Newspaper Page Text
THE CHJLEi? TAJJN ?abttt Nto fcr te Ispiax CaxsKxnr Pnunm Co r. P, itOM iH X. W. 8cMM,Xtors. TIKTTA, L T JAK . 4, MM. Tsk cuw f tk year 1S8S is wag&iAbnoC rrtwyactioa. The opMjitg of tke ysr 1364 encour ages Mitidpli(M. Tke experieace aodobtanrstieA f mSridoal life for tfa laat katf BMtary are full of . impxMiv.MMM6a4 stirring in-eyjente- Tiuwt f iMwJIcqcinin- nity like, the Cherokee Xation much Jeas than there of a rreat cation like tfeUhd inlrita ly leee f the irorM f aaaakind, are too many, loo T&ried and too importest tole MtBber4 or epit omai Fiftyjr Mrs ago the Weet- ' CherokM'wre ew settlers in this portion ef the coveted Indian Jfenkory set apart foe their hoHsee, Kiiilt the najentr, the JSastern Chrok,te's4ul eaet of the MUneeippi River, among the hills, alog tfa Talkys ai beside the Jtotiau and booWiag fountains where dwelt their aaaootors from whteh thera ie Q record. They were then experiescing the faei-sceeedtBf; threes -which, a badoaea years hkter, ended, in ' their removal and saion with those jHbo preceded, them t their arrival mthiscocnery. Of the hitter fruits, the sad experiences, the appalling trials, and fbe alasoet evenrhelra- tag dangers of that usenaorable de- J riod ia thoir feutory, oeither space ; nor iadxaaiioa allow as to speak. 1 Tiey are hietorieaL Their"actors, wrlh their finite, Jheir&ailties and their manly virtues have passed from the stage "of aetioa, ad their spirits dwell m the silent bryond. Friend aod le are alike low and poyriees time, while their actions aaiTmotiyee wSl he judged ia the ner3er. SweeooaYng ike trials aod eoa Jttets was u era of quiet e, ia which the Cherokces inctBci in asBeere, wealth and It was'hat the calm 'before the storm. The War.ofthe BbHioa, with its its vieioaee, ie devastation, I, lie pnratioBS, its death, bjtnt upea thew with resasUess faiy, aad Aroatcaed to destroy them from the ftce of the earth. -tatsaeawasMtdeetiay. Dimin Mbed in aamherj, imporerishedin Joras, hot aheaainrm"reMwgces i and vitality, ther sanrired it all and still live, live, the possessors of an. ample domain, of fruitful homes and prwfiic herds, of free schools, of sotf-ohosealastitatisas, -of svil and TeKgioas liberty. Se- djre aboais.and towering rocks, and seethiar whirlpools which hare been paoaod. Arouad is the bore, with its fieh postures, its clear sty- and genres ung freezes. Beyond a'the mwrcwhosc hori- ,-zon is anbooaded, whoe depths j are nnfarhomaV wkosg dangers are unknown. What voyage lies ahead, '-time alone can reveal. Bat it will be, in all probability, largely such as -e ourselves direct. Prudence, industry, intelligence, private and public integrity, and enlightened fidelity to oar highest national and individual interacta mav yet add nntold Toam to one existence as a conuDaaity. Batthk we know the absenae of these qualities will oreron deoay. When gambling and drankenness take the place of manna! and mental labor; when virtne, and truth, and modesty eeaee to diotineniah our wives and daaghtess; when venalitv and mlsehood, and deception possess oar exoontfve and legislative au thotitiec f when perjury, and cor mptionnd eowardice disgrace our Jadges and janes ; when tricky in- .doleneo, meeeheod and personal . ehnraetore our citizens nf whatever raos or ealor; when bese beeome &mili3f to our peo p!e,and meet not with stern, rebuke .and condemnation, then we may know that demoralization domi nates the land, that degeneracy prevails, and that so fair a heritage a belongs to the Cherokecs is un worthily beld,and nothing left wor thy of its defence May the kind Pinvidense which has so long kept as in the hollow of its hand avert o sod a into from a people of such a britftantbistory as ours, and con- ! to direct oarpithway through r time. kee3, again the Csieftain wishes vnn. and all humanitr. in He bro adopt and highest sense, a happy Kew Year Nswaqf special interest on first page this week. our lxixsom raised 1,006.009 hash els o-f corn less this vear than last. Ifc TjLSDtt the false prophet is still continuing his victorious march, sweeping all before him. We don't wish anybody any harm, but if anybody has to be water-bound andsu5tr from delays at ferries and by high waters, we hope it will be those who oppose the building of bridges. Tueke are now two great b ridges over the Niagara River below the falls. That is all right but we would be better pleased to see one over the Arkansas, between Mus kogee and Gibson. 3Caj. HoPKins, President of the Bosrd of Railroads for Kansas, who recently diedin Leavenworth, Kansas, was the officer in com mand of the Goverment train captured at Cabin Creek, a few miles from Vinita, by General Gano of Texas, during the last year of the war. The Chikftais lailed to get any provission for building new school houses last Council, but we have ocr tow line securely fastened and we are going to pull until we pull through. Think of children going to school in such weather a3 thjs in houses with dirt doors, without loft or windows. Wc must have better houses. The French took SonUy. The world chronicles the fact, but does not seem to shudder at the enor mous, hellish wickedness of a great and strong nation destroying and aurderinga weak people because they want their country. Other races besides the Indian have wroqgs. Will the gospel of "Peace on earth good will to men" never prevail. Chief Whirlwind, Sr., sports one of the nobbiest top spring wagons in the country, be having decided that riding in a vehicle is far more convenient than riding a sore-back nony, a la most Indians. This old chief, as well as the whole tribe, is fast abandoning the superstitious customs peculiar to Indains, and noiv believes the white man's road is the best way. Cheytnae Trans-sorter. For representation of the time on railroads, it has been deemed ex pedient to substitute for the current "a. x." and -'p. k." a 24-hour sfaje, begining the day from mid night and continuing for 24 hours, the 12th houbeingnoon, and the 24th hour, midnight. The minutes between the-close of the day the 24lh hour and one hour after mid night, will be indicated as so many minutes after midnight; thus four minutes after 12 o'clock, midnight, (current time) will he shown as :04; indicating that the da' is four min utes old ; and so contine till sixty minutes are reacned.when the hour is I; thereafter it will he shocrn a? now, 1:10, 1:15, 1:45, tc. until it is 2. The same rule governs dur ing thr entire 24 hours. Stated in brief all numerals below 12 indi cate "a. m.' All numerals above 12 indicate "p.m." ammffiheri X Xerlted CeapHmtnt. Our fellow-townsman and depu ty U. S. Marshal, Mr. J C. Wilkin son, has so far gained the confi dence of the Cherokee Indians, that at the present session of their National Council their delegates to congress were instructed to urge the appointment of Mr. Wilkinson as b.o. Agent tor tnc encrotecs. For many years Mr. W. ha? opera ted as deputy marshal among the Cheroh-ees, and by his honesty and gentlemanly bearing as an offi cer, has gained the universal confi dence of those people. No better appointment could be made, than for the government to confer the honor upon our friend Jim Wilkin son. FU Smith Ind. Democrat. 5al Catarrh. Dr. Pio Lewis recommends the following treatment for this trou blesome complaint to a person of sedentary habits. The idea is to improve the general health, and not to seek a cure in local treat ment : ''Ect a dish of oatmeal, one bak ed potato, and one slice of bread, for your breakfast; a piece of roast beef as large as your hand, witn one boiled potato, and one slice of hrrcui far dinner: take nothing for The seats of fourteen Democrat gUppcr. and go to bed early. Sleep and eleven Republicans in the 3enate of the U.S. will expire 1SS3 OSK JJtJSWtRD YEARS AGO the 23d inet., Gen. Washington resigned Jn commission as general-in-cbicf jti the American forces to Congress in session at Annapolis, Md. The Comm&ee on Indian Af- i $a jfce Hout of Beprcscnta- frvee rontieta of Messrs. Welborn "nf Texas, Chairman; Graves of Jfisnsnri. Stevens of New York, rank of Arkansas, Pierce of Ten- Jaerty cf Illinois, bkm- oftorth Carolina, SmUh of Pennsylvania, George of i;regr.n, Perkins of Xaneas, Nelson of Min-jjesolay-Oarj of Arizona, if possible half an hour before din ner. Drink, nothing with your meals, nor within two hours after ward. Drink as much cold water on rising in the morning and on lying down at night as you can con veniently swallow, and you may add draughts of cold water, if you wish, before eating your meals. Live four to six hours per day in the open air Bathe frequently, and every night on going to bed rub the ?kin hard with hairgloves In less than a week one handker chief will do you. And yet you havaa't touched your nose in the way of treatment To cure nasal catarrh you have only to make vour stomach digest well, nnlv to make yourself healthier. Yourj nose will quickly find it out, and adapt itself to the beUcr manners of its companions," j qui the Seheei Pesslatleag. The following rules asd regula tion are adopted in accordance with Sec. 5, Chap 10, Revised Code, for the goverment of Primary Schools. Teachers will give them carefuly attention. Post one circular in school room, and give each Direc tor one. Rule 1. All teachers are re- uired to keep a register showing e name, age, sex, attendance. language and scholarship ot all pupils who may enter their respec tive schools and, under oath, the average monthly and average and aggregate term attendance. 2. Averages shall be ba.ed upon the attendance of the children of citizens alone. To find monthly average add together the daily at tendance for the scholastic month and divide by 20. To find term av erage add together the monthly averages and djvide by the num ber of scholastic months in the ftrm. The term aggregate is the aggregate enrollment for the term. The monthly reports shall be care fullv filled out and promptly sent in. 3. School shall be opened with reading a selection from the Bible, and be taught fix hours on each of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of each week during the term prescribed by law, not including recesses, be twen such seasonable houre as the Direc tors may prescribe. No text books shall be used in National schools exceDt those adontedbv theBo.ird of Education, not any other branch es taught. In Cherokee speaking school, one entire hour, morning and evening, shall be devoted to the teachinirof common English words with their meaning, to all- Cherokee speaking children. 4. Teachers will not be required to receive into tiieir schools chil dren under six nor persons over twenty -one. years of age. nor allow ep to confine a child under twelve years of ace to the lmol room for a lunger period of time than one hour and a half. 5. Teachers shall endeavor, by precept and example, to inculcate upon their schools the principles of truth, morality and justice, and the habits of cleanliness and gen teel deportment in manner and speech. These lessons are infin ite! v more important than gram mar. The text book "Good Mor als and Gentle Manners" shall be taught to the entire school one half hour daily. Explain fully to the children, have them take notes and examine them each day on the proceeding les-ons, so as to culti vate their memory as well as to instil-the lessons of this book. 6. Teachers will hold pupil. to strict account for disorderly con duct during school hour? and re cess, while at plnv and on their ! way to and from thool. j . Discipline of the school shall consist ot moral i-ua-inn. :s far as ' practicable, but, when nectr-fanr. ' of corporal puiii-hin'Mir, -up-'i-in I by the teacberand expulsion ty the ! Directors. I 8 Drunkenness, profanity, gam bling and carrying unlawful weap ons are prohibited, and if practic ed by a teacher will lead to the cancellation of his certificate, or by a pupil, to his expulsion from the school. 9. Teachers will be held strictly responsible for all school material delivered to their care. They will eee that the books are careful ly used by pupils, and not carried off by pupils or others, but safely locked up each evening at close of school, at the close of the term the teacher shall place the books, etc , in charge of one of the directors taking his itemized receipt thereof. If the law requiring book case, fcc. (see Sec 26, Chap. X.) is not com plied with, the teacher shall prom ptly notify Board of Education. .0. Teachers shall not exchange schools, nor excepting in case of temporary illness or some extraor dinary emergency employ substi tutes, unless by special permission of the Board of Education. Teach er? besides the ordinary text-books now adopted for use in the com mon shools, will be examined on Ogden's "Art of Teaching," which can be secured of Van Antwerp, Bragg it Co., Cfncinnatti, Ohio. The cost of the volume is, inclu ding postage, 81.27. Very truly and respectfully, "W. A Dc.ncas, President. R. L. Owrf, Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. S. J. THOMPSON, DENTIST, Vinita, C. N. "VST. R.DAVIS.M.D. Practicing Physciian. VI.VITA, IND. TEH- Oalls promptly attended to, day o menu Special attention given to Surgery and diseases of women and children. FURNITURE J The Largest and best selected stock at Bottom Prices, Sewing Machines, Organs, Coffins and Metallic cases always kept in stock. S- "2?. DaCo2rmt23.y South side of Maple St. Chetopa, - Kass. The Live Steck Market of St Loaii THE ST. LOUIS XATIOffAL STOCK YARDS! Located at East St. Louis, jU. Directlv opiKJsite the citv of St. Louis Buyers for all description of livestock always in attendance, and within the ground of the stock yards are a beef canning company, with a capacity for slaughtering 1,UU head of cattle daily, and pork parking establishments with a capacity for slaughtering 12,000 hogs t'aily. ISAAC II. KXOX, President. Ciia. T Joses, Snncrii'tundent. '-' ST BE SOLD! JOHN wi CEORCE Btillette. Full New Stock just bough in Saint Louis at lowest wholesale p :es and now tor sale t Bed-rock Prices. DR1T GOODS, GB.O CJERIES. QUEENSTVAKE, BR LIE'S, Etc. Cai-h paid iter fin, luU, . cr goods cacHivBse tor cattle. seiiritasd. TULSA. L T. In consequence of having to movemy business house inside of the next thirty days, I will sell re. gardless of cost till then the follow ing goods, to reduce my stock: Dry Goods, ClothingBoots and Shoes, &e. I can't move with the loa,& I have and am hound to unload. Bo come and get the benefit- I mean just what I say. c l :i2r';3D &z cb. HOLDS THE FORT -0N THE- Largest Line of Hardware, Stoves and . Tin"warekept in the Cherokee Nation. JOHN BOLLETTE, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, And everything' usually kept in a well assorted stare. I sell low as the lowest for cash. Call and see ae and price my goods. CLAKEilORE, T.T. 1-4 Eobt. D. Knight, jusuFACTcnEa or Allen's Ringleader Washing Machines AND WRINGERS. Vinita, - - I. T. These Machines are warranted to finish a washing ready for the Hue, without the use of tu6 or board; do not hare the hands in the suds from beginning to end; and will wash anvthine from a quilt to a gun patch, and are fully warranted against breakage fr one year. Tehms: 816.00 for Washer and Wringer combined. 12.00 for Wastier alone, with one cent per mile extra from Vinita to place of dchverv. 4 v- A i "URTUR 4V jolTOTT I A 33TJBINOT. Pott-oCIce, Tulequh, I. T- - leftside. Some brawl ed OOum bip and hoMcrf citbw Wi, qrith tIom ra (tries. SeM only ts sUf. Ranze. Illt- noia river, 4 miles east ot Tahleqaah. ft"3""HSB6 JBSSS B. M(kfKZ7-3 JCA.TES. Swallow-fork and arnWWt .nnnr earand underalope ia the other. S U. B. TAYI.OK. Fost-office, Vinita, I. T. Bran! . h sid. op off !st e - and split .& right. cut crkr aK. B.F.MH-STIAD. Post-office, prairie City, I. T. Brasdel Tith oa tatfc.aidaa sad both bJf. aArx,Klc4 ef Mri Cftk. J J. W. ELLIOTT k Oe.. Post-office, Vinita, L T. UormvJsa. naderti' i' each ew. o&oftbe)ft. Cattle bnwU edonteft. hip and ftiaaMtr. ka.xqx. Cabin Creek. john ooxnsrsmtxx. Post-office, Echo, I. T. JJfnJrm-"i""w""t" np.aHMrai4 Mara, p M ripfet r. SBWHMtC i. M. Post-office, Echo, 1. T. -v f Bradw tmT Mara, flHM m rifet liiH left er.. y T crk, C. EVAIJ3, HTJIiTEii 4C JMJtWkJJt. POFt-OfflC8, Svaaartrille, n "-wl cattle all branded I - I. -u hip. Some ear-1 . ana some - ' teriscaM vjMed I'm 'je- -1"t boo marir " Texa a rs road-baand yjjfj on aar Jo Various ear-" aiafka. .. vr.E Commaacbc county pool. LOTJBOQEH3. P. st offi Doors, Windows, Window Glass, Paints and 051. e, ' acto a Tv-3sjcA rutns.3 Spilt and bia is right r and awlWr forklaicit. Rcid-braa4; Xablp. croek. In fact everything you want in the Household Line, j5 tiwrn FRISCO LINE St Leuis and Sanfrancisco HJX.WA.3T. rHBOCOH- Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Indian Territory 35 Miles Shorter than any other route between ST. LOUIS TJOTIOW STOO St. Louis, Mo. The Only Wholesale Yarns in St. Lotus Accessibla by Eaii and Water! 1. Every railroad entering St. Low is directly tributary to these yards. 2. Texas shippers ate informed thai connection with these yards from the Iron Mountain t Southern railroad can he made without cost and with much less shrinkage than to any other. 3. These vards have the peculiar aL vantage of ltcing located on the St. Louis side of the river, from which five hundred thousand people draw theirprovision supply. 4. Cvery pacaing house in St. Louis has a regular buyer stationed here. Buyers of cattle, tops and sheep, both for the home market and eastern ship ment, are at all times represented. 5. For comfort and convenience these vards have no superior in the country. Two lines of street cars approach here, j Hotel, tclecraph offices and other con-! venienccs forstockmen on the premises ESTILL JTcHESBY, W. A. RAMSAY, President. Secretary and Treasurer. 1 MasSIfliis, CO-THROUGH EXPRESS THAU'S ) Are Sun Daily. ( NO CHANGE OF CARS. "tfBP oo: 3". Fgr Good Goods'at Bottom Prices go to Vinita, Ind. Ter. WHERE TO GO' There.s one place in thc'Indian Territory where you can buy any kind of goods you want. We keep . A General Store t v 2FuXL:JSS03rt320.C22L23.-t oZ -E3exrt3ariSS7--aixtoca. Toy Our; Orxstoxnei's. IF YOU WAST Harness, Saddlery, Leather Goods of any kind ft IF YOU WAST Wagon. Agricultural Machinery, Buggies, Spring Wsgs, etc., etc., IF YOU ARE SICK and want Medicines, Drugs, Prescriptions rsreiutty prepared, ete, IF YOU ir.lAT Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, CansBedding, etc, ete, etc, G-o -to "77". O- E3jKZS5Z?fCI'j33"?S, eo Orpiaa Asylum. c opia left r &a4ert a rizht. jgg' K&mm JA20B OAPTADCB, Skiatook Poat-office, C. K". Jisrs- braadsMM on left shealder, Ra&x lJaiX ermcUMf IUfI. !&&?& W H w Mrs. ISABELLA. N5W30X. Post-office. Skiatook, I. T, B. 1L -WTLLIAK3, Post-office, Prairie City, I. T. CvopoC WB5 na ear, iHMBapallA anderblt """ 'rix b t HWI bra, BV1HHH"V a left 200.000 Of rich farming .fc Mineral lands fKt 1 ?-T!gt J for sale by thi Company, in Southwest IMlissouri. jsa-For full and particular information with Slaps. Time Tables, Rates, &c. call upon any of our Station Agents, or either of the undernamed: G. W. TALE, D. -TISIIART, Gen'l Frt. Agt.. Uen'l fass. Atft. ST. LOCIS. MO. ST. LOUIS, HO. C. W. Rogers, 1ce-Presidcnt and General Manager, Temple Building, St. Loui, Mo. IF YOU ARE HUNGRY and want Groceries, Flour, Bacon, Canned Goods, etc, etc. C3rO to "SKT O 3E3-5L1JLs-ULLOKr',S IF YOU ARE IX LOVE snd want Candies, Perfumies, Toilet Goods, Soap, etc etc, GO "370 "w" O IP a rr'go JJ'S- IF YOU ARE GOIXG TOMARRY a?A want a complete outfiit of everything; Go to W. C. PATTON & Co's., Yinita, I. T. "W. Q. NELMS; Post office, Vinita, I. T. JUaek onBok creek, IS mi) south of Wait. joshph Hrorr. Post-office, lnita, I. T. Ljfg?0aP-f ry. creek IUre, between Ligbtn r creets. Crop and split in left ear. under b.t end sine tag in right Kanca. 12 imles vest at iujU, at the head ot Prvor's Fryer's and WFLLSBEOS & PRIQG. Post-cL,ve, djtjle, Kansas. Varioa s tber brands n i ear marks d; pirtic r w i a s of a Us. iantiei r t . a , ouri'-it glue una. hip,oi their regular range on Verdisria rirer, above Goody's Bm& and oa fig ciMk, ' uyre t6a will be hberallv ruw.rrtjwl Vv oiolm. m, fotBiaticn nl thA v, k. VT fil k i f . r - " - P" ? , X 3 . "i "X b .- -