OCR Interpretation

Indian chieftain. [volume] (Vinita, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 1882-1902, November 02, 1883, Image 1

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Devoid! to llio Interest of llio Cherokee. C'lioctmvs, ClileUnsnw, Seminole, Creeks, mul nil Oilier Iinlliui of tlio Iiutlau Territory.
VOL. II. NO. 7i
Gleaned br Tclcernph and 3Inll
Tub mnchlnory of tho (lovernmont for tlio
punishment of frnud and tho protection of
disabled soldiers and the parents, Mows
nml orphans of soldiers lias Iron act In
tlgorous niotloif, and as tho fl-st result
tlfteeri petition nttorn6y and Anns
were recently suspended by Secretary
Teller from practicing before tho Depart
ment. It Is reported that further develop
tnents nro to lx mado which "wilt startlo
the country."
TiiEollIclal leport mado to tho Commis
sioner or Internal Ilavenuo nays tho organ
lutlon of Hed Men In West Virginia Is not
engaged In a violation of tho Internal rovo
lino laws.
The Commissioner of tho (lencral Iind
Ofllco Is graduallrrcdticinf; the number of
land ofllces at tho opportunity arrives. Tho
ulllce at Des Moinos, Iowa, will soon bo
nbollshod, and others will soon follow.
Hikcc Boptctnbor 1, tho l'ottofllce Depart
ment has furnished to poslma'ter. 201,020,
101 postage stamp:, 8(1, lift!),0Q0 stamped en
velopes and 74,9SS,2.'0 postal cards, or n
total ott."2,271,014 plecos, of tho aggregalo
valno of $8,!W0,5I0. Tills enormous Issuo
was mado upon 114,001 requisitions from
Tub Unlvorsallst General Convention
begun Its annual session In Washington
City on tho 2tth. Tlio Woman's Ccntcii
nary Association held n session In connec
tion with tho General Convention.
Tiik report of the Superintendent of tho
Monoy Order llureau of tho l'ostofllro De
partment for tho fiscal year ended Juno
DO, showed tho total number of money
orders of all kinds Issued to ho I),37.1,fift2, of
t'o aggregate valuo of $12.,0t7,!WS; total
number paid, 8,721,077, to tho value of
tl20,W7,2.T8s nr.ionntof fees received, $1,
'J72.000. Tho increased valuo of domestlo
ordors Issued over those- of tho preceding
year wore $3,O.V),030.
Tnrs Department of Stato lias been ofll
clally advised of the evacuation of Lima
(I'aru.) by tho Chilian troops.
Thk Secretory of tho Treasury soys that
noofllcial information hod been received
by tho department respecting tho arrival
of Chinamen at San Francisco.
The Commissioner of Pensions it is said
has discovered Irregularities In tho prac
tice of Ilelvn A. Lockwood, tho femalo
lawyer, who has n largo number of cases
ponding before tho Pension llureau, and it
is understood tho question of suspending
her from prortlco before tho llureau Is lav
ing considered by tho Commissioner and
Secretary of the Interior.
Tun Attorney General has rendered an
opinion in regard to tho effect of tho clause
In tho now tariff law, which provldos that
there shall bo no allowance for brcakago,
leakago or damago on wines, liquors,
cordials or distilled spirts. Tho Attorney
General holds that tho proviso does not re
quire an assostniont of duty upon a greater
quantity than Is actually imported ns
shown by tho returns of tlio proper otllccrs.
Dibtiuct Arron.NEr Coiikiiili. estimates
that soldiers and their relatives liavo beon
defrauded of a million dollars through tho
fraudulent practices of pension attorneys.
IIo expressed tho intention of bringing tho
matto- to the attention of tlio Grand Jury.
Colonel Corkhlll requests that all soldiors
or others having coplos of dccoptlvo circu
lars from agents in Washington, or knowl
edge of any fraudulent transactions on
their part, will mail him full information
upon tho subject, in order that ho may
bring tho guilty parties to justice.
The President has issuul a proclamation
II ilng Thursday, Hov. 29th, as n day of
It is thought probable tl.it Secretary
Teller will recommend tho establishment
of an Indian Industrial School at Sitka,
Alaska,' -and common schools ttt other
points in that country.
The suit of Hallett Kllbourne against
John G. Thompson, formerly Scrgeant-at-Arms
of tho House of Hepresontatlves, for
fXOfOOO damages for fnlso Imprisonment,
was again called in court at Washington
en the 29th. Kilbourno In a former suit
obtained a vordict for .5100,000, which was
set aside.
AifDnKW D. llKNHETT,a prominent farmer
of Crawford County. Pa., whllo gunning
tbo other afternoon near his home at Kspy.
vlllo, shot himself accidentally. Ills cloth
ing caught flro from tho discharge, and tho
body was almost completely cremated.
OArTAiK Finlev, William Fowler, A
Whaleu and another seaman were drowned
by the capsizing of a schooner at Vineyard
Haven, Mass., recently.
A late flro at Pittsburgh, Pa,, destroyed
Munderf's planing mill and ono million
foet of lumber, together with flvo dwelling
bouses ausWuruiture, Loss, $33,000; par
tially Insured.
Lewih linos., wholesalo liquor dealers of
New York,ToentIy failed, with liabilities
of $118,000.
Kx-Collictou IlEAnn, of lloston, recent
ly made a statomont to the effect that dur
Ing tho administration of William A. Sim
mons as Collector at Doston, an extensive
system of smuggling was carried on with
tho knowledge of tho olllclals.
David Adams, aged sixty-five, dlod In
Washington County, N. Y., i-jcontly, It
being alleged that ho starved to death.
Fifteen thousand dollars In securities were
found hidden 1n his homo. Tbo relatives
were looking for twonty thousand dollars
more. His wlfo starved to death ten years
Ko . ,
At New Castle, Pa., the othor morning
James Hogau, eighteen years old, deliber
ately placed a revolver at tho head of a
little six-year old boy, nnmod Willie Harris,
nd pulled tho trigger. Tlio ball entered
the bead near the left temple and lodged at
the base of ths brain. Tho death of the
victim was only a question of a few hours.
Ifogan claimed he did not kuow tho pistol
wis loaded.
A MAOAZimc containing twelve hundred
pounds ot dynamite, which had been stored
by tho Baltimore & Ohio Hallroad at a tun
nel near Confluence, Fa., exploded recent
ly with terrible effect. Houses for llftecn
mile around were shaken to the foundation,
and windows at n distance of seven miles
were shattered. Flvo men, who belonged
ton freight train that lay on a sidetrack
awaiting a passenger train, were blown to
Till WKHT.
William Maou,, a murderer, recently
neaped front jail at Sprlnglleld, Mo.
Frank U. Siiekwix, the cattlo king and
millionaire, who was recently arrested at
Chicago while traveling In princely style,
and taken to Albany, N, Y., was later tried
for criminal contempt of court and found
guilty, with a recommendation to mercy.
Additional instances ot frauds perpo
trated by the Chinese Government officials
to evade the Restriction art have been
brought to light ut San Francisco. The
steamer llio Janeiro brought a number and
the City of Toklo brought one hundred and
eleven, all holding "traders" certificates,
issued to them by tho Cliiuese Government,
which, under the treaty entitled thoin to
land In the United States. In a majority
of these cases It was evident the holders of
there certificates were nothing but common
tfborerr, but the customs njectors sale)
they were bound to reoognlto tho Chinese
Government certificates. Ily their answers
It was apparent that the most of them had
been coached" as to what they should
reply. Among the arrivals were lioys
eight years of ago holding "students'"
certificates. They could not remember the
name of tho college they proposed attend
ing. Many women who were claimed by
resident Chinese ns their wives were also
among the arrivals.
The other night n stranger called for
supper at tho farm-homo ot James Craw
ford, an aged man living near Clinton
Falls, Ind. Whllohlswlfowaspreporlng It
tho man struck her down with n club, and
at the samo time n companion knocked Mr.
Crnwford down In the tamo way, when
they stolo fifteen dollars nnd left the old
pcoitlo apparently dead. Crawford recov
ered consciousness and gavo tho alarm. It
was thought both tho old people would die.
HrectALS from Casa Grande, Mexico,
confirmed tho reports of an engagement
between the Indians and Mexican lavolry
near that place. The authorities refused
to tell tho number of wounded and killed,
but from an American surgeon at that
placo it was learned tho hospital was full.
Surgeon Heron, of Chihuahua, was there
attending the wounded, Tho Indians had
broke camp and separated Into roving
bands ot eight and ten and wore raiding
tho surrounding country. It was believed
nat nf ,tin., Iil l-nha !..,, ,1,A Mlfltft tt
I Bonora, and tho natives ware in great fear.
Danim, II. Vermiltr was recently or
rested In Chicago, charged with an embez
zlement of $18.1.000 of tho funds of Weem's
Stone nnd Marble. Company, in which he
was a stockholder. Tho allegod embezzlo
incut occurred one ycor ago, since which
time ho had liecn heard of In California and
Kurope, and It was supposed ho had just
returned from abroad.
David, sou ot Apostla ltlcli, ot Halt Lako
City, Utah, was recently sentenced to the
Ponltcntlary for robbing .Ion's Havings
The South Park Hotel, a somewhat noted
road homo In a line residence district on
tho southern outskirts of Chicago, burned
tho other morning. Loss, about $23,000.
Wilmak You.no, President of tho Com
mercial National Hank of ltoadlng, Pa.,
recently confessed Judgment In favor of
the bank for $72,337.12. Young borrowed
monoy from tho bank for somo tlmo for
speculative purposes, and when the notes
became duo ho was unable to meet them.
Heavy snows havo recently fallen In tho
Now England and Northwestern States.
William Strath an, of tho firm ot Btrat
man fc Meyer, llvory stablo keepers, nnd a
well-known local politician, of Ht. Louis,
recently suicided by hanging himself in his
stable. Financial losses tho causo,
FnANCis J. KklleV, aged only soventeen
years, was recently arrested In Illlnolr. nnd
taken back to Ilockport, Ind., whore ho had
murdered n man named Arnet, while tho
latter was asleep.
A Howie, A. T., special says a courier
from Lieutenant Hunter's camp at Silver
Creek, brought advices that soventy-flvo
hostlla Apaches surrendered to Lieutenant
Hunter, and that clevon more were coming
A rins at Dubuque, Iowa, dostroyed
Flocker llros.' can logo shop. Loss, $20,000.
- MisS"BlanC!IE OliATt of Detroit, Mich.,
known ns tho "Fat Girl," who was recently
married end went to Ualtimoro on n wed
ding trip, was found dead In lied In that
city tho othor morning- 8h was seventeen
yearn old and weighed 017 pounds.
Between sixty nnd soventy men, lately
engaged In tho striko In the railroad yards
at Hast St. Louis, havo bc-n Indicted, and
fifteen of them arrested, soma ot whom
gavo ball In the sum of $300.
Firrr operators In tho coal mines of St.
Clair County, 111., have been indicted for
violation ot tho law requiring scales for
weighing coal to Imi placed at each mine.
The lato reunion ot tho Anny otfthe
Cumberland, at Cincinnati, i.-losud by the
election of General P. II. Bhurldan, Presi
dent; General H. M. Cist, Corresponding
Secretary; Ooneral J. B. Fullerton, Treas
urer, and Colonel W. Stcelt, Recording
Becrotary, and a ViccPresldoat from each
Stato and Territory represented in tho
Thomas Deavitt, a stock-shipper, was
klllod tho other nightwhile trying to board
a moving train of cars near tho Wabash
freight yard In Kaunas City.
One ot the Mexicans implicated In the
murder of four men at a dance, near Gar
ner, Colo., a few nights ago, was pursued
and overtaken by a band of armed citizens,
a ropo placed around bis neck, tho other
end made fast to tbi horn of a saddle, and
tho murderer dragged to death.
Samuel Hkihi., nyoung tramp, committed
suicide recently at Kent, O., by jumping
hoad first into n glass retort at tbo glass
works of Day, Williams & Co. The furnace
was heatoil to a high degreo ot intensity in
order to melt tho sand and other substances
used In tho composition of window glass.
The switchmen of the various railroads
leading into Kansas City struck for higher
wagos recently. About two hundred and
fifty men are employed lu tho yards ot tho
different roads.
CoMr-LlTE official returns from tho late
election lu Iowa were as follows, for Gov
ernor! Sherman (Hep.), 101,182; Kinne
(Dem.), 139,003; Weaver (Greenbacker),
23,039; Sherman's majority over Klnne,
23.0S9; over Klnno nnd Weaver, 2,030.
The Wost-bound passenger train on the
Chicago & Alton road was partially
wreckod on tho nlcht of the 27th, near
Glendale, fourteen miles east of Kansas
City, by the spreading of the rolls, several
coaches left the track and passengers were
thrown about violently. Twenty passen
gers were injured; none fatally.
San Francisco shoemakers, to tho num
ber of six hundred, it Is said have formed
themselves Into clubs to work for General
Butler for President.
KAnLY ou Sunday morning, tho 28tb, a
Are broke out in the Kansas City Keening
btar office, completely destroying the con
tents ot the composing room, besides dam
aging the presses and counting room. The
losi to the Star was about $4,000, and to
other occupants ot the building about
$17,000, making n total loss ot $.11,000 before
tho lire was subdued. Mostly Insured.
A rinE, caused by the explosion of a
lamp, recently destroyed tho wholesale
liquor house ot Moss & filicide n, at Lords
burg, N. M., and a number ot other prom
inent business houses. Loss, $33,000; par
tially Insured.
David Bteindacii, a Todd County
(MIiiii.) fanner, recently got Into a fight
with another farmer named Saulley, and
whllo tho men were lighting, 8aully' wife
seized a pitchfork nnd drove it into Stein
bach's brain, causing Instant death.
A rASSENOER train bound north on the
Pan Handle rood and an outgoing freight
on the Micnigan Central collided the other
inorulmj at Joliet crossing, thirty miles
southeast of Chicago. Both engines were
thrown from the track and wrecked,
falling upon and setting Are to the
flagman's box, Into which the flag.
and ran four miles to Dyer, Indiana, where
ho arrived a lunatic
A tux baa been arrested nt Hampton,
lona, who confessed that ho was hired to
kill Zora Burns, whoso recent murder ot
Lincoln, III., created so much excitement.
The wool growers of Washington Terri
tory havo organized n Wool Growers As
sociation, and will ask Congress to restore
tho tariff on wool. .
CotAN:!. CllunciilLl,of St. Louis, whose
daughter Mary disappeared somo months
ago, recently received a letter purporting
to be from hor, stating that sho was alive
nnd well, had not eloped or gone on the
stage, but was earning her own living honestly.
Till! SOUTH.
The eleventh annual Convention of the
National Association ot Fire Engineers
met in Now Orleans, recently, Chlof Joseph
Bunker, ot Cincinnati, presiding. Repre
sentatives were present from nearly evory
Stato In the Union.
The lato city election In Baltimore, Md.,
resulted In tho election of Latrobc, Demo.
crat, over Helskell, Independent Democrat
and Fusslonlst, by 3,510 majority.
In tbo section of country around Greens
boro, N. ('., It Is thought diphtheria bus
carried oft no less than tlireo hundred
children. Bo alarming was tho condition
ot affairs for a time that there was a
quarantlno by the people. In some counties.
Louis Chapman, Chief Clerk !.. ths
freight ofllco of tho Ht. Louis fc Iron Moun
tain Hallway, at Little Rock, Ark., was re
cently arrested for the cmliezzlcment ol
In tho United States Court at Atlanta,
Go., eight person wore recently found
guilty of "Kukluxlng" and remanded to
jail for sentence.
A Galveston, Tex., special states that
two rood agents halted tho Bowlo mall
stage tho other night nnd secured soveral
registered packages. No passengers wer
Durino a recent dispute over a gome of
cards In n store at Catoosa Station, ou ths
Ht. Louis & Han Francisco Railroad, near
VInlta, I. T., A. Cleveland, n Texas cattle
man, shot nnd killed John James, a resi
dent of Cherokee City, Ark. Cleveland
A cyclonic lately tore up things pretty
lively alongtho Tensas River, In Louisiana.
The Marquis of Lansdowno has been
sworn into ofllce, ns Governor General ol
Canada, with considerable pomp and cere
mony. An explosion in tho Royal Polacont
Naples recently, frlghtenod tho occupants
nearly out of their wits.
It Is said that Kngland has sent a nolo to
France, complaining of tho prolonged oc
cupation of Tamatavo, Madagascar, to th
Injury of . mmerclal Interests.
Cociiois, charged with attempting the
murder and robbory of Rev. Whitburn,
an Lngllsh clergyman, last Juno on the
Northern Railway, lictwcen Bolougno nnd
Paris, was recently tried at Amleut, In
France, and sentenced to transportation
for life.
The cholera hns reappeared at Cairo,
The Berlin newspapers warn persons In
tending to cmlgrato not to b'ty United
States trado dollars, largo quantities ol
l!All)i:i) 11Y 1IUIU1I..VI1S.
A T.ante Jewelrr i:tnlill1iment nt Rprlng
flolil, Jln., ltul,l,.l orst.1,000 Wottli ol
Valuable Wnteties nnd .leivnlry.
BriilM(irizi.l, Mass., Oct. S.
Tlio large establishment ot I S. Stowe &
Co., of tills city, was operated upon last
night to tho amount ot $13,000, diamonds,
gold watches and vnluablo rings compris
ing tho liooty, silverware and other cheaper
goods being evidently of no value to the
burglars. Tlio robbers were without doubt
professionals nnd understood their busi
ness, as they singled out the largest .lore
of tho kind In tho city, also choosing the
parly hours of Sunday morning for their
operations, ns tho robliery would not be
discovered until a very lato hour, it was
first discovered by n clerk, Thomos Mo
ling!!, on entering the store at 10:13 a. m.
A sledgo-hammer, tcrowers, etc., lying
about the floor, nnd bits of paper panted to
tho windows, nt onco aroused his srspl
clous. On going to tho rear ot the store he
noticed the gas-light was hurntntOlow,
which usually was left ot full head, and
upon further Investigation found tho safe
open, tho contents strewn about, and a kit
ot burglars' tools told tho story. lie nl
onco notified thspollco and his employer,
Mr. Htowe, who was at church. F.ntrance
to tho store was obtained through a
basement window In tho rear of the
building. After gaining entrance to tho
cellar and crawling over Inixes and up
tho stoirway they found tho doornt tho
head at tho stairs locked. They bored a
hole through the panel, but finding It too
llow work they pried tlio door op with a
Ilmuiy, thus leaving tho way clear to the
lofo and its valuablo contents. Turning ha
las to a glimmer they commenced opera
tions nt breaking the safe. Tho bar across
tho two doors wns removed, anil the cover
ing to the keyhole wns taken from Its pnd
lock fastenings next. To separate the
wrought-lron shell of the door from tho
-cnicnt casa Inside they Inserted small
wedges, thus leaving n small spaco Into
which n large jimmy wns driven, and from
this point by aid of powerful tools the bolts
were spuing from their sockets and tho Job
wns done, and nothing l etnalncd but to toko
their choice nnd iiuletlv make their exit.
One feature of the job was tho selection of
tboliest of thosUxk, Ignoring silverware
tnd even gold watches, which were in pos
session of tho firm for repairs, evidently
wanting no second-hand stock. They, how
tver, overlooked unset diamond valued nt
(.1,000. Parties rooming ou tho next floor
aliove heard no noise, and the watchman ot
tho Uvnns Homo, In tho performance of his
duties, saw nothing wrong and tho light
burning ns usual nt 4:10 o'clock, which
luggests tho probability that the Job was
dono after that hour. Tlio burglars hod o
lolt snap, as the snto was on old-fnstiioned
one, guaranteed fire-proof but not burglar
proof. City Marshal Hamilton Is using
every means lu bis power to trace mul cap
ture tho burglars, who are no doubt many
miles from here, and of whom uo trace has
been found nt this late hour. Tim burglary,
being tho most extensive ever performed In
this city, occasions great excitement on tlio
Deslriirllouof the Springfield (Mo.) Wncn
Mnmifncturlniz Company's IIiiIIiIIues
with n 1-nrgo Amount of Stock Iiss
About B3.1.OO0.
BiMUNOrirxn, Mo., Oct. 28.
Tlio most disa.trou contlairrnrirm that
bns visited this city fur ten years occurred
tt 3:3J o'clock this morning, ret ultliig In
tho destruction ot thu buildings, ir.ncli.nery
and most of tbo stock of tho Springfield
which havo been Imported Into Germany j Wagon Manufacturing Company, twobtilld-
Ings on thu south belonging to J'.mory K
Bcholten, formorly used ns a brewery, tho
man, Peter Collier, retreated upon tee
ing a collision was Inevitable, and was
burned to desth. William Morris, of Lo
gentport, engineer of the Pan Hundlo train,
and John Kellogg, of Michigan City, kofld
brakeman on tho Micblgau Central train,
wore killed. John Dengau, engineer on
the Michigan Central train, waa severely
Injured and, crazed by hit hurts and frght
for sale at their faco valuo,
Earthquakes in Asia Minor continued
to causo alarm. Ono hundred and sixty
nine persons were recently seriously Injured
by a shock nt Veurla, and many of tho In
habitants of Smyrna were leaving. j
At the International Fisheries Exhibi
tion in London, American exhibitors re
ceived forty-eight gold medals (eighteen ol
which go to tho Fish Commission, mostly
on collectlvo exhibits), forty-seven sliver
medals, twenty-nino bronzo medals, twenty-four
diplomas and seven special prices.
It was rumored In Paris that King Louis
of Portugal, being weary of tho liberal agi
tation in bis kingdom, would probably soon
Recent advices from Jamaica stated that
Port Antonio wns almost dostroyed by firs
on October 18. Tho flro started In the dry
goods store of Sutherland & Co., caused by
tho careless handling ot a lamp. The ad
joining store of Da Costa & Co. and JTou
lan's Hotel and tho Metropolitan House,
with a number of residences nnd storage
warehouses for fruit, were burnod. Tnt
residonco of tbo American Consul escaped
total destruction. Tho loss was over a
million dollars.
TnE excess In value of exports over im
ports ot merchandise for the month ended
September 30, J883, was $3,017,372; for the
twelvo months ended September 30, 1883,
fU7,32fl,O0O; vnluo of imports of merchan
dise for tho year ended September 30, 1883,
;C94,000,030, a decrease ot $34,7!!,G3 com
pared with tho previous year; valuo of
exports of mercbandlso for tbo year ended
September 30, 1883, $812,2S0,0I3, on Increase
of $74,030,739 over tho previous twelve
The total receipts from the postal ser
vice for tho fiscal year endod Juno 30, were
$43,608,00-.; expenditures, $42,810,700; sur
plus, $2,001,002.
The appointment of tho New Commis
sioner ot Patents It Is stated mado It neces
sary to print about sixty new kinds ot
blanks, with the fac slmtllo of tho name of
tho new Commissioner. Tho aggregate will
probably reach 200,000.
The board of Utah Commissioners havo
submitted their second annual report to the
Secretary of tho Interior. After making a
statement of tho former legislation ot Con
gress, in relation to bigamy or polygamy,
thoy say the duties of the Commission ap
pertain only to matters of registration, elec
tion and eligibility toofl!cc,whllo tho punish
ment of the crime of polygamy Is left, as
under the former law, to courts of justice.
The recommendation formerly made Is re
newed regarding tho enactment or a mar
rlaga law that all future marriages in the
Territory shall bo null and void, unless con
tracted and evidenced lu tho manner pro
vlded by act ot Congress.
W. II. McCleni.noiian, agent of tho
Northern Pad 11 o Express Company, at
Dawson, D. T., was recently arrested for
the embezzlement ot $2,000.
On the evening ot the 29th there was a
terrible explosion at tho underground sta
tion of the Metropolitan Railway in Lon
don, by which the cars were shattered and
a great amount ot damago done. A largo
number of passengers wero injured.
At Allegheny City, Pa., recently, Chris.
Dickson was overcome by foul air In a
well. Ferdinand Scbraedor and Chariot
Bchultz, who were working near by, went
down to rescue blm and the three were
A report comes from New Mexico that
Charlie McConias was killed by the Indians
during their retreat last March.
The reported uprising of negroes in
Texas Is thought to be another Joe Mulbat
ton story.
Thomas Micuinir, a section boss of tho
Fort Bcott & Gult road, stepped off a train
at Kansas City, the other evening, and was
run over by another train, and bad bis leg
cut off.
The story that a man had been arrested
at Hampton. Iowa, who confessed to the
rsurderui aura Burns Is denied,
Pacific Hotel and a dwolllng-house, both
located cast ot tbo factory. Tho fire origi
nated In tbn drying-room of tho wagon fac
tory, and when first discovered by James
Thompson, the watchman, could have been
raslly extinguished had a few men with
buckets been present, but tho grounds be
lng flllod with frame buildings, sheds and
wagon stock tl." ames spread with such
rapidity that by the tlmo the alarm bad
summoned tlio flro companies tho principal
buildings wero all sheets ot flames. Tlio
water-works ot this city havo just been
completed, nnd boso for tbo lire company
were usod, but with Imperfect success,
ow'nlng to tho non-arrival of nozzles. Tho
uso of th6 hose, however, chocked thu
spread ot tho flro lioth on tho cast and
west, and tho boys worked nobly. There
was $00,000 worth of stock at the wagon fac
tory, a considerable portion of which, in
tho way of wheels and axles, were carried
out on the street and saved. Tho loss ot
tho wagon factory Is approximately esti
mated at $33,000. The total Insurance
amounted to only about $20,000. Spring
Held has lost Its most valuablo manufac
tory except the 'Frisco shops, and tho loss
throws seventy-live men out ot employ
ment: but It is understood that the com-
(tony will rebuild at an early date. II, F,
'ellaws Is President of the company jF-A.
Wlshart, Bocretary; W. W. Fellows, Treas
urer, an? John Massey, Superintendent.
rim Cllllre of the Kniuns City "IZfenii.;
Mar" Cleaned Out Together with Other
Kaksas Cm", Mo., Oct 28.
A lire broks cut In tho Ettnlng Star
nowspaper ofllco early this morning. The
origin of tho flro is a mystery. It started
In the northwest comer in tho composing
room, quickly spreading lu nil directions.
The building was tlireo stories high, own ml
by Lathrop & Smith, lawyers, who ha.
olllcos on tho second floor. Tho first flool
was occuplod by tho .S'((ir as a counting
room, with tobacconists ou either side. The
second floor was rented out for law offices,
and the third was used as the titar'i com
posing and editorial rooms, and the rooms
of tilt. Union Publishing Company. The
flro department rotpondod promptly, and
saved the building, but much dainnga was
caused by water. The total loss Is put at
about $21,000. It is divided a follows:
Lathrop t Hmltli, oil building, $1,000; on
ofllco, $100; K. I Thornton, tobacconist,
110,000. IIo Is the heaviest loser, bis stock
D-dux ruined by, water. It. C. Stockton, to
bacconist. $1,000; Evening Htar Company,
HiOOO; Boggess, Cravens & Moore, law.
vers, $300; Homer Reed, C. I). Daggett,
Dobson fit Douglnss, all lawyers, $100 each;
Union Publishing Company, $100. All the
losses wero well covered by Insurance, all
In Eastern companies. The Htar anuounm
that it will issue as usual to-morrow.
Killed by it Trespasser,
Cincinnati, O.Oct. 2.
At 3:30 this afternoon, at the Junction ol
the bliofer road and the Baltimore pike,
near the northwestern corporation line,
Martin H.s, a dairyman, was shot dead
by Guitave Herman, cf D.'yton street, tbli
city. Ilermau Is nlutteen years old, and
was hunting on Hets's premises with a dos
and cuu. Martin Hess and his brother or
dered Herman off. He refused to U, when
Hess and bU brother threw stones at the
dog and approached Herman. Martin
Hess's brother bad a stick. When within
two paces; Herman llred, ami Martin Hess
fell dead. Herman bat been arrested.
tliillanit mid t'ntlier Murders his Wife
Ami Tlireo Children nlNew C'nmerstown,
Oliln A lerrililn Berlin Unsealed to the
llliiruTvrers ot til lllmxlr Heed.
Nkw Comkiistowis, O., Oct. 21.
This community Is now lalwrltig under
tho most Intense excitement over tho dis
covery last night of ono of tho most shock
ing and revolting cases of murder and sul
eldo ever occurring In this part of Ohio.
New s reached hero oliout midnight that Al
bert l'rlzer, living ono and a half miles
north of Lock 12, Frje's Creek Volley, on
tho Ohio Canal, bad murdored his threo
children and his wlfo and then killed him
It seems that last night about tight
o'clock Mr. J. Nleslmum, brother-ln-la.rol
Mr. Frlzer, ennio along the road past rei
ser's houio and noticed that tho cow In the
Iwwn-yard wns rnthor restless Mr. Nlcs
baum mado an Investigational!,! found that
th) nnlmal had not been milked for
several days, nnd thinking this vory
strange, ho repaired to the house
and found tho doors nil lo).ed and
bolted, the windows nailed down am! tho
blinds all drown. He colled a few neigh
bors and then commenced to Inspect tho
premises. On peeping through a window,
the curtain of which was portly drawn
aside, they were horrified nt beholding
blood stalns-on the floor and nlso a man's
foot covered with blood near the window.
Lighting a lantern Uiey raised tho wlr
nnd entered the house, when a lionvilu
spectaclo presented Itself. On tho Hi.
near tho north window In tho cast room of
the building, lay tho iU"ail lody of Allmrt
Frlzer, while lu a crib standing against tho
sldo of tho room, not three feet from the
father, lay the dead bodlos of his two oldest
children. On n bed on I he other sldo of tho
room lay the mangleJ remains of Mrs.
Frlzer, with tho dead body of hor Infant
clasped In her nrmi. Everything lu tho
loom seemed 'well arranged, showing no
signs of a scullte, nnd tho i vldeuco seems to
lie that Frlrer murdered his whole family
w bile thoy wero asleep and then killed him-
Mrs. Frlzer was found with hor throat cut
from ear to ear, and tho Infant In lied with
her must have lieeii beaten to death with
some blunt Instrument, ns it was covered
w ith blood. Both tho mother and tha child
wero beneath tho bed clothes, ond thoy
probably died w Ithout a struggle. The two
ni.in,- rMMrpii. imth llttlo irlrls aged about
three and five years respectively, wore
lying In tho crib with their feet toward
each othor and both had their heads beaten
almost to a Jelly with somobluut lnstru-
nient. ..... . .
On examining Frlzer's toco It was found
to havo lioen blown almost completely off,
and an empty gun ban el which laid against
a chair near him told how bo had klllod
himself. Tho gun had no stock or hammer,
and tho wretched man must novo luaumi
tho barrel and then held ono end n his
mouth and the other In tho Homo of n lamp
till It exploded, as tho lump was found
shattered to pieces on tho floor.
Thi. horrible docd must havo been dono
on Sunday night, as on that night thoy
were last seen alivo. On Sunday avonlng
Mr. Filzer's brother-in-law, Mr. Judy, had
a talk with blm, nndou that occasion ! ri
ser told blm ho had been to Now Comers
town nnd consulted Dr. Beers, nnd that ho
had advised Frlzer to quit wrk for nwlillo
until his health got better, as ho bad been
sick for somo time. It Is thought that
on tho fatal Sunday night Frlzer must have
becomo very dcsjioiideiit and temporarily
insane, from brooding over his having to
clvo un earning his living. Ho was not in
tho bust circumstances.
Tho houso in which tho horrible tragedy
occurred Is a story-and-a-liulf framo struc
ture, and stands nlono on tho road to
Fryo's Crock Valley, n fow rods from a
church anil school-house. It Is tho some
house wliere Mrt. Frlzer was born and bo
longs to her erandiiiotlie.. Tho prem
ises around tho house nro In splendid con
dition, everything having tho appearance
of iicatnri i nnd good order. Frlzor was n
carp:itr by occupation, and wns highly
respected In his community. Ho was about
thirty-two years of ago.
Nothing has ever occurred In this section
that has caused such Intense excitement,
nnd tho news of tho terrlblo crime spread
llko wild-lire, and hundreds from an over
the surrounding country vlsltod tho prem
ises to-day. The general opinion seoms to
prevail that Frlzer was undoubtedly In
sano, ns no monstorcould have perpetrated
such a deliberate ond cold-blooded murder
In bis sano moments. The tragedy sonds
n entire family Into eternity.
IVosiilont Aitlitir jiny tnxoHlnKow
York on $283,000 worth ot iiropcrty.---V.
i'. Times.
' It Is .iM Hint Hunry Wnnl llocclier
notti'd .?13,0(K) by his recent lecturing
tour. llrooklyit KikU.
M. Worili, llio Fnrislnn fashion
Ung, Is llftv-llvojoiiMolil, fnt, ploft-mul-lookltiir
nml vory bnliMicailctl.
Miss Chnmburlnln, tho fnnioiti
bptititv wlio hns been tho soclnl sciisn
lion in r.ttfliwiil for n coniilo of years,
'ins rotiirni'il lo her Cleveland homo.
Cleveland Lender.
John I Slo-.hlnnl. tho lecture!
upon Kiiroponn travel, who bojrnti his
courso In tho Brooklyn Acnilcmy tho
other night, reevhes Jiii.lXX) nycnr sill
nry nml nil hi expenses from lils nmnn
fj'ors. A, y. Sun.
Mn. KeynoMi, tlmichlcr ot Kl
mint's mllionnlro, Dr. KhlrhlRC, hai
rrrnlotl n sensation then) by scmllng
hor liusbntiil mlr It bociuuo ho wni
spetiiliiia; tho Jf'i.OOO.OOO sho hail Inherit
ed, foolishly. Jlujla'o (.V. '.) Efprtii.
Rev. II. Hoot, n hntik President nt
Vnlloy City, Dakota, wied thu 7.wc ol
tltnt plaoii for S17.000 lninncs for
ehnrglnj: him With perjury, tiiiboxxIc
incut nml stealing hiinilny-school cop
pers. Tho Jury ntrnrded him sit cents.
Drlrvil D.
Hill Nye, tho Western humorist, has
ros'irncd tim iioslmnstorshln ho held In
I.nrnnilo City, ns well ns his connoctton
with tim Iloomcrano. Ho has concluded
to publish n book lo bo cnllud "Ilnlcd
Hny." Uo tlilrks tho tillo mi Improve
ment upon Wnlt Whitman's "Leave, ol
drnss." Chicago Journal.
-Hosa Ilonhcnr Is (Uty-ono years
old, but Is said to bo full of energy nnd
lu excellent health. In conversation
with n voting nrtist not long njjo sho
said. "My dear, you enn't nllonl to Iff.
noro tho opinion of the world, oven in
smnll thlnjjs. If you do, you nro suro
to suffer. It doesn't pav to bo eccen
tric, even l( your eccentricity helps you
nlonjrJn your stud es. You must re
member thnt nil studies nro a mentis to
nn end.nlid you nro to saerllleo nothing,
nothing whntcvor, thnt enn dufoat. or
hinder thnt end. A'. 1". Graphic.
Tho editor of tho Christian Com
monu-eallli, being asked If it Is right for I"" ho said thnt would do. II
Christians to road novels, answers ns man called: "ISmv, then, nr
follows: "Wo do not see nny nioro ready? ho's going to count?
wromr In rcadlmr n novel than In read'
lug nnythlng else, provided thnt novel
Is worth reading nt all. Truth may bo
set forth lu Action In n very forcible
way. Tlio parables of tho Now Testa
ment aro for tho most part doubtless
constructed with Imnginnry characters,
but thoy nro for tho purpose of teaching
somo important truth. When n novel
does tho samo thing It niny ho nnil with
prollt. Still, wo do not recommend .ho
reading of novels wlicro tho tendency Is
to dostroy tho tnsto for more substnn-
tltd rending."
Ono thousand dollars In gold weighs
four pounds. That Is why so many
nowspaper men aro round-shouldcrud.
Chicago Telegram.
Darwin says that tho monkey can
blush. Uo certainly ought to when ho
oes tho way his descendants nro cut
ting up. llurltnglon Free frcsa.
A enso Is on record wlioro u bnrbcr
The iVhlpplngPi.tt.
A Halifax telegrnm to tho Now York
Herald snys: Tor tho Hut tlmo In the
alstory of tho marltlmo provinces tho
"cat o-nlnotalls" has been used on tho
back of a civil prisoner. Last evening
Andrew Doyle, n man well known about
Halifax for his brutal deposition, nnd
who wns convicted lat October of an
tssnult on n sIxyenrold girl, receh cd
llio punlitiiiiciit nbovo mentioned In tho
yard ot tlio county jail. Ho was sen
tenced to nlno-montiis' Imprisonment,
during which tlmo fio should receive
twenty lashes on the bare back. Tho
whltiniiiir, which was administered In
llio jnll-yanl, was performed by a sailor
belonging to Her Mnjosty's war-ship
Urlfllii, now nt this port. Thoro wero
onby six persons present, Including two
nowspapor men. An Iron triangle, con
sisting of throe bars, each nbotit nine
feet lu length, was erected in tho yanl
for tho purpose
Tho prisoner had boon dreading tlio
Infliction of tho lash, but had not been
Informed of tho Impending whipping
until tlio medical olllcer entered tho Jnll
about llvo o'clock p. m. When told
thnt I ho tlmo hnd arrived Doyle, trembled
violently. IIo wns directed to strip to
tho waist, which ho did. Willi n swing
ing walk he approached tho dreaded
trintigh). Tho sailor who was to do tho
whipping stood thoro quietly pulling a
clgnr, apparently thinking very Utile of
tho work before him. II j hold In his
hand two slender "cat." The whip
beyond tho handle was a littlo over a
foot in lene-th, the nine tails nt the end
of each bearing several small, hnrd
knots. Tho material was of no greater
thloknois llinti nn ordinary llshliig-llne,
but very tough. Walking over to where
tin) sailor stood, Doyle graspud hlin by
tho baud, shook It heartily, nnd asked
him to be ns ensy n possible and not to
striko In one plnce,
Immediately tho work of soourltig
Doyle to the Inm trlanglo was per
formed, his knees and feet being
strapped apart, each lo ono of the Iron
ban, nnd his linnils bound together,
being held nbovo his head by n suspend
ing conl. His cent wns thrown over n
wooden bar croslng just nbovo his
chest, nnd ou this the prisoner lennod.
Doyle called out thnt his hands wore too
thrill, when thevwere loosened sUjIitiy,
J.nu sea-
nro you
the wnrranl." "No, never mind tlio
wan-nut," said Doyle; "hurry up."
Hut the Shurlf), producing the .docu
ment mentioned from his pocket, hastily
rcail It.
Drawing back a couple of foot from
tho triangle, the Bailor rolled up the
right sleeve of Ids lackot, nnd, taking
one of tho two "cats" In his right hnnd.
It wns raised nbovo his bond. "Count,"
ho cried to ono of those present, nnd tho
whip descended with a sharp report on
tho prisoner's nakod ba-k, striking right
across, about four Inchos below tho
shoulders. At onco tho lash was mined
ngnln, nml tho seaman continued to per
form his work ns calmly as possible
until twenty instics nml been unnoted,
tho tlmo occupied being llttlo nioro than
half a minute, A spectator called each
stroke aloud ns it foil. On tho lash being
lifted the Hucoml tlmot. nnrrow streak
wns vlslblo on LiMle'g bnok and n slight
shudder passed tliroB;1 his frame, but
ho nt onco regained his forced com
posure, lint ou the lusii Having inucit
"It is simplicity 'Licif when yo oeoa
understand It," replied Mr. Monnett.
"As nn Illustration! Sunpowyou should
want to go to somo po'nt on a railroad
with which wo connect, say to 8tm
fonl. Wo send you to KlBjrston over
our road, nnd then on to Stnmfonl over
the Union & Delaware Hallnmd. TIw
ticket from Kingston to Stamford rendu
issuod by our rond on account of thu
Union ft Delaware. That ticket U
numbered nnd clnsslflcd, say 'No. M.
form 112.' Our ticket agent keeps a
stub of the ticket bearing the sami
number. Tim oondurtor who takes u.
tho ticket sends It back to our nmlltor.
nnd tho latter sees Its number and
form. In onlcr to ascertain Jtrtt wiat
tho ticket called for, tho amount, ol
monoy It brought, and tho rod It was
over, wo refer to what wo call a 'form'
or 'routo' book. Each form represents
a route. For Instance, 'form llii' we
will say Is Now York to Stamford via
tho Union & Delaware. Tho auditor
discovers tho form nnd the rates.
' Hy mutunl agreement when tlokctt
wero sold ovor two or mora roads, at
whatovcr rate, tho roads all share the
rate pro rata per mile, uur auditor
thou takes ticket No. CO, form 112, and
credits tho Union & Delaware with Its
pro rnta of tho throuih faro from New
York to Stamford. The auditor of the
!. ... .. ...... . .".
and his victim wero both happy. Tho mo iiitutimo noyio ocgnn towriiiio nmt
formor talked on without interruption, l,m',.rm
Youthful Forsers.
I)r.s Moittcs, 1 1., Oct. M.
A gang: ot young forgers operating In
Western Iowa have doubtless been broken
up by the capture of one ot the prlnv'r'
named Henry Btanley 'at Leon, Oecatui
County. There wero three of tbo lads en
gaged In tho butiueM and Uy draw up
notes and forged tha iwmes ot well-to-dc
farmers to them and sld thsra. Stanley
disposed ot the note and received thirty
per cent, of tbo proceeds. Tbey forged tti
names ot two farmers near Anita to twe
notes for JW and traded ono to Meredith
& Dickey, dealer In agricultural Imple
ments, for $100 in money and a 4900 note.
When arrested Stanley bad In possesilou
one ot the note already filled out.
A Man Considered ns n Harmless Crank
Kinhrnces n Red-IIot Stove nnd Is Liter
altjr Itunsted to Uentli-lliirned to Death
In the Wuods.
Waiiubktok, Mo, Oct. 21.
Tbo citizens of this place havo to-night
n ltnessed a horrible spectacle. A man by
tho name of Keeney, who was considered a
harmless crank, has beon wandering
arouud town n day or two, and this ovon
Intfi as ho was cold and wet, tho authorities
locked him up In tho large room adjoining
tha jail, under the Court-house, A goal,
hot flro was burning In tho coal stovo, and
tho Jailer left him there and went to supper.
Somo timoafterwardporsonspasslnjron the
street heard terrible cries In that direction,
and on going to ascertain tho cause saw
Keoney standing up nndliuggliiRtho red-hot
stovo and his clothes ou Are. The door was
broken and tbo man snatched away as
quickly as possible, but too lata to savo
him from n terrrtble death. The flesh from
his breast, arms and faco was literally
roasted. Dr. Kamlach was called In and
pronounced the caso hopeless. Keeney Is
the same man who was knocked oft the rail
road track at tho lied Hill brldgo last
spring and crippled. lie was for some time
afterward nuilo rational, and no ono
dreamed he was so insane ns to walk Into
the jaws of death in this fashion.
Tho excitement over the strange death ot
Keenoy has hordly died nway boforo wo
have a second. Daniel Kile went to the
woods with fcls gun and It Is supposed shot
himself, his dlothes taking flro and bis body
burning to ashes from the knees to the up
por part ot tha chest.
A Shocking l'ato.
St. Paul, Minx., Oct, !l.
Xf ear Lako Washington, Lo Sueur County,
L. Chapman, of tlio Arm ot Uammel tz
Chapman, Lake Washington Baw-mlll, was
this afternoon engagod In tbo mill as hoad
sawyer, and In going about bis work In
somo manner lost bis footing and fell on
the saw while It was In motion, and ho was
horribly mutilated. His right arm was
badlv sawed lu a number of idsces. nnd bis
skull was sawed clear through, and a part
ot the brain was found ou a log near by.
Chapman was still living at Ave p. in., but
his death was expected every minute. lie
has beon operating saw-mills for many
years, and is widely and favorably known.
Tlio Subsidence of Yellow 1'ever.
Washington, I). 0 , Oct. si,
Burgeon-General Hamilton, of tho Marine
Hospital service, soys that reports received
at his ofllce indicate that tho yellow fever
lias spent Its force in this country, although
Vera Cruz, Mexico Is stilt Infected, In
structioiu bad besii forwarded to I'ensaco
la, Kla., dlretsXBr that tbo cordon be dis
continued around the naval reservation af
ter to-uiorrow, but quarantine regulations
would be enforced for the remalnderot this
month. In bis oplnloa, the season was now
too far advanced for the yellow scourge to
make any further ravages or headway, and
tfee risks ara now greatly Ies-tened for tha
Importatfioa of any contofg-s disease.
Another Indiana Tragedy,
Cru.wrOHMVJi.tE, Ixd., Oct, II.
John Murphy, who kept a general store
In ttie village; of Wallace, In Fountain
County, was murdered In his stora last
night, being shot In the mouth, neck and
heart. It Is thought that be had u,000 or
$1,000 in nvjney. The safe was open, and
appearances indicated Uist the murdered
man made a desperate fight for bis life. It
it thought, on man commltUd the dead. A
Uorso was steles from a stable bur Ty, on
which the murderer made bis aaoap, and
was tracked through here. This Burning
the borw oaroo to this plao from aa oppo
site direction from the senAo( m wurder.
without fi)4d) or brl41cL
ami tho lnttcr wm deaf.-r.V. y. Mail.
Offended: "Idldnotthlnk my cousin
would havo taken oftenso " said Mrs.
Hamsbothani, "but to my surprise ho
retired In high gudgeon." London
"Oh," blttshlngly said tho young
lady who had beon offered congratula
tions by a friend, "I'm not engaged
yet but" and sho blushed nioro
deeply4' 1 oxpect to bo by noxt week."
Thu congratulations hold over. l.o'vcll
A colored girl wns heard tho other
day to rcmarlc coniitiontiauy tc
friend: "Vos'm, I dono write to my
gemman frlon' dat do noxt tlmo Isut do
day fur do ceremony it'll havo lo como
oil: nn' ho knows V In carnost, fori
put it In parenthesis." Chicago Tribune.
Of tho rich nowspapor men, James
Cordon Hennott inns two yachu nnd
foiirlnhandsj Robert llonncr Is tho
owner of ono hundred nnd seventy
horses; Chnrles A. Dana keeps a Pull
man parlor car, whllu we nro putting In
a foundation for n barn. Marlboro
"Hegorrat" said nn inebriated 111
bcrnlnn, the other day, ns ho saw a
Chinaman's head sticking out of u coal
holo In the pavement, "phat do thitn
hnythln dlvlls enro for a trntio, nt all,
nt nil, whin they've dug n tunucl clano
through, so thoy hnvol"' San Fran
Cisco JVst.
John Gyumbor, tho famous Hun
garian sleopor, was married n fow days
ns;o. From which It mny bo Infora-d
that John has not yet got hlsoyoi open;
but married lifo will open them for film,
nud keep him awnko, If nnythlng will.
As tho poet would says "lSot another
long slumber fo- John liyumbor." -Korrislown
"1'npa, enn't I go to tho store and
get mo a now drcssf" "Why, child,
you havo got plenty of good drosses."
"Yes, papa, but they aro out of style,"
"Nonsense, glrll tho trees always eomo
out In tho same stylo ovorv spring.doit't
thoy?" "Vos, pnpa, and thoy ulwayt
lookgrcon, too." "All right, ro to
thostoro and iret a dress." lloston
"You certainly nlav vory well."
said tho muslo-toiichor, encouragingly,
"but you havo not linn goon instruc
tion. If you will prom-'-n to prnctlco
four hours daily I will inn-ie nn artist of
you In two years, and only charge you
my regular rates. Hy tho way, whoro
do you live?" "Next door; Just-got
lodgings thoro." "Oh! ah! yes I for
got to say that your lingering is bad.
and it is now too lato to correct It,
Take my advico and glvo up ruuslo al
together." Ckicago Timet.
Xeglectcd Ills Fatally.
"No, sir, I utterly and positively re
fuse to listen to any excuse from you,"
said tho Austin Hecorder, impatiently.
"Hut, your honor"
"Thero ate no mitigating circura
stances whatever. 1 havo no sympathy
for tho man who neglects hU family."
"I didn't neglect ray family. 1 only
gavo my neighbor's boy a warming
"That's just it. That's the trouble.
Here you havo a house full of children
of your own and yet you go out ou the
street and wallop a strange child to
whom you wore under no obligation to
whip and leave your own children un
punished. Yes, sir, you are mulct, sirj
actually mulct In the sum of tea dollars
andcct CrilMw w t ." 1
Thoiurh ho as vet had uttered no
sound his back was beginning to look
rnthor red, but no blood hnd nppenrod.
On tho thirteenth, howovor. an agouUcd
cry was heard, ami during tho remain
der ol tho whipping Doylo shouted
with apparently Increasing pnln. The
twentieth stroke having beon lnld ou
the mnu wns untied, nnd the doctor,
taking a sponge soaked iu water,
washed tho lacerated bnck. Only ono
small stream of blood was descending
on tho left sldo of Doyle's back, but utt
er the spongo hnd bcou nppliod tho
surfneo looked vorv badlv. nnd tho
n marks of the cat were plnlnly soon.
Tho whlppor had stmck in almost the
snmo snot nt every stroko, nnd tho effect
of tho fashing wns only vlslblo over a
limited surface.
Ho fore tho whipping began a small
piece of hard rubber hnd been placed In
Doylo's mouth for him to bito, and
now, removing this, ho took tno sailor's
hand and sa'dV "Good-byo." "No, not
goodbye," replied the tnr. "I hope to
meet you again, In another place, old
fellow." "No, you won't," rejoined
Do)lc, "not bftcr such m this," and,
putting on his coat, lie walked Into tim
tall linllillnr' and sat down. Dovlonft-
erwnrd snldthat his sullerlugdurjng the
lashing hnd not been so great as the
spectators supposed, ni ho dad feigned
feeling lutonfo pain for fear tho sailor
would lay tho whip ou heavier. Tho
seaman who performed tho whipping
received llvo dol ars for his ta'jk.
Union & Delaware takes Its coupon, and
by rcferunco to Its form book traces
tho ticket to Its original source and
nhargos our road accordingly. At the
end of cneh mouth settlements between
tho roads nro mado, nnd tho dllTorcncc
lu favor of the onu or tho other is made
gooil In monoy. All ticket ngonts arc
required to scud lu an account of overy
tlokct that has been in tholr possession
during tlio month previous, and by
clanco nt our books wo know tho exact
mention of evory ticket thnt has been
Issued. You may havo nottcd in
tleket-frnmes In "tho agents' offices
coupon tickets thnt havo been hanging
thorn for so long that thoy havo become
dusty nnd faded. Yet those tickets nra
never more than a month old, and al
though thoy might bang In that frame
ono blind red yoars thoy would never be
lost sight of. The system, as explained
In tho Illustration, is tho samo no mat
ter how many roads the ticket may call
for tinssan-n over. Kach road's auditor.
when It receives ils coupon from lis
conductor, or othor ticket collector, sees
upon tho faco of tho ticket by which
road it was Issued, refers to thu route,
determines its pro ratn, nndchargos the
road by which It was originally issued
for Its share. Tho stub tho station agent
keeps Is his record of salo, by which lie
can check olTchnrges mado against him
by thu auditors."
"Thou you havo tickets printed for
overy town In tho country, do you?"
naked thu reporter.
" Well, wo havo scarcely been organ
tzod long enough for that, but will have
thom vory shortly. An old-established
railroad flko tho Pennsylvania has had
printed many thousands of forms ol
tickets, perhaps live, or six, or seven
thousand different forms, or even. more.
Hallroads tlat may form only a part of
the most circuitous route from point to
point In the country make a fuss it tbey
aro not included iu some ot the fomw.
and so tlckots havo 'to be printed for
them. Thero have been very many Im
provements in tho construction ol rail
road tickets In lato years. Before they
wero mado there hail to be flveforms ol
tickets to each point, at least to each of
Ilia principal points, tlrst, second nnd
third class, Umllod nod unlimited tick
ets. For Instance: A connecting road
might have taken stations. It might
rutpiiro coupons over those oilier roads
to reach that rond nnd then coupons fo
each station along IU That would ro
iptlro sixty forms ot tickets for that one
road by each routo to It. Now the tick
ets nro printed with spaces to bo nunchetl
out designating class ami v'.hcther lim
ited or unlimited. All the stations on
tlio road nro printed on the one coupon
and tho narao of Uie station intended to
be reached Is also punclied out." N.
Y. Morning Journal.
Combination Coupon Ticket.
"Olmmo a tlckot to Kansas City,"
said a blg-hatted individual in a Hroad
way railroad ticket olllco tho other day.
A reporter who wns standing near Bays
llio ticket-seller turned to a huge framo
or cabinet thnt stood ugalust llto wall,
and seized what nppenrod to bo a card
bearing the legend -"Kansas City." Tho
card, howovor, proved to bo a utrin of
paper a iiau-yani in icncui, upon wmen
wero printed several canls. Hctwocn
these tho jiapor was perforated ho that
each card could be readily cbtnehod
from tho others. Tboso canls wore
coupon tickets over tho soveral rail
roads which aro comprised In a routo
by rail between New York nnd Kansas
City. Tho first read "Now York to
Huilalo," the next "Jluffalo to Detroit,"
tho third "Detroit to Chicago," the
fourth "Chicago to St. Louis." and tho
fifth "St, Louis to Kansas City." Kach
coupon was over a different railroad,
and tho price paid In tho Hroadway of
fice of the railroad running out of New
Ycrk was for all ot them clear through
to tho terminus ot the journey.
If the purchaser hud obt-ataed bis
tickets separately Hint Is, bought them
of each road ns ho passed over It the
cost would havo been nearly double
what It was when bought here, con
veniently, over all the roads at one
"Can you sell a person a ticket over
any other routo to Kansas City?" asked,
a reporter of tho ticket agent.
"Certainly, Wtcr sending you to
Buffalo over our rosd I can give you
your choice of about thirty different
routes, the price of the ticket being tbe
tame over all of them "
"Hut how in the world do you keep
track of nil these coupons, and stive
each road Its share of tbe price of a
."You had better Ituwrlira at the Gea
eral Faeger Agt a esstee for that
kiwi of lafiMmaUon."
Later the reporter put tha quesUo to
Mr, Henry Mounett, General Passsager
Agent of the New York, WssX -)
Buffalo Rallroswl,
How to Make Ilutter Sweet.
An advertisement of a new and in
fallible process for making strong but
ter perfectly sweet appeared in a city
Journal during the past week. Any
applicant tor ine reoipe oouiu oowiu i.
by enclosing twenty-live cents in stamps
to "D. F." in oarc nt the paper contain
ing the advertisement. " D. ." was
found at her office in the basement of a
house en Hansom street, above Twelfth.
Sho was a short, rosy little woman, ol
nbout thirty-five and of a lively coun
tenance, albeit somewhat orereaet when
the reporter made known his business.
" Why couldn't you inclose twenty
five cents in stamps, and address me as ..
my advertisement directed?" diivssH ;
liccaiwe I wanted to see you per
"Well, I deolare," site half whis
pered, glancing at a pile of opened and
unopened letters lying on the table.
" If all tluMe people shetild do the same
I would be lu a pretty fix."
" You seem to have a very good mall
there. Is Imslness good?" aeked the
"Yes," she answered. "1 receive
from sixty to ono hundred applications
dally and have been doing so since June,
but tlio demand tuuet he pretty well
supplied, ami as I intend to give up tbe
buainea for another L think I will let
you Into tim secret."
"Very well. What Wit?"
"Hero Is the circular I send to the
applicants. Sit down and read It."
The circular was x lain, piece oi wnuc
paper, on winch was pnnteu the loiiow
ing extraordinary recipe:
thc (ism at DAinr discovshtI
' It will be evident to all tfeat a long as, but
tons strong; It can twit ttu tweet. Tbe Snt
step, thvrofore. M to iNsslui iu strength to
tho required dfr at weakaeM. Sov ths
strenifib ot a human bains U-'ueto thaae
slmllstlon it !Rt, mtf. -. tkenfora h
Kinenee from an aalssal dlt and a strlofart
Iwronco to the vetMrtable tatad to UraoUji
lessen MriurOi. Butter pfinansi aeaaelty
for imlinlUatrH uudUAli bv- sstf ku
IBs;, M can easily be demonstralvd by niacin
a dleta or butter aan Mree salt feertltuc smv ay
sMe, In wnlch case the butler wilt soou absorb
and assimilate so mueh of the ber-in a to
becomo entirely to Mronif to bo oalen. tah
lowlrm this theory to Its Metslavat wi'vlusloa
Uw great dairy discovery haaSten made..
Jttace your truster l a wkte-nteHtae-1 die or
upon a plate, so as to allow fren contact wnsv'
the HimwMlH afios,erw. Then plaee Umj
UW.ru h refrtferstor ooutalnlng- n animal
MH-, btit wily vegetables and vory. .Jew or
ttwm. ifcp butiar wltt aeon loaa.t a'aaurmel
MreHh a4 beeuc turte steak. 'Hqw re
mii e the vegetables aad ytaoe a aHffMoer
ot nr ukases Beat the tmsse. wMtstrW rar:
sftsy j the wehsria-s siupsslsei et the sst'
" What ImsiueM do you intend to. ,fo
Inljo after you leave test.?" aeked the re
porter, humbly, a 1m roVdet aptKe cir
cular, "i shall 20 into the lortttrse-eftllina
and trainee bui.ntsst. aelttdaJtiaassiii
uwal aWUtles tor wiieshrstf In thai
line," site aRswersMlecmplhoeatly. -
i i iTi ' i '
ChrMfftf WMiw mtki.isuU iks) k
uengateu v mm mm ei -wtr
lest." r3se fc? ffgsjjw h 1st
r ?!

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