tww e wmmji
i'.'IIi" Kit!'
Devoted to tlio Interests of the Cherokee. Choctaw, Chlcluisiiws, Sciulnoles, Crock, unit all Oilier Indium of tlio IikIIiiii Territory.
Clcm.cil Iiy Tclcgrnph nml Mull
Tiir Bonnte, on the 12tb, took Up the reso
lutlonotTerctllir Mr. n' tllrrctlnir IhcHro
rrtnrjr of tlioTrenur tu furnish Informntlon
ronrcrnlnR tho Sinktnn l"utl, etc , nnl Mr.
llt-ekniMrefst-d the Svnuto. .Utor.lctmtr, iho
resolution u nniptuln nml iidnptod. Mr.
' Wllaoii rnllp.1 up his Joint i olutlon propos.
UK? mi nim-nJmcnt to tlio Constitution n Indus
In tho cltll rlifhts of cltUrtis It wns ri
terrol, nfler Ui'h.tt. Thn Sonnlo then wont
Into executive Mission. . ,Tlig House irnsnot
In session.
Tins si-sston of tho 8ennto on tlio I3tli
prlnclpnllj- ilfvolPit to thoillfcinwloiiof
tho propowl now rule. Mr. Van WjckV
resolution cnlllntr mi the Bocrcttirr of tho In
terior for Infnrnmllon rclnllro to ilio transfer
of In Tesns l'aclllc lanrt wants to the tiiili
srn l'nilllo Itnml, wan adopted A resolution
lf tlio muiio htnntor cnllliijr for Iiifonnatlon
of crrtaln expenditures of tlio Ileixirtmriit of
Justlco In ron iiwtlon with thootar-nuito trial.
piiMOil. . Tho Houso nus not lu session.
Tint Hciialo wns not In session tholi'h.
Tho procccillntrs In tho Houto wcro unim
portant In tho Bennte, tho 17th, n hir-ssaBo wag
rrcclvcil from Iho House oiiiiMmdnjr tho
death or Mr l!a,kill, of Kiwmm. ltwnslm
tnnllatplr taken up. nml utter appropriate re
mark by Mr. linralls. ami on his motion, tho
I resident of tlio hennto appointed Senaton
l'liimli, Onekrell nnM Dawes na a eominltteo to
attenilturolweu'lli 0r tho dneenst-d lteprr
cntatlro. Tl-j8ialo then adjourned. In
the Houso Jl ,. Anderson announced tho death
or lip) roJ'oaRuo and offered tho customurr
rrsoluU'.ns, hen tho House adjourned.
Tile ltepubllcan Senatorial caucus re
cently nominated ex-Congressman SIcCook
for Secretary ijj thu Bennte.
Tile President recently sent tho follow.
Inc nominations to tho Hennto: Itoyal A.
Johnson, of Now York, Surveyor General
of Arizona; Lawrrnco Wolilon, of Illinois,
J u (I to of tbo Court of Claim.
J. A. Tiiouphox, Acting Deputy Comp
troller of tho Treasury, was stricken with
paralysis recently wrhilo at his desk In tho
The l'ostnnnter-Ociierr.l has called on
Iho Attorney-General for nn intcrpretntlon
of tho act of March 3, 1S8.1, providing for
tho readjustment of salaries of post
masters In accordance with tho act of Juno
12, ISGO. A vory largo number of claims
.liavo been mado by postmasters for back
pay under this act, null tho amount In
volved Is variously estimated at from $2,
300,000 to $1,000,000.
The bill recently Introduced bv Senator
Vance to promoto tho faithful administra
tion of public offlcos, provides punish
ment by lino not exceeding $3,000 and dis
missal from office of any officer under tho
United mates uovernmont, executive.
leglslatlvo or Judicial, w ho shall receiro
from any railroad, banking or telegraph
company frco passes, tickets or stock. A
bill Introduced by Representative Rogers
provldos ror tho retirement of enlisted inon
In tho United States- nrmy after thirty
years service, with pay and allowances of
tho rank held nt tho tlmo of retirement.
Colonel Huudinot entered suit recently
In tho Supromo Court of tho District of Co
lumbia against Colonel I'hllllps, to recover
fc!-i&00 alleged to havo been received by
I'hllllps from tho Cherokee Nation, under
plea that tho same was to bo paid to ecrtaln
high officials for their fnfluencn In securing
the $200,000 appropriation made last ses
sion to pay for Cherokee lnnils.
Auo.ta tho leading Democratic members
of Congress tho opinion prevails that tho
National Democratic Convention wl 1 be
held In tho West. Chicago is working qui
etly but diligently to securo it and thus
monopolize tho National Conventions next
year. Tho members of tho National com
mittee for Iowa unit Minnesota havo de
clared for Chicago. Louisville Is also anx
ious to securo tho convention, nnd hns nc
tlvo friends.
Ho. Doni-ET C. Uaskei.l, mctnlwr of
Congress from tlio Second Dljtrict of linn-
las, (ilea at Washington on the ICtli.
A Nl'UUEH of frlond of tho proposed bill
extending tho bonded whisky perkid, mot
recently and nppolnted a commltteo to
wait upon Secretary Folger and nsk him
not to forco tax collection on whisky com
ing out oi uoiul until Congress takes action.
Tub Issuo'of standard dollars for the
week ended December IS, was 470,491; cor
responding period last year, CMJ.OUO.
HIE t resident has Appointed a board of
officers of the army nd navy to consider
Uie question of sending an expedition to
tho relief of f,Icutnntit Greoloy and party.
JiErnKSENiATiva D. C. Habkell. who
illed In Washington recently, was born In
Springfield, Vt., on tho S!M of March, 1812.
Ills father settled tu Massachusetts soon
Iftcr Dudley was born. In 1KW, when thir
teen years ofnge, liobecnmo Identified with
Iho early ploneor struggles. In 1850 the gold
excitement cook him to Tike's l'eak (Col
orado) whero he remained until tho break
ing out of the war In 1S0I, when ho re
turned to ausas.and entered the Quarter
master's service of tho army In tho trans
portation department. At the close of tho
war ho wont Kast and completed his oju-
cation at Valo College; after which here
turned to Kansas and engaged in tho boot
and shoo trade at Lawrence. Ho subse
quently served several tcr .u tho Legis
lature, and in 1870 was chosen Rpeakor of
the Kansas Houso of Uopresentattro'i. In the
fall of 1870 .ho was elected to Congress
from tho Second District of Kansas, and
was successively elected at each election,
and bad entered upon his fourth term at
the tlmo of Ills deaths Mr. Haskell had
made a special study of tariff questions,
snd was recognized by bis party as ono or
tho strongest debaters on tariff topics on
tho Republican sldn of the House.
TimiK Is said to bo a better urospoct of
the passage of tho bankruptcy bill 'tho
present Congress than tho last. Promoters
of tho Lowell bill oro preparing modifica
tions of tho measure with a design or mak
ing It less obuoxlous to Western interests.
Till! i;avjt.
PEIiniXAvn tl'nnniivv. nt Wnl Hnl.n.
ken, N. Y., burned In tho sleeper Tolono,
Oil the New York Central Itnllrnail. illixl
from tho effect or his Injuries.
IT was said that rour hundred men would
bO thrown Out of wnrk far n mnrilli lrv tlm
Instruction or the hoisting engines In'tho
LOPUII fliin Hnrlnn Pnltl.. ,!, .!
I Pa.
A miUAnV eUrtlnn rornnllv l.ol.l In Vau,
I Orleans retuItol In tlii-rn Llllixl mt on
IVounded, ono or the latter being tho
TllE Standard Theater, a nnnnlfirii,i.tntrn
place of amusement In New York, was
burned tho otlier evening. Loss,' $75,000;
fully Insured.
O.fE fllcht rertmtlv r.n urnlniltn tnnr
place In the rear or Kellogg' drug store,
in Caitleton, V. Y. 'nio Inmates or tho
Homo barely escaped. Howard Morse,
tlerk, jumped out or a w Indow. Mr. Witt,
I ilekulfa anillltiln iv.ii,i i,v in.irUr.
I In their night clothes. Tbo drug store was
i "ninny consumed.
I A simoca riot took place the other ulght
l it tho Illua Mountain tunnel, near Tilts-
: -uTfn, i a., iwiwoeu tho IUllrtu and negro
laborers. Durlmrtlm niri.i nf h.titnr
broka Into n. shanty containing provisions
nd were discovered In the act. About ono
Hundred Italians attacked the negroes with
inotEviu and pistols. Tho nojroes being
narmed returnod tho assault with clubs
snd stones, but were fluslly forced to eek
ih'Iter after fournf llilr nnnii. i..,i i...
troundcJ, ono fatally anil th9 ptber three
seriously. Thonoxt morning the rioting
was renewed and tho negroes were driven
TiiKtrestlo usod lu erecting tho new
canal bridge at Crescent, Saratoga Coun
ty, N. Y., fell n cently, precipitating flvo
mon twenty feet to tho canal bottom. All
wcro Injured, four probably fatally.
A LATE (IrO tlrttrnVoit limp-.. lor ,,n,lfnn
or the town or Dubois, Pa. J.oss $71,000,
with but light lnsuranco.
Tint HKST.
Ax Intoxicated Individual In tho gallery
or tho Academy of Music, ot Chicago, tho
other night set up tho cry "fire," and a
largo audience surged toward tho exit
doors. In consequence, tho manager had
the exits on tho main fl or closed, and by
his efforts and tliosoof people on tho stago
succeeded III reassuring the audience. Tho
galleries were emptied without any scr ous
mishap occurring. Tho man who raised
tho disturbance was arrested.
Mns. Jon.t Maddox, or marshall, Mo.,
tho other morning round a liottlo or beer
sitting on her back porch, which iho sup
posed had been sent there by ono or her
neighbors. She took the bottle into the
house, drank a portion herself, gave somo
to two or her children, agod respectively
ten and thirteen years, and handed tho
balance to n negro man who was employed
about tho house. About noon all four were
taken with violent spasms accompanied by
much vomiting. A physician was called,
proper antidotes for poison administered
nnd tho lives of tho sufferers saved. The
beer had been poisoned, but who did tho
dastardly deed was a mystery.
In the caso of tho Pueblo lands In San
Joso, Cab, in which tho United States and
tho city of Ban Joso claimed the title to two
hundred and fifty acres or land within tbo
city limits, tbo Commissioner or tho (loner
al Land Office recently decided in rovor or
tho city.
At Havana, 111., tho other morning Miss
Ediio Slsney, a girl or fifteen years, was
watching by her sick father, when sho fell
aslcop, and her clothing railing against tho
stovo was act on lire. Sho nwoko in a com
plete blaze, and, rushing out or doors, was
enveloped In llama and her clothing com
pletely burned off to her waist. Sho was
fatally burned.
John lloNNins, n drunken bruto living
in tbo vicinity of Rorkvllle, Ind., recently
locked his wife out doors because sho re
fused him money. Sbo wont to tho woods
with her children and whllo building a flro
her clothing took flro and sho was burned
to death.
CiiAULEfl MoLxcntiMN was shot and
killed tho other day In San Francisco, Cal.
Tno tragedy was tho result of seventeen
years' litlga'ion. McLaughlin was tho
President of tho Central (las Light Com
pany, a largo c.ipltullst and land owner,
and ranked among tho millionaires. Ho
was tho promoter of the old overland mail
route, which mado considerable money In
1SC2. Ho contracted to build tho Western
Pacific Railroad from San. Joso to Sacra
mento ror $5,400,000, and sublet tho grading
and mnsonry work to Cox. Out or this
grew tho law' suits that led to tho final
CiunLCH Cuuui.nds was arrested at
Denver, recently, ror passing counterfeit
money. It u charged that a low woeks
ago ho flooded tho town or Scdalla, Colo.,
with the bogus stuff, and then, after dls
posing or a quantity in bulk tcr another
pnrty, left tho country. A detective hod
been following him ror somo tlmo.
Frank Liddle was recently arrested at
Lincoln, Neb., upon tho charge or rifling
registered letters whllo ho was assistant
postmaster al Ames, Iowa.
A nECE.VT fire In tho Diamond Illock, nt
tho junction oi Main nnd Delaware streets,
lu Kansas City, damaged property to tbo
amount or aliout $10,000. Tho flro was
caused by tho' explosion or a coal oil lamp.
Soux City, Iowa, has a local hcroino in
tlio person of a Mrs. Todd, who recently
secured her eight-year-old daughter under
adverse circumstances. Shu journeyed to
Dixon County, Neb., whore her husband,
from whom she had separated, was living,
drovo to tho houso at night nlono, entered
tho child's sleeping room through a win
dow, took tho child to n conveyance, drovo
twenty miles to a point opposite- Sioux
City, and at two o'clock in tho morning
induced a man to ferry herself and child
across tho river.
Till, other morning tho east-bound freight
train on thn Pan Handle Road ran into a
laud slide at Skclly Station, O., near Steu
benvlllo, nnd was wrecked. Trollnger, tho
engineer, was kPod, and David Verse!,
tho fireman, nils' " injured.
At an early hour tho other morning n
gang of men mado a bold attempt to rob
tho bank at Durnugo, Colo. Tho robbers
wore headed by a negro named "Dig Ike,"
and after picking the lock ot tho bank tlicj
entered tho building. Several citizens who
had been notified of tho attompted robbery,
at this moment entered the bank tu capture
the robbers, when the negro came suddenly
through a door nnd drawing n revolver
fired, Instantly killing Uruco Hunt, son of
ex-Governor Hunt. Tho robbers escaped,
but a largo posso went in pursuit.
The Wlnonu & Ht, Peter Railway ele
vator at Winona, Minn., burned recently
with 133,000 bushel of barley, Tho Uta!
loss was $100,000; nbout two-thirds Insured.
The St. Louis Uluroro Works burned tho
othor night. Loss, :.Y),000; Insurance, $30,.
000. The Lincoln kiliccl houso was dam
aged $3,000. Two firemen were seriously
The elegant resldoncoof S. P. Creasingor
nt Fowler, lllrh., was burned recently. It
was tbo work or incendiaries. It cost
$21,000 and was Insured ror $13,000. It was
also robbed or $2,100 in cash.
Cox, who recently killed McLaughlin,
tho San Francisco millionaire, wac exon
erated by tho Coroner's Jury. Tho verdict
created a sensation.
A company with a capital or two million
dollars, has boon organized nt St. Louis to
build n now brldgo ovor the Mississippi
River, two or throo miles above tbo present
bridge, work to bo commenced as soon as
Congress gives permission.
A hecent tiro nt Candclarla, Nev de
stroyed sixteen buildings Loss, $3,000;
Insurance, $30,000
nn: south.
The Red River coast lino steamer Alex
andria sunk recently, above New Orleans,
with a cargo or 1,100 bales of cotton end
700 barrels of oil. The boat and cargo will
probably be saved. Tho boat was valued
at $12,000 and Insured for $8,000.
Joiih W. Garrett was recently unani
mously elected President of the Ualtlmoro
& Ohio Railroad for the twenty-sixth time.
A rASStNotn train on tho Texas & St.
Louis Railway was wrecked the other night
near Gllmtr, Tex., and a number of people
badly hurt. Three freight trains were
wrecked on the same i oa4 the night before.
A rAME.NOEn train recently collided
with a frolgut train on tha Georgia Central
Railroad, south of Savannah. liotb trains
wero wrecked. J. F. Wilson, or Davlsboro,
Oa., was killed; O. II, and a R.Stevens,
or Barlow, Do., badly wounded; Fanny
Freeman, orMllledgevtlle, leg broken and
Mike Falvey, a fireman, badly Injured.
TUB other eight s small bouse in uaives
ton, Tex., occupied by an old man named
Carmlcbael, burned. When the flames were
jxMnguihed the enarrd remains o'Car
nilchsel wcro found on the floor. It was
auDiMwxl he was murdered nud tho bouse
fired to conceal tho crime. Ills house
keeper, Amelia Hedmon, was arrested, and
the iHillcfi wero loo'.lng for a malo ac
quittance of hers.
CiiAnLE II. WALKxn's sugarbouse, near
Franklin, Ilayou Fouche, La., burned re
cently. Loss, $03,000; insurance, $20,000.
It was tho largest refinery In tho Stnto out
sldo of New Orleans, nnd made tho best
whito sugar.
Tiiouah Locke and J. N. Campbell were
recently nrrestvd nt Wnco, Tex., on a
charge of counterfeiting silver coins.
Camptwll Is highly connected. Ho has
held a number of local places of trust In
tho past two years. He confessed to hav
ing been n member of nn organized gang
ror soveral months, but claimed that he
was acting as a detective.
Hevek business houses wero recently
burned nt Corslcaua, Tex. Lois, $(O,000;
Insurance, $19,000.
OnKAT IlniTAt.v was torn by a terrible
tornado on the 12th. Towns wero flooded,
churches and other buildings demolished,
trees uprooted, vessels damagod and n num
ber of persons killed.
Masok, United States Consul nt llnsle,
Switzerland, asserts, and supports the as
sertion by proof, that not only does the
Uovcrmrcnt of Germany prohibit tho Im
portation of American pork for salo nnd
consumption within Its own territory, but
forbids tho transit or American hog prod
ucts through Its territory to other coun
tries, even In ealod cars. Tho real object
of tho prohibitory regulations are not to
guard tlio pcoplo of Germany from dtngcr
arising from tho consumption of diseased
meat, but to protect German dealers In hog
products from American competition.
A bteciai. from Monterey, Mex., says:
"Qulntaiilne, Mayor of New Laredo, was
ordered arrested as ono of tho principals in
tho recent train robbery on tho Mexican
National Railroad. Tho authorities at
Tamaullpas refused to surrender him nnd
other prominent officinls are Involved. The
affair is assuming n serious n.itinnnlnspect.
Sovornl robbers havu escaped by tho delay
and inaction of officials "
Cholera still exists In somo parts of
Tur.pollcoof Dublin recently seized a
quantity or arms, ammunition nnd accou
trements In a , private houso In that city
and arrested tho occupants.
The schooners Mayo, Sea Gull and
Rittler were lost during tho recent storm,
off thn coast or Newfoundland.
A Radical editor and his deputy have
been condemned to doath ror participating
In tho recent revolt in Scrvla. Tho King
has commuted tho senlenco or two other
Radicals sentenced to clghty-flvo years'
Imprisonment caeh.
The United States Consul General In
Egypt has lweu Instructed to seo that nil
tho rogs shipped Into this country nre
thoroughly disinfected boforo shlpmqnt. It
Is said six thousand bales of rags are
stored at Alexandria belonging to ono Now
York firm.
Tiir business failures In tho Unltod
Statos and Canada, for tho soven days
ended Decnmbcr 14, wcro 325, against 302
last week.-
Advices wero recently received at Ot
tawa (Canada) of tho discovery of now
gold mines In the Rocky Mountains, a mils
north or Pailmore, British America. Tlio
find was reported to bo an Immcnso bo
nanza. 1'ATniCK O'Don.nell, the slayer or Carey,
was hangod in London nt right o'clock on
tho morning or tho 17th.
The vnluo of exports of breadstuffs in
November 1883 was $14,G37,3J3 against $15,
200,101 for tho satno time last year; for the
eleven months ended Novcmbor 30, 1S83,
$I.'iO,730,4.Vl; corresponding tlmo last year
A London dispatch statod that the Glas
gow dynamiters will hotakentolMlnburgb
for trial, accompanied by a police escort.
Peteu Wade has been sentcuccAno be
hanged on tho ICth of January for tho mur
der ot Patrick Quinn, October last, nt the
Rath Farnham, near Dublin (Ireland).
Tho prisoner stated that ho belonged to a
aocrct society, whoso orders ho obeyed In
committing tho murder.
Tub Hrltlt.li Government has notified
1-sypt that Great Britain Is unablo to In
terfere in Soudan, but will try to Indues
the Porto to dispatch nn expedition thither
by way of Suaklm.
A staoe whllo crossing tho Grand Trunk
track, near Catarnuqul, Canada, recently,
was run Into by nn express train. Mrs,
Armltage, Mrs. II. Wnrtinan nnd Mrs.
Gorrle wcro killed.
ArTEtt tho uxplratlon nf tho morning
hour the Senate, on tho 18th, proceeded to
tho election of officers, and Gonoral Jlc
Cook nnd tho otlier Republican nominees
wero chosen nnd sworn In. Pending con
sideration of tho now rulos, tho Senate ad
journed. No business transacted In tha
The President has appointed John C.
Wyman, oi New York, II. Watkins, of
New York, and Frank Trusdcll, of tho Dis
trict or Columbia, a commission to exam
ine tho complctod portions of tho Northern
Pacific Railroad In Washington Territory.
Hit nato u Hale recently Introduced a bill
In the Senato providing for tbo construc
tion ot seven steel vessels, n steal ram, ono
cruising torpedo boat and two harbor tor
pedo boats.
At tho lata meeting or tho Republican
National Commltteo a resolution was
adopted directing the appointment or a
commltteo or soven, or which Chairman
Babln and Secretary Martin wero to lie
members, to make nil arrangements ror tho
Chicago Convention. Senator Sabtu (re
cently appointed the following additional
members i John C. Now, of Indiana;
William 0. Cooper, of Ohio; a I Magee,
of Pennsylvania; John A. Logan, of Il
linois; Fowell Clayton, of Arkansas. L.
J. Gage, ot Chicago, was appointed Treas
urer ot tho Committee.
E. U. CllKNEY, for many years a highly
esteemed citizen of Uvnlde, Tex., recently
committed sulcldo by shooting himself
through tho head with a revolver. He fired
two shuts, tho first one having failed In Its
purposo. Ho had just bought n mercantile
establishment preparatory to going Into
business, and no reason could bo given for
thn act.
The workmen of the Edgar Thompson
Steel Company, of Pittsburgh, have ac
cepted n reduction ot thirteen per cent. In
wages, rather than remain Idle until trado
improves. Steady work was promised
threo thousand men through the winter.
To steel men this reduction means n cut ot
wages In all steel rail mills of tho country.
Martin Wit kY, a laborer, recently went
honieln Boston, Mass., and finding nothing
to eat, assaulted nnd killed bis wife, Ho Is
only twenty years old.
Aba Mapeh was recently killed while
playing bao ball at Terrs Haute, Ind.
W. J. I'EARSo.v,Potmaster at Clarksvllle,
Ark., was recently found dead In bis room
at the Barnum Hotel, In St, Louis, He was
reported to bo short in his account.
The Commercial Hotel at Iihpemlng,
Mich., burned thu other morning. It was
reported that two Hebrjw peddlers per
ished. Br the recent explosion of a boiler at D
P. Relghard & Co-'s oil works u Pitts
burgh, Pa., three men weru fatally scaldod
and several others badly Injured.
0'JU.M:i I, HAMlr.I).
execution nf I'nlrlcU tl'Donnell, tlio Mur
derer of Inform. r Cnrey, at XewsjnU
Prison The Hteniu.lifj Assyrian Monarch
Nrnrrliril for nn Alleged lle.culni
LONDOS, 1)00. IT.
Patrick O'Ponnell, tho slayer of Jamct
Carey, paid tho penal')- ot bis crime with
in the walls of Nengnto this morning. Tin
drop fell Lt precisely eight a. in. Lasl
night O'Donnell went to bed nbout ten
o'clock, end remained apparently asleep
until 0:30 this morning. At six o'clock
Father Fleming camo to tho prisoner nnd
remained In prayer with him for somt
time. At the conclusion ot tho prnyers the
increment was administered to tbo con
ilemued. O'Donnell then partook of n llghl
breakfast, which he appeared to oat with
somo relish. At 7:43 o'clock tho prlsor
bell began tolling. A similar warning wai
heard from tho Iwlfry of St. Scpulcher'i
Churcji, on tho Holborn Viaduct. Directly
sftcr tho Governor of tho Jail w llh tho heat)
Warden entered and O'Donnell was nt ones
led tu tho plnlonlng-room, situated about
half-way between tho condemned cell an)
tho prison yard. There he found tho exe
cutioner limns awaiting him, togvthor wltt
the Sheriff of London, threo wardens and
tho prison doctor. Blnns deftly bound
O'Donnell's nmfs with loithern thongs, th
eon vlet submitting quietly.
Tho procession was then formed, the prls
oner being In tho center, nnd slowly march
nl to the prison-yard In which tho scaffold
hod been erected. They passed so closi
lo Iho few spectators who hod been admit
ted to w Itnoss the execution that thoy could
havo touched O'Donnell, but for tho lattlct
work which separated them. Tho scaffold,
which was quickly reachod, had the ap
pearance of an ordinary shed. Tho hempee
loop, however, hung omulously from s
(.ross-bcatn above. The shed was hall
boarded up, so that O'Donnell nnd his at
tendants ns they stood there could bo seen
by thtfjo present only from tho waist up.
There was no delay, and no srnsntlonal
scenes under tho scaffold, lllnns lost not a
moment in placing tho white cap over the
victim's fnco and adjusting tho noose. A
moment niter O'Donnell dlsappeaied, and
a qulvei lug cord was all that remained to
show whero ho had stood. Tho (Uvcruoi
and Doctor gazed for a moment Into the
ccllar-liko-plt in 'which tho convict's body
swung nnd then turned away. Outilde t e
Jail a considerable crowd bail assvmbled,
but dispirsed directly the black flag wai
hoisted. About twenty pol Ico w ere drafted
llisido the Jail, and constables wero posted
around tho walls on tho outside. Tho body
of O'Donnell, after hanging ono hour, was
cut down, and later In tho day an inquest
nnsheld when tlio usual verdict was re
turned. Tho interment then took place, the
remains being placed III n quantity ol
qulck-llmo under ono of tho flags of the
corridor, known ns the "Illrd-cago Walk."
O'Donuel.'a lirnthi r iiaced tnaml fm nnnn.
slto tho flag-staff In n most restless and do- !
jected manner, exciting the sympathy oi
nil present.
Tlio steamship Assyrian Monaich, which
left New York on December 4, arrived at
Gravosond yesterday morning nnd was at
onco solzed by tho Uovernmont police, be
cause of ndvlces from New York that there
wore aboard n pnrty of American Inylncl
bins on n mission to rescue O'Donnell nnd
Inflict punishment upon tho officials en
gaged In bis prosecution. Tho officers noti
fied tho puisengers that no person aboard
would bo allowed to go nslioro until his
Identity as a person not possibly subject to
suspicion should bo cstahlitho I, and that
all the passengers must submit to an ex
amination ot their porsom and luggage.
Several American passengers made such
an effective protest that tho threo detectives
assigned to tlio work of Investigation de
cided lo rcgulato tho disembarkation by the
passenger list. This, bowev ur, wns discov
ered to bo 'missing, and tho discovery
caused great excitement. The detectlvei
then gave thoso aboard until to-day to re
store tho passenger list, with Immunity
from search until that time, but assumed
full police control of the vessel and placed
all aboard under surveillance in tho mean
time. It wns stated Into Inst night that the
detectives had satlsioctoilly singled out the
suspects nnd would allow the other passen
gers to laud this morning.
' - h
thki:ati:nin( kei'Iiisals.
The United Nlnles Tlirr.itctird with Iteprl
snl for Dyunmlt Outrages Concocted In
Lospox, Deo. 10.
James Russell Low -II, tho Amcrlcae
Mlulster, has been again assailed by tin
Metropolitan Underground Employes' As
Koclntlon. On the 23th ot Novcmbor thi
Association presented Mr. Lowell -with s
sot ot resolutions which strongly de
nounced tho Irish Iuvluclblos and Fenlam
as tho authors nt the dynamite oxplosloni
In tho Underground Railway, at Praed
street. Accompanying tlio resolutions wat
a request that Mr. Lovcll transmit tho res
olutlons to the United States Uovernmont
because tho Association believed that tin
explosions wcro really thu work of consplr
ntoru resident In tho United Btates. Mr
Lowoll acknowledged tho receipt ot tin
resolutions, but declined to forward their
to Washington, because, ns he snld, then
was not a partlclo of evidence to show that
any American was guilty of complicity In
tlm outrage. Tuls nnswer was uulte illsa-
g: leahlo to. tho employes, and thoy s Might
counsel ot lawyem. The result has just
lioen produced In tho shape nt a long pub
lic letter to tlio American MlnlsUT, which
was presented to-day. Thu document It
very (ormldablo, nnd Is Intend sd toentlrcly
huiullltato Mr. Unveil by showing the Brit
ish how much mora tho underground roil
way servants kiww about the laws of evi
dence and thu duties ot an American 1 Ju
bassador, than does the mere scholar, whe
Is serving tho United States as their Minis
ter to England. Tho memorial starts cut
with tho bold declaration that the Associa
tion of Metropolitan Underground Hallway
servants find themselves unable to agree
with the American Minister in either of bis
opinions, viz. . That there Is no ovldence K
show the complicity of airy Ameilcan, and
that there Is good reason for calling tho at
tention ot tho United States Government to
the outrage. It concludes with the some
what extraordinary threat that If Mr. Iow
ell and his Uovernmont do not In tbo future
tako action to suppress the dvnamlto socie
ties alleged to exist In tho United Statos,
the English people will protect themselvts
by "reprisals." Mr. Ixwell was somewhat
started by tho contents of the memorial,
and declined to tako any other formal no
tlco of lt, or of tho committee which pro
sented lt, than making a mereacknowledg
ment of receipt.
. i
The Manitoba lloumlary Dispute.
WiMNirtO, Dec. 18.
The basis of nn ngrecmont has been m
rived nt between Manitoba, Ontario, and
tho Dominion Government with regard tc
the boundary dlsputo between Manitoba
and Ontario. The principal features an
as follows: Mr. Mowat agrees to relinquish
his claims to territory under ward and sub
mlt his case to the Imperial Privy Council.
Pending decision there will ba jo nt occu
patlon by Manitoba and Ontario ot the dis
putcd territory upon the br.tls now undei
consideration. Legal pr'.e tilings on both
sides already begun will bo abandoned. Tin
Ontario Government has dticbargcd Its
special pollco at Rat Portage.
The Tricks of Pension Ac. nit.
WAJniKOTOrr, D. C-, Deo. IS,
Another confidence gams practised bj
penslou attorneys has come to.llght, wblct
explains in part tho flood of relief bills al
the opening of the session, A member re
ceived on last bill day from a claim agenl
fifty of this class of bills with a request to
Introduce tbem. The member returueJ
them with a positive refusal. Tho raannei
In which the claim agents ,vrato Is sqoitb
by a letter which a pensioner returned ben
with a-statement showing bow ho bad been
misused. It was from N. W. Fitzgerald St
Co., and read at follows i "Wo are now
leady to Introduce a bill lu your case Into
Congress upon the receipt of twentyflvs
tlollnrr, the usual fee lu such casec"
Ill,, nnml, an the Witness HUnil, rteellel
the Hlnry of Iter TerrlbU Wrong. 8h
lol!lrf-ly IilenllO.s John C Moiilgum
ry as On of Her Assailants.
Ilu.iJinoiio, Dec. 14. As was (tiled ti
rretcrday's itlspMclic, MKs r.mtna Bond
was tho IW witness called In tho trial ol
Montgomery, Pettis and Clement!, charged
with committing tho horrlblo otitrago on hoi
pcrsoii, Iho details of which tho reader li
familiar with. The nppcirnuco hi court ol
tho prosecuting witness had tho effect ot
crratint thj most lutcusn Interest Mio wai
accompanied by her mother and sister. Met
fiMluriM show pl.ilnly traces of tho letrlbll
sutTcrliK sho has uiiilornono slnco thn ilh
botlcal occurrence, and on nil sides could b(
heard expressions of deep sympathy. Till
examination for tho pnvscrullon wo con
ducted b) Judice Edwards.
MKs Bond began her testimony by stnllnt
lh.it for nuns tlmo previous U tho date ol
tho outrage sho had been einplojeil hi
teacher at tho Montgomery nchtxil-hotiso.
On tho day tho ctliiio was committed shu
b.id but ono pupil In attendance, Iho remain
der of tho scliul.irs having been dismissed
tu prcpiro for some rnutcinptstnd festivities
to bo git en by the school.
In tlio nlternoon alio went to Mn. Pettis'
resilience to practlco a music Ussun. When
she relumed tho lioy pupil was sitting ou
Iho folice. Mio called him In to hear tin
remainder of tho lessons. Whllo Mio wa
doing so hu said ho bcird n luilso In the loft,
and sho (old hint ho w.ti mistaken, but ho
Insisted lie wrus nob
When sho dismissed school she swept out
and prepared to go home, hlio started oul
vt Ith her shawl on her left arm and liei
hand-bag In her hand. As sho opened the
door Ihero was a nolso, as though onm ona
camo down from above, slid, before sin
could seo tho pcnWa face, n hand was ujsin
her throat with n heavy clutch, fclio was
weakened by tha clutch at hcr.throaL The
shawl was tied around her, and ahowui
lifted Into tho loft.
" Thciu Is Iho man who pulled ma up,"
litd Miss Bond, lntln; toward John O.
Montgomery. " Ono man wus bolow push
ing nit up, and Montgomery was holding
my hands."
Continuing, tho witness said Montgomery
called to tho h.tsou below to throw up hct
lachel nn.l hat, m) that no una could tell she
was thoru.
At this point In her story tlio witness was,
to affected tli.it sho g-ivo way to tlm tears
that sho could not control. Tho wllncsi
said sho was token to tlio platform, whvio
tho work was dono. Sho beggud them to
kill her rather than outrage her vorson, nnd
declared she would Ulo before she Would
submit to tlient. Tbo assailants gao hct
nine cuts on tho neck and several on tho
wrist. Thou sho wns chloroformed. After
that sho became Insensible, nnd did not
regain consciousness until sho found
herself nn tho scliool-liuuse floor. Sho then
dragged hcr.clf to Mrs. Pettis houso mid
asked to bo taken home. Mrs. Prills Jild
Iho bo)g, Clt-mcntl
and Leo Pettis, wero
afraid to tako tier homu because tlio) weru
if raid her father would suspect thorn. Fluid
I) they went off after thu teniii. On thu way
homo they sloppol nt John Muntgomco'a.
Uu Pettis went In there and stayed a Ion;;
Miss Bond said ono ot her nssallants had
on a light co.it, datk pants, and wore low
times nnd lulxed-tod stockings. Tho chlo
roformed h indkorchluf, which sjiobollovcil
lo bo her own, was applied tb her face
twice. Sho did not know how often alio
had been outraged. A puna contain
ing ten dollars mid n ring were taken f i oin
her, but her breastpin remained. Sho
Otftrrapoko In one of tlio defendants bo
foro thu outrogo. John Montgomery nod
ded to her onco, but sho did not then know
him. When sho saw tho faro ot the man
who was pulling her lulo tlio scuttln-holc In
mo sciiooi-iiouso sue urn not kiiow who no uer cargo was wortb ;w,uuu.
was. Sho next saw that nun lu tho court-1 Tho bark Fannlo II. Lorlng, Captain
room yesterday afternoon. I Houle, sailed from this port on November 7,
It was about four o'clock when Hlio wai 'or Portland, Mo. Sho carried crew of
taken Into tho loft, nnd between twelo mid ten mon, ull told, nnd, with hor cargo ol
one o'clock that night when sho regained , co,i ,' WA "ri !r ?,'V.' i.r,A0., rn,i
S?,C!?TT,...8.b0.1WW .'":R "r aIA?".WS Vro!HCHarA,bS?g'on
face, and whon sho attempted to get up sho JuIJ; ..,7i ,'or lull ,,, wt, n KeBr,il cargo,
... ... t.uuuu ..u w. o,..v , w.
IlUb ,4U.
Oncrosa-exnmlnatlonby Judgu Thornton,
.Miss iionil mated that sho Had never seen
John .Montgomery but onco before tho nlifht
of tho outrage, and then did not know hlini
had never seen lilin since tho outrage until
ou Wednesday lu the court-loom, and then
Immediately recognized lilm- as tlio man
whoso race sho saw abuvo her whllo being
drawn up Into the loft.
She statod that It was Iruo that alio told
different parties after the defendants were
arrested that they wero not the men who
outraged her. Although It was true alio had
told Mrs, Pettis and her father that only
two had outraged l.er, she Is now satisfied
there were three.
As hlio was about to proceed showni
takou with an attack of hysteria, nnd wai
rnrrled from tho court-room. There was n
decided sensation 111 tho court-room ns Mlsi
Bond was taken out by her mother and sis
ter. She was taken Into tho Judgo's prlvaU
room, where medical assistance was git on.
JiuU Phillips lsltcl her there, nnd finding
he could not possibly bo nbln to piocood, a
recess was taken until the afternoon.
.Mist Bond had so far rccoveicd when
court reassembled that sho nprcarcd, nnd
her examination was concluded. In leply tc
Judgo Thornton sho said her father liad
never told her that she must swear thai
John C. Montgomery was the man, but had
told her If she could Identify him to do so.
no ono told her to point him out; whon
the saw Montgomery (die Know she know
him; alio did not seo and U!k with him In
April preceding the outrage. This closed
her testimony and she retired. Sho wai
perfectly calm and hor , friends aro glad
the haii pasted through tho ordeal to
A Millionaire Slain.
Saw FnANCtsco, Deo. 14. Charles Mo
I-aughllu wns shot and killed yesterday bj
Jcroino B. Cox. The tragedy was the re
sult of seventeen yean' litigation. Mo
Laughlin wns a pioneer, President ot tin
Central Gas Light Company, a Urge capital
ist and land-owner, and ranked among tin
millionaires. He was a promoter of tli
old overland mall route, out ot which h(
mado consldomblo money. Iu IBO'J Ik
routracteJ and built tho Western Paclfit
Railroad, from San Joso to Sacramento, fu,
$5,400,000, and sublet the grading and
masonry work to Jerome II. Cox and otlicn
for5U00,000. After twenty mllw of tin
road bad been built McLaughlin failed to
inako a p.t)ineut Cox, who had put nt
930,000 ot his own money, had to sto
the work. McLaughlin completed tin
road and sold It to the Central Pa
cific, realizing a large sum. Cox
brought suit against the company snd Mc
Laiuhlln (or (130,000 and obUlnrd judg
ment, which was reversal on technicalities
In tho Supreme Court Cox amended tin
complaint, again recovered, and again flit
verdict wns re venod. The third, fourth and
fifth trials resulted similarly. The advert
decision's so weighed ou the man's mind lasl
spring that lie attempted to shool
Jtutlte McKlnsley, or
the Supremo Court,
who, Cox behoved, wns chiefly Inslruuienta'
li. .1 wl.ll. mlv.N.lif ll, .. n, In 1I&
Lauxlilln's ofllce Friday morning and de
manded $-10,000 In settlement of his no
counts, llelng rofuted, he shot McLaughlin
three times. The man lived thirty minutes.
Cox was formerly a Captain In the Tontli
Indiana Ilattery and served during the wu
under IUuecrans.
A Large Find or Gold.
Ottawa, Can., Dec H. Advice are re
ceived that a large gold ftud has beea dis
covered In the Rocky Mountains a mile
north of Kodinore. The find Is reported to
be an Immense bonanza. The eurface find
, I. enniwr auuvlnr ona 'hjmlrnd and slstv
MmSr,?3 im.li ?H?.i An Ih. 5?M. V
?ouuds yer ton , under that Is the ggld.
rerrltiln lntntbni Cnu.ed by Never
flairs In KiiRlnnil lliilldliigslleiiinllshnil,'
(shipping Destroyed, I.mnl iitinirrBfd
anil Many Lit rs I.o,t.
Lnipfli, Dee. U. i
There were violent gales throughout Tiir
land last evening, nnd much damago was
dono lu Iiondtm nnd tha provinces. At
Wolverhampton tho Inhibition Building,
which wns only ptrtlnlly completed, was
destroyed. At Nowry, lamp-posts In tho
itreeta wcro lent. Much property has hi on
lrstro) rd on laud nnd sea nnd ninny lives
lost. Hugo trees wero torn up and carried
away. Tho low-lying districts of Birming
ham wero flooded. A portion of tho church
of Ht. Chad, Deroy, was demolished. Tha
Congregational Church there was also
damaged, Tlm parish church Rotherhall
was much Injured. Chimney shafts wcro
I thrown down at Manchester, I.eedi, etc. A
largo gas-holder neor Bradford wns rnp
llzed nnd tho Chemical Winks nt Wllnes
were damagod. Tho Leicester Cnrrlago
Works wcro des'royed. At Birkenhead
great dnmago was dono. Tlio inlet officer
at n steamsr just nrrlved from Glasgow
was killed. Tlio Pool cabs wore overturned
snd many buildings damaged. At Lin
coln tho pnrnpot of tho tower ot tho
Cathedral was blown down. A
stilt wns blown from Its moorings In Bel
fast Harboi. At South Shields vessels
broke adrift. Threo wherries were sunk.
Die British ship Liverpool, from Quebec
for Greenock, Is a total wreck Hoar Stran
raer, Scotland. Only n man and n boy
were saved of tho crew. Two persons were
killed nt Hull nnd soveral Injured. A por
tion of Portsmouth Is floode.t. At Ilar'le
pool many ships were damaged. At ll. r
niliuhani two persons were killed nnd n
number Injured, Threo wero killed In Man
fhesler. At Dewsbury threo wero killed.
At Chester a man was blown down lu thu
ttreet and killed. Two persons were killed
it Llversedge. A portion of Uio roof ot St.
Mary's Church, Berwick, was destroyed.
Several houses lu tho suburbs of Notting
ham wore blown down. At Klldwlck the
gasometer wns demolished. Tho postal
telecrnph Inspi e'er was cut In two nt Leeds,
At Bradford ini..nnetiL In tho cemetery
ind n portion ot tho depot ot the Midland
Itailwny weio blown down. Suveral ves
els docked lu the Mersey wcro damaged,
rwo vessels wero wrecked oft Duiiare,
Scotland, nnd twoineuitrowueil. Lowlands
3t West l.niicnsblro nnd lu tho (larstang
District nre flooded. At Glnsgow the dam
igo to property Is vory great.
.HrAi.M)wi:o v thi: tA.
Tour Missing Vessels will, llirtr Crews
Whoso J'ntn will rrntmbly Not lie Known
Unlit tl.n H.ii (Uses Up Us Den. I.
PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1)00. 12.
Four merchant vessels which sot sail nt
different periods since tho 27th ot last July
clth large cargoes and crews of trusty men
baro never been hoard from, and are given
up for lost. Altogether thoy bad on board
forty seamen, who ore supposed to havo
ono to tho bottom of tho depths. The
financial loss, should the four crafts never
spcar, will bo nt least $133,QtX). Ono ot
tho lll-fntod vessels Is tho new schooner
Joseph Hilton, owned In this city ton large
txtent, principally by John Bnrry, of No.
W Fnlrmount nvenuo, nnd J. McCrnckcn,
at Cnnulnn, N. J. Sho wns ninnnedby
Captain O. II. P. Rogers and n crew o!
soven men, and set sail from Darlun, Go,,
whence sho salted on Soptomber 4 for New
bury port, Mass., with n cargo of 400,000 foet
of yollow iilne. Tho vessel nnd cargo were
worth W,000.
Tho schooner Pari II. Potter. Contain
Dyser, another of tho overdue vessels, sail
ed from Plillndelphln Juno OforNow York
via Pcnsnoola, whoro sho arrived during
tho mouth of August, clearing on tho 23d
inm ST...U V. 1. ...11. 1TJ IUVI r...., ... I.....I...H
8h0 carrlod a crew of ofght mon, and with
on not iieen seen siuco sou pnsseu mo en-
d stone Light on August t!7, Sho carried a
crow of ten men, and was vnluod, with hci
cargo, nt $30,00).
An Attempted Jul! llrrnk'ng Frustrnlril,
Joliet, III., Deo. 12.
An nttemptod jail delivery wns frus
trated to-iUy In tho County Jail In thli
city. Among tho twenty prisoners con
I fined, thorn aro six dosporato characters
Michael Mooney, who butchered his cell
mate; Sklnnay Hopkins nnd John Obcrn,
who entered tho houso of nn nged couple
near this placo and nt tho point ot a re
volver forced thorn to glvo up $000; Lewli
j Jackson, a colored burglar, nnd two foot
' pads named Molllo Burns and Nelson
Clark. Thoso notorious criminals have
been lu the habit of dancing and singing lu
tho corridors of tbo Jail with tha other prls
I oners, nnd tho Jailer yesterday suspected
, something wrong from ths regularity and
1 system of these matlneo performances. He
' Instituted n secret watch and discovered
that it was dona to dlvort attention from
one ot thrlr number, who was Industriously
lawlng at thu bare ot an obscure outside
window. They were Immediately locked
' un and deprived or tha saw. An uxanilna-
, lion ot tho window showod that ona ot the
bars was sawed oil ut tho top and partially
I law ed off at thu bottom. Had they been
allowed to keop up tholr performanco one
. or two days more the despornto Mooney
I snd tho whole gang would have turned
, themselves looso upon tho community.
They will not Imi permitted to exercise In
Slut corridors any- more, but will lie securely
locked lu their cells and a closo watch kept
apon them.
Slystvrloii.ly Missing.
SriUNUriKi.P, Mn., Deo. U.
A Mr. Reed, aged thirty-three, n native
)t Wisconsin, but whoso parents are sup
posed now to reside In tho vicinity ol
Newark, N. J., nnd wbo was recently em
ployed ns Inspector ou the Kansas City,
Springfield Si Memphis Railroad, ills
ippeared from lib boarding place,
Mr. George Reed's east ot Win.
McAdams', on Tuesday ot Inst week,
ind has not been hoard from since.
Ho bad a large cnu of soma kind of material
which he claimed was n new varnish for
buggies, nnd he left on Tuesday morning
itatlng that hu had a contract n short dis
tance southwest of tho city, und as he loft
laid not to keep dinner waiting for him as
be might not be back before night. He !
Parted In tho above direction and has not
Don seeu or heard from slnco.
Hail Nulelde.
lir-ni, III., Dec. IS.
t St. Charles, this county, at an early
bct.r tbls morning, Adolph Fredonhagen,
lylag In bed boildt bis wifo, Inserted the
muzzle ot a revolver Iwtrreunhls teeth and
put a bullet in his brnln, dying almost In
stantly, The deceased was a leading busi
ness man In this district, and reputed
wealthy. He conducted extensive flouring
mills at St, Charles, and had built up an
snormous business. He was unusually
bappy In bis domestlo relations, having a
charming wife and an Interesting family of
tour ciiuurvii, sue ciuusipi wuom is out
fifteen years ot age. Threatened financial
niteen years of age. Thr
I unicuity is tno nttriouieii
I "-""-
fatally Injured.
CUATTAnooa-1, Tax., Dee. Vt.
About six o'clock this ovenlog Wesley
Caihroan, a coupler In the yards of the
Western fc Atlanta Ilallroad, fell under
the wheels of a car, which passed over bis
body, mangling bis right arm and almost
loverlnghls right leg at the thigh. The
physician In attendance, states that both
leg and arm will havo to be amputated
closo to tbo body, but thinks tbe man will
die before the operation can be performed,
borne time ago Casuman lo.t an eye la tbe
yards ot the w. tc A. Company, sud tbe
tompany bad agreed to pay him )l,o(J dam
srs. Themuu bad wrlltsu to bis wife,
who lives In Atlanta, Oa., telling herbs
would start for bome to-morrow evening,
Ut will probably go to JU wife a corpse,
I'llll litis $.100,000 worth of illn
tnoml, nil of tliom citou to her. Af.
1. Sun.
John McCarthy hm llrwl for ninety
ont In Mutioy, I'o., tvhoro ho w4
bom. -l'tlhluryh Il.
-Swinburne, tho pool, will rend hli
(Voms In .till country nt "n ilollar a
ruml." OUeago UtrnUI.
Henry Wtirtl lleechur ny Hint hli
reonnt trip Wost nnil South has; innilo
him foul t n jenw jounger. Ilrooklyn
- It Is relnlcil by John 11. (imij;h,
tho lecturer, that when n boy, nlouo,
(rlcnillos mul penniless In Now York,
ho Kohl his knlfo to buy postnl-stnmpj
nml letter pupor With wlilcli to write, to
hla p.'trotiti.
Mls llcbpccn lloono, who tllcil re
cently lit Norrlslnwiit-Piy ngail eighty
fight, wns n cousin Of Abraham Lin
coln, nml tlio daughter nf a cous'n ol
tho (unions Dntilel lloonc, of Ken
tucky. Tho llrst religious ucwxpnpor pub
llshotl In this country wns culled thn
IMtqtoui llemembraneer, nnd tho llrst
number wns Issued September -I, 1810.
by John YV Seott, of Pliilmlolphlii, nml
wns Presbyterian In sentiment.
Tlio wifo of V. 11. II. Murrny hm
loturneil from L'uropo with a illptomn
from tho Vlentm Medical Colloeo both
as n physician nnd stirtreon. being, her
(r lo nils sny, tho only womnn In tho coun
try with this fortlllcntc. -Hot'op Ittsl.
Mr. I'. T. llnrmmi, tho great show
man, lectured boforo tho students of the
Itruhniport (Conn.) Iltislness College ro-'
i-fiitly, nnd dc-olnrrd thnt It wns Iho Inst
lecture ho would over deliver, ns hu vni
fouling tho ticod of unlet In thu ilucllnliif;
years of hU life llartfonl bsf.
An ciilhuslnstlo contprnpornry ny
Mrs. Curnwnllls West hns n rlnh com
ii'oloti. a lino suit of rippling brown
lialr, Irish oyos, small Rt.-viiirti nnd ml
mlrablo it guru. Sliodrusuis stnrtllngly,
rides dashingly, tnlkscntortnlnlngly.nnd
lovos a pra.'tlcnl joke, tioslil N. 1'.
- Cordelia Stoker, of Southern Utah,
nttnlui'd her hundredth year n few dart
ngo. Sho belonged lo tho Methodist
Church until her nlncty-IKth ear, when
sho embraced Mnnr.oiilsm. hho greeted
fifty grandchildren on this occasion.
Sho has 21 1 descendant? lu Utah. Den
ver Tribune.
Mr. M. K. Hull, tlio now Supcrvls'ng
Architect ol thu United Slates Treasury
Department, was born In Chester Coun
ty, Pn., nml now lives, with Ills wifo
mid llvo HiUdion. lu modest Mylc, In
Dos Moines, In. llo Is n boylsMooklng
man, of quiet manners, nnd Is mi nutire
member of tho Methodist Kplscopnl
Church. Chicago Journal
An honornblo vlco A VIco Presi
dent. AT. y. Commercial Advertiser.
Tho lit t lo onos nro tho most highly
gifted pcoplo about Christmas tlmo.
What relation does thu door-top
henr to thu door-mat? It's a stop,
fathor. Jcfruif lost.
A German dermatologist snys that
baldnots Is cnlchlug. Yes, gentlemen
with bald pates complain that they catch
It from all quarters. Uotton Tr,fintcrrl.
"Why Is a 'young' lady's ago, after
sun rcaoncs twenty-live, iiko a uorai
weddltitr-bull?" asks nn outsider. And
ho says It Is "bcoauso It Is novor tol'dt"
but that Is a libel. A'orrMown Ucrahl.
When Is it door not a door? When
It Is a jar. Oh. no; thnt answer belongs
to tho first decado of the hist century,
Nowadays n door Is not a door u hen It
Is n ncgrcss an ogress. The Judge.
Somewhat to hlmsolfi "Can you
toll me," asked a Cortlnud limn of his
tailor, how you camo to gct'thls coat so
light?" "Oil, yes, sir. Tho fact Is,
you wora tight when I measured you."
Marathon Independent.
"Johnnie, did any ono havo the
croup In your house last night?"
"Duniio! What mado you ax mo?"
"Well, I saw a light In tho houso long
after m!dn!ght.,r "Old that's my
sls'erl Sho has something down in thu
parlor awful Into every ulght, but I
don't know whether It Is tho croup or
not." l'onkcr's (lazelte,
An obsorver says: " Always stand n
wet umbrella with tho handle down;
ono trial will convince you of thu rapid
ity with which it will drain, and your
umbrella will last longnr If dried quick
ly." Wo tried that onoo tried lt In a
barber shop. Wo aro fnlly coin Incod
of the rapidity with which It will drain,
nnd If tho present possessor will kindly
ndvlso t how It Is lasting wo will
sneak nt more length of tho tost. Tin
Tlio other day a gentleman arriv
ing In Paris at tlio Lyons Hailwav Sta
tion got Into a cab nnd tod tho driver to
takolilmtotliuliuo Milton. After a cer
tain time tho cnb arrived at tho Hue
Lord llyron. "What Is tho numbor?"
naked tho coachman. Tho gentleman
put his bond out of tho cab window anil
said: "Why. this U not tho Hue
MUton!" "Ah!" said tho coachman
nftor a slight pause, "that's true; I've
mado a m'staka In tho poctsl" .
How a Hcporlor Lost Ills firlp A
Dull sickening Thud onco Kiitured n
iiowstmper Olllcn nnd Complnlnod tc
tho Managing edltortlmt ho Hud been
lladly Troatod. "And how So?" lip
quired tho Kdltor. "In your account
of last Friday's hangisg," expl.iliiod
tiio Aggrieved Thud, "your Hcportet
mado no Keforonro to mo, Although I
was with thu Doomed Felon when he
Fell." "Your Complaint Is a reason
able ono," Quoth tho Kdltor, nnd he
Discharged tho reporter Forthwith.
Chicago A'tws.
Noso and l'.ars.
Hoys nro somewhat "peculiar," do
ing many strango things, Inconsequence
of which a mothei's care nnd ndvlouare
often needed. As Btriingo as it may
seem, small buttons, boans and tho like,
nro crowded Jnto the nose, reamed
with great diillculty, especially when
round or smooth like pen or beans,
swelling or sprouting as thoy will do it
allowed tiiremnin. Their removal do
uiands no littlo skill, If wo would avoid
harm to the sonslllvo membraues. "Pre
vention Is easier than cure."
There Is yet more danger In tamper
ing with the our, by crowding sub.
ttances Into Its or In tho foolbh ouort to
remove tbe wax, plnced then for a wise
nnd benoiicent purpose, though it In
best, under somu circumstances, to
yringo It out with warm cnstlla soap
and water. Tho itso of plas, needle,
and tho like, with the violence some
times observed, Is always, dangero-us,
since tho "dnmi"--locateii about an
iucu iioiu me opening easuy irri
tated, if not bvnktiu, by which last Occi
dent the hearing nusy bo destroyed,
fhe loss of this, ns by sores, Is often th,
cause ol permanent deafness and that
tf necessity. Qo'.ihn &(,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Spoopcndjkc In Treatdt.
"My dear," whimpered Mr.Spoopen
dyke, "hobbling Inlo his wife's room and
throwing himself Intoachair with ades
olato expansion of despair on his vlongu.
" My denr, there Is something tbo matter
with my foot, nnd Ican'tmakooutwhat
tho trouble is."
"May bo It'snstone bruise," suggest
ed Mrs. Spookondyko.
"That's nil you know about It,"
grunted Mr. Spoopondykc, who wns not
to bo put off with so small a disaster a-1
n stone brulsu. . "I toll you that I have'
got somo trouble with my foot that
tliroatons my life, nnd you stand
around thoro Ilka n cork In r bottle
nnd Inlk nbout lt as If I hadn't got ono
leg In my coilin ns far n my hip."
"Aro vou sure It Isn't a corn?" hnz
anlod "Sirs. Spoopcndyko, timidly.
"Sometimes a corn hurts worse thau
anything else; but I nover hoard of peo
ple dying of them."
"No, it Jsirt n corn!" howled Mr.
Sppondyki', nursing hN foot and glar
ing nt his wife with a mingled -expression
of rngo nnd pain. " When did you
ever hear of n corn that reached troni
tho heel to the kneo? Which of your
friends over had a corn that hurt clear
to tho car?" and Mr. Spoopcndyko
touched his foot carefully to thn lloot
nnd eyed his wife narrowly to boo If
sho notlod thn expression of agony on '
his face.
" If lt nets that way lt must bo a bun
Ion!" exclaimed Mrs. Spoopcndyko, tri
umphantly. "All you have got tollo Is
to tnko your boot oil" nnd put your slip
pers on."
"That's II," yelled Mr. Spoopcn
dyke, hauling oft ids boot and tiring It
acnis-J tlio room. "When a mnn Is dy
ing of Inllammalory rhotimatlsm. It's n
bunion! You'vo got Itt A pain that
starts In thn toe, runs to tho hack of tho
no -k nnd ties lu a hnnl knot over tho
spine, Is n bunion! Show ma the bun
Ion!" ho continued, sticking his leg out
straight nnd pointing his linger nt the
ollcndlng foot. "Tako this digit iu
your lily whito hand nnd place it ten
derly on tho dnd-gastnd bunion before
J dlo and forgot what Mlleil mo! Pick
it out of tlio surrounding nnalomyl" lie
yelled, wriggling his foot and bouncing
up and down In his chair In a delirium
of rago. "Piuek tho bunion from Its
mountain fastness on thu hoof ol
Spoopondykii nnd hold It up to the
gnzo of tho same.
"Does it hurt ? commenced Mrs.
Spooputulyko, soothingly.
"Hurt," roarod Mr. Spoopcndyko,
springing from his ulinir and dnnclng
around tho room like a Ilea, ''01
course it don't. It tickles. Hurt! It's
n picnic. Say, my dear," and his
oIco was low nnd tontler. "Say, my
dear, Inslcad of go'i. Into the country
not summer we'll lay lu a stock of
bunions for our health and rvcreatlon!
Hurt!" ho shrieked, broitking ont In n
now spot. "Hurt! It feels llko a band
of muslol That's what It Is, n bunion!
It look you to hit It. When I got time
lo fix you up with a full beard nnd a
bottle of whisky I'm going to statt a
dispensary with you. If you'd only
Improioyojiir mind until you reached
tho stantlnrd of intelligence of a mod
ern donkey you'd only need a stolon
corpse ami n bid smell to bo n first
class medical colloge."
"Say, dear," observed Mrs. Spoop
ondyko, who had been oxplorlng care-
luliy nor nustianti s uoot, "say uenr, a
thlnlc I havo found out what tho troublo
Is. It Isn't a bunion, after nib Here's
n peg sticking out hero nbout a quarter
of nn Inch. If you havo that taken out
I don't bellovo you will suffer any
Mr. Spoopcndyko Jammed his; hat
over his oyos, Shoved his feet Into his
slippers, grabbed tho obnoxious Ixwt
and started for the door with ft wither
ing look nt his wifo as ho wont out.
"I don't care," murmured Mrs.
Spoopcndyko, us thu front door slammed
vindlotlvly, "I don't care. If ho has
It out ho has to admit that I was right,
and If he dou-n't it will hurt him till Im
dies. I don't know which will bo the
worst for him, but ho will havo to da
ono or tho other." llrooklyn Eagle.
A Talent Car-Coupler.
Tliero will never come a time when
tho hend-quiirtcr o ditto of a railroad line
will not rccelvo nt least one vWt pet
woek from tha man with a patent 'car
coupler. During tho last litteeu years
ho has called about four times a week,
mul that average Is being maintained la
a way to wear out hall carpets as fast its
manufacturers can des're. The oar
couphirs are not all alike, but the in
U'ntors nro. The, programme Is as
regular n It It had been nilopted by a
largo ma'orlty. The Inventor asks fo
thu President of tho road and is shown
to the olllcoi
"Good morn'ng. Is Uie rreshlwit
"No, sir; ho won't be In until after
dinner. Anything special?"
"Well, rather special, I have In
vented " v
"Ah! A patent cai-'ixnpler! Yow
must go lo tho GeauraUVtifierlnteftu
cnt." " It's tho b'ggcst thing of the kind
ever heard of."
"Yes, I know, lmt you'll find Mn
four doors down thy hull."
Tho iiivcntor opens tho fourth door
nnd a clerk inquires:
" What is your business?"
"Well, I had a lame foot last sumwoc
and couldn't do much of any work, and
so I Mt nbout It mid "
"Invented a car-coupler, of cewnwl
Tho General Superintendent Is Hot hs.
Xho third door to thu left for the as.
Thu third door opens to reveal at at
tendant reaJy to iuqttlre what Is
" Well, being I had got to cdwe to
town to buy myself some hickory' skirt
ing, I thought I might as wdf briafr,
llong '"
," X oijr patent car-coupler- We r fre
expecting you. Go down ym tbe yard
master. '
" Krerybndy i our town swys this is
the biggest thisg ever invrwled, an4 I
" Ulght this way to ge dewa to t4e
yard-master's oltke."
Tho ynrd-mnster lsa'l la. Ta trAta.
Dispatcher wont -Men. tm'mi
;-eoper has bo time. The depot pt?.k!'
man may look at the lareatloa m
othor day. When he watered the depot
with that patent coupler under hla arts
bis ruled was nivle tip to let toe MkbUr)
ran uesurai or i,aa Mtess Mil w, OU
Ihelr car i for fifty thniiiaiddc-ifctira ea-k-
necato-fbtiH, aM aa W
the stotwter W rmMtmtf
tea m te waiuof-i
Ft be from the
that rosaebos.lv will -! It
jets back.- Dtiroil Jtst ftmm
-A BatavU'(A' Y. rnaa dialoea
uu up town
Msfc vsjseW
tc-sM Wlssa tswsav
M Jaw by cats tiu, Tn lauviM in ttt 2mV'
V hi wife, and the uusa got (ire's,