OCR Interpretation

Indian chieftain. [volume] (Vinita, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 1882-1902, January 04, 1884, Image 1

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025010/1884-01-04/ed-1/seq-1/

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Beveled te tUc Interests of the Cherokee. Cbeciaw, ClHciia.avT. Scralnoics, Creeks, nnd all Otkcr Indian-, of the Indian Territory.
YOL. H. NO. 16.
T 1ltCTHl MHt Matt
Xmt fiato asst m . M aad ay
'e Speaker
wwwrrag taa tr
rriiaMtas Wjrjmf the nrt of tie
Mir, i Ua ee RtM asst h li i n mt nir to the
2i"55?" aaocnUoa of the late
J""'- ""' ill The Baesfcer aanounced
-3m.Bcc3t,Chelriim efthe Cossmlt-VeoBaaUacaadCarreaef-,wsTeerted
tebepreMriag'a stt to iatraaaee when
Cnmgt was HMTtni. It was provide for
theissalugot fctaistj aates wsskowt the
sagalsaa oeruaiMhj, to tabs Ihe place at
haakiag aosas aatag .-astwirr. Ike
parport of the aseaawre is the satae as that
of the bEI Irtwiiimi ay Mr. BaekaMrtba
tost seaessa. of tost Caagress.
jbjl. Bun, Cfcsiraaa at IheCeasilttee
m Coinage, "Weights awl 3teant, is said
Tor reeoiidec trade Mian lafcj stand
ard, aad thakB-J Uautg at the Utter
aaoahlaat acshsahta. Be is also of the
opiates that a so aaaht to he established
la the MiwUilhsH TaBcy
. TR wife at geaeral Ronenm Ked at
WaehtosMR a Sew days ssaee. attar a
! The giertiliiiy of. saUtoriwa ordered
xasyeotoraiM ales Ageat ? s Special
Agent Twwasaad to preeeed at once to Mas-
OK-OI farm the taste of anal action of
hhere aimed are lastractea to iaformtb
Oaefcs that the Biiiiailumat w,lfBee-s-
aoa jl pprogriatjaaa
rtgenHy aad deddedto
X nftli. Teaaioa, Fortica-
iwtli ialiuii has Bering the rcsir,soas
a he sreeeatoa to ttw Sea was Coa
ayees assuablus,
, 3r fc-sahi that Ferry J'luont has got a
Sil undid mv heaae Hi TTmMaufcii. aad is
iwTiacitMtoa to a aimw to aafce
IlJlltlH Lll-
Tnt iaeae at ftiailara afirer aoBan for
i-waa ff,W9.
i at the Breceat Saeal
rear the total: internal eeBsatlinn were
IHjmiW, heiac JBttVKl tarns thas tie
I iiimiillin:yarietlat jreac Icscirl'ts
aaa tavat taepeaat) l aaHeattaaa W9pe c3,
74,771; fuissuuluil Ihsaers, inucai!, 5107,
9M; total jtoanasa-aC lyUtsal Us. taxes
tohacaa. 9M0MN; frem haaha aad
hatahets, SJtoyfftal; atteaaHaaeoas taxes.
X lamiiwr ti pslliik- Caaareas te sre-
. of feiiilgnlahnrars
I was said to
be weaitlat; saaay atgaatajas at wortiag
aMaiatJM ml wing aadmanalacfriBg die
aricatafFtBBsrlaaaa. Br a lata iattrriew wttfe Mr. Morrison,
Cfrilrmnr oC the "Ways osd Mwins Com.
BnMee, ha is aaatost assafac that tha com
aaiatoewitt iewoitahtt,jaaag a sHvttj
aaenl redaeaiaa ia i gJsHnir Mes; ttat
htsmetasfctheanHMuas at thebOlthe
eaaiaslMaawnieak to the pesaftiitj' cf
arepafiaca miMiuie that east passCcn-
, hat whether ar sat the fcHl can get
t aVI3 SWBw TnBVTA aaajssas BBfBBQvQ
no aa to ilasaieT -its asafalmtw, is a autter
aCiaare ooaieeksse.
Vrotr i rideaee shun lug fraad ia ms-tisg
enlij, tha Casaaiiisionsr of tke Geaanl
Zb4 Obm Icesntly ewneoUd tweEtyse
lalilm of iubBe laasl hi Cslarsao, twelra
lBahataaalssieBtt)uu ia Saw Mexico.
TUcBwiatory atthaltatj aasissaadan
rto magna aaik to the JestonJavr
TarfJaaaarj-JFaaUtha atiailinl of half
of the feres. The hrea)dag ap of con-
ssEsaaaahal vskShsBsasslal f vgssatBftaBflB,aJ SKI -
asagssssssBBBK, rvtnwtsta T1tnV W VavamW aSBBSI. eWP
yard be ooaMtod iato apopewaJt
TX8eeratary at tha Traseary has de
rided the ease of the CWnmtisn oroagBt to
aat he leaded ia the Catted States, bat may
ftCoaf Fie i Uauee, -L,
The fcsa oaaratid two cot-
tia FtbtM aaee, twa ia Jahastown
aad eae UTTeontoeket, ia a8 gZJBQ spin
-dies. The tsfliui. jaraiiestheiMpriiinn
-c the Frarsaeaee Steasa MiH Cosapany,
Oratoa Msiialsi lining Com pi ay aad the
Fraafcna Mawalsalartac Cemyaay. The
total todebtedaws af the rra is about
pJMm. TkJ Boaiaaay's yruycitv will
J, F. Dbbtk, twamiy CoBector of Ctu-
-toBMat Fhfladeapbia, was feaad dead in
bed at Jersey Otty,'. J yeecatly. Coal
cas is baKeredto hare eeeathe eaase of bis
Tax Free Tasahers C.iwtmiHiib ant ai
alsmiawf,XtT.,t other ereiaBg. There
iMfadaBPH. Aasosg the
were ez-Ber. Saratam,
sf MJchiga". sd Jabs. K. Sessabarg, of
pssa Xaaorer, Ger
assay, stated thai CbjopbI Beery R-Ecth-
heae kflie bis wsfehad coeatamed scicWe.
fhey were iniiin ntut aith the most prom-
laaatiaasaiesef Asaay, X.Y. She was a
Jsnabtrr ef ex-sWted States Senator
Tjk Baasber af laBmas in ewTork
City i jet was MS; HeMUUes, $305733;
aula si auras, SSTi.sM.
Bxatt sacw itemn lately blockaded
travel aad iatatiaaiei telegraphic com
i""" ia the Barthera aad Xastera
It was tuiimsir layuiieti saas ceree
Iboaaaad riaaleyM at the Sat-iooal Tube
irerks Ceasaaay at McEeesport, Pa., will
toeeat the rrJswairi ox from twelre to
tweaty-fte per seat. aaaoBscetl to take
A rw uiahU afaxe Geaersl Grant wbfle
stiipplirti earriaav at bis residence
a Sew York, afcipptd aad fell on tieside-
-aiaBraadwcs restarted badly Unit.
Aarsca 6. Cciiiiiini was probably fatal.
jy ahst by Leaa "West ia a barroom at
sfewbarjpert, Macs on Christaias night.
The worn aaeoked Carrier's bat off.
fect fce paih ed her away. Then she shot
AlJkSZ wind storm destroyed a masher
af bee hi Breoklra, X.T., aad did much
tosaaae aieag " cotat- At Fiasfltld,
Y o ae aaite dufauetJTe.
. ejaXt W wn ivfntimax a m-
l fleir X OIX mruig J"i
S ,- . il.nn sf the Mining Stock Ex
- l.l. U. V.aIcma frt
yMa Mr wt He denied having
-V ujnini asaaaer, aad said be,
;M'2 reaara to 2few York and
mJral aB eaatracts. !
aaamjtty -aroBiineBt dtizea of j
"" f.J, was recestly shot and
ImlW I ,, t, T, A.
S4 s W h-f T "Vl'J.Zl
afSwwTark. Te "a, f..
fv! " J
acitixsSroBl faro-
ItT-ertr lra-
;, af Basswa, awaager of
m sjtowtamt. 1.
, iiew
... iiBr a oe 'suiter for
: nu' Taw has osawri' ' "-
s, ,. A
a, .srsssssssc.assCTSBk - .. . j
rmwmw-- .llj,rfttinriOaB.UWKllIWBailuaiouWiliaiiJri
'OlX""sv- .....T
act with the Executive Committee in de
Hnlng what a "Professional JfaturaUst'' Is.
Resolutioas were adopted recognizing the
great importance of a thorough knowledge
of modem languages, especially French
aad Gerrcss, ta students ef r aturol history.
TBS largs soaring mill of George C
ThQenas,at Cape Girardeao, JIa, bnrnrd
recently. loss, $63,000; insurance, 550,000.
X Esscunto party of thirty-one persons
went from Oaray, Cola, to the Virginias
mines to take away the Tictims of the mino
disaster of tha day before, and while
returning with the bodies on sleds a. second
snow slide came down and the party had a
miraculous escape from being ovtr
whelraed. The sleds containing four dead
bodies, howcrcr, were carried two thousand
feet down the mountain side, and then
burled orer a precipice five hundred feet
high, where they must remain until springs
The party finally reached Ouray, nearly
dead from exhaustion.
A ijltx fire at Fargo, D. T., destroyed a
asmber of easiness houses. Loss, $3G,000;
insurance about half that amount.
Last July Gretcben- Rommel, in her
eigbteeatfayear, daughter of a barber tir
ing in Munich, Bavaria, took fifteen hun
dred marks her father had saved up and
ranawayto Aaaerica. She went to Cleve
land, O-, where a woman friend lives, and
found work as a domtlc in a farmer's
family at Collamcr. .Recently she wrote a
penitent letter bnae, and by means of the
postmark her father traced her, and the
othr day " father and daughter set out
oa their return to Europe.
JoRX A. rv was hanged at Bozemaa,
M.T for the murder of Thomas Rodger
in Junelasfc
ArtRE at Saranac, Mich-, the othermorn
ing, destroyed Thomas Folk's furniture
store, C A- Borbanks, jewelry; Kouner&
Hunter, boots and shoes; Anderson &
Walker, hardware; J- P. Anderson, dry
goods; J. H. Kilmer, groceries.
Thx four-year-old daughter of Alonxo
Campbell, residing nar Bellaire, O was
recently burned to death by her clothes
taking fire from a grate while the parents
were absent from the room.
Peter McKetszt, sight watchman on
the Government fleet, foil off one of the
boats the other sight, at Mount Carmel,
IIL His wife held his bead above water
for some time, crying for help, but as nono
came be became exhausted and went down.
Ssow slides continae to annihilate min
ers in Colorado.
Tiro brothers, JesT. aad Thomas Hobbt,
quarreled on Christmas eve, at Fairfield,
Mo when Jeff, pursued Thomas with a
knife, cutting him on the left shoulder.
Thorais then turned and picking up a stick
hit his brother over the head, infi'ctirg in
juries from which he died during tho night.
J-ff. was twenty-three years of age and
Thomas thirty. Both were stock traders
andtreUtodo. The trouble i said to hsvo
grows oat of basiaess relat Ions.
Miss H&uof Hni-Snaron fame, recently
J,. TW., f Rrr-J,r,t m.nl at &m
Francisco for testify lag in court that on
April IS, JS&, be was engaged to be mar
ried to her.
Joes ILDodoe, of Grand Island, XeK,
recestly suicided by shooting himself, at
Omaha, where be had gone to see his wife,
who bad separated from him.
Pttt-t Bsos.' furniture store, at Eau
Claire, Wbt, burned recently. Loss, id,
000, Insurance, $3,090.
Tax handsome residence of Charles
Styles, agent of the Missouri Pacific Rail
road, at Atchison, Kansas, burned on the
night of the 39th, and bis wife and little
girl perished ia the flames. Mr. Styles
saved two of his children but in his efforts
to save his wife and other child was badly
burned aad the hired girl was also badly
burned. The bouse had just been com
pleted at a cort of $10,000.
As Sheriff Tbompwm and Jailor AVili-
isms were visiting the cells at Walla
Walla, "Washington Ter-, tho other night,
for the last time, they were attacked by
Elfas aad Owen, two condemned murder
ers, 'who knocked them senseless with
brinks they had secreted. Williams show
ing signs ofrecovery they took a knife from
his pocket and hacked him to pieces and then
AlTEE at Jamestown, D. T-, recently de
stroyed $100,000 worth of property, includ
ing two hotels.
Tesee men were buried by a falling em
bankment oa the Baltimore & Ohio Rail
road, near Princep's furnace, recently.
One was killed and the others taken out
in a ying condition.
Wbzix a family named Gray, consisting
of man, wife and two children, and two
middle-aged ladies from Illinois were
crossing Petit Jean Creak,near Paris, Art,
recently, they were swept nway by the
swollen stream and all drowucL
AT Pine Bluff, Art, the superintendent
of a gang of convicts, was found guilty of
whipping a prisoner so severely as to cause
death, and was sentenced to the peniten-
t f w 'nr tYnt-r.onf vejutL.
THE other night as tho coUector of thel
HITS J1UODB1 AMU., UL ,n.uIA.O licuu.;
was going to the posttfice with the day's
mail, he was assaulted as be passed bis
own gate and beaten on the bead with a
large stone, tha assailant securing the bag
with the mail and disappearing in the
Aboct eleven o'clock the night before
Christmas Hinry Pferfer, Wright MtLe
more and Thad McLemare were taken from
a saloon at McDade, Tcxv, by fifty well
armed masked men, carried a mile into
the brush and hanged to a tree. The men
were under arrest for horse stealing and
otbsr crimes. The next day six men,
friends and relatives ot those bung, went
to town and provoked a quarrel with some
ot the men supposed to be engaged iatbe
hanging. A fight ensued, during which two
of the six. Jack Bay I.y and Asa Barley,
were killed, and a third, Howard Bayley,
badly wounded. A young man named
Griffin, was also mortally wounded.
A street fight took place at Allendale,
S. CL, on Christinas, in which two persons
were killed and five others wounded. John
Hudlett, Marshal of the town, Evan and
Joyce Strange and others, had an alterca
cation with Frank Weaver and TJlry Mid
dlston. In which the two Strange were
wounded. Returning from this light, which
was carried on until Weaver and Middle
ton cot nearly out of town, they met L.B.
and Frank O'Bryun and Gus Allen return
ing from a dinner party, when one of the
Strange boys insulted tbem. A general
row ensued, sticks, knives and pistols
being freely urea. Evan Strange and Tom
Hudlett were killed outright, the two John
TTssrfTawMar caswiwll Wfffl A A TtA thn taTO
O'Bryans sUghUy.
MxssStevexsox, a young lady living
near Bastrop. Ls-, was accidentally shot
and killed Christmas day by ayoungman
named Kitchen.
The dead bodyot Penn Girt, a negro
I U .- f.,,.1 th. .,),.. J,. .Ir
Sn. rirK
X..A wit-,. Tt i. Mbi h." was shot im-
had killed. It is believed he was shot im-
mediately after killing the hog.
UtJLf.aU jlll.fc,artJ won ww wa. ,
TJejarment of Texoshasbeet temporarily
reBevdof command on account of nerv-
GexeeaX, McKexzie, coromandci of the
ons prostration and mental depression.
iiauuuatwau cobmum iiiuimw
1 an. it f tafri fcj eaurtlflnn limrnuia
i" ' .
1 m ai m 1 j. a. 1 a, a a -iriiii.
., .. -... , i,j
the war ho was twice severely wounded J
and h'A much nervous trouble which af- i
lectea mm xur years, rus irirnus ixr
L that should he recover from Ids present
mental prostration he will be Incapacitate J
for active service.
Two negroes were recently lynched at
Brooksville, La-, for murder.
Tire Abilene (Tex.) stage was baited the
other night near tho Colorado River by
two masked men with drawn revolvers
and nine passengers, comprising a variety
troupe, were robbed of JtW.
At Yazoo City, Lai, the otheruight about
two hundred armed men proceeded to the
jail and demanded entrance. TV . L. Fbote
resisted and was shot dead in his cell;
Robert Swayree, Micajah Parker and
Richard Gibbs were lynched. The four
men were charged with being principals In
the murder of the Posey brothers and Jas
per Nichols.
A dEwisot school and synagoguo at
Galatin, a suburb of Constantinople
(Turkey), burned recently. Fifteen stu
dents pcriohed, and the same numbsr were
missinp The directress of the school,
siexed with fright, threw herself from a
window and was killed.
Ir is stated that France is determined to
entm- Into no net-ntiations lor teace wits .
China until the French occupy Bacninh.
It was reported that the French Govern
ment hod telegraphed to Admiral Courbet,
urging him to follow up his victory at
Sontay with the utmost promptness and
energy compatible with prudence. It was
ISJJT,; T a V81, ri;Xtw,Irtm.v; '1 the contraclinn ot price Lelow
expected that Admiral Courbet would make , iimJta whH.h taouht to rest on bed-
an attack upon Hong Hoa before mairhing rock. TSie dec ine in prices of pig-iron has
against Bacninh. . J been from $2iA January 1, to iSVasXTiQ
A sebiocs riot took place at Harbor i cah for foundry So. "IX. Early last
r- v-f. n.-.i ..I- ..: spring contract tor rails -ro ouennl at
Grace, ewfoandUnd.recenUy, occasioned ad m ,nmro,r Bt j Ux. foU
by an Orange procession being fired upon, j u,,, nures bad settl.il to 3HU0. though not
Four men were til'.cd, eight reported mor- announce.!. Xovemlier prices were revo
tally and eighteen to twenty slightly lutienixed by the Lackawanna Company'
j.i I cut to jT3 ot the mill. Excessive produi
Tnx sanitary condition of Havana (Cuba)
is reported to be improving Only tea
deaths from yellow fever for the week
ended December X. The catcs were scat
tred among the population and not con
fined to shipping and military hospitals, at
they ssuallr arc
The French Government has decided ta
prohibit tho importation of American
salted meats until the Chambers have pro
soancedupon the bill which the Minister
of Commerce will introduce at the begin,
sing of next session. The prohibition doe;
not apply to the ports of Havre, Mantes
and Bordeaux, where, however, arrivals
are subjected to rigid scrutiny.
The Trades' Congress "at Toronto (Ont.),
muaimouslyrelved that the fu'nre wel
fare of the working people of the Dominion
required the prohibition of the importation
..f Chinese labor.
Tar business failures of the country for
the wet i ended December 2Sth were 31, a
large decline from the previous week.
A asux&xa named Barns killed the nigot
aunan me enu mo irac on ui
Mexican Lcnirai iioau. me oicer nigui, ana
was hanged to a box car by a mob.
The excess in valne of exports over im
ports of merchandise for the month ended
November 39 was $373,73. For the
twelve months ended November S3, $120
009,000. Value of imports of merchondUe
for the twelve months ended Xevrrulr SJ,
IKS, ?fi,403,5Si. Decrease .V,IC?,0W,
compared with the same time last year.
Values of exports of merchandise for the
twelve months ended rTovamher S, 1533,
$S12,CCG3L Increase SOMlisCfO over the
same time in 1SSL
Iris stated that no offer of mediation
between France and China -rili be accepted
by France until Hnng Hong and Bachninb
are occupied by the French. It is under
stood that Premier Ferry inspired this state
The iron manufacturers of the country
generally redoced tiewag-sof their men
T ;. ,
oa January L
Pablo Qujxtach, Mayonof Sew Laredo,
Mexico, arrested rectcty on the charge of
complicity in tne train robbery on th
Mexican Central Railroad, was later sent
to Monterey, in irons to stand trial before
th t,! f t?i Pnlonl rionrt.
the Judge of the Federal Court.
JohsJ.McBiude. who, in specials Is
made to threaten dire disaster to Canada,
and the capture and death of Lord Laos-
downe la consequence of the hanging ol
ntnn.11 i.v.1. , pf,i v v ,.
O'DonneU, is known at Buffalo, . YM as
having no connection with, or to beac-
knowledged by any reputable Irish organ!
ration of that or "any other city. He in-
tests newspaper offices and when unable to
procure the publication of Lis pronuncia-
mentos. pays for tbtdr insertion as adver-
mrauB,iiTOuiB. "5"''uu --."
Used raatter.
The ether evening a fire broko cut in tho
dust room ot the -Etna Sour mills, at
Akron, O., owned by George IT. McXeill
and James X. Baldwin. The workmen had
to run for their lives th flames spread so
fast, and the entire structure was con
sumed. The mill was recently enlarged to
three hundred barrels daily, and rebuilt for
the roUer process. It was valued ot S73,
000; stock on hand at $7.51; insured for
was rumored ia Washington that
Judge McCrary, of the Ur.'ted States Su
preme Court, had resigned to accept the
position of SaUcitorof the Atchison, Topeka
Santa Fe Railroad.
Hexbt Haxe, a well to do German, of
Antonio. Tex In a drunker i jalou.
ry the other night aiteaiptrd to kill his
frenzy the
wife, and after exacting a promise from her
Ma. Crroccn, Cashier and Soperinten-
dentef John Dwight & Co.s soda factory,
in Xew York, was astoiled the ether day
as be was leaving the depot at the Second
avenue elevated station. One Hundred and
Tenth street, y two masked mm, who
knocked him down and roUrsd him of a
sachel containing $2i) in lank notes
which he had drawn to pxy employes. Mr.
Church was stnune.1, but recovered in tims
to see the mn leap into a wagon and drive
off rapidly.
CoxwaT Beowx, sou of Henry W.
Brown, of Worcester, Mass., and a member
of the freshman class of Harvard College,
killed himself the other day at the house ot
a friend, where he was spending the holi
days. The total bullion production of the Pa
cific coat for IS, is placed at CS,000W0,
Utah produced S,M,00J. Tetal fer the (
Territory since the opening af mine by (
the Gentiles. S70.W0.ecO. !
THE total receipt, of internal revenue for
the six msatas of the Steal yar ondsd D.
ceraber 51, were $R,1 SCttl; receipts for
December, jflK,7JG. Issue of silver del-
lara for the week mded December 3. 37.-
ills, against 1,UJK1 for the some time lost
- - "
J1- i
At a meeting of the Hnu se Committee on
Military Affairs recently. General Slocutn
was authorized to report to the House
favorably the FItz John Porter bill, which
pased the Senate last Congress.
THE business failure ia the United States
I during 1SS8 numbervd 0.1., against 0.73
in l5 increase of 2.-'- The liabilities
j for lwel.WA..aBatutfHil,(O.C.X.
tar lSSi. Tfco failurm of La t year were
. sszy-j
tean 1 W iiT, '
when they reache.1 to r iTs with llabilltle,
2JJ,.? 00 1
1 A w.e ni,l A ami. e' v-o wnn old.
.. -, -- - .
.i .ii...-i. t-.n.wi Ki'a
rvrti a w aat a . iu.i.i uav
----- - -
ru- -'i.i - t s.
CommcrrinI Coiullilon of tlm Untied Mntrl
V Fomililnbl Lutot ltnunri.l WrrtU
The Drptrunl stale of the Iron Due
Sterl Xtitliutrr.
Xzw TonK. Dec S3.
The concluding week in December, whici
is ccnerallr the dullest of tho year In mer
cantile and industrial circles, has proved
no exception to the rule in 1SS3. Rep-jrtt
i from leading trade centers show that tbf
. mrrchaudite movement has been much
I slower. Tho general feeling appears to be
an umettlr-l one. Tradrrs in all linos con-
feei. to no anticipations of sp-cial activity
i in the noir inturr.
The onminrca! wrrck lit of tho year It
, a formidable one. The following tabl
rnvev tho total number of failures reKrtcd
, during each of the hut five vears
KK. 1!"H. l-l. tot. TJ
rotted saw-. K.a ,m tya tti ia.i
Canada and ProvrS NO a? CO l.l
The tabln Im-Iom- civr ihe (albiros d'lr.
inc earh f lite two last quarters of lsl
USiond 1SSS:
I'M. IfSt. Kt
Ko.ofranuifSfennhqcartcr.10. taiT t.S
Xo.offHure third quarter.. I.H.' l.M i
Xo. ot raHarrs six months . R-5 ISO l
ThretTirnsef to-Jav and ilondav will
increase somrwbnt the total fitr tLv lat
quarter of HfcC, and, thereto e, of the year's
Tho year 1SU ha biu less satisfactory
to the iron and rteel trade than Its rireje.
cesor. Tli latter compriel a prolonged
strike at Veten iron milU and a steady
reunction in pr ce. TnH year has uroucni
no such -jiitBii.in-- lalioragltalion',bat has
uua ol uri-nius amiu) .iiuiutd.i-4 &j
the phenomenal ra lway building if rn-
reding years, combined wilh other and ar
tificial aids, have caused this. The result
was the forced closing of several mills and
the reduction in wages of nearly if not all
from 10 to 15 per cent. Iinpor.atinn of
British steel n.' have rapidlv d-elined.
Receipts for eleven months arc 63?J tons,
acatakt lb7,U2 tons in eleven months ot
Urf, audlS(Bl tons in lSl.
I The anthracite coal trade closes the year
inn moderately satisfactory condition tc
producer. The prvcedm year was more
satisfactory than US3. owing to the scale oi
prices at that titiae having been a steadily
rising one, while in ISC it has been falling.
i Notwithstanding hi tha trade Js in a cen
' erally healthy xtate. states in the West
have exceeJcd thene of aar other years,
and pmwie to Increase in the future. The
total output of anthrarite coal (in Pennsyl
vania) from January 1 to December 2i was
( ?j,r, ion, as cxuparv-t wiui .exuv-u
tons in a like portion of lSSi. The outlook
for the production during the remainder ot
Dercmber is approximately U0J tons.
This rn.ints to a total prrxlu.-tion of anthra
cto for this year ot 21,0GI,UX tons as ccn
pored withM,L,0CO tons In liHi.
j Floods and drouth fell upon tb winter
' wheat crop of ISSS and 183. Rnst and pest
sept in, and, as shown by the Govern
met report, tho harvet was lftJ,000,noo
busht-lt short of that in the preceding year.
This ranks the total, allowing a sligfei gain
for spring wheat, at al-out iWJOMjO Dush
is, as against yi,(Xj(l in IK1 2 and 3..
i,Oin Jf-SM. There werw 1M1W).'M!
bushels reported as wheat and Hoar in 1SSM
it. In lNl-i i;i,e.M. and in ItSi-eS.
15J,I VXM ItUkbel-. Since July 1 exports
have been restricted and price rrlativelv
low. The visible supply has increaed
U-onil all precedent being tolay
. in rxces of S.ljn.00! bushel, as
igalust 19,118.013 buhe! July 1. Farmers
save Mild lueir wheal freely aad appear to
be still doinz no. The grass experts from
the crop of lii-SS have U-en (to Dec-mbcr
la from Jnlv 1) but i'10,'JlS bushels, as
ssairtst G7.l0n.77i bushel in a like part ot
Ifi, and 4S.iifill bushels in l&l.aml still
Itusiio, Iuilia and Australia are offering
grain cheap for future delivery. The price
?f wheat tNo. red nlVw York) opened
in January at axrat H.13S. advanced tr
l.nFtairuary-.tojl.lP. February 17an.l
jl.23 during the month. To-day ittoucbnl
L11 ..
corx extorted.
The export ot Indian corn have b-"en on
more liberal scale than those of wbear,
bul ,e" th3n formerly. Tne total lrom
July I to Deceralr 1 is 2lrI7.1M bubels.
x, aram.t 3,7ia.7;t bushel in a like juried
nf ISC In lfSJ-3 the exports aggregated
were -tI.Cu.GVS bushel of corn and meal
!? eW ,l busLejsin lsl-a. and IK,.
S8LK bushel in Ih-si. and H3,r.te.IH
m, ia xmsL The price of corn on
Januarv :. last was o7. cents. February
It was 7-'. ccnt, and February 17, 71 rents,
To-day it touched 01 contv.
j -- rETUOUXM nconsTBT.
I This year has brought a decreased pro-
dnctkrn of oil, and has shown a uniformi y
0f the tendeucr of the various petrulenm
districts to yield les and les and lm ne-
cessitatod the drawing on stocks tfaroJsb
Angu.t, September, Ortober nad Xovna
ber, and naturaUv developed a Hgher
range of priets The exploration of the
Tegion!.,'"ha been very great, with but
little encouragement thus 'ar as to new and
neb field ot oil. The main hope in that
direction lies in the statement 'tha. unex
lecll deMsita have Leeti diw-overej.
Others may lie following. On tle prune ot
the Bradiord di.trict eame too Allegheny,
and after that tho Cherry Grove tract,
anil tho average annual price of crude
per barrel at the weds wa in lB
down to 81 ' cuts; in 11, to S"S
centv. aHd in ISi to 79'i cents. Thl
veor thus far tbo averace annual price i
IA! per ItarreL The average daily pro
dnrtKin tfaia vear, to December 2i ha len
7t gallons and tSe exjors 1,!'i.iW
gallons. Th- averace daily quantity ailded
to stuck ha bren .JUI gallon, wttteb in
, Z'TT
remi'i;. Exportsf rem the UaitedStatn
, from January 1 to Deceuilier ri azgregated
1 Trn is-, tiani lern.iei renr.i- namuu.
I .... !.. . 1S1. ...n...! 1. 14 S..,.. ,...1.
1 MrjlnBM trnonimiir.tilr Trade, its .a-
, f xhre export IHng 4id.O)IJii; gallon
' in 1SS3, against g7r.7JB,r gallons In Ihs.
Boston. lTilIadeinhia and ilaltitnnm thi
year, to December 22. exported JsSSa.tOT
gallons against HUMC gallens last
the oraiixa TEAK.
Vs things are now, there is no adrqaale
reason for concluding that the laisine ol
the country It to find a s'ill lower level tn
1:4, but on Use other bawl the enforced
stepping ot mills soda further redact io3
sf wacesin theoonrerns still in operatius
may brii.g about further depression.
Home for Ietltnte Cti Idren.
Br33tioTox, Vr, Dec. IS.
The iuecrporators of the Vernon W. Park
Home, for destitute children ami' women,
save organized by the election of General
John G. MrCuUoieh, President; Frederick
B. Jennings Vice-PrcsideBt; Geo. W. liar
caH, Secretary and Treasurer. The real
rtate given by Mr. Park comprise rX
, ? 'n'uTiS: 2.
J pyB,, akinf. Vpon tho premie is a
1 lodntain which throws water to the height
' af tti feet, the highest slncle-Jet fountain
. In exis'ene. Mr. Fork's plans for endow
.111 BS-.
nwnt will be n-cognlzed by his heirs.
Comblnlnrfor Prolertlon.
DcrrEn. Cor, Dec zt
A meeting of thernrted Rocky Mountain
Stock-Growers' Assorlatson was held at
Toncha Springs CoL, tc-day. The ussod
atson comprises some of the heaviest cattle- '
growers in the State. To such nn extent
ha Lattle-stcallng been carried on of late
that it was decided at this meeting tbatth
, Jto,
thieves now under arrest. They held thai
nU T
latcl ectsatyi j
ective measura abso
lutely necessorv A convention ot StaU
toci men will be heldnt Salida,CcL.a)out
the ndddte of February, during which t ir
proposed to ntspt laws lor u tutter nro.
,:,, nf.frwV,nen nmlnliotnl.e t-r-tilTt
wr --s a-
'"""" "'.." .T". .'': TV. :.
inE house cogaixmis..
Carapleta LUt of tLa Standing and Select
Caramltlrr ot the Xot-onal Unie at
KlectJons Jfesri. Tuiirrof Georrls. Davil
oflixoun. toavcrse, Cooke. Hennett, Low
ry. Elliott. Koiwrbon of KentLCky. Adam of
Jvew Vori. ttanner. Peit.ione. Miilerof Ftnn
STlranla, Voicnunc, Utpbum of loira, end
Wars aid Meani Mcr. Morrison. Mill.
Blount. iiiackbum.IIevntorXew Vork, Her
bert. Hunt. Jones of Arkana. KeUey. Kas
lon of Iowa, McKralT of Unto, HlM.-cckof
huw ork snl l!u.'X
Appmp-'a'Ions Merrs. KandnlU Farney,
Elhs, Hoimin. Hancock. Townsbocd. Uulch
lns. Follri. Uumts. Koifcr, Cannon. Uyaa
CaUln. Horr aud H adi' lum.
Jrdidirv Mcr. Tucker, Uammoso, Cul
b-rfconof '"exav Ji"Ulton. IlriKwhcat, Dor
bemrr t olllns 5-i'iier. Ueed of Maine, H II.
Taylor of (Jhu, iic. oru. llrowu of Indiana
anj Poland.
ItaaUnaad Cnrrercy Mesr. Buekner. Er
tacntiTOit, l"oitcr. Hun M Jl or Tela. Caani
tcr. WllVIn". ioplc. UIrkIct- Hrumm. Adams
of lUlnoi. Hi-nl'rm oi losa. and Hooper.
Colnaze. We-ffhts and Mea-un" ler.
nUnd.IowII,Harijr.XlcbotlsPu.ey. I-anharo.
Tuller. lulfoid, I-uer, Lhace. Lrcihart ami
(jimtnerei Vcsn. Measan, CTardr.Tnraer
of Kcntiscky.Iunn-yniour.tJlacock,Wo.I-wanl.
ltojlc. Bjrisdae. O'Neill of I'ennjylra
nla. Uans or lllim.K Watisaorto, Lou;, stew
rd of Vermont ard reters.
ltircrsand Haibon Me..rs. Willi. Blanch
tnLJonesor AUlun a uituon.ItanLIn, Un-ck-enrMsc,
Murptiy. Suiuner. Hourenian. Hen
cervm ot Jtlinot. la-.ne, ItoUnsonof OUn,
Chace.toafl and Iturklch.
Asnculture MH-n Haichof MiSMiurUAfk
fn. IiibirlU WIMam. lie ch.t;rron. Wlnsns
Weilor. l'aitoa. I utlen. M iUou of Iowa. Wbito
of Minr.c-Hla. (Khiliiec; Uowey, &u-ptiensou,
UaymonJ of Dkota.
Joreim Araio. Mesrs. rurtin. Itdmont.
Deu-Jer. 1 1- mentr. fox or North Carolina. G.
I Wieof Virmi(. tewat of Texas. Lamb of
Indiana, ltlcr. Wjut. K1U hen. l'betps and HilL
M Jitarr Affair Mesr. ltosecmns,Mocum.
DibreU. Moryan. Wo roru. Nlch ilK Murray.
tluiK-an. Mr-lr. lUinr, Lynian, Laird. Cut--iipin.Ma-inuiot
Nava ABalrs Mr. tox of New York.
Mon-3.Tjlcon.uutaann. Laton. Ilailcntrne.
McAdno. Har-oer, Tat ma, ooi, Jr,
maJ !
1'iwi orfir- and Pot-rott- JIer. Montr.
tina. Taylor or TeHneji-ee.Jonw of Te-a.
false UlnJcoam. 1'tHe. rban-a of Now York. .
Wblie of Keoiu-kv. WakefleW. McCormlek. j
a. . .. ....At. . . fta..!...... link. I
R t. War!. t.oerovc. Kbrc, Itozer of Ar-
tttxclle. Murphy. J'aJse. taklwilL, Turner of
C-nturVj. Wrmple. Culb.Tt-i r Kcutuciy.
Jatai s Atkinran. Hatch of Mh buntn.
natiwaTaamu. i mw r.i'intrvn,miv-
rnl.Ue Lanu Jles. loou. -out -
?baw. Lew s. He ibr. an
strait. Aiidirxin. l"ayon
t-.lnn iur,.-i i
and lilrruu ot !
Wasbtnston Tenrory.
Imiia.i Affair Messrs. Wellborn. Grave.
S2lfi5&-PS:- ESE'ifiSSZ'vSlL !
North Carolina, fcmilh. Kinne, George, rer-tlnsNe!-Ii.OuiT
or Art-oca. m . .
Territories Mcrtr. Ersns of South Caro
lina. Prror. A met Hardeman. Lantian. Alex
lnde', Carieton. Kon-n. J. D.TartorofOhlo.
KeUne-r. Johnson, LSwrence,Strublcand lot
ar W-roauni-.
Manufaciu-T- Mew. llacley. J. D. WTe of
Virginia, Mitchell. CaHweH. Crip. Leo Is
nrc-rcrofXew Jersey, Macktr. KUaood aad
Campbell. -. .
Minus and MInlns Mesrs. Warner of Ten-3(-.-e.
Ca.tdr. Alexaruler, Skinner of Nonh
rr!ina. Mffler of Texas Wol. fctevens
Dnt-tunr. Curberloon of Kentucky. O'Hara
lthlMnirster or Idaho. ..... .
fi-nanJ Imnrov-mentof the MI"Lalptl
Rivet Messrs Kins; Dunn il'Nellot Mloun.
Port. CiinpbeJL Jones it Wi-consln. Henley.
Thomas. J- WIie r Vlnjtata, Honey and
Mlhtla Mc-r-.J!uBerof New York, Covlni j
no. JJcAUoo, I'eeue. jiotic, iacmae,iraii.
Money. Valentine ami Cutrbeon.
nalnu --it. McMillan. Ur.wa. THlman.
tVarnero. O jo,Van.lyilne.r-o-kery. WL
l-ovc. t-nyuer of Nw I-iico. Ilajr of Xcw
(Ump-hlrc 1-rice. O biitn-e. Klw.xI. Urown
3f l'onnylvanla aa i ltay or New York.
AVarClalra M"-r. t!r-!.les Jon-of WI.
-nnin. Stone. Tuller. IlonTrs of Xcw York.
Wc'Jcr. Kcrrcil. KeUusTS; l-rerhart, llenou and
ltevl-Uonof Law Mrsrs Oatesltnchansn. j
VMtiihn Ihil llirttttd. HrruottPL Urown
it renuylvaala, llayne. Spooner aad McCor-sik-k.
Public Bnll lings an.1 Grounds Me-T
;torkdarer. Y-Mine, Drt-bJe. llee. HrpJtn.
Puey. Wemprc, Korthlncton. llrainerd, i.o'r
xc. Kean. Jr, Itrt-ftunc and MBJIta.
I-aciac llailmaiSs Me srs. Ca-dr. Throel.
tortin. CalH-U. Thom-on. Jr . Jordan. Crip.
Poxt. WB-oa ux Iowa. WlBaid. Uunhom and
Cxendituie in the War department
Mers. Ttionirwin. Jr KerreH. Taytur of
renncsM-c. Eliott. Mara, Joba-on and Han
uu:k. FxrcniUturcs In the Navy Department
Messrs. Morw. Ucwttt of Xew York. Shaw.
ft.4.1..n ll..,tf-t. lkal .r I.CnfhllJ.tt
nd Lawrence i
Kxpeudlture In the Department of Jutlco
-Moars. t-prinrrr. Hrmphiu. Van AIlyiM.
Friar. Stewart oi ennout. Bower and Steph-
5Er?cndlu.r for rubric BulMIn-Mors '
Teunoct. Wriiin. Spmor'. Sumner or CTbcon- '
itn. Harmer. Weaverand irilara. I
Expenditures In the I'ret-Oftcu Deiartmeat I
Nwnri. Morran. Talbott. Itolrfnron ot Xew j
e..a. . .Inn. .ml STfLtlnt
Expenditure in the Interior Deinrtment
Mcsrs. Youiur. tTardy. Cook, Storm, llnirani.
Dunham and Payne.
I"al-nt llrwn. Vance. Slarleton. MiteheU.
Jn-enleaf. Hal.-ri. Danmn. Wlnans or Wi
wnslnan'l Hepburn. ,
Education Mer. Aiken. Coqvere. WHH.
DudiL Amot. Ilunran. Wlnan of Wl!.inln.
raylor or Ohio, MullVin. Hatch of Mkhbran
ind MorrcIL
Inrslal I'-ns.ors Mewi VTatmu. LeFevre.
Pran, Winanot Mieouran. llotlA Ulaner or
IVioniln. lattoa. Lierln?. Itacley. Hay of
New Ham
Pension '
am. BnMiiiBf .Ni-w J "'rS-. i ?
aw jonw.il iexai.auo..-..".-.
Mniuu lum liirjv.
Kxpnamarea in h? tate Dnpartment-
Me-ir Ilarderniw. DuraaH. ortolrurtpn.
Camoliolt Karr. llewersimor inwaairii-nrv.
Kxinriiium In the Treo-ury letrtm ut
LaoTr-Mt-r. IIh ka.; Ne.lLorMt-.urI
F,ir,?fTln;r;",i;i"r.l!rr iliror"
i...u ' mLh.. iMrhin.. Wilwa or West
... . u. .!. Sa.l a.V-.t.nB rT 1JMt
ViriSZ' l"cMef: Sprinrs Ilarr. Urueatter.
Mc('usai- and JetTonls. .
Private l-and ITalra Mer. MuMrow,
llutcfaler. WiUUmof Alabama. neKeu. t.
irove. radrMso. Loaery. l"H)a. Porker,
Way and Wea . .
IMWio Heal h-Mer. Beaeh. Grares
Kfcras Chairilor. Feller. Itevlsof Mss-sehu-eil.
Kran of 1'eob.syJranU, Ufcbey ami
Petllb- ne ... ,. ,
Ventilation abd Aeoostle Mm Hani.
rabc4L t.reen. She! oy. JeOonls. Kyaus ol
IHs'n'rlranta an 1 llruner of Now voik.
liwll KM Mi-st-a N'ceeo. Uarnerol
rennee. nTOr of We Vligata. aplc.
I'eeraBd H. I s ,.,
M.4eet Vmm!ts on Irorm It the CirU
.--sr Mn-n. Mulehter. Cnx. fVfneiHS
. ii.jjuOI Kinertr. 1 a-kdale. rVj-wour. Itob-
J ertMm or Keatneii. rl.mrtwra. i1kIss MH-
ta;L. Lraan. 11.11 a m .--. r.-.
1 u'hh Mf.iwr iiw .- -. -. .-.--- .--
KlniiM-r. Cu-iel'in Brans 1V I imEOis
nroenOier. i.off Jr . aid rampbelL
Araenea hi IIhiMihc and shfr. Ownlnc
Ie.se. ioenst. DeaMer. liW4e. Tb.ekjor
lon. HuiiC F.wlley. More. lHnciry. O NeHl of
PcttOM ivaata. ;.we awl Iamis.
Irn Law HetsfM"w EleeMoas of Trrldent
and Vkss-PresJeflt-Moiisrs. Katon. prirweT.
Clay. Jontan. Price. IlearHt. Klelaer. Hod-la-.
Pnrkes White of Kentucky. Peters Hart.
On Payment of Pensions Bountlcand Back
Pay Mes-. Warner of libln. CoanoMr.
I"earce of Tenm.. Itozer of Arkansas
tlmenlea', Hrewerof Xew Vork.Whitm and
AnJerFou. "
JoHit aad sjsrt rommlHee on rrintlne
Mtr. "ssales Itecers of Xew 1 ork. Bllth ol
Identlflration ot a Connterfelter.
Imii s irou.s Ixn, Dec. :.
A member of tho Viacennes gang of
counterfeiters nrrestel last Fridaj-, who
gave hi name as James Sammers has
hn mwmid a Jarae Spratrue, who
wa sent up in IS for six years .or conn-
terf citing. He wa a P" J'
T "E.to.SS!j .I'-rSw
- . .
rogiue uujt.j . "- s- --"".
a l a n nanr iiniTins mLAt m. a9-
i.in.l ihitranwnHr nrovinc suec-s-
fnL He wa release.! Iat June nnd at onca
returnd to hi. old busines. Spraeue,next
to Pete McCartney, is Indiana's most
prominent member ot the order ot coun
terfeiters. Pardoned.
Snusartrxn, III, Dec it.
. . ,p , j
next. The Governor's reason xor exienu
lag execu.ivo clemenry in this case is t'tol
there appears to re no eriuenro iiui. i
perjury co(
.not.l u-. intr-ndcMl. but. cr
ru.jMiw ... . -.
the conti
ray,lt nppesrs that thoconvtel
:. . . 1 " 1 - ... ,t.
avsr xuu aa "'
liontU.ce. was swsaruji. - --
The Governor to-day paruoneu uewiaaa Jent o nraldwoo.1, was kflled this morning
Stcffy out of the Penitentiary. Steffy wa j Jn Gsrdner uy toe early north-bound pxs
scutenccd at the October term. If 81, of tie , Mnscr train. She was walking with ber
Hancock County Circuit Court for the j nu,bsnil on one of the tracks nort of the
crime of perjiry aad sent to the Penlten- , Nation as tho train approided. She
tiory for tir s years. Hi sentence com- nocgut she was on tha wrong track, and
menced Ortober IS, ItSI, and his term nn- ..teppjng over npou the ouo on which the
der tho good rule would expire April IS , was arproaching was struck and
Twentr-Seren Dm Lot and Imroene
Damase Dona to Jtlnlnc rropcrty In Cot.
orado by Avalanches of Snow.
Dexveu, Cot. Dec SS.
A special dispatch from Telluride, CoL,
dated the Slth, via Montroe 2C'.h, states
that about noon on Monday a snow-sUde
came down In the Marshall basin and car
ried off the shaft-house ot the Mrndota
Mine, wblrh at the time ot the accident
contained fourteen men. Eight of the oc- I
cupnnts were killed outright, rour sue-
I ceeded In dicg ng themselves out, and
these four snbseqULbtly rescued the twt
r maining moa in a badly injured condi
tion. As the telephone wires from the
mine to the camp were ia a damaged con
ditiouthe news was not received in tee
camp ur.tn fivo o'clock that afternoon, and
then only these few meagre details were
given. A large number of men Immedi
ately left for the scene of the disaster. But
as yet they have not been heard from. It
has ben snon ing tor a week, and it is now
over four feet di ep on the leveL The pres
ent storm is the most extensive ani dam
aging of any ever known in that region. A
tage-drlver who had made his way on
foul over the surrounding countrj reports
that twenty-s-ven men have los; their lives
by snow-slides within the last few .days,
while the damage to mining proper
ty is enormous. Two men named
Gantcr and Peck wero killed
by a snow-.iiIe at the Xevada mine, also
at Tclluride. The latest information from
Opt ir and Ames, neighboring towns, re
ports that tho mail-carrier from Silverton.
who was due on Friday, had not been
bearl from and Le is uppoed to Lave
lieen l.t and nerUhrd in ma-untr an at-
tmnt to cro tao ranee.
luo lecuoui
mini i thn inoitl nnraiiiint- in the San
Miguel mining district of the San Juan. It
employed the large- rorceoi men, ana wa
ane of the fcv mines which con'inued work
dunngthe winter mon.ns. There is the
greatest mtere.t here to learn the names or
u - unfortunate miners, as some of them
,P I t ,,
uve lanxiiies living ia itutci.
A soecial receivetl at one o'clock this
morning gives the names of tided at the
iI.-n.loia mine a foll-.ws: J. H. Bond. C
X. II, rnrt. TLomas Uunneiran. m. lav
lor. John Davis. H'n. Applewhite, F. Sla-
tor and Lr wis Hatcbins. The latter Uvea
.luwt v...r lmttr after betntr rescued.
Thoma Wieatly was toend about twelve
feet under the snow, with his leg broken.
but still alive, and it is expected that he
will recover. H wa buried roTty-six
hours. Two mm, Joseph Frellnghuysen
and James Burns, were luund dead Uvday
by George l'olnvar in the Goldtn cabin.
A slide struck tnls cabin on Friday and
moved tho cabin about 100 fett. Many
more accidents are known to have occur
red, and an excited crowd Is nrouna ine
telephono office, the only means of com
uiunicatloa, all day.
a rnnjuTFuiExrEKiEXCE.
The SnUrr'ns of
Moliank In Lons
llw Crrw of the IXarb
; Istaud Sound During a
Kecent llllzzanl.
Xew Haves. Coss Dec ZS.
The crew of the bark Mohawk, of Quebec,
Captain Crossland, u.ct with a terrible ex
perience while passing through Long
Island Sojnd. The vesel sailol from Xew
Vork Saturday night, bound for Calcutta,
laden with a choice cargo of merchandise,
and while pasing through the sound was
In cha'o of Pilot John O'Brien. The crew
insisted vl Cantain Crossland, tares
mates, two stewards and thirteen sailors,
niauo uf ui i.uuuKu, ... ktm. mu
Japaneic. To-day nine ot tsese men ite in
Xew Haven Horpital, suffering from the i
Sects of froxn feet, hand, ears and faces, j
The Injurie of three are so severe that It I i
feared amputation will be necessary. San-,
lay was a terribly bitter day, and Pilot
U'Urin says that during bis thirty years'
xpenence ho never saw anything like it.
n.j wind was north, and on icy blizzard ,
In. The pilot lo.t bis reckoning from
Ihe xttam mingling with the ice and snow,
which converted the atmosphere into an
,mpcnetruble m it. An effort was made to
h tUij jia ship was covered
h Ice udu. Xone among the crew
sscaped tro-t-bites, and some o ILem n ere
badly frozen that their limbs refused to
rr-rpoau to duty. Several of the crew were
wn- aijt to loon saiL They crowdcil up
the slippery rigging onto the Ion;
lrros or tte lorevaru. lac wor
was nearly completru wnrn, wiia a
a-.Id shrink nblch chilled the frozen
rein of all, one of them slipped
rvui the lev roje on which he wa burni
ng and fell I eaiUonz to the deck, thirty
Icet Urkiw. He died three hours alterward
from n brok-n lark. Tlie suffering of tbo
rrew wa terrible. When the weather
moderated yesterday, tbo frost began to
nearly completed when.
ze from the bodies of the unfortunates.
tmes of water. Their ocony was such
, at ther were unab e to .leeo. nnd there
, ?,"" ?.t
, r . .. .-! .! . r
-''.'Y '""S"" tr' -i r"" T' i..
ijc wm iun.niuii:, uu - 4i .......
m attempt as made to.lear away alioat
J y"v Uaven harbor yesterday, aad
ifterniriloastrip in a light boat. Pilot
J'Brien reacbo.1 there an.l uotinea ileal
, OOcer Undoy of the distress ra board.
s uritTll iratUVl UiriU Ua uvituiu a .
u uoaru,
ami n-arueu lue vrsei mis juiniiiii., ami
the bo
y,e disabled sailors were takrn to
pital. Coroner Boltman vlsltcl tho vessel
-u a tug. ana vicweu tno remains 05 ixia;a 1 A SOOn lime ago a iaibiiuo jian u- ; i"asria snowcil HIT ItWDil piles 01 tui
Ozeie. who wa killed by the falL Het a j on,iCr was aroused about one a. m. by umes which during his exile in Cevlon
iI!i Jotrf KirnbenjaJ,an;- Toma vip.rotts pounding at his street Jw. I had been filled bv the most influential
DIetfFrn'nilrarPorT,Iue Hastily throwing on a drcsing-govn , rersonages in Inaia. who stdl contnne
James J. Knped. Dene; Chaile Fortune, he rulr d to th" window and demand- going to (elon a on a pilgrimagr, to
French; HVnry Bacbe, German; Jopb j pj. -Who's there?" "I want to know conler with" the promoter of tiic Egvp-
iicawfuBrnB,BHHFri -....,..
jtn. XosucU terniue experience in im;
Wand Sound has been i-qualUd for ll.tj
llun Uuwn by n Train.
1 1 nusTOX, Tax Dec SS.
This afterncon E. T. Lewis conductor,
had a band-car and three men on the Inter
national and Great Xorthern Road, return
ing to town, having been repai. ing a wirt
fence. While near O d Summit, a work
train, consisting of an engin and caboose,
ran into them, k'Uing ouo bite man, badly
wounding a nego and another white man,
and serioosSy injuria.; Lewis. A possen-Rer-troin
brought the victims to toivn, and
the wounded were sant to the hospitaL The
negro recovered coascousness momentan
ir, oral gave Li naum as ll'nry Bcntlcr.
th woumlnl vrbite man died soon after he
arrivvd at tho ho.pitcl.
A Fiery YUltant lliirioc 3la.
ECBroCE. I.l Dec. SL
While Rt. Rov. Bishop Henuessy was
celebrating pontifical high mas? Chnstmas
morning the lighted candles on the altar in
ouie mysterious manner set firo to some of
i.i ,...... .. in , rao.n.nmnrK in, n Tir
S "en f t. For a lima it cen.l that
Ihelrhole cathe-iral would b. enve.opcd In
il- flame. Tie tan.tor ami attcmun;
.-. m.
pries s quickly removed the burning fabrics
snd after much difficulty and labor the
flii. wen extinguished ami a disastrous
nanfc averted. The church was crowded. 1
Men wa proceeded with after tho blaze
was extinguished.
Killed by a Train.
Jouet. Ir-U. Dec 25.
Ve Ti CL Goodrich, a nrominent rei
T . .
knocked to one side. She died almost In -
-antly In the arms of her husband, wbo
was the oa.y witness. Mr. Uoodrt is
prominen-ine-cuanwana.ae ira;,,.- e,
hi vrf el'a cast a gloom over to com.
rrmny. " biuue Is attached to tha ctia-jpony.
Tho fanny man of tho Louisrfll
Courier-Journal is a. woman.
Tho Boston Pnbl-c Library Is to rc-
one LiuraiT is to re- . d &A d hotJ3C j, tyr
s,,n,n. thero a them into the stream. Erery maa's I
SSJJaM I tiarUvc impuh-e fa to pet rid of what
tos.oa Jlcntld. -, ;m n.l not to mind how his
-Mive 550,000 from
ScboCcId. not.vithstandin
flaw in his wilL Boston llcrnld.
"SVIli Cariolon.the writer of farm J ne;j,uor will be aficctetL After awhile,
ballaiis, is said to be worth S160.C0J. .j,a UjC water-course has become saf
Therc's no danjrer of hfa goinj Over j Qrfcntlv nasty, the people coma to a r
the Hills to the Poor House." Chieajc aiizinVecnse of whatthcr hire bronzht
Mr. Georpo A. rot, ilcpreseatativr j
in Con!rrcsirom the irilteentn t'cnnsyi-'
Tama uiinci, u uu. innui-mucyiii.-
of aire, and is the youngest membe1
Congress. rhtlaaeJphta treat.
Asa Barker, of Lynn. Mass., mi-
elded the other night. He' was the heat j
and front of the conce-t-giving Barkrt
family of a quarter of a century aio.
He lruno- himself ia the woods while
.Tcr.n,inr.r timfnn Tv,tf
-Wash'nglon Irving once said to a
lady- " Don't bo anxious about the cd-
ticai.cn of vour daughters; they will dc
v.-rvwoll-don't teach them L mint t
..;,. .-,.!, .t.--. ,;-.. " ..u'i
t- r.-f xr-. t---;-,3 i,o .t.i I
is tttat. Jir.
she asked.
"Teach them," he aid,
.- -..-
to be cjisilj
-.iarues '-onve's? ot tuiu. it. x.. ,
andMiMaiyChattcrtoTi. of Roches-
ter.wero marneil m the Urge show
.Janies Convcs". of Chili. 2. 1
3r": rr;:. JL :. ""7V:. -
window previnu t. thecefemony The ,
aCTUl! ji'tiJts.- IIUU A l?It.J -. a, s. v ,
couple, tno ilt
Many Rochester
-1 "- I
s being very useiuL f . g jj, jy it
hrm, contnbuteL-,. , ,,- it wbcre it 0&bt'iKK
The lato Joseph SwifL of Philadel- band b ;ntended to carry off foul Htafc
phia. left a fortune of about $1,000,000, . which must be jrottcn rid of as
", ,.:. t : . e .
and an annuity of I.G00 to Horace G. ,
Browne, from whom Mrs. Thome wo '
r divorced. Tlio bulk of the remainder
of the estate goes to Mrs. Tbornc's chit j
drcn by Loth her marriage, and to het
sister, Jtrs. fcniuy uaica, snu ae r cnu-.
uxvn. iiuiuiuijuuu j.ccuni. j
Colonel John Hay, who was Presi- J
dent Lincoln's private secrctarv, tcsii-:
lies that the martyr-l're?ident hail nc .
assistance in the" preparation of hi
speeches and addre-jses. For instance, '
Mr. Lincoln, on his way from Washing-!
ton to Gettysburg, composed bis famous
address at the iaticr place and put it on
paper while on the tram. Alter amv-
ing there he revijeU and perfected what
is now generally regarded as a master-
piece ot English composition and Amcr-
lean oratory. Chicago Jleraid.
-Between Bohemians: Will it give
you ph-aTre to breakfast wilh me?"
"UaWlalv. "lien. jiUfcau.Atirf.jnai. uun iuiiji;iumi.-nuHMinw...-
on votir table and in a quarter of an hour to keep the channel thoroughly scoured.
I w.ll bo at ymr room." Boslon Tran j There aro a god many small towas
terip'. " I which have for vcara gotten along with-
"Is th! vour do"?' "Xo; he be- out sewcrr. aad have arched over nata
iM to 's .nlr,. Smith. Andbetwecn ral water-courses running through tho
j yotrand me
- .- SB
e he's a deal smarter than his
"Yes, there are dojrs ol that
sort. I have
several mvsclI.
Harper's Bazar.
11. .m. t1,A fKiV fvr thonthprftven.
ingGomtTom took a or Hind man
uv tne arm " ,a n , " the foil
Idling the Mory to a fr.end on hc fol -
towing .lay he cried: t torjbfete
be Hind .n su.-h a fog! -1 aru rapcr.
j-.tnci, m tne teacner, . oul"
a lae ancienis -ay uihjuicu iut wjv.
his houWer?" "Atlas sir." "lou'rc
qu.fc nght." sakl tho teacher. "Atlas
supMirted the world. Now who si'p-ixirti-d
Atlas?" "I suppose,"' said
Ethel, sottly. "I supposs he married a
rich wif.-.'" Chicago Mtr Vctan.
the e'hcuk to tell me it was that way at
iirt. .Tint as though I was foolish
L Jnt as Uioitgh 1 was tooiisn
urrh to nav l.,0si0 for a ceuna-
. nmlr:inil ihpe ire fttn?rnn
, -"-: " ,, - -. . rivet irom t eyiou, ana wno uunng mo
another art imposiUi.p. said Mrs. months had manv aad conlJi
Blank tho other day "But they ncrdn rtunUiftl of b, Md con
exiwctme to loan em anything. It fOTinrth Arabi rasha. This gentle
year the clumsy h,n:sbrfcl.anarraofI -The victory of the Mahdi
i.f niv Venus de jedinn- and tn-n hail , , , ... -',i-e t
hand statoo-'tho WaT-Hm Francs- . p3r, to Lim Sh some day
Vlllf'- I or other on Cairo. Arabi Tasha told
Three Western peopK an old man my friend that nothing had struck him
and two daughters liapjcning to le in mucj, M tl,e e mplete ignorance of
Boston the other day. entered a store in Earopeans a? to tho power of Mohara
idlecuro.stty. The first object to at-, mcianism. Wliat Europeans were
. ; iic uui u?ui. j-uw
! tract their attenti-n was the
wl, rin nn nnd .lown witli it
"". ......., -r ,." .1 .
cargoes of passenger, "nnafs that.
Rf -' "ITonT oftne
" -'fs '" ? asketl ons of the
daughters. Th old man gave the ele-
..relajnipd Willi an awo-esrucK voice:
1 "It' a telephone! the first I ever sa-.vl"
zmhv -
tii. tinio' camotlie Tsot nsc irom IRQ
patcment in tho familiar tones of a
tdml tho irato nawnbroker. Well, and
to wln-m oLe should I come?" wa thf
rejoinder, in husky acevnts; "you've got
my walch."
Two Austin sporting men wore
hranti"- about their shKting abTties
One of them said: "1 can .shoot acnarre
of hot throush a sieve, and not injure
tho sieve in the least. ' "Is that so?
-,!.! rk other- "that's nothing to
sp-ak of. I can fin a eharge of buck-
Jw.t ;nn -, s..m nml iilne nil tho holes-
so that the thinz will hold water."
Bul that would utlcriv spoil the
sieve," said the first liar. "Xot at
all." returned prevaricator Xo. 2, "I
Jmr. Iril nn w?th smaller shot and
hoot holo right throHgh
etcrr time." 1'uias ii7
A Succcsrnl Failure.
"Yes George, dear. I accept your
nroflured love, and will le vour wife." '
ind a pair o; strong arms ciasoeii ner
tightly, lovingly.
"You have heard, of course." sho
wiiL from under the lajiel of his coat,
"that father has failed?"
"Xo. I hadn't heard that," said
. . . , , i.l
Geortre. wcaVonin!r h" "rip a little.
"les." she continued. neotKng mere
losely to him; "he failed last week,
"That puts a different phac upon
-nitor oitirelr " said t'loonre. strur-
s-lln tn brent l"i..o. but the rnrl hrf.l
! aim last, and continnid:
"And xttled with his creditors al
-wo ccn's on the dollar, and"
"Xav, dearest," interrupted George,
oasionatelv, LM not speak of such
Lirdi.1 matters: Let tis think onlv of
1 !ovo aa j lne happiness which the brijht
. ntmc nas store ' "
; ., , , . , ,
tllle , w ' ,, ,,
ihJa '-'lAt-T. MtIL
Ikda ' 'Jm Utif.
f reqni nt ct mcr. nai uo you mean speedy trwmpn in books wmen are pur
by calling mc up at thi t'mc o night poely kept in the bouse oacupicd by
to ask such a niieslion a that?" re- ArabL Eter since hi arrvai
Broet as Sewers.
TVhca a natural wstcr-course trar-r-3
torn, and its banks becoaje
huilt tinoc tho easiest war of zcttiaz
ariijn themselves, and then, they try to
devise a remedy. In this they begis
usually at th
wrong end. They loor
upon the stream as creating uca--?anec.
and don't consider that it is
their abUMj of the stream that is the
source of the trouble, -to they ,""?
wort and cover the stream tip and o-l-
...... A r- 1
it a sewer. )hat ls.meresaiir s-rapiy
that the stench of the foul laatter
in the channel is bottled up somewhat.
tn lv vontml thron'rh everv maH-BOie?
every inlet and every borise-drain, and
srobably do more real injury thaa whea
the rottmg filth was exposed to theait
and tho sun, and d ffused its aroaw
thro.rh the whole atmosphere.
The channel of a small na:
The channel of a small natural stream
through a town or village ought sever
to be converted into a sewer for boase
wastes This will strike a good may
- d doctrinv but sUU it is
The funrUons of a
. d o ,-m,,
diversethatoaecannotbemadoto .a
duty for the other.
" . t ... ...' g..-, ..j fi- im
IUtafi-cannot be made Wt-tit
Tr. u:no.1 A Mtiap sit till ntlr
. -T. . ..-
the cfiaonci, lot
absolutely im-
-.j,-...,, en t". t nnlliino nn sosx
through it to the soiL As the level of tbtt
.5 th s;i rjUv, anj falls with tha
,-.,, --..i .. .mnnnt of rrtn. an nnen-
wTtinntohlrTictin'f tlieiiataiprixrrcss
ju;nte4i or pervious channel would ,
yjnjpfjn-cj admit water from the soil S 4S
an)i jornetfmes permit fluids Co-nng in L
txse channel above tne level or mo
ground water to flow ont. aad thus
pollute the sgII and the air in the soil,
Acain, a natural stream draining a
considerable territory is .subject tAgreat
variations in its volume. A channel to
carry its extreme discharge in floods
must be many time larger than caa
rVcr be necessary for the carriage of the
greatest amount of sewage mat can. dc
' brought to it, A large channel is not
j suited to the rapid removal of a small
flow of filthy fluids, and, moreover,
co-ts a great deal more thaa a sewer of
ihe nroncr size. Even if the lareo
channel for a fluctuating stream is built
through a village, the s wage from the
' hon.-es should not be turned into it, un-
les the minimum volume oi the naurrat
heart of the tovn, but arc now impclted
by the "saniLiry revival" to construct
i cwcr3 lur rciuu-ius uui.ii """
Tho first impulse is to utilize the cov
ered stre-ims to sive tho eipeS3 of
, "L""'"" "
a few hundred feet ol
3sner. xnev suon.a oe very camiui
' how thev proceed. It is better to spend
. V 4 tQ
. te in first:cost anli 6read ten
, MTingin doctor s fceiaad na-
dertakcr s bills. Sa-it'tory 7inccr.
Arahi's Opinion cf th: JtakJL
The Con'tantinoplf correspondent of
the Morning l'ot elates that he has bad
the orjnortunitv of talkinr at some
i length with a gentleman recently ar-
would cauo no snnin.o
Arabi Pasha, who over and ovr agaia
; rf tQ me that hu ineuence wa3
1 ... . ,u., f-.,i .
' r.I-.-in.J . enll fnn?itirism was s. snirit
" TT -1" T "i..:.-T.: if1
' OI !U.Treiiui;iuuu .uuu uu
with coura"e and oninization, which
' ". Eawpe tremble. It was
lhat scment. andnot hlspsTMnalam-
bU;))IU whic., j, fa h;m ia. the
c!,,,; : lvnf llta ,m Timl bA.
omc popnlarnll over the Mohammc-
uan worlit, anil as a prooi 01 tni Araoi,
li-m rphell-nn ami mie tiieir xuimef
aad words expressing hope in the
in (Vvlon AraH I'ash
sha expressed the
' oninion that the Mahdi would triumph.
as he knew better than Europeans ap-
j pcared to do the spirit of the popula-
tions hic dread of being vcrpow-
1 crcd-bv (liristian nations is indescriba-
. 01c. om-jiom ucurac.
The Thirsty Eucalyptus,
Where there i surplia moisture tn
dispose of as for example, a cessnool
to keep dry. a Iarze eucalyptus will acs
corapltsh not a little, and a group ol
them will dispose ot a vast amount ol
honsc-sewcragc. But if yon have water
which you do not wish 1 1 exhaust, a in
;;wm km. iinuuiu i-c iMJ iu pui luc
eucalyiitus very iar away. Tanicl
weet. t f Bay ls:and form, Almcda
County, recently foun." cur ons root
formation of the e tcalyptns in the bot
tom of his well, atout" sixteen feet be
low the surface- The trees to which tho
j roois ucioag mouu n.iy jeei irora me
I nelL Two shoots pierced through the
br ok wall of Ihe well. and. sendinsr o:T
; millions of fibers formed a dense mat
i lhat compleie'y c vered the bottom of
thewelL Mot of these fibers arc no
1.-1 I r.. r .,
larger than t'.rra Is. and aro so woven
and intertwisted as to formarcatas
impenetrable and strong as though rcg
ulari woven in a loom. The mat when
first taken out of the well wasnrater-
oaked and covered with mud. and
reorlv all a man could lift, but when
j dry it was ncarh as soft to touch a
wool anil weighed only a icw oraca.
i This is a good Illustration of how the
eucalyptus absorbs moUtare, it roots
going so far to fictl water, P"311?
themselves throucb a brick wnll, an
'hen tlevclc-iiag ena-mousiy a.ter uwr
, water rcacLeit Mr tn"ett thinks one
.. Um f lhc drying np of velhi
. the Insa Jablo tl irst of theiCTrrvab;o
. taonsters. I'acijic Sural VrnM
uiiiiiii s .liixi Lisa iiiuil-v s uai .a, vr
." - '. g- - .-o . EWC2. aAu a icj...w- t,. uucius. -

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