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f J ( ?""- rmJ9- ; ' "i' ' limine niwiiri i tHECIJIKFTAIN. AN ACT few fcr&nds aI r:t.V Ibathfj j 7 i roir w ABOTTDIKOT r kiM.xriiuit. .-. P - frtp T" h I T I '-.. I. " A a I t . 9 ; i , , 1, M ? ! n M I t, w : i i ' -t fh IJjil lefc eeirt, J -W $& "wiizr that Brl reidcUnce, fifth fatorr la tke Stjwe, And It auod that we n Af. PaUfcbed Every TtVktj ty Ifce Ictus Cxurruu ?srti.MK Co J Ia blttto fa. stack lVdr Tre ' '"' , '. V r " '" 1 ' ' ' 2Mf;zxrfar)aatWi3atfea " r" il fcrtfeer csaeted. 1 4 fcr OTaer P. ha nj- person fercad gsfKy of a I W 1 ft- i 4. J krlUV.. Matllfofl tft UrOviCea fcf ih . ! Unseal Cesnrif TIM t an Ac aeni- ' ? S . " " " . : r tigm At. in itfcl. jwroCTJfc"mrWwrtfte W. K. JJ-VXS, .!. DKXTI.ST, a - ViaiU, ft T.V. P. K4 4Jt J. W. dxt j r,MM Picpi,D,;vit " ,T,rh " ' Uws, Uj ai the mm htnhj " Hfee'I to Um repealed, ' ar ( V1"1 "" TBflTA I. T., Mis, y paccaeja TUbM At. it ImII f W kM far f 7 p'Twn itnK t fHi vza n. if 1 i .! t . i tmnm til. uiwhu Mr awt HtlMt MM Piictteia? Pi7dlia. TlXfTA, CtB. framMtr un. Tr- alHa4i ftA. tAiv r k ML olat ltMMrfWli 71h tM&l OeoMt! a4fior4 ... .. . .. , , , ; BimMo. Hfi; Cmm i Til ---..- " I ifMi ! mw mJ f ffuvTvrr sat fci' ni'i'i mi vmmtm M&0 CHvPncS HHlIvT kIb vllLll! nraa, k iw. r, - 4t.tfnur I Ti JCSS2 B. MAYHS. Kji- !rf (Jill Ctmfl'Itmi. 7 i artI Cr ., v 1 r.4lM. ?itnrLr lZ . ' T .. . : 'pfTMiVt nmit 'r m- in.. jfw. -.-a, , .. K cur brwi liA lk&' , r. - ' . urnii'Hu iia.i'iriki.i'f.1 vi t innierti. TnnpfiiM Act .f r une-efto dr. r fanwiiMti . .. ... ......... ' ( natz jibv niiMAM ibt. mfaak wba ( - - .- v. , "' w FURNITURE ! InnrM twi t cclcctvi! W g ComAY. flrir f'oanril. B&cto Prin C - -orT , TAl,ih, C X., I g,.- jfiw. mtm. Cm ! eH, we cos -u Um xrianr refer l "xAj a few rf wMch wntion Km tjh tfce Hw f-jHMy Au.rt,. ,,,. fu: SS Ir . 3. 3. !L Bemc Prca't AMt-. J r T. Iri, Ck KmmI. Apprrrc-i r , tarn, I W. Bi KTiixAb. Pnn. CViW I. A. Vr. Aws'l. T.n-ifmt'y. of J C X. h-r mrtHf itml Uk j above in a inac qr of Um orihcJ ! a k oa ile ia thJa oOca. Thim ip in toefc. 2. O?. 33Tesrxax2x. Soclh ! cc Xsple rH C it or a. Kajw C. V. B-1 i fcewg Sc ,ha!l h. gmhy Atwgreano. At't 5x43. ftMW WWW W TOtll .-. -nr m7 of our peflr here a ' . t. . M f fflit ,. , , k, pwvKwwrw, ir. pj ,fcn !t fi-K- titcif frfbrmatton. Aa r,j'.jr meMfor ofimiilMt inter TKc WUrtriar extcact fa talua hrm ih iMHMjraral wirirMi T i CMf 'J&JttM M vmomurn, n no-a in any ara not . w. Pcrryotaci at PriadaaJ um man c n-HKirci dollar or T Um Cwk Xatian. . , mmm nttmt mmi!c.U th Art I . . . -"- j db ii th Kiirrc4 aaJ iU. P. to hear ami (fatrrmina . J '"J'"1 " jCrtck aikfU -rt,J W. ,,-.. - p.-rrL i,j inuwi oi i w ngirt w wroof But later arwg I w, m ..p. iir oi ine m to Um coV.i tbat it M ratarra. ,-rwwiiocnc.TKV.ito pay anj orCTwTaa1. rOT0l Wll w .i oft-. 6m and .lam rein b,.. by lBe. CoaaoJ now to .S. . r... ... ... .,-v,-.. . ,t? n ivrn umu umhm dtatractinc citaamta im tm mm ax imdum kot nvww ' uian txo car, at ta diaeretMai ti or laid of ueirir7gutKa. ; CoawolTWr anai iihtag, for tfat ?w. -. h fortacTfMt!: baacJt aftlMir aeaaia adjoara, T1itMaUcaM9wtMmaseitaaof TW irbole atlaatM M iMcoaav iM Xatw mj rMate UMproria- iftc timtA- -,------. iin'ta ihm aaetion ofthfaj v . i .j -t wfc Tte.? " L .1 :.; r .4. .. I ' . ecfincI to act in thr prenrt ar ! CT V vT TLT JL ' f11-" - trt Vrfexe fr them, satl! "lbs rtot- J TT mf " ! rf tbt P1' "P'' f$r pwidd bylae ascaamaati. ' . ' "T" m "" -iCV to 0ea k a govanaaa that will arrcay i-ukkwI u MiM aMar joti to t ptwr a. twH M tUe and eMirer tbe ue totlMJoM rich, 0e wak. w xcfl Sfccrfff f Um Diatfkt vhrna Uk tk. ,&-- --j atioa tl ar " Sgaaatoa thM pnHatti af . w.w ..i.w-.i uj jKiciiu ana Tte lift 5Uck JCvret f St. Lli THE ST. LOCK 5ATI0.TAL STOCK YARDS!! Looaied at East St,Loaliv. Wrtrtly y ta fitr f St Uwb. aiwarw m tMnn, ai rtrtWa fla fraai of ta tHc at a toaf aaiac; rwaaaj. a x lafiwitj aa ilaalcrtag lfdhmAt raftte Mr, ami aavfc aaHUar talitfcBatc Wa , a rapacity Cm ftaasfcteriag IZfTO tmga ISAAC II K50X. pMtMcM. ! Ca T. Jovjr. aaacrtatearltiit. - uririnz betrrotin Uwi ami tac ' AtUntic-mdl'judRe railway fnrdaai ! yo gfirf ng t ot" Um rMkctrar. , Uor. (if the rovl and the kilHrw; if ' rt-nrk, in aeeorJiuica with the srttanerit enUrad into in Waa ifign, D. C. Mwecn the Aataori tfew af the rad and tat Chrafc BelfffUion in 1S. The want af lajtMatiwi of tI.U kiwi btu prvMk tl Ute .tlntt of all each case tirwe (be date ef the araeaiat w tfte DetiarUneat afUwr Intorlar (wraeiaiborfaftoaldae ait- aW sad Um Ciaak Fall Knr Stock jatt aaazH hi xau4 1 at laU wfc 1 ric r " aaif I avs- Ar t Ui I ' n exluasted. His not Hke- that tbaraare toaaj af Um -.'i !tit ifjw net wiB earry into Kt tr 'A. ... r in ninrun .r. U1...1I.A m.. . . - - -' " mJt ui. 1 ' " -"- m 1 ajui nraacrtv mCfrt t ufary t the Rtilway CaatfMar . ' " "" 7 dajra no- rtyftd ir1thaa watoa haraav UieanUMdrfi fUw N'aUoa. ?m7 Cbrok Adroeate arlay prograas batata aaaotate T . - . f .M. - H-ii. I"- tHiBrr.iw Bctnpapm, and t illl-ibilid:a. W. ur J..J, a c Coafpany before a Caerafcae f UMl r rf " ! Um laaterial, Um aaxat aad iatal'. BRIDLES. Krc. r jrt will be an erent af aa aaull " w rccwor, ancr acwanta , i,.,! .avaaenBrt of Um o- ; or xot ''. -fur ftiT rattt MCkiJcd. JOHN and GEORCE Bullette. Bed-rock Prices. DRY GOODS, GROCERJES. 1 QxrmzsrsvrjsJZK, TTSVTJLB.K, ' In consequence of having to move my business house inside of the next thirty days, I will sell re gardless of cost till then the follow" ing goods, to reduce my stock: Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, &a I can't move with the load I have and am bound to unload. So eoEie and get the benefit. I mean Jssfe what I say. :wa f 'alloir.fort - an 1 j . - MUMH.. 0 !! ifio ""-'"loMa - - "upr. R R. TAYLOR Pot-oftt'-, Vinrta. I T Bra-.) B F Pov.-oTi lv 1 TW 3iIiArKAD i'ra r ' ji-fi. w.U rti id. both! hi KAX'.tlUiti ol llort,! xrs ELLIOTT & Co , . . .:a I T 'I ? 'nirki mi. r:. u-. O. Aw-ST2EOT2D.cSs Co. J w p r v r '! If ",-1 r rWaI ., ? -lt8- ' retK a HOLDS THE EOB-Y JOflK COCNTBYllAII. K-:- ' na- I r Bran ! cj : r .lit at t. k.--i yett ' . - . Horn -07 TPZE- I I 'SsSSOtf'J 1 1 'T ML ' reck SVAIJS Largest Iiine of Hardware, Stoves and; Tin-ware kept in the Cherokee Nation. HUiTCER & 2iEVU Post-OEce, Kvanavjile, Kaneaa. 1 t.. w - L U Z - nMtmt m we are wt tWre 1km " "' """ """ Wfco oa,of the ti,l tu Um Ma. I T?!!!" "ff?.1 ? Ury of the country. . the po " f " easinofiuchantbrity tntr Wx) i" -.... retioTH that way arise J aaWt.1 ' a' " ft,rt,,r eUd: raff inner locil !, we nop7i(sir:ret , " ctrfHerir that II .tH iL Clwrofcca .Nation ahali Im ttajtirarf iti - mw will U tatfefcetary m Um J rf4f W mark ar awrtu ani a y o'-ject aiiaail at ImM h t.t. ;! jnstice. -Aotlier mexmtt af rren greater Scofce people. Xow if we are -cat iii Umc profeachxn we have , ftrat to eaior people to feel aafe ' and aacara by aarroarviiag them i fHUt wrhalaJBfaa law and mtat!iah ' ing a syataat af eoioroeme-.r. of, brand or brand, in the Clerk a of Are of the Tttstrirt vherria hit cat- i tl'- are hr-WL and all rattl ancf one detfgaed to aid ' unrr'wtrrd ,Drk'"r ,'r"' wd J may be jul!y proad ,U"""K" "" ' puotir a- , inlitatiw Uiein, that Kill orly palh th!TA,f Ti 'Whrhi giHyaadertoilrprotct Ue AtUWL. JJ. ..Iil&lll, innocent. Aftar aecoritT -hall -VA-Bierr xtx or- hare been aecured it will be no err dfieult Uak. I beliare. to A CIVO RinfT OSHfif bearing ' build aaancratrurtnre of whirh all to . . TULSA. I. T. BaB?llaVrala9k:Eaa MmmmWmJMmmWa FURNITURE -A St WCV aa'Hl aGl MapBaSaaBB rjf Bp. caBaWlaMafaaaaaaaa3i"T t3j -ran Sa sags-.- Doors, Windows, Window Glass, ?aint3 and Oil. 1 the Texai new OU.dHOOEHS. th.r, CheU,.a. Kani Spnt nJ bit in nptit an-l krllu f -rfcmJrn Xat. . .i 'Icvelopratnt of vat coal The pro7fione of the BiJ! . at nra nnkn-'wn, hut M not that thy arc u h a ''rtrlope Ihw oor oJjfrai a), ma way that will j.rte..-t -.:non property right of Ute 'e peflplo, tho intererte of fTHiatr and amply Meort i tr capital may to inretted ' a rii-un aan h-T-fy !' Ureil to -iU". an I th l nfT ,( fie v--rI b.n At u r. I.y 'iiri'tci to d-rti-- an i .I t ( ft'iiK in tf, -iB' inaori. r a? cA'ift ctray j.fpf-rtjr .ue 6. Be it furhfr enacted That if mi perwn not nuun of U. Cherokee Nation hil violate nternrise. nMn.M. . ,oe l""0" " M . l " f imc bill ia obtained we will i fre the reader of the ior aoj'.urnru-nl ol tbe p4- i. . tbe nomina ' Mm and ronSrna' nerc madt ?. :h- r'jvacijjaLCl. ::f and 0a yn-a:i- I)(-Irpktim UWn.iliin;tn John ti. Kcriiflflher awl I.un-n It. Bell C'oort cm Citzientbip Eli Sjiear, Andrew Young, and John Lee. V TnU Town Commmionerc I. H Trou, Wm. M. AlrCradter. ' .1 Tr,. P. Ro. Onroker Orphsa Ailnru fl ' l: r Joseph Y. THmnpaon, if i t,;,i relent; writes under date ' : 17th inat: Ttiore are this ..-ninar W pupiic at the- Chero- 1 rj,hn Myuwt nnd'of that i.nM r two are unfit for reboot on "ml of ore eee. No moro .' at 'in hn received with ir.ti. tlf builnSng ia eidarg- ... :w proatnt dlacLarg- V3i aBj; A(1 I.' ike lr) u u '. 'li.-.-ged with 1 i Ifat, Judge 0 are note ' ndttal in Flint IMa- v nnd Alex Itanch on the the murder Alberty pre- yoim wife mmix in tvu with a razor in your jour face lathered' and re you ehaving?" it'n very uj for vou to ay, "No I'm e- the i love,'' but il'a human " eay no. i 'urporato nuthoritio.i of 1 ' I eon confeirte of John A. f'-vor, II. C. .Meigc, Cannon y ; H. Notli, Wm. I'eroival Seolt. No hotter a-lec- i f nl lmvo been oaBly marlo 1 Ur8 cd" tho Corporation i nil hope to bco tfiern ch- i f iiiil nsnintain good order in u midst. ei rsinudy ovordi",ovred oking ia to drop on ull fours . couth' fo that if you choko : i deat . you haw tin tnliufaction ' ordo-uining your fellow mortnls 1 iml. h the doty of the Sheriff of the Intnct wherein the offence nur 1 committed : trrcalsucb eron or pcrcona o off- ndiny and eeise , h cattle and turn the came over to the I'nited Jttc Ajjmt. -. 7. Bt it ftirthrr enacted: j That in race any Hhenff faiU or re- lue to advert; 4e nn I cell m here in prvidt-l. any thre rcuporteble -ituenc of tbe Interim wherein wn rtrtctered cattle mar b found vhall fport the carric to the CWk of the Intrict, who nhall report the frame within U-n day nud r the at-al of hii oflW, t-j ii,.- -it. ntTof tlie Dic trirt whereof h ic Clerk and li..uld auch Hbenff, after receiving li notice herein pnmded for, foil or rtfuac to .v t a iterein pro vided, it cliall I- the duty of Um Clerk to report the tune to the dajw Hho ahall eweh Sheriff from offire. U. ill. . nms niiw running i large ujwn. the public domain and any other ritucn ia damaed hy aonii cattle breaking into a tit-id, or any othor iucloeure of aoch citiicn, the ontUe doing the damage bbail be held li able fur aoch damage, which dam gf shall lie AeMd under Sec tion 78, A rl. 83, Chapter , Com pilnd Lawa and och amount ho as Mgd hhall he final m to the ilam aii fciistaJriftd whon judgment may bo givon thoraujion according to law before any Court having cog nizance of tho amount-aWd rfti heroin providol. Sua 0. lie it further enacted: Tliht no non-ritiuHDe reidinif in this Nation by virtue of a permit, Under oor oar people h the right to expert thic, indeed ft ic their jact hcriiaf, and it ia the' duty of rrty iH- r ataay t ex ert hn Wet ffm to meet tbw de mand Xo Indian nation perhaps for tbe laat fifty yean ha been bcet by a like aroonnl of advercity ac Uiat which hoc doaded tbe pohU cal sky of Ute Jftoakoke paoak for the lact eighteen raonUui. The integrity of tbe nucbinery of oar aotermeatbae bean shocked and baken by iatarnal dwensiont fanned into being oftimca by the grovelia" paraaicae aad bamadec eontriboled by wrroanding atatea, and somaUmaa by onraiater natonc who on on pretence ar another hare lodged themaeWee in tlM in tcrcttces of oar political iabric, until oareaaeaoefoed nopehwe In deed. Yott have weatberad tbe ! etortn like faithful warriors, and I invite all patties and all men, the full and Ute half Mood, colored men, and every true Muekoke citi sen to join with me in oar common and conUnuod effort to rid our country of such character, wom bat ami eliminate th laul influ ence lelt by them and heal up tbe woandc thai ). KIa.1 a Iun I'riiN-ipal Chi mthin tweuty ! Yoa mact do tide if vo.. M,l.l ,.. toircoa iunni a,- tunar 1 iui-j... r,.. itUtltttliAttsl atu a.FaWivctitt- laarl Sao. a. That in all cajj where 1 1, Muekoke paople out4 into the m v. u. uneroxea valion ; open saa of wtcocw and proapentv. Idle the unfortunate event of the pact eighteen months have mUil 1 antold Juird-ebipa upon our poo pie and arretted oar progree for the period jwirhapc of manv do- oadM, atill let as hope they have net poeI without teahing us some valuable Iinoniof sUtbcmanahip, ' wliteh, ilka theinariner'ceuinpars4 will enable us in the future to avoid the rocks nnd breakers that hare brought in such hitter experiences. Lot each citizen so oaeupy his time and talonU in the rebuilding and ro ttorntlon of the waste plnoes of his. country, that no time loft fur the exhibition of tho petty feolinge and controversies thu have- so often grown into monn- - r A. Ul- T7a T u t : Jt Wiohinrr Mar-hinoi iJ1 Iacii everyuiimg you wan -in wi ja.uuaeiiuiu AJiiifc;. r? xaa WRINGBBS.' ifegek'- awv i7rfv,Ti .I ,'fr f O OFFIIQ"B Clxirjci: (i-;i).-i A Vinitia. - - T. T.'por Q0od Coods:at Bottom Prices go to. Those Machine? ar warranted t . , - . . ftnUh a wuddng ready for the line,.. Z 2m jZJ5?JuCy3SFID SC OO'fe. without the use of tub or board, do , " "" """ not nave ine nanus m km suoa t from bfrinningto end; and will wash anything from a qoilt toaj Xini'f'nr gja patoh, And ara rbljy warranted 1 V J-LUUcX, acainat braaVage for ona year. ; Tnaat Zl&iXi for Vaher and Wringer combined. $15.00 for VYaaher aione, with cue cent tMr mile extra from ViniU. to place of delivery. t VI Asylum v. rk aetj" ei i - S2&ES&t JANE CAPTAIN a J?k ?v.t-oflire, C .ill Ind. Ter. !W" u FRiSCO UNi n St. Louis and Sanfrancisco AU-WA.J. a TMitacan Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Indian Territory 35 Miles shorter linn any otlier rwote between OS! I .IC t t a:Aajri ! ''a. VJeiSiTrwr. -J3 , I Vs 73S 11 fc? -rrlw5j .N Hvrirl triad hid on left chnclutr. Itcncc ca IIodii n r rnr.tlMiii Nation. Mrs. ISABELLA KSWJIAS, rst-mii. Skutovk, I. T R ii Pott n&?9fia pWlyy ,t t i -at -i"-L 41 V W WILIJA1I3, Ir. . t .ty. 1 T fr poff I IC't er, ai.tierbit nc'it OWon TI.S lit huHl X o tefl turn K..nge. l'ol cri"K flMsStLOM 5J-THIt0UGK EXPRESS TRAINS NO -) Are Ron Dally. ( CIIAKOE OP CATJS. 200.000 ) obtaitiMl according to law, shall lie ' tuins of evil'And thrown the tall allowod to hold more than five ' f mourning over the affairs of our cows and calves for family me. , country. Hue. 10. Bo it futther enacted: j Since the above wat in type tho mat any citizen heads of family': Crrak Council Inaugurated ISgpaUUi . mi t' ofthis Nation slnll not be allowed ' oehee ss Princirmi Cliiaf of thu1 Ocn'l Frt. A tooxcoed two brandt for himself , Crcok Nation, i'errymanit is said J and family and he shall bo raquir- I moans to hold on und the nuoation ! Of rlek fl A llincrd laadl jt3L.OIrI.3pS J for cele by till i oiniaMy, m ISouthweoti. HVIluaouri. t'd to rounter-brond in en of his I who is ChK'f "till remain iT-Porfult andiMirttoiitardaforaMtbM wiUi ill-., Time TaWrs, IUlea, Jar., rail iimr prty af oar KtHiioa-AireNtc, or vitbrr ef tliv uuJemametl) l. ItHIUUT, Iion'i Pace. Aft kT. loCllt. MO. T. tH'l, no. C. W IIookh", Vico-I'rcsldont and fli neral Manner 'Tcn-pV ttu.M:n;r ft. 1 ml, Mo W a. NELM3, rogt-ofilce, mua, I T Therc.s arrc place in the Indian Territory where you can buy any kind ef goods you want. Ye keep A General Store Krirt a, IPvLLJ. AgaortmcTint of azrxrcry tHinr wantod. "toy CDtxr: Ovtstoraors. ' YXfU WAXT HarnesF, Paddlery, Leather Goods of any kind" JF YOU HVLVT Wapm., Agricfiltural MchmoryrBngg:o9k Spring Wagons, etc., oto.r C3rO -to jT. O Jt3-BI"37CTryJS'- If YOU ARE SICK and'want Medicines, Drugs, Prescriptions cnrofuHy propared, ctcr IP YOU WANT Clothing, Boots and Shoee, Hats, Caps, BedOing, etc, cto, etc C3rO -to 7W. O. PATTON"'S. F YOU AltK 1IUXGRY anA want'Groceries, Flour, Baeon, Canned GeodS. etc. ot IF YOU AUK IX LOVE and'want Candlo?, Perfamie,- ToiUbGoodsisaap, etc etc,. g-o a?o stv o 2Pja.rroj03Nr's- IF YOU ARE G0h0 TO HARRY and want a complete tit oilaverytuinf, Go to W. C. PATTON & Go's., V i-rntft T 1 's:5avar'".l.,'U T- J.AlJLtU.'R . a . t aaSfi w ff"j- Sj Had eh en V.oct t r r e k. li mi If B. Illrf ..u. ifm -& aisi - JOSEPH HUNT, Post-otlicc, tnita, I T. Crop ata split la left cor. uniler- bitandiinr tau in rlel Itanch,. U milc-c w of Yin It;. Ajt-j at IhuiiM crwV. Ranc. lnucn Trror e and Ugbtniug irui-ki. t. .W,?IiLS BUS- & I'WGO. lost-otlu-o, CollVyilc, Kan-m- Vsi.c u othtr lirtufl anJtjrai'K f l xrlie1 I i win. o .tl l M- .1 u .- K ' i.p -ir oi ih i -,.ir iay i rr- in ortuc" J l ally rewanKil ov clviac tlic eae to Well JlimT A I'. M ihl ' I u,-. 'iJTij i ,- jf iff (Mfa-ij -y rric' .-, Wtf&rtyl. r irf ' 7-T2nPXt2KWCr .Trggpr:.t?.-