Newspaper Page Text
THE C HEFT A1N 91.00 PER YEAR. VINITA, I. T. DKC. 21, 18S3 All who aro Indebted to tho Oiincr txin olllcc lll be liberally rewarded by (lie knowledge of having performed a righteous net If they will make It n jMlfltt to tlmir acoonuta nifiilli. during the present fold: id It was Tuesday. Christmas! Tuesday next. Corn la 30 cents per bushel in market. lr. Frsteo niade'n business trip west writhe Frisco thin week. H.N. Melton P. M. at aw in town this week. White Water Mine ribbons instead of bluo noses mark to features of the day. Tuo car loads of lumber for W. L. Trotts J'.uiberyard arrived yesterday. M. W. coui'h shipped ono ear load of hogs and uuo ofcattlu from oh visa last Mfk About COO persons luuetied on the bin nt Tahlequab, Tort Gibson and Vlnlta. Prof Cundall spent Sunday in Oswe go, and occupied thtt pulpit of the Itcv. John KUlott. Mr. John Whlntlar, oi Sac ami Fox Agency, pusred through town en route fur the north. FredandMrs. Uhotoau are rejoicing over an cloven pounder o( the male persuasion. 1 Yiulta prxnslou market is well sup plied with beef, pork, chlccciis, ducks, tnrkeya and quails. Mr. 0 8. Kobluson is at his pjst at 0, W Green's, after a sliort but severe attack of sickness. Choice I.ltor'aturea monthly reprint, from the best magazines of the day One dollar a year. Tho Sac Journal, Dec. 8, W. J. Carter, tditor, is bjforo us. May Its shadow neter grow lass. FarmeiH have availed themselves of the lute lino weather, and goucrally flu libed gathering in their corn cropi. The vruathar is inclined to extremes -last week It was pleasant beyond de scription; this it is the other way. A very slight sprinkle of snow ap pealed on the gtmind Thursday morn ing the 20th day of December, the first ufthe eenson. V ruaawaj' team on IIUiuIh avenue, W IniMdiiy, ai'attsrud lumber for ser e 1 .il.cki, hut failed to Uislocato any Joint lo thr wagon. Hi a Pill.yC. II.tikll,M. C. from, nnd n pure and noble man. dted last Sumlity in Wnchlngtou anil uh buried nt Lawrence, Wrdiiodnr. II. 0 Hull, merchant at TuIhu, I. T., rni'.v nt tho oflice if tho Chieftain, WeiiiFKlay mnruhig, on his way t Kitiih.. Mr. 11. reported a flair ijulet rtbm: t Inn pljM'M. Will (.'hnmberlin'H ovrl Is suga.itiru of tlu hard-pUHhed-for-somethlng to Day li,ii'ig loVer tn UU (jweotheart. Tnali . d'. I you over thue an howl; what iMth t oirf eyes thay got; h.iint tliey? Dio I.inis Moutlily Magazine, of i'.'j pitfji, for iJecembjr, in filled with ch'iu'tf and Inntructi vo roa ling. Tenni, $2 5 a year. A 1 Iresi Frank Heamnn, IH Ihble Houhj, NjW York. fi. K. McSiiadden'charg j do Aflairs" i'fU W. Gi con's new ensh Htoro at i Uvlien I. T. was in town yostcrday and irportsbutlneH good In his burg anl the town Improving rapidly. Any ono wanting a goo I washing ma rhino an I wringer can bo supplied with lh best manufactured ly calling on It 1). Knight. Seo his advertisement clso whsrein this issue. The fnr flies them cool days and nights from tho backs of flayed ani mals. Ba we conclude from tho skins bronghtlnto Vinlta for sale from that of the stately deer to tho odorous skunk. W.8. Ross hns purchased tho inter est of Mr. Nichols in the harness uhop of Martin k Nichols, and would bo pleased to see nil of his friends nt his place of business. We wish tho new firm suecoss. Col. lien Ohotoau, ono of uurbest clt ins, arrived from his home on Cabin creek Wednesday evening with his fam ily and procooded to Kansas City, on a vlill to friends. The Cun:rrain wishes them a pleasant enjoyment of the hoh duyg and a safe rotnrn. One night thin week ns tho west bound freight train pulled into Prnirio fity, abot'J oclock p. m. tho engineer tilijoveredlunoba'rjct'on on tho track, consisting of Iron rails. By whom placed there or for what object It U uot known. i-nuuiberofinerabora of tho National l.ouncil-were In town Monday last, who Wtro returning to their homci. Among thorn wo met Senators C. V. Rogers, hnmsher and Landrum; and Conn "Horn M, Thompson, W. 0. Rogers, 'dtoand Young. Tho nnmbor of persons, bot ween fivo .nd m hundred, who hnvo declared themselves i f4Vor of temperanco ithinaftvdaysnt Tahlequah, Fort uihion and Vluitn havo position, nbll Jty nd mfltiiMiBo onough If used ear 'tHtly t 1 lK-ely suppress tho evils of "rtiiikennoss u our lajid. N Rnlili . i .-i ii. Agancy lor tlio Protoutivo and Dotec ure Aiiociatlon. of Texas, for tho In a T"rritory. with headquarters at , Choctaw Natlou, Tho Assocta on iselurtered by the State of ToUs, "?, "a', for It purposo tho supproseiou " ",ri trt!ng and the arrest and pnnuMment of tho thieves. Mr. K. Is Jw uaiitlcd for tlio duties pf his posl t.S. 1,8h8h character is aguaran- 'hat hey will hi well discharged. 'M '. 'lailHmi Hum Ilrown !. - .i. ...... i i.uM. pai t zzu z:r: .lay, on his way to Carll.1 . v? " 'i' HMf! '""'. t',f8"5'',C-Pt - - !. niirio "i iniormina i in of ih nriiii condition of his daughter, who is Milit ia a fow inonthi of completiuB her course ntthegovemment Indian school located thorn. Tho Cherokee l)eleHntlou to Wash ington consists of Chief Unshyhead and Messrs h. H. Hell and John Q. Schrlm aher, who will doubtless discharge their duties with ability and fidelity, Ami in a manner satisfactory to their people. Individually and oollectUtly we bid thorn health and success. The member of the Musonlc fratcr nlty will have a public Installation, of their olliocrs for the ensuing your, and refreshments, at their 1o.1l.i rrmm in Vlnita, ou Thursdny, tho 27th-the day ! mnr pniron st. John,- tho Evange list. Members oflho order and their ininllios are ln lied to attend. Henry V. McrgthTrilTTellalila A., slstant P. M. at Fort Oibaon, has beeu nt Vlnlta, Claremoro and Oownln with in tho week. Vorlly, to see him around reminds one of thn legend of Jltlp Van Winkle. .Men w ho possets his modesty and worth and quiet adhesivcncurf to business arc scarce; very scarce, but of grout value to their employers and tho public nt large. Mr. A. P. (ioodykooutr, whilo out with a fow friends guuning, Wednes day of last week, on tho Verdigris river, uoar Clarcmoro, received a single shot from the charge aimed at quail by Mr. Perry, of Kansas City. It struck in the front part of the right thigh, n few Inches above the knee, it caused t. painful but not dangerous wound, and remains imbedded in the llesh. Mr. U. reached homa tho Friday attcr wards nud lias been confined to Ills home down to tho time (Tuesday) that this paragraph is penned. Tho Omiift.u.n has its tow-lino too ami pulled some of its measures thro' the late Council. Notably now court houses, protection of homo stock dur ing tho unhealthy season and the means of developing some of our great -National resources. Next Council wo shall expect to do b .tor. Oood ochool houses, nud good roads, trad departments In our high achools and prison, tho enlargement of school in Htruction, tho improvement of our rrimiual procoduro, Ac, will he dis cussed In tho CillHrrAiN as wore the other!) ouly more thnro'.'irlilv. In ml. vauco of the Kiceutlv.i Mnian.,. Miss Sarah F. Staplerr tiMtcr of Mr. John W. Stapler, ofTaiilcnuah.ilidd at her residence In Washington, D.C., on Sunday, thoOth fust., in (ho tttth year of hor age. Mios titaplor was forHoveral yenra beforo tho wnr, n inoinbor of the fainlly of hcrhrothor-m-luw, tho Into John Roh ut Park Hill, 0. N. and had a largo circle of friends and ac- qualnt.incui. Maiyr of the8o who yet survive will receive tho intolUgeucu of im ucuiu tniii pincero r)groi. films Stapler possessed a constitution, an nctlvo mind, a charltablo hand a-id a lull of sympathy and kinduois. Her life for many yearn was largely do voted to the ctrea'id linppini'33 of oth ers who will cherish through coming timo tho dovotion and solf denial of' "Dear Auntie." ClirlstuiflNTree. The Sunday hVlioot of tho congrega tional church of Viuitn, will have n Christmas Tree which will bo unveiled nt llvo O'clock christmai uioniiug. Tho committie to roc-jlvu an I arraTj;o thopre.Mniit'a will bo . nt tho church Monday afternoon. Tho exorcises will consist ofmusii', Sundny-scliool rocitu. tlons.u free lunch and tho distribution ofpivsent. Superintendent Ed-nond-son will make the occasion onn of mirth nu I enjoyment to his bright little flock. Don't forgot "Dom Rolls" u ringing. Worcester Academy. Worcfstr Academy cloioi to-day its flrat term of tho current school year, altera very prosperous session. Tho vacation will extend oer tho holidays, and the next term begin January 3, 18SI. Thecxorcifcsof tho Kindergarten de partment took place iu tho Presbyter ian church, Wednoiday afternoon, and wero attended by an intelligent au dience. They wero conducted by Miss Florenco E. Woodworth, and wore not ouly novel and interesting to tlio per sons prasontbtit gave evideuco of pa tience, fidelity and skill on tho part of the teacher nnd aptness and onthusl asm on that of tlio class. Wo almost wished oursclf a child again, that we might acquire tho songs and drill ol tho school to t.iku along with us in tho coming years as a, pleasant memento of tho past and tho moans of instruction and amusement to tho juvenilo mem bers of tho household. Miss Wood worth standc iu tlio front rank of Kin dorgnrten teachers and imparls in struction with intelligence and enthus iasm and, there-lore, necessarily iu tho moat successful manner to those under her Infltionoo. Tho Reception given Wednesday nii-'ht by tho Faculty and members till ed Worcester Academy witli a host of tho friends nnd patrons of that institu tion rnd wrsavoty pleasant occasion to all present. Ice cream, cake nud cofTco wero sorvod to all, and wero fol lowed by music, rehearsals by tho young ladies and brief remarks from Prof. Qundall nud Dr. McCreery. of Chotopa Profesbo: Cundall, spoko of the efforts and purposes whluh lead to the founding of the school and which would sustain it anil boro test--mony to the superior qnalitlc.Uions, tho untiring application and the ele vated aims of hi RCsistants Misses Durham, Woodworth andtioodykoonU Dr. McCicery spoko briefly of tho ad nutagci of tlio institution to tho local interests of Vinita, of tho pleauro ho experienced from his presence at the reception, or tho puro and ennobling principals of morality anil religion tauuhi and Dado the Academy a hearty God speed a sentiment cordlully recip rocutod by tho entire audience. OTho HirvEns' OrtPB Is I tied March and Kept., each yean a 10 pages, 8xlH inches, with over ,UQ0 llltutrailons a whole pic ture gallery, (llvo-i xUule sale priccj three to wwumcri ou all good fu purwinal or family utt. 'J'cils how to enter; and gi '"'' co' f mcrZ" thin; you Ukei nit lbiikf wri M ''art fun Jiith. Thwa iiivahmUo loks coi, talninrormsiion gleaned from tho nine kctof tho woiU. Wo will mail a M" X-'ivo lo any alJrew njion reivijit ri'the pMtago 7 uciiM, 1-ct u htjr Xroui y- a. Ilmpoctftdly, MONTQOMERY WARD & CO. r Wokuh Ainu, CJIAliro. Ill sHa. 'w').'ff.'S"At 'Wmm mi" j.i 'jaii r". c."r ? . i? . . ..."." '.:. '. "V"""- w ,0'" nt I tho MM.,n of tho Nation,,, Co,;; 1. iiiii.iLiu ninir limn hi i'i hiuKii!, i !. . just cioecil, in cniltrnvoring to obtain redrew for the Pliawn?( citizen of tho Nation, in tho matter of with. holding from tlfem a portion of tho money lato ly paid per capita to tho nntlvo Ohero kcos, iiuvc returned without accom pllMhltig anything. Such rm alio tho caio with tho Delaware and adopted colored cltUen. The lecture of Mrs. Molloy. of I'll nols, took place ns announced In our last number, Saturday ind Sunday nights. She also occupied the pulpit of the Congregational church on Sun day morning, nnd nddrossed the Sun-day-school in tho afternoon of Hint day. Tho increanod nt tendance at theso meetings showed the interest inwaKonoil liv tlto clouuolit lecturer. jSundny night the Methodist church I was crowded and a number of persons tlod on tho blue ribbon. A few more addresses would havo accomplished doubtless liarcasod rosults: but as it is ,wo doubt not that great good will fol low those dcllvere 1 In many individual cases and to tho goneral community. Headquarters (Irand Army or tho Re public VKVAnTursr or Kansas. L'AOIII CRRRK TOST MO. 1 Vlnlta, 1ml. Ter. Dec. 17, 18S3. At a regular mseting held Dec. 7, ,S3, tho followiug officers wore elected for tho year 1B8I: 0. H. Johnson, .-. 0.1 Houston Smith, 8. V. C; Thos. L. Cllukcnbeard, J. V. C; G. S. Walker, l..n.; .11. l' razee, Hurg.; Ia:iu Parris, O. D.; J. O.Suttoti, 0. G.; W. Y. H. roreman, Chaplain; W. T. Havls, Adjl; J. C.Trott, Q. M; S.; P. Tovey, 8. M. Post meets FUst and Third Fridays in each month, nt Masonic hall. All members in good staudlng are respect fully invited to attend. C. K. Johnson, Post Corad'r. K. A. Luco, Act'gAdjt. Mrs. Timberlake, Misses Kittto Sclirim-rhor, Lizzie Musgrove, Augualinit Hogora, Nannie Mo. Crnoken, and Mnud Itogors mado the Cliicftnin oflico a pleasant via it Monday rind binilos still wrontli the countcnnnccB ol our hnndeuniu typos. From n well mformodsourco wo learn that there aro about 15,000 head of cattle on tho range of Bird creek nnd its tributaries from Ca toosa as far west as Tulsa and Ski atook, in tho Chorokco Country,! nd vliich aro owned by a half dozen or more pontons whose ranches aro located in that sebtion. Tlio ran go which is ono of the boat iu the country.hiw been burnt already to an extent unusual so earlv in thoscaxon. Tho result is scarcity of feed and the rocent few days of severe cold weather with a high wind blowing troin tho North, is causing stock to drift beforo it to wards the South despite tho efforts ofcattlu men to hold them. Christinas toys nt II. Balentino's. Colgate's soapa nt Patton A Co's. By a musket at II. Balentino's. .See tho Christmas goo Is at Hold. Irousidtf's. Another lot of toys this week. at Green's Albums, toi'u-l soU and per fum cry at Patton ft Co's. If you want bargains in" furniture go to Herman's, Chetopa, Kansas. Gatnos for tho Robt. Ironside's. little onus at Go to Patton A Co's for hanging lamps. Go to Green for mince meat for Christmas. Ncilson'a sccrot nnd aro at Patton A Cd's. Desiccated cocanut II. Balentino's. jersey lily. in cans nt Go to Patton mnsjjoods. A Co'u for Christ- New groceries of every diBcript ion just received at II. Balentino's, Patton A Co's havo a nice lot of silver cups. Just tho thimg for Christina' gifts. Carving sets; fancy toilet sets; bread boxes; tea sorvers A co. Willams A Lyon, Chetopa Kansas. Goto Lowis' and aco tlio fine display of candies, toys and Christ inas tricks of all kinds.. Splendid lot of shot guns jUst received at II Bnlentino's. Patton "A Co's sell the beauty cigar. Stop in and buy a box. Goto S. A. Bluoiacket's nt Hock building for fruit jollios, candies Ac 400 dozen frosh oggs at Balon tine's, only 20cts n dozen. If you want to make a nico cako for Christmas got tho Poirco City Hour at Groon's. Go to Patton A Co's to buy swuothoait one ol thoso nice your mils- tacho cups. S. A. Bluejaekot pays highest cash prico for hides, furi Ac at Rock House Keep up with the times. Go to Patton A Co's to buy a nico Christ mas cloakj " Lowis lias a largo stock of Christ mas toys; drums, guns, horses, pistols Ac. Thero is a decline in grot-ones at S, A. Bluejaokot's. Now is tho time to purehaho nt Rock house. Go to Herman's for bargains in tho furniltiro lino, Chetopa, Kansas. Every body call at Pntton'a nnd inspect their immense stock of goods. J, C. Jackson ismakinga salo of htock at Prairie City for Mid-Con- unciutu nurseries oi lvnnsas i tty ' and is having good burcoes. A Ulutjnckot will Boll r.cric rhirrr than imv , K' one (Mil iuiI hif linn nt tiiu rock llOU!0. Tlio largest nnd best n.-sorltnctit of cents (ilothtng nnd ovir coats nt W. C. PnlloriH. Oo to tho now grocery Iiouso of Allen llro. rnt side M. K. it T. It. H. for now fresh nnd cheap gro ceries. Green has friend? nnd right nwny. bargains for nil his wants to sue, thorn Tlio early breakfast is tho hnnd- soinest stove nnd tho most perfect baker ever mado. WiUmms it Lyon, Clu-topti Kniwns. F. A. Luco has quit tho painting business nnd is at work for tlio Mitl Continental Nurseries. Give him your orders and you will get good stock. Krout, cranberries, pioklcs. btiftkwhunt Hour, mnplo syrup aiul nlmost nny thing to tnnko you com fortahlo nud hnppy can no found at Lewis'. Dotit forgot to visit OmyHvillo during holiday suuson- Hicks will wclcoino you with sweet "lin gering mink's . Tlio Mid Continental Nursorioa of Knnsas City will furnish you the best vanclios of all kinds of Iruit trees and shrubbery.' -K. A Luce Agt. Highest ensh price paid for now east gnmo, times and ntrs at the grocurv storo of Allen Bros, sitloof M.K. AT. It. K. Dont forget that a large assort ment of toys, candies and other Christmas goods in abundance can bo found at Uobt. Ironside's. Christmas seldom comes but onco a year, and if A, C. Uaymond sells you bargains in hardware, furni ture, stoves Ac, which he will do buy goods at A. C. Kavmond A CoV Guns! Gunsl! GunsIII A grea'. variety of guns from Zulus at S1.50 to the Fox and Parker at 850.00. Breechloaders from 820.00 to 850.00, Williams A Lyon, Chcto pa, Kansas. Allen Bros, havo established themselves in tho old barber shop oast side M. K. A. T. U. It. with a brand new stock of groceries and nsk a share of tho patronage of tho citizens of Vinita and vicinity. Mrs. Thos. Bluejacket has open ed ti dress making shop, under charge of Mrs. Luce, nn expeiienco dross maker from the east, and all work is warranted to jjivo perfect satisfaction. Old Bock Building, up btairs. J.J. Hicka makes tho following ofi"e$; Any i eison buying ten dol lars woith ol goods atone time nud paying cash lor gnmo at Lewis, will be entitled to one guess as how many beans in one halt bushel and the. person guessing tho closest to tho number if, will bo pro-bented-with a good buitofclothes.if a lady ono velveteen dross patent worth 81."),00 beans to bo counted by a disinterested party loth day of "February next. Kvcry ten dollars gives yoiTone guess and a heap of goods. Try it. .VoliccJ Jewelry marked down cheap! Prices greatly reduced at M. Fra zee's Drug $toro. Slrn)etl One small sorrel mule, from the rcsidenco of A. N. Chamberlin, on Cabin creek. Said mule was iais cd onJUIinois river, below Table qtiah. A liberal toward will be given for information liadinu to its iccovery. Address A. F. Cham-! bcrlin, ViniU, I. T. j rO"otioo- Notico is hereby given to the public that a grand ball and sup per will bo given by tho ladies of Fort Gibson on tho eve of Decem ber 20th, 188:i, for tho purposo of repairing school house. Persona from n distance will find entertain ment gratis. $100 Reward Strayed or Stolen. From Horso creek on Dec. 1st. One heavy built bay horso fourteen hands nnu three inches high, four yearn old, shod all round. I will nav SUjO.OO reward for horse nnd conviction of thief if stolen or 310.00 for recovery of horse. S. J. BuitNS, Vinita, I.T. $20000 3to?cro.irca! Stoi.kv From near Fort G ibson, Ind. Ter , on November 10th, a Span of Mules, Wagon and liar noss. The Mules nro black,- 15 hands higl ono u horse and tho other a inaro mule. Tho horso mule i branded C on shoulder. The wagon is a "Mitchell, nnd wns sold by Tomer, Muskogee. Tho parties who stole tho outttt aro n small dried up Junking nhito man, about 50 years old, iiained Pollard, and a slnn young man of about 20, with Jus right arm ofT abovo the elbow, namnd Abe Pol lard. They also Jiad another Hpun of small brown mules with thorn. Last beard from at Wngozn, Potla wotamio Nation, whore they in quired tho v a v to Colorado City, Texas, and whoro they traded the small mules with Miss A. B Wil son for a largo gray inaro branded Jl. I will pay tho abovo reward for tho delivery of tho thioves and property to meat Ft. Gibson, I. T. 13tf D. Y. Bl'snYHBAI). A. 0. E,aymond & Co's 6th Grand Annual Clearing Sale commences Monday, Dec. 10. Now is the time i? -r . IOI XargamS. rAimuMxa twmiUMMm. :jj' W. II MTTIK, W W JRVIS. LITTLE, JARVIS & CO. C01rMISSI0N ftlKRCHANTS for the rrjnciiJiox: aitc a&t,s ojp GJ.'Xf'XfJLMTif XXOaS etudL SDEOD3IJ2P 13 National Stock Yards. East St, Louis, X-iboral Advtvn.ooa lulxdo On Gonqignjmorvfca. New Drug Drugs Patent Mctltcinos, Notions, Statioocry, &c &c. Also A full lino of Cigars, Tobaccos and Confetionorics. I'RKSCUIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED II Y Dr. HAG 11 Y Headquarters of all tlio Doctors in Vlnita at M. FUAZEK'H, lu Front, one door west of 'Frisco Hotel. M. FRAZJS1S, - - - Vinita, 1. T. T. JD. ROSS, lropriotor. - I havo recently taken charge ofthis House, and hnvo put it in FIRST-C'LASS Slintio for tlio Accomniodation ol tlio Traveling Public. In the Southwest. When In the City VTNITA. ST. LOUIS TJ3STX03ST 8TOOK St. Louis, Mo. The Only Wholesale Yards in Bt. Louis Acccssiblo by and Watorl 1, Krcry railroad entering tft. Louis is directly tributary to these yards. TeJtns slilDDcrs nte informed thut ronnertlon with tlipffe ynrds from the Iron Mountain Southern railroad can lie nimlo without cost niiil with much less shrinkage tliiiu to any other. 3. These yards have thn peculiar ad vantage of behiK located ou the St. Louis sdlo of tlio river, from which fivo hundred thousand pcoplo draw their provision supply. J. Kvery pnekin; house in St. Louts has a reattlur buyer stntlo.ied hunt, Buyers of cattle, hogs und slircp, both for the homo luarlccl und eastern ship ment, are ut nil times repruhentod. 5. lor comfort nnd convenience theso vnrds hnvo no superior iu tlio country. Two linoj of street cars approach heroi Hotel, telccrapli olllces and other con veniences for stockmen on the premises ESTILL JicllKNUY. W. A, BAMSAY, Hccreturj1 and Trc President. usurer. i OBliMlial NnrSBliBS '1FJ .'. V nft.. ?.. tm .. It-. .11 W&Lfk i-i . puis a ibviaii, fiir ami alt vailetlr of :.irti ry guck,liotli Im iirlMl nnd imIItc, t- r.flrtfla'M 'XB&.'t'J V-f liclillv ip-hi! it i.n.r. y an mo new ami FtrdMntr rit of ratru ami Hettcru origin. eir!'i.r Ukcot fnr NarapiTinni'a I'rlnttne, I.a Lr ottr'.('lrruliira lllai k Inlrr-, Ciiuir.K'tr, '! r na til AKCIiU.ttA V:'ttr"i,rruitainlKInrrrittir, ami all ilurtl iultiiritlrniillia ln,airlrtrU'. AUowliule ir lor lull of 1V.1. tin () irirul, IV-Mlnt'ton, I'leiitl". tiii-l 'O(illurultli.ii(-M'iliolrclcil lir. Agi-nu a'raya il il Wrltn fur tfrnn. S. V. VALMLMt, Kantu City, Mo. PATENTS MUNN A CO., of thn BfinmrwAKmicAW. n. tlnua ut H u Sallcltiiri fur I'Monta, CaTniu, Trvt Mir. OiPTrliibta. for ib United Hum, dinad. ICnalaod, rnuiM, Uarmanr. cla. liana llook abuut I'.ienti wnt five. Tbtrtr-M-TMi trora' up rlraco, lHtonUnbUlnM thmaah It UN N A to. amnotlcwt lnlnaklill1ll Auaraimau - l...a a, . wtatlrrtrcuUttHl nctnotlflaiP4ir. liru ilr. FplcnJid enirralnra aitd tntrftl H Die n aid nirrmlnir anil lnlr-attti in. m tMr. ormstlon. Ppcimn copy of ilm KffMtlie Amfrm cutt ttnl frr. Ad-lrg MIT.1X A CO , b( iCNTino AUCK10 IN ORtoc, 30) Ilnuidiriir, how Turk. j CIL8. IIUBEIt, President. PAUL Vice-Pres, w& 7 fin f-K $M -3iioPKix:ToriQ or tiss-- SENECA ROLLER MILLS, 23lSnEIOA., 3ST2Z3 U"0?OSJ Co., IVSCO. Highest cash price paid for ALL 0 HADES of WHEAT. Orders for FLOUR, BRAN and SHIPSTUFFS promptly nttomled to I-Iiibcr iMilling Co. Soncca; Mo. CJ M. Keys & Co. -LIVESTOCK Commission anil Forwarding Merchants. Oincc Nos. arid 10 Kxcuanjjo lltilldlng ST. LOUIS NATIONAL STOOK YAIIDS. ST. CLAIR COUNTY, ILLS. 1-21 Keens constantly on hand nil kind of Lumber, Lath, Shinglcs.Doorg.Sash, Blinds 1 qPJEgCEi TlQ'lk&ttJEZ-JEZJk&j&JSI LuaJ IF YOU;WANT TO BUY Jjninhov OI-IIOAV OIVE HiM A' CALL TC5 aWW riHHk TturiK. store. Isct as good tables as ntiy House Meals to Citizens, 5 Cents. Stop at The 'Frisco! IMP TEl. BIG C3-- Pryor's Creek, We are now carrying one the largest stocks of Consisting of dry shoes, groceries, harness, saddles, &c., &c, ever -brought to the Territory which we are selling at the very lowest possible profit. OiUL ViSTD EXAMINE OIJK STOClf ,OF 'GOODS Will pay tlio highest market price for Produoe In Exchange for goo. P. O., Choteau, WACK, it Trcas, JAS. IlUDEIt. Supt. & Scc'y, JOHN BULLETTE, I'eulrr In Dry G-oo.ds, Groooi-ios And everything usually kopt in a well assorted itoro. I sell low as the lowest for cash. Call and see me and prlee my goods, CIA.HJMOH3i, I.T. 1-4 Lime, Hair, Plaster Paris Will furnish odd size) oft Door, Hash ami Blinds as Cheap ns anyboby. Oflico and Yard Opposlto National Hotel, Chotopa, Kansae, TDm "V7" GENERAL MEEOMANBISE- Oownla, - . Tnd.Te Will sell goods as any house in the Territory, Call and Examine my Stock. Mitchell, Racine, . (-- x a x c PIECES 3?X"Z,l03Ea:E3I aBHMMHIHBMk-VL 1"" w cmcaMvCwv Fan li Sjrii lap. BARGAINS -AT- 02r- Four Miles East of Ohoteau, GENERAL MERCHANDISE! goods, clothing, Gr 3E3C. XISS-VXaai. - - " - . Ind. Ter Missouri Pacific RAILWAY L V STXtx St. TjOXiAsm. 2 TRAINS DAILY! Fullmnn Palace Hotel Oars through to St. Louis, via Sedalia, daily, Direct Ilouto M'uBt and Southwest .Via KANSAS OITY. At Kansas City Union Dopot pit a au ngerts for Kansas, Colorado, Kow .Mexi co nnd California connect with Ex press Trains of nil linea. At Atchison, Connection is mado with Ex press Trains for all points in Kan sna and Nebraska. At Omaha Connection Is mado with all lines load- ng to tho North and West. Superior AtcomtnortuttQnt I tO-FAST TUIE P. P. rUANliLKK, flen'l iWf.tfWH. V, II. hINNA.V, Ass't Oeu'l 1'nm'r A'l. ". j.H tt &L;irT is- for Cash, as cheap Lewis & Co - - Wis r ton it r. ns o : hats, caps, ttoots, W. K. UALSELIj, Poat-o'HQO, Vlnlta, I Various l-nr inarcs and old brauds Itancli. mi Ulril Creek, etiht tnllf north of Tulsa, I.-JV ft Arthur Dogf, P 0,, CC lev. Kanif on Walfw:i, ) mlUs Mifth nf Ccffeyftuu. Ks I'ttrw Far ,Sle. Thlrty-fivo ncro.i in cultivation Good rango for at ;ck, Oorwl bsr ing orchn.nL Apply to oi4 mldrtMi J. V. Crutchfigld, 3 16 Ciitwwi, L T. -MJM I ' faaakSaaV f S I iHaSaL ' f? XSSaatSafcaT"" 4aaLHaV i t i SaSaSaBai ' rl aSaaSaaaW- faan ST 'aaBHffllHBalHw ' iaVkflalaaE'iVaak. """.. Stt WsSBsBBBSbK ' J3L ' t Vinita, Sept. 20, 188' G.II. Warren U-m purcuud Ui Grand River Mills, wouthof PrV or's crtH)k, hi id rqut trw sw patrwaw s Kivcn Ut Mt preilfen. aor. Tho mill will bo ftn under" tlio same uiitujjviuoi ,ni hv the mo nullev aa bolon- -TiiCM. wrigt. Addrs!, 2ll. Chhtemi, f. T a v.;ii. ri-iriViiKKAHeut t V