Devoted to tlio Interest of the Cherokee, Choctaw, ChlcUiounvx, Seminole, Creeks, mitt nil Oilier Iiiilliiu of tho Inrtlim Territory.
VOL. ir. NO. 13.
i "" -
tflcnncd liy Tclcgrnplt mill 3In.ll
Ik tbe Bcimtc, on the 5th, Mr. Illnlr pre
sented a Joint resolution of tho LoKlslilturo of
Now Itiiuinshlro opposing further Inml Krant
ti rallrovl and any renewal of forfuitd land
(rrnnln. After tho Introduction of bill, tho
rntowcnt Into executive session. . Ill tho
Hour?, Mr, llnndnll objected to tho passage of
a resolution for tho linmrdlatn niirnprlntlon
of tsofM for printing tho records of tho
Unltr.l states Supremo Court, ns ho thought
nil Cicflclcnclcs should hat on thornupth Inves
titration, not only lir the I(mie, lint by tho
appropriate committer. 'I'ho Virginia con
Until clrctlon enso or Clnrrlsnn mi. Mnyo dim
referred to tho Committee on Elections, when
Hppotntoil, with liiMructloiiK to report tho
letml questions Involved therein.
Iif the Henate, the (III, Mr. Mnndcrson
presented n memorial from tho Ix-frlslnturo of
Nobraska asking Hint railroads to which tho
flovcrnincnt granted lands lo either com-
rielled to take out patent so they en Iki
axeit, or tho lands revert to tho people, ilr.
Iwrnll Introduced n Mil to repeal tho pre
emption and timber cultiiru lawn and ninend
tlio hotmttcfld lnvrs. Horeral lulls wera Intro
duced to ninend the (Vmstltntloti, trivlnir tho
President power tifuptn nny Item In (lencrnl
Approprlutlon Mils. Hut little business wiis
transacted In the House, when It adjourned
until Honda)'.
io business won transacted In tho tknato
on tho 7th. Tho House niu not In session.
lw tho Bcnnte, the 10th, n memorial wns
presented from Mexican vcternns, asking
enIona. Mr. Hill called up the resolution
asking tho Recrctwy of tho Interior to furnish
t-oplea of nil papers relating to tho transfer of
tho hind grant of tlio New Urlrnns, Ilnloi.
Itougo Ylcksbiira Itallrnad company to tho
Now Orleans l'ncino Itallrnad company. After
discussion tho resolution M ngieed to. .
In tho cnll of States there was n perfect llool
of bills and resolutions offered, (iter two
thousand twins presentod nnd thociillwas
not half concluded. Among them win h rem
lotion by Mr. Lamb, cnlllng upon tho Attorney
(lencrnl for an Itemized account of tho ex
penditure' of the prosecution of the tnr
routo eases. !!y Mr. Anderson, to prevent un
due discrimination by rnllmad companies,
nnd subjecting them to tho control of Slates
under certain circumstances; also to create
postal telegraph: also to rcduco tlm postago
on ilnm letters to 0110 rent: also a resolution
calling upon the Secretary of ttinlnteror-for
inionnniion wneiner mo I'nion rneino com-
pueu wnn mo provisions or ino inurmnn nci.
A resolution was adopted rcuiicstlng tho
President to ascertain If Patrick O'Donnell,
under sentence of death In Knglaud, is nclll
sen of tho 1'nlted States, and If so, whether
tried and. convicted In nccordanco with the
municipal laws of (treat llrltoln nnd tho ro
I qulremcnts of International law.
Constitution of the United States so as to
prohibit tho llnuor tralllc entirely.
Tub rnMinK.Tf of the AVorklnj;mcn's
Association of I.yiin, Mass., tins called for
a national convention of tho National
WorkinRmen's party, nnd tlio nomination
o? candidates for President nnd Vlco-Pres!-dent.
The Massachusetts Htato 1'ollco have
bjen investigating tlio doings of tho New
Uedford firm which, It Is alleged, manufac
tures organs In tho cheapest manner, nnd
by means of circulars sent broadcast sells
them for exorbitsnt prices to the unin
itiated. It Is believed tho Arm disposed of
2.1,000 organs tho past year, at a profit of
1150,000 to J.iOO.OOO.
IIim IlnowK, n colored waiter, wns ro
cently nrrcsteil for robbing the Kldrldgo
mansion nt Norfolk, Conn., of flvo thou
saud dollars' worth of diamonds nnd Jew
elry nnd four hundred dollars In Rold coin.
TtlR Annfsimam mill nt Ilockport, Mass.,
wns recently damaged by flro to tho extent
of $200,000. The mill wns built In 181U.
Francis J. I'ARUKKTEn, n coal dealer,
wns found dead in his barn, nt Providence,
It. I,, with bis skull fractured. John Mar
tin, Joseph 1 llreods, (white) nnd Thomas
llnrkot (colored) wero nrrcsted on suspi
cion, William I Hoonus, Trensurer of Iwls
County, N. Y., was lately missing. It wns
believed ho had suicided. IIo was n candi
date for re-election nnd defeated.
OconoE H. Avkiit, n tlirivIiiR merchant
of Uroton, Conn., wns recently hung In
efllgy nnd his store bndly used up by a
mob because ho declined to marry n widow
to whom ho wns engaged.
Tub I'restdent, It is said, will make tho
Mississippi Klvei Improvement, tholleiino
pin Canal nnd other public works tho sub
ject of speclnl messagos to Congress. Hot
cronco to these subjects wns omitted from
thoregulnrmossngo In vlow of treating
them moro In detail In supplemental com
munications. Ex-HENATon ltoss, formerly of Kansas,
but now of New Mexico, Is In Washington
working up n project for n system of flvo
lines of nnrrow gaugo railways radiating
from tho city of AJbuqunrqtio, N. M.
The (Secretary of tho Interior rejected the
application of tho Mayor and City Council
qf Leadvllle to enter certain lands for town
site purposes, pn the ground that tho great
er portion wns nlready patented ns "placer
claims," or rcsorvod for hospital and ceme
tery purposes. Buch portions of lands,
however, not alroady disposed of nnd
can bo aggregated, will be held subject to
entry by the cltj .
BiwATon Hill's resolution, Introduced
Into tho Benote,'calllng upon Secretary
Tailor for copies of all papers relating to
tho transfer of tho land grant of the New
Orleans, Ilaton llouge & Vlcksburg Rail
road to the New Orleans Pacific Hallway
Company, Is regarded In Washington ns
opening tho war on tho methods by which
unearned grouts bavo been illegally given
other roads.
The Deputy Commissioner of Internal
Itovenue says the Internal taxes nlready
collected for tlio present fiscal year nro nt
the rnto of $123,000,000 per annum, IIo esti
mates that the collections of tho entire yonr
will nmount to .?130,000,000. This estimate
Includes between 40,000,000 ntiil $J,00),000
to be collected for special taxes of April
and May, but docs not includo tho incronso
anticipated from spirits forcod out by law.
The tenth annual reunion of the National
Association of Veterans of tho Mexican
War was recently largely attended In
Washington. The following olllcers wero
elected for tho ensuing year: President,
General Denver; First Vice-President,
Oenernl Manson; Becretaty, A. M. Ken
nedy; Treasurer, 8. V. Nlles.
There was considerable talk In Washing
ton concerning tho charge of Colonel Bou
dlnotthatColofel William A. Phillips, of
Kansas, somo short time since received
(22,600 from the Cherokee Indians upon the
statement that this sum was to pay Bonator
Dawes nnd Secretary Teller for their In
fluence In securing last year n largo appro
priation for the benefit of the Cherokoo
Nation. Senator Dawes Indignantly de
nied any connection therewith. Ho said he
know nothing concerning tho receipt of
this monoy by Colonel Phillips, and that be
nnd Secretary Teller will take Immodlato
steps to ascertain, the truth of Colonel
Iloudlnot's charges.
Hkpiieskntativk ANnKiisotf, of Kansas,
has revised tho Postal Telegraph bill Intro
duced by him last session, njid wilt soon
introduce It In tho House. liyits provisions
the Poitmaster General Is authorized to
construct, maintain ami operato three main
lines of telegraph, tho northoru lino to ex
tend from Bangor, Me., to St. Paul; tho
central lino from New York to Topcko, ond
the southern from Baltimore to Ban An
tonjo. The Internal Itevenuo Collector raided
an Illicit still In Somerset County, Pa., re
cently. It was on tbe farm of Jacob Peck,
The moonshiners all escaped.
At Washington, the other night, four
hundred persons sat down to a banquet,
Klven by tho Mexican veterans. Senator
Logan responded to the toast i "The Presi
dent of the United Btntos."
Hos. 8. B, Cox and a nunibor of other
Congressmen nnd premluent citizens called
jn tbe President a few days ago and urged
Dim to take some action In regard to the
lummary conviction und sentence to death
j)f O'Donnell, the slayer of Cory, and If
possible prevail upon the Knglish Govern
ment to commute the sentence, or at least
p-ant a respite. The President promised to
do all that he could legally,
Auonn the measures Introduced by Con
trejsman Anderson recently was a bill re
ductng the Fort IUley Reservation, and a
bill amending tbe Thurman Sinking Fund
set. Tlio latter bill provides for the assort
ment by tho Btcretary of tho Treasury of
- tbe tout Indebtedness, principal and inter
tst, oftbe Pacific Railroads, alter which
tbe roads are required to pay one-tenth
thereof annually after January, 1SS5, or
tlse be placed lc the hands of a receiver.
At tbe beginning of the last fiscal yeor
there remained In tbe Treasury to too
:redttofthe Quartermaster's Department
11,182.239.65. Tho sum appropriated was
111,375,000, and the balance undrawn at tbe
lose of the ytar (1,205,270.10.
Tllli EAhT.
A eLZENKO-CAR attached to the Chicago,
izpress from New York, tbe other nlht,
sres discovered on Ore near Castleton. A
man named Murphy, of Buffalo, was slight
ly blistered on the bead. A man, supposed
to be T. W. Wortman, of West Uoboken,
ivvs taken from the car unconscious. The
garwas teigpleUly burned out.
The National Temperance Society, re
cently In session at New York, adopted
Frakk BAtnn, nn architect, wns recently
killed by falling from n building nenr Syra
cuse, Mo.
I.f tho Circuit Court of tho United Stntes,
nt Denver, Colo., recently, tho United
States filed nn amended bill In the Mexican
land grant mil. It sots forth that tho
original Mexican grant wns 07,000 acres,
nnd In 1S09 or 1870 n survey wns made, and
tho original Imundary fraudulently en
larged to Includo liOO.OOO ncres of Now
Mexico nnd nearly 300,000 In Colorado.
Objection was made, and in 1877 tbe case
was decided by tho Supreme Court, in
which tboso Interested tli6ught It substan
tiated their claim and title, nnd was grant
ed them on application. Subsequent In
vestigations pointed strbngly to the bellof
that tho land has been fraudulently ob
tained, nnd tbe present suit Is brought by
tho Government to vacalo tho title. It is
charged that two of Colorado's ox-United
Stni is Senators wero Implicated In tho
Hox. Jotts C. New U working to have
tbo Republican nnd Democratic National
Conventions held at Indinnapolls.
The committee- an tho erection of n monu
ment to tho victims of the Newhall House
holocaust, of Millwaukee, on tho 10th of
January last, have roach rd a doclston to
build a shaft In tho Forest Homo Cemetery,
notwithstanding tho request of tbo Catholic
Committee that halt tbe fund be given for
n monument in tho Calvary Cemetery. The
reason assigned were J.hat tho subscription
lists nil stated tbnt the subscriptions wero
for a monument In tho Forest Home, nnd
tbo committee considered tho fund a trust
in tholr hands. They oilered, howovcr, to
nllow nny Catholic subscriber to withdraw
the motley given In tho next twenty days.
In some quarters tho feeling was said to bo
n little bitter, but the majority of citizens
hold feellngsotutmostklndncss. Tlio shaft
will cost three thousand dollars and be put
up in tho spring.
Near Anderson, Ind., recently, John K.
Johnson was shot by Colcmnu Hawkins
and dnngorously wounded. After the shoot
ing Hawkins returned home and shot him
self, dying Instantly. Both wore wealthy
fanners. Tho trouble nroso from a dispute
about a ditch Iwtweon their forms.
A. C. Aykiis, local ticket agent of tbo
Cincinnati Northern Railroad, was arrested
the other night at Cincinnati for embezzle
niont. Tho next morning bo mado a des
perate attempt to kill himself Vfhllo In tho
station house. Ho cut his wrists with
broken glass, sharpened a lead pencil and
thrust It doeply Into his neck, nnd then
used a pocket comb In an attempt to cut
his throat.
The largo packing establishment of F. O.
Sinclair & Co., at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, was
partially destroyed by flro recently. Loss,
$100,000; nearly covered by Insurance.
RlCHAitD Bybee. a young man of Slates
vlllo, Utah, blew Into tbo muzzlo of his gun
and, the gun blew his toad off.
Five men raided tho town of Blsbee,
Ariz., tho other night uad killed J. C. Tap.
plner, J. A. Nolly and D. A. Bmlth and
wounded Mrs. Rolwrts. They then robbed
n store nnd left. Tho whole nfTnir was tho
work of a few minutes.
Quite n stattllngovent occurred In'.tho
Mercantile Library Hall nt St. Louis, tho
othor night, where James F. Geln and wife,
of Now York, were giving a spiritualistic
performance, toward the' close of which
Geln stepped Into an nnto-room on tho
stago after nn exhaustive cabinet exhibi
tion, and when followed two or threo min
utes Inter by his wife, was found dead on
tlio floor. Examination by the physician
present showed death was caused from
heart disease
1m C. Collier, n prominent farmer liv
ing eight miles from Lincoln, Neb., was
found dend on a load of hay tho other day,
holding tho reins in his bands.
A THAIS on tho Union Paclflo road was
recently snow-bound for thirty-six hourr,
near Deer Trail, Colo., about one hundred
miles wost of Denver.
The Union RolllngMillsatCleveland, O.,
were mostly destroyed by flro the other
morning. Losy on building, $20,000; ma
cblney, probably $00,000.
Banfoiid Toll recently committed sui
cide by banging himself In bis cell In jail
nt Muncle, Ind. Ho wns under sentence
tor twenty-one years, for assault with in
tent to kill tho Sheriff.
Within the past few weeks the dcsortloni
from tbe United States forces stationed at
Fort Douglas, Utah, have tuen one hundred
and fifty.
At Kast Baglnaw, Mich., William Ambler
shot bis brother, mistaking him for n burg
lar. The steam barge, Enterprise, sunk In
Lake Huron the other morning and seven
lives were lost.
John W. Hunter Is the latest arrest upon
the chargo. of being thennurderer of Zoro
Burps atljlncoln, III.
Boyb playing about a haystack In La
crosse, Wis., on me imn, discovered ico
emaciated but living form of Louu Ander
son. The stack fell upon and buried blm
November 17, and boNjiad been there, for
twenty-threu days through tome revere
weather without food or water. He was
a mere skeleton, but able to speaks
Re would lo enabled to secure to farmers.'
laliors better results.
It Is stated that prominent parties In
Texas will soon bring suit In the Court of
Claims at Washington to recover the value
of slaves during tbo lato war. This action
will be based chiefly on certain clauses in
tho Btnte Constitution which wero ap
proved and endorsed by Congress at tho
t'mo of tbo annexation, and which It is
claimed make tho Government of tho United
Btates liable for slave projierty. The plain
tiff In the case was n strong and very pro
nounced Union man during tho war, and
tho proposed action Is indorsed nnd will Imj
pushed by somo of the bast lawyers.
NsAnt.r tho entire town of Wilthmson,
N. C, was recently burned.
Jamkh UNUEnwooD wns hanged at Dnr
danelle, Ark., for tho murder of Rolet J.
Pendegrnss, n wealthy planter of Yell
The Postmaster ntMorgnnstown, W. Vn
was robbed tho other night, while going
home, of a tin box containing $-110. Tho
thief grabbed it from bis hand nnd escaped
In the darkness.
A DlsTATCit from Austin, Tex., referring
to tho recent report of n shit soon to bo
brought In tho United States Court of
Claims, by parties in Texas, to recover the
value of slaves emancipated during tho
war, says: Governor Ireland, Attorney
Gcnoral Templcton nnd several prominent
lawyers, who had been consulted, scout tbo
Idea that Texas has any moro claim on tho
Federal Government than nny other South
ern Htato. They consider tho scheme a
very foolish one, and that If nnybody Is
engaged In It, which Is regarded as doubt
ful, It Is for political purposes.
ALL tho United Btntcs Deputy Marshals
nt Mobile, Ala., hrfyo boon removed.
A nLooDr tragedy occui red nenr Nnsb-
vllle, Tcnn., recently. L. C. HI (ton, n
whlto farmer, was fatally cut by n negro
boy, who In turn was shot through tho
bend. Both died.
A niHAsrnous conflagration recently vis
ited Pino Bluff, Ark., destroying the busi
ness portion of tho town.
TneBenato consist of 79 members and thn
Itnuieotltu. The membership of thepenato
Is coniil-, In the llouso Uierenrotwma
rnncHsior In ibo Second District of Missis
slppl, caused by the refusal of Van II. Man
ning to present his certllteato for tlio seat
which Is contested by James It Chalniorsi tho
other In the Seventh District of Virginia,
caused by tho appointment of ltepresenlathe
rlert Paul to a Judgeship. 1 1'" following Is a
complete roll of tt membership of both
houses I
SOT. J. 7U (leorge. D.
Itw. U y. ('. I.amar, D.
IMJ. (leo. (1. Vest, I).
M. Cockrcll. I).
Jtt.lR tu&
ISM. James I,, llljli.l),
lsn. J.T. Morgan, D,
Ifi'i! A. li. Garland, IVlVrt! 1
isxv J. I). rrle. U. '1S7.
HOT. John K. Miller.lt. IWt. f.l-'.Muiwlerson.lt
18SS. N. 1. Kill. IL IMA. J. r.Jnnes. It.
1HSH. T. M. Ilom-ii, It. .I-OT. Jus. (J. Pair, I),
MKnil tKA.
7. ( Van Wyek 11.
U. o. It. Piatt, 11.
I;. J. It. llawlcy, it.
trt.AW tllK.
IWT. T. 1'. llnjard. D.
isr.i, iiii puiiisiiur),
mkw lUMPSiiinn.
IfM. II. V. Illnlr. It.
IW. Alliert Pike, It.
1ST Win. J. Powell. It.
I). Itw. J.lt.Ucriierson.D
. A. Ilerr Pmlth, IL K3. Titos. M.TJayne, R.
10. Wm. Mulchlcr, I). '. 0. V. Lawrence, It,
11. John II. ftorm, 1). . John 11. rattnn, I).
12. I). W. Connelly, 1). Its. Ssn'l II. Miller, It.
13. C. M. llrumin,(l.-ll.7. S. M. llralncrd, 11.
1. II. J. Bpooner, IL I 2. Jonathan Chnee, It,
1. Samuel Dibble, I). 1 1. 1. J. Hemphill, D.
It. (leo O. Tillman, D.I . (Icn.W. Iiarian, D.
0, I). Wyatt Aiken. D.I7. 11. V.M.Maekey,lt.
4. Jehu II. Ut Ins, 1). I
1. A. II. Pcttlbone, 111 ft. A. J. Caldwell, D.
5. I. L Ilouk, It. 7. J. (1. Ilalleiityne.I).
Ik (leo. ('. lllbbrell, D.1 aJohn M. Taylor, 1).
. It. McMillan. I). i P. Hleo A. Pierce. I).
ft. lticlinrd Warner. D. lit Casey Young, 1).
1. Charles FtowaH. 1).
i. John ll.lleairan.l).
a .mines n. Junes, n
7. T P. Ochiltree, It.
. J. V. Mills r. I).
P. llomr'J. Mlhs, D.
lft. Wilkinson Call II. tWA. II (I. I-nplmm. II
mi. C, W. Jones, 1). llWT. Warner Miller. 11
oroumi. I chtii cimn.iNA.
1WJ. J. II Drown, II. IS. 7. II. Vanoo. I).
lftV. A. II. Colrpiltt, D.llH'.i. M. W. llansoiii.D.
ll.t.l.XOIS. Ollll).
issft, John A. lojran.Il IMJ. (l.ll.l'endletnn.l)
118.'. a M. Ciillnm, 11 it7. John thennun,ll
IMJ. D.W.Vooihees.D.'llwS. J. Il.SlaUr. I).
1M7. llcnj. Ilnirlson.lt.lv-n. Jos. N. Ilolpk, II,
1WJ. W. II. All'min. it. IWfi. J. II. Oatnenin, II
Una. J. F. MI-tin, It. I1M7. J no. 1 Mltchi.ll.lt.
I). II Cultereoii, IV in, John Iluncnok, I.
ft J.W.Throckm'fn.IHI. . W.T.I Jinham, 11
0. Ollu WelllKirn, 1. ,
' viinnosT.
1. JohnW.ftawart.lt. 2. Luko P. Poland, 11
John R. Wise. It
ft, 11 niienllnr. IL
7.i(l M. Wonlwanl, 1)
.' William T. Price. 1".
o. I. Mephenson, 11
ItllitltH lsl.NI.
1SS7. N. W. Aldr.ch. II
Isni. it. n. Aiitnony.ii
IS-ft. Wudellampton.D
isw. M. ('. llutlor, 1).
IVT. II. II Jaokson, I).
l.-.s-.p. ishiiin (I. llurlJ.D.
Tnx h.
1187. Fam'l II. Maxey.D
ilsu. ltlcliunl Coke, D.
(l.iinmn. IlJlHJ'.'L .1. Ft. Mnnlll. IL
(Inriueu. I). IM7 O. K. hdiminils.IL
ISM. J.J. Iniralls, It.
lfTO. P. II. I llllllll. IL.
II RV J. . Wllllums. 11.
PSJ. James II. lleek.D.
1KSA. . r Jonas, 1).
lull. It. I.. (lUison.I).
1F87. ru(ino Hale, It
1ICJ. Win. P. Krye.lt.
IMi, J. II.
1N)7. A. 1
The Farmors Congress of the United
States held a three days' session at Louis
ville, Ky., recently. The President, Major
Thomas J. Hudson, of Lamar, Miss., opened
tbe Congress with an address of some
length, setting forth the demands and wants
of the agriculturists, especially urging the
appointment of a Commissioner of Agri
culture as a member of tbe President's
Cabinet. Such oOlcsr, be said, could watcb
a I our foreign relations in respoci to vnn in-
wdutlon asking Congress to ninend w I tcrest, woldi mvt 0T" h gwatwt,
Thomas Cuaki, Presldout of tho Kxchango
Bank of Montreal, (Can.), has absconded.
In Constantinople, recently, six hundred
bouses, n Greek Church nnd four Syna
gogues wero destroyed by fire. A snow
storm was prevailing nt the tlmo which
added greatly to tho sufferings of tho
Admihal I'kno Yu Ltn, nt Canton
(China), lias notified nil foreigners that war
with France Is Imminent, and he is massing
all available land and sen forces for tho
protection of Canton. Tbe Admiral holds
that France Isonswcrablo for precipitating
tho war, and warns neutral powers to ob
serve tho treaty stipulations nnd rules of
international law.
l'KRHoy who signed tho Annrchlst
placard, calling workingmen to meet in
Paris, recontly, will bo arrested. Sovcn
bad already been imprisoned.
TiiECblncso Governmentrofuseii to with
draw or modify its claim regarding Ton
quln. It prefers war to surrendering tlio
province to Franco. Largo liodies of troops
were continually passing Hong Kong for
the Tonqulu border.
Buhinkss failures for tho seven days
ended December 7, lntho United Btatos
nnd Canada, .7)7, against 212 the previous
week. This was tho most formldablo list
recorded in nny week for years past.
The Princo of Wales nnd member of
tho Kxecutlvo Commlttoo of tho Into Inter
national Fisheries Exhibition in London
have conveyed to the American Govern
ment a special expression of gratitude nt
tho nduilrable manner in which the United
States effectively responded to tho appeal
for cooperation nt tho exhibition.
Active negotiations hnvo Iwen opened nt
Madrid with tho United Btntcs Govern
ment for reciprocal concessions beneficial
to trado between Cuba and tho United
A hkcent Suaklm dispatch stated that
thcro was n panic among tbo Egyptian
officials. Tlio fall of tbo garrison at Tokar
and Benkat was expected daily, owing to
starvation. It was also stated tbnt Oth
man, chief of tho slavo dealers was killed
in n lato light. Tho British ship Hanger
holds Buakim, nnd thcro wns no fenr for
the snfety of tbo Europeans.
The Palace Legislative Chambers nt
Brussels burned, recently. Nearly all the
documents connected with the foundation
of Belgium independence, Including the
original constitutional charter, wero de
stroyed. The damage by flro was reported
nt 12,000,000 francs
In tho fienato, tho 1Kb, petitions and
bills wero presented. Tho same proceed
ings wero had in tlio Houke.
Skchetauy Telleii is said to bo receiv
ing so many letters concerning tbe Texas
Paclflo land grant that it U becoming an
noying, nnd bo wishes, to have it under
stood that ns Congress is now in session,
thewholo matter of tho giant Is bvfora
Congress for notion, nnd pontons feeling nn
interest In the determination of tho sub
ject should nddress Congress nnd not him.
. Maiitix , Citizens' candidate, was chosen
Mayor of Boston nt the late election.
Another fearful mnntU' a baa befallen
n detachment of tho Egyptian army.
Whllo on tho march from Buakim to Ber
ber, on December 2, nt the halting plncp,
thirty miles from Siiakln, a forco of eight
hundred negroes nnd Bash! Dazouks were
utterly annihilated by adherents of the
False Prohct. The light only lasted twenty
The Coosa Illvar furnace, nt Gadsden,
Aln., wns rcccntldestroyed by lire. Four
hundred enrs of coke wero burned. Ioss
nearly $130,000; no insurance.
John McGiknis, sixteen years old, was
engaged with several companions In play
ing practlcnl jokes upon a flagman nt
Shelby Btntlon, O., when McGlnnls rnn in
front of n freight train nnd wns initnntiy
L. C. Holmes wns found dead In his room
In n hotel, near tho Union depot, In Kansas
City, the other morning. Ho was on his
way home nt Kearnoy, Mo from Hot
Springs. Heart disease was the trouble.
It Is said that no legislation will bo at
tempted In Congress until nftertbe holiday
recess, which will bo tuken In time to allow
members to pass Christmas at homo.
The rcsldenco of Ella Martin, of Balti
more, Md., burned recently. Carrie Mnr
tin, aged thirty-two, Jumped from tbo sec
ond story and was fatally Injured. Busle
Martin was caught on a mattress, but se
verely hurt. Ella Martin, artist and owner
of the building, and her sister Mary, aged
sixty, were rescued by means of a ladder.
Bio Hill Kinhet, who was acqulttod ol
murder at West Union, W. Va., recently,
was taken from jail by a mob and bung
tbe following night.
In the southern part of Madison County,
Mo., tbe other day, William Boyer shot
William Berry and Bsrt Kelley, and was
himself shot through the heart ond Instant
ly killed. Kelley died the next day and
Brry was not expected to live. The
tiagedy was tbe result of an old feud.
In digging the foundation for a new
COUlt bouse at Las Vegas, N. M-, recently,
the laborers, old miners, saw symptoms ol
"pay dirt." They Immsdlately gave it a
trial, which resulted in striking It rich.
There ws greut excitement In town, and
overybody was staking out claims.
M ISSK'lliaiT.H.
1W. II. L. Ilnwrvs, It.
1S. (leo. P. Hoar, It.
nil uin.iN.
If:. o.D Cnmrd1, It.
18. T. W. Palmer, II
POT. H.J.It.MoMlllnn.1l
IMS. II. M. fciibln, It.
1.W7. W. Maluinn. It.t
1W.I. II. II. Hlildlo
bcniur, lit
wrar vimilNM.
18ST. J. N. Cumdon, D.
1M. John Ik Kenna.u.
IMS, A. Cnmoion, II
1MI7. Phil, fiiwier.lt.
Itepnbllcans, (0; Democrats, 'M.
1. James T. Jones, D. iJ. Tlios. Williams. D.
2. II. A. Herbert. D. ,. (I. W. Ilewctt. D.
8. Win. C. Oatos, I). 7. Win. II. I'oruey, D.
i. t'has. M. bholly, D. 18. Luko l'ryur, 1).
C.IU!roeklnrldre,D.a John II. ItoioM, D.
1. Pnlndoxlorjliinn.ll. I. Hatnurl W. Peel, 11.
2. James K. Jones, 1). I
diss. A. Pumner, D. 1. 3. II. Ilildd, D.
J. It. (llaseock, 1). ,3. Barclay llenly, D.
1. Vi. X. ltosccrans, DJ4. P. II. Tully, 1).
1. James II. llolfonl.lt.
1. Win. W. Paton. D. 3. John T. Walto, 11
2. Cl.as. L. Mitchell, D. (. II W. rJeymour, II.
1. Charles 11. Lore D.
1. lUI.M.DaWJson.P.i S. II. Blsbco, Jr., It.
Thos. Ilnnlman, II. i J. K. J. Hammond, 11.
I; John O. Nleholls, D.I 0. Jus. II. lllount, D.
S. Henry O.Turncr, Il.l 7. J. (I Cloments, 1),
3. Charles V. Crlp, II., K Vcaborn ItiOso, D.
. HUHlvlliichanan.D.I V. Al.un 1). Cundlor.Il.
Win. II. Neeeo, D.
.las. W. ltlljTS. I).
Wm.M.eprlnaor, D
J. II. Hnwall. II.
13. Jos. 0, Cannon, It.
In. Aaron Chaw, 1).
17. Hum. W. Mniiltnii.t:
18. Wm. It. Morrl-,n,L
in. It.W.Towiislieiiil.l)
JO. John IL Thomas, It
1. IL W. Dunham. It.
t. J. P. Flncrir. Ind.
3. Ueonto ILIMI,1L
4 (leo. II Adams. It.
6. Koubcn Islwood, It.
n. llolwrt Itrllltt, It.
7. T. J. Henderson, It,
8. Willlat.i Cullen. It.
9. U'nls II Pnyson.lt.
10. js.nwurtiixtnn.li
1. John J. Kleiner, 1).' 8. John T Limb. D.
t. 'llins. It. Cobb, I). I 1). Thus. II. Ward, D.
3. P. M.Ptockslaiirr.D. 10. 'lhomas J. Wood.D.
. Win. P. Dolman, II. II. fleorsroW bteoiii.ll
5. (I C. Meson. II. . Kobort Iiwry,D.
A. Thos.M. Ilrowno.lt .13. Win. II. Calkins, II
7. btantouJ. 1'nollo.lll
1, Mo'osA.McCold.lt,
Johr. A. Kasson.ll
8. w, P. Hepburn, II
. W. II. M. Fusoy, D.
10. A..1. Holme-s. It.
11. ltnao H. Ptrublo, 11
S. Jero. II.Murph,l,
3. I). II. Henderson, It,
4. I II. Wellur, I),
ft. James Wilson, It.
. John q. Cook, D. 0.
n N. Morrill. 11 I 1. J. A. Anderson. B.
Lewis llaubaelr.Il 1 2. D. C. Haskell, It.
Mim'l IL I'otcrs, 111 3. Thomas ltyun, 11
II. W. Perkins, It. I
1. Osoar Turner, I. D.i 7. J.P.Cmackbtirn.D.
5. James V. Clay. D. 8. P. II. Tnmnpson, 1).
8. John I! llalN'll. D.I ti. WAr.UulloniHin.il.
4. T. A. ltoliertson, II. 10. John II. Whlto, it.
ft. Albert 8. Willis. 11. ill. F. D.'WooUord, D.
6. John O. Carlisle, D.I
1. Carieton Hunt, D. I 4. N. C. ninnohard, D.
. 1- J ol, ii rills. I). A. J. Floul Klmr. I).
3. Wm. P. Kollog, Hi 0. IMwunlT. Iwls.D.
Tliomas It.Ileed.lli j C. A.Iloutolle.n.
Nelson DliiKlcy, Hi 'Soth L. Mllllken.Il
1. O.WiCovlmtton.D.I 4. J. V. I Flndlny, I).
r. J. F. U. Tallxit, D. ft. Hart It. llolton. IL
S. F. rJ.llobllucll. D. I a. L. 12. McConias, IL
1. Itobort T.Davis, It.. 7. l'.bon V. Ptono, IL
t. John D. Ixinir. It. 8. Wm. A. Kusaell, It.
3. A. A. Itnnncy, II. . ThcodoroLyman.lt.
4. I'atrlckA.Colllns,D. 10. William W.itlco.ll
ft. Iopold Morse, I). ill. Win. Whitlnu, It.
C. II. 11. Lovcrlnir, 1). 1 (leo.D.ltobliisou.Il
1. W. aMajrbiiry, D. i 7. HzniC.Ciuleton.D.
5. N. II. llldreiUn, D. f. lt.sell U. Horr, II.
3. IMwanlH.lJicey.lt. 9. II. M. Ciilclieon, 11
4. (IcnrKoI.. Ynpi-.D. 10. II. II. Hatch, It.
6. J. Houseman, I), 111. ltd. lircltuiitf, 11
0. 15. II. Wluans, 1).
1. Mllo Whlto. It. I 4. W. D. Washburn. IL
:. J. II. Wnknfleld. IL I ft. Kuuto Melton, IL
3. Horace II. Btralt, 111
s fi -ni.Ati ii
I. liobcrt M.Mai o. It. 8. J. ILTuckor, II,
r. Harry L4ldir.ll. 7. Vacancy.
H. neors-o II. Wleo, 11. 8. John tOlatl our, D
4. II. b. Hooper, U.t I V. Iloiiryrl.llowen.llt
wwit vinniMi.
1. Nathan (loir. Jr., It. 3. Chas. P. Pniiler, D
2. Wm. I.. Wilton, 1). I 4, I'.UHaco (lld-oll, D.
1. John Wlnans, 11. I
S. 11 II.Kumnrr. D. I
3. Ilurr W. Jones. D.
4. Pot'-rV. lleiisler.H.
A. Jostoth llankln. ll.
....... . . .
Ilcpubilcans. 13i Democrats, l,i inlcpcnA
Mil, 1; nciincics, 2. '
I'.tecled on ticket nt lariro.
Mahonettcsi will probably act with Bepub
TiiiiNUs or thi: mamsthi:.
A Mn CUtmliiE tu Ilea Survivor (lives
nn Account of (tin Loss of tho Vessel.
Dt'i.trrii, Minn., Dec. 8. Mr. Carlton
has iccclved ft letter from a friend who was
n passenger on tho fated Mnnlstoo. "When
tho boat went out," tho letter says, ''wncn
countered n very Vowy gnlo from the south
west, and when about twenty miles oul
tho boat w'tis put about, but could tint
niako It. Tho life-boats wero taken out,
but beforo they wero launched nil but vtio
'wero swept nway In tho storm, nnd
only nlno persons who wcru on tho boat
were allowed to get In. Wo lintl a ttrtlblo
tlmo. After tlio boat went down there was
notlilnc but n wide expanse of water boforo
us. Wo rollod around un tlio turbulent
wavca cold, wet and hungry for thrco days,
nnd nno by ono tho waifs dropixid olTt death
linlngcomo to their relief. .Somo of tlicnt
were froti'-n to death, whllo somo died from
sheer exhaustion und cxinwiire to tho wind.
Captain McKay never left tlio boat, but
wrapped himself tip In his lioavy ovorcont
nnd remarked: ! will nover lenvo the boat
until the last soul U oil. I am Captain ol
this boat, nnd If sho If a cofllu for anybody
silo will be my rollln.' After the men luul
left tlm boat the .Mnnldco made ono plungo
under tho waics, nnd that was tho last ol
her. When wo left tho vessel there
were Hits crow nnd ten or eleven
passengers on board, nnd out of
those wlio started, out In tho boat
only three were sa veil and reached Hough
ton. The wreck occurred oft Eaglo Harbor,
mid there wan no possible cbanco of, saving
tho vessel under tho circumstance). At Ilia
last, when everybedy know thcro vim no
lintie, Capt. McKay gave Ids orders Just as
cool nnd collectedly as If ho wm on land."
A body floated near tlio snoro at Pigeon
llher, nnd fruitless endeavors wero made,
to secure It. It Is supposed to bo a corpse
from tlio Manistee, but was not ldcntlllcd
In any way.
9 '
An Imprisoned Nihilist, In a Letter tVrlt
ten In lllood, Itelates a fitory of llorrlbli
Lo.Miox, Dec. 8. A Paris correspondent
forwards n second letter written In blood bj
n Nihilist In tho TroubleUkol fort at St
Petersburg. It describes tho harrowing
ticatiuent of prisoners, nnd says their food
Is often moldy nnd sotnotnrvw putrid.
Dysentery and scurvy be says are prevalent,
nnd the doctors nro afraid to touch the. pa
tients. Few medicines were prescribed,
and when ordered wore generally counter
iliandod. The prisoners, tlio lettors says,
rot nway and exhnlo odors of dead bodies
beforo llfo Is extinct
Tim number of those who go mad In con
8Citicnce of their nullcrlngs Is dally Increas
In if, tho madinoii bcln strapped down nnd
whipped with tho knout ty tlio koeners.
l'lorco yells resound throughout the night.
n.d many ot tlio prisoners nave coimr'iuxi
suicide. It Is said ono woman was gutrnged
anil then poisoned.
Itnts are tho worst enemies of the prison
ers. A woman with her young babo was
obltgod to bo constantly on the watch and
fight nlht and day to pinvcnt the rats from
devouring the child. Tlio use ot combs and
imp Is forbidden, and the prisoners, espe
cially tho women, whoso hair Is allowed to
grow, nro literally devoured by vermin.
Tho jailers nro only kind to thoso having
money, Tho prLsouora who reiuso to reply
to questions nro tortured, and casosot the
violation of women are froquout. Tho writer
especially appeals to tho civilized world In
bdinlf of the women In tho prison, whoso
situation, lie says, U far worso than half of
tlio men.
Tho lHiieni;ri Ileieaed by Cliuppluff
IIolo In th HI Jo of tlia Cooh
The New York Moronntllo Library
now lrns 200,141 volume.
Tho now Oovcrmir-Ocnernl of Can
ada brotijrlit thlrty-ulno aon'nntu with
lilm from liiiRlnnil.
Klnlno (ioodalo, tho frlrl poet of
Mn.ssacliuott8, han p;onn m n lonelier to
tho Indian suliool nt llatnplou, Va.
lloston JItraUI.
Tlio yottnppst grandfather on record
llvns In 'I'rlnlilad, Tnx. Ills immo Is
Hoi'so lltttlur, ami ho Is thirty years old,
Chicago Inter Ocein.
(icrnlil Mnssoy, nn l-.tigllsh ron
itmctor nt mctaphygleal contititlrtims.
Is coming over to lcoturo on: "Why
Doesn't (ioil Kill tho DovllP"
Captain Mnytto Hold hail intentlcxl
lo wrlto his "I'orwiiinl KonilnlsomiceH of
tbo Moxlcan War for ptilillcallon In
Collarottc rolnteil In front nro tho
Icslcn In wlilcli real laces nro now fanh
oncd: somo of thoso nro ntiltn small,
eachlnir only to tho ton of tho darts,
whlto a second slrn oxtends lo tho waist
Inc. ami still others fall below tho
smlst anil form n slender vest, which is
I mtllclcnt trimming for handsomo cor-
tages of vulvot, satin or siik. roiiit,
Iftce;, ilttchoiso, gar.c or roso polnt, anil
CHimblnntUius of these laces, aro mado
nlo collarettes, anil sometimes somo
point do Vonlso Is Added. With tlicso
:ollatottcs o, narrow frill of laeo Is
.vorn standing around tho nock nnd Is
normnncntlv nttaohod to Hi a 1'nrd nnd
quarter ol wiucr trimming inco is
ilion nddoil for gathering Insldo tho
dcqvcM. Very smnll and short collar
jttcs that combino dnchosso nnd a llttlo
polntgazo cost from ?5 lo $12.M( whllo
l),n Dldlftilidnhlti r.ii,A nrul w,v lust I largOC
- -. - " : ." . .":. '.- .r i-.
niilnnlitr. ,,,. ll.n i.n.t t..l.... l.n iltn.l
lUIVIIIIt lllfUlt ,111 ,,U1IV ,1 IIVJI 111 ,tl ,,. I
iliomns ruler, tlio lticamo in tna
minstrel stage, went to lis mother's
homo In llrooklyn a fow days niro mid
died thcro. Tho New York frfbunt
thinks itn coincidciyo that thn song In
which hn was most n favorlto was
"Dear Mother, I'vo Como Homo to
"Sarah IU'rnhnnlt," says Osrnr
Wilde, " Is nil mnonlight nnd sunlight
comliined; oxceod.nglv terrible; mag
nificently glorious. .Miss Anderson Is
nitre and fearless ns a lnoiiiilnlii daisy;
full of chnngo ns a rvor; tender, fresii,
sparking, brilliant, superb, placid."
Tlio Now York Commercial Adrer
thrr't editor! hnvo beem "Noah Web
ster, 1797 to 180,1; Ziicharinh Lewis,
1803 to 1820; William L. Stone, 18 JO to
1811; Kranels Hall, 1811 to lK(i:l; Will
Inm Henry Hiirlbut, IBM to 1867; Thur
low Weed, 1807 to 1803; Hugh J. Hast
ings, 1808 to I83."
Mr. Crawford, author of "Dr.
ClnudUis," Is nn exceedingly rnpld
writer. This seems a gratuitous stato
mont in vlow of tho facts; but ho writes
moro rapidly than would nppcar, oven
from tho manner In which ho publishes
his stories. He has exceedingly method
ical brains, and before ho puts pon to
paper ho has thought out, not only his
plot, hut tlio maimer In which ho is go
ing to framn it, so that when ho sits
down ho writes straight on until ho has
finished his story. Ho writes a legible,
bold hand, mm thcro Is scarcely tin
erasure in ins manuscript.
ones, with soma Venetian point,
sro S'0. Thcro Is nn oiTort to rovlvo
tho old Honlton laces, with their light,
spen, malhery designs, nnd theso nro
now shown In fichus, collarettes, and
tlio threo Inch widths of laces that nro
nnd fot' thn noek nnd sleeves ot drcssdt.
Valenciennes Is again In favor, nnd Is
ispeclnlly liked fur young .-ladloj.
llarbos 6f Inco nro t i iisclul In thu
nrosent stylo of dressing tho throat, but
tho wldo, straight scarfs nro suddenly
restored to favor to form tho soft draped
rest trimming now In voguo. For
fully gathered frills for tho nook mid
ileevos three mid a half yards nro re
quired of duchosso, Honlton. or other
heavy real Inco. tnitof tho lighter lncrs,
liioh as Vnlcnr "inoj, Mechlin, nnd tho
Jnrned Oriental mid Mauresmio lacos,
ilx or seven vards nro easily used, ns
Jicso heed to bo very full to bo effect
ive, and tho frills usually oxtend down
Am front of tho basutio. oithor in Dim
or two rows, gathered to tlio odgo of
tlio hotton-holo sldoof tho dross, nndnl
lowetl to fall with careful gtaco, with
out being fastened In a set Jabot or In
iholl gatlirrs.
Willi ladles who havo but ono set of
real laco tho cholco remains for
riuclicsso point such as Is sold for $3 or
M n yard. Fichus anil scarfs of Honl
ton Inco nro becoming, because thoy aro
soft to natlicr in a wob about tho nook:
Mieso cost from $: to SCO each, nnd
' irlinmlnir laco for tho slcovos in corro-
1 .. " . . ... , in.
tponiiing uosigns is .711 a yarn, me
ollcctivo Irish laces, especially Carrlck
macross, which Is rcallyi muslin, with
the doslgus wrought in button-holo
itltchcs, and tlio spaces between cut
out, nro worn perfectly smooth both In
collarettes, and In cull's that turn up
ward from tho wrist; theso cost from $10
loUlasot. An Inoxponslvo laco thnt
makes a nice show for its cost Is tho
Pompadour lace, with tlio groundwork
of thu meshes of Oriental lace, and up
on thlsurej raised ruuslln .lowers, roses,
fuchsias and follagoj this Pompadour
laco Is used much in collarettes thnt
havo small raised llowora all ovor thorn,
nd a slnglo clustor on tho left sido.
l'horo nro also wldo Ilounccsof thlslaoo
thnt nrn dorm enoili'h to form a wholo
tnblior or an o7er-skirt, and nro sold
lor $8 a yard, tor muslin drosses,
md, Indeed, for simple ovcnlng dresses
of silk and ot satin, nnd nhm for trim
ming tho soft surahs, aro itouneos
of Maurosrpio Inco nt $2 a yard. For
tiamUonin evening drosses f-nd for
trousseaux thcro aro sets of dtichcsso
laco containing n ilounco six Inol.es
tvldo, narrow laco for garniture, aud a.
loss than that of otsr tm9t)1ir t BTsml
sixty mllo aboro tlw ertVa imrffHriM
For tho great oonwt of th hwt yestr
passed nt a dlsUnco of flOO.OOO nritw U
1110 sun, anil tiieroiore ueep wisssm
assumed coronal atmosphere. Thl
comet trnvnrsed tho IntcrconiHal fH
for several millions of miles with a Te
locity 180 times that of the earth, not.
only wllluJut boiag stopped and precipi
tated upon tho surfaco ot tho sun. Vmt
oven without harlnr bcci: checked in
tho lesV."
ThsVl:ortnlnly is a formidable, if net.
an absolutely fatal, objection to the the
ory adopted by Prof. Young; and many
others, anil It is by no means tlw only;
obloctloii advanced bv Dr. HssthllW-
Thus ho points out that tho lino 1,47 1
K in tlio spectntm (toes not dcmrvr
bII consistently, or In accordance whli
tho current hypothesis. SomcHraM ll
Is very bright nnd apparent. Atntbsw
times It Is alnifit Wanting. In short,
says Dr. Hf.Ulngs, "If tho lino (.onion
strates tho oxistenco of an tmoiir.
It demonstrates also lncocclvbi
ohangos In IU" Tho doctor coaclrnkwl
his paper with an attempted explana
tion ot soiar acnon uase.i upon ww uu
fuslon of light. 1'rof. l'oung sfoka In
answer to 1dm subsoaucntly, and frank
ly said that "ho had always thswifht
that tho accepted hypothesis Yifaj fa
from porfect." Ho nddoil. howovcr.
thnt "tho atmosphere of tho sun was
not an iitmosphero In tho samo soine n
which 0110 speaks of the earth's at
mosphore." This Is rathor lialnfully sflfceattve ol
thu shifts to which somo theologians
havo Icon driven In nttoniptlnff to
count for tho problem of ovll, iwhI
which shifts Mill has so forcibly ex
posed In hi essays on rol'giop. If th
sun s ntmospbero is not wiuij-w un
derstand by our atmosphere, then the;
sclsntlfio tiso of that term In explana
tion of solar phenomena Is merely 0
shift to conceal sclontlilo Ignoranc.
And, Indocd, It Is plain enough that
sclenco has not yet (I scovcrcd nnyth'ng
dellnlto about tho sun, all theories to th
contrary notwithstanding. H Is Impws
slblo to demonstrat ctho Jncandesccnce
of tho actual solar body orof IU an
volopo or envolo w, Jt Is Jmpos
slblo to explain solar action In accord
ance with whAt Is known of nalurul
law. Tho center of our system Js to
day as profound a mystery to Us as It
was to tho Chaldeans and Akkadians,
and tho Asiatlo hypothesis of subtlu
rosmlo forco called Akasa, ot wliick the
sun Is tho storehouse and center, I not
rater Fnmlllas to Fcstlro Son: llo
member, my son. It's not tho uo.it thnt
niakos tho man." P. S.: "No, sir, 1
know it; it's tho pants." llutgcrs Tar
gum. Professor In Chemistry: "Tho sub
stance you coo in this vial Is tho most
deadly of all poisons. A single (Iron
placed on 1110 tongue 01 n cat, u cnougu
to kill tho strongest man." From (Ac
"No," said tho high-school girl,
don't think Miss Adolphio is very pret
ty; her bnrblgcrous upper lip (lolrncts
irom iter beauty. ' Anil tlion tlio rest
f tho girls scattered to look for a dic
tionary. Oil City Derrick:
' Your wife," savs tho Chrlttbtn
Union, " Is entitled to hor sharo of your
Incomo." Oh yes, wo all know that,
but after sho lakes out her sharo wc
havo to walk home, unless wo hnvo
credit with thn strcct-enr driver. Life.
-'Your cheek Is nn awful tomptn-' n Pl"t gauw l with orango blossoms
tlon to mo." ho exclaimed, ns ho looked ! roses and I Ilea combined In tho do
admlrlngly at her fresh young face. B ". i' a'' J'1 to ,h JJ'i'iSS
"Your check must ho an awfufburden , '"t l?'niX
lo .ymt,"sho replied, glancing at him ,,nil nrUir wldo and moro t ban thrco
suspiciously, and tho fresh young man riU long, and my,"V?2wH
w.tUow.I;Wo W 1 fea3S. Ui"S; "jg'SSft
-Cowncr, It is stated by his blog- 3 ,8, , , only two BmU
raphor. dlil not commence to wrlto poo- , lf ' u , aJnd cost from
try until ho was fifty. Wo wish tho ion.-am
young man who dally sends m tioomi ' in blick lacos tho band-ran Spanish
about hnzo" and "autumn days" and ' , ,s , kc(l for ohll gcart9 to
woodland ways" would klndfy do as t nn(l tr,mmig ioCM
CowpcrdId.-;'cfc. Unt tho Escurlal laco with tho design
" Don t you know, my son," said a n,ltiinn.l with n. cord Is tho favorlto.
kind fathor, " that It hurts mo worso to , pi10ra nro nlso many of tho Spanish
laco handkerchief with corrospondlne
designs. A bridal veil of ducheSso and
S. DttnlLHIiialcton.D.
. II. H. Vim Kiiton, 11.
T. lllbcl IhirksOulo, U.
1. II. U MuMrow, It.
2. (VinlcMtxI.
0. K. H. JrlTonls, It.
t. II. 1). Money, I).
1, Wm. W. Hutch. 1). S. John 3. (VNclll, H.
5. A.M. Alexander. 1. J. O. llmmlhciid, II.
a. Alex.M.llnckeiy,!). 10. Mnrtlii U Clanly.ll.
4. Jnnirs N.lturncs.U. II. Itich. P. lltaml, I).
6. Alex, (irairs, I). 1.'. Clms. II.MurKHii, II,
0. John (Visa-rave, M. I-L Itotcrt W. Fjun, I).
V. A. It. Iluckncr, I). II. Uiwn's II. Davis, U.
1. A. J. Weavor, It. 1 3. K. K. Valentino, It.
5. James I.ulnl, It. I
I. Ooortro W. Cassldy, I).
1. M. A. HoyncK, it. I S. Osslan liny, IL
J. T. M. Terrell. I).
2. J Hart llrowor, IL
a. J. Koan, Jr.lt.
i. lknj. V. lluwcy. It.
B. W. W. I'liolps. It.
O. W. II. K.KIcdlor.D.
T. Will. M0A1I00, U,
II. W. Rlocum. D,
1. r. lU'lmnnt, II.
X. W. II, Hohinson. D.
a. II. It. James, IL
. K Caiiiptcll, 11.
K n. MiiIUt, II,
0. is. a. 101, 11
IT. II. (1. Iliirlcizh, IL
IS. r. A. Jiilitison, 1.
19. A. X I'arkcr. IL
CO. Vaw. Wi-iupio. O.
1. lien, n. ituy, 11.
i. (.'. It. Hklnner, It
St J.ThiM. fprlirifs, D.
whip you than it docs you? I would
much rather recclvo thu ptinlshmont,
but I whip you as an cxamplu for tho
otber children." "Thon let mo glvo it
lo you," tho boy replied, " and wo'P
oxplaln to tho other children after
ward." Arhmsaw 'Jsavcllcr.
"How Is It you nover married,
Charloy?" "O. I don't know, oxcept
that I remained bIiiitIo from choice. '
"Why, I heard that you tried to got
that I'odgklns girl a year or two ago?"
"xcs; i ilia asic ncr to marry mo
rtiitiiiro I noes with thu silk doslKtis out
ilncd with chonillq cord: this Is not con
Jncd to black, but Is bIiowii In colors
ilso, such as golden brown, Titian red,
ind gray lacos, nt S3 a yard, with flcluu
io match, for 80.60. Tho Imitations of
ilaok thread laco aro so lino that thoy
iro bought for trimmings by tho most
.'astldlous women. Harper1 $ fiazar.
Solar ThcorlcH.
A vnrv Intomsttnrr discussion tllion
"And sho wouldn't havo you?" "That's ' lomr theories was held at thd second
il..,l. B,iH.l,,n rt llin VnlLinnl Apnilimiv
t Utt n mniuji w it.w ...v...-- . vh..
..n..l -.. . . .T ... TL
Ju".oi boioncc'H. at iscw uavon. it wim
W. Dors lelmc r. II. tl. N. W. Nuttlnir. It.
8. J. J. Adums, II, . V. Hlscock, 11.
. J. Hardy, 11. .v. H. 1- I'aync. It.
O. A. H. Hewitt, D. ha. J.W.Wa-lsitorth, IL
.1. (I. II. I'ottor. II. . I. C. Millard Jl.
a. W. Ilutchlns, l), St. John Arnot.T).
3UJ. II. KHchnm, 1LI. H. S. (Irconlonf. D.
(. Uws lleatli, U lUl. It. H. Htctcns, U. '
A.1. ll.Ilsirlry.Jr.n ':a. Wm. K. lloncrs. D.
7T.J.VnAltiio. D. JS, V. II. llroHcr, lL
6, A. M. Pcalcs, D.
n. Clement tlawil, D.
T. Tre York, IL
8. llob't II. Vance, D.
IL T. Ilennvtt. ll.
1. T. H. 8klniior. II.
S. Jns. li. OllHm, It.
a. W.J. Orooa, 1).
. Wra. IL Cox. H,
1. John I'. Kollett. II, itt. Alphonso Hart, IL
:i isino M.Jordan. I), u. u. K. uonvorse, 11.
a. 11. M. Murray. D. lit. (leo. W. Oeddes. I).
t II. V. LeKovro, V. I1&. A. J. Warner, I).
6. (leo. K. Eeney, D. IS. Ilcrlsh Wllldns, P.
8. Wui. II. lllll, ). IK. Joseph U.Taylor, It
T. Henry Ii.Morey.lt. IS. W. McKlnlcy,Jr..H
. J. W. Kelfer. It. 1. Kira ll Taylor. It.
. J. 8. Itoblnsou. It. pM. David It Iflge, 11.
to. Frank It. llurd, D. VI. Martin A. roran.D.
ll. J. W. McUormldcril
on mow,
1. Mel vlna Ueorgo. IL
M. F. Elliot, D. ill. t-nrauel F, Hrr, IL
is. (loorze. a. 1011. 11.
li..Wn.V. LrowtB.
' . .1. M. Cauipoell, It.
U. U E. Atkinson. IL
10. Win. A. Duncan, D.
tO. A. li.Ourtlu. D.
t(I. Chsa. H. Uoylt,, 11.
contiguity existing botwoen tho crpics
trlnn for ll "I nous crejeont rnd tho por
tiere." (IIH10 Pencil) Cut this down
a fow lines. Kl l tor. "Ktcrnnlly re
frain from removing Uiu ciuestrian
foot-gear from tho portal." (llltio
FencTl) Jilako It bnw.y. Jvditor.
"Nover tako thu horseshoe from tho
door." (llluo Pencil) Correct! Ed
itor. A'. 1 World.
1 II, It Illinium. It.
i. Charles O'Neill, ll. U
8. Ram'U.Kandsll.D.f
4. Win. D. Kelley. H.
. A, C, llarnier, H.
5. J. H, Ersr'isrt, K.
f. Isaha V. Kvsnl. H.
t, V. UruieativuL p. ki, J, jl, IIop
Thoy, N. Y., Dec. 8. At ono o'clock
yosterday morning, whllo tho lato Now Yorli
express on tho Now York Central A Hudson
ltoad was passing a point a short distance
south of Castloton, tire was discovered In thi
sleeping-car uttnehed to the train. Tin
Haines were first noticed In tho ladles'
parlor. Tho train wns run Into Castloton
nnd stopped, ami tho passengers wero
hurtled out ot tho burning car. All es
caped Injury with the exception of one man,
who was terribly roasted In bis berth. II
wns taken lo the hotel, where he now lies
In n dying condition. Ills name Is not known.
Another man lost Ids hat, In which ha had
placed SI 80. Tho fire department was
called out. The flames wore extinguished
after tho car had been almost ruined. There
wrro twcho passengers asleep In the
car when tho flro was discovered, ind
tho utmost consternation prevailed.
Four of tho passengers were asleep
and woro almoit suffocated by the smoke
before aroused. Tbe doors of the car were
found locked, and tho windows fastened
down. An ax was obtained and an opening
cut through the side of tho car by which
escape was effected. Two men were some
what bruised and bo overcome uy smoke
thnt It was tltcned best to leave them In a
hotel at Castleton. 1. 0. Murphy, ol
lluffnlo, agent of the Nickel-Plate lta.ll
road, was also hurt, but not seriously,
. A IJoj's Fearful Death.
Chicago, Dec 8. A little boy, twelve
years of age, employed In tho National
Life Insurance Ilulldlng, was sliding boy
like down tho bannisters, when he missed
his hold and fell two stories, striking his
head on the stone floor below. Ills head
was horribly crushed, and the poor little
fellow tiled Instantaneously. Nc one n the
building appeared to know'the boy's name,
but be was supposed to be employed In
some of tbe onices. Tbe body was re
moved to the morgue.
Finding Cold In New York.
Auuny, N. Y., Doc. 8 John T. Davltt
has given notion to the -Secretary of State
that ha has nrosnected a mine ot Keld and
silver upon lands owned by felir.sslf and j well a steer tho balloon In It.
nbout tho sizo of It. bo I remained
slnirlo from cholco hur choice.
know," lloston Transcript. I based upon tliq reports of Prof. Holdcn
-Tho Editor and tho lloportcr: and Dr. Hastings upon tho solar eclipse
"Though tinfortunato vicissitudes How ' of May 0 of tho current j oar. Tho ob
circumjaccnt to thy intuitional person-' sorvatious wero taken at Caroline Isl
nllty permit no sosnuipldalinn nrgu- and, nnd tho 0011(1111011.1 wero favorable.
mentation to Induco thco to sever tho I'rof. Holdon stated tho facts upon
which ho rested his conviction mat tno
planet Yulcan, tho oxistenco of which
others In Ulster County. Jaiae W. Rus
sell and A. Carley have also filed claim
for a gold and silver lode discovered by
them In the same county.
Tlssandlcr's Electric Ilnlloon.
M. Gaston Tlssnnd'cr and his brother
Albert havo constructed 11 balloon with
an electrical propellor, consisting of tho
balloon proper, tho gas generator ana
tho clectromotlvo apparatus driven by
a battery of 24 blchmmato colls. The
balloou Id cigar-shaped, '.'8 meters long
and 9.20 motors in diameter. Its vol
ume Is 1,000 cublo meters, and au auto
matic valvo Is provided. Tho car Is
constructed of bamboo and susnendod
bv ribands. Tho balloon was tilled on
October 8 In seven hours by four hydro
gen generators, uncrating pure gas oy
tho decomiiosltlon of water in presence
of iron and sulphuric acid. Tho gas
was purillcd by caustlo soda and cal
cined chloride of lime. Tbo pure gas
thus obtained gave an ascensional fo.'co
of 1,180 graranios weight per cub'.o
meter of gas, a higher result than has
hitherto licon obtained. Tho olectrlo
balloon, with its motor ablo to act three
6xtb, weighs 701 kilogrammes. To
this the weight of two persons has to be
added, say 380 klllogramraes for M.
Tissandlor and his brother. On Octo
ber 8, obont8:20p. ro., these gentle
men ascendod frpni their workshop at
Autcull, In a fecblo east-south-eost
wind. At the earth tho wind was al
most nil. but at a height of 00 meters
tho wind obtained a veloo'ty of three
meters per second. The electrlo ap
paratus allowed of four speeds of the
propeller, from 60 to 180 turni per min
ute, and tho aeronauts proved that they
could puWpeed and breast tbe wind, aa
well a steer tho balloon In It. They
descended an hour later ner Crole)
sur-t'elne, well satisfied with their pr
Undjinry oy. -S'rt7WfWHv
was i.ovcrrior'8 ucuucuon iroia soiar
and mercurial perturbations, Is a myth.
Hut tho chief Interest of tho session was.
created by tho paper of Dr. Hastings, la
which nognvo tuo grounus ior his 00
llef thst tho accepted theories regard
mg tlio sun's atmosphere will havo to
bo abandoned, and that in fact tho
wholo question of tho solar elements,
constitution nnd action must bo re
It Is of cotirso well known to men of
iclonco that all thn theories that havo
been put forward aro merely provision
al. Many treatises havo been written
on tho sun, and somo ot them nro per
haps written In too confident a vein.
Hut no astronomer of any reputation or
standing has undortakon lo n-ssort that
wo possess any (iciiniio Knowieugo oa
tho subject, nor has nny hypothesis
been framed which Is frco from very
formidable objections and Incongru
ities. Dr Hastings sees strong
reasons for doubting tho theory that
the sun Is surrounded by an atmos
phere of Incandescent gas extending to
height of 600,000 miles above the
photosphere, or possibly to doaMe that
height, and that somo mysterious; solf
(umlnous matter Is distributed through
this lucandcscent atmosphere, together
with other mysterious matter wnicn re
flects a dIHusiro light. Ho points out
that this theory requires us to belteve
that aa atmosphere froii 600,000 to
1,200,000 miles deep receive no pres
sure, or practically no pressure, since
tho 'ipectnim shown that th r$ou
pressure at the limit of tho chromo
sphere Is scarcely prceptlble. liut ha
holds that tie cometary evldenoe against
tho theory 01 a parous stmoepeere m
f tlll-strnngw. IJodles approaching our
earth wtV fourteen Ubmm IU velocity,
encounter such a pressure at a dlsUaoe
of ninety mile frow its wrfae Uwt
Is to say, at twice tbe oewitud bsfst
ot our atmosphere a to become lnea
dostent lutantly. "But,' y Dr
Hostlnes. "there h the direct rr!4eesr
that far wlt,Wa the HmlU ol Urn corona.
moro undemonatrablo than the hypoth
cses which our astronomers ami pnym
cists nmiue thcmwlves nntl liepilex the
iy publlo by putting forward, if. Y.'
. .-I...1SSJP sj ssjsii 1 an
nallread ElhiBcttc.
Do not rush in and grab the first sent
you seo. Kntor leisurely and qutftly
you would if the parlor were not otr
wheels. How pleasantly to the porter
and glvo him a quarter. ,
So not over particular about seats, m
it will indicate thnt you do not trawl
often. Say languidly! " Oh., anywhere
on tho shndyslde," and hanU tlwporwc
half a dollar. He will give yen n good
seat, depend tipOu'it. .. -
Unless an experienced traveler, i
disposition of your vextra wraps, bag
gage, etc., may bother you If you at
tempt to do It yourself, beeWen eixhlbH
Ing your Ignorance to a whole oar-kHML'
Nod nt tho porter In ft familiar-aort o
way, slip a dollar Into his band, and In c
a jiffy ho will havo afwrthlng out, of
your reach nnd securely iseaed on, In
nnd among all sorts of consrlyanoes r
lylilch you bad not even obsertedu U
If you are so unfortunate a toaiasit
tho jircsenco of a cuspador do Bol gr !
hunting around the car for oifce. Tliat
Is exceedingly vulgar. CoUdye to drop
a two-'doWar bill into the porter's pocket
and the cuspador will be forthcoming.
in all proDapuity me oar wm wj
hot as an equatorial conservatory. It
generally Is. If you attempt to lift a
window the chance are tbnt you will 1
fall, ns you pre not famlllarjflth1 the
secret spring which hold it. llecllni!
lazily on your chair and wntoh tbe por
ter until you catch his eye. when, vritli
n slight movement pi your little finger,
you can make your want kwiwar Kn
force tho. sign with rapid iHgbt of
livo-dollar bljl froByour pooksiiy to UU,
olid ln'n ftiw seconds you will be enjoy- .
inert delightful breuae free, from dut
and cinders. " w
Should you become thirsty you ca g
to the water-cooler and take a little with
out extra charge.
When nenring your journey's oa uh
porter will kindly remind you of Ui
fact, nnd stand before you Wruah ir
hand. Aocompany him to, ai nloosft
and add a few bills to htoimrso. if hs
can tind room for them.' The yigotor
uiu urusiiiug jwii i?wt ., i 'Ti v o
cnureiy oa ihi iwiwnnimiwn "
It Is no longer considered, iveoesrj
to back out of a prlor-cr In order not
to offend the porter. Hand hlw yowl
poekct-book and he will jmmedietelj
tako your lwggage ami precede you U
the platform, nnd meet Jikelywfll bovt
politely m the train moves offt lVar
dclpkut CM.
tbe aHlty mutt bsj abuf Inflit4yjttif4
A Joke en aNeker.
Among the gentlemen who frxypjeiit
Soper'sj aro several who never muw M
opportunity for a proctleal Joke, Otn
Of tho most felloitou ot tbene went, t
Chicago last Saturday night with th
intont'.on of calling o his weetbearto
Sunday, but changed hU mind. When
at homo for supper be paoketl his valisf
and, to.' convenience sake, left It l
Soner's durlusr the cveultur- This wai
a golden opportunity for the rest of tin,
jokers, anil they fenibraoed it.
It won within ten minutes of train,
time when I went lu ami got.my grip,"
narrates he. ."And nuoh n looking grit
you nover snwln your life. Covered
all over with labels: $hun the bowl.
'Chew ltootjek plug,' Take Smith'i
pills, and nil that ( nnBe, more ad
vice than you could put Into a bans.
"It wm pretty dark, and I got oJosvi ,
all right until I reached tbe depot.
Ttien 1 get the racket. You ought u
nave seen ute people tre iu usi sfnp
snckl I gave the ricepieg-car poftei
halt a dollar for soaking t&oen labeUof...
and thought I wan all right. But, bk
me! I didn't halt knowlbe boy.
"I went to H-jij Sherwfcii Moane. too
a batl), and then opened my rrip-b.
dram up. A sloe looklogfklkiw 1M
have been if I'd put 00 ; the cloihesi 1
hauled ovt, I had peeked up a brand
new suit, but I found "nn old, pair, ttt
cheekerboanl MNelooiM, a brown Uaeu
vent, ottsl a. oMwIuimmer ot.wrlth n 1
velvet shk (te laobeti wide. Tee
Itoeom-oinipur fWri had a pen sum! Ink
sketdk Tifrnftimtlnn- dtath'e bead a.id
orostv-boawM ftwmUsi wood 'Boot' and
on the oorMTi e my oeJbw were a M
and bottK The trip rtont me ovm
twenty dollars, nasi IMa t see tee j
T dollars, ami Isdte't ea teefb-L