure of tho pas. Heiijrtr and mall train going cast ' over the Frisco road, has been ehnng- fod from 2:25 to S;05 p. in., n half hour later than heretofore. Mr Zcrbonl has taken tho place of Mr. biuclnlr as postnl clerk between l'ulrco City and Vititta durliig his India poilllou, and performed his duties with urbanity and despatch. Tho flno building of w7c 1'atton is mmritig completion. Th Interior is bolng flulHlicd up. When completed the building will bo one of tho lurgcbt and best In tho Territory. AxoTnnn.Ktas, Tho knowing ones Bay that tho long white strands of tho web of tho "Spanish spider" seen float lug over the prairie ro abundantly, is a aure sign of n jevcro winter. Wo shall seo. 'Kld" Waller, tfmliM been herding cattlo for U. II. 15rain, near tlila phu-o dunng.tho past auininer, Is quite kick ut tho fc'un Francisco Hotel, Ilia din iiase Is malarial fever. 1 B. Sinclair, tho ever genial and toftrtcous pontal agent lu'tweeu l'eirce Olty mid Vluita, wtio had to luy ofl'n fawdhys last Meek on account of perso nal indisposition, isug.tiii nt his post. jllon. J. G. Scrimpsher, "f Calaosrt, .has so far recovered from tho painful wound that ho received some tlmo ago from nn accidental shot, as to bo able to get about hia place by tho use of crutches. lluslneks mon will plcuBO bear in mind that wo do nil kltida of job print lug, nt the lowctit thing prices, and thatordcra furauch will bo thankfully received and piomptly executed. Mr. Wm. Littlo hns commenced the ( erection of a flno residence, opposite tho dwelling of lit. Frnrec: The main building is 32x10 with n wing 20x10, nnd tl(o Iioubo when completed will bo or. oof the cosiest in Vinita. Tho pay car on tho Mo. l'aclflc R. It. reached Vinita Wednesday nt 10 o'- clock a. m. Tho distributions made by j it to employes of the railway, weru us acceptable ns tho recent payment to f ho ChcrofcccH. Tho radio for it shot-gun, Inaugurat ed by Mrr Goodykoontz, toolf placohist week. There were about twu'uty chanc es ut $1 each. Tho weapon was a lino doubl6-bnrrelcd hhot-giin. G. H. Ily rum nud Dr. Davis wens tho n tuners. Tho OiiurrAiN ofllce Is now prepared to execute all claatea of job printing, Wo have tiew'prossea nnd latent styles of typo nnd can turn ont any quality or quautlty of work desired. Give us a 'call and bo convinced. Koto tho change in tho "ad" of I), W. , I.ipe, ofOowala! Ifo Is carrjing a fnrgo and vuried nsuortineut of general t inercliUndlse, which ho will sell as Ciioup as uuy liouo in tho Torrltary, Give htm a cull hoforo purchasing olso- where. It. L. Nicholson, a Ghorokco by blood tut i rosldent of Uosquo county, Tex., Who reccutly lost twonly-tlireo head of horses nnd mules, shortly after his ar rival uith tlfcm here, has recovorcd all but one or two of thorn. Sunday morning, n littlo beforo day light, n shot was ilrod into tho hriuso of Jmlgo Geo. W. tVruper, westci'tlio Academy, which might have proved fatal to his life. The bull entered n window near which tho Judge nud his wife were sleeping nnd passed oer i heir heads, so i.bnr that two inches or dohwor, It would havo ttruek him in tho temple. Jt is not known that Judgo Scraper hns nn wiomy in the country, much lojjs one who would beck his life by Assassination, and it is 6itppoiod that tho shot was' (I red nt random by aamo druu V-iu fellow, who took that method of displaying his neroisnu Th" compan.onshlp between fools and tevolvera la n dniigoVoiis-one, and shen'd hr dMhel Tho ten year old daughter of M. M. filicelinn met with n painful accident PuiHay last, fho wna out riding whim the saddle turned, throning heron the ground nnd fracturing ono of her arms. Itev.J.W. ecroggn, asaoclato editor oftheCiiiETis, wo nro gratified to state, la improving In health. Address M Congregational House, Boston, Mnss. At about 3 o'clock' yoday morn ing, James, n carpenter well known in this place, was uhi nnd killed nt Ca toosa by n stockman namod Cleveland, The quarrel originated over a gamo of l' Tho meeting or tho Proshyterlan ministers for tho purpose of orgnnlrlng tho Presbytery of tho Indian Torrltory, takes plnca nt Fort Glb fcou tho 31st lust. The l'rcsbrlery will includo that portion of tho Territory east of the meridian of Arknnans City, Kas., projected south. Wo understand that about 700 por sons have not yot drawn tliolr per cap ita. They live in diflarcnt pnrtsof thn nntioo.'nnd were unablo from various causes to nttend the payment nt this or other points. They will bu paid ut Talcquiili. The remainder of tho sum of money comprising the fund for tho payment of tho per capita was something over f.10,000. Tho money has been placed in tho treasury nt Tnlcqunh, and will be paid to those legally entitled to it when applied for. Tho rafllelornhorpo last week result ed in the animal falling to Capt. Skin ner and lion. Clem Kogers. The radio waa conducted by means of dice, tho highest throw winning. The highest number thrown was forty-six, and Mesers. Hkinnor and Ilogers bought this chanco nnd won tho horso. Ono man threw forty-ono and auothcr43. Treasurer I.lpo closed Ids payments at this place Inst Tuesday, tho-2.1 inst. Tho general good ordor which prevail ed it worthy of special note and com mendation, A gentleman from an ad joining atato declared that It was re markable when so many pooplc wero thrown togethor under circumstance rendered unpleasant by tho bad wen thoi, nud that a like CKf-embhigo In bin statu would have been productive of a dozen doggnry fights. Huuday last, just an tho cars were coming down tho Mo. PaclAe It. 11., a man named William, n resi dent of Maysville, Mo., had n fainting (It nnd fell near the track. Ho was struck by tho cars and badly bruised, n largo ga.h belug cut In lit. bead and tho flesh torn from his face. Ho es caped from death almost by n miracle. His wounds wero drest-cd nud at last accounts ho waa rapidly recovering. A. C. Raymond & Co. have their rs tabliHhmunt tilled to overflowing with every Imaginable article In the wnyof hardware, furniture, etc-, and carrying as they do tho largest ntock to be found iu tho Torrltory, they arc en abled to give their customers some ex cellent hargnlriH. Call and see tliein. Moro recruits for Fort Smith. Tom White, Earnest Lewis and Dunham, nil whiles, wero arrested tho 24th Innl., by Went Martin, posseo for Dopuly U, 3. Marshal Marks, charged with introt ducing and vending intoxicating liq uors against tho law of tho IT. 8. in such case made and provided. It U stated that they plied the trade during the payment. A five gallon keg near ly emptied of its contents was found hidden in Hull Creek. They will pro ceed to Ft. Smith nnd swell tho num ber of tho Hiixlofltf company nwnfting trial at tho bHr of Judge Parker. Wo bad a ple.inant call from our young countryman, Mr. J. II. Gibson, who teaches apnlir school called Olympus, tlvo miles cast of Caroy'a Fer ry. Tho pupils or tho school and vi cinity have orpaulzed a debating society for mutual improvement composed of about twenty members with tho fol lowing officers: T. 8. Rcmson, President; J. n. Gib son, Vico President; J. E. llutlor, Sec retary; Jos. D.ivls Corresponding Sec rotary; J. p. nutler.Tri-nsurer. Tho school hna ubout -1 members. Thcru ia ulsoa Sunday School of about forty attciiduutauiid tho Rov. Mr. Ho gun of the Baptist Church preaches for them overy third Sabbath iu each month. Worcciter Academy Xofce. HtudenU cantlnuu to increase at the Academy, but whoro they find placos for boanllngis ditlicult to determine. Tha music department is overcrowd ed beyond the capacity of tho instru ments iu use. The Hoard would bo glad to see ita way clear to procure au additional piano. It ia hoped that iu someway this want can he supplied. Students who como from abroad aud tnko music, genorally represent an ele ment of refinement aud taste, which, iu ita general influence In a school or in a community, is epeclnl objesl to re tain; and such studuuta must bo accom modated in some way If wo expect to innko the school what wo are deter mined to uiaUelt, the host possible; of tho firut chis iu everything which it toailiwr. Thq leotfiro of Prof. Cumlall at the Congregational cnurch last Sunday- ovemng wifs largely at tended. " Tho subject was: "Bad Hooks nnd And Company ." The Prof, roviowed tho pernicious cf fcols of tho various vices of tho proeetrt day in a masterly niannoV. llo Bpoko of tho influenco of homo upon early youth, and delineated tho gradual descent from innocence to vico by a series of interesting comparisons. Tho incident in tho lifo of Mnhomot, who partook of poisonod moat, and who, wliilo es caping fatal consequences, yut felt tho'cllccts of tho subtle poison of on upon his donih bed, wag used to il lustrate tho Inlluonce of vico upon those over whom it uad obtained tho slightest control. The speaker dwelt npon tho importance of tho youiVg keeping aloof from uvil com connmnions; ho referred to tho flood of bad books and nowspapors and Urged that nftor tho Uiblo wo should fend only tho best works, and surround Miwlvcs with such influences if would destroy or avert vico and riske ur Ih c jnro -uiiiKefangrywmJga.votfL Po order your llfo as not to fill out with yourself, for rocondlia tion is dilhctilt I.nst week thore was a chnngo in the nianngemcnt of tho SanFran Cisco JTutol. Tho now proprietor is Mr. T. 1). Ross, who brings to thomnnngctnent wido oxperionco and good executive ability. Mr. Koas intends thoroughly renovating tho hotel and will refit and roftir nish It throughout and will muko it thobestJioUil in tho Indian Na tion. Tho tables will ho supplied with tho bent tho nmkot afford, and no moans will be spared to make their guests comfortable. Tho CniRPTAiN bespeaks for tho now management a .wide mensur ofsuocosB. A man who picks up the Cirlw T.ujf and sees plenty of store ad vertising thoir business thinks,. "Good many stores at Vinit.'; plenty of competition; variety of goods. I'll go there to trndo." But if ho boob but few advertise ments he thinks, "Fow storoB; lit tlo competition; guess I'll go to a largor place." A man boos the business of a town by looking thto' tho newspaper bettor tliHii ho run by walking through tho town. Hundreds judge tho town by its newspaper where ono walks over it. The ttiiiiding of a town de pends on its paper. Business men, every word of this is solid truth. Tun Ottawa Indians. John. V. Early, Chief of tho Ottawa In- diaus passed through Vinita, Wed nesday en route, to tho Huo nnd Fox Agoncy, Mr. Early is leu than fifty years of ago, waa bo rn in tho slate of Ohio .and came with his people from Kansas to tho In dian Territory in 1870. Chief Ear ly is a fine specimen of a man and carries a vigorous mind in a largo and healthy body. Ho informs u that his people nuinbur about 110 souls and have a reservation of something less than fifteen thous and acres of desirablo land lying north of tho Neosho river and houth of tho reservations of tho Po orias and Quapaws. Thoy have thirty-five children ultonding tho Quupaw mission sohoul under tho Kuporintondency of Mr. Whiting, who nro woll eared for, tho school being well conducted in all re spects. Tho Oltawna cultivnto a fair share of their reservation, partly themselves and by rontors and havo leased for live years five thousand acres for grazing purpos es to a company of stockmen for which thoy are paid twelve and a half cento per acre pur annum. The proceeds arc applied to the bcnoiilof the tribe and is thoir on ly source of income as they rocoivc no uuuuilios from tho government. Mr. Early rc-irds tho condition of his peoplo as hopeful for tho fu "turc. A man and woman, ngod respect ively 70 and 7-1, passed througlu thn plaeo Tuesday last. Upon being interviewed by the Chisftain reporter they gave wune inlerestin facts concerning thomsolves. Their names wero David A. and Susan Kemp. Tho former was born in Pennsylvania in 1807; the lady was born in 1801), is a native of Pennsylvania aud was married to Mr. Kemp in 182f. Sho was tho mother,' of twelve children, only fivo of whom aro now living. Somo years since Mr. aud Mrs. Kemp left Pennsylvania and went to Do Witt county, Toxas, making their homo with a married daugh ter. At this tirno thoy wore on their way to visit some of their children who live in Now York and Pennsylvania, whoro thoy will re main daring tho winter, roturning to Texas in tho spring. Both wero in good health, with every faculty unimpaired and with every indi cation that their lives would be ex tended to tho uttermost limit. Mr. Koinp said that ho belonged to a long-lived family, his grandfather having died in his 08th year, and his father havinglivod to reach 101 yoars. Ills brother is also Bring nnd is two yours hit uonior, being 78. National Stork lard. St. Louis, Oct., 23d, 18S3. Our market opens ten c.onta strongor on hogs with prospects of a stoadv market for tho week. Tho packing season is now at hand and ono of our largo packers pioposos to commonco operations this week, and tho other will fol low milt soon aftor. It is thought that hogs will go lower but wo think they aro now closo if not at bottom pricos. Tho cattlo market opens slow with nor flattering pros pect to those who bold for higher prices. Wo believe iu shipping without delay all good grass oattlo. A groat many cattlo will bo fed rho coming winter and wo beliovo Do ccmbor, January and Fcbiuary will bo tho best months iu v Inch to markot those that aro fod t.irly. Ttioro will bo a great many fcl for a lato market. North Missouri is short of torri and less cattlo will bo shipped from that suction than usual It seems that fanue a in tho Nation wtvi feed ac.irloa-' and lupwrirl t;n make ,;0'3dinoJ y Ux the operation. If tho Cinr.rrAi.v would advocate tho feeding only a. few hend to supply homo markets aud soil to the shipper, it would only add that much moro to tho wealth na well ns tho capacity of the Torritory, giving it n prestige for tho future. Agriculture is tho woalth of a nation and combined with stock raising will makp your peoplo prosperous and indepen dent. B. Tho Constitution of tho United Stales declares that no "person shall ho subject for the same oflenoo to bo twico put in jeopardy of lifo or limb." The law Rogulatimj Trado nnd Intercourse with tho Indians pro vidos that tho laws providing for tho punishment of crimes-in the Indian Country shall not bo con Btruod to extend to crimes com mitted by one Indian against tho porson or property of nnother In dian, nor to any Indian commit ting any oflougo in tho Indian Country who has boon punished by the local laws of the Tribo or to any case, whoioby troaty stipu lations, the exclusive jurisdiction over such ofl'onso is or may bo se cured to tho Indian Tribes re spectively. The local law of tho Tribe mny finally punish an offense to tho ox tent of consigning tho perpetrator to prison or to tho gallows, and that iu tho end of tho caso. But if tho samo jury wore to acquit him ho could again bo placod in jeop ardy of lifo orlimb by trial before tho District Court of tho United States. Indeed such has been tho caso. finch proceeding strikes the common mind as clearly violative of ll.o letter nnd spirit of tho Constitu tion quoted above, however much in accordance with tho law. Yot to test it boforo the Supremo Court of tho Unitod States would involve a degreo of expense that but few individuals would bo ablo or willing to incur. A few moro'eaddlcs loft at tin fc Nichols. Mar- If you want a goodand ohcap sot of harness go to Martin it Nichols. Martin & Nichols sold Joo'Hog ora an eighteen dollar saddlo to put on a S12.f)0 hor-e, Monday. Blankets and comforts by bale at Green's. (io to Bold. "Ironsides for aad cheap groceries. the good Queonsware, (Haas ware, waro and Hardware et Bobt. Tin-Iron- sides. Bobt. Ironsides still at tho front with a splendid lot of heating and cook stoves which ho will sell at bottom prices. AH goods fresh and of tho boat quality at tho ''Old Boliable" gro eery house of O. C. Ironsinoa. Go to C. C. Ironsides for the froshost, neatest and cheapest gro coiies. C. C. Ironsides lias rearranged his entiro stock since the payment. Neatest stock of groceries iu thu West. $ l.r,50 When you draw it, go to Lewis for bargains. Heating stoves, all tizos and pric es, Williams and Lyon, Chclopa. If you want bargains in furniture go to Herman's, Chetopn, Kansas. Donl forgot tlmt Green has loads of goodsfor sale, cheap. Buvan Indeanolacook stovo at Lewi's' for 820.00. Harness cheaper than tho cheap- ,cst at Lewis' ' If you want 850 or 8100 wortn of goods go to Lowib and ask nun what discount ho will givo for the cash. Go to Horman's for bargains in tho furniture lino, Chotopa, Kansas. , Bain wagons and all kind of implements for salo by Williams and Lyoi, Chotopa. Bootsand Shoes mado to orcbr and of boat material by C. V Luko,- Seneca, Mo. Lewis received a stock of 0. G. Java coffee boforo tho volcanic er uptions in that illfatcd isle. GotoW. H. Mitchell's Seneca, Mo., For'gold rings, gold Braco lets, gold pons, drugs, notions, toys, books, &c. Early breakfast stoves with soap etono tile lined oven doors, Is tho best baker in tho world. It is mado of tho best quality of iron; wo guar antee ovory stovo. Sold by Wil liams and Lyon, Chotopa'. Tho Muscogco Nursory will offer for salo this fall.begining tho first of November, tho finest stock of fruit trees it ha over grown. All of tho boat variotios and at reason able priccB. Send In your orders early. Prices" given on applica tion 5 7. 17,547 Chcrokecs at 815,50 would bo worth 8271,078,50 which am niount'Lowis will givo for tho en tire nation trade for fivo years, or will bo thnnvful for tho patronage of 1,000 without a premium. Givo him a call, Olfver E. Hindos, Manufacturer of mid Dealer In HAItNKvSS, SADDLES, COl.I.AKH, llItlDLKii, WHIPS, COMUH. llltUSHKH Ktc, Ktc. Repairing neatcly dono. All work warranted. St. Louislprices dupli cated. Ordors from a distance filled on short notion. TEXAS SAl)t)t.M A SPKOUIm Oivo us a call boforo you buy elsewhere. J. T. Ttoherts, of Dallas, Tox.Jn charge", Muskogee, - - - lnd. Tor. C. H. Koys & Co. -LIVE STOCK- Commission and Forwarding Merchants. Office Noi. and 10 Kxehnngo lluildlng, ST. LOUIS NATIONAL STOCK YARDS. st. clair County, ills. 1-21 JOHN BULLETTE, Dealer In Dry Goods, Orooorlo0, And everything nmallj kopt In a well asaortcd atoro. I soli low as the lowest for cash. Call nnd seo me and prico my goods. CI-V REMORHJ, I.T. New Drug Store. Drugs, Patent Kiedtcines, Motions, Statiooory, &c &c. Also A full lino of Cigars, Tobaccos and Confetioneries. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED BY Dr. RAGBY. v Headquarters of nil tho Doctors in Viiiitn nt M. FRAZEE'S, Rod Front, ono door west of 'Frisco HotoT. M. IPKZTiE, - - - Vinita, I. T. CHAS. HUBER, President. PAUL Vico-ProH. -xrioinECTcaTSJ on.Tirn- SENECA ROLLER MILLS, f352isoiiOj-,, a-G'v'ora?aiMrroo.,:,.v3:o. HifihoHt ensh jirico pnid for ALL GRADES of WHEAT. Orders for FLOUR, BRAN and SIIIPSTUFFS promptly attended to. I-Itibor Milling Co. tt7"32o. 3F". :o.siv.iccns "SCCtlXl O CfUL-VL- 11EA.LKK IK GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Having just reeeivod a Inrgo and comploto fitouk of gooda for tho "JLdLJ-JA'O LCV2r37" it every ono to call and oxaniino our (dock boforo pur chasing cleowhoro. Gooda as represented, and eatisfaction guaranteed. W. Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of Lambor, Lath, Shinglos,Doors,Saah,BlindB THE XXT-tVEaSS-EJJL- uio2 "? IF YOUWANT TO BUY Lumber OI-IIC AJP GIVE HIM A CALL. GRAND COMBINATION SALE 'G&Ziz&iffeiXTZ sjvyi viMfiSffrSini SBmfMmtiWM vmwiMmm SOO DEFf-a--0 Polled-Angus and fu., iib orrBitEn at;- rcm-ic bi,i: a KANSAS CITY, HO., N0VEBEn2, 3, 5, G, 7 and 8. n.i.t ..111 1... .t. ...1, ..,r.l.. ..r ll..!f.l An,lvll. I... a' A.n ItAnWirtflln 1 HIP 111 IIU IIIU X(II14UBI- IIIIUKll U lUUnUJHUU(,llil. III." viv. iivwh ...... ..w. In niltli'lon to tliacruatattriictlonH of tho Fat-Stock Hliow. tho opportiinHr of vluwlnc in iiroccsitloii over 1500 Imported f olk'd pnttlo will do well world a Jour- throiiKd tho principal strocUciftlio city. The tera to which thcuo rattle linvo beer, midjcvtcil havo doinonntratcil lioydnilnuontloii their nilaptHbillty t tho wunUof llio Western cattle nun. Tlilir uttering roimlutliiK' of biilln, cow, and helferB, of brectlini! aH, luivo boon perotilly nulectvd with aruat enra from !nd, Itwhxceil fnro on all railroad cerrterin In hniinag Uit y Owners : A.!. Malthcwn. Knnsan Clt Mo: OU'loll k KlmpROiu Inrlepenileucn, Mo f tl ,.,.!.. .., iA....k..i 1) i 1.. r:ituvi Urn littru I ltiftftn Mill trnmuon Walter y -WWWWH-iUMTa 3h. H- Pryor's Creek, tnii ir nn ii him i We are now carrying one the largest stocks of Consisting of dry goods, clothing, hats, caps, boots, shoes, groceries, harness, saddles, &c, &c, ever brought to the Territory, which we are selling at the very lowest possible profit. OAX:L JSJX1D 2XA.MIIsrL OUJX STOCK 03? OOOX)B Will pay the highest markot prico for Produoo In Exchango for geod.- 3EespeoidixLL5ry 3r 3E3C. IL:Er7C7'XS. P. O., Ohoteau, - - Ind. Teiv WACK, Ac Trona. JAS. HUBER. Supt. tfc Soc'y. Roncca, iVlo. 2Cxta Toi F. EASMUS. Liino. Hair, Plaster Paris. Will furnish odd sizes of Door, Sash and lUinuw as Cheap as anyboby Oflico and Yard OpposJLto National Hotel, CHET0PA, - KANS. Galloway Cattlo. amirchH C. Wvi-dgiv Bcc''i lnkau Cfty, Mo, . Arr , IB-TvXS , on Four Miles East of Ohoteau.. n i iimi i 1 1 1 mini n i iiini . n n GENERAL MERCHANDISE! vr. i). ntTi.n. V. V. JAIIV1K. LITTLE, JARVi & CO. COMMISSION M.FJ1CIIANTS. ron tux: irics-Aan astd 'OJU-rs or o3L,a?c27ai3,': noas. exnea. stitief. 13 National Slock Yards, East St, Louisr Xdiborol Ji.dvi iioon -atlif On Gon!yUBM.4K3. Mitchell, Lewis & C Racine, - - - Wi& MANcr.M7rrnBns or i V'HIBilVtnXP4HHPr xbLv I r? ' ' m CMKAMtCflP Fai ai-Sjiii lapis, -ove V V -DKALEU IK- GENERAL MERCHAWDIS'E. Oo-wala, Will sell goods for Casli, as cHeitp as any house in the Territory. Call and Examine my Stock. SsLn,ra-X-.oisco -ZEECotel. ' T. D. KOSS? Proprififor I havo recently taken qharg'o ofthl Hnuso, and havo put iC in FIRST-G'LAHS Shape for tho Accpmmodattwi of iho Traveling Public. I set as j:ood tables as any House in tho Southwest. Mcals4to Citizens, Qfj Cents. When in the City! Stop at The Triico! VJ-SFITA.. E. M. SWAIF, MANUirACTtrnuR or Hnrncsa, Buddies, Whips and Col lars. All our goods nro mado of tho best material rtnd will bo sold for loss monoy than cau bo bought clHowhoro, All worit varranted togivoPitist faction. Shop oppoaltc. "Frisco Hunso," All or'dera protnptljf at tended to, Uonnlrlui? dono with neatness' and disiuatijV., v -Hj 3BxlHwViB(WBfck ffrt9fe8lH l VdBl!B m iW -r BK' v w '..10 i "'! ia Viiii i mi 1 1 it ! ) m -Ti -jjitgjjMiMPi tj STOESE- WJJUJlMWwyWi.iUJJLJUI rnAK Tcnn.t. T. J. DASIItt, wIbttm I ntm i Lam 1 Ind. Tor' XNLP feB BT. I,OUI8' Jsrj.' St. Louis, Mo. The. Only Whelwwk YanU tV to? Lenli AeMlbla Vy JUil and WbUrt 1. ICvcry rnllrowl onkrliHf 8i. totitti Is directly tiibutary to th yurti. 2. Toxbh dhlppcrii aie inforiuM tht connei'tlon with tlwuo yawta friwx'Ui. lion .Mountain Southern rallriwd ww. Jw mntlo wlthont cost and with much ICH8 slirlnlcnt'D thnp to y oMr. 3. 'fhcwvvardH havo tbeiU-r p vnnlm'ci nf belriff locan H&UKt'nU" Iul 'ida of tdo rivb IMIL wWcW llvo huiidreil tlioud ' thawf' "7v "' ' :r"fi .rrv..- . i ai T.i- lias a. reMdluiMiuv . ivrj I'ihmik mwvimni"""" 1IJJU1!II uiiin ctutiomnl hern. UjtjvMof catthh Sldrfri I aim qre, mnn fur thu homo iuaket and kt?r Wi-' niiint. am t nil luMt rVDh'itfUtod. ,V Vor cowyt ind vxntTeHlritco thoW vimln have o mpttlor in (h cowitr. Yh O It cert of trtt eta uppromrh her,' Motel. tkilrrPh oe ttd lr ihmk venloncei foratkwimtlMMmwl , Mill. W,A.KAAY, ,, HvK-tir 4-Tn , sTUX,kigiif. "i !M Pn Q