OCR Interpretation

Indian chieftain. [volume] (Vinita, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 1882-1902, December 28, 1883, Image 1

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

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Dcvoicil to tlio Interests of the Cherokee, hnetn.vs, ClileUiitinvg, Scntlimlcs, Creek., iiml nil Other Indians of tho Iiulliui Territory.
iSw? itAm Ntmr nmf .
' '
(,'lcnncil Uv Telegraph iml ainli
' lit tho Senate, on tlio 18th, Mr. Harrison
introduced a Wil provliltnir n civil government
tor Alk- "r- Vnn Wcko olTrrl n rcsolu
lion, which was oirrccil lo, ciiIIIiik on tho Scc
rklarrofthe Interior for copies ntthotnort
itiktos Rircti by tho Testis J'nclHo Hallway
(vrnpany on lamls granted by tlio net of
L MsrcliMSTItalso to Inform thoPcnato of tho
names of rallroivlcnriorntlnnsclalmliijr lands
not earned during tho llfctlrao of the grant,
toirethf r with tho number of norm i-lalmrsl by
Mich. At tho expiration of tho morning hour
IheSenato proecetleil to tho clcctlorvor m
rer. General Anson McCook was chosen Sec
retarr, and tho balanco of tho llrpntillrnn
nominees eloctcd. ThnScmito wont Into ox
rcutlvo s,.slon. and when tho lnorancrr.ro.
opened ont Into t'ommlttoo of tho Whole for
thopjrpo'oof rontlnulnir tho catislilcr.'itliin
of tho rules. Ponding- consideration of tho
rules tho Senate adjourned.. . . Tho Houso was
not In tcsslon.
l.t tho Renato,tho lOth.tho bill adapting the
1 new standard tlmo to tho District of Columbia
passed. Tho Senate then resumed ronsldera
ilon of unfinished business In recant tu rules.
Altera lengthy discussion the Sei.cf j took up
tho Houso T-osolllMons rorn holiday recess end
amended It to read from Monday, Doco-nlM r
M, to Monday, January 7. As amended nu -cod
to, and returned to tho House. After ic-cu-live
session, adjourned In the Houso, Mr.
Scales tirvtontoil tho ccrtltlcutr of election of
Mr Skinner, rciirci-ontatlvi-clect of tl.i Klrst
IHstrln' of North Carolina. Thin leil to a
leng-thy discussion, non-partlzan In Its char
iioter, the question opened being thntoftho
leirallty of an election for a vacancy under
the new apportionment. Finally n resolution
of Mr. lllscock was agro-d to that Mr, Skinner
Ia sworn In and thorefereiicoof thnmaln tea
lurea of tho cane to tho ttimmltto of lllcctlnns,
with Instructions to report quickly. A re
port by Mr. lllackbiirn for tho creation of
ii number of committee, enllod forth an
nmrmlmrnt by Mr. Hoed for the creation of a
t'ommlttco on tho Alenhollo I.hmor Tntfllc.
which brought nn a debute In which Mr. Vanco
In reply lo thoso who opposes! It said tho oh-
lectof such a committee onlr Innkrvl m vet.
tin Information upon a subject of Intercut to
every human lielnir on tho continent. The
sentiment of tho people should lio respected
by this Congress, to know tho facta about in
temperance, which wrecked bo many house
holds or tho land. Ho hoped that thorcprc
rcntatlvcs of tho peoplo would accord the
Mends of humanity, Justice, mercy hiiiI happy
homes tho right to lx- heard, and extend to
tho peoplo an opportunity to gather Informa
tion on a aomoet or audi tromcndouii Impor
tance. It did not follow necessarily that thero
would bp n Prohibitory law. After further
debatQ (ho motion to creato tho commlttco
prevailed. Mr. Calkins offered n resolution,
which was adopted, calling on tho Secretary
of Stato for all communications, documents
T.nd papers In Ml possession rclatlne to tho
trial, conlctlon uu.l execution of tho late
ratrlckll'Donnotl by tho Ilrltlshtlnvernmeiit.
Thericnatn amendment for a holiday recess
irssntrced. Adjourned.
S Is the Senate, the 20th, Mr. Cullom Intro
duced a bill to establish a bonnl of Itallroad
Coramlsslonera and reirulate Intcr-BtaloCom
mercc. lr. Van Wjrck'a resolution reirardlnir
lands Erantod to railroads was taken up, dis
cussed, amended and adoptel. Tho Henato
eoncurreilln the joint resolution of tho Ilonso
relallnR to the celebration of tho eentennary
(it the surrender by Washington or his com
mission (is Coininander-tn-t'hlef of tho patriot
. rorcesof America. Aujourncd till Mnmlny.
A lonu dlsciisslon sprnnir up In tho Houso
orerthorKSolutlon offered by Mr. (leddesto
irrantn month's cxt.-a pay to dlscharKed em
plojes. further discussion was had on tho
ce ' j of new cmnmlttees, when tho House
s-ijuurncd until Monday.
Tnx rrcslJeut baa sont to tho Bcnato a
lommanlcntlou from tho Commissioner of
Indian AITalrs, aottlnr; forth Ihu necessity
of a ilcdclcnc'y ijpproprlatlon of $18,00 1 for
turplieii for tbo remainder of tho flseul
year for tlio Crow Indians. Tho Commis
sioner stated that thero were now nt the
Crow Agency 3,22(1 Indians, who requro
subsistence to koop them from starving.
Tub bill Introduced by Sonator Cullom to
establish a Hoard of itallroad Commission
ers to rcgulato Intcr-Htnto Commerce, pro
vides for tho nppolntmont of n board of
(lva Commissioners who shall exercise
supervision over tho Inter-State commerce
of railroads and other transportation com
panies, and luvcxtlgato nil complaints
made by Itallroad Commissioner!! of titntes
and others of discrimination In charges.
A mk'tmo of tho bar was held In the
Rupremn Court ro'iin ut Washington, on
the 21st, to take 'appropriate action In
respect to the death of Judr, Jeremiah
Mack. Senator Edmunds presided. I!uIo
Blstio addresses wore delivered by Morrlck,
Ornery, Asliton and Y. II. Smith, and
Senators Bayard, Vanco and Onrlaud, and
llepresontatlvo Hopkins. Approprlato
resolutions were adopted.
TiuOrandJury of tho District of Co
lumbia recontly Indicted a number of pen
sion attorneys, charged with using the
mails for fraudulent purposes.
This Treasury roccntly luircbnsod 400,000
ounces of sllvor for lollvory at tho Phila
delphia and New Orleans mints.
Sevxiul weeks ago tlio Commissioner of
the Iutarnnl Revenue Bureau turned ovor
to the Fifth Audltornbout fortv-clght thou
sand claims for robato on tobacco. These
claims repiesent that number of retail to
bacco dealers who elalnt a rebate, and it is
tho desire of Tlftli Auditor Atcxander to
Ret them settled ami ready for the First
Comptroller before an appropriation is
passed by Con,ff..ss.
l! a rocenttnUi'viow, ex-Senator Bponcor
stated to a Washington correspondent
that tho Invostlgatloifnf the afar-route
trials by Congress would bo urged, IjIi
object being to learn why aomo persons
werotrlod and others woro not, and why so
much money wna paidlthe Hovcrnment at
torneys. Doraoy wn but small fry In tho
star-routa eases; thero wjfro Western men
deeper in th'nn lie
JuuaE Wtmb discharged cx-Benator
Bpencer, arraigned at Washington for con
tempt, owing to an informality of tho tub
poena. Till! I! A ST.
Ami). IIakkr recently, received a life
sentence at Ilrockton, Mass., for wife
Jams Wbavbh, a laborer, aged sixty
years, employed nt Ilussey, Howe & Co.'s
steel works, at l'lttsburgh, l'u., while re
cently passing through the machinery de
partment, was enn-ht in the belting and
drawn Into the miibiliery. llcfore he could
to extricated ho wus torn limb from limb
nd portions of bit iiody scattered n dls
ance of one hundred foot.
Tub Western "N(ill Association met ro
wntlyat l'ittsbhrgh, l'n.,and decided to
close down from Derenilwr i!9 to February
U. Tho meeting win one of the largest
ever held, every mill of the West being
represented by person or by letter. Tho
stoppage was for the purpoeo of restricting
the production. This actiou will throw
sveral thousand men out of cmploypumt
Tbs employes were sold to bo very de
spondent, having already lost nearly four
months this year by a similar suspension.
Oeorob I, Oiurr, formerly cashier of
the Wall Street National Ilank, of New
York, Indicted for certifying to checks of
Cecil Ward IS Co., when they had no funds
lo bank, pleaded guilty In tho United
Btates Circuit Court, and waa remanded
for sentence,
Iltv. William David Walkib was re
cently consecrated Missionary Bishop of
North Dakota. The ceremonlea took place
In New York.
The east wine of the Lunatic Asylum on
Ward' Island (N. V.) waa recently
burned. Loss $25,000, Thero wero over
twelve hundred male patients In the build,
tng. Tfcs flri caused great excitement
mone them, biri all were removed to
places of safety,
J Thb rhlladolphla & Reading Coal and
Iron Company gave notice that their mill
would ihutdfevB January 1. Three hundred
wsn would be thrown1 ut of employment.
Thb Titus villo, Shamokic & Shenandoah
Districts, of Pennsylvania, mined In Nc
rwober 1,00,MI ten? of nnthruclte coal, In
the production of whlchflftecn miners were
killed and thirty-four severely Injured,
mainly Inexperienced Poles and Hurga
rians.T IdLLiit Sinnott, daughter of n wealthy
liquor dealer, of New York City, was prob
ably fatally shot recently by Harah Clan
coy, n servant of tho family. LHIIo went
to tho kitchen to attend to some household
duty when tho shooting occurred, It was
thought, accidentally.
Canes, Superintendent of Schools nt
Canton, It. I., and Joseph .Morton were
killed by n snow plow on tho Boston &
I rovldenco Railroad tho other morning.
A HLKiniu.vi party, numbering fifteen
persons, went over nn embankment at Mill
Village, Fa., recontly, and James Krouch,
Charles Iinshwaler, Mary Kuttcr, Caroline
urecn and Mary Hesilcr were seriously
Tlllt WKST.
Nkau Paris, 111., tho other day, Sanford
Norris, with other boys, arranged a practi
cal Vke by hiving hi, two brothers, Tod
-" . 3iio, Vinton Orlffln and Ben Mc-
U iillr teal some apples. Sanford Nor
iisniidotucr boya wero to be concealed,
and, nt tho proper time, flro n gun In tho
air. By almost criminal fatality, tho gun
was pointed directly nt tho boys, who were
close togcthor. Tod Norris was perforated
with shot and died toon after. Orlando
Norris was seriously Injured, as was (Irirtln
and McLaughlin. It was thought Urllun
would die.
Mn. Keifeii, of Ohio, was recently In
structed to report a resolution to the House,
without recommondlng ndoptlon, for the
appointment of n committee of nlno on
Woman Suffrage.
A DAM.vn safe burglary was committed
at Denver tho other night and the safe of a
business houso was robbed of about five
hundred dollars. Tho burglars cracked the
safe in a lighted room, where their work
could have been overlooked from the street,
nml that, too, within forty feet of tho office
of the Chief of Police.
BunaXAn recently entered the residence
of K. J. Jlopplns, Deputy Collector of In
ternal Revenue, nt Grand Rapids, Mich.,
and stolo Jt,300 In money, which ho bad
takon homo to pay on obligation, and a sil
ver watch.
Mni. Ann (Iooduax was found dead In
her bed at Dubuque, iowa, the other morn
ingthe resull of exposure and tho want of
proper treatment. Bho was the daughter
of an Irish peer, and ber husband claims to
be the ton of an Irish nobleman, and, It Is
raid, was worth about $100,000 when mar
tlod, six years ago. But misfortune, as
sisted by drink, overtook him, and he and
his wife and little daughter were roduccd
to lieggary.
While Walter Bratt, of Potior County,
Mlcb., was drunk and abusing1 his wife,
recently, he was killed by Dayton Clark,
his wife's brother.
Fiiank Jam eh, who was recently taken
to Unllatlii, Mo., was subsequently turned1
ovor to his Jackson County suretlos.
Mrs. Captain Euoe, an aged Oerman
lady, recently dropped dead In her yjjird at
Lexington, Mo.
Howard Duciikmin, of Cincinnati, aged
twenty-one, recently stabbed his wife aged
eighteen. She would probably die. They
had been married only three month'.
A VEIiV destructive wind storm wept
over Liramlo County, Colo., recently. Tho
damage at Fort Collins w as fully $10,030.
Mrs. Fred. Schwartz ond her child wero
burled beneath n falling building and
probably fatally hurt.
Adam Hill and Oeorgo Bnydor, young
men, wero killed the other night at a dance
six miles from Winchester, III. Their as
sailants wero Charles and John Sutton,
brothers, who went to tho dance nrmed
with tho avowed purpose of having n fight.
A recent Are at Btowarttvllle, Mo., de
stroyed eight business houses, Including
tho lmhptndtnt ofllco. Loss, $30,000.
A rABNENOEH train on tho Chicago, Bur
lington & Qulncy Railroad ran Into the
rear end of another train at Gladstone, III.,
the other morning, telescoping a Pullman
car, which ignited and was completely de
stroyed. Richard Somen, Superintendent
of tbo Dining Car Service, was Instantly
killed nml bis body burned almost beyond
recognition. Sir other passengers were
more or less Injured, but none probably
fatally. Tw coaches wero consumed.
Loss about $50,000.
Br a recent accident on tbo Burlington &
Southwestern Railroad near Fannington,
Mo), thoenglnetr was fatally Injured and
tercral passengers hurt.
I'ltor. A- J. Mannett, of Marietta, Ohio,
was recently ulected Chancellor of Iho
Nebraska State University, which has Ikcu
without a bead for two years.
RrcENTLT Mary Kofford called on Dr.
Rose, a prominent dentist of Leadvllle,
Colo., and mado the startling request that
ho furnish hor with poison which could not
bo detected by an autopsy. She onTered
him $M) compensation, and rcluctant'y ad
mitted that sho wished to get rid of her
husband, Hans Kofford, that hor hus
band's brother, of whom sho wan enam
ored, and herself might together enjoy nn
Insurance of P,.VX) which her husband car
lied. Af,er making an appointment to
moot both nt his ofllce, tho doctor arranged
with tho pollco to lio present, but concealed,
at the Interview. The whole diabolical plan
was mado known. They wero Immediately
arrested nml Jailed. The parties aro nil
Danish. The youngest brother Is sixty
years old and the woman thirty-five.
A number, of prominent citizens of Bt,
Loult hold a moetlng tho other night ami
took preliminary stops to obtain tho hold
ing of tho next Democratic National Con
vention In that city. The Chairman wat
authorized to appoint an executive commit
teoof thirteen, who shall havo charge of
tho matter.
.A LARfJE meeting of Democrats and Re
publicans wot held recently at Bolt Lake
City for tho purposes of indorsing Presl
dent'Arthur's recommendation of a Legis
lative Council for Utah; also for the pur
pota of endorsing dovernor Murray's stand
for laws for good government. The meeting
wat addressed by leading men, and strong
resolutions passed. The country wat ap
pealed to to sustain the President and tho
Oovernor, and Congress was earnestly
asked to pass the laws recommended by
the President.
Ex-Governor Lowe, of Iowa, died nt
Washington on the 22d.
The heaviest snow ttorm for years oc
curred In Central Illlnolt on the 23d.
A greciAL stated that Jack Meyer Md
rediscovered the bed of tbo Lost Cabin
Mine In Montana, which It Immensely rich.
It Is located neactbe head water of the
Dig Horn River, Tblt It n mine which
three old tlmert discovered In early Terri
torial times, two of whom were murdered
by tho Indians and the turvivor became In
sane ami could never trace their trail.
A RECENT tnow-tllde si the Vlrglnlus
Mine, In Ouray County, Colo., struck a
boarding bouse In which wero eleven mln
ert, burying the men over twenty feet. Six
wera killed and the five othert tupposed to
be fatally Injured. All bad families.
IS the Federal Court at Chicago, the
other day, Judgo BloJgett sentenced each
of tbo lottery agontt tried before him to
pay a fine of $300 for using the mallt for
lottery business.
TH negro "Big Ike," who, while attempt
ing o burglarizs the Bank of Durango,
Colo., recently, and thot Bruce Hunt, soa
of ex-Governor Hunt, died at Denver the
other night from Injuries purposely indict
ed on himself In Jumping headlong from a
forty-three foot embankment, to avoid
being captured alive. Just lieforo Jylng
he mado n confession Implicating four
others. All are under arrest.
Arthur J. Jennincis, bookkeeper for
William P. Howard & Co., commission
merchants, of Ht. Louis, wat arrested re
contly charged with emlietrllng $?.000 from
his employers. Ho was released on bond,
and said ho would explain matters satisfac
torily. Last August William II. Conklln went
to Omaha, bought sovernl acres of ground
for a residence, and nt once commenced the
erection of a fine house. Ho was largely
engaged In the treo business in Minnesota,
and teemed to be a man of means. During
tho erection of his house bo paid flying
visits to Omaha. Bovcral weeks ago ho
went to attend tho finishing of his house
and arrange for tho removal of his family.
Ho fell In with bad company, commenced
drinking nnddlod before bis family reached
their now home.
this south.'
In Morgan County, Ky recently, two
brothers named Debusk, while working In a
field, liecame involved In n dispute, when
tho eldest, aged fourteen, thot hit brother,
killing him Instantly.
The Louisiana Democratic Convention
ro-nomlnatod McEnery for Governor.
At Atlanta, Ga., Judge McCoy recently
refused a new trial in tho Banks County
KuMux case. Five prisoners, Jnsper Gar
brough, James Garbrough, Bold Emery,
Stato Lemons and Lcvlck Streetman,
stated In open court-that they wero guilty,
but E. II. Green and Detmus Onrbrd'ugh.
pleaded not guilty. They were sentenced
to five years' Imprisonment nnd to pay
$"00 fino each.
Thomas Bukord, who In 1ST9 kllM
Judgo Elliott, of tho Kentucky Court of
Appeals, and was tout to tho Lunntic Asy
lum from which ho escaped to Indiana, has
returned to Henry County, Ky nml la
sold to havo threatened other members
of tho Court. Ho It In n desporato con
dition and asserts that the Judges who
decided tbo caso against him bnvo tome of
bis money. Tho Judges were uneasy.
Jim Georok, colored, residing fivo miles
from Clinton, La., recently returned homo
and found his daughter, nged seventeen,
dead, and another woman fatally wounded.
Tho latter boa tlnco died. Tho cri.1.0 was
committed by n man who called at tho
house, found the womon In bed and shot
thorn both. Suspicions were strong against
a negro man, who wat arrested.
A lone horseman recently attacked tho
stage, six miles south of Cisco, Tex., and
rllKl tho mall bags, Tha tame ttago was
robbed 111 tbo tamo locality a few montht
A rtrxK.iT flro In the three warehouses of
I ho Bnltlmore (Md.) Warehouse Company
destroyed ono warehouse and badly
scorched tho other two. About two thou
sand bales of cotton nnd other goods were
destroyed. l.om, $75,000; fully Insured.
Three firemen wero severely Injured.
Paplo Quintana, Mayor of Now Laredo,
Mexico, hat been nrrettod by n detach
ment of tho Fourth Mexican Cavalry, on
the ehargo of instigating tho recent train
robbery on the Mexican National Railway.
It was reported tho Chinese forces wero
concentrated at Hung Hoa, twenty miles
nbovo Sontay on tho Rod Rive., and tt Bao
A great ttorm recently caused much
damage to houses In the town of Abada
(Turkey). Six large tbipt ami fifteen
coasting veasola v, ere lost nnd the crews
Five of tho "dynamiters" wero recently
sentenced to llfo Imprisonment at Edln
burg, Scotland.
The French are reported as linvlnr can-
tured the principal outposts of Bontuy, em-,
i.r.M..n n urnni.tnrna..t .iil.
"""-(Sj lillvlini-lirKlllltt UIHriH
Tlio Chinese trade n stubborn resistance
The Frcneli lost wat two hundred men and
fifteen oflleen killed nml wounded. The
Chinese still held tho fortress of Sontay.
The Mexicans are making waron nickels.
Recently a rofusal to accept them fei the
market at tho City of Mexico caused quar-'
rcls, resulting In firing nnd cries of "Down
with the nickel." Tho panio spread nnd
nil butlnett houses were closed. A mob
passed through the streets breaking lamps
and windows. Troops fired blank car
trldgos at tho mob and ravalryrbarged
the crowd, and order was finally restored
without bloodbhod.
Speaker Carlisle announced tho Stand
lngCommlttcos of tho House on tho -Ith,
Tho cha'lrmonoro; EloctIons,Turnor,(Ga.);
Ways and Means, Morrison, (111.); Ap
propriations, Randall; Judiciary, Tucker;
Banking nnd Cur.'-Micy, Bucknor; Coinage,
Weights and Measures, Bland; Commerce,
Reagan; Rivers and Harbors, Willis;
Agriculture, Hatch (Mo.); Foreign Affairs,
Curtlu; Military Affairs, Rosecrans; Navl
Affairs, Cox (N. Y.); Post-olllco and Pes'.
Rands, Monoy; Hallways and Canals,
Davidson; Publlo Lands, Cobb; Indian
AITalrs, Wellbourn; Territories, Evans (S.
C), Manufactures, Bngley; Minos and
Mining, Warner (Tenn,); Levees and Im
provements of tho Mississippi, King; Mi
litia, Miller (N. Y,); Claims, McMillan;
War Claims, Oeddns; Rcvltion of Lawt,
Oatet; Publlo Buildings and Grounds,
Stockslagcr; Paclflo Railroads, Casslday;
Expopdlturcs, War Department, Thoin
ton; Expenditures, Navy Department,
Morse; Expenditures, Department of
Justice, Sprliigorj Expenditures, Pub
llo Buildings, Belmont; Expenditures,
Post-ofllce Deportment, Morgan; expendi
tures, Interior Department Young; Patents,
Vanco, Education, Aiken; Invalid Pen
tlont, Mai ton; Pensions, Hewitt, (Ala.)!
Expenditures, State Department, Horde
mon; Expenditures, Treasury Department,
Davis, (Mo.); Labor, Hopkins; District of
Columbia, Barbour; Prlvato Land Claims,
Meldrow; Publlo Health, Beach; Ventila
tion and Accoustlrt, Hurd; Enrolled Bills,
Neece. Select Commlttles Reform of
Clvil-Bervlce, Mutchler; Publlo Liquor
Trade, Hill; American Bblp Building etc.,
Stocum; Law Respecting Election of Presi
dent and Vice-President, Eaton; Payment
of Pensions, Bounties etc., Warner, (O.);
Joint Committee on Printing, KCalos;
Library, Singleton.
IlENnrDcoTEX, of Philadelphia, recently
attempted tolrtlt bit wife and father-in-law
and then cut hit Own throat.
The extensive broom factory and ware
house of the Samuel Cupplea Woodenware
Company of St. Louis burned thn night be
fore Christmas; lost, $120,000. The Butcli
Wine Company building was also burnedf
los.on building, $70,000; stock, $150,000.
An explosion In the Butch building shat
tered tho walls, and In their fall they cov
ered John Conway and Michael Kchoo
In the debris, killing them and more or lest
injuring Con Gallagher, Patrick Powers,
F. M. Williams, John liar ley, all members
of tho salvage corps who were spreading
tarpaulins when tha wall fell.
A rASSENOxn train on the Louisville,
New Albany- & Chicago Railroad recently
went through a culvert near Salem, Ind,
Three persons were killed and seven or
eight badly injured.
Both Houiet of Congress met on tbelMth
but no butlnett wat transacted.
The Mntennd Tedcm! Contest for the Tot.
stsslnn of M.-,i,nrl' N'olnl llnndll, l'rnnk
Jnuifs (lotertior Crittenden Asserts tli
Itlgbt it (he nintn In Hold the Outlaw
reudlnf Trial otCnsrs Atieady In Court.
Kansas Citt, Mo., Dec. 21.
Frank James arrived this morning on a
Rock Island train In ehargo of Sherilf Cra
zier, of Gallatin. His arrival was antici
pated and a crowd gathered at tho depot to
greet blin. The bandit evaded them, how
ever, by leaving the train at tho bridgo de
pot. More than tho ordinary interest was
attached to tho nppcarnncoof Frank James
to-day In view of what recently transpired
at Gallatin when United States Marsha)
McOee sought to havo tho prisoner turned
over to him. Ids well known that James
Is badly wanted by tho Government au
thorities for tho part bo Is said to havo t
ken In tho Mussel Shoals robUry, for which
Dick Lldilel was recently tried boforo nn
Alabama court. A warrant for Ids arrest
bar been In tho hands of Marshal McOee
for a long time, but every cfToit ho has
mndo to secure tho I audit's arrest has been
foiled by tho State authorities, who had a
prior claim on tho prisoner. When half of
Crackor't Neck recently appeared In this
city to go on James' bond another effort
was mndo to arrest htm for the Alabama
crime; but tho Gallatin authorities stepped
In and tho prisoner was turned over to
them. When ho was released on bail nt
that city tho Sheriff refused to turn him
over to the United States officers, claiming
that he was the property of bis bailors,
nnd they could dlsposo ot him as they taw
This morning when the Rock Island train
pulled Into the Union depot a Deputy Mar
shal stood rendy to arrest the noted prison
er, and was unnblo to find him. Learning
the Sheriff and hit ehargo had left tho train
nl tbo bridge, ho stalled In search but
failed to find them: In fact, no trace what
ever could Ira found that would tend to lo
cate the budly wanted outlaw. It was
learned after dil(gent search that James,
n arriving here, was turned over to his
bondsmen and started for Independence,
Ijiter In the day James, with ten of lilt
bondsmen, droo to this city In carriages
nnd they surrendered him tn United State
Marshal McOee. for the Mussel Shoals,
Ala., robbery. He was nrralgned at one
bt-iuie Unlied Slates Commissioner Wat
ton, who llxed ball nt $.1,000 for his appear
ance, for preliminary examination to-morrow.
Jnmca' friends furnished his ball nt
oiu-p and he wnlked out of the court-room n
freo mnn nml soon nfterwnrd departed for
his father-in-law's, Colonel cam II. Ralston,
near Independence.
JcriKiiHo.N Cur, Deo. 21
In view of the statements In a Kansat
City paper yesterday that tho Circuit Court
of Daviess County bad ordcre l'the surren
der of Frnnk James to his sureties In Jack
ton County, and that an attempt had been
made by United States Marshal Joseph II.
McGce, to obtain imtsesslnn of Frank
'James under a United States warrant to
answer tbo ehargo of tho Mussel Shoals
robbery In 1870, Oqvernor Crittenden this
morning tent tho following telegram to
United btates Senator Vest at Washington
.TLrTEHSON CiTr, Mo Deo. 21, If SL
Vim, fiavji 0. Vat, V. S. Stnale, Watli v' n,
1). C;
United ftates Marshal Mcflee It endnavor
Inir to i emnve Frank Junius f lorn Jur t llcllon
of Mls'ourl courts. Hn It tn cusfodof his
tinni'smcn (onfer with tho authorities at
Washington ntonco. Missouri will not yield
Jitrlsd'ctlon until nil charges hero aro dl
io'cdof. Answor,
Tlio Governor as yot has received no ofll
clal Information regarding the demiind of
tho United States, but desires to anticipate
nnd avert any proceodlng of that character
If possible Tho Governor nlto addressed
tho following letter to the Shurlir ot Da.
vless Co.inty, which embodies to tomo ox
tent His Excellency's views In tho matter
of the oxtrndltlou of Frank James:
G. K. Crwfcr, Sheriff uf Dnrfest Oiunfv.'
Sin I commend your to-idiict in refusing;
to surrendor Irank James to J. II.Mclloo,
I'nlttd Htuii-s Marshal for tho Western Dis
trict of Missouri. As lonir us thero aro any
c Iniimil chi.rjfcs pending against him In Hits
btutobo stuiul't nit bo removed to another
Jurisdiction. Tho Jurisdiction or tho rjlnte
courts having- tlrst uttnthod, ukii principal
W. Pvdcral itirlaioiliia Intorrrvs.
lours, truly, mot. 1 Chittes
mi jurisuiiiioii m mi iu u oiujtuicxi noioru
In addition to the foregdlng the Governor
'going t
tor Vest which fully embodios tlio view His
Excellency takes of tho proposed arrosti
CiTV or JKtTEiuuix, Dec. 21, lftSI.
lion. Gtnme ). Vut, L'nKrd Sutff stnntor,
,,'.,. .,......... ti i
,. tHVtM.yUlt, .'. V.
Dear Hut You are nwaro ot tho fact that
thero are sovcrol indictments for felony nxUt-
Inir tn nun or more counties In this 1 ito.
airulnst Frank James, upon ono of 'Which ho
was recently balled. At this tlmo an Indict
ment Is rcnillnir ii lrulnsthloi In Dullest County
for murder, ami ono In Jackson County tor
robbory. Ills ball In Jackson County was
fixed by the Juduoof tho Criminal loiirt ut
KJ.iui, which was roadiiy jhfti by satls'actory
bailors. I understand thutunlndlitmontox
1st airulnst lilm In tho 1'udurul l ourt ut lliinu
villo, Ala., clmrKlnir him with complloity In
tho roblMry of u 1 nltcd flutes puymniicrut
Musel Shoals, In that blab). An eUortwas
mad j on tho mill of this month by J. H. Mcdeo
United States Maishalfortho Western Dhtrlct
of Missouri, to folio him Ukiii a til las Issiu-d
I rum Iho I'nlled Klaus Court to remoi o hlin to
that Jurisdiction. 1 trust you will utonco con
fer with tho authorities at WusliltiKton and
imo a suspension of that cuplas tint. I ho shall
iavi, answered to the Indictments iiundlmr
I airnliitt hlin In this Stu'o. Tho Jurisdiction of
thnhtato courts biivlnir first nttuihed, upon
princlpa this Jurisdiction should ho
exhausted bufoio tho Federal Juris
diction Interferes wlih him If tiny
! other course tr rccnirnlzcd tho statutes nt
a 8Utto enacted ror tlio protection or Indlild
1 mil rlahls becomo subordinate tn the capitis
I or a distant Federal court. If tbo prisoner Is
seliiil nymo Jinr.imi linn laseu w a remote
Jurisdiction thero would, In all probability, bo
a forleltiiro or his recPRnlranro nnd tnosq
who havo become his turcllet would txi nis'
icMitilblo with nit any faultnpoti tl.olrimrt,
or wilunUry default upon thu part of Iho
prisoner. 1 am not. unmindful or tho rcsponso
veuerully mado to tho uhoro A lews '-It Is
more ointlvo than loirlcal." Inasmuch as Iho
Federal capitis cun bo executed In this Btntn
without a requisition nnd without tho consent
of cither the lUetutlio or Judlrlul depart
mentanr the Siatn (lourntnent. It seems to
incthatn prer oborvano of tho comity
exlsilnir belween the btato and Kiderul (lov
crnment would, under such circumstances us
suriound thu James case, compel thu latter to
uorer Its prosecution until tbo cases iendluir
uirulnsl hlin In this ytate arc disposed or, 'J ha
prnrucutlons In this Stato are bona ado mid
will bo continued with vUor ar.d determina
tion until tho end is reached. If the Attorney
(n.ucii.1 shun not oonsidcr It prud, ut to ad
vise tho withdrawal or the writ, the Meet will
bo to lrtually deny tho rlfhtor ball to a eltl
on or this btato by un act or tho Fitlarul (lov.
eminent, to whom this rlKhl.ls wanted by our
Constitution and to whom It hus been oon
coded by a court hat Inir Jurisdiction of tho
caso. 1 urn sure) ou will fully appreciate tho
linjiortaiHoof the principle herein so ltner
fcclly outlined. Very truly our,
Old Not Know It was I.ouded The Usual
C'AUTrAOK, Mo., Dec, 21.
A serious accident, which may prove fa
tal to oim of the parties Interested, oc
curred In the eastern part of the city thli
morning. The four-year-old daughter ol
C. W. Aull was playing with her twelve
yoarold brother, who was flourishing a
pistol tupposed to ba unloaded, when It win
discharged, the ball striking tho little girl
in tbo back below' the left thouldrr. The
ball It past probing for, and Its exact lo
cality can n t bo ascertained. It is thought
perhaps It ha entered one of the child's
lungs. With proper care the little girl may
get well.
.- i ., a" i
Serious Accident on the O. II. O- Kail,
BunuxOToy, la., Deo. !1.
Passenger train number one of the C, B.
& Q. ran into the rear end of passenger
train number five at Gladstone, 111., list
evening, telescoping tbo Pullman car,
which Ignited and wat completely de
stroyed. Richard Hommeri, superintend
ent ot tbe dining-car service ot the C. tl.
& Q. Railway, of Chicago, wat Instantly
killed and hit body burned almost beyond
recognition. Six other passenger were
more or lest injured, but none probably
f stall v, Two coaches were consumed. The
I... la ntu.1., SSJ1 Vl Tt. ..,.-... ......
bor c, dM not ,M the ro6r fight, o num -
iim, .rt-.v-s. Alia buk ucciui Hum- I .
A F.VTllKUI. nn.ST.
I'rlthtfnl Ksptoslim In. thn llmtre Oil
Works nt I'ltlslxirgli Six Men injured,
Three 1'ntnlty Cause of the Disaster,
PiTTsnuunii, 1'A., Dec t.
At 11 tM o'clock to-day, while a gang of
men In tho employ of tho Etnpiro Oil-works
wero rating tholr dinner In tho bollcr-shod,
a batter' of two boilers exploded with ter
rible force, wrecking tho theds, scattering
bricks, pieces of mnchlnrry, fragments of
tho boilers nnd smok-starkt In all dlieo
lions. Six men were Injured. It Is thought
two nnd perhaps three will die. The names
of tho injured nroi
Samuel Henderson, lioller-makor, nged
twenty-eight years nnd nnrrled; will ro
tover. Wesley Roup, machinist, agotl forty-flvo
years and married; probably fatal.
John Roup, a loy ; will recover.
John Iee, engineer mid tlrcman, aged
forty years; probably fatal. .
Etnll Schmidt, foreman; will recover.
William Fisher, electrician, nged twenty
eight years; recoveiy doubtful.
Tbo works am located on the south side
of tho Allegheny Valley Railroad, 1 etweeii
tho road and Butter street, and about (KK)
yards from tho railroad station nt tho end
of tlio SLarpsburg bridge. They nro owned
by D. P. Relgha d & Co., of this city. Tin
boilers, of which lliero wcio four In tho
shed, wero snld to bo in good condition,
ttAiiig nml not very old. They wero li
censed to carry ninety pounds of ttenm,
but at the tlmo of tho explosion wero enr
rylng lietwemi sixty and seventy pounds,
They wero In charge of John Lee, tho llo
man, who was rogarded ns n careful man
and ono who hinl bad considerable export
euro in Hint line of business.
At the tlmo of the explosion Wesley
Roup, Ids son Johnny nnd Hninuel Heudcr-
sr . ern silting wl'li their backs to ono ol
tl ' ittorlos. Thu slie.l Is small ami built
of much liourds, and Is located nt the edgn
of a steep bank leading to the river, whtU
In front of It Is n tleep ditch between th
sheil and tho railroad track. E. H Jimldt,
the fori limn of tho works, wi standing on
a car plntrorm ncross tho truck, whilo Win.
Fisher and Leo wero standing by tbo doori
ono other mnn bad Just glveu bis seal
nKalnsttlio boiler to Henderson and left
tho shed, when the explosion occurrud
The three, mon ncurest the boilers wers
hurled out with n mass of bricks, planks
ami frnr.ments of Iron, which partially
covored them. Fisher was ttrtick. with fly
Ing bricks and hut nshos, ns was also Loo
A lot of tho debris which was thrown
across tho track struck HclnnUltln thofrce.
A hugo smokestack fell across tha rails two
feet on one tldq ot hlin, whilo n fragment
of tho boiler six fcot long fell not four foot
away on tho other side.
An alarm of flro from box 8.1 was Imme
diately sounded nnd tbo engines weratloon
on the ground. 1 hey wero not much need
ed, and tho fireman nnd the crowd that wns
attracted to tLo placo set to work to rollove
tbo Injured.
Wesley Roup was terribly burned about
thu faco and upper part of tho body nnd
had n largo gash cut In Hi ' left eldo of his
face. It Is thought he will not recover. He
has a largo family.
Johnny Roup was burnod In tin. faco nml
neck, nml was cut In several places by lly
lng bricks, ono gash being In tho side of the
Fisher wns cut In tho forehead nnd In the
bend tu several places, botlde doing Hovero
ly burnod. Ho complains of nn Intense In
tornal pain and Is thought to havo Inhaled
tho escaping steam.
Henderson wns hit with a brick In the
back of thu head and cut badly.
Loo, tho fireman, wus burned seriously;
he was struck with a plea - of Iron, and It
also supposed to havo Inhaled steam.
Schmld', tho foreman, nnd his nose
crushed and his cbcok cut, butwnsnblo to
assist hose who fared worto than ho did.
Tliere would doubtless havo been nn ox
plosion of the socond buttery of boilers and
moru disastrous results bad It not been foi
tho prosencoof mind of nn employe (iimed
Chapman. As soon ns tho uxploslon took
place, nnd while tho fragments wero yet iu
the air, shooting In all directions, Chap
man Jumped upon the adjoining battery ol
boilers md relieved tbo safuty-vulvo of the
pressure iipoult,otherwlto It it not iinprob
nblo that that battery also would have ex
ploded. As usual thero Is n dlfforenco of opinion
ns to tho causo ot tho explosion, but ox
ports generally agreo that iho boilers were
sound and that low wntcr caused the
trouble. Thero Is a dliTerenco Itetwcen Mr.
Relghard and Roller Inspector Fordas to th
tlmo they wero last Inspected. Tho In
spector's books contain no mention of a
later Inspection than January IB31. Mr.
Reigharu asserts that the last Inspection
was less than a year ago. In support ol
tho lowwater theory, It Is stated that por
tions of tbo Iron were, burnt. John Loo, tin
engineer nnd firemen, who would bo re
sponsible In this uTotit, Is too badly Injured
to make a statement. The man who loft
tbo shed lieforo tha explosion occurred
states, however, that about fifteen inlnutei
before tho disaster ho saw Leu run wntai
Into tho bailors.
Shocking FntouC n CaltirtuloM'iier.
(It 011(1 KTOWN, COI.M DcO. IS.
Tito discovery was mado this morning ol
tbe horrible Jeutfi of John K. Kmerson, a
miner on Douglass Mountain. Tha sur
roundings ot the dead body, when found,
showed that tho man bad badthe lower
portion ot bis tiody Imrlod by a cave lu the
tunnel he was drifting, and that, after re
maln'.ug hopelessly pinioned for several
hours by tho rocks, bis iw being horribly
mangled, he bad taken n Jack-knife from
his Docket anil cut bis throat to etnl hi.
misery. Kmerson was an old miner In Mill
section, nml unlvorsnlly known. Ho lofl
town on Saturday morning to work alone
In 1st. tt.i.iii.1 A. l.M .11.1 tint mhtrti tin.it
... .... ........... .. ...s. ..... .v...... .,... which ho buy iJTevenUnl hor iroin rciuni
LHnrMf, I,wfTi.irnn,.,Sit,1f"iK " J I tlmot lercli I Idren. Atbougbthe
look for him. AYItlilii llfteen leet ot tbt , a caug to her to come mid take
entrance to tho tunnel Kmerson was sod tSh . ate mi outl'I'm hurnlng
stniidliig. It was dark In the tunnel and ' u .."oh.UkVtiie out!" she could do noth
tho s-nrchors .lit not notice thu man wai , , ,t"' ,,, ral, ,Ci earning to neigh
dead until thoy touched hlin. They then ft,. ,oU,b kuj alarmed them. A numCer
taw-that his throat was cut, and supposing , ,''.," ' r-thered. when Dyer modt
that n murder bad boen committed has
tencd f'r the Coroner. This ntllclal found
that Kmerson caimi to his death us do
scritiod. Tim body was covered to tho waist
with loose dirt and rocks, which hold hlin
iu his upright position, llui kulfu with
which I o cut his throat mutt have, been In
his breast pocket. Tbo cave in tno tunnel
crushed his legs and pinioned hlin beyond
hope of escape by bis own exertion, llow
long be remained tn that position beiort
t tutting on end to his own tulferings is not
nown, but.it must have bien aiter he had
exhausted bin energy In trying to make
tomo ono hour him. The knlfo was still
clutched In lilt lingers. The number of ugly
gashes In his throat show how persistent It
must have boon In taking hit llfo with the
dull knlfo.
- ,
Keinanea In llenl Mre-Mnrrleil, Divorced
DaltOK, OX., Deo. IS.
On the 10th of April, IS81, Mr. O. W. PaU
ot Murray County, wooeil and won Mlsi
Sallle F, William.', a neighboring country
Inst. For a while lovo reigned supreme In
the home of the newly-wedded pair. Hut
titer a time Jealousy rept tu and tbe bus
band sought releate by a suit for total di
vorce, which wut granted last February.
A few days ago tbe pair met by chance in
a neighbor's house, and agreed It was not
well to follow divergent paths, ulul tbe re
sult was one week's courtship, followed by
a renewal of tbolr marriage vows.
Eating Diseased Jleut,
Dkoatcr, Ala , Deo. is.
An old and well-known mail named Oeo.
Olbson, living near this place, was taken
ud lunly and rlolently HI yesterday. Hit
wife stepped across to a neighbor's' to pro
turthelp, and while there wat ttrlcktn
down In tha tamo tudden and violent man
ner at bad been her husband a short tlmo
before. She wm carried home, and
died last lilght. A colored woman, a near
neighbor to aibton, was attacked In tbe
tame manner and ber life was drtpalred
of. Tbe uelghbora say Uibiou owned a bog
vhlrh wat suffering from cholera, ami
Olbson, for f oar ot losing It. slaughtered the
1 '.
anuevery one. who ate oi mo aninini
Ilenltiie; nt Irlstnnrn nnd Irish Hympa
Ihlrers nl the National Capital Onlnlont
of Congiessmeii llotilnsnn, Cnlklns, rlr
rrty nnd llrlfiirit upon the Trial and
Ksectitlnn u the Jliuilrrer of lufuriuiti
Wasuinoton, II. C, Deo. 1ft,
Thero was a largo meeting this ovenlng
nt Ford's Opera-house undortba auspices
of tho Clan Nn Gaol to exprets, In the
words of tho call, "American opinion nnd
feeling with regard to the Judicial murder
of Patrick O'Donncll by tho British author
!ties." Congressman Robinson, of New
i ork, presided. Ho slated that O'Donnoll
was not the flrst Irishman that England
had murdered, nor would ho be the last, for
thero was Intermlnabto war between Ire
land ami England. Ho thanked God fo'
that, became. England reprcsentod oppres
slon and orerythlngdetplcablo In thn nine,
teeuth century. Ho rritlclsed the Anglo
mania which led tho American people to
fete and make much of Englishmen who
vis. til America, simply becnusa thoy were
J'.ugllshmen. I o did not mean to find fault
with thn nli,rnj,uoo cltlteus of tho United
Stato), but with thn t.m, y)0 dudos who
were In thn train of every Englishman.
The United Sla'rs conltl not afford to have
herrltitena anested by England without
protest, nor bnve them convicted without a
fair trial. Tlio name of Patrick O'Donnell
was prouder nml mom honored than those
nt all the imeens nnd mnnarchs of the
whole win Id. Ho stn'ed his Intention
to get tho Huute of Hepie.U'iitatlves to say
whether It approved the courso of tlio Min
ister to Great Britain. If hn had leon a
true representative of tho Unites! States
o?tr'7K ..1) '""nlK w,,m'1 ' nllvo to-day.
Ioril"J. ItiiBscIl Lowell must come home.
?1ie wholo diplomatic cents was a disgrace
to America.
Congressman Calkins said ho was not
liorw i becauso ho had Iilsli blood In his veins,
but Ix-cause ho nl ways had la-en a lover ol
liberty, and lioeauso ho hated tyranny and
intolerance. He hoped to llvo to the
tlay when tho people of Ireland would. Va
as free as the ritltens of America. Tlio
time was not fur off when the tyranny un
der which Ireland wns oppressed would be
broken, Ir it should turn out when propor
investigations wero mado that O'Donnell
had been convicted In spite of law nnd
against it, then Ireland udded one mora
patriot to her long lino of Individual suf
ferers for freed, a.
Congressman Finnerly, of Illinois, said
tho meeting wns cilled lo lament tho impo
tenoy of the great nation, which by a na
tion not fit to black its shoes, had been In
suited In the person of IU President. There
wns a day when, tho cannon of America,
feeble to-tlav, would havo nnswerod tlio In
sult nnd dcflanco of England. The question
was not so much one of Irish liberty ns
American decadence There never l-ad
been Insult mere director inexcusable than
tho refusal of lord Granvllln to consider
tho request of the American Nation. Sup
pnso the President Fi Iday night had tolo
graphed Ixiwelli "I tlemiud tho respite ol
Patrick O'Donnell for ninety days, or dip
lomatic relations will bo suspended." If lie
find sent that, tho blood ot the Nation
would havo been up, and If England hail
lent hor Hoots they would havo boen
met ns they had been met before. Re
ferring to tho contest for tho
Chairmanship of tho House Com
mlttco nu Foielgu Affairs, lie said tho back
lioiiuof ncurtalu pntty would resent the ap
pointment of rv man said tn lie under tl.
Influence of England as head of that com
mittee. It ono party wns responsible for
Mluistor Ixiwell, ho did not want another
party to bo responsible for a gentleman
w ho was certain to bo tho ally and support
tr of tho policy of that Minister.
Congretssiimn Bclford of Colorado In
dorsed tho remarks of Robinson, and as
lerted that O'Donnell had done an abso
lutely Just act in killing n snenk. Had bo
been tiled In Colorado the Jury would ha-o
tcqultted him without rovlring. A man who
intered a conspiracy nnd thon gave away
bis confodcrntos n order to tavo hit own
neck hail no right to live.
Thi moo: lng, which wat very enthuslat
tlo and frequently Interrupted the speak
irs with loud cheers, adjourned alter the
tdoptlou ot resolutions In condemnation of
tbo action of Great Britain In the O'Donnell
A. I'nllier Inillrteil fur .Setting l'lrn to Ills
Own Home nml lliirnlng lo Iltntli Ills
Two Inviiliil Children.
VlNCfEXNKS, Inii., Deo. 13.
On tho night of February 7, 1833, a most
dorr lido and lamented altalr occurred at
lllddletowu, a small village on tbo border
Of Owen and Orcoue Countlet, tblrty-flvo
Dilles north ot this place. Two children of
Mr. James Dy or woro burnod to death, and
Iho father has been Indicted by tho Owen
County Grand Jury, and yesterday was
lodged In Jail for tho alleged murder. Tho
particulars of tho altalr nra as follows! On
tbo night Iu question Mr. James Dyer's
houso was hurnol with everything In It,
incliidlng.two nt bis children. The family
consisted ot Mr. Dvcr anil four children,
his wife hnving dfud a year ago of con
sumption. Tho oldest of Ida chllilri a all
Intelligent, acllvu girl ot eleven years. Tho
next two wot-o still vounirer. One was a
paralytic, altnoit belploss and had never
boon nblo to walk. Tno other was allllctcd
with epilepsy so severely at to suiterln-
I d'.ico demsiitm Ixnderlug on total Idiocy.
I The youngost was a hcaitliy and Intelligent
clilld. Tue night tlio bnus wns burned
I Dyer took tho youngest child and went to
Mlddlf town to buy miiiiii soda. The houso
, was a log cabin, with a board partition
j separating tbo lioil-room from tlio main
room. Tlio children went to bed early,
In tlm bed-room, and about nine
o'clock tbo eldest was awakened
r by tho tiro in tno iront room,
, rushed out and owned tbo outs Ide
I gSf '', Tila no'd sniok
his aimi-Brance. but bis actions aroused tho
suspicions of many of those present. The
bouse wat nearly consumed, but in the cor
ner where tho lied on which the children
ilrpt had been could be Plainly seen tholr
forms. Wbon tho flr had gone out tho
bones of the two children were lound Inter
laced as If they nnd in their last agony
claspod each other In their arms and died
in close embrace It was looked upon by
tho nsJtfbbors as a most singular occur
rciHV, and the twelve-year-old daughter
ips that when sho went to the outslds
.1. Kir she found it barred on the outside,
llvr frantio ctlurts, however, wero success
ful lu bursting It open and saving herself
When tho rushed out nt tho flaming build
ing the girl nays the taw her father ttand
tng at a short distance (torn tho lire watch
ing the flames
A Modern Pablo.
A dog, on a warm summor day, lav
down iu tho shade, and soon foil
nslcop. Ho was awakened by tho nolsa
of n hugo bull approaching his shady
"Get up," said tho bull, "nnd let mo
no down incroi"
"No." replied the dog, "yed have
no right to tlio placo; I was hero first."
"Ve)l," said tho bull, looking Inno
cently at tho clog, but with a ferocious
twinkiolu his left ote, which made tho
dogs spinal column run cold and hl
lower jaw givuwny, -ici. u waa i. .
"Thank you," said tho dog, politely,
I tiovor gamble," and ho walked
-Virtue has Its own reward.-
.-Humphrey Lynch, of Marshall, Mo.,
ou hearing of his brothor't) death Iu a
Now Oilcans hospital from tbo droivM
inahuial fuvor, wout thro for the pur
poo of ttvklog the remains home, wb.cn
lio wns alffi taken nick with the dread
ful dlncaso nutl cxplrod in the sania
hospitid that his brother died a.N.ir,
j Tunes.
nt-Sonntor Hnmlolph, of Now Jcr-r-y.
ilovolcd nil his t early salary to
A review rcremty started In India
Is entitled Cream, tlio Intention bolnjr
lo aklm tlio m.tjritiilncs of Kurotio and
Sojourner Tnttli'n real namnor
tlint wliloh liiul boon lrlvon to Imrby her
llrt nmitcr--wm IsnboHa llnrdenbttrjr.
A'. '. Sun, ,
CoiiRU'ismnii Lfinlmm, of Texas,
represents) a district of elcjlitv-soven
Cotmtlcrt, some of which nro ns largn n
Miss WitinioIInii, of Teniplo.Tox.,
ndmlts tlint alio Is tlio oldest old timid
In Amotion, If not In Iho wltln world.
Sim wns one hundred ycnr.i old tho other
day.---Chicago Herald,
rine bust iiorlralla of President
Adams and Van Huron linvobcen reoov
erotl from tlio pnrrtt of the White
IIii'ho, by l'rusldont Arthur's order, and
liimjt up in tho lied Parlor.
Mrs. (Jeorjro llincrott, Uiatlfo ol
tho luticrnulo historian, reached her
i-lclttlulh birthday recently. Sho M do
scribed ns a very pretty In-ily, wonder
fully woll iirvsorvcd, nnd, Indeed, nnioli
ho.tltUlcr titan her husband.
Tho volume of voluminous ipcechus
ami ouloffles of the lato Sonator Hen
Hill, nttlliorlzcd by thu Lcglslntiint ol
(icorjrja, hns nt hmgtli boot Issued -four
thousand copies for thn nso of tlio Sun
aio aml.eight thousand for tlio mo of the
Mr. Carlisle, thu now Sneaker ol
tho Houso of Representatives, Is most
happy in his domr-atto relations. He
tlnlur.-t in ovcrythlii"; to his gonial nnd
diifnlllod wite, nnd frankly nckuowl
DilejBS his oblljrnt'.ons to her for tho
suitoss of Ids publlo career Tnir
home In Covington Is provrruhd for hos-
pltaJIly nnd good phoor.-C'u'e(iyo Jlcr
alii, Loop; llranch, N". J., Is tlio resi
dence, of Jnson llutlcr, ajjcil one lout;
dred ami llvo, nnd his wife, who tl
iilnoty-tlireo. Mr. llutlor proudly
claims to bo represented In nil jiam ol
tho world, ns ho has ono son doing mis
sionary work In China, nnotlior a sallot
now whaling in tho Pnollle, a grand
child in England, nml. n grand-daughter
married to a trader in Tito do Janei
ro, Ilrnzll.
It Is obson-ed tlint, no mrtlor how
Bvonio n man may bo to walking, lie
never tnki-K kindly to riding a rail.
"Yea " said Dadofallowskl, "I al
waystliink of a physleian when I co
ono of tJtoso horrid gin mUtttrns."
Mnkoyoua'ck?" "Oh no, butlt n
fiz7, 1 shun. llmton m.
A member of tho Now York Vho-.
netlo Club writes to thu nblo and In'
lliientlnl journal, nsking us to "drop
tlio Until uo in words Co emllnjr. nrnl
noil dlaloir. oniloir. etc. etc." WeM.
wo kick. vu aro willing to drop th
uoto a limited extent, but when tho
Now York Language (j'lb asks wi "to
spoil gitm, gi, wo protest, tiurltHQton
A. Irylnir ot J: "Oh itol" sho us-
claimed; In eons, ntatloti. "Sniroly not,!
doctorl" j'Yps," Im said, "you are t
certainly iiircatcncti witn scariM lo
ver." What shall I do, what shall 1
do?" alio moaned. In great dlstrcM.
"O, doctor, couldn't you throw it into
somo other kind of lover? Scarlet -if
to trying to my complexion." -Fhtto-ilclphm
"Are you gotng to tlio fiorman to
morrow night. Amy?" asked tlio high
ichool girlof Jier frlond. "Yes, dear,
I think I'll go," was tho reply, "you
know Adolpldo hns tn-ught mo n little
of tho language. I can say ' Knctscn
SIo Mich' and 'nus gesplol' ami 'nix
cumroiis.' llcsldes, I am fond of tauor
kraut and bologna pniungc, voulfnnw."
Mlldrotl fainted. -Off Cdij Derriek,
"Do on know, p'r, that you haro
outraged iot only tho llxoil lawi of" d
clclY. but vou JiuVo lost tlio rcpect of
your friends and ridutlons by marrying:
tins iiiuinitor ' Hainan, irato lamer to
his oldest son, who stood in defiant nt
t tudo beforo him. "What Is your ox
caso for this grave and irrcmedlabt of
feme?" "I was 'color blind.' father,1'
was tho reply of tho Innocent yoimg
man. The Judge.
"What aro you crying about?"
asked a kind-hearted stranger of a M
who wus standing in front of a news
paper olllco weeping as if till lwrl
' would break. " O, dad's irono up rtalrj
'to lick tho cdtor." "VVell, hns W
eomo down yet?" pursued tho gentle
Samaritan. " Pieces ot lilm have' ex-
plained tho boy, Indulging lu n fresh
outburst of tears, "anil I'm expecting
tho rust
ovory minute." Uivoklttt
Thrashing tho Schoolmaster.
Caml IVctzcVs lice' publishes tM
following letter from Artemus WarJ,
Jr., detailing an Ictorostlug local In
cident: Not) Yohkk, Npv. 20.'
Giiit KifiTim: Ourskule master has
found It tu-ressary tu go tu korsplttal.
Thu tUrkV.T sey ho looks oz If ho, hod
bin throo a sassengcr mashecn. And MO
..'jiMitn," ..f I ,,,-lnt I til lilt. tvtilA tiMii
bin let nloug two scckundnloHgcr bl ii,
kiok lio wooii iiavo been or no lurttisH
yusu to humatiltty.
It knlm about this way,
Scat ho, "Ward, spoil tho wiird kum
bustyuu." Now tliota a Implo sauffwordtV be
gins with n K. to
I betriin n snelllut K-U-W '
".Slop Ihet," not ho, It 'liegin with
" I kno bettor," oa I & I bogttn ogee,
"X-u-m, Kum, b-u-s-t "
"Siloucj, Sor" ycllctl ho, gHt 1"
rllod. ,
"lltwt "sezU keep In rile on.
I'll bust vu.' rwtred he, lottis hi
angri jmuJium rir.e. , ,
Vm bulllvan," shouted 1 aUo, SsW.
Ja ml old dads spunk.
" Great Kalsor," hissed thu now k
furlatod l'edJclgog.
Tlio krlsls hud kura,
I klenchod ml rlti hand & hsalis
orf, let hint hev it on his Unokulsir,
?ratelv inlurl'iir Ills vlshuu. HrhtuiR la
my left, it kollidcd with hit che.-k ao.ks
n Idm endwlss and sendin hiz f"U fUi
pium Uown hi) throtl
Im mananlfnui I am and havlu lid
roeng I ttfk a rest & let the llttel fllen
ho hod thrashed the day befoat: take a
baud In. They wttz fast rijdoocla him
to pulp whon thu gaulior arrove ami we
orovldeutlv took recetw and wen home
tur dinner. Uo went home toott after
ou a ladder. Ill wife on look'ta him
ovor refcred him toitle honpltul for
dlsgoroole and meantime iu and the
boys is ou the "rjjgd hIju wl be
kaw'M our skulemaswr dont knotf how
to aptll K-u-ni-b-u-s-t-j-h-u-u.
fc 0f
n - -
:,?g9i &&
nt. c&m mn-
ic &r 'ft
rtrt4rfrUi ,i
ie proit
Ind. Tor
ffKMl hajslHis mimninit
ci i ( id. 'I '"
Qash, us cheap
h Territory.
vbm my Stock.
gl tW'SSSSI JSUSJL. ' 4J.i.i...iJ"---st
ro MnsM. SWSM. I M
((JjsSJSwNb? 2mJ WWin.
helV' Hs.
t&p ut rmmmm
S'D "tlrttr
si.sJi" ' " ' Tvt'wf
C Store,
c"U.. .,.- -
iilfW. iurtloogry, &c Ac. -Afi
KWt and ConfotioncriBS.
ckWrvtrStXas I)Y Dr. UA'iB
'jSw tt- if mr
rim it
""P fhgsMWssjBSjSJtSi
"WWf w
'4' . !J'ilsrtsy.'4 i) itrmt'l'UXsM
K (Miss mn '
dfrj MTT.'T.e
"boxxr ao 3
It- --
htm , . . iv
M' 4.1 , .. .
sutt aa Weostwtwd aiswtw'itatt
MwmU at ono sst the UsWt ybj att
ot blMrat hoHist. Aftssr MMsiMa,
tAtst aa4 cMMisur im roMtt-asji owr
the plain. h beokosMtl to etstarai
Umlaut: " r
"Any quail, waiter,"
"Quail on "
"Tout? Yesmhl"
"Strike, but hear mm! HasyMttf
anv quail m trust?"
i'Xo, sahl It's eaUreiy eti aktsMMst.
lahl" -
iio I MiiHMswd. Brif TMasHjiai
wfttw and a atale craoker trntf esjUtsi
In advance"- jft?t Frn Pnt
b(;olou Wia'l.amu U iSresistoU
ltMoiv-iov"-i?. -
w .
w 2sS5?I?SSbSss
I I ,J. .J
n isjfMiaBjsaiAws
who) i
or "
tha t-v
kl. a SSJS1tSW, i
yrjniin -
er f2" cjy
O ni

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