Newspaper Page Text
B"ews. -Im H Happf HtM-Yearf T "OtrJSnt mr year. . -mite tte bw Thra tmiwfaiacfccf aaewtMs tee Bet tw fcttfte. c't wear tight shoes Look wit fcr mv tMw cni os Frisco SaibMML Iw. Qa-aa. Jiaajaefcet wa ia town thU Tte wilt f prayer will be observed la Matt W. C?afcOa. ecpvel to occupy their aw kmaMia t aMStk. Wm4 mk wilt be tfcea for sh zriptio to the Cwtarrxm. -Mora bwUteftx eg n i Yinita tha Turitr tawa erer Wfew. 8- A. Bfajackcit baa baSt a aw real Aamen, ami, te eaattf faed aywa. g.W.Owoa ahipf ai Jws car load of hofa.tkia wk Lctta. Jacria tCo. fftty Mwafct&iwtfc. Ther- i mart of the wT MBC3VBF JUBSMBBvR vvfJIBQ 14B tar tent 9m. M, wtta proi.cia better JTbe taadMra af Wereester Academy arrival TSwsiaf mb, and began work at The jlg aH jw aeeded a abroad. " so tae aaow Vaaaa to feU a. tew boars ibt Us aVapartaie. The Gaagi?9tieaal Chvek te to-be papered aad miuoi an the iaaiae ia a few wrufti. ItwHfceafraaaty. How ,at this jr eeeae Use awes, ad the ear aahe, ami eafci feet, aad all the winter? Hte that iesk is heir to. .6, H. Lewie is a ataa ef. remarkable jfcntevprisa. 8e ie haBag ap a large ,AahiBMe,aaeaCitehastinthe Terri- If yaw haveei't the aaeaey with which to aahsarihe fcr the Cbumtazx, bring w a his Wad ef waei er fU werth of Toaesaee nearly aMseered fcr the -eraetiaa of athet haiWiag for Wor- fester Acadoatr, It will, he fasr stones -high, wJhaww ,1. rfac- who -will hegia aewyearwithJBt jy atw wcolaliaaw -md higher re aolres, wouVd he ia hi aha?e H he hp jaed to die eaeal- W. L. Tvott harop ti a fnt-claes iombmrytM 'tm.Tima- Be hae a very .ccampteV) aunaatiHat af everything ncodtj J baiiiag. ami. is a straight ?xsm. to ieat vth. Bead h:'s ad. Mr. aad Sirs. Paraeas baried their only bay law Satavday. Kjaile the rcjt of aa hav heea eejebratiag Uie holi-Uyi witheatiae aad joy, they have bee, called to pass through the rdeo waters. Mayor Trett aad conacil would coa ler a-JEevure the pvbhc, aad. perhaps prcveat pewoaal iajttry by accident, if thry waald gir& aoaw a-ttejitioa to im .iTimiiniti aa the sidewalk from the 'Frio haaae weaC A tee Stack pieae has jast beea par ehasid for Wereaulor Academy, and will be a haad for the epexing of the terat. it wui Be tew seat isnca piano is Vinita, betia a seaall, plain case. Xer. J. W. &raflg ad Mi. Ssroggs and their s& 3Caee-etad home SaAaaiay from their Jaetcra trip. They received 'a eoroUL weieaaas, aad their f riead were a&euh aaaailed to observe evidaaeea of their jaapraved health. 9aa Joaes, (white) was ceavisted oftowder befcre thtTJ.S. District Coart at Fteaith ea the 22d of Decem . ker. Hr kiiksd Bill Joass, a cousin, wbfte toaveHae; with his family in ha ChoetowXatiaag. Sth, 1S73. Ahaat powoas ateaiithe watch f etfae; at the Ceearegatiaaal church toawaehtiMoMyaarewt. There were tbee eetia8atuiBg the evearag. The ajbieet of the fret was "Watch aad fraT," of the seead,"fpr-." aad of ;the tMrd "eaaiiag the Tiaae." If K. Fxwaee k Ce-, the draggista, do aoteaeeeed, R is cot &r want of faith. hey have sach faith. it Dr.Soccnko's xoagh aad laag eyrap as a reaaedyfor eogh,colie,eeaBawptioK aad laag af JectioBS that they will give a bottle free te each aad. eery oae who i in aed of a aaedieaeaCthikiad. . 15w4 X lOMespoadcni writes a glowing ae soaai af the heMday entertainment '.give iwacj. v. oratcuueiu uu lady at Catoeaa, aad D. L. Denny at Claraeaore. The teWee were covered with the ahmiei'or jaeKcades .to b ob taiaed, whtte the daaeiag which, sne deeded was iadalged is anrila late hMB. OM fanwiowM hospitality was daeplayed by host as lostess and aaade h3h.aeeaaiea pecnliarly pleas jmC to thoee whe were so fortunate as to be preeeat- Tbe JbHawiag scbenfe ia the Nation . hxvebee aaapeadod ia consequence of not makiaj; tbe averac required by -la ' Daabte Sariag, Flint Dist. ; Bry- aa Chapel, Silver Lake and Belle View jk Coowaaaeo1 Dt ; Xeosho River, j given in the, and tjccial no TvL. District. Psijas for relocation J ticcs sent b the secretary to all whote jot the above-aaaaed schools will be in - ordar. Petitioaa s-beald set forth nnm er of pepils, aames of patrons, condi tiea af boase all cf whirb should be at tact H by sworn stalemcnt of at least ibepcrsoa. Jfoanrrr T H. Long, of Flemington. . ami I. C. F. Rjyer, of Randolph, Obio,Wt Saaday evening last for Os- J -MgaJCaa.raad theace to Me-nphis aad j -t i n-inaf after spenlmz two or 1 thrdfs Tiaits. Th?se gentlti- hM beea visiting Canhazs, Mo. . ttvliag fr plasare and hr j ttfparaeK' fil Seeins uiucrr u& Bccuuuh , - Xr.Loagisa retired JjtaadXr.Koyer his nephew, nr-imvmr. who baa jas. completed t jwadia?- after graJoatius hiacMif ,ttCotetf -- - dut be m. af Jfew Jersey, it is av locate at Car- JTVL mi If he should, jed t i ilMimaab rr'ra!iM fo1 Sns Meoarauoa tor nis ma -- - . vr. .i aaiatlMM, will soon take laasfPa-, a cbs mmvi --. o Good deal of sickness, Trarel is light on the railroads bow. W. X. HaUll wat out to his ranch We hope to add several isapre veiseats to the Ckuktaix soon. C. 34- JfcClellan, one of oar cattle princes, was in town Saturday. The thermometer got within cne le greoficro Vdnedaylmoraiug. . L. B. Bell ill take his family with him to Washington this winter. There baa been so much inquiry for stock in the Chikitais, that in a few weeks the. stockholders will place a small amount of stork, on the market. We call attention to the new adver tisement of Allen Bros. They have just opened a proccty store in Yinita and are starting oat aratrate. They buy furs, game and produce. Tn CuiBTara is now waiting to hear ioe one or more of the business hous es if Tinita make the proposition to donate the profits on al! goods sold on the extra day in 1SS4 for some charitable purpose News coses that a pair of woolen socks 2090 years old have just been dis covered in!Egypt- Our socks are get- ting prettv old, but if our subscribers "? u 'wo pu u --., . w...E . ju .. .- i?n have to wear wrought hanging lamps are suspended ovv. ,s ti,e time to secure bar don t pay np we will nave to wear - .. abov tuecircniarvcrgeof .,; ,t Pnttnn's. tbem longer than that, we fear- Thecombiaeed kit of blacksmith tools at SaysoBd'f, consisting'of vice, anvil, dil,clmps, Afc,4c,althoush toolarge for a watch 'charm .aad to small for a machine-shop, are just the thing to do yoar own horse shoeiaz and plow sharp ing, 4c New Year passed off pleasantly. The poetoffice was closed, aad business largely suspended most of the day. A handsome turkey passed in his checks at G. W. Green's,"and many of onr cit izens ate enoagh to give them a good start tor 1964. Miss Ehza Jane oss of Park Hill, C. 2C whoselife has.been one of self-1 -1T.1 wmJl ilnftfitAi) t 4llA 1 atvMwtlAM denial, and devoted to the instruction of the children of the country and the welfare of others, is spending the holi days with bpr brother, the senior edi- torof this paper, and his family. The Ather day, as a young couple were sitting in the depot, billing and cooing, to the great amuscmenf of all beholders, some OBeresiarked4ri! bet they're a runaway couple " "So, su," spoke up the brlde'a father, who was in the crowd, "they've been married two months." The honeymoon docs last more than one week sometimes. Pierce City, 3o., had a fire, New Year's Eve, which destroyed a block of buildings, including the kitchen and some of the attachments of the Deca tur House, the largest hotel in the place. The niad.iid npt happen high at the time, or it might have been more disastrous. The loss was not stated by OBrinformtt,but is thought to be mostly covered by insurance. A literary aad scientific cficle is be ing started ia Viaita. The course of study is foar years, with writtea exam inationsoace a moath; Each member must rend at least tweaty minutes per day, and a diploma ia given at the end of the course. Vinita ought to have two sach societies, aad we believe the success of this one will make ethers necessnr . The number of members be limited. The very cold weather with which thenew y-ar opeaed, should remind stock men that humanity and self-interest require them to'give special care to all kinds of domestic j&ock. Feed, ehelter and water, liberally and regu larly provided for them, will prevent heavy losses by death later on in the j season, ana avert a large snare oi fcul ferieg among them The merciful man should remember the dumb auimaia which contribute to his sustenance, to his comfort and to his wealth. Kare sorry to announce the sad intelligence that Miss Woudworth has been compelled by her health, phyoic ian and family to resign het position in Worcester Academy. It is a great, and we fear irreparable, lose to the school and to this community. She may find an easier lot elsewhere, but she will sever be appreciated as she was here. Her short stav among us was a benedic tion long to be remembered. As Long fellow saya of Evangeline: "When she had parsed it was lice the ceaMng of exquisite music" So her removal will seem to a very large circle of friends. Her loss ia a real bereavemrnt. When the CnirrTAtN wishes bar all thehappi nnam nmtcihlp in llllM r.hanHn MtltM. 1 knew her in Vinita. The followinir notice from Dr. W. R. Davis fully explains itnelf : "An inlor mal meeting was held at tbe drugstore nf n M Fnnx. nn De.- 22d- h the physiciaas of this city, which bad fori its objecL the establishment of a per manent organization to be known as the Viuiti IVledical Society. The mam object of the society will be to impart and receive useful know ledge from the members, to encourage harmony and good feelinc in the profession, and to establish consistent and uniform rates for services. All practitioners in good standing in the Cherokee Nation are cordially invited to co-operate with them to these ends. and timely notice of next regular meeting will Lc names are known, within a convenient radios. A large turnout is desired. Can didates will be balloted r at the next nieetinc;." Tbe First rresbytcriaa Oarch. The house of worship soon to be oc cupied by the Presbyterian congrega tion of this place is rapidly approach- ing completion, and, it isexpecied, will be entirely finished uilhin tio weeks, thanks to the indefatigahle exertions thnto theindeiai,ga.ue ""- of the pastor. Iter. . P. Uaworth.and . a nntnliAriif nTIP lDr1tntt'llI.tZPna. mPm I -aUon The build- gauon. ine oiu.u eroraer of Tbomo- e comer oi auoiuh- oisavenue-ifafrarae bers of his conjregati m ia .ircauaA .uc son street and Illinois avenue,if a frame strnctureof ample dimensions, with a tower at the northeast corner. The external appearance is neat, quiet and chaste, while the arrangement of the interior is unique and couvenieut to a remarkable degree, furnished with due .jin, u.iu ..... . - i .: ... The moatnoUceah!e feature in regard, to this church is that, contrary to the I usual custom, th principal entrance is! at one corner of the building, the doors, opening into a nasll Teubnb onoae side of which is the stairway leading to the gallery. The vestibule doors open either way, and lead into the main au UVMbi F f . llU Mlb UtU ditorium, which is famished with three rowsof pews, the atBlesrunningdiago- n ...uv..:u: n ... .,i J AWUKI IliU UUIIkMi44U S7V iMXHiu that the occupants of any part of the room must necessarily lace the reading ' desk. In the southwest ctrner of the auditorium is the reading desk, the platform of which is scrai-circnlar, aud raised about two feel from the general floor level. Facing the platform, and running around three bides of the room with a circular sweep, is a gallery with a seating capacity of about 100 persons. the floor of which has a pitch of about eighteen inches, thus securing to tbo-n occupying back beats a full view of the speaker on the platform. The hall of worship is 31ft. square, with an arched ceiling 22 feet in height. J The main floor is arranged to comfort ably seat 200 persons.and is well lighted j by eight large windows of imitation j stained glass, n hich tone and roften the light. The alccve in which the reading desk stands is a novelty in its way, and possesses peculiar acoustic properties on account of the angles im mediately behind and above the speak er's head. An elegant chandelier with six burn ers depends from the middle of the ceil ing, and two prismatic and elaborately immediately above the circular verge of the platform. The alcove is supplied with two brackat lamps, while the gal lery is lightll,by foar powerful reflect ing burners. With these facilities, the illumination for evening services will be almost perfect. Taking it all in all Vinita can con gratulate herself noon possessing the most handsotae, convenient and finely finished'chcrcli edifice in the Nation, for which the are indebted to a few . . i. , a t...u r bers of painsiacing ana energcuc im'mucn j the Presbyterian denomination, to whom be all dnc honor IhepLin for the building was fur nished bv Eev. W. P. Hawortn. The woodwor was done under contract by ocr fellow-citizen, Darius E. Ward, who a 1 - a. t -t 1 . 1- jn&ny rants as ine raosi uuisueu urk- man in the Territory. The plastering was done by Mr.Sam Hawkins, and the painting by Mr. F. A- Luce. Rev. W.P.Haworth will hold the first service in the new Presbyterian church next Sabbath at 11 a.m. Sat. Scinner received six carina is of young cattle from Texas yesterday morning.outof ashipmentof seven cars one being ditched near Ioga in Texas. A Soar Gcrk fob Piles. The first symptom of piles is an intense itching at night after getting warm. This un pleasant sensation is immediately re lievad by an application of Dr. Bosan ko's Pile Remedy. Piles in all it? forms Itch, Salt Kheuui and Ringworm can be permaiently cored by the use of this great remedy. Price 50 cents. Manufactured by the Dr.BosanKo Med icine Co., Rqua; O. Sold by M. Frazee &Co. 15yl For rtasMagten. Espaieche, Principal Ciief. Col. Saml. Chicote, ex-Principal Chief, David Hodges and J. T. Callnhan of the Creek Nation, pas-ed north on the noon train of the MisMiun Pacific Railway, the 2d inL, on their way to Washington, D. C, to look alter the iutcresta of their pct ple before Congros and the Execu tive brandies of .the Government Espaicche, Chicote, David Hodge and Geo W. Grayson, who is vet behind, were appointed delegates to Washington several weeks ago. Since then Eepaieche has been de clared Principal Chief by the Creek Council, and inducted into office, with Coweta Mi ceo as Assistant, and now acting Chief in the abtence of his principal. We learned from one of the party that, as thev were ' J , .- leavinn Muscogee, they were noti-1 'fied that Col. Benedict, U. S. In-! diart-Inpector, had arrived there under instructions from th Depart-1 mentof the Interior to in vetigate j the circumstances connected with ( the rival claims to the Clueftaincy, 1 between-Espaieehc and J. W.Por- j ryman. But that Epaieche did j not deem it necesurv to halt -n his , way to Wa.-hingl.Hi e. that accoant, ; as it coiieerned a qnUon belong- ing esclnMVely K the Creek ,,c' ; pie, and by whom it had already been determined, since he was re ognized as Principal C'liieJ, had peaceable possession of tlie cajiitnl at Okmulgee," and of the Exrcutive Department of their government, and behind thesr the cordial sup- port of more than tw-thirds uf the people of the Creek Nation. Whether Inspector Benedict and his associates, Agents Tunis and Townsend, as reported in press dis- t..ti.ltr.s nfl! fl!iiriri'lf in f lii viimv ! of the matter, was unknown, but it is supposed that Col. Perryman and his supporters will proceed ex parte with thoir case, and endeavor to make such showing as will in- 1 duce the department to interfere and recognize mm as rnnapai r T - T . Cliief. i Col. Chicote and Espaicche are both historic personages amng the Creeks, aud deservedly command the respect and confidence of their, people to as large an extent as any j others in the Creek Nation. David j Hodges, George W. Gray-on ami . T. 51. Callahan, ali-o, are very c!I j known at home and aDroad as gen- tlemen of intelligence and stand- . -. a wh, our , a - . i "-'Pors will nave an inc.r iiuer- f . re.,ri...0,1tod aud cared for - n i . if i ..i - c-.. I Washington. C.H.laylor, L.-q., e .v. . i.....t... v..;-... l.....o 1 oi me nerosec iauou, a,...-, mes the delegation to w aslimston, , ; m the capacity, we infer, of an ad-. viser. i Evcrylody know llial G. W, rtronn'j ia i mmi? nlnrv tn trade ... . u . . , . ir.. : .. ..y-i- iiii. mum ti m Chelsea the privilege of a branch ! store. Under the management of Mr. S. A. McSpadden the branch will have the same merits as the old stand at Vinita. STOCK SE.T, ATTENTION I" There will be a regular mcetinsr j Qf he Cherokee Protective & De- . .. . I tective Stock Association held in "tinita, I. T., the second Monday of January, 1SS1. Important bus iness to be transacted. All mem bers are respectfully requested to attend. By order of the President. Jonx A. Foreman, Sec'y- BTJSDIESS LOCALS. Go to Green for bargains. Cass pells' goods for cash only. Lard Cans at Raymond & Co's. Come and get bargains at Cass. Headlight Oil at Raymond & Co's. Go! Go!! Go!!! to Graytville. Go to Lewis for clothing. Bound to sell. All extra Stove Furniture at Robt. Ironside's. Look at Green's advertisement. He means it. Buy Groceries- at Roht.Ironside's and be happy. Buy Coffees, Teas and Spices at H. Kalentme s J gains at Patton's. A few more Coal Heaters at cost at Raymond Co'a. Canned Goods of every descrip tion at II. Balcutine's. Harness and saddles, cheaper than the cheapest at Lewis. Williams fc Lyon of Chetopa sell the best Stalk Cutters made. A complete Blacksmith Shop for , S10 at A. C. Raymond & Co'a Examine Steve Bluejacket's new stock of gro eries at the rock house. A new lot of Glassware all the newest design- at H. Balcntine. Call on Lewis nnd receive checks for 365 happy days during 1SS4. Tee saw-, tongs and skates at Williams fe Lyons', Chetopa, Kan. If you want bargains in furniture go to Herman's, Chetopa, Kansas. Fine lot of Combined Thermom eters and Barometers at H. Bal en tine's. The Stoves still on md at Robt. Ironside's can be bought cheaper than ever. Go to Herman's for bargains in the fumiture line, Chetopa, Kansa. Go to Lewis for glove,he jb sell ine them very low don't want to carry over. All partie." knnwins themselves to be indebted to F. II. Cass, please call and ettle. Hor.e-shoe, 0 cents ; nails. 4 cents, bar iron, 3 o-4 cents, at Ray mond & Co's. Clbc casb prices for anything you want at W. C. Patton & Co's for the next thirty days. Gto Lewis and see the fine diplay fi-andieJ. toys and Christ- ma Lncks of all kinds. (J rpen must move his store, and he h.iS loo many goods. 2ow is vour chance to get bargains. Grfen is invoicinc his stock this week, but is not too busr to show goods. So don't forget him. Hides, Furs.Game, and all kinds of country produce wanted by S.A. Bluejacket, in the rock house. "Pride of St, Louis" is the best and cheapest Cook Stove now in use. Rooe-t Ironsides sells them. Canning sets; fancy toilet sets; bread boxes; tea servers & co. Willaina & Lyon, Chetopa Kansas. Feed. Vegetables ami Fruit at "Ie" "' - iP. .1 " iT S. A Iiluejacket in the rock house, A V'""- e'' ilr.scs w"- 25 per ft.nU bdo? cos; at AC.Ray- moiid & Co's. D mt forget to visit Graysville during holiday swson- Hicks will welcome you with sweet "lin- gering .smiles". All pnrties owing us will please oH m1 e hvhrc we move into r ew bu,1ng , KmK & ''' , T" TV ,. . drawing 'omiles of SlU bills to k nc iiuvct "'ui-i n .!. iiivks is Lewis. Snnebody will be count iag i. half-bushel of beans before long. A two-horse povvur alienor and -riuder combined for S9J. Just Uie thing for stook men. Williams &. Lyon, Chetopa, Kan. W. C. Patton & Co. will move into their new building about Feb. l:t. Until that time they offer great bargains in all kinds of goods. Go there for bargains. 1SS4. starts in radiantly at Gravs- "1 tlie Go an j gce ilinij he smucs free until 1SS5. Guns! Guns!! Guns!!! A great varielv of gun from Zulus at 84.50 to the Fox and Parker at $50.00. Breechloaders from 20.00 to -av,a eaim rniinms.t Chetn- pa, Kan-sas. $10 Reward, strayed from Vinita during last pj,y,ent, one small dun pony, 13 jmnj3 hih, four years old, black niaiR. and tail, black stripe along ,j,e i)aeiCj aIl tips of ears black. no Illttri.g nr brjnds. Lat heard fniMl at (,'arCv"s Ferrv. I will pay ,ne juv.e reWnrd for the return of he ponv to me at Vinita. 1 p - snnix. j; IIi,.ic. Inilk..s the f..l . imvin" te olUr; Ati I eritn ouing it . ' ' ,t f,.,l-atone tn ars worth til goons at ont ui lowinc ten doL time and j fo them at Lewis, ,, . - ,.,, ,, . . iiajf bushel and .ai ... . i vKkiasii i.c w f niv .j T",erM)n .rui-.-in the closest to i '. the number it a man, win oc pre .sented with a goid suitofclothes.if -111.. l.,l.. .In... notour. a lauv u il- i cicitun uirc.i 'unui worth Slo.OO beans to be counted by a disinterested part loth da of February next. Lvery ten dollars gives you one guess and a nejp oi goods. Try it. The early breakfast is the hand-! somest stove and the most perfect j baker ever made. Williams l VAH 'WWW auuuu. I-yn Chetopa Kansas. He ! EfsrjMf I I NOW HAVE A Complete Line For Sale At CHELSEA, - I. T. Sam McSpadden will be sure to give you tl'o value of rour money. Give him a call and a trial. GkW. GREEN. Bulls For Sale ! A SrtECTOT or 40 HEAD OF THOHOUGEEEED & HIGH-QSADE BULLS, Two and Thrve Years old in the Snrinc. Six llolstcins. 1 lhoroushbred Devon. and balance Short-horns. This stork was elected frum ain$nghe best herds m Pennsylvania, and I shipped herecarlv List fa'l I also T.r for hale mv T!ior.i.g..ljril !-hjrth.rn Bull, "Puttie," three years .dl, wcignt l.bOO pounds. Call on or address IT. IT. RCSHMORE, I6:f Cherryvale, Kalis. W.L.TS,OTT'S BHETSW Lumber Yard. Xative and wliitc pine Inn ber alwavs in stock. Alsn Shingles, Dours, Sa&h Winds, At-, ffic Bny your lumler of him, and save time, trouble and ex pense. Oixs ajid Tarda en. Lrxxxm. S Scots "ZTzat c Chioffc 3So, Tixii-fc-. W. H. MTTLES. W. W. JAB VIS. rEAS'C TCJtFIX. T. J. D.V.MSI- LITTLE, JARVIS & CO., -Commission Merchants- For tbe Purchase and j? ale of GjQjcut im h:o g-s 13 National Stock Yards, E. St. Louis ss.Libcral Advances Made on Con signments. C. M. Keys & Co. LIVE STOCK' Commission and Forwarding Merchants. Office Kos. and 10 Exchange Building ST. LOUIS NATIONAL STOOK YARDS. ST. CLAIR COUNTY, ILLS. Missouri Pacific EAILVTAY Direct Route East I i "Vct St. Louis. 2 FRAHttS DAILY! Pullman Palace Hotel Cars through to St Louis, via Sedalia, daily. Direct Route West and Southwest Via KANSAS OTTY. At Kansas City, yrM for Kansas, Colorado, New Mexi co and California connect with Ex press Trains of all linos. At Atchison, Con nection i. made with Ex press Trains for all points in Kan sas and Nebraska. At Omaha Connection is made with all lines 1 eati ng to the North and West. Superior Accommodation I 83-FAST TIME F. ClIAXDLER, Gen'l Pass'r Agent. U B. K1X5AS, Aea't Gen" FassV Ag't. : W. H. FLETCHER, Agent at V GSRHUL KflillH. G. H. Lewis' Great Emporium On Pryor's Creek, 4 Miles East of Cliotean, HAS BEEN' GENEBAL STiiELe TDzor G-oocLs z Orcoeriles, Selected with Special Reference to our home Market- Qta ml S SPECIAL CAJLT AJSTJD EX ADJUSTS OUR STOCK OP GOODS Will pay the highest market price for Freduee in Exchange far gisrfs. P. O., Choteau, - - - lad. Ter. iffl-GiMiil KubhIss VScr f M- le at RrttU, 'spt an! a'l vjrirth oi PfSs-1 jvrud ami lutire, f I S?S V1' lellly H the nw (y-r--t K It l.rf.f. n.l l1'ln. -. .nnT iiir&.nnLii im- of inrrit of ca-tern and wnttm origin. M-1-n.T ucmt lor Xnrernin' Trfafnc, L s ro-lr. Trenart kiUtrk Ortlrri. Cnnini,lrrnt'Aseat.&c wnr ,"niit acil Yb rrPUl, r;l all Hi-rtl- Qltiirirnh!lri-I'.n,mt lift (Tier. AIo bo!e Ir lor fall of l-3 thr O Icnl', rrkllr.-i, r-ntl..TiJSOoihrrnifllwnrwrhi.ctpccla! r- Agrtt iiT.-trt!. Write for tennr h. V I'AIMER. KannritT. Mo. F. A. LUCE, Agent, Vinita. I. T. o The Eotzss' Gcror fa 1 seed March and Scpt caca year: 216 pas, bxl! inches, vith over 3,20O illcstratioai a irhole pt trre rallcrr. Gives whole- sala prices doxct to eontuacrs ca a'.l rls for r-crsonal or tmL'y tsc. T. hor to order, and gives esa't erst cf every U.la5 tou nte, cat. drink, vcr, cr l"-i fan wf:h. These mral aLlo Looks c a tatn iulbncalioa gleanoi f-n tiio csz? Lets cf the world. We- liailacrp FrcotJ any address rp. r..xiptofte pottase TccnU. Let us hear irora you. Kcspctfcliy, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. aar a aaa vh areanc. ciiotst. 12. D. N. Allc P. O. Viidta, I. T. JiSrleftCv' Various other i'2&tZ& marks and old brands. Uanch n White Oak Creel. 18 Post-oEte. Vimta, I T. 1 " t -ai: I ird "i.ri crop and nn d"L r .'a.h ..ri tnrt iip on ranch. Vari 'us ea- marks uud o'd bran '. Horse brand hone-shoe on left-h -ul dir and neck. v y Ka nc n, i S53 i?ht tnilrfi north of Talaa iiae a Jv Arthur Dfwlzs P O., CoOey.. ville. Ka. I It i n c e, on! Wolfcnvk. M nnl" south of, Coueyvilie, Ks Sotlre. "r.:ta, Sept. "20, 183 G. II. Wa.. -i has purchase I the K&S u V V5 M n m n ,mamwL9mWmWmmWE:9 3 Pa?&&&5b vSa 8 Grand River Mill-, mouth of Pry- Orders fr FLOUR, BRAN and SHIPSTUFF3 promptlv attended to or's creek, nnd requests tlie same , - sTemiiJSrFIubor Milling Co. - - - Seneca. Mo. the ame management and hy the stune iniller as heforo Thos. . wrisht. Addre!. J G. II Wabben. i 2tt. 1. T. ; BTew Groceries ! -.-.T- AL ,UE9i BROS. Hi-host Cash Triec pall for Fum, Game and Produce. Opposite K. II. Cass', Vinita, t. T. 18tf lloht IronsHo iS clo6ie out Tii- Christuias -.ds Ui make room for I an innneoie stock of Groceries. I RESTOCKED WITH A LARGE MEECMANDISE A t "IT TT S jL llsMM Mr ll Mi BAHGAINS IN Cheaper than the Cheapest ! ID. TFT" -DEALSS IX- GENEEAL MERCHAKDISE Uowala. - Will sell goods for Cash, as clieal as any house in the Territory. Gall and Examine my Stock. Saxi.r.3LKLcisoo 43-otel. T. TJ. ROSS, I have recently tatcn charge ofthis Hou3e, and hare put it in FIRST-CLASS Shape for the Accommodation of the Traveling Public. I set as pood tables as any Ilotua in the Southwest. Meals to Citizens, 25 Cents. When in the City Stop at New Drug Store.. Drugs,?a!ent Medtcines rst ons, Statioosry, &cc..AIm A full tins of Cigars, Tebaccjs and Cjnfeiionariss. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY C0M10UXDED BY Dr. BAGS Headquarters of all the Doctors in Vinita at M. FRAZEE S, 5l Front, one door west of 'Frisco Hotel. M .FRVZEE, 'K -ps conMantlv on hamti ui . ': s" Lu-n'iiT. Lath ,oh:'i0!-.?,Duuri,Sai,minil ; L3?Z-XD -3LzTJT&ttJkbO&r U. IF YOUWANT TO BUY Lumber CHEAP GFVE HIil A CALL. "rH CIIAS. nUBER, President. PAUL Vice-Prei. -PSOTR3TOHS OS Z:. SENECA ROLLER MILLS, Tjjnsi:- Highest cash price paid for & flare at pivsont 75) hig'i prade and grad Hr- fcrrt bnlls; o caroi ro a.i ouita, se car i n cu ariic l "" 31 liljth srailc f'hwt-horn oor ia nlf tf Hp-'opI an'Vlled W ;aw proparrd to make cntracu for futun. ;tC:ivery ft- annaftilwr. . .mi U11U rTT U3. iwaumui; I3yl LINE OF f k? GLOVES I 2L3:S3 - - Ind.Xt Proprietor. "he 'Prlscol Ind Ter. Vinita, I. T. jl.ime. Hair, Plaeti r Pari will nirmsn oaa aires irr Door, Sash and Blind us Cheap aa anybobr.j Ofllce and "STax'd Opposite National Hotel, GfiBtepa, Kan33. WACK, & Treaj. J AS. BV3BR. sjupt. .1 i:s'y irsoisr oo., aco. ALL GRADES of WHEAT. JOEL B. GENTRY & CO. Laeist Grove Para. Eight M.U r. Northwe-t of i-'olalia,) enicrsBsa wd niAtxci is Short-Horn, Horeford and Psllot! Gaffio, And Denmark Saddle &Ilarnesi Horses pt-d grl Miort h rn liutla ; 30 IjIjH .?- -" -- vr-.. iinheariUe. fvttis tC, H, la OTS I -0 il j-- t Q Lr Oc-J 5E5S.-1- x